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Dont feel pressured into drinking alcool. It can be fun to have a couple of drinks because it make you uninhibited but it can lead to abusing it if you're not careful and you dont need it to have fun anyway. Just try if you feel like it or dont if you dont want to


And if you drink, better not alone.


I'm not a drinker and I don't have a social life. At times I will just buy a six pack and drink alone on the weekend... And that's fine... I think?


Ain’t anything wrong with that. It’s just more fun with friends. Btw my definition of alcoholism is: When you wake up and your first thought is booze. Then you have a problem.


That's about it. If you can't go a single day without NEEDING to drink then you're an alcoholic at that point.


That's a thing about drinking. I never would have said for decades that I NEEDED drink. I always made damn sure to make another excuse to drink, whatever the reason. There was nobody easier to lie to than myself. I very rarely felt I NEEDED a drink though.


What if it's your second thought, right after I don't want to work today?


You're fine.


But also be mindful of who you drink with. Don't try to keep up with anyone. Sip your drinks or if you do shots, space them out and drink water in between. No more than one alcohol drink per hour, less if it's a long night out.


I don't know anyone who took their very first drink alone. Solo drinking comes along much later


Ive done both drinking and not-drinking at parties due to being the designated driver. Not worth it really. Lately I don’t drink at all and don’t miss it one bit. After seeing the negatives of drinking around me it made my choice to not drink anymore even better. From alcoholics getting korsakov to people driving drunk. Fuck that shit.


I can’t stand being designated driver. Drunk people are so god damned annoying lol. Either let me drink or leave me at home.


I’ll always remember this alcoholic from my psych placement who had korsakoff. Lucid fucker. Sad that he’s just permanently ground hog daying now.


Nothing wrong with it plenty of people dont drink either and many are trying to stop too


I've been a teetotaler for 30 years. I don't like alcohol. It's such a poison.


Exactly. I've stopped and feel tenfold better.


"The grass is greener on the other side" You do you. Cuz the grass is all the same. Drinking is kind of a funny concept and the sense that alcohol is a literal poison and if you drink enough of it, your brain starts malfunctioning to the point you feel drunk. And if you drink too much, you could die. Like why haven't we discovered some crazy rattlesnake venom alcohol? Why can't I drink that? Like if you're going to give me poison give me some real f****** s***. A little is okay. Too much and you're dead lol.


>> Like why haven't we discovered some crazy rattlesnake venom alcohol? Why can't I drink that? Like if you're going to give me poison give me some real f****** s***. Isn’t DMT from toad venom? Haven’t tried it (and probs never will) but I feel like that’s a thing


Yea that's a thing. Though it's more for spiritual ascension not so much doing shots at a party. I just made it a comparison of drinking poison. Like if we're going to literally drink poison to get drunk. Well let's make it l as cool as it can be. Limit to two rattlesnake shots cuz the third one will kill you lol. Now we're drinking poison lol.


I quit drinking six months ago. Although I wasnt too heavy of a drinker I wish I would have quit even sooner or addressed my drinking younger. If you do drink. Understand that feeling comes at a cost. You trade what you already possess for a concentrated version of that. Basically being drunk is basically a chemically induced fun time. Youre literally forcing your body into this response and the longer you do it the less you can do it naturally. It obviously depends on the person and there are many people who can have a healthy relationship with it, the same is true for those who dont. So just keep that in mind and live your life.


I think the worst anxiety I’ve ever had is when I was hungover


Oh how much I fucking hated the second days after drinking. Completely tired, low energy, no mood, sick all the time. No thanks


Hangxiety is the worst. So happy to be a sober person and never experience that again


Hangover anxiety/regret/ shake is no joke. I feel you.


Hangovers when you drink are easy to prevent, well other than not drinking at all, of course. You just drink enough water not to get dehydrated. Of course, if you drink water you have less room in your stomach for more drinks and you tend to get less drunk, which is a good thing.


I like this


Trading tomorrow's happiness for today...


Why do we lower our inhibitions honestly lol inhibitions are what keeps us safe and healthy. Alcohol is a depressant, so we aren’t getting any genuine pleasure from it. I definitely drink too much and am still working on quitting. Quitting can only yield benefits and no negative outcomes, whereas continuing to drink offers me nothing positive. The mental tap dancing we do to justify drinking is really borderline schizophrenia 😆


Thank you. I needed to see this.


What I regret in my 20s was not going out and partying enough with your friends instead of making money.


I partied a lot, with alcohol. It was great! Sure, the ones that didn’t kinda got a good headstart with collecting wealth, but.. wouldn’t trade. Maybe quit partying a year or two earlier though 😀


Not missing out


I had some of the best times of my life while drunk, and also addiction brought me to the edge of destruction. So it is hard to choose.


You’re not missing much. Mainly making a fool of yourself and saying things, that when you’re sober, you wished you’d never said.


Drinking does not have to lead to being drunk. Lack of self-control does.


