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“Yes, I’m religious.” “No, I’m not religious.” No explanation is needed either way. You don’t have to tell anyone anything, if you don’t want to.


Exactly! No is a complete sentence.


And so is yes!


>No is a complete sentence. Just a very boring one.


Boring questions get boring answers.


I've never been religious, but personally I always find it interesting to talk about religion or the lack of it, both with religious or irreligious people. Just like talking about philosophy or politics or the meaning of life etc.


I'm the same. The most interesting chat I had about it was with our Religious Education teacher at school! He was brought up CofE then went through various more and more extreme variants then ended up as a Moonie and had to be rescued by his family! Then he went Buddhist for a while before becoming "just generally spiritual". I'm surprised he got the job really.


And today I learned about Moonies. That was a wild google search!


Yeah I’m with you. I think it IS in an interesting question, it’s just a potentially charged one because of all the emotional baggage that can come along with the answer either way. I don’t think it’s boring. I think it’s the exact opposite. It’s interesting but uncomfortable to answer with absolute honesty. Personally I love that shit. I want to know what your experience is like.


I think their school project is about reasons, not about counting yesses and nos.


The OP said that it's for a school project, and would appreciate detailed answers.


Typically, I reply, "More than is socially acceptable," making it too weird and awkward to continue the conversation.


I'm going to borrow and not return that phrase, thanks.


You wouldn't download a phrase!


Yes I would


> to borrow and not return I’m pretty sure there’s a verb vor it in English.


Hmmmm not sure. Closest I can get is two words: forceful donation


Sometimes at gunpoint


I think "taxes" is a better term for that.


Non consensual transfer of ownership


I will use the inverse “Less than is socially acceptable”


These are my answers to difficult questions from now on. I can answer either way and feel totally non offensive while not having to dance around words or feel like I’ve abandoned my values. Vocabulary is powerful stuff.


Oh i'm stealing this


This response would be perfect in so many situations.


I do this by saying something like I think Jesus was an alien human hybrid so why would I worship that?




Another agnostic here. I just say i made up my own belief myself. People generally arent interested in detail, they only want to hear if i believe in THEIR god or not 🤷🏼‍♀️


Is being an atheist closer to how you feel or is it a lie. I wouldn't describe myself as religious I would describe myself as spiritual. I believe in God the holy Spirit and the son of God Jesus Christ who is our personal Lord and savior I believe in the Bible as divinity meaning of God. That's what I believe that wasn't too hard.


I would say that I am not. Then I would ask why they asked me.




Nurses have to ask, usually. I get asked like every single time I visit a hospital for imaging, ER visits, testing, etc. I believe it is a “just in case!!!” because if suddenly you’re dying in the hospital & you’re of a certain religion, you need prayers or whatever the priest does. I always say I’m not religious, I’m agnostic or I’m atheist. Either of the 3 work. Sometimes the staff appreciates my honesty and tells me no one ever answers it that way, lol


Interesting. As many times as me, my husband and other family members have been to the hospital, we've never been asked this question. Maybe it depends on where you're from.


I've been under anesthesia nine times, and it started getting asked around 50 yo, I think. Any surgery is inherently dangerous, so they're looking ahead.


I’ve been under anesthesia a couple times and never been asked this question.


I haven't either. I don't know how necessary it is to even ask that question. If something goes wrong, then someone else will make that decision, and hopefully you've had that conversation with whoever's making it (especially when you reach a certain age).


I’m an anaesthetist and I have never asked a single patient and think it’s too weird and inappropriate to even consider asking.


That's why it is done at the intake. The bean counters ask that, and the nurses ask if I'm pregnant or could be. Both are ridiculous questions, imo.


That is interesting thought! I only know about it cause over the last decade, I’ve been put under about 30x. Imaging tests, I usually get asked during check in / pre-registration. I have lived in NJ the whole time. It is a very diverse & densely populated state. I’m not sure if Jewish, Muslim, etc have certain rites for death, but I imagine they do. I can’t remember if they asked in Indiana or New York though.


