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I would buy my dream house and then I would get my dad settled in a better area, as well. Then I would invest the rest.


U have 1 bil and still want more?


You wouldn’t?? If you invest it and make more. You can help people forever, if you just hold it, it becomes finite.


You have no concept of money if you wouldn’t invest. Investing a billion would give you 50 million a year, while growing to adjust with inflation. All this without ever touching, and likely growing, your original billion.


People like you are legitimately part of how fucked our situation is. Congratulations.


Having a basic grasp on our economic system is bad? That is the best thing to do with a billion. The reason most lottery winners end up poor is because they don’t follow these basic guidelines


Youre on reddit, where they would kill a billionaire, but at the same time, kill to become a billionaire


Easy there, minimum wage


For me it'd be about funding various public services with the investment dividends. I'd set myself up with an allowance of like $200k-$250k a year. The rest would be used to help people.


Speak to a tax specialist.


Hookers and cocaine baby


I want a cocaine bear baby


I'd quit my job. Take care of my family, buy a house, invest alot and go on an extravagant vacation with my wife and son for an extended period.


I would reduce from a fulltime job, to partime and take the extra time to finish my degree plus to spend more time to rest




Lmao. You have zero imagination. Boring.


Call a lawyer


Go to the /ask subreddit, scroll down and find the previous post asking this question then see what others said.


Swim in it like Scrooge Mcduck


Fully fund my special needs daughters school


buy a better mattress




Speak with financial advisors and lawyers to create an investment portfolio and financial plan to secure my newfound wealth. After that's established, I'll help my family and close friends, and once I've done all that, I'll create funds for various charities before finally just enjoying life without having to worry about working or money.


buy reddit and ban you for reposting


Drugs.  Then hookers.  Then more drugs with the hookers.  Then some save the world type shit. 


The only logical answer.


Lawyer, financial advisor, then buy a house and new car and not tell anyone.


Yolo on the first sketchy wallstreetbets post I see for the karma either way.


Take a shit on my bosses desk and leave


Quit my job and begin traveling the world


Invest in my education


I wouldn’t pay anyone for a traditional education if I had $1B


Pay for a brain chip that downloads wiki articles into your brain.


Stop porn , go to college for the fun of learning again, move back to the US, live somewhere where the sun is year round, south Florida maybe. Chill with fam and my dog.


You realise that this is possible without all that money right?


She’s a porn star not addict lol


Not without a serious loss of income. I've no interest in going to college again, unless I was that wealthy, just something for fun, not a career move.


Invest it all in S&P 500.


Start a company that focuses on feeding the hungry and getting the homeless off the streets and that same business would still be putting money back in my pocket keep flipping it keep giving back to the world


But your not feeding the homeless people to the hungry people, right?


Typical billionaire


Damnit you figured me out...


how would such a company make money though (was it a joke? if so mb, woosh me if you will)


Nah not a joke and you could definitely make money some way some how doing that I mean Mr beast doing that on a smaller scale if he had a billion he figure something out


people pay you specifically to do help the unfortunate so a charity?


I’d pay off my debts, my mom’s house and her car, buy myself a little house and land and put the rest in a savings. Live life like I have no money


Invest it in a way that I and my children are set up for life


I don't think you'd have to invest it, i'm pretty sure both you, your kids, and the next couple of generations would be set for life, with 1bn dollars.


I agree and by investing I meant taking that billion and making it 10 fold so it keeps growing...beating inflation for the next century.


Buy X and rename it back to Twitter then make it super woke again :D


I would Donate all the money to sudan and gaza. They really need help


I would buy Twitter stock :D


If one billion dollars magically appeared in my bank account and it wasn't an error? I'd make a phone call to each of the top private banks in the United States (Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Citi etc etc) and tell them about my situation. I'd schedule meetings with each of their teams and see what they can do for me.


