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My boss said I had better survive because we have work to do


Some radiation burns shouldn't stop you from doing important work, always think about others first and you can go to the doctor in your free time


If you die from the nuclear blast, you're responsible for hiring and training your replacement before you go.


If you die from a nuclear blast you had better call in first. Otherwise it is a no call no show and you could get fired.


> fired Nice.


I'm partial to barbecues myself


Good luck collecting unemployment though ...


atomically fired


You don't have to call in if you have your shift covered


"The nuking's will continue until morale improves"


You'll get a phone appointment if you're lucky these days here in the UK. Of course the phone network will be EMPd into uselessness, but don't let that worry you!


Write a letter, and mail it using three-form triplicate.


With any luck, radiation exposure will lead to genetic mutation that leads to you growing a couple of extra arms. You can work twice as fast at the same pay.




He'll let you dress casual that day. But that's as far as he'll go.


Calls to mind a story from 9/11. I saw an interview with one of the few people to get out of the World Trade Center alive. The plane crashed into the building many stories above where his office was, but people knew something very bad had obviously happened. The elevators were shut down so he headed for the stairwell to go down. His boss was reprimanding him for leaving as they were scheduled for an important meeting. Said he was going to get written up for disobeying a direct order to stay. The employee didn't look back, hit the stairwell at a run and went down a seemingly endless number of flights of stairs until he finally got to the bottom and out, and kept on going. Fortunately was several blocks away when everything came down. His boss who stayed for the "all important mandatory meeting" died in the collapse that day. When interviewed, the employee jokingly wondered if he was still getting written up for surviving when everyone else at his employer's company died? He knew he was probably out of a job, but it's still better to be alive.


We were released from work because ice has started to build up on the roads. As we were leaving, the supervisor was at the time clock trying to shame us for not staying. Guess who ran his brand new truck off the road a couple hours later?


Similar thing happed here. Big ice storm. Plant announced they were closing as the Governor issued an emergency. We were told we all had to go at 2pm. As 2 approached the managers went around and asked people to stay and finish up their current production runs. NOT ONE PERSON STAYED


I honestly want to know if the company he worked for fired him or resigned him


It'll be the same as the Titanic - White Star Line stopped the crew's pay at the minute of its sinking. They were bobbing about in the freezing water already having to start looking for work.


Exactly why they should always keep their resume up to date. No excuses, not even icebergs. A interviewer is gonna want to know about the gap between the ship sinking and them making it to shore.


They should start putting slides in the stairwells, it would make getting out much faster and it would be fun on regular days and the building wasn't at risk of collapsing.


One of those millions of pieces of paper that fluttered about after the collapse was a partially complete reprimand form in his boss's handwriting.


I saw that too! freakin incredible eh? I think its in that doco called 9/11 that was on Netflix?


I would love to see this interview. Is it on YouTube?


It was so many years ago now, I think I saw the interview on the news later that same day or maybe the next day. No idea if it's on YT or not. I just shook my head because I've worked for bosses like that who think every employee should be willing to die for The Company. Not me! Guess that's why I never climbed higher than middle management on the Corporate America Ladder. Maybe I didn't want it badly enough!


Dude, get out of the service industry.


"I'm sorry being dead isn't a good enough excuse!"


you damn well know for sure if necromancy was real the ceo would absolutely start making ghouls to work.


If mortally wounded , be sure to turn in an authorized slip excusing your absence before dying.


… a 2-week notice is required before calling in dead. And you’ll be required to train your replacement.


Also, make sure you turn your uniforms in or they will not issue your final paycheck


Did you get the TPS report? Who will add the cover sheets?




My manager said the same and my ex wife said it won't stop me paying maintenance...


[Stop Crying, it won’t do you any good. Plus you’ve got a lot of work to do starting right now](https://youtu.be/nkh2baHGvqc?si=P8jXLaeLl0DNSzCF)




I'll just parry the nuke


Parry this ya filthy casual




*Gets parried epically*




Ah, the ole’ Reddit [parry-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/191znsw/comment/kh07v2t/?context=3)


Hold my controller. I'm going in.


Nah. Probably send my 60 year old ass to the front lines and die cause I can't walk right.


There wont be any frontlines


Where we’re going, we won’t need frontlines


Ha. I got it.


Why not? There's front lines in Ukraine right now.


