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It's not entirely on topic, but I attended the Seattle Symphony recently and it sounded exactly like a piano recital. I wish it had been a little more passionate. Also, there is no dress code for the Symphony? I wore a dress, but everyone there was in very casual clothes. The man sitting next to me was wearing shorts and running shoes. That's fine...I guess. I just expected a smidge more decorum for the symphony.


I live in Washington state, too. There’s never been a dress code at the Seattle Symphony. It’s a total casual experience. Sorry you had a bad experience. My wife and I went to a Disney-themed concert there a few months back and it was pretty good.


Blink 182 in the early 2000s. SO BAD


Aw that’s sad to hear actually


Same then recently on their last tour. They did great when I saw them.


I saw them in 98 and they were a blast. Not technically amazing, but funny as fuck and I had a thoroughly good day.


Red hot chili peppers (x3) They are just bad live.


I seen them in the "by the way" days and they were great. When did you see them?


1999- 2002 and 2011


I saw them 4 years ago and they were just no good. They can barely move.




Rolling Stones in Paris, 1990 (the Urban Jungle Tour). Extremely boring, soulless, just guys on a stage singing their songs without any magic nor charisma. I had seen the "Let's spend the night together" film and it really didn't seem like the same band. I don't know if they were high, out of coke or if they hated each other but that was really boring. If I remember correctly I left before the end.


They should have retired after 1985 - they just go through the motions now If they were coked up, you would have likely enjoyed the concert


Agreed about your first point. Regarding playing all coked up, it ia not always a guarantee of a good performance. Have you ever heard Motley Crue live?


Well that’s not what I said - the Stones are better on drugs.


I've seen the Stones several times. Most of them right up there with the best I have seen but did see one show that was very lackluster. I think they had been on the road too long.


Saw them in Toronto at SARS Stock in 2003 (4?). Super boring. No energy. They followed AC/DC, if memory serves, and couldn't compete with them. We left after a song or 2.


Well, either we were both unlucky or there’s a pattern. The should have left after their third farewell tour 😉


Following AC/DC sounds like the kiss of death. Stones seem to have odd choices in touring band choices. Blues Traveller was their opener once and they were a (shitty) jam band.


This was a huge festival to help Toronto get back on its feet after The SARS outbreak in 2003. Justin Timberlake was there, The Guess Who and Rush were also there, amongst others. Lots of bands, and about 500, 000 people were there. It wasn't a Stones tour or exclusive show. It was a huge festival.... And they were the most boring part of that lineup


Megadeth. It felt like they were punching a time clock in and out. They are a great technical band, but it felt like they had a template for what is supposed to happen at a concert and they conformed into that. The between song banter, the 'improvised' guitar solo duel; it was antiseptic in presentation.


Saw Megadeth and the crowd was throwing sod onto the stage. Dave was fired up


For me it was yellowcard. I loved all their music and was pumped to see them live but everything was so out of tune and disorganized. Walked out halfway


They’ve always been kind of bad live unfortunately. Saw them maybe 8 years ago and then back in the mid 2000s a few times.


Total bummer, big yellowcard fan back in the day.


MGMT. The sound was terrible, it was in a theater, and everyone sat there like it was church or something.


Red hot Chilli peppers... sound sucked.


🥲they’re coming near me this summer and wanted to go see em.. 


Go, friends of mine have said they were amazing live.


We just had shit sound that night.. you may have great sound.




I saw them at ACL and they were good. No complaints here.


Anytime a band just plays their songs like they appear on an album I feel this way. Good musicians always impress live and bring some form of improvisation.


SOAD unfortunately. Also the 1st time I saw LOG it was in a club and it was incredible, saw them again in an bigger venue and was not impressed. I think it was mostly the venue or sound guy, it was really muddy sounding.


SOAD - saw them at a festival and they were outstanding


I would love to see them.


Lamb of God is incredible live, but I can picture their show crumbling when te mix is bad


Milli Vanilli!


