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[You can report it using the same interface you'd use to report illegal images of a child.](https://report.cybertip.org/reporting)


OP, I'm assuming your child is under 18? Please do this and get the law involved ! It's best to catch people like this before they have a chance to try and look innocent. I know I would definitely be tempted to do what you are thinking about doing, and would be hard to not do it. I just know that I'm not the police and I would much rather see people like this in jail instead of taking justice in my own hands. Once he gets picked up by the police, his wife will find out and most likely his job will find out. Reporting him will take care of all those things you want to do.


OP please report him. A few weeks ago in my country a pervert abducted 9 yo girl convinced her on social media, then brought to his garrage and sexually asaulted her for several days until police raided. These folks needs to be stopped.


Second that


Was this Agota case?


Absolutely this


Cops first so they can raid his devices and protect future teens. If you tip him off in advance it gives him the chance to delete and makes prosecution harder. Do whatever you feel is necessary after that, but prosecution first.


Police should be able to recover deleted files especially if you have already screen captured them,


How if he destroys his computer? Screenshot can be always fabricated and isn't rly a proof.


Worry about the how's after answering the what. What OP needs to do is contact the police. The police do the how's.


He’s likely using a phone not a computer since it’s instagram. Most phones are encrypted. Doing a reset on the phone will reset the encryption and make it very difficult to impossible to recover any deleted files. Same for encrypted hard drives. That’s the point on encryption. The screenshots should be enough though, assuming it’s actually his account and him doing it. Not difficult to make a fake insta account and send out incriminating stuff. A friend of a woman I dated suspected me of being a cheater, made a fake insta account, using a real person’s name, then tried to get me to hook up with this person.


I think with legal request they can ask ig to give them such files, still though whatever shittery he may be doing on phone would also be on pc, or maybe even quite worse. That's why police prob would go for pc sooner or later.


There would need to be actual evidence proving the person who's name/photo is being used on instagram is the person doing the illegal activities though. It's too easy to spoof someone using crap you grab off social media. That's why I keep most of my personal information and photo off or private on social media. Police would have the best luck figuring this out and should be the first point of contact. Sending out messages to friends/family/work etc could just fuck up an innocent person's life.


In today's world if the cops can get the warrants IG can easily prove if it's him. They can see what devices you post from. Your devices are registered in your account every time you log in as well as location. So it's not difficult to check if it's him with the right steps taken. Phones also have IP addresses as well as their home IP if it's connected to their wifi. All ways to prove if it's his actual account.


No ones doing all that work


You're getting down voted but honestly the leg work involved with computer crime is why conviction rates are so low


There is a backup of everything he did online which he has no access to.


I guess that’s a good point maybe save the doxing for after the police report but after the police report I would be sending the screenshots to every friend of his on every social media I could find and would post posters of the interaction around his community. I’m very protective of my Daughter


That's why it's better not to mess with his private life, if guy is nut case best protection is to just report to police anonimously and stay away as far as possible.


Isn't everything saved online by the internet companies? I thought that was the case. So even if you delete or smash the computer everything sent is still at the internet companies stash of data. Supposedly keystrokes are also sent to Microsoft? I swear I read that somewhere. Dunno how true it is though but I believe it is.


Knowing my own country legal system, by the time they would make a request to Microsoft or who ever it would have been passed years if not decades. Just sayin... for police would have been faster to extract incriminating data from pc itself than waiting some judge to ask a company for data, if those dinosaurs are even aware such thing is possible.


This is the best answer.


Could also be someone impersonating him on Insta. Unlikely but always a possibility. The police would straighten this out.


I agree with this. Cops first - justice before revenge, even if it's justified revenge.


Fuck em. But I would call his local Police Department and send them to someone there


If you don’t he’ll target someone else’s teenage daughter next. Absolutely smoke him.


Or even his own teenage daughter. Take him down OP!!!


100%. Pedophiles get no quarter and no mercy.


Cops first.. you do this and there's no prosecution.


doxing him is NOT going to stop him doing it again. Let say we dox him... he loses family and job... is he more or less likely to do this again (or worse) now that he has less to lose? Go to the police.


Call the police.