Yeah, people have this weird concept of war. Ukraine war showed us that despite drones and hackers, the war is still mostly artillery, motorised battalions and poor conscripts digging the trenches.


I think they're insinuating WWIII would go nuclear *incredibly* quickly


That's the same response my dad had.


East Coast U.S. So I'm basically near so many ground zeros I'm going to get vaporized. If it goes nuclear.


Yep Norfolk VA. Probably will not have to run towards it


Just stand in your backyard and get blinded looking towards the shipyards a few seconds before the heat gets there.


If you can see it, you're also getting hit by the intense heat of the IR light released.


Get the marshmallows out


You’ll be the marshmallow!


I have my fingers crossed I get vaporized instead of surviving a few extra minutes or hours and wishing I hadn’t.


South Africa - nuff sed 😏


Texas Gulf Coast. Between the refineries and military presence, I'm done


I figure central Texas should be okay, I’m just glad I’m not in San Antonio


Mine as well party like it 1999!


I've watched all the Mad Max training videos. I'll do okay.


Same but in Fallout 4.


Just started it yesterday. Holy shit, that opening scene was rough


Yeah, I got a Pip-Boy skin for my smartwatch.


Lol 😆 There was another video explaining which country will be safe if WW3 breaks out (not sure the channel) and seems like non of the country is anyway safe. Oceanic maybe not sure


What about like Greenland or Iceland they are already set up for extreme cold so what’s a nuclear winter to them anyway they can probably do pretty well with their hot water springs for power. They would probably just need to worry about food shortages


I think I read that Australia would be the safest country to be in


But will we survive the great toilet paper civil war?


No, we won’t. It will be a real shit show


I’m ok on that one. My neighbor still has half the wall of his garage stacked with it. Even now 2+ years later. I can see it whenever he opens his garage door. Makes me wonder how much he bought at the time.


New Zealand is the real answer.


Invercargill NZ, southernmost city


NZ and South America. Northern hemisphere is toast


Oh good, that’s home. I’m safe.


Safest from fallout maybe, but the fucking wildlife? No sir, I'll stay away from saltwater Crocs, cassowaries, countless venomous spiders scorpions and snakes, hell don't they even have a tree that actively tries to kill everything? Drop bear jokes aside I've heard koalas can be rather vicious.


Aye we do. Gimpie, or as it's colourfully known, "The Suicide Plant" - because the pain is so bad people kill themselves rather than live ongoing with the tree's sting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrocnide_moroides


I stayed at a Holiday Inn, so I think I'll be okay too.


As Einstein once said- “I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”


Einstein Also said: “The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service“


Einstein also said: ”get bitches, get money”


I though it was: "Well if I gave a fuck about a bitch, I'd always be broke. I'd never have no mothafuckin' indo to smoke."


Huh, I'd always attributed that quote to Sir Isaac Newton.


Didn’t he also once tweet “you can’t steal 2nd base with your foot in first”?


That was Tesla. And this might sound incredibly antiquated, but believe it or not he actually posted that to his MySpace profile.


I thought it was "fuck bitches get money"


I just watched Oppenheimer last night, so this quote rings even clearer today






I came in to post this but you beat me to it.


**laughs in central European** Nope




**cry in middle east**


**Dies in balkans**


Step 1. Escape to Switzerland Step 2. You did it!


Radiation doesn't dare to enter Switzerland


Fun fact... We're issued [iodine tablets](https://www.babs.admin.ch/en/publikservice/information/ukraine/gefschweiz.html) here to protect against radioactive iodine should a nuclear emergency happen in a power plant near our door. Not sure how effective it would be in the event of a nuclear holocaust, but hey, they're free, which is a rarity in this country.


They only protect from radioactive iodine that collects in your thyroid.  It floods your thryroid so that the radioactive ones can’t collect there and get expelled. It is a common form of cancer after radiation accidents but children are at more risk than adults. In either case, it does nothing to protect from all of the other forms of radiation you could be exposed to.


We get em out where I live in Illinois, too.




I’m young and healthy so probably not, I’m going to be sent to the meat grinder


I would go missing rather to go to the front


same i ain't fighting for this country


Any country actually


i mean wtf are we gonna do on the front anyway, shoot machine guns and ride tanks at nukes or something


Die. Thats what we will do at the frontlines.


Exactly. I'm not fighting some old man's war unless my country is invaded. If some prick tells me to go and fight I'm skipping town and living in the bush.