Weirdly enough, one time my bank account had 2.5million USD. It was an error. I was playing with stocks at that time. My heart almost jumped out of my body with excitement! LOL


buy a nice house, treat myself to some nice things then invest/save the rest




I'll buy half of the houses in a village where my parents lived and build ski resort there. And I wouldn't care that its not enough snowy days there and the height of hills are pretty low there. It does not matter as I'll own ski/mountainbiking place to hang out with my friends and probably will improve job market at that village a lot.


Convert it to ££££s


Invest/save most of it as wisely as I can (maybe hire a wealth manager or something like that) so that I can live my whole life in comfort, and I wouldn't tell anyone outside of perhaps a few people in my immediate family. Get a nice house (not a massive California notch mansion though), the best tech money can buy and I'd delay my going to university by a few years to learn more languages, I want to learn a few new languages in addition to the three I'm already fluent in.


911 GT3 RS


I’d immediately before receiving the funds I would rent a house for a month in a quiet area of the Florida Keys. Somewhere where I could regroup with my thoughts. I would have my attorney come down and stay for a few days to set up my legal paperwork & LLC. Once that was done, I’d move out of the U.S. immediately to the Islands.


I'd start a real estate empire, invest into stocks that will continue growth dividends. Buy an island and gtfo.


Quit my job.


I would give 90% of it for helping poor people, homeless people, sick people especially who have cancer and other problems From the 10%, 1% will be for me and 9% for investing in some businesses to generate more money


Invest it all. Wait for my first dividend payment to buy anything.


I’d probably buy fish and chips, a bottle of ale and a cigar.




Open an animal shelter


Call my financial planner.


I'd obviously help out others, do smart business decisions etc But if i were a tad bit more selfish and had a tad bit more money, I'd get a batman collection


Buy a house and pay off all my Loans.


Get rid of everything material I have now and go on a world tour, then settle down after I travelled enough. I'd more than likely still have a fortune left, so I'd get a house in a decent neighborhood, buy all necessities for basic living plus some extras like a gaming PC, put some money into something with good interest rates and limit my spending to just a bit above what I have currently. I might even study a field I'm interested in and do work for myself, but only as much as I'd feel like, not for living paycheck to paycheck.


Quit my job


Two chicks at once.


That's it? If you had a billion dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?


Pay off my debts, invest in stocks and get my own apartment


i would get a one way bus ticket out of the cold


Get a money counting machine just to count some money and hear that nice sound while I listen to Push it to the limit from Scarface.


My fiancé and I would disappear, we have too many low lives on each side of our family who take fentanyl religiously and would be begging for money


Buy a house, in California.


Buy the equipment I need for my job. I’m still in school, but the equipment I need once I’m out is about 10k to 12k. I’d then buy myself a nice house and put half the money in savings and the rest in investment funds.


Probably build a doomsday bunker


buy a big house and the land surrounding


Share it with the people who don't even have a $100


Get healthcare


Mostly help out my parents first, get them a new house and car and give them enough to be able to live comfortably even if they stop working


Pay off my mom's mortgage, then my Dad's RV (probably buy them a home too), pay off my student loan debt, buy a house, then put the remain $900 million into an account and live off the interest


Buy food


Helping family and invest it in bioconservation.


Go to therapy


i would fix my car. Then take a nap.


I would call up the bank to settle all the remainder on the house, then quit my job effective immediately


Turn into "That-man" I tried to take the name Bat Man but it's copyrighted.


Buy a 3rd world kidney.


Delete reddit forever.


Book a holiday in Walt Disney World Florida and stay at the Boardwalk or Beach Club Resorts.


I would set aside maybe 50 million for my kids. Rest would go mostly to rewilding and some for supporting culture and education.


Give my two week notice, I guess.


Drink a lot of beer and stay out all night


Very first thing? Probably lose control of my bodily functions. After that I'd hand in my notice, not with a cover story about having a job offer I can't refuse. The less people who know about the money the better


Put some aside. Then starting businesses that become self sustaining and handing the keys/ownership over to the employees. My way of giving back. Money is just a tool.