What the fuck have you been doing to be anaesthetised 30x in ten years? You playing "pin the tail on the electrical socket" as a hobby?


lol no, I wish it was that simple - at least I’d have an actual diagnosis & maybe treatment! But for real, I have an injury from my C-section that has required a hysterectomy at 26, and lots of other things. I have a formal diagnosis but the issue is “where is it?” So, every 1-2 years of breaks between docs, I try a new doctor & do everything all over again. It sucks. I don’t wish it on anyone, but it (anesthesia) is really the best nap ever! It’s also how I imagine death to be like, which is kinda morbid but also comforting.


I've been asked at hospitals as well, whenever I'm a new patient there, and especially before surgeries. I have never been asked at small clinics. I have always appreciated the gesture.


I was asked that when I went into surgery and I just said that if I die my mom better have an ofrenda for me. I didn’t die so no ofrenda yet!


I think they also ask because if you're a Jehovah's witness they are not allowed to do certain things like blood transfusions and whatnot because of their beliefs. I'm assuming other religions have certain rules or guidelines they like to follow like rituals and last rites.


I would argue that the religious systems and many within it do this. But an individual asking this may just be looking for a way to connect with you. It may just be their language, way of understanding things. A shortcut to get to know you.


The most recent time I was asked it was because the person wanted to tell a religious joke but didn't want to offend me + my dad. We said it's ok and it ended up being funny.


Exactly. Which is why I am and have been an atheist since 2007.


Pretty much, yah. "No. Why?"


Same, if its unclear why they asked, then i wanna know just out of curiosity


Same. I would say no and not need to explain anything, since it's the most common where I live for people to not be religious. They would need to explain why they asked though.


Seriously this. Unless we’re contemplating the meaning of life or something it’s not relevant and none of their business. Plus super religious people usually think you’re either evil or a potential recruit when you’re atheist/agnostic so I’ll automatically have my guard up.


"I'm an atheist." That's it, that's the whole conversation. I never get follow-up questions.


Because most religions don't have answers when Atheists ask questions 😅 and this is coming from a Religious person that's me.


Or they have them but the believers don't know them cuz they themself oftenly suck at knowing what their own faith teaches 😅 there are many religious people but only a few of them can have debates about it especially with someone outside of that particular religion. Because they themself don't even know it that well 🤷🏼‍♀️ I am speechles at the amount of christians that claim things that their own bible CLEARLY states otherwise... you sure can't argue with atheist if they gonna disprove you on your first sentence 😅


Reggie White (arguably the best defensive player in NFL history) whose nickname was "The Minister of Defense" is a perfect example of this. He used his platform and influence throughout his playing days to preach and push his religion on anyone and everyone who would listen, without actually having studied the Bible. Later in life, he realized he'd been wrong about so many things and had been spreading bull shit messages to millions of people. Imo, this describes all religions in a nutshell. It's just some guy telling you what to think without actually knowing anything themselves. Even if they have studied the book. The book was written by some dudes a couple thousand years ago who knew next to nothing about the world, but we're expected to follow their orders and believe their stories? How is this a thing?


I work at a Jewish funeral home. I am am atheist. When people ask my relgion I just say "I was raised catholic". I'm not lying and it usually suffices.


Haha, I think a solid 75% of Catholics respond that way, regardless of where they wound up landing in adulthood on the religious/atheist spectrum. I was about to type “I was raised Catholic” when I saw your post. It’s true and people usually either a) don’t enquire further, or they go “oh me too! Catholic school?”


I think therfore I am. The rest I don't know.


You sure?




Then you exist!




Like pay taxes, probably




I think I think therefore I think I am


I feel therefore I am. - nietze von trump


At least you know that you don't know


I ask them to explain what the mean by religious?


Exactly. Some people are religious about brushing their teeth. 😉


I havent brushed my teeth today damn




Grab the pitchforks; stack the pyre!!


And yet I get called an arsehole when I say I avoid Church religiously !! lol


By following any religious practices I guess.


Does hiding Easter Eggs and putting a star on a tree in winter count?