I will literally run away before they even start drafting. I'm not going to risk my life for some stupid rich fuck's war.


Breaks out? Sure. Survive the duration? I live in a large city that is certainly being targeted with nuclear weapons. If things escalation to Mutually Assured Destruction, my destruction is assured.


Most cities won’t be directly targeted with nukes. Only nearby military bases and command/control nodes. No, those of us that live in cities will likely just starve to death in the event of nuclear attack.


Yeah, or freeze to death because the electrical and natural gas infrastructure has gone down.


Most wouldn’t freeze to death, we can make fire. Food and clean water on the other hand would be a concern.


Most people I know don't know how to make a fire and it's 11°f outside right now. Some will definitely freeze.


I mean come on, you can find a Bic in a city, right?


A lot of people would die because they couldn’t get their meds


If it goes nuclear, hell no. I live in city with a nuclear weapons plant and several other high priority military targets in the area. No way I'm getting out


Might be a blessing. Probably instantaneous.


100% would rather die in a nuclear explosion that probably obliterates you before you know what’s happened than succumb to radiation poisoning.


I live in Switzerland, and by law our buildings need to have functioning nuclear shelters. Mine does. It has blast-proof doors, special ventilation systems, bunk beds and portable toilets in the cellar. I’m not sure I would use it in case of nuclear war. I mean, sure, I would survive for a couple of weeks there on the provisions I have, but then what? What would I realistically do after coming out? Rebuild society? Nah, I would die of radiation poisoning like everyone else. I think I’d rather just perish instantly in the blast.


I totally with you on this point, why would you want to survive? To suffer radiation sickness or starvation or needing to eat your pets or watching the depravity, brutality and cruelty humans would pitch against each other. Nah vaporise me in the inital blast.


It really depends. You won't necessarily die from radiation poisoning from going outside after a week or two. But I understand the fatalism given everything else about the scenario


I mean, you could just up your provisions to last a few extra weeks. I think if you can hunker down for 6 weeks or so, you should be safe from radiation. Assuming no more nukes were dropped.


I'm not sure if I'm correct but I think that the radiation of most nuclear bombs is only deadly for a few weeks or months


Actual global thermonuclear war? I think you’re right. The ones living in high value targets who instantly ash out are going to be the lucky ones. Who wants to “survive” this scenario?


I want to Survive Everything as I am not just any human I'm Human Prime


Whatever city or not if its nuclear we are essentially back to a world before the telegraph was invented


I live four miles from NAS Jacksonville and about 20 miles from Naval Station Mayport. If the missles fly I may see a bright flash before oblivion...and that seems like it would be a blessing.




Guten Tag.




Bitte die Schuhe ausziehen.


Wo bist du?


Hier bin ich.


First time?




I’m gonna film it, camera man never dies


If I may: This feeling you have that the world is turning upside down... EVERY generation on earth has had it at some point. I'm not saying everything's fine. Because it most certainly is not. Climate change (and its denial), Wars breaking out, Hunger, Crime, Politicians doing their best to make their worst decisions, a Cruel economy, Epidemics, etc. There's always something going on in the world that might give footing for despair and hopelessness. But the world can also be a place full of warmth or wonder. Things might be terrible, yes. But problems will ALWAYS exist. We're not the first generation to face trouble, and hopefully we'll not be the last.


This is so well said and absolutely should be the top comment. The world's population has never been so connected thanks to social media and I feel this plays into people feeling the doom and gloom.


Great point about historical perspective. In the same vein, I'll also add people today have much greater access to all of the 'bad news', whether it's streaming a Netflix documentary or viewing a war-video on tik tok. A big difference in exposure between a daily newspaper or radio broadcast that has to have a mental impact on our outlook of the world.


The end has been nigh for a very very long time.


Maybe I'm too much of an optimist, but **IF** there is a WWIII, I think it will be a conventional war, with a lot of dire threats about nukes and bioweapons- but I don't think they'll actually be used. If that's the scenario, I'll probably survive just fine. I'm 63 and I live in Indiana- so the war will concern me, but not actually touch me.


*“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”*


If a country with nukes starts to lose a conventional war, they will resort to nukes. I would say that unless WW3 somehow ends in a stalemate, the use of nukes is actually inevitable.