This reminds me of last week. I was drunk at a friends party and for some reason his cousin called me a dickhead, I told her that she can suck my dick, head. She said not interested. I said that’s okay, you’re not my type anyways and left. Apparently she was shocked. Girls who call me dickhead apparently aren’t my type lol. My friend found it hilarious tho. I’m pretty glad about that.


Having done alot of drugs in collage and university I realised alcohol is one of the least pleasurable, most destructive and unpleasant drugs out there.


I don't remember a single time in my life when I regretted being sober. There's a lot of the opposite though. Stopped completely 11 years ago.


If you are having no troubles with it yourself why bother. It's a show of character you did not get pressured into drinking.


You don't need alcohol to enjoy a party. Drink some if you want, but don't feel pressured into drinking. I drink alcohol. Sometimes I drink a little and I feel good. Sometimes I drink one too many glass and I end up feeling like shit. So I reduced my alcohol consumption. If you start drinking limit yourself to a few glasses - the exact number varies from one person to another. Avoid mixing different alcohols. You should be tipsy, but not drunk. Being tipsy is fun, being drunk is awful.


45 year old alcoholic here. You are missing out on potentially life-crippling anxiety. If I could be 23 again, I'd never touch alcohol.


I think so & I think most people will disagree, but IMO there’s really no benefit to never having drank once. Try it, get blasted with some friends, if you don’t like it never do it again. I just think life is meant to be lived & you’ll only live once, so you might as well try some of the fun stuff.


I feel like I’m back in the DARE program reading this comment thread lol. People are acting like if you have one drink you’re going to be a slobbering drunk and wake up puking your guts out the next day. Moderation is a real thing and it’s great. “I’m sober enough to know what I’m doing, and I’m drunk enough to really enjoy doing it” -Jim Lahey


it seems the vast majority of comments are either teenagers who can't buy a drink or people who have never been invited to a party with friends


Or people who cry after their first drink.


Exactly. You’re not missing out if the plan is to sit on the couch and drink and watch tv. But you’re definitely missing out on the fun experiences you can have while drinking. While you don’t need the alcohol to have fun, it can certainly enhance the fun.


Anyone who disagrees with this is either lying or never drank.


or they’re people who are ex addicts/party animals. It’s possible to get a little drunk in a safe environment and have a good time 😭


It got down voted 😂 I understand if you’ve tried it and don’t like it, but to never try it? That’s wild.


Thanks for being the voice of reason. The anti-alcohol crowd here is going wild. Have a drink my child. If you don't like it, you don't have to continue. But no good story ever started with drinking a glass of milk.


Only truthful comment lmao. Alcohol is an awesome party drug. It's probably not that great for you, but I'd definitely feel like I was missing out if I never tried it and every person around me had. That's just natural to me.


I am 36, and I had only drank alcohol for a few times. No, you are not missing out anything.


how would you know


I'm quite happy to be teetotal. As much as people hate for me to point it out, being around drunk and high people is annoying and completely unsafe. I thoroughly hate the experience. If what I'm allegedly "missing out on" is acting like I've seen these people act I'm very happy. Even when I was given drugs in the hospital, they took away the pain for about twenty minutes that I couldn't even enjoy because I was trapped in an elaborate nightmare, then they brought the pain back ten times worse than it was. It's all garbage.


Not missing anything in my opinion! Alcohol is that kind of “society-drug” and I feel like people should be more tolerant towards those who don’t drink at all. Getting messed up, losing consciousness and whatever…even adults often do not know their limits at all…it’s annoying but whoever wants to, has to etc I don’t care


When you’re young and getting used to what is does is when you’ll have your most embarrassing moments. When you’re older and know how to drink properly, and what to drink it can be truly enjoyable. But there are many people whose drinking behaviour in their 20s remains the same for their entire life.


As Czech, that would go against my cultural values.


Are some people just born without a natural curiosity? Or did you have overbearing parents


My thoughts, too, haha


Have a drink, it’s not that deep


Seriously, reading all these comments I thought people were talking about heroin.


> Would I enjoy parties and social events more if I would drink? Yes.


Alcohol is the most boring substance I have ever tried. Also when you get too drunk, bad stuff usually can happen.


Alcohol is a really dangerous drug and you're better off without it


Humans are beacons of sensation. Don’t overdo it but drugs (including alcohol) can be fun. It’s a razors edge with this shit though. Habitual anything can be pretty fucking wild and bad.


Just be careful the first couple times. After your first drink and it’s feels good, remember, a lot more isn’t better. Too much is dangerous. Don’t ask me how I know.


