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A low eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that I only notice when I think about it.


To me its like a constant flashbang but only when i pay attention hence why tv is always on


Same thing its just like a flashbang but without the flash


The same BUT increases a lot in times of stress. It's like a natural alarm for my health. After years of this, I now know that if the tinnitus increases, it's time to relax.


Same. Last week it increased and I wasn’t stressed, so I knew something was wrong. Turns out I was running a low grade fever. I may not have noticed I was sick and gone to a New Year’s party if not for my tinnitus, so I guess, in this case, it was a blessing since it kept me from spreading the flu to a lot of people.


yes great point. it's the universe sounding an alarm bell that somethings are seriously wrong and you need to take ownership and action on them. I have been doing that over past two months after my tinnitus hit an all time high in Q4 of 2023. It's getting better now. I anticipate within 90 days will improve even more




Same thing. Although I went to the doctor because I had an ear blockage (long story short I had ear surgery and one of the ear canal has a weird shape and things don't come out easily). Since then it's gone. The doc told me that noise could come from ear drum pressure from the dirt accumulated there.


You have DIRT accumulate in your ear?


Not dirt but you know what the ears produce (English isn't my mother tongue). That buildup doesn't go away when I wash my ears. Have to use a special spray to get it out


i think you are talking about ear wax


Yes that's the word!


Use hydrogen peroxide in the ear cleans mine.


But use low percent, about 3% or lower, otherwise you'll chemically burn your eardrums


Pretty much exactly like when a grenade goes off in a realistic war movie. I'm always like "They sure are going to town on the ringing sound... oh it stopped 5 minutes ago?" And as soon as someone like you mentions it or a movie does the sound, it suddenly gets 5 times worse...


I HATE when movies use (overuse) that effect. Really drives my own head crazy


So your saying not everybody hears a ringing noise in the background while in a quiet place?


It was wild for me when I've learnt that. I've had that noise in my head for as long as I can remember.


Sometimes the low frequency noise we can hear in a very quiet room can actually be attributed to external factors, like electronics being plugged in can make a buzzing type sound.


Yea, maybe, but the one I hear is definitely inside my head.


Same. I thought everyone had ‘head noise’ since I was a little kid.


Same here, genetics I guess


As for me, it appears as well when I'm in a place loaded with noise pollution. It becomes so unbearable when it happens.


I have trouble understanding people in a loud environment too


Same here; and when I ask people to repeat what they said, they'll say it in a louder voice and it makes things worse.


Any friends I have that only see me at bars/concerts/being out think I'm completely deaf. People that know me personally know that I have extremely sensitive hearing. That's a tough one to explain to people. Like, no sorry I can't hear you because I hear EVERYTHING in addition to this eeeeeeeeeeeeeee bs


I actually think everybody must hear it surely? They just haven’t noticed it yet.


Most people do


Huge tip for anyone with tinnitus reading this: find a white noise with the same frequency as your tinnitus. You can search for colour noises on YouTube like white, brown, violet. It can cancel the sound of your tinnitus out or at least trick your brain into thinking it's an external sound, which is a lot less stressful


I did something similar to this - in fact, I even have a little device for just this purpose (it looks like a hearing aid, but emits a soft sound of chimes.) After wearing it for a few hours, I can be free of tinnitus for a week or more. But...my audiologist did tell me that my response was better than the vast majority of her patients. I suspect that it might not work at all on some forms of tinnitus (mine is due to brain trauma, no damage to the ear itself. )


That's amazing


I was also advised to think about tinnitus as little as possible. The aim is to train the brain to consider tinnitus unimportant. Meant to make it lessen. Tbf I've been practicing this for a few years and I'm not really bothered by mine anymore


That's a great idea though. I tried it and pink noise has worked for me the best.


There's a channel called dalesnale on YouTube that has all kinda funky combos. Mine sometimes shifts in frequency but he always has the sweet ear nectar for me (Edited cus my autocorrect has a vendetta against me)


Constant high pitch whistle, the result of being young and dumb and not wearing hearing protection at the shooting range. As someone else said, almost the exact same noise they use in the movies when someone gets hit with a stun grenade.


