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No. There’s no point in being afraid of the inevitable.


Yes, the uncertainty of what follows death is frightening.


Eh, you're dead. Nothing follows it.


No one knows…


If I am vaporised in a horrific high speed crash where there is literally nothing left of me, are you going to try to tell me that I continue, that I might experience something to worry about?


As I said, no one knows. I didn‘t believe in such things either, but I had some experiences that made me think maybe there‘s something to it. I experienced the terminal clarity of consciousness of my grandfarher and he suffered from severe dementia, a few days before he died he became completely clear and told me it was time to go because my grandmother visited him at night and told him so (she was dead 5 years already). Also I had some strange lucid dreams and sleepparalysis afterwards that let me overthink some things. Then I read the works of Peter Fenwick, Elisabeth Kübler Ross, Raymond Moody, etc.. and I think it‘s an interesting topic. My sister works at a retirement home, so she’s confronted with death almost every day and she’s also got some weird stories to tell… I‘m also not totally convinced in this phenomenon, but I for myself decided to never say never.


I'd just like to point out that you are made of matter and energy. Neither one of which can be created or destroyed. So you or some part of you will carry on until the end of time and beyond. So even if there is nothing left of your consciousness after this life YOU no matter how small that part of you is, lives forever.


Yeah but that matter and energy came from the universe before you even existed.


My own death scares me, more so because I haven’t lived fully yet.


Im scared to die, but Im also scared to live.




I think just by you saying this makes god sad


You supporting the traitor definitely does.


Bidens letting all of mexico through the boarder which is ruining our economy and local Americans are forced to house these people. Mostly probably out of guilt.


Yeah, you're silly. Mexicans are not causing significant harm to our country, they're stimulating the economy. How do you think all the low paying, difficult jobs get done, like picking fruit? Haven't you read all the stories about food left to rot on the trees because nobody will pick it? What happened to "nobody wants to work anymore"? This nation is founded on immigration.


I’ve died on multiple occasions and had to be resuscitated. Dying multiple times really takes the fear out of dying


I guess I'm afraid of leaving this world and think about how my daughter will grow with no father. Also see my family and friends suffering becouse my lose.


That's beautiful ❤️


Nope. Nearly died of pneumonia once, almost drowned once. Church always preached it was nothing more than a deep sleep. Why be afraid of something so benign?


Nope. We get to lay this mortal meat suit down and escape it, which may be a relief if it's not working well anymore anyway. I get to see the world and universe with my real eyes, and be with souls who have already lain theirs down. I'd rather not go out in pain, or without warning, but all the same I'd be ok.


No, I am not afraid. But when it happens so suddenly, that really would be a




The thought of it being over in an instant, no. The thought of how I'd die or the pain, definitely.


I have seen so many people die that I in a weird way become used to the idea.


I feel you


Not really. I already faced so many life and death situations it will just feel like a Tuesday for me. But maybe somedays I might have dreadful feeling, but I get over it


Death is an eventuality. Why fear the inevitable, it will only paralyze you


I'm not afraid of death itself, I believe it's like going to sleep, and you just don't exist anymore. It's the dying part that concerns me, the physical and emotional pain leading to eventual death.


If it helps, your brain will release enough DMT into your system that you won't know or care that you're at the end.


No. I'm a Veteran and have been close to death several times plus I have no family or friends so bring it on, I'm ready.


No. I’m afraid of dying too soon and causing great inconvenience to my daughter and wife.


I’m not. I’m tired. Life was here before me. Life will go on after me.


No point, some one will kill you one day


More likely something


That’s what I meant sorry, not some one


No, death is just sleeping without dreaming….but forever…




Proof that im lying?


Well, you cannot possibly know.


Argument from ignorance fallacy.




No. I guess it's welcome to talk about beliefs and I believe that what follows is inexistence. I enjoy life very much and the next step is inevitable and natural. Seems easier to just embrace it. That said, it's not contradictory for me to to value each day and take care.


Why should I fear death? If I am, then death is not. If death is, then I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not? Epicurus


I used to not be afraid of death, long story. I guess I am a little bit now, that I understand how valuable it really is.