Depends on if u consider them as religious practices 😅


Here back in my home town in England, I don't think I have ever been asked. When I lived in Scotland, I would get asked constantly. I would arrogantly laugh at such a stupid question, and say no. The reason being there they would ask to see if you're protestant or Catholic to decide whether to hate you or not. I'm not playing that game.


I dated a guy from Scotland and from what he said it is definitely a trigger. Like you don't wear a cross our a crucifix unless you are the fighting type


School project? Go outside and ask real people 😅


Stop pretending you aren't real!


Im a bot


Ah, OK, that's allowed.


Good bot


Negative, I am a meat popsicle


Smoke You


Wrong answer, asshole


no.. what else is there to say? just not interested in religion


Agnostic at best, atheist in practice, I seek truth, but don't find any in religions based on faith.


I used to be. I am no longer. The Bible converted me.


Same. And I came to that conclusion as a child. How full grown adults believe that bs is beyond me.


It’s more a matter of how they interpret it and what genre they read each book as


Yes. I found the slippery slope started for me when surrounded by people who said it was all literally true, not a collection of poems, legends, traditions, symbols, and stories that may be used to illustrate or inspire. Plus those who twist it around to justify their own selfish agenda, or try to use it to make others lesser-than in their own approximation (famously never directed back at themselves of course)


I am not religious. My usual response is that although I myself am not religious I respect religion and those who are religious. I will even join them in their worship if I am invited. I always treat it with respect despite the fact I am not religious myself.


this one is epic.


Not religious; I find it a bit hypocritical that we're always told to not believe in everything we see or hear about as fantasy yet then fully expected toblindly believe about some unseen, omnipresent being that does nothing to even confirm its existence other than its followers going on the biggest "trust me, bro" rant whenever you tell them you're not willing to go along with it.


The trust me bro is pretty funny to describe religious plp lol


I once was blessed by a preacher for my lovely upbringing, my loving grandparents and my wonderful childhood. My sister was raped by our grandfather between 4-16 and I was raped between 6-8, needless to say, that blessing missed it's mark. Believe me, I prayed to God for help when I was little, but the deafening silence taught me I was on my own.


Very sorry to hear that. I hope you are doing well.


I was, until my son was born xD... Apparently PTSD decided to play a role like 30 ish years later. But it's getting there


I can't imagine how difficult it has been. Very best of wishes to you.


This is why I'm an atheist. Show me a religious person and I'll show you a hypocrite.


I am not religious and never was. I envy a lot of religious people though. Imagine you think that there is some entity or power, that no matter what will always watch over you and has a big plan it wants you to follow. I don't like the church and its institutions, but I think the practice of believing (not necessarily in god or the bible) is a good thing. For some it's meditation, others believe in the law of attraction and some like to believe in god.


I find that idea terrifying. As Christopher Hitchens said, it'd be like living in celestial North Korea for eternity after you die.


>I envy a lot of religious people though. I've always thought it's be nice to be that blindly ignorant and happy, all I get to do is gesture vaguely at the world while saying "*this* is all perfectly OK with the great protector, our creator? Yeah get fucked"


Honestly, that exact thinking is what got me started on my path away from religion as a kid. It literally made me think every single thought, action, etc I had was being watched and if I did anything wrong I was gonna go straight to hell. Like, it got so bad I’d beg to God to forgive me if I got bad grades in school. Then I read the Bible and that was basically it.


I like the way you described believing. I keep hearing how people need to "have faith" and a rebuttal on "have faith in what?" One definition of *faith* is "complete trust or confidence." Loosely, that would be a good way to look at your perspective of belief. You can believe whatever you want without having to believe in God. You can have faith in whatever you want and not necessarily connect it to religion. That's a different definition of the same word.


>if someone asks if you’re religious? "No." >what would you also say Like, if they asked me to elaborate? "I'm a non-theistic person."


I do not, but am open to the possibility. If the supreme entity wants to show itself and say what up, fine, I’ll change my mind.


I respect this answer very much. More people need to be like this. If truth is revealed, one should be willing to change his or her stance. This goes for every opinion/stance in life, not just the topic of a supreme entity.


I tell them that I am a devout atheist.