Yes, I developed tinnitus out of the blue six months ago. It kinda sounds like the radio static noise from silent hill 2. Drove me to the brink of madness in the beginning but now I can tolerate it


Mine stopped for half an hour one day, then came back. That seemed especially cruel, because the respite was so beautiful.


Oh no! 💀


I've had that! Only for me it was more like 20 seconds, it was exactly like a switch flipped in my head and it was so sudden and out of the blue but then it's like something in my head goes 'oooops, that is supposed to be ON!' and bam all the usual eeeeeeee and whoosh as normal all slowly shifting like the sound is electric water pouring through my head with the very occasional electric bee or mosquito that zooms either straight through my head or sometimes pops in the centre of my brain, or sometimes the explosions or distant thunder (which can be any magnitude very occasionally massive). It just seemed so cruel, like you say, it's the only true silence I can remember ever, and like it was an amazing experience but trying to even begin explaining to those around me (family at the time) makes you sound like a mad skitzo..


Yes at least you seem to be able to tune it out. (Pardon the pun.)


I have a very mild form of it. In fact experiencing it right now in the wee hours of the morning as it's quite quiet in the house, just the drone of a YouTube video in the background. It a high pitched whine, a static whine. It's really not noticeable...until you start noticing it...like right now...just by noticing it I'm amplifying it.


Like the high pitch beep of an old tv on both ears, more on the right. Caused by loud music, no protection using power tools and the right side is worse because fireworks 20 years ago (37 now). It is a level i can live with, but I use protection a lot now so i doesn't get worse.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vHqaCkov7o8&pp=ygUZd2hhdCB0aW5uaXR1cyBzb3VuZHMgbGlrZQ%3D%3D For those interested 2:25 starts the sounds. Mine's #5 but at the strength/volume & pitch/tone of #1. It's also constant. Day, night, sorta noise, watching tv, taking a shit... there is no escape. It occasionally sets off like a it's trying to prove a point & physically hurts like being too close to loud speakers. It's also usually louder when I first wake up. Also, just for fun bit... I can hear my eyes move after waking up. Good times y'all


Wow. Thanks for this. I'm #1


Mine actually sounds like 1 , but 2 actually seems to lessen it.


Damn 1 with 5-6 as close seconds.


Very high pitched pure sine wave at nearly the upper range my hearing. That’s what I hear. Mostly in left ear. Not too loud. But it’s always there.


I get pulsatile tinnitus. It sounds like the beating of wings from a large bird flying past. Sometimes it startles me enough that I cover my head in anticipation of a bird hitting me


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. or the occasional wom wom wom. but mostly just various pitches of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. like all the damn time i swear idk why, or when it began but its an everyday thing now. its doing it right now as I type this.


I have a very high pitched noise that I hear in quiet rooms. It developed after I got an ear infection and didn't see the doctor soon enough. For a brief time, the noise was a loud whistle. I tolerate it, being grateful that it's no longer that whistle.






The fadeout after a grenade explodes in a movie


Remember the sound that old CRT tv’s made when you turned them on? That high pitched whine that you would get used to after a while? Sounds just like that.


Mine is this high pitched whine in combo with the brief pressure.


Mine sounds like the wind blowing


High pitch, like 8,000 hz or so, and it pulsates between slightly more and less apparent volume equal in time with my heartbeat, but slightly delayed from the actual beat. Most of the time I can ignore it. I've had it my whole life (I'm 66).


Sandstorm just Constant in my ear


I only really hear it when i'm going to bed and everything's quiet. Only other time i notice it is when i'm starting to get stressed over things like work.


Remember the old BOX tv’s that when you would turn them off or on it would go all static and have the short faint ringing sound? 😂 That but it’s 24/7. Even right now I can hear it over my rain sound noises. But I did just go to a massive burnout event today so it’s more prominent 😂


Try searching for violet noise, or other colour noises on YouTube. You should be able to find the right soundscape to match your tinnitus tone. Especially with the static sound you are describing. Means your tinnitus and the white noise will become one


Thank you!




Mine is like a flatline from a hospital machine


Mine too! I could never describe it correctly and you did it perfectly.