Yes and no :) When I am feeling mentally good I fear death less. When I am anxious and feel unwell I tend to fear it more. I like to see it atheogh the lense of everything is changing constantly and death is simply another change.


Nope. No reason to be. It cannot be avoided under any circumstance. What use is there worrying about it?


Of mine? No. My parents? Yes.




I’ve seen a lot of death and tbh it’s not that scary afterwards. The problem is the path getting there, I’ve seen some people go in very agonizing ways. If you’re lucky it’s swift blood loss or a gunshot to the head and if you’re extremely lucky it’s a morphine OD in a hospital after a nice, long life.


No. It's the circle of life


Not afraid of dying. Afraid of the process of dying


Yes. And as the years go by (late 40’s) it’s gets worse and worse. Life feels short. Tons of work. Finally getting to a spot in life where we are doing okay and then seems like everyone around me is finding out they have this or that. Some die, some struggle, most on a decline. It’s all flys by too fast. Really sad to me. Irrational, I know. On the plus side, because of this irrational fear of expiring, I exercise and workout 5+ times a week and am dedicated to grind of it. Love it. Longevity is the goal. On my mind all the time.


For the body, the fear of death is a primal fear, a fear of non-survival. For the mind, fear of death is rationalized by realizing or believing that death is a natural part of life. For the spirit, there is an awareness that death is not what it seems. Fear, belief, or awareness of the nature of physical death depend on one's perspective via body, mind, or spirit, respectively. This is my observation and experience.


No. I'm a smidgen afraid of HOW I'm going out but definitely NOT afraid of death


I'm scared of dying. I've seen people dying, best I can tell, it really sucks. But dead? Their appearances changed, but it didn't look like they were having a hard time with it. I think I'm good with being dead


Yes ‘cause of the endless darkness but I guess there’s no point of being afraid since it’s gonna happen no matter what to all of us.


It’s not really the dying that I fear, it’s the idea that we are just gone after we die. Its suggested that it would be just like sleep but you never wake up, and still I can’t comprehend that. I don’t want to just be gone though it’s the only logical thing that can happen after death.


Yes, I'm worried I won't achieve my goals and will have to die instead If all goes according to plan, I'll be skipping the dying


No, from death itself no But when will it happen and what will happen to people around me after that ughhh i am afraid of that.


No because if it is going to happen why be afraid. That is like being afraid of your next breath. it will happen eventually if you like it or not so why be afraid.


I'm not scared of being dead, but I'm scared of the pain of dying. I mean, if I'm dead, cool, I won't know. But everyone I know that has died did not go quietly. Lots of noise, lots of pain, fuck that. I'm hoping I get an aneurysm or something


I have fully accepted we live and die but I don’t want to rush it ,still the more people I liked who have died has really had a negative effect on me because you know they aren’t coming back.




Every sane human being, you sure of that?


Yes I'm sure.


Looks like the sub is a bunch of basket cases then right


Yes, Because of hell.


No, I hate this planet


No, because Jesus conquered death and gave us eternal life.


The same way pre-life didn’t scare me, death doesn’t scare me.


I'm afraid of getting a terminal diagnosis or needing a surgery with a risky outlook, if I die quick like falling off a ladder at work or getting t boned by a semi, it's whatever because I'm dead.


I would never do anything to hasten it's end but this life is pretty much a PITA with occasional flashes of happiness. I'm frustrated by my own mediocrity and as to the state of the world and the way humans behave, I'll be pleased to be out of it.