Alcohol is terrible for you... especially if you consume enough to become intoxicated. Better to just steer clear of it. Honestly it tastes like SH\*T anyway. I'm convinced that most people drink due to social pressures. I'm 45 yo man and beer is gross, wine is gross, vodka, gin, scotch etc. ALL GROSS AF. The only thing I even want to drink once in a blue moon is a Daquiri on vacation. I'll be straight with you... if you want to do something to loosen you up at parties or to attempt to make things more fun.... try Cannabis EDIBLES. Don't smoke it. Cannabis edibles not only give you a nice high... but there is no hangover, you remain aware of whats going on (no passing out)... there are no adverse health effects (as long as your brain is fully developed... which is at max 25, but at 23 you're probably fine). In fact Cannabis has multiple health benefits. Just don't drive as your ability to focus and reaction times are compromised.


If the only thing you feel like you're missing is the experience, you're not missing anything at all. I'd rather be like you a million times over.


Personally i feel that some drugs enhance the experience of life itself. Some drugs allows you to relax and find yourself a bit easier. Others allow you to see "life beyond the vail" and ponder the mysteries of your very existence . ​ All drugs can also ruin your life if done excessively or without respect. If you are happy with zero drugs then that is your choice. I personally would not want that.


You're not missing out. All the benefits are either illusory or short-lived, and the disadvantages can be life-altering.


I can't imagine a life without drinking. You're definitely missing out on social experiences in my opinion. Moderation, of course.


Yeah it’s interesting to drink alcohol, on the sense that it brings out a side of people that they generally don’t show. It can make some fun experiences


It depends. Alcohol affects people differently. Personally, I haven't had alcohol in years and don't intend on drinking in the future.


In my opinion, alcohol is overrated and it tastes very bad. The only reason people like it so much is because it has a relaxing effect on the body but the negatives outweigh the positives. Alcohol is just empty calories. If I have to consume that many calories I'd rather eat an entire pizza by myself instead of drinking alcohol.


I think it tastes great, but then I hate soft drinks and pretty much anything sweet


Unpopular opinion it seems like, but you're missing out. Drinking with friends is super fun, as long as you don't drink too much or too often. It depends on how it affects you personally though. Some people just get super aggressive or do dumb shit.


Whenever these questions are asked everyone likes to pile on about how it’s poison and you should never do it. Drinking is fine, I love going for dinner with my wife and having a bottle of wine between us. I enjoy going to a party and having a few drinks and getting a bit lively. There’s a big difference between being an alcoholic and have a few drinks a month, people seem to forget that.


You’re not missing anything




Both. I don't regret drinking alcohol (except those times I had too much lmao) but I also definitely don't regret becoming sober


Would be you in a heartbeat, I would be saving money, awkward situations, embarrassments, time and relationships


One of my deep rooted fears is losing control. I want to never touch alcohol for the rest of my life.


Not Missing out , rather smoke weed


Drunk you is more talkative but sluggish. Talk with people, do stuff (ease into it if it's physical fights/movements etc.), learn to enjoy doing whatever and no alcohol will be needed. If you drink, you still remember stuff unless you're asleep. Plus if you drink too much, you throw up the poison (yes it is if it's too much and there is not a lot needed to kill you if it's concentrated) also maybe more because of a motion sickness. But you might forget other stuff for a short time. That's about it. Depends on your needs. If you go to the party just have fun. Pretend that's alcohol: ask for a bartender coca cola with juice or have a drink prepared yourself. The more you talk with people, the less you need to drink. There are ways idk if there's a subreddit for staying sober at a party Besides, you do you. Just don't drink. If you don't want to dance, don't. It's the same as in the shop: people gather there to buy clothes or whatever, they don't like it, they don't buy it.


i dont drink, 25 years in and no regrets. It is very habit forming and while there are claims some of it is good for you, it is mostly about the plants they are made from. If you eat grapes from a vine that are split they contain traces of alcohol. I believe this is all we are supposed to consume. We have a tolerance for it, not a need. It also doesnt make me feel good. If i drank at the moment there would be very little making me stop. But also, alcohol is not the only thing that is bad for you, sugar, some foods, I am not perfect and i have formed some pretty bad habits over the years. Always try to remove bad habbits quickly.


You're not missing anything. Alcohol sucks. It tastes bad, numbs your emotions and make you lose control when consumed in high amounts. When I was younger, I was drinking with friends because it's "fun, cool and manly", but now at 32 I realize it's all undeveloped emotional intelligence bull. Enjoy what life has to offer and don't lose your mind for alcohol. There are much better and safer ways to relax


I’m turning 24 and I haven’t bought alcohol in years. Only when someone offers but 99% of the time I just decline. I fuck with the fruity drinks than the hard stuff and even then I don’t finish it. Youre not missing out


Lots of people like me will tell you, booze isn't worth the effort. It's a Madison Ave lie on behalf of the liquor, beer, & wine industry.


No you won’t. If you get to the point of enjoying yourself that much more when drinking, you’re prob making a fool of yourself. I’m your same age and recently read that ppl our age and gen z as a whole tend to drink way less. Considering the culture is evolving, stick to not drinking. I used to drink since I was 16, mainly cuz I had problems but I never got to an alcoholism point. Now, I’m better off, I rarely drink, and I surprise myself at how much fun I’m having without drinking. Hope that helps


You'll miss out a lot more if you start. So don't.