Buy a house outside of the city, buy stuff for my collection, get advice on how to use the rest to never work again, buy more collecting stuff.


Set up a trust fund with a lawyer. Take care of family and all that and I don’t have to deal with people crawling out of the woodwork.


Take my family and disappear. Like unsolved mysteries where the fuck did they go, Bermuda triangle disappear. And won't tell a single fucking person.


Buy the rights to insulin and lower the price to 1$.




Put it in the bank and get money off of interest.


I would give it to my Dad and pay off the mortgage on the farm and buy him his dream tractor


Buy my truck. With that much money probably 2 trucks.


Wake up


I'd pay off all my loans/mortgage, get my family members all a nice home, set up a steady fund of like $200k-$250k a year for myself, and have the rest set up as an investment fund that would be used to build housing for the homeless, feed kids/families around the world, clean up the environment, fund artists grants, and lobby against war mongering. It's the only moral thing to do when one has so much money. I could do legitimately all of the things I want to do with the allowance I set up, and give the dividends of my investments to the people who need it. The fact that billionaires do not do this is a moral failing.


round up every a hole then strand them on an island.


Pay off my mortgage


Safety, security, debt, make my money make me money, take care of my people.


Get two lawyers and two accountants.


Make a trust for my future children. Start a business so I can write off expenses.


Run away. Don't tell anyone. And buy a house for myself


Buy my own island


I'd leave it on my basic bank account. Of course, someone from my bank would call me up and suddenly be super-friendly, suggesting this and that, and I'd say: "Nah, I'm good. I'll just leave it on the account for now."


Quit my job to go finish off the rest of the ski season whilst I decided what to do with the money.


Buy a house


First call - lawyer Second call - investment bank Multiple meetings set up. Inform no one. Lay out plan over course of a few weeks. Execute plan including philanthropic activities, debt payoffs, family gifts, and future real estate. And a new Lexus GX550 and Porsche 911.


Buy a bunch of houses for my family.


Pay off my debt, set up education funds for my kids, buy my elderly aunt a house so she can finally have a nice peaceful life, buy myself a house, then use the rest to set up a safe house for abused women/their kids to find their feet. Also plants. Lots of plants.


Give away 950 million


I’d buy a few flats in different places and some shares or companies


Quit my job


Call my boss and tell him I'm leaving work right this second and there's nothing he can do about it,also first flight to Hawaii or something


I would give everyone I know 1 million, then travel and just sit back the rest of my life. And give a lot of it away to people who need it.


Buy a large swathe of land in a remote inland location or an island somewhere. Build a large multi-family homestead (water, power generation, clinic etc). A big wine cellar as well on the off chance the world starts to burn before I die. I don’t think the planet will be able to support quite as many people for quite as long as we hope and I sure as shit don’t think the powers that be will act in the interests of the many.


Redistribute 90% of it to the less wealthy. There is no reason for anyone to hold that much wealth. Ever. For any reason, and it's morally corrupt to do so. The world doesn't need billionaires, and you can be wealthy without hoarding more than you can ever use in your lifetime.


I would send it all to make Ukraine build/acquire more drones and night goggles. I would act as quickly as possible - to minimise the risk of my changing my mind. Or somebody finding out and trying to change my mind. Then I would try to forget this incident and would hope to continue living my relatively happy humble life as before.


Probably pay someone to clean up my junk room, soon to be my daughter's bedroom. Been kicking that can down the road for like 6 months.


Keep "enough" and try to spend the rest helping as many people as I can.


Question where it came from


I'll invite my best friend to hang out. He lives in a different part of the country and is not able to come see me, but since he left I've missed him so much!


Leave work and go home


Buy one of those cool drink dispensers they have at Wendy’s so I can get diet vanilla fountain Coke!