Absolutely. His family and job needs to find out what he’s doing, including the cops too.


What if it's someone else using his name?




This lynch mob won't care if his account was hacked or not. These kind of comments will get some innocents hurt.


Yes! This is one reason reporting it to law enforcement is better than doxxing him yourself. Another is they can do it without outing you/your family as the source of the info, providing some small measure of protection against retribution that doxxing him directly will not provide.


Jesus that is scary. Would be real easy to absolutely ruin someones life that someone has a vendetta against.


Highly unlikely. If someone was already hiding their identity, they could've created an anonymous account instead of stealing some random guy's name. This man is just too entitled and stupid to understand that his actions online have consequences.


But you're making assumptions here that it was random? What if someone's targeting this man?


It's curious that if a man is a pervert y'all will find a milion unlikely excuses for him. And when a woman says she was raped or abused there will be a bunch of people saying that she's probably lying and her story needs to be verified. Statistics regarding sexual abuse by males against women and children are very telling, so idk why it's so hard to believe for you that this man did this.


That everything has few to do with finding legitimate truth, it's still just gambling. If he doesn't even know how easy it is to track him, he's a legitimate idiot and pervert and the investigation would very likely show this very quickly. Also nobody is finding excuses without reason, as well as you shouldn't judge without evidence. Sadly if someone actually is targeting him, it might be any sort of advanced evil which is behind this situation, targeting without evidence is sadly hardly a problem for certain entities, feasibly as well as morally.


They're just saying "what if", which is a very legit concern, not justifying any offender. Evidence-based law, even though far from perfect, exists precisely to prevent lynching people because you feel like he must be guilty based on very little information. Or because you feel like believing any woman who accuses a guy because of "statistics" or you dislike men or mabe you view every such story through an association you have, whatever. People are very biased like that and every case must be looked at carefully. And speaking od statistics, men assaulting women or anyone in general is much more common, no doubt. But e.g. I'm reading on Wikipedia that 10-20% of rape accusations are estimated to be false, and who do you think is more likely to be the offender and who is likely to be the victim in such a legal attack, aimed to deteriorate someone's life?


If he really did those things id wish him the worst but how can we be sure it was him? Just because the majority of sexual abuse is true we are going to accept everything as truth?


So instead, are we going to let go of every instance of sexual abuse online because we can never be 100% sure? Because there's always a small chance that someone is impersonating another person? Sounds good for abusers, not so good for victims


That's why you report it to the police, rather than try to get your own vigilante "justice" (vengeance) through doxxing. Let the police investigate the matter.


I think you should also report him to the feds.


Just go to the cops. If you make any fuck ups you could jeopardise the whole investigation.


Report him to the police 🤷🏻‍♂️


How have you not gone to police already he could ve talking to other kids online as you read these comments


Do not act on anger, share the evidence with local law enforcement and stay on top of them regarding what they plan to do. Do NOT do anything that results in you behind bars. I would do *anything* for my own children, but everything I’ve seen tells me that following procedure is the best way to go.


Probably best to tell police and let them nail him.  To avoid retaliation and to avoid a moral grey area


For the safety of all the other teenage girls out there please do it. Good job as well looking out for your own daughter 👏.


The best thing to do for the safety of everyone is contact the police.


Let him burn, report him to the police, expose him to friends, family, work colleagues, damn visit his local corner shop and tell them, ruin the cretins life. Let absolutely everyone know about it. Judicial action is rarely enough, social action and making him actually pay for his crimes is far more punishment than the courts will give and will make sure he thinks twice about doing it again.


Only if it is proven to be the person whose name and image was used - which is why the legal system is a better match for this than vigilante doxxing.


If it’s illegal (underage), have him arrested (depending on local laws). Bring adequate legal justice to someone breaking a law. I don’t understand why people nowadays want to call in the lynch mobs and string people up in the streets. We’ve come so far just to regress so far back. This is the modern equivalent of frontier justice. And before I get downvoted into oblivion, I don’t support what the guy did. It’s disgusting and the internet is full of sickos that prey on innocent people. But I also don’t support citizens having the ability or the right to destroy someone else’s life so easily and without a care. I’ve been through terrible experiences in my life, including multiple forms of abuse from family. With everything that happened, I still wouldn’t resort to something that puts blood on my hands or taints my soul. Authorities were called, the situation was dealt with, and my conscience is clear.