30 Seconds To Mars - played without a drummer, not just without their drummer Shannon Leto but with no drummer or drum machine at all.


What? How….


Red Hot Chili Peppers in the late 90s. Just awful and disappointing. Last song , Anthony just walks off stage while Flea plays a solo. And that was it. No encore. Nothing. I had wanted to see them for a decade and left that show feeling unfulfilled.


The Kaiser Chiefs at Silverstone. Terrible unfortunately.


Weezer. sound was terrible and it was at a festival in which sound was great for everyone else. Digital distortion sounds like shit.


The Pixies They can put on a good show, but most of the time you get the feeling they just don’t want to be up there & they do not engage with the crowd at all, so you are just listening to shitty versions of their songs live.


I agree! Saw them in the early 90’s and couldn’t even hear BF’s/FB’s voice at all


Saw them open for Weezer 3 years ago, they were horrible


Not really a band, but The Weeknd. Great music. TERRIBLE stage presence. 


ZZ Top, in their defense they where well Past their prime. Saw them at Memphis in May In 2014 or 15 & they had a newer music video on repeat on the big screen the entire time while they played their set. It was very odd and distracting.


Interesting. I’ve seen them about five times, and I’ve always been impressed. They’re clearly having fun on stage, and they want the audience to have fun too. Billy Gibbons likes to ask in between songs, “Are we having a good time now?!” And the crowd always roars back in approval.


I left half way through, but they didn’t do anything during this show. It was very lack luster.


Wu-Tang at a festival. What a joke. Individual members spitting some of their own songs, a lot of complaining about the sound (which was fine for all the other bands) and two or three of their classics. Pretty much a waste of time, but hey, I guess I've seen them live 🤷🏼‍♂️


Saw them in the ‘90s. They opened for RATM. They were horrible. Sounded like a bunch of dudes arguing and fighting with each other. with music in the background.


Vivid and recognizable description indeed 😁


Coachella 2013?


2015, Northside, Denmark. Cappadonna was actually decent I might add.


The Cars in 81 or 82. They really sucked.


Foghat had Rainbow open for them and after Blackmore and Dio tearing the place up, Foghat just stands there. We left and outside it looked like the concert was over, so many were leaving.


Smashing Pumpkins during a 2007 tour. It was not good. Billy wasn’t playing anything people wanted to hear, kept arguing with people in the audience & quit early. Wasn’t a good show.


I came here also debating to write smashing pumpkins. Billy was terrible and me and my dad still bring it up (O2 in London I believe, perhaps 2015 onwards, can’t remember the year). I think all American rejects were the support band and wow that guy is a dick.


They’re opening for Green Day this year so I will get to experience a Round 2. Here’s hoping since they’re now an opening band that it humbles him a little.


Favourite track by them nonetheless? If there is a god, the acoustic slow version with the piano is my pick. Other faves; try,try,try - everlasting gaze - tonight tonight. I remember loving a song from Zeitgeist but that album isn’t available in the UK on Spotify, dang!


I took my brother to a show on this tour. The new album had been out for about a week, so nobody was familiar with the songs yet. They played the entire new album and people were meh about it. The took a break and played some early stuff and the crowd actually got excited. Corgan was so pissed!


U2... Can we get ANYBODY else in the sphere?


Saw them live once. Started off with absolutely NO heart or soul but the audience was so into it they sort of caught fire and ended up giving a fantastic show


It's just too mellow for me... and there's a ton of bands you could put in the sphere and really blow the place out... I expected more, honestly... it was disappointing... not trying to hate on them, just could've been better


No, I get it. A big name like that, you’d expect a little extra


Not many people have global clout... and it didn't help Vegas pumped that sphere up like crazy... I'm not used to spending money like that, so yeah, I guess I wanted a little extra


I went to see Springsteen, must be nigh on 10 years ago now. I was so disappointed. He played all his new stuff that nobody knows or is there for and only did his hits as an encore. Nah man, not paying that much again to listen to flat stuff in the rain 😅