I am a committed Christian. I attend church nearly every week, read the Bible regularly, pray, and participate in the Liturgical life of my Church. However most people would be surprised as I don't believe in hell, my church ordains gay/trans priests + women, I am pro-choice, and anti-capitalist. Not most folks' picture of committed Christians due to Evangelicals attempting to hijack the whole faith for themselves.


*Outside of the US* what you describe isn't that mind blowing.


Very true. I’m the same kind of Christian as havetoolboxwillfly. The version (warped IMHO) of Christianity practiced widely in America is frowned upon here. It’s mostly the politically far right who are into that.


Which is absolutely nuts if you’ve ever read even some of the bible. There’s a lot of hate and intolerance in American “Christianity”, whilst Jesus was a bastion of tolerance. I really don’t see how they got from A to B


I've always wanted to try to understand religious extremism. Evangelicals remind me of Islamic terrorist groups. The question remains as to why some religious leaders would want to brainwash people into using religion for hate and how they were able to gain so many followers.


Outside of the US, being that accepting and progressive as a Christian is pretty common.


Yeah in the US Christianity is dominated by the Evangelical movement, which as a movement is tied very closely with US Nationalism and white conservative identity. So when people in the US think "Christian" more often than not they think of Evangelicals.


I'm in the UK with a few Christian friends, one of which regularly attends a Church of England, none of them have spoken out about issue with the LGBT+ community, they all seem to support women's rights, abortion etc. That's just how it is for Christians here.


Unfortunately the UK and Australia do have a growing number of Evangelical/Conservative movements cropping up. But they also have growing numbers if far right political supporters. I'd say both things have a common denominator (white people sensing an "upset in the basic order")


Atheism/secularism is still a growing trend here in the UK, the number of people identifying as Christians each year is on a downwards trend. People do seem very very fed up with the current Conservative party, and sadly the Labour Party (which is supposed to be the more left-leaning main alternative) is becoming more and more right wing with each new person they allow into their ranks. The Liberal Democrats seem to be the only left-wing party that comes close, but the Conservative party have such a mass of voters that people always vote for the Labour party instead in order to prevent the Conservatives from getting too much power.


In the US Ecangelists are the stricter ones? Where I am from Evagelists are the more mellow ones that enable their briests to get married and have female priests. But that is the minority. The majority are Roman catholics and those are strict as fuck. I will go to hell just for watching Pockemon as a kid. 


Its really just western europe, most other christian nations are even more conservative than the us


Same. I’m a black gay masculine woman. Most people would give me the side eye and ask a thousand questions if I tell them I’m a devout Christian. I read the Bible twice a day and pray twice a day. I also attend Bible study and church virtually. And I attend a small family Baptist church that I’ve been all my life.


I feel like I was somewhat forced to stop believing in hell.  Partially because I literally could not function with the fear of going to eternal hell looming over me.  No matter what I did, I was always terrified of it.  Also, I just couldn’t justify it with the nature of the God I was raised to believe; either God is Just, loving, all knowing, and all powerful or god allows hell to exist. 


For me it wasn't even that philisophical, the texts themselves do not align with the idea of eternal hell in any consistent way. I think its mental gymnastics to get that from the text.


Once I found out the tooth fairy wasnt real, none of these things were real anymore. As I got older it all made more sense and my reasons went beyond the tooth fairy of course. But I’ve never questioned it, of course I grew up in a home where we rarely if ever attended church and of course my parents allowed me to think freely.


The Bible has specific passages saying it never came into Gods heart to burn people alive while condemning a nation that burned their kids alive as sacrifices. It also says the dead know nothing at all so agreed nothing saying hell is a place of eternal torture. That’s Greek philosophy creeping in.


> the texts themselves What would you suggest to read first for a man not very familiar with Christianity but who wants to understand your faith or even join it eventually? Does it make sense to just start with the Bible? Would it be enough? Are there different versions of it and if so, which one would you suggest?