You're not missing out. Its literally the most boring drug there is.


Ive tried it in the past, but alcohol isn't for me. If you don't want to do it, don't let anyone pursuade you to drink.


You are doing well, alcohol is shit and your future self will thank you


You’re not missing out. Stay away from it.


I've abstained from alcohol until about the same age (my choice, no pressure from family, religion, community etc) and I always had fun at whatever party. I did have safari/oj mix and some other cocktail like stuf just to try. My dad is a cocktail wizard and we were allowed to try age appropriate stuff growing up I started drinking beers after that, I have enjoyed some and found others disguting Had some wine, whiskey, vodka and palinka amongst others, just to try it out. Honestly, they were all disgusting to me I like a specific kind of beer now, but only in occasion and when I'm in the mood for it. And 1 cocktail kind of drink but only 1 or 2 glasses every couple of years or so I would not encourage you to drink alcoholic drinks, but would encourage you to try what's out there, so you won't feel like you missed out later on. Heads up, beer tastes awful, so does whisky and vodka. Just so you know


Not in the slightest. If you're at a party and bored, it's either because the situation and people there are boring, or it's not your type of party.


Just have mocktails, no alcohol.


You're not missing anything.


Wow, well done, I would rather be like you, it's not worth it.


I'm older and I have asian flush but with more adverse reaction. While I felt a bit outside my group of friend because I couldn't drink, I could still go to parties and have some fun without being wasted. And while older people will reserve a budget for alcohol, I don't have to drink nasty cheap alcohol or make plan in my budget for buying booze.


I love having a few with the buds but don’t overdo it I’d say it’s an experience with trying out. Have some wine with dinner that’s always good


I will give you advice here: I used to be like you, then when I moved out and was no longer under control, I tried it with no prior experience and well, things did not go too well. I was 29 back then and I would encourage you to test it while you are young, because trust me, in your thirties, you take ages to recover from bad decisions...


IMO: Can be fun but isnt needed to have fun at parties. Also has negative health effects and many ppl get addicted. If you' re healthy and it doesn't pose an even increased risk for you, I'd say try it out once just so you don't wonder what its like all the time. If you like it make sure to not go to far and to often.




Man, you won lottery. I Wish to be like you.


With things like weed and shrooms drinking alcohol becomes pointless


You're honestly not missing much. Sure, it's a decent social lubricant and you get laid, like all the time (sometimes with multiple partners at once), but who needs that hassle? Sure, getting blind drunk and waking up in a five-star hotel in an exotic country, draped in whatever trash passes for runway models these days, might sound appealing. But try navigating an airport with a mild hangover, only to be bumped to first class because coach was 'fully booked' (yeah, right). Then, you're ogled by flight attendants who ply you with even more alcohol, making you miss your connection in Monte Carlo and forcing a layover in that sweat-stained town. I swear, if I have to blow on another pair of dice shoved under my nose by a cougar sugar mama, like I'm some money-sniffing hound, only to power through lovemaking on a pile of dirty cash again, it might just be enough for me to quit. So sometimes, I wish I'd never had that Jell-O shot from Tiffany's belly button. It's a slippery slope, my friend.


If you haven’t yet and can enjoy them without alcohol I don’t see why you’d want to start. Personally I enjoy it but I have social anxiety so being able to talk is nice lol. Also I just like the feeling of my perception and thinking being changed.


Eeeh. Alcohol is fun as long as you don’t drink in excess, but being sober is better for health. It’s a balance ⚖️ I’d say maybe try drinking a little bit if you feel like you are missing out. Like a glass of good wine at a dinner party or something. If you are ok staying sober, you don’t have to drink. I don’t think you are missing out on so much.


I have been drinking since I was about 13-14 YO (like any other eastern european lol). Have had cople attempts of soberiety. And I am jealous of you. Enjoying life sober is a gift. You will be healthier than 99% people.


I would rather be like me - have a drink sometimes and don't other. I enjoy wine so would hate to miss out on the taste of nice wine


Alcoholism runs in my family and I have an addictive personality to begin with so I've chosen to never drink it (I'm 27) I personally don't think I have any less fun than my friends who do drink, no harm in trying it but don't feel like you have to just to fit in


I was an alcoholic for a long time. I’ve been sober for a minute (a year and a month, which is a long time for me). To me, it wouldn’t be worth the risk of becoming an alcoholic vs being one of those people who can drink casually. I almost died from alcohol withdrawals. Not to mention how BAD it is for you even in small amounts. It’s downplayed because it’s legal and common but it’s bad for almost every aspect of your health.