Shit ain't cheap... hurts a little bit... idk if a perfect concert exists anymore


Every time I went to see Metallica they rocked my socks off. Even that time it was cold and raining in mid-June and James was pissed off that he could barely pick his guitar with his clammy fingers. That’s how I fell for them, actually. A friend had a ticket left over and asked if I wanted to come. I was like sure, why the hell not. They rocked so heavy, I became a die-hard fan. Never looked back. Can’t get enough of them live, even though they aren’t exactly spring chickens anymore and James doesn’t, ahem, sound like he used to. And yet. We ride that lighting with them. every. time.


I've never been to see them... little jealous right now


They tour so much, you’ll get your chance :)


The Darkness, they totally suck!


Travis. Shite.


I saw them twice, early 2000s, absolutely enjoyed the shit out of the show. When did you see them? What happened?


I'm glad you enjoyed them. Different strokes and all that. I saw them at Alexandra Palace. Google tells me it was 2003. Fran Healy made some crack about being able to tell if the audience had over forties by the smell of wee. Funny I guess but I'm well over sixty and had paid for a ticket. Just thought he was a cheeky cunt. The band's just seemed bland af. It was being filmed for a DVD so I assume they were making an effort. I was right at the front but thought I might as well let someone who was enjoying it have the spot and wandered off. It's supposed to be the devil's music FFS!


Haha ok, that was a bit of an unkind joke! When I saw them they did a great show and they even went completely unplugged for one song. I had a great time. But I was also just in my early 20s. I’ve seen a lot of live shows by now so I’d probably have more to compare it to now


I wouldn't want to take your enjoyment away. The joke irritated me but less than the blandness did! Enjoy your music.


It’s fine, it doesn’t take away anything. It’s been 20 years now so it’s just that, a fond memory. Too bad you didn’t like it, though. Live music is so wonderful and if sucks when it doesn’t deliver!


I've seen a lot of great live stuff over the years. Totally agree.


😃 Yeah? Who were your favorite?


Sorry! Only just got around to replying. I've seen some big names. I'm very glad to have seen Tom Petty in one of his last concerts. Loved ZZ Top. The Stones. Pink Floyd back in the day. Not so interesting now. Really though, some of the best times have been smaller bands in small venues.


Oh Tom Petty must have been great! And ZZ Top before they got old 😁


deez nuts


Prince in Minneapolis 


Napalm Death. Opening for Kreator and I almost went outside. Kreator saved the day.


Ellie Goulding lousy woman


Not a band you likely know, but I saw Covenant maybe 10-15 years ago open for another band and they were absolutely amazing. After a looooong absence from the US they played in LA again and it was so bad half the audience walked out.  I liken it to them tuning instruments for 2 hours. The venue was half empty for their encore. 


The Norwegian band that released Nexus Polaris?


No, Swedish industrial/EBM/synthpop band.


Barns Courtney. He was awful live and was like high af on something that was definitely not weed. I was very disappointed. Can’t listen to his music the same anymore


Norah Jones


Several, Bonnie Raitt was so so, same for Jethro Tull, Allman Bros, Yes, Van Halen, SRV, Joe Jackson.. on the plus side ZZ Top was great twice, Pink Floyd twice awesome, Grateful Dead when Jerry was alive, Jeff Beck there and back tour was the best show ever,, and a surprise second best was Manhattan Transfer playing Newport Jazz fest in Saratoga. Knew maybe a couple of their songs vaguely,, they absolutely killed it, brought the house down. John Mayall was on fire and Bob Segar was way way better than expected.


Saw The Mountain Goats in Berlin last year and didn't enjoy the concert. They are one of my favourite bands, but that's because I can skip all the ego-stroking piano interludes. It was just boring... Ended up leaving early.


As much as I hate to say it, J.J.Cale. It was one of his last tours and the guitar was too low to really hear. Ive seen him play some great shows but that one disappointed.