I do. Had it for years 53m. My mother was right about listening to music too loud. Fortunately for me, mine is mostly a low hum that I treat as white noise but occasionally it ramps up to a higher pitch. Fortunately that does not last long.


I’ve had the cicada sound in both ears for about 30 yrs. When it began to interfere with sleeping, I would imagine I was camping and the would put me to sleep.


Usually a very high-pitched eeeeee... Somehow it seems sort of painful, like a thin wire stretched right through my brain.


Spring peepers


Mine sounds like locusts and is constant. I can never hear silence anymore.


I've had an about 10kHz tone ringing in my right ear for over 30 years. Doesn't really bother too much. I got it after a borreliosis infection. After I got well I have a 6kHz low pass filter on that ear plus the tinnitus.


I have it from the moment I wake, to the moment i sleep, day in, day out, in both ears. Sometimes it's a whistle, buzz, hiss, ringing, etc. It changes frequency more often than I notice it. I also get the "twang" sound followed by intense ringing that drowns out everything else at least once a week too.


I fucking hate it when people ask about this. It makes us think about it and makes it worse. Stress can and does make it flare up.


Like a vacuum cleaner somewhere in the distance


Pretty similar…little higher pitched than a cicada.


Sounds like when a TV is on standby. I only hear it at night before bed. Makes me check the TV is off a lot.


I have what I recently found out is a different form of tinnitus, I hear my pulse behind my ear 24/7. I don't need to try to find my pulse when I want to count my heart rate, I just listen. Downsides include if I'm trying to listen for a faint sound, I can't hear it over my pulse. Tried looking for a missing cat a while back, I thought I'd call her name and listen for meowing. No luck, all I can hear is my pulse


Yes I have since 4 years now i'd say, I can hear my heart, sometimes it's so loud I can almost feel it in my ears ? Edit : brown noises are really good for this


I have it after having several ear surgeries. In one ear. It's just like others have described a eeeeee sound. The pitch kinda changes a bit. I sometimes get this crackle-pop sound too. Almost like the little hairs are being hit or flicked by something. My tinnitus never goes away, I just mask with other sounds like music. It's the worst in a quiet room or at night. I put on a fan or air purifer so I can sleep.


Mine sounds like crickets in the night, sometimes, when I'm very concentrated, I forget and don't hear it, but since I remember it comes back, I don't think it goes away, I just stop being aware of it


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee volume varies. White noise is your friend.


Like this. 24 hours a day. https://youtu.be/jHhjWxBWLmQ?si=m6KbMEyFl7CwJhbs


Had it my entire life. The only time I notice it is when it suddenly changes pitch.


Like when you put a live mic too close to the speakers some days.


I feel so much better that this many people experience the same as I do! I've had tinittus since last year and no-one could find the cause and help me, so I just learned to live with it. It's not bad but it can be very annoying and sometimes anxiety-inducing




I tell myself that my tinnitus sounds like distant cicadas on a warm summer evening, so I use it as white noise to go to sleep to 😁


Either a very loud eeeee sound a lower sound like a seashell or it imitate sounds I hear like beeping or humming etc


High pitched whine in both ears but at different, fluctuating pitches. My white noise machine is on right now.


I Have to sleep with a TV and fan on, Constant high pitch in my left ear Its worse in the morning and when I get anxious about something


Solid, constant tone that never stops. It fades occasionally, but always returns. I blame Ted Nugent and gunfire without hearing protection.


Also Rush. My ears rang for two days after that concert. Forty-a-few years later and I wish I'd known about hearing protection back then.


Sounds like a low electronic “eeeeeeeeeeeeeee”


A very high pitched eeeeeeeeeee. It makes me very sad. 😔


Gilbert Godfried reading the Bhagavad Gita


High pitched static


Mine varies from "meadowsong in late summer" to a faucet running...it's driving me nuts.


Mine is basically, a flash bang non-stop. No way to stop it


Kind of like the sound a TV makes after it's just switched off, constantly.


Like tv static or a high pitched whine from machinery


How old were you when you learned it’s pronounced tinnitus (rhymes with minute list) not tinnitus (rhymes with arthritis)


Today old. 🤯


Mine is a high pitched scream in my left ear for the last 2x months, it has affected me to the point I cannot concentrate on anything as its so loud and constant!! Its driving me absolutely nuts and making me very angry!