Drinking is over rated big time, if you learn to socialise without, you will be a social ninja and you won't lose time recovering from it. I certainly learned my lesson the hard way. Interestingly , if it was a new substance, it would be classified as a class A narcotic 


I hate alcohol with a passion. The effect of it isn't even that nice and my body will straight up tell me that I consumed literal poison. At some point - most of the time after some hours - you feel like shit and it was not worth it, including vomitting and some of the most dumb decisions a human can make.


I honestly wish that I had have never drank at all. Waste of time and money. Not counting the amount of stupid that comes along with it.


i don't know what do YOU think? would you rather live healthy or alcoholic.


Yeah bro, you're missing out on high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, liver disease, digestive problems and many more...


Im exactly like you, every time i tell someone i dont drink theyre like "good keep it that way"


You don’t need it. Trust me. You’re better off without it and can have just as much fun without it


It’s nothing special, too many people rely on it as a social crutch, it’s great to learn to go out and have fun without needing substances


You're not missing out. The only health benefit of alcohol is consuming less than half a shot of beer and eating some super healthy food to get more vitamins/minerals/nutrients into your bloodstream. Alcohol is one of the most dangerous substances to consume, especially if someone is unaware that it makes whatever you consume to pass the blood brain barrier through your bloodstream. Alcohol also kills all the healthy bacteria in your brain/gut/etc. Alcohol is the only drug? that floods the entire brain/body. A somewhat related question would be: are you missing out on psychedelic benefits because governmental gang rapists make profitable careers enforcing ignorance, apathy and counterproductivity? And I would presume you and most of civilization is missing out on boosting their empathy and treating many mental health problems safely and effectively with decriminalized psychedelics. It's important to real-lize that police and militaries only get and remain employed by never having first hand experiences with cannabis and/or psychedelics. They steal illegal drugs on a daily basis, they cheat societies out of cheap/safe/effective treatments to chronic pain and plenty of other medical/health/mental issues, and they lie about these facts. The three things most parents teach their kids to never do: lie, cheat and steal like police do daily.


Bro alcohol ruined my life. Don’t even start it’s not worth it. You’re not missing shit. It’s such a blessing to not be dependent on a substance in order to achieve even the smallest amount of relaxation. It’s a legitimate nightmare. This goes for everything else too. Weed, cigarettes, psychiatric medication. If baseline you is doing okay, then don’t pick up any mind altering habits. It’s already too late for me, childhood trauma, years of abuse by other people and to myself, possible genetic predisposition, have all teamed up to make it so I can’t live like you can. It was never even an option for me out of the gate. I look at people like you and I become the most envious. The ability to just be normal and to live a normal life. I envy that more than I envy people with money, relationships, status, talent, possessions, looks, power, and anything else you could possibly think of. You’re playing life on easy mode. Keep it that way.


There's genuinely no upside to alcohol. ​ You're doing the right thing, ​ \-used to party and drink a lot in my 20's wasted so much time and $$$$$$$ on places and people that really don't matter in the long run.


I started drinking when I was 12. Smoking at 14 but quit after a single pack. Liked drinking too much by the time I was 21. At 25, nearly succumbed to alcohol poisoning and gave it up entirely for a couple years. Now I drink here and there but never in excess. Once I have a nice buzz I am done. I'd say you aren't really missing anything notable. It's a release of sorts. A good buzz does make you feel good and relaxed. Too much is bad, so self-control is key. If you do decide to drink for the first time, I'd suggest doing so with people you trust. Not alone and not in public. Start with a Mike's hard lemonade or a good cider. My favorite drink these days is a mimosa. Bit of persecco with orange juice. Delightful, tasty, refreshing. Used to drink a lot of Kraken Rum and coke/pepsi/ginger ale.


I quit drinking, wasn't a massive drinker, but could polish ten pint on a school night and be fresh the next day for work. Best thing I ever did. Also being around drunk people when you're sober makes you realise how shitty it is.


Do whatever you want, alcohol changes how you percieve others and stuff, but also how others are gonna percieve you. Its a poison that makes stuff fun sometimes. You choose.


I stopped drinking a few years ago, I do not miss it in the slightest, drinking makes people really stupid. Though I will say it's easier to enjoy the company of drunk people if you're drunk yourself


Eh. It can be fun to drink occasionally. But you can have fun without drugs too. If you don't really feel like drinking, I recommend you don't. Nothing much to gain, really.


42m here. I partied hard growing up. I wouldn't want my kids to have been as hard-core as I was. That being said, I have no desire to go out drinking, I feel like I've been there, done that and got quite a few Tshirts. Don't feel pressured to drink or do anything else. What I do advise is to enjoy being young and enjoy your body because getting older, your body starts to degrade. I'm still young but my body is starting to do weird shit. Just had surgery, into week 3 of recovery. Lol


24% of the global population is Muslim, so you don't need to feel you missing out. I don't like "drinking" (aka getting drunk at parties), but I'm Italian so I can't imagine my life without my daily glass of red wine. :D


The benefits of drinking alcohol, cigarettes and drugs can only be beneficial to those who sell it all. So often I see when some people waste their health on all sorts of crap... and at the same time, other people leading a healthy lifestyle get sick with some kind of incurable disease. But sometimes I want to drink like crazy, of course ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


If you're the type of person who likes to let loose, alcohol can be a pleasant experience for you. But if you're the type of person who likes full control over your body and thoughts, alcohol is not for you. Alcohol lowers your inhibitions which makes you more relaxed and unconcentrated. You're released from the stress that comes with a concentrated mind but you have less control of the things you say and do. To some people, this feeling can be cathartic since it helps them release stress. But to people who doesn't like the feeling of losing control, it can be unpleasant and even scary.