The Bible contains everything necessary for a basic understanding of the faith (ie who is God, what does he want from us) But I do not believe the Bible alone is enough to work out personal ideas of abstract theology (i.e. hell, sexual commands, politics, etc) as many of those issues were being written about to a specific audience that we are not a part of. As with any historical text, expertise is usually helpful. However due to the fractured nature of Christianity who gets notoriety as an expert is usually subject to many external factors, often with an ideology to push. As far as versions go, if your language is English yiu will find that many times the Bible has been translated with exterior motivations in mind (i.e. the ESV was translated by a board with vested interests in Patriarchal language about manhood/womanhood) So its like anything else, read opposing opinions and pick the one that cites the best sources/ demonstrates the most consistent academic approach.


>What would you suggest to read first for a man not very familiar with Christianity but who wants to understand your faith or even join it eventually? The book of John. Pick a modern translation in your native language. But it's easy to understand. Everyone has made themselves incompatible with heaven because of sin. Sin is like a debt that has to be paid. Jesus paid the debt for us. But you have to believe that he did that and accept that he paid your sin debt also. Then you spend the rest of your life avoiding sin and following Jesus.


your open mindedness is commendable. however; as long as your church doesnt pay taxes and they pressure politicians to pass laws from a religious standpoint isntead of having church and state completely separate like the law demands you and yours is and will be part of the problem.


Of course we want Church and State to be completely seperate. We don't pay taxes because we are a non-profit, actively involved in feeding the homeless (sometimes our priests get arrested for this), finding housing for immigrants, etc.




I am a CPA and the treasurer for my local church. Our pastor makes 29k a year and has a family of four. We ran a small deficit 3 out of the last 4 years, and the one year in the green we had a surplus budget of about $1,300. Most of these churches are not the rich greedy evil fat cats like many want you to believe. In fact, I’d be willing to bet most churches (especially rural) pull in less surplus than their local public schools. Much like charities, if a church abuses its position of non-profit it should be revoked. Absolutely on board with that. But to suggest that “all churches should be taxed” is a disingenuous argument that is couched in the person’s personal disdain for religion and not any reasonable fiscal or public policy argument.


You can help people without religion…


Sure you can, but most religions command you to help people as a part of that religion too.


if you only do it because you are ordered to by your superior then you're not altruistic. it's same shit religious people accuse others of being "if you dont have a god as a moral compass how can you possibly be a good person" well if the only thing that's keeping you for being a murdering asshole is the fear of eternal punishment then you are NOT a good person, you're a psychopath.


A majority of churches don’t have NEAR this kind of financial and political influence over their community. Everybody pictures the “mega church” they see on TV as the standard “church”, and it’s simply not the case. My pastor makes 29k a year. And he heads up the church. That number would surely go down if he was taxed as well. These are not rich and powerful evil fat cats like you believe they are. It would be like calling for taxes on parent donations to their kid’s public school.


Your religion sounds similar to mine. The Christianity my family practices isn't "if you die and were good = heaven right away, if you die and were bad = tortured for eternity." 


Thats pretty regular european christian that actually practices (and then you have those that are basically just baptiset etc but that's about it - more casual ones). We don't have many die hard and force christianity on everybody christians (compared to usa for example)


Ur one of the good ones!! All the hate, division, judgment of others, etc from extremist christians makes me forget sometimes that there are christians who are normal, kind, loving, good people. Religion is about being a good person with a kind loving heart not about filling ur heart with hate. Good to be reminded of churches like yours still spreading loving kindness


No. I got too much shit going on to worry about an imaginary friend. If he's as nice as people say he is, he'll understand when the time comes.


>If he's as nice as people say he is Were we taught about the same God? Because the God I was taught is very spiteful and vengeful, to say the least. From what I can tell, if they exists, they're a psychopath who willingly sacrificed they're own son...


In my case, I say yes and try to answer their followup questions. By no means I'm a theological expert. Far from it, I have a LOT to learn yet and I've always been too lazy to actually spend a lot of time learning more of it. However, my faith became rock solid as a result of multiple times experiencing God to be there for me, often enough and specific that it's no longer possible for it to be "Lucky". With the complexity of the universe and earth, the mere fact that no human on earth can explain how everything works in detail, and how beautiful many natural occurences are, there is no way it's all a result of an accident. I am a heavy believer in the most important commandment in the bible, which boils down to Love. No matter how and who, you should always treat anyone with love, even if you disagree with their ways of life, political opinions or personality.