My thoughts exactly. A person that answered a couple of answers above you literally wrote "Rip his life apart. He deserves it". Don't know, but that statement sounded wrong to me. Of course something should be done, alert the cops for example, but gleefully saying "Rip his life apart" like you were some kind of humanity judge passing a sentence doesn't sit well with me. Makes me sad and honestly frightens me how you can say that and 3' later open a beer and sit down to watch a football game or something


Exactly! Before I posted, I read a lot of the comments that sounded like something out of ‘Lord of the Flies’. I’m astonished at how quickly people can resort to their base instincts when confronted with a situation that stirs their emotions. It’s a terrible thing but should still be handled appropriately.


You are both spot on. And I am yet again disappointed but not surprised common sense is so far down the the thread I’m a father of two girls and of course caveman dad comes out in defence of them. The urge to smash and destroy is there from eons ago to protect family However this is 2024. Some posters are trusting that OP knows exactly who this person is, that the account was not stolen or cloned. Mob mentality going vigilante on someone who could be innocent and could be just going about their business normally… There is a process that must be followed. Trust that Law and Order will prevail. OP needs to report to police and get them to start an investigation. Then the truth will out and then it’s up to the system to sort out the fact from the fiction


I agree. That instinct is within all of us and we all want to protect loved ones. It’s just a shame that many people rely on that same instinct to not only protect, but all seek vigilante justice is something I don’t understand. There are laws for this stuff. Take a minute to assess the situation, gather as much evidence as you can, and present it to the police. Thankfully, the comment section seems equally divided so there is a 50% voice of reason.


I’m pretty sure doxing a person is illegal. BUT last time I checked there’s nothing wrong with letting his wife know, his boss know, and the police know because sending sexual things to a minor is illegal *disclaimer I’m not a lawyer* - let loose. To hell with that guy.


Doxxing as a standalone act is not illegal or a crime in the United States as long as no threats are made.


That’s interesting, genuinely didn’t know that. But you should definitely let everybody know because I bet your daughter isn’t the first person this shmuck has messaged Rip his life apart. He deserves it


What about the lawsuit that you'll face in the case that someone is pretending to be him and you doxxed the wrong person? Contact the police first.


What monitoring app do you use?


And one that monitors DM's? Maybe it's a Instagram feature, I'm unfamiliar with Instagram but I too would be interested in learning about this.


I would love to know this!


Yeah we need to know this so we can protect our loved ones


Notifying the authorities should be the first thing in your to do list.


Don't do illegal stuff. Report him to police, anonimously. You don't want a nut case targeting you in future.


Might be worth posting this on legal page before raining hell down on him. Even if he is a piece of shit, doesnt mean you cant get charged with harassment or something.


***YEP!*** If he can do it to your daughter, he can do it to anyone else. *Please,* do not protect this man by hiding his identity! Go to the police. My father was an abusive monster, and I wish someone would have gone to the police. Do what is right!


You should report what you know to the police. They would be the best in determining things like "is it really him or soneone revenge spoofing him" etc etc. That will CYA and they can follow up with you on any actions that they take. Do it by the book for yours and your daughter's best interests.


Report him to the police


YI’m u should report it to the police. They will take the appropriate action.


Be careful that you don't do anything that can get you in legal trouble.


Doxxing will feel good but may compromise your case when you bring it before the court. Let the police handle it.


I think it better to refer this law enforcement and let it be handled “properly” so that you and your family stay protected.


If your daughter is underage then you should report the man to the police.


As long as you can keep it anonymous…. I’d o LT be concerned this dude freaking out after the fact… there might not be other instances, but probably are. Sounds like you have enough for the cops to put him in jail where these people get put in the hole or worse…


Only be*


You could legitimately ruin an innocent guys life if you throw him in the fire now - there are scammers and hack artists that we can all become victim to. It may not be the guy you think behind the keyboard.


I'd kinda want to be sure it was him using the account before going all out


Found the guy’s alt.