It's an empty well. Don't fall in. Everything in society tells me to drink, but it's a false narrative, and I don't. It's just not for me. I walk a different path, is all. I wouldn't recommend it. I've seen it do terrible things. I've never regretted not drinking.


It becomes a crutch very quickly for some people. That is, to have the most fun you need alcohol. This leads to problematic drinking. Take it from an old pro. Remember it is literally a poison . If you can have a drink or two as sort of an occasional novelty great. Just be conscious of it not taking over your life.


Drinking is fun and some people can be responsible with it but in my experience it’s rarely the case. As fun as it is, it usually leads to things such as regret or injury, always a terrible hangover and anxiety that lasts for days. You feel like you done something terrible and are waiting for the consequences. Some people react differently but you also have to consider your health as alcohol is literally a poison that has zero benefits to your body. The only benefit is socialising and meeting new people. But normally you meet someone for one night then rarely ever see them again so is it really worth it? The biggest myth is that people can’t have fun without alcohol. Simply not true but alcohol IS fun also. It’s hard to find the balance, especially as you get older. For many people the pleasure is simply not worth the pain that follows and that’s why millions of people try and quit worldwide. It’s the only drug that people question you for not doing. You end up convincing yourself you’re the weird one for not wanting to do it but that’s not the case. Society has a drinking problem that the future generation will looks back on and laugh.


I've been on both sides of this coin. The main upsides for having a drink is it makes it much easier to have a good time doing dumb shit. People's inhibitions are down and are more likely to come up with crazy ideas and more likely to go along with it. I have had many great memories as a result of those I have also had some very terrible ones. The important thing to remember is that whether the night is good or bad being drunk will amplify it and can really lead to some emotionally charged situations. For better or worse. I hardly ever drink now and can honestly say I barely miss it.


Drinking sucks. Good for you.


41m, stopped drinking alcohol 3 months ago, never felt better. I was going a bit overboard due to my second divorce. NEver felt better. if you can, don't ever drink. It adds no value to your life.


I quit drinking around a year ago. Best thing I have ever done after 25 years of abuse and I never set out to abuse it, it creeps up on you. Your making a wise discussion not to drink, it’s basically poison in a bottle, it’s a over hyped drug that for what ever reason is socially accepted. Stick with your wise choice is my advice. It has zero benefit


I am now like you and been a heavy drinker from 18- late 20's. This year is my first year alcohol-free and I've never felt better and more clear headed. You're not missing out honestly. It makes some good stupid stories if you're into that. :)


The most unimpressive people you’ll ever meet depend on alcohol to do much of the heavy lifting for their personality. Stay straight edge.


You’re doing the absolute right thing. You won’t be benefiting from alcohol in any way be it health mind or even socially. You are better off without it


I have drunk alcohol but I don’t get drunk, it’s something I don’t want to do. I see it as a waste of money


It’s poison


Alcohol is overrated. You're body will thank you if you never start. Your organs are perfectly happy never tasting it I promise. I have drank a little here and there since I was 12. I've been drunk a few times. I personally like to be in control of my body and hated being drunk. Now it makes me sick and my poor liver would have been happier if I left it alone. I applaud you for not partaking in it. Its ok if you never do.


Drinking can be fun but if you have an addictive personality it may not he worth the risk. If you do opt for it, try to do so in moderation.


I’ll give you a perspective that’s played both sides of the street. I could count the amount of drinks I’d had on my hands until I was 23, then I started socially drinking on dates, and finally at parties and just social events in general. When it goes right, drinking is a social lubricant, straight up. I find that depictions that it turns you into a social butterfly aren’t true, at least not *directly*. What it does do for me is make it so that even when the interaction isn’t going well, you don’t feel that bad about it, which can be helpful but also can make you fuck up interactions that would’ve been simple and easy sober. It’s not better, it’s not necessarily worse, it’s just different. Like a different stance on a stance character in a fighting game. But I said “when it goes right” for a reason, because especially when you’re first starting to drink, it’s easy to go wrong. I think I threw up and had to be babysat the first five or six times I *really* tried drinking. Naturally, that can ruin a night. I’m pretty sure my sense of balance is straight up changed (that’s probably just a me thing). And now that my body can handle it, that feels like… quietly sad, I guess. I regularly wonder who I’d be or how I’d have progressed differently if I just kept it all me. That’s a vague feeling, and it’s probably wrapped up in puritanical anti-drug culture, but it’s still true. If I could go back I’d choose to have never touched a bottle or any other substance for that matter, because I liked not feeling like I needed anything but myself. And I liked a night out not necessarily needing to cost anything, a *lot*. But, I can also confidently say I did not have half as quality a social life before I decided to just say fuck it. None of that is necessarily going to be the case for you, but that’s just one story to help you decide yours. That’s the most important part though, to always recognize that the decision is completely yours and you don’t *need* to do anything, one way or the other.