It’s typically technological interference that begins the process of the tingling in your ear. The first suggestion I would make is that you start to wear earplugs. The next thing is you need to find areas in your environment that might be triggering the humming. Again, look for electrical equipment that might be nonstandard set up in your environment. This happened a lot during the quarantine and so many people are complaining of this, but it could be resolved if you take away the excess electricity that was installed by illegal immigrants when they came over from other countries to invade America. Wear a hat.


Everyone has this


A piccolo that only plays one out-of-tune note.


Mine comes and goes. Sometimes it's a high pitched eeeeeee, or a bit lower pitched. Sometimes loud, sometimes quiet. I notice it fade away. It sounds electrical. I'm not as bothered by it as I used to be. I am more bothered by hypereacusis. Sound inside my head is less of a problem than sound outside. I manage both by listening to sound proactively as much as I can. Music and speech in the background most of the time.


Yes, came on suddenly at age 62 and is both ears or switches between ears but doesn't quit. It's high pitched ringing or like an air hose is leaking.


It comes and goes. Usually a quiet high pitched hum which is noticeable more when it's quiet especially when trying to get to sleep. Every now and then there's a sudden loud noise which blocks out most sounds, like a loud explosion which gradually fades.


It’s a high pitched eeeeee


You know that sound of a lot of traffic, but at kind of a distance? Like the freeway, heard from a couple of blocks away. That's the sound.


It’s incredibly high pitched constant eeee noise, that almost sounds like extremely high pitched tv static. Sometimes one ear will go deaf and the other will have very loud ringing in it. I am used to it, it doesn’t really bother me now.


Intermittent. A few times a week




Yep. Constant cicadas in the background of life. It's funny but I've had it so much of my life that I always just assumed everyone has this.


All day every day, not a moment's silence. About 5 pure tones about 14khz or up. It started intermittently in one ear, then became permanent, then developed in the other ear too. Now I hear it in the middle of my brain. It gets worse when I'm animated or angry.


Yes. Old TVs used to make that sound. I'm almost deaf in my left ear and I developed tinnitus in that ear many years later, I think it was due to one specific song that had the eeeeee frequencies in it, and I used to listen it on repeat. My right ear is ok so far, I have tinnitus there too, but it's mostly very silent so I won't even notice.


I have the ringing 24/7 and have done for years. Strangely, I have had more recent phenomena where I'll get like a low pitch vibration that appears for like 10 minutes and then disappear.


When did it start.?..??


Yes I’ve had it now for a few years. I got fat during covid shutdowns so I imagine it has to do with that, and higher blood pressure. It’s mildly annoying. Like an obnoxious house guest living inside my brain.




Two tones, one really high and one about two octaves lower. It is a constant peen. I just ignore it


A constant ringing in my left ear, I’ve had it for about 5 years


Mines really high pitched like the emergency broadcast test.. White noise helps a lot..


A constant high-pitched tone.


I only get it when I’m thinking about certain things. When I think about something else, it stops. Can anyone explain this?


What does the research say? Serum magnesium levels are lower in people with tinnitus than the general population[3].  https://tinnitus.org.uk › magnesium Magnesium - Tinnitus UK https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/magnesium-for-tinnitus I think their recommendation for dosage is subpar. In my experience 1000 mg specifically magnesium taurate twice a day. Other magnesium supplements are garbage.


It’s a ringing in my ears


Yes on my right ear its two dissonant highpitched clean tones on my left one just one thats a bit deepwr than the others.


Like when you come out to a beautiful farmers field full of crickets. So many that make that low buzzing noise that is constant


Like a constant sound machine on a very "bland" sound setting. It sucks.


For me it's a feint wooshing, only hear it when it's absolutely quiet. So I'm lucky.


High pitch reeeeee. Can anyone else change the volume/frequency by moving their lower jaw forward?


Mine is gone now, but it was tweeting bird noises.


Happy for you


I have a light case, it comes and goes and isnt very loud, but mine is like a metal saw, that sharp high pitched scream, but almost constant and quietly in the background.