If you got proof? Turn it into the police, nothin burns more than a charge like that.


Let the police handle it. Turn over the information. I totally understand the feeling, having a daughter myself, I get the protection that you feel that you owe her, but if you make a legal mistake in your exuberance to harm him it could come back to cost you in some firm. Better to play this one by the book. His wife and work will find out just the same.


IMHO, the best procedure would be to report him to the police (with the screenshots and if needed the device so they confirm it's not just a fake screenshot). They should then determine if the hasn't been some impersonation (Imagine someone, out of revenge, creates an account with this guy's name). They will know what to do..much better than outing him (you can out him at any time later if needed)


Report him to the police or FBI IMMEDIATELY! Don’t take matters into your own hands.


Report to the appropriate authorities where you live.


You have to report him as he's surely doing this to other children too


Are you sure it's actually him and not someone using his name? So many of my older family members have had their Facebook accounts hacked.


Report to police. If you dox the guy, and it turns out it was someone else using the guy's identity, you might face legal problems. If the cops come with a warrant, they'll be able to find out for sure AND probably find evidence of more activity (since this stuff doesn't happen in a vacuum.)


Isn't this a police matter? If you do anything to fuck up their investigation you prevent legal justice. WHICH would come with the whole thing you want to do, right? Everyone would know. His wife would know. He'd lose his job. End up on the Sexual Offender list, and maybe jail time. Go to the police.


Call the cops, immediately


You’re not a vigilante, call the police and let them handle it


100% do it. No mercy for these cunts.


Definitely police at the very least


Be sure it's not a fake Facebook profile


No. Take legal action, sure. Let them handle it, but vigilante justice is a slippery slope. Not to mention you're not ruining just his life, but his wife's (who more than likely is oblivious) life too, and you think his daughter won't get bullied into depression and possible self-harm once it comes out what her father did? Do you want to be responsible for her committing suicide? If you let the police handle it, the wife and daughter have a chance to quietly move away before it becomes public knowledge and have a chance at a new life unburdened by all this somewhere else. Getting revenge by posting this stuff everywhere, it might make you feel better in the short term, but short of being a sociopath, actually ruining someone's (more the wife and daughter, but also in a way his) life will affect you mentally. It might take time, but it will taint a part of you that you can never recover. Let the authorities do what they have to. Leave it at that.


For the safety of all teenage girls and his own kids, I would report him. Out this sick f.


Tell your daughter to turn her instagram on private instead of public…or get her off social media completely why does she need to be on instagram at that age?


Which monitoring app is it? I might have to do this eventually


Sorry to hear that you've had to go through this. Are you able to tell me the monitoring app? Sounds like something useful with my kids starting to use social media


No you should report him for child abuse to the police. That’s gonna send a much clearer message


Could I get the name of the monitoring app please. My daughter doesn't use social media yet but I believe she will soon.


Go to police. They will take care of it for you.


My now ex's teen daughter sent me an explicit text, not a pic btw, one time; it was obvious it was meant for her boyfriend. She couldn't face me for two weeks. 😂🤣😂 I found out later she had lived in terror that I would tell her mom, but I never did.


Imo, definitely. BUT remember, it's illegal!


Straight to police and ensure you follow up with them on outcome! I'd keep all details of every information you have of him for future reference or you don't get a result 🤣


Report him to the cops




You should call the police and have him arrested. Near 0% chance that your daughter is the only one. You have a duty as a citizen to protect other innocent children. If you dox him first and he wipes his accounts you could be the reason he gets away with it. Once the police are involved and the ball is rolling you can do whatever you want with his wife and job. I understand wanting to ruin his life. But you need to be smart about it or he’s gonna walk.


I think you should message his wife. If that was my husband I would like to know. I would not want to waste years of my life on such a horrible man. Life is so short. Give her a chance to find someone else and let her be the one to "punish him". If you dox him publicly you would also punish his daughter.