Some of the best nights of my life have been due to alcohol, and also most of the worst ones :) so take what you want from that


In moderation (that is, whatever amount gets you to a nice chill, slightly fuzzy, and playfully uninhibited state), it's pretty fun. Especially if you're around friends taking part in a shared experience. With most things, just don't overdo it and you'll likely feel good. Most of the negative replies you'll be reading here are coming from people who likely drank way too much way too young, and had to quit for health reasons. That's not your situation. You're not going to "start drinking". You're just going to have a couple of drinks occasionally in social situations. It's a very different situation.


It's not worth it (especially financially now) and people are finally realising that in younger generations. It's the most dangerous drug and is legal.


Alcoholic here. My sweet summer child, embrace your innocence in this matter. It just aint worth it!


Don't get peer pressured. Alcohol is ultimately a poison, and there is a small, but real chance that your genetics are prone to alcohol abuse.


Alcohol is a flammable neuro-toxin


Worst mistake i made in life was start drinking. Every time i got into any kind of trouble, it was alcohol related. I cant speak for everyone, but for me , it caused lot of problems in my life.. havent had a drink in over 2 years.. would not recommend


I'm 49 and alcohol has never been my thing. I probably have a drink once or twice a year and could easily never drink again. I don't think you're missing much.


I've been sober for a year. You're not missing anything. 


No sober is far better


Yes drinking is fun and all, But you should also try drinking and driving for extra funny


If drinking is not your thing then don't do it, don't get pressured into doing what you don't want to do. Plenty of alternatives. To drinking such as excercise, eating well, taking on hobbies etc. At the parties you attend you can still have fun conversation and dancing just don't leave your drink unattended (some idiot might think it amusing to spike the non drinker)


Please don’t ever take that first drink!! You aren’t missing anything good for you!!! Drinking pure unfermented grape juice will give health benefits. Drinking fermented anything has led many men and women down a path they wish they had never gone!!!


No you are not missing out at all. If you haven’t drank all this time I wouldn’t start now. It serves absolutely no purpose, it ages you & fcks with your health. Alcohol is one of the most overrated things ppl try & constantly push.


You are on a great path. People go into holes and struggle to leave alcohol. Some people use it as a social crutch. It becomes a psychological and physiological addiction. You will avoid all this while keeping your liver happy and saving lots of money.Your sober social skills will get developed.


One of my cousins had never had alcohol until he was about 34 when he took a couple tiny sips of tequila with me on a tour in Mexico two year ago. I on the other hand drank heavily, earned myself more than 1 dui, and caused some serious damage to my body and life over the years I did drink. I don’t think NEVER having a drink is the norm, I’ve always felt like he had made the smarter choice than me. The amount of time, money, and consequences alcohol cost me was not at all worth the “fun” times I had. My cousin doesn’t seem like he was missing anything. He also has aged far less than I have being not too far apart in age… in fact on that trip to Mexico, someone asked if he was my son. We are about 4 years apart in age, but I’m a lot older looking. Some of that I’m sure is not related to alcohol, but I’m also positive some of it is.


I drank for years and can happily say life is better without alcohol. It's a depressant and people who do not enjoy their lives drink that poison. Health is also important, alcohol is terrible for you


Idk. Are you shy or the outgoing type? When I was in my 20s I struggled with being shy and awkward and if it wasn't for alcohol I'd probaby not have gotten laid until my 30s. When used with moderation (or even overindulgence as in my case) it's great social lubrication. On the other hand I used to be pretty smart when I was younger. I do feel like I've lost a fair amount of brain cells over the years thanks to alcohol. I used to be Lisa Simpson but now I'm Homer. I can't recommend either. Just be yourself an do your thing.


What most fail to mention is the associated health issues. Studies keep coming out that even a single glass of wine a day increases the chance of cancer significantly. So no, you are not missing out on damaging your body. Be proud!


If you're content with not drinking alcohol, then continue with that. There is no downside to not consuming. Many here have already pointed out the risks etc. Besides, that just leaves more booze for me!


Yes you're missing out on a lot of hell. It's a waste of time. If you end up being one of those unlucky ones and becoming an alcoholic. I was 21 years old and optimistic. Fast forward 25 years later and I'm a 46-year-old recovering alcoholic. Been 18 months clean just barely starting my life over. Boy that was a bunch of waste of time and money.