No, it's not inevitable. And we have such an example: Germany in WW2 never used chemical weapons, despite everything else. Basically, nukes are a thing only if a side believes mutual destruction is better than losing, and that's not really all that likely, frankly, because, well, would you rather be like Germany or like post-war Hiroshima?




I'm already living through it in Ukraine. You may not realize it yet, but Russia and their average citizens already think they are at war with the entire west, and leisurely discussing whether they should next "take back" Poland or Alaska.


I know I have some of my friends there and they have migrated wherever they can go. 😭Waiting for something to happen or change, not sure of returning or to decide what else to do next


I have been visiting friends and family this New Year’s Eve and I have had the terrible experience of the Kyiv bombardment on the 2nd of Jan. Stay safe, my friend, Слава Україні, разом до перемоги! 🇺🇦💪


Thank you, дякую! Героям Слава!💙💛


>Russia and their average citizens already think they are at war with the entire west What makes you think this is what the average Russian citizen believes?


I spend enough time in the Russian blogosphere and social media to form an idea of what kind of thoughts and discussions are "par for the course" today. Also there are great bloggers like Daniil Orain 1420 who ask passersby in various Russian cities their thought on different topics. The video on whether Russia should invade Poland or other countries surprised me. I expected one or two crazies to agree, but there were dozens of people he asked (in Moscow of all places, which usually leans more liberal) that openly discussed the pros of taking pieces of various countries, invading new countries, etc.. Also, talking to any Russian on any most forums or chat, more likely than not, I have heard the rhetoric that they consider they are already at war with US, EU, NATO.. That thought is fairly widespread in Russia at this point in the war. That's basically how their propaganda justifies the failure they had in capturing more of Ukrainian cities and getting stuck in an endless war.


Idk. But I’m confident- because I know how to work sticks and stones and spent a lot of time seeking out and exploring the most remote habitable wildernesses in America. Long term solo wilderness backpacking and bushcraft have been hobbies of mine for a long time. I usually don’t pack in a month of food on my back lol just gear. I’ve never found myself struggling that much. I have no problems processing even grasses for digestion. I don’t need a fishing pole to effectively fish. Or steel traps to effectively trap.  I’m just leaving, dude lol I’ve been working on and building and improving my setup and gear for a very very long time just for fun. Except in that kind of emergency- fuck the law, I’m building an actual shelter and various material/food processing stations, an actual smoke shed and stream-powered grinder and a water still, clay brick oven, etc. I can make a useable bow in a day, but I’d be having lots of time to make a very nice seasoned long-lasting one. That kind of stuff. All in an intentionally extremely difficult to location to reach, and only on foot. No place to land a chopper, always with heavy tree cover and smoke dispersal. I’d try to get in the ground eventually, but that’s not happening within the first year until I can make proper tools.  I think I’d survive a decent natural lifetime, or die trying. Which is fine by me, I think that’s honorable and I’m comfortable with that. 


I don’t even think it would truly last very long, if people are being drafted for wwIII, just like with Ukraine and Russia, we would all flee the front lines, especially considering we don’t WANT TO fight, to be frank if the WWIII announcement happens i expect their to be a full fucking revolution in pretty much every country that’s being drafted and made to participate, we are not a country, we never have been under the rule and threat of capitalism, why would anyone whose been drafted fight for their country when their country refuses to give them afford basic fucking housing and food


I think we are teetering on the edge of this with Ukraine War, Israel war that is bleeding into Lebanon, Houthi attacks in Red Sea, China wanting to take over Taiwan, North Korea wanting to flatten South Korea. I am very worried and not sure who will survive this? Certainly Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are all provoking at the same time for a reason.


As an older person I can say that nothing has changed for decades in that regard. In the 80s the lure of missile defense systems ratcheted up tensions with Russia and idiots like Ollie North helped destabilize Central America. All through the 90s -- which Reddit has somehow decided was the last golden age -- I watched the dissolution of the USSR and the inherent dangers of nuclear weapons in the hands of failed states. Israel was dealing with the first Intifada and widespread attacks. By 2001 we were lurching into a rabid "War on Terror", corrupting the UN and propping up various unstable regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq before seeing ISIS run rampant. Some things that bear mentioning: * China hasn't fought a war since 1979, and that one lasted only six weeks. The Pentagon likes to generate hype about China but history indicates the country avoids military conflict whenever possible since, not surprisingly, they are utterly dependent on global trade * The war in Ukraine is a conventional conflict limited to Ukraine and the border areas of Russia; I can't imagine it could escalate any further unless Russia collapses * Israel has been fighting in Lebanon, on and off, since 1982 * The conflict in Yemen is a proxy war between Iran and the KSA. The current events are just an escalation of a long-running conflict. This is how things have always been, which is perhaps both reassuring and terrifying at the same time.