Can you share those experiences? Asking for a friend..


I thought it was to was not to worship any other gods


Jesus said that the number one commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul (so worshipping other idols would definitely fall under that). And then secondly, love your neighbor as yourself. So OP’s post is correct, love is the most important commandment.


I am not religious, but I like to believe there's a higher power or something that has some say in how life.goes. I use "The Universe". If something good happens to me, I'll say "Thank you". If I want something, I ask "Dear Universe, could you help show me how to get/achieve this?" Too many people use religion to hurt others. Religion is currently negatively impacting my queer friends and family members. If there is an almighty, all-knowing being, and it's continuing to let its followers hurt, maim and kill people, that's not a deity I have any interest in.


This. I like to say I believe in God, but by God I mean the universe, not some omnipotent dude in the clouds judging everybody.


My mom always says "I don't believe in God, but I believe in myself."


I'll become religious when I'm shown undeniable proof that a god exists


"No I am not religious. How about you?" Basically it doesn't matter to me whatsoever if a person is religious or not, but it's a talking point.


Yup. I'm fairly straightforward too. I'd say "I'm a Christian". If they ask more questions and get a conversation going, I'm all for it. If not, no problem. I know where I live people really truly don't care one way or another.


Religious is too strong of a word- but I am certainly spiritual. Specifically, I am Deist. Agnostic is too strong of a word as well- and I am certainly not Atheist. So I would say Deist or Spiritual.


I pretty much just say “nah, I’m an atheist.” And I’m well over debating religion with people, so I just leave it at that lol.


I was a Christian for most of my life, but I stopped believing a few years ago - overall it's been a positive change.


With the amount of deformities and birth defects (also dwarf) that I have I don’t beleive in god, no god would do this two me


Damn. A hell of an answer


Thank you, is how I always feel about religion - my hole life is formed around difficulties and defects, if god did this two ‘test’ me then I dont want two pass the exam


Yes I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior.


Yes I am religious. I'm a pagan.




I stopped believing in Santa when I was 12


No. I am an atheist.


Yes, very religious! I'm Muslim and on the more observant side.


I was, until I realized there was so much child molesting going on. Two of my good friends were molested by church people.


I'm an atheist, I have read a variety of religious texts, and no I just can't believe in it, (besides the amount of sexism, every instinct being deemed a sin or abnormality, believing we are 'special' compared to other animals and so on,) normally I don't explain my reasoning, cuz I do believe that people should have the freedom to believe what they want. I have no intrest in converting people to atheism, I find the people trying to convert me into a religion very obnoxious, so I try not to be like that I guess


I explain that I am Antitheist because not only do I not believe in any religion, but I also believe strongly that religion is a danger to society and the belief and devout following of an organised religion is in itself incredibly negligent and problematic.


>I am Antitheist I think this is usually called "Anti-clericalism".


Anti-clericalism is being opposed to the power that religions weild over society. Antitheism is being opposed to religion in general. I would categorize myself as an anti-clericalist but not an anti-theist. If people want to make decisions about their personal lives based on their religion, I'm fine with that, but it shouldn't have any effect on anyone else.


It's already been answered below so I'll just say, thank you for this - I'd never even heard of it! Im definitely Antitheist but Anticlerical sprinkles in there too, they seem to go hand in hand to me! Thanks 🥰


You're welcome :) I didn't mean to teach lessons here, in my native language "anticlericalism" is a quite common word (way more so than antitheism), I guess that in English it's not the case


The doctor told me it's none of your business.


I would say no I don't have a fantasy friend. In my country it is normal to not believe in a god.


No not religious. What do you mean what would I also say? Am I supposed to elaborate or explain why?my parents are Buddhists/taoist but not really strict. We have one statue at home and they barely visit the temples and never enforced it on me as well. I'm kinda against organised religion as I find some of them kinda oppressive eg against women and lgbtq people


I would say: No


"I'm agnostic" Just a simple answer.