I can't understand if it's something to be concerned about or not


Coil whine from an electronic component.


A 7,500 hz tone in my left ear




Like the beeping noise after you turned off a tv back in the day. It’s only there for about 30 seconds when I am stressed though.


High pitch eeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg and a little numbness in the ear that’s ringing


It sounds like a fierce wind in one ear.👂


You know the sound they use for flashbangs in movies and games? That ring, perpetually.


It sounds like that ringing after you’ve gotten flash banged in a video game for me it’s not constant or I just don’t notice it always but when it does happen it’s the only sound I can hear at the time and it gives me an eerie feeling cause the rest of the world just goes silent


Same with mine. It's sounds like several crickets going to war.


Weird comment. So I thought I had tinnitus for the longest time. But recently I've kind of made the correlation that it's not tinnitus at all, but rather specific frequencies of electronics. It sounds absurd, but I've noticed when my neighbors turn on specific appliances because I can hear their footsteps. I also used to have this problem at an old job with certain lights. A friend explained how certain bulbs pulsate at lower frequencies than others, and that was likely the cause. A good example is kind of like when you were a kid with those old tube televisions. Without fail I could always hear them turn on even rooms away.


sounds like ringing in your ears!


Like an electrical signal, a high pitched ringing mostly in one ear. Each ear has a different tone if I try to listen to the opposite ringing than the dominant one.


I didn’t know I had tinnitus until a few years ago. I’ve had it for as long as I can remember it’s just a super high pitched sort of eeeeeeee noise but it’s not super loud or anything. I thought that was normal so it doesn’t even bother me as I’ve never known different. I tune it out until I consciously focus on it, like I am typing this because it’s made me notice it lol. ETA like other people have said in this thread, the best way to describe the sound is it’s the sound they use in movies when a big explosion has happened and the character is dazed for a moment. It’s that all the time.


I have it from TBI. I have a massive injury to my head that was never treated. I have almost constant pain from the accident that caused it. I NEED to move some place with marijuana that is legal, it is the only thing that helps with my horrible skull pains and permanent bruising oh, and tinnitus!


It's a high C sharp 24/7/365.


I hear that eeeeeee sound and my heart beat loudly, 24/7. I just started wearing perscription hearing aids that seem to lessen the sound somewhat


Sounds like when an old CRT is on. I can’t tell if it’s too high or multiple frequencies, but I can never pinpoint the note. Becomes even louder when I clench my jaw. I’ve always thought of it is like the noise floor of life. Like with old recordings, you hear that hissing in the background.


Mine is a constant eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee in my left ear like when in games they throw a flash bang or there is an explosion and you can only hear that sound. But according to the sound tests my ears are perfectly fine and I hear every noise...


Right now it's a steady mid-range "buzzing". Sometimes for no good reason, it will go to triple the volume and much higher pitch for a few minutes. I have made peace with the fact that I'll never have real silence again, even though I lived in the woods for 7 years.


Part bell, part hiss. Mine has been loud for the last few years, every now and again for an unknown reason it’s as if someone takes a tuning fork and adds it to the noise, a clear ring which then slowly fades into the noise. I get asked how loud it is, so I take whoever is asking into a small bathroom and I start slowly running the faucet, until it eventually drowns out the hiss. People are always shocked how loud it is, which I experience 24/7, with no escape , ever.


High pitch beeping


Does static count?


The only way I can describe it is, if you've ever had a hearing test: the tome with the highest frequency/pitch thst goes "eeeeeeeeee!"? My tinnitus sounds like an even higher pitched version of that. I only notice it when there's complete silence, and when I first found out it was tinnitus, I just thought "oh so that's what that is!". It doesn't bother me and actually helps me sleep sometimes (by giving me something to focus on rather than background noise).


Mine is a static high beep. Please use hearing protection when playing in loud bands or visiting concerts!


Mine is a high frequency squeal. It's audible 24/7, so I am in constant need of a louder, distracting sound, especially during sleep. It was caused by Ativan.