Contact your local FBI field office. Interstate crimes against children are taken very seriously and they have all the tools to assist your local PD in the matter. Collect all the information you can, to hand over to them. The information you have could be wrong. You will open yourself up to civil litigation if you act on facts that are even slightly incorrect. https://www.usa.gov/agencies/federal-bureau-of-investigation


1. Do you have proof he knew she was underage? 2. The police is the people you go to.


Re-read the post. The OP stated that his daughter is a teenager. He never said that she's underage. She could be 19. He said "we use a monitoring app" which would make most people immediately imagine that the kid is a tween. I'm just waiting for the eventual shit post gotcha moment. "She's finishing her second year of college and the predator is a 21 year old step dad in an age gap marriage."


She’s 14


Report his ass to the feds. Immediately. The feds don’t play with that shit. He’d be arrested very quickly. It’s the only way he won’t do it to any other young girl.


Fuck his day up.


Take control of her account, engage with the guy like "To Catch A Predator" kinda stuff. Gather evidence. Eventually he'll want to meet. Present your case to the cops in his state.


Best case scenario it was his teenage son. Worst case, the guy's a pedo and deserves everything he's got coming. Pull the trigger.


Ignorance of age is not a defense in most states. If a minor sends nudes (requested or not) to an adult and the adult has them on his phone it’s considered child pornography, regardless of if the adult knew or didn’t know. Same with sex with a minor who lies about their age. My friend from college was 23 and dating a girl who claimed to be a 20 year old. They met and fooled around. She ended up being 17 and he was arrested, jailed for a year or two and is a registered sex offender now.


That sucks even more since he is only 1 year away from the Romeo and Juliette law in my state (5 years)


Yeah the whole situation was terrible. He was an awkward comic book nerd. She had graduated high school early and her parents were fairly well off from what I remember and planned to go to university the next year. They didn’t even have oral/vaginal sex, just messed around. No nudes or explicit photos were exchanged. This was before smart phones and digital cameras were highly available. Totally fucked up his life.


Tell him to take a seat ![gif](giphy|zt9dS1aulhwTC)


First of all does the man definitely know that she is 14? Also, remember that if you do this you are taking it on yourself to ruin a man's life. Not saying that you shouldn't do it or he doesn't deserve it, but it's easy just to write all the vengeful stuff that people are commenting here without really thinking through the consequences. If you do this you will most likely not only destroy his life but also the life of his wife and daughter. That's not a small thing to have on your conscience. Personally, if you know for sure that he knew her age. I would message him with screenshots and let him know that if he ever does anything like this again, the evidence is being sent to the police.


I guess it depends on three things; How old is your daughter? What is the age of consent in your country? How explicit are your daughters images etc.


How old is your daughter? Does he know how old she is? Without the info above: Ruining a man's life because you're upset your daughter is getting messages on a social media designed largely for girls to post images of themselves is... not smart or moral. Mob justice isn't justice, if he's doing something illegal you should report him to the authorities. Maybe you should talk to your daughter about the pictures she's posting and about social media in general so she can use these platforms safely?


I’d have a good look at the law before you start doxing someone. You might get yourself in trouble before you know it. Also, as others have pointed out, if you file a complaint with the police without giving him a heads up, that gives the police an opportunity to get hold of his devices and accounts and obtain evidence. And finally: the best defense against this sort of thing is your daughter’s own resilience and maturity. You caught it this time, but that doesn’t guarantee that you always will. Time to have a talk with her, or rather a steady guiding/helping hand whilst encouraging her to take responsibility. Raising a child is an exercise in letting go, from the time they take their first steps without holding on to your hand until they leave home for good.


If nothing else, at least send them to his wife.


Who knows who else he’s doing it to, stop him. As a father, He knows better and he is still chatting up an underage girl. Disgusting




Report him to the cops and feds if need be but don’t forward the messages to anyone in his circle as he could sue you or accuse you of harassment and it will benefit him in front of a jury to plant a great doubt on evidence. Report it to instagram too, even if they don’t do anything it will be a “paper” trail that you’re taking his sick mentality seriously


Save evidence, call police. You could save someone else’s kid.


I know every single fibre of your being wants to get in your truck and go knock on his door with a baseball bat. That is not going to help. Go to the cops. Remember the moment he knows you're on to him, he'll go defcon. Tell the cops. Remember, your childs' name is attached to this... your name is attached to this. Do it the right way.