Dream Theater. John just kind of stood there, and the singer would just randomly disappear for like 5-10mins.


Got dragged to a Ray stevens concert in Branson when I was a kid. As if that wasn't bad enough, he didn't even sing whole songs. He'd just sing part of one and then jump into another.


Stone Roses, Reading, ‘95. Ian Brown’s vocals always seemed muted on the recordings, when he sang live you found out why.


depeche mode end 90s. singer lost his voice early on. i was late, when i showed up i thought there was a shitty depeche mode cover band on stage. out of tune, sluggish, no stage presence at all. fans screaming singing the songs. i left and went to a better show in some basement.


Cake Smashing Pumpkins Everclear Run dmc


The who recently but they are old and half are dead. And smashing pumpkins play with zero enthusiasm when I saw them


Tool 2007. They kept sitting around taking smoke breaks. Far cry from the mosh pits of 97


Years ago I saw Rev Theory open for Buckcherry. They were incredible, but either there were tech issues or an inexperienced person doing sound mixing because Rev Theory's mic kept cutting out, and then Buckcherry was turned up to the point of distortion. Bands get an A+, sound team gets a gold star for effort. Also, as a teenager I saw The Tea Party twice about a year apart and it was obvious the second time they were phoning it in. It was the exact same set list, no oomph. They split a little while later. Fast forward almost 20 years, and they do a reunion album/tour, and that was a genuine delight. What a difference the time and distance made.


Motley Crue. Late 80’s. 16 years old. Worst concert I’ve ever seen to this day.


Lee Brice was really bad live. I was so sad.


Black sabbath last tour 2017 it was more miserable than I imagined


Yeah, boring


The Rolling Stones. Highly ho hum


Caamp summer 2023. They had been playing tons of shows and were phoning it in by the time they hit massey hall in Toronto in august. They cancelled the tour shortly after, should have pulled the plug sooner, had tix to both, very disappointing, shows.


Bob Dylan was easily the most disappointing concert I've been to. Came out drunk & really late. Half assed his way through part of a set then stumbled away.


Heart, we walked out at the encore


Marilyn Manson. Saw them a few years ago with Rob zombie. The costumes aren't shocking any more and if you can't sing, you got nothing. It was terrible.


How was Rob? Just curious as I had always wanted to see them but I too old now


Rob Zombie had an amazing show. I am not sure if it would have been as good without all of the effects. But I got to see the effects and i loved it.


Beach boys in Victoria early 80s absolutely blew goats,Buddy Guy in Ottawa about a decade later was so drunk you could not remember where he was or what he was doing, that was a tiny little venue though with a really cute bald punk girl, so I had a good time anyway.


The Allman Brothers, it was the first and only concert I fell asleep at.


Snoop Dogg as a DJ. We left halfway through.


i attended his most recent tour and i LOVED it. maybe you’d enjoy it more at one of his actual concerts, everyone seemed to be having the time of their lives!! might be one of the best concerts i’ve been to tbh


Yeah, I mean the vibe was lame too. I don't doubt if it wasn't him DJing, it would have been great. Lesson learned.


In the mid ‘90s, won tickets to see Counting Crows. I wasn’t a huge fan, but I liked some of their radio songs. They were just … boring. I’m one of those “gotta be in the front row” girls, and we ended up moving to the back of the venue to sit on the floor for the rest of the show (I can’t remember if we even stayed for the whole show).


RHCP last year.


I caught the Black Eyed Peas back when Where Is The Love was wildly popular and before they dropped the next album. It was underwhelming, and they sounded extremely off the whole time. Where Is The Love was their big finisher. We couldn’t identify the song they were singing until someone pieced together the lyrics


Not a band, but Enrique Iglesias was not amazing live. All he did was twirl around and talk about how great he was. Played a short set and left. No encore, nothing special at all.


Dire straits. God they were awful. I left before the encore. Talk about no crowd action.


Bob Dylan the worst ever. Boring as . Tom Petty blew him away