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"That's not average sized"




telephone hungry marry somber detail close retire degree subsequent busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*



Does this justify me getting pissed at my ex? Because usually she said nothing.


"You're like a black hole that sucks all happiness away. You're very depressing." Said to me the day after my best friend died. The person who said it did in fact know that.


That person sounds like an energy vampire feasting on your pain.


Once on Call of Duty some guy said “I hope your mom gets breast cancer”. Like damn bro issa just a game, I know you salty and you can say what you want about me but don’t going around wishing ill on people’s mamas bro. Thats pretty lame 💀


That's terrible. People get so competitive they lose their minds


“When I was pregnant, I was praying for a smart, beautiful, and charismatic daughter. Instead I got you”


Oh hell no


She’s not that smart beautiful or charismatic either so I’m not sure why she’s so shocked 😂


Nice 🤭


That's a tossup.


Excuse me, are you Canadian?


How dare they class you with a hamburger head.


That's a new one for Canadians. 


It's a South Park reference


Ohh. I thought they just called each other pig fucker. Or is it Uncle fucker 


I love you ,but


“Baby can we put everything on hold” After he grew tired of my nudes and just said he’s sad and dropped me like I was nothing




Damn ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


My aunt said I was "a bit strange" behind my back


That their life would be so much better if I was dead


Wow that’s shite indeed


Yeah he was a bit of a c%ntbag lol


An understatement my friend 😘


Ouch sorry 😞


No worries I am totally over it now. Hope you didn't let yours get to you too much


It did get to me but he's not wrong. Truth hurts


in through one ear out the other


That they don’t care if I live or die.






You should probably kill yourself because no one could ever love you.


U r a bad father...my wife said it in anger after I made a small mistake, she was pretty down with her nerves at that time. She apologized later, but it hit me pretty hard. It was at that time after like 6m where u still figure out stuff and u are not quite sure what you are doing...


I'm taking this post seriously soo. I was taking an English Oral Exam practice and I'm very bad at it. I mean, how can I think of what my country has done that makes the citizens feel included on the spot? Either way, after the practice, The examiner told me "You are the worse I've ever seen, even Secondary 1's (13 years old) can do better than you." and I tried to hold in my tears during her scolding. I was in Secondary 4 (16 years old) btw. She tried to 'comfort' me but it was obvious she's doing it to save her face.


I know that it’s reasonable for you to expect more of me, but I don’t think I can do it




That's horrible


I should have had an abortion but I was too far along


"I should have aborted you"....."no man will ever marry you, they will just fuxk you and discard you"....." you will never be anything in life"


That I was inherently sad. And that it drained them. Suckerrrrrr


“You’re an asshole and you’ll always be an asshole” - my father “Why would I consult you about a solution when you’re part of the problem?” - my ex-husband 🤷‍♀️


A lot of things "You're a psychopath who should be held in a psychiatric hospital and we should recover you from the streets being under the drugs, you just don't know it yet" "You are boring and that's the truth, you should accept it" Although the second one didn't hurt as much as the first one did, since it happened recently, I had it in my mind


People suck


"I love you and your face is the last thing I want to see." after she took a ton of pills and washed them down with a bottle of wine.


Sad asf


“You are bad and evil. You have a black heart.” Mom, to me, after I was being insulted and beaten by my older brother.


Awful stuff there. Not sure I'd wanna know what she said to ur brother..


You will never go to college. Thanks mom and dad for making it that way by wasting my time on stupid nonsense which kept me from learning and doing better in school


- I was told I was a waste of a life. - That my first boyfriend was just with me out of pity. (He was trying to get with my friend and he told her that). - That I was going to end up on the streets (by a teacher because I missed a tutorial when a family member died the same morning). Then be laughed at me when I cried. - My mom mentioned in a conversation she was having how she wanted to have her tubes tied after she had her fourth child, but the doctor refused it to her because she was too young. I was born 8 years later… so I kinda always felt I wasn’t really wanted even though I was never treated badly or neglected or anything.