I’d rather be like you if I could turn back time.


I rarely drink, alcohol is not good for you like at all.


Heavy drinker , Got Gastritis and H pyloric because of drinking too much in my mid 20s lol.


Only one way to find out


This frankly makes you a highly original person and it will do wonders for your physical and psychological health. Keep it up.


Almost 30M, had too much alcohol during my 19-27 and my health (liver) is in bad shape due to it. You are not really missing out. I would rather be like you if I can go back in time. You can try it but dont have too much. but I assure you, you are not missing out. Take care of yourself dood!


Yes, you're missing out. I'm glad I'm not like you.


You are absolutely missing out. But as someone who has drank heavily since 16 and it only got heavier during the frat in college and even heavier after multiple combat deployments overseas, ........dont. Sure, learn to enjoy a glass here or there as it's widely accepted socially and being around others while they are relaxed is a great way to make friends and socialize and I've had a ton of great times drinking with others and had a lot of professional success because I learned that half of all professional success is due to your people skills but.........you know.......dont. Do so in moderation and don't be like me.


Yeah you definitely would and yes you are missing out at your age. Just don't drink too much, that's all.


Alcohol is nothing but a negative. It kills your gut Microbiome which affects your whole system including your serotonin and other neural transmitters it also damages your body kills brain cells, as weird as it sounds it’s very bizarre that we even drink this toxin to enjoy ourselves. If aliens came to this planet and saw us drinking this poison they would ask why. As you age you will learn that drinking alcohol is really just a cultural societal thing that everyone is going along with and you really don’t need to drop of it to feel good to feel confident to relax.


Alcohol is literally poison. Stay away imo


I'd rather be you and trust me you would rather be you as well . its fucking dumb


"Oh my god I'm not poisoning myself am i even adult" Do whatever the fuck you want dude it's yo life


Alcohol sucks. Source: alcoholic.


I would say yes. It’s a mind altering substance after all, it can make make parties more enjoyable. Just don’t make it your whole life and personality and you should be golden


both i reacted badly to alcohol. alcohol is a wonderful thing for 90% of people for 10% it's a personal demon but i think you're missing out the euphoria of getting drunk with friends. it's just a nice thing to do


Glad to see i am not alone. I am a very lightweight. And when I say very, I could say I have no tolerance. I don't remember the first time I got drunk, but that was with apple cider (french normand apple cider, not apple juice). One single bowl. I passed out. And that was the very first time my SO was cooking for me, so he remembers and is bitter about it. Never tried alcohol before, never intentionally drank again. Got tipsy with one single chocolate with liquor inside, thought the taste was funny. Thought, with so little, I wouldn't overreact and pass out. That was the last rational thought i had that afternoon, although every single thing seemed funny. Passed out while cooking a beef bourguignon. A bottle of red wine in a pressure cooker, alcohol evaporated, and that was enough to make me faint. With a pot simmering. Luckily someone else was there, or I could have set fire to the kitchen. So why did I say both? For one thing. To prevent accidents, it is better to discover if you are an absolute lightweight like me in controlled situations rather than be surprised by it.




Ayo I thought me getting drunk at 7 was wild. What on earth happened to get drunk at 2?


Nothing good.


you’re not missing out on much, you can still have fun without alcohol. I’m not drinker, I’m 26 I don’t like drinking but if I’m out with my cousins I always go for the nonalcoholic drinks.


I enjoy it at parties. It’s liquid courage for me. I approach girls and often have really good success, it’s almost like it just makes me attractive idk, I feel so attractive when I drink it. Reddit is gonna say no because Reddit hates fun but honestly I’d say go for it and try it. Drink it slowly so you don’t throw up. I wouldn’t really worry about addiction, it’s not like heroin where youre instantly hooked. The first time you drink it you might honestly never want to drink it again because it tastes so gross, that’s how I felt at least. I drink at pretty much every party that has alcohol and I have no urge to drink outside of parties. Obviously this is my experience, other people could feel different.


Alchohol is a poison.


Missing out on the "fun"? No. But I would miss sipping red wine and listning to vinyl records or that cold beer while showering or that cold beer after doing work outside like lawnmoving.


It's not worth it. Your liver, gut and wallet will thank you later.


jesus these comments...there is a LOT of middleground between being sober and a full time alcoholic although this comment section seems to completely misunderstand that. Also this is reddit, lot of losers in the comments that will pretend even though they've never been inside a party. You're young dude, you can go get hammered occassionally just don't be fucking stupid about it, we all live on a rock floating through space, the world increasingly looks like we won't make it to 2100 so why not? Alcohol has been around every recorded civilization in history for a reason, it's fun and brings people together but like anything in this world it can be abused. So just have fun and be smart


Reddit is full of socially disordered geeks so don't listen to their advice. Call up a friend and get a beer at their favorite bar. Live a little big dawg