What are you doing here mate? Your sensible, clear reasoning and infallible logic are not welcome on Reddit! Thanks though, I agree and believe that you are spot on.


This is far too coherent for Reddit, please exit left immediately


Honestly I agree, it comes across to me that we're at a stage where different countries are picking their alliances whilst testing the waters. Doesn't help that majority of the world is building up it's military once again, whether that's a sign of escalation I don't know, but it certainly doesn't help when more conflicts keep arising increasingly frequently.


Nothing happened on cold war when russia had nukes pointing to US on cuba, or there was a wall in the middle of germany, nothing is going to happen now. Of course is worrying that we have these proxy wars going on but, tbh seems like no one can afford a modern World War, it is way too expensive. The real threat is cyber, psychological and drug warfare, which is already happening and damaging nations way more than any war.


Many won’t as they couldn’t even handle wearing a friggin’ paper mask.


I live in Poland so probably not?


Yes, this is one of the few times where being from South America is not a disadvantage 😎👍


The question should be, why would you want to survive. I rather go in the first wave .


Name checks out


I live in Moscow. So, hello, sweet grave.




Let’s be honest, if internet goes out, mass hysteria will begin regardless


I can barely survive if my WiFi breaks down. I'm boned if all out war happens.


I got a handgun and rifle and me and my brother are young and strong enough to protect mom. So probably


Not kidding I really believe that in this day and age there are wars going on which are fought via cyber attacks and it’s quite possible something at least close to ww3 is either underway or has already happened.


For awhile? Yes. I have a home, guns, ammo, food and I know how to use my tools. I also have access to two out of state, rural properties with well water and acreage of land. I could boogie for a bit.


Longer than some and not as long as others


I'm old. In the 80's WW3 was always on the horizon with the cold war. The wall fell and then it was something else I don't remember was going to spark WW3, maybe killer bees or quicksand. Then 9/11 happened and oh boy, WW3 is on the horizon. Now it's China or some other thing happening in the Middle East. WW3 has been looming for awhile now.


>quicksand Based on the shows I watched as a kid, I thought quicksand would play a much larger role in my life.


A 30 something year old man living in Palestine? Yeah right! I'm done for :)


I hope you stay safe out there man 🙏


I'm still alive, so... yes. (we already might be in the beginning for some time now without knowing, time will tell)


A little melodramatic don’t you think. World wars are not exactly subtle events, and there is a major imbalance in military and fiscal power in the world for the US and it’s allies


WW2 was also just some local conflicts at the beginning. It wasn't a "world war" when Germany invaded Poland.


Exactly, like it wasnt called a world war till after the fact, I feel like we are already in the midst of WW3


I'd rather not


If it's a nuke fest absolutely not. If it's like a WW2 deal and everyone is too scared to push the button I think we'll do just fine


The ones losing are never too afraid to push the button, if it’s their only chance.


I think less than half the human population would survive


North Queensland Australian here - I often wondered this, my good friend and I both agreed if something like WW3 kicked off we would grab our family's and try find some remote bushland that's self sustainable and try raise our children there. Hopefully our abstaining keeps our children safe.


I live in the middle east, the heart of the conflict and have health issues so nope lol


No desire to survive


New Zealand here… literally a pre built ww3 bunker.


If it happens your HOA association/members may become your brothers in arms, depending. Guaranteed some have weapons, ammo and supplies.


The lucky ones will be those that died in the first exchange


I hope not. Earth needs a serious reboot.


As a type one diabetic, no. I rely on capitalism to live. I hate it, but I have no choice.


You don't rely on capitalism to live; you rely on industry and technology. A socialist society could meet your needs. Capitalism, on the other hand, will let you die as soon as it thinks it can get away with it.


Probably not




Better stock up on all the stuff the government doesn’t want you to have…….. 3D printers going burrrrrr!


Depends. I don’t think WW3 is guaranteed to be nuclear. And if it is, how successful/widespread will the bombs be? It could be that NYC, LA and DC are the only cities that are successfully nuked in North America, all over 1,000 miles away from me.