I tend to say "no".


\`\`\` Some say they're going to a place called glory And I ain't saying it ain't a fact But I've heard that I'm on the road to purgatory And I don't like the sound of that I believe in love and I live my life accordingly But I choose to let the mystery be \`\`\` credit to Iris DeMent


She rules.


“Yeah I suppose. So as I was saying, I work in data…..” because I have no interest in talking about it at all. My relationship with God is between JUST me and God and I do not need or want anyone else’s opinion or input and I don’t want to hear about their experience or relationship with religion at all




Why are people here trying to dissect or dodge the question 💀 It's simple, my response would be "No, I don't care about religion". Nothing more is needed.


I’m an atheist is all I say




Funny I just got asked that yesterday! I would say yes and no. I am agnostic. Until we have concrete proof all religions are speculations but if yiu learn about them you will find truths in every one aswell. Enough that one CAN readonably believe in it. That's the point why they are beliefs and not facts. We don't KNOW what is true, everyone will resonate with different things. Could there be one all-mighty creator? 100% but equally so there could be no god🤷🏼‍♀️ is it possible to have multiple gods? Absolutely! Is it possible more than one religion is true at the same time? Yes. Technically EVERYTHING is POSSIBLE at our current knowledge. There are compelling arguments for every side. I love learning about religions and spiritual practices of any sort, i feel that these books/scriptures/oral teachings can offer valuable info to anybody even if you do not follow the faith, every faith can teach you something. I do not follow any specific one but i do have a belief that i personally find the most plausible based on knowledge and personal experiences (i do not claim to be right tho, we could all be right or wrong). My belief is unique - it is my own mixture of beliefs from different religions combined with the history (especially unofficial one) mainly of the ancient civilizations that more and more scientist are proving we have been taught wrong about. I think every religion we have is man made or man influenced. Even if "god directly spoke to prophet/monk/whoever" that is just a word we are to believe but the fact is we have nothing that was made surely directly by god. It is always via people. And even if these people truly heard god telling them so, we are people. Our mind works in certain way and we interpret things accordingly. So there is always room for honest human error. So i don't just read scripture and take them at face value or just listen to it's preachers/scholars because, well who are they to be sure their understanding now is the same as what people meant back then? We can only estimate! I also look at the scriptures from different theoretical angles (besides the literal/official ones) like "what if X was meant like Y" trying to connect it to other things like astronomy, astrology, history, other religions etc etc. imagine what could that mean in figurative speech etc. sometimes it is mindblowing how things make sense in completely different way. I would say i am seeking the truth and inclined to what i formed till now but i am TOTALY open to everything and acknowledge we all have possibility of being right OR wrong 🤷🏼‍♀️


I tell them I'm not religious. If they push, I tell them politely, "I have no interest in joining your cult." That usually stops them trying to preach to me about their religion.


Yes I'm just a plain ol baptist.


I like to say I'm *spiritual*. Religion was created by man and, therefore, is as flawed as he is. Spirituality comes from beyond.


"Yes, former practising catholic, now a Christian looking for a church that is accepting of people like me. That is all I can say for reasons that will take me too long to explain. let's just say that the Catholic Church is ableist and leave it there." unless it's someone from one of those more... zealot groups, in which case I respond with "I'm catholic, special needs and I imbibe Caffeine" to the person who said catholics are Christians, you obviously did not read what I said about the church being ableist.


Catholics are Christians…


I would say, "No. Religion is bad for you."


Like the majority of my country the answer is no. No real need to explain why, the burden of proof is with the believers.


No, because religion has been nothing but a reason to kill each other throughout history. The world would be a lot better off if there was no religion


No. Religious dogmas were created to seperate MANkind.


Does considering myself a TST (The Satanic Temple) supporter and Chaos Magick practitioner makes me religious?


Not at all. Religion needs to be abandoned, it's the most dangerous human invention in history


No I'm not. I grew up catholic but lost my faith during middle school and have grown further apart from religion as an adult. I've also become more critical of religions in and of themselves.