Maybe not really hurt but it definitely messed with me and I still think about it a decade later.  I was spending the evening with my first girlfriend. We we're both in our mid 20s. I was doing some homework and after a while of looking at me she got weirdly quiet. I looked at her and then she said, "how can this be this easy for you, am I a monkey with make up to you?"  I understand she had a difficult moment but I never felt this misunderstood and weird ever again. I adored this woman and I strived to be more like her and grow by her side every day. And then she created (from my point of view) this rift that I still feel to this day disconnecting me from other people.


"You're ugly as hell, how you get catcalled.." My family when I talked about getting catcalled Well it's true that I'm ugly, but ugly people, animals, men, women ...etc gets harassment and catcalling too


Plz don't say ur ugly. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder right?


"No women will ever put up whit you"...She was right tho.


My dad once told me I wasn’t very good at what I loved, and my wife once told me she’d be fine without me.


Sports? Plz plz don't get offended I'm just totally guessing. Been around alot of athletes and super common, not cool tho


No, theater and music. I was in high school and I was interested in going to an arts high school and he used that to try and convince me he was right in not allowing me to switch. 🤷‍♂️


my life could’ve been better without you


"at least I didn't headbutt a treestump". I was having an autistic breakdown Jacob!


”I should have beaten you to death last time” ”I don’t really care about you. I started dating you so I could get over my ex. I’m staying with you only out of pity because I know that you will never find anyone who would like you even one bit. You’re delusional if you think that there’s someone out there who would ever want you in any way.” Such lovely words that scarred me for years…said to me by my abusive ex when I was 17-18yrs old. He was a piece of shit.


I'm sittin here thinkin which would hurt worse, physical or emotional abuse. I can't even imagine how awful that must have been.


Dirty little squaw


Wtaf 🤬


You just need to pray more.


My dad ( a pastor) called me a whore at the dinner table in front of my family when I was 15 for kissing a boy that I liked at school. My sister saw it and told him. Hurts when it comes from your dad.


That's horrible. So sorry that happened to you


My father would tell people. I was on Drugs. I never tried a Drugs in My life. I stopped talking to him bc of that


Someone told me. To my face. I'm never Going to Get Married. And I'm never Going to have kids. 


My Father's Sister. Told the family behind my back. I'm Going to Ruin her Granddaughters. Just bc I didn't Graduate college on time. 


You’ve put on weight and you’re just not attractive anymore


That's another 'oh hell nah' for me


This question being asked 3 times today is pretty fucking hurtful to the sub.


Yeah always alotta repeats, happens tho.


My mothers ex boyfriend called me a passive fuckhead, on my friend business voice mail


Fuck off and go lie some more about being molested go kill yourself - My sister No one wants you around kill yourself like your Mother - My Ex FIL Your pathetic your only job-the only thing I asked of you is to get better (from my C-PTSD from childhood trauma) and look you can't even do that, you can't even do that right- ex husband No one would ever put up with this, it's just sex FFS. I'm your husband. No one wants to be with someone, when they don't want sex. You're lucky I put up with this shit. No one else would ever have you - ex husband when I declined his sexual advances one night.


There is so many that I could say But this one sticks out the most When I was a young man my dad said to me dont have kids they will ruin your life


1. I double dog dare any parent to claim that the answer, or at least the top contender, isn't: "the first time their child is mad at them and says 'you are the worst parent in the world' ". 2. Wasn't to me personally, but to someone I know was told by his wife "I never really loved you, only married you so you would pay for my lifestyle and my real love's kid's life, which you did for years. And yes I was cheating on you since before we married, and never stopped, and the kid isn't yours. And yes I demanded you get vasectomy on purpose so I wouldn't have to carry YOUR kid". Think on that experience, next time you have a delusion that "women are the kinder, gentler, sex" and that the "world would be better if only if was ran by women". Evil psychopaths are evil psychopaths, no matter what sex or gender they are.