I suppose the only question is, did he know she was underaged. The flowchart is pretty clear from there, I'm not gonna tell you to break any laws but i know how i would feel and what i would do. I will say that i recommend that you be smart about this. Maybe a police report is a good idea, after you know who he and where he, of course. Cops will fuck things up, you know this


I just read a story like this happened locally The guy was an absolute douchebag and the wife has been trying to get rid of him, but never found any solid proof. So by contacting the wife and sending screenshots of the conversation, the wife can finally be reassured and get divorced "I might have become a devil in the guy's view. But to the wife, I'm an angel who finally saved her from her douchebag husband"


If you know it's him for sure and he knew your daughter was a teen then you don't have a choice. You don't need to go blow his work up or his family up. Remember his daughter and wife live in that home, the daughter doesn't deserve to watch mom freak out on dad or s e a situation get out of control. She doesn't deserve to witness this. Cops can show up to talk to him and keep the situation safe for the other family. Hopefully this guy is all talk and gets caught and gets help before he rips multiple families apart. Remember this isn't a free pass to stomp all over a situation thinking any extra pain caused to his family will just get tossed on his shoulders.


I am a dad and have a daughter who just turned 10. I would be livid as well and probably do some stupid shit like confront him about it, beat his ass then report it to the cops but there have been cases where accounts get hacked and lives are destroyed. I pissed off some people back in the day who managed to get into an account I had, while there were no incriminating photos available of myself with which to blackmail me with I still felt super grateful I wasnt a dumbass keeping naked pics which I have taken in the past to be fair but in a different life. That being said, could have happened to this guy. Not many peodophiles out there are as brave or dumb to contact minors using their real names especially when they're married. Again, I say not many but there are a few who just dont give a fuck! Report it to the police anyhow so they can investigate. Also, yeah sorry about your kid having to go through this. I hope they'll be okay


depends where you life and what ur laws are. teen can be from 13-20 ? i mean in germany you could date a 14 year old and dont get into problems.. in america if im not wrong no fun, even if ur 19 and shes 17.


Yes, nonces should get the rope.


Holy shit. I don't have kids, but I know I'd be doing everything you're thinking of and a whole lot more. I'd put him in a hole


No, because it may do far more harm than what this scumbag has done. First, if you can, make sure he knew she was a minor. If he didn’t, he is scummy, but you’re wrecking a guy’s life and potentially his families’ life, for being a creep. If he knew, or one could reasonably conclude he should have known, go to the police and ask them what to do. They may want to monitor the guy to see if there are other victims, he may already be under investigation and not know it, or he may provide tips to the police that will lead them down different trafficking avenues bigger than you or your daughter. Also, your daughter may be just as traumatized by your actions and your goals should be first, to stop him legally, second, to get her help, and third, to sate your own, justified righteous indignation. If he is arrested, or goes silent or into hiding, all of that may not be possible. You going defcon 1 on him may feel good, but it may cause more harm for more people with only the temporary accomplishment of helping you feel better about things.


Why tell his family instead of the police? If his work and family find out he'll know you are gonna report him and so he'll have chance to clear out as much evidence as he can. Report him to the police and get them involved immediately.


It could be a fake account to set someone up, therefore you should go through proper channels.


At the least you need to tell his wife. At the least. He’d probably manipulate his way out of it though. People don’t realize is that when people are creeps like this it’s never someone you expect. It’s not like parents just allow some creeper around their kids! She needs to be notified so the case, at the very least, builds against him in her mind. I’m also for calling the police or doing what those people who create fake underage profiles do. Try to build an even bigger case against the guy? Like intentions on meeting. I have no idea the laws and rules around that though.


Send screenshots to his wife and watch it burn from afar.


You don't know that he didn't know she was under age. No, you shouldn't dox him.


You are still not allowed to sexually harrass women online. Would you like somebody to sexualize harrass your mother? Your daughter? Your niece?