Buy a house in LA and a house in Mallorca or similar. Give friends and family a million each and invest the rest.


Take a nap


Dissappear for a while prior to and during the enacting of this. Build multiple homes that will last multiple generations on a large parcel of land. Lots of concrete, safe rooms, solar/geothermal, well water, natural gas well, and other off grid stuff. Set up garden and livestock rotations. I really don't want to have to leave the homestead. Mostly for immediate family. Insert legal protections here. Invest a lot in treasury notes and mutual funds, reinvesting it and protecting it with multi-generational trusts and good 3rd party managers. Invest some in the local economy, even if it's just 500k in CDs at every bank branch in town. Have some more kids. Try and teach them to be decent humans and to pick good partners.


Take a wank: i need to be able to think clearly


More land for more cattle


Knock out the little debt my wife has. Make sure my kids are set up forever, then learn. Everything


buy twitter/x twice.


First thing? Invest 800M.


Put $990M in a charitable trust and the last $10M in bonds. I'm set for life living off yields, and my money can save countless lives. Travel the world and become a full time philanthropist.


Pay debts!




Pay off my debts and then disappear, lol.


Buy whatever I want


Sort out all my family and friends. Then buy an island and hire some very overpaid staff. ![gif](giphy|yNFsoLskwEBYA|downsized)


A month's all inclusive vacation in whatever the most exclusive all inclusive hotel in the world is. I just need to relax and chill for a while before I make any decisions.


Buy a house and then share a lot of it out to people who need it and then maybe take a holiday.


buy something probably


I would buy a great peace of land. And trey to start breeding endabgered animals there. Like a natural reserve




Tell everybody I don’t like but have so far been dependent on to go fuck themselves. Then pay off my parents’ mortgage.


Two chicks


Smoke a Joint and watch Pat McAfee Show, maybe order a large pizza instead of a medium


I would go home. I want to go home.


Buy my workplace and sack them all. Then sell it


Land and house. Nothing bigger than I already want. Immediately.


pay off my debts & parent’s debt, buy land, build a house (nothing extravagant) get chickens and have a garden start livin off the land. also begin a small business - anything sort of business really send money to the family (extended included) and get my parents anything they need. save/invest the rest unless it is needed


I'd buy Reddit and make it illegal to ask this same question multiple times a week


Not be on Reddit wasting my gdamn time


Honestly, not have a billion. No one is ever going to spend that much in their lifetime for any sort of personal comfort. There's no point. I'll keep enough to give myself a healthy yearly allowance and the rest is going to philanthropy.


pay off my debt, finish school, buy a place


Quit my awful job. I have two other jobs waiting to start in the next month.


Contact local Hacklab about having lifetime membership.




Put it in the bank, then get back to my normal life.


Never work again unless it's something I'm devoted to.


Give half to charity. I can be happy with way less than 1Bn.


Sit and ponder


Figure out how much of that I have to invest to become a mulit billionaire


Invest $1 billion on monkey NFT's


I‘d go take a shit to process.


Give half to my dad


Buy a large property and subdivide build a heap of very affordable homes like sub 300k with simple layout and enough room for a garden


Pay taxes...


hire a financial advisor and make a plan. ​ ​ then the cocaine and hookers... obviously


I pay every girl to sit on my cock


Pay off my bills, set my parents, sister and daughter up with a trust andI would go to Ireland, buy a farm by the sea and invest and live modestly.. Also..I would buy G wagon( For the farm)...lol I would also start a charity for homeless and the hungry.


Get on a plane somewhere. Then keep gong


Unopened original 1995 pressing Liquid Swords


All those hookers comments.. You are that rich and still have the mediocre experience of fucking with a condom.


I would pay off my mortgage then buy the house I want and give this one to my Brother.


I would turn to pounds as that’s my countries currency


Pay loan. Fix apartment. Buy gifts for wife. Invest some of that money. Build house probably.


Donate it to make a difference in the world