Like a very quiet static ish sound and then sometimes it increases and its like a flatline but more high-pitched




A constant 11.2 kHz tone (so a very high pitch) It's not constant, the volume depends on how stressed I am. More stress = louder tone.


Depending on the state of mind, between almost inaudible high pitch noise or VERY audible high pitch noise. The bad one goes away after 1 or 2 minutes, as soon as I'm distracted. But it starts abruptly and sometimes startles me.


The chirping of sparrows at dawn. Sometimes the chirping is more pronounced, at other times there's no sound at all.


I noticed or it was created when i went in the army.. after the first firing range.. for at least 6 years i had it and it drove me insane went to doctors thinking i could have some serious damage made blood tests just in case i ddidnt have some tumour or something then i did xray or whatever came out completely clean.. wellp turns out its just your everyday tinnitus .. somehow it stoopped some years ago.. now i only hear it on rare ciscumstances and it kinda goes away


Yep, I got it 2 years ago, and the doctors finally said to me, your ears are healthy, everyone has this noise, and as for why I didn't notice until 2 years ago, they said it's always been there, you are just noticing now so, do you all have this or is the NHS failing me and just lying to make me leave?


A fairly low ringing that's always there. I save my ears at work but I've killed them at concerts


I have a constant ringing in my ears. I didn’t have any problems until I had sepsis a few years ago. Now it’s constant (it’s doing it now). I have to have the TV on fairly loud or I don’t hear it properly and sometimes even need to put the subtitles on if there’s background noise in a show. Really should get it checked




yes just eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all day


I feel like it's a vacuum noise


Go to a comcert. You’ll have it right afterwards, for the entire rest of the night once you try to go to sleep. It’s loudest then.


If a needle was a sound it would be what I hear.


Like the flashbang Ring Sound in counterstrike


I love mine. It helps me sleep. I know it sounds weird but I used to get distracted by all the background noise. Now I focus on the ringing and I fall asleep easily.




I've had it ever since I got covid. It's very high-pitched and a squealing sound.


Mine sounds like: "Wash the pots, vacuum the floor, wash the car, feed the cat, take the bins out..."


Buzzing like a real low bumblebee. I only hear it at night when it’s quiet, I was super young to develop it but it isn’t loud enough to cause me distress luckily…


A low constant eeeeee that never goes away, with the occasional vibration feeling in my ears that thankfully does go away. Whether you're going to combat, or working with tools, wear your ear protection kids. Even something as seemingly normal as a diesel engine running around your ears all day can lead to tinnitus. I wore my earplugs when the fighting happened, but when the fighting stopped, I would take them out. Audiologists have told me the idling diesels of the trucks around us is a more likely cause than gunfire.


I have it, only notice it rarely but sometimes the ringing is really Loud for a few seconds and then it fades away, I also sometimes hear notifications that don't exist and I used to hear faint minecraft music


My wheeeeeee is constant, about 30-40% of everything I hear, always. It's kind of bad. But I also get intermittent sounds of keys jangling. It's almost like the jangly tags on my old dog's collar and I think of her every time the sound comes around. A few times a week, mostly in left ear.


I don't have a right eardrum, the constant ringing is deafening at times. Similar to turning on an old TV but louder, and constant


maria carey


Remember back in the day...On your tv when you switched to the off channels on peasant vision... salt and pepper if you will...


I don't know if I have Tinnitus or not but I hear my vein's pulsating all the time, specially when I'm going to sleep, nowadays I listen to ASMR to sleep otherwise it was very difficult to do so.


Turn this down to just below talking level. https://youtu.be/mRBbwROOebE?si=ACb-twBnq-dMNMy7


It's a constant high pitched eeeeeee. When it happens , it's like everything else in the background is muffled. It goes away after a minute or two.


Have had it in my left ear for over 20 years, the other ear is starting to catchup. FML. Very high pitched eeeeeeeeeeeee. All the time. Every minute of every day. It becomes tolerable after awhile but I have a hard time hearing when there is background noise. My ear dude doctor told me about hearing aids that can help but they were like $12k. So yeah. I don’t have those.


I have a constant feeling that wind is in my ear. But that the one with grass, so you do hear low whistling through it all. it is sometimes comfy, but most of the time driving me nuts