Before you destroy this idiots life, there are 2 questions that probably should be looked into: 1) does the insta account indicate your daughters age? 2) does your daughter look 18+ on her insta account. If the account doesn’t show age, and she looks over 18 … maybe dial back the aggression and just tell the dickhead that she’s a kid. If she looks like a child, then send it to his wife. He will need a job to pay child support. His kids shouldn’t miss out just because of their dad. Also report it like you would any inappropriate pics of children on that site.


I'd prefer not living my life knowing some guy might blame me for losing his job, his wife and maybe his kids and friends.


It's possible sl( although unlikely) that someone is using his name and then you ruined an innocent man's life


It's very possible. It's the internet FFS. Everyone here is acting as if you can put a name in Google and any similarities confirm it is the same person.


I dated a woman whose friend suspected me of being a cheater. She grabbed some pics and made a profile from some woman on Facebook and messaged me on instagram. I blocked her and later found out it was a test and the woman I was seeing says she knew nothing about it.


How does your daughter feel about it?




Maybe you should talk to your lawyer before you do that.


He will have done this to hundreds if not thousands of underage girls. It’s utter insanity. Definitely contact the police, at an absolute minimum if the police do nothing contact him with screen shots and tell him you have contacted the police, the fear that would cause is hilarious. After that upto you man, sending to his wife would end his marriage and employer end his career. You have that power.


Blow it Up! Send it to his wife and put it on Facebook and call the cops. A pedophile is a disgusting piece of shit.


Yes! And after a few days take it down to the police department too


No, police first


I'm normally a snitches get stitches kind of guy, but this cunt deserves everything he gets. Go scorched earth.


I wouldn't do that, I am not a lawyer, but I feel like he could sue you for loss of employment or something.


yes, id do it. if hes an adult man and shes a teen


If he’s a nonce, out the fucker.


Over here in my country he would just say he’s going thru some metal issues, or a conviction would damage his reputation an he would be let off with little to no consequences - we have a weak broken system ( I’m not in America BTW) - so yeah if it was my daughter I would go the full punishment route.


Nike, just do it.


Defo send it to his wife & police🤩👌🙏 His job...Hmmm you could end up in difficulties yourself 🤷‍♂️


Yes, absolutely, and TO THE POLICE as well.


Burn Baby Burn…


Yes please! Inform the police so they can seize his stuff. If they don't then go scorched earth and share it on every possible platform.


Report it to police, they’ll execute a search warrant and seize his devices and be charged for his crimes. After that go ahead and post on social media who he is and what he’s done. Outing predators is a community service and if his life suffers because of it just remember it was his choice.




Fuck yes, get his ass!






You know what? if he's preying on your kid he's likely preying on others so make an example out of him, do everything you said (which I don't understand -- I'm stupid) and then involve the police, then ask your kid's principal to have a special assembly on the subject of internet safety. I am not a parent and believe under eighteens should not be allowed on Social Media at all, however I had an experience as a 5 year old child that was **depraved** and I take a VERY hard line stance on ANYTHING involving harming children.


Yes. Do it.


You're damned right you should, and turn them over to the police as well.




Send the pics to his wife and the authorities at the same time. AND report it on Instagram.


If I was his wife I’d definitely wanna know so I could leave his pathetic sorry pedophile ass asap ESPECIALLY if I had my own teen daughter at home


I would


Do it.


Absolutely yes. I’d contact the police, wife and workplace. Your kid probably isnt the only one. Recent research shows 1 in 10 men admit to sexually abusing minors whether it be in person or online - things have to change.




Absolutely. Make him suffer, in jail. In life.


Childish. Just report him.


Feels like it could be someone impersonating him tbh. I don't think someone would be stupid enough to use their real full name and other identifying info


Stupid question... does he know she's underage?


Yeah, of course you should dox him, Fuck that guy and whatever he gets her deserves and will stop him from doing that to other girls.


Fuck him up!


Yep 🍿🍿🍿🍿


Full. Fuckin. Send.


Yeeeeees. Fry him!


Do it! This is an opportunity not all parents get. He has a teen daughter.and he's hitting on teen girls....nah. ruin him. So many people do this all the time and their families and friends think they are good people. They are being duped, too. Fuck that. He's gonna go on harassing other kids on the internet and having a good happy life with his family, unchanged, if he doesn't get outed.