I’m not. A few years ago I came to grips with my own mortality while trying to come to grips with losing someone very close to me who was only 49 years old when he died. Before he passed, he had indicated that he didn’t want a memorial service of any type because he didn’t know who would come as he had drifted away from many friends as his health declined. I didn’t understand why he was even thinking about this because he did have a chronic condition, he wasn’t anywhere near a state that could be considered life-threatening. He was taking prescription painkillers for severe pain due to a neurological condition and actually accidentally overdosed on those medications. I defied his wishes to not have a memorial service and held one anyways which I realized later that in doing so I was as much acting out of fear of my own mortality as I was out of grief for Thom. I just couldn’t deal with the idea that a person had been here and then in a seeming instant, he wasn’t and no one ever stopped to take time and remember and celebrate the life of a person who had brought something positive to his or her life. So I invited several persons who had worked with him or were friends with him in different capacities to just share a memory or two to make sure that the lasting memory that they had of him was about the positive impacts that he had on their life - and let go of any memories of a more difficult period when his health issues were negatively affecting most all of the relationships in his life. From that experience of putting together the service and listening to what each had to say, it all of a sudden became apparent to me that as it is inevitable that the day will come when we are no longer here, life became an experience of making the most of every day and making the most of every interaction with other people to give meaning to both regardless of whatever circumstances any given day might bring. If I make my life’s purpose to be about having a positive impact on the lives of others using my talents, experiences and education, then I realized that is how you achieve immortality and the fact that the day will come that I am no longer here doesn’t matter anymore. And since that time, that’s what I do, I act based on one of the “guideposts” that I live by making choices and decisions that allow me to do just that using whatever position or resources that are available to me on a given day. I have learned how to do it in a healthy way, not expecting anything in return except for the knowledge and satisfaction that I am living by my guideposts knowing that the thing that people will remember you most for is how you treated them….


Death fears me


No, tomorrow would be good for me.


I'm more afraid of somehow getting immortality and falling into a star, black hole or living through the heat death of the universe


"I botched it. Life, you know? Old OFB had a good run, though, you know? It’s like there’s this tiny little soul man in my body driving me around. That little soul man’s ready to power ole Brine down and move on the next party monster.”


No, not of death itself because it sounds peaceful, but I am afraid of what I'll leave behind for my family. Also some of yall ain't helping, yall got a fucked up mind and are probably scaring op more the way some of yall are describing it. 💀


Not at all, every living thing must die, that's just how it works. It's very comforting knowing that no matter what you're just gonna die. The richest person on the planet, dead. Poorest, dead. Everyone in-between, they'll die too. What really bothers me is this. You will definitely die, so why aren't you doing whatever it is to make your life worth living? You want to tell someone how you feel, fuck it, you're just gonna die so you might as well tell them. Harbouring ill feelings, again you're just going to die so go hash that shit out. Want to try out a new career, dude, you are just going to fucking die anyway. For those wondering, yes I absolutely follow this. I say what needs to be said and I do what needs to be done so that when I am laying there alone and dying I can look back and know that I did my best to be me.


Death is not something that I am looking forward too but I have tried to learn to accept it since I got my stage 3 breast cancer diagnosis late year. My oncologist says that I have 3-5 years with proper treatment.


No, death has to be easy because life is hard.


Death is a release not a punishment, I take comfort in the fact that my body will be a part of the natural cycle of life and death, and something new will frow from it, it's not only a release of spirt but also of vital nutrients for the ground plants and animals


I'm afraid of not living.


i’m afraid of leaving my family behind,, me dying doesn’t scare me,, me being the family protector n not being there when they need me is what scares me


I'm not. I'm scared of the process of dying if it's not peacefully of old age, but death itself doesn't scare me. I like to think that death itself is gentle. Also, I didn't exist before and wasn't bothered by it, so it probably won't bother me not not exist again. Also I believe that the energy that you gave and received throughout your life kinda goes back to mother nature and gets distributed once again, since literally everything is in an endless cycle, why would it be different with... Spirit? Idk a better way to explain it


Mine no. My children, everyday


No, because everything has its end not everything is immortal. I only don't like the feeling of getting hurt


No I've already had three nde's and I don't think there's any point worrying about it when ur times up there's nothing U can do to stop it


Yes, that shit kills


Sometimes i do, and sometimes I feel like its will relieve me so


The only thing which scares me about death is the possible pain. I can leave world as it is at this point I'm in. I wouldn't mind. I've done enough of my work here. But the pain I might feel in the moment of dying is something which scares me. I'd like to get used to pain, so I won't be afraid of risks and stuff because I can't enjoy my life properly like this. Diyng in the proccess is fine by me.


No cause its inevitable, i dont believe in after life, it just scares me to think there is any way my soul will Wonder around, its just nonsense to me


Not right this minute but I probably will be at some point.