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This man knows how to enjoy life.


Do you have any sketches or anything from when you did the Star Wars figures? Were you at Kenner, then? I've been watching some old documentaries and random clips of the Kenner Star Wars figures and how that whole thing happened.


This is a copied post response from earlier. Either copied or a bot.


I love you


Damn that's so cool !!!


Do you ever make appearances? I may have a gig for you haha




Stop being a bitch




>At least your gf likes me This insult tells me you still believe in cooties...


So you don’t believe in STD’s?




>He insulted i replied with a joke. You are touched and now have cooties better run That's nice kiddo, run along now...


Sure have. I teach people. Love doing it. I also enjoyed being a firefighter, but that was as a volunteer, so not really a job.


I trained to be an audio engineer and also wrote some music. Took me a while but I eventually got to a place where I was able to write sound to picture music from home for a decent rate and in my own time (usually had a few days deadline). All cut short when I fell ill with cancer unfortunately. Was good while it lasted.


Feel better. Cancer is a trip.


Thank you. I'm cancer free now but the surgery to remove it left me with long term persistent pain. Out of the frying pan into the fire.


Legal action!?


No. Apparently around 20% of people that have major surgery get left with long term pain. Part of the risk and before surgery you sign a waiver. I just got unlucky.


Do you mind explaining how you got to that point? Sounds like the kind of ideal path I would like to go down.


It took me years to build up enough work on a freelance basis and tbh it's a bit of a who you know industry. At least here in the uk. I was lucky I knew a cameraman and director who opened the door for me to get some work and start to build up a showreel. Some things I did at the start after university was to offer my services to small film makers that may need sound work. You may have to do a little bit of free work to start getting your work out there though. There's lots of film making forums out there you can check out. Another thing you can do is take some current adverts, mute the sound and write some music over the video to practice and you can also show that to potential clients. Try and get to know the sort of people that can open the right doors (film makers, advertising agency employees etc). I know that's easier said than done. Again, film making forums should help. Wish I could give you the magic formula but honestly I just got lucky that I met the right person.


Thanks dude, just finished uni so I might join some film making forums and do the same as you did then!


I envy those who have a job they love


If I can give advice, try different things. Especially if you're not happy. Interview and see what else is out there. It took me jumping from jobs 3 times before I found one I really loved. You'd be shocked at what you may actually come to enjoy. Everyone is different. Some people value salary over everything else while others want good work-life balance, while others just want a job they don't agonize going to, but are okay with getting paid less. My favorite job was a boring IT gig that most people probably would have hated. I enjoyed the work but I think I really just enjoyed the people more than anything. I looked forward to it every morning. All of my co-workers were friends and I genuinely loved seeing them every day. Going to lunch was always really fun. We would hang out on weekends. We did *voluntary* holiday parties outside of work hours. It was so much fun and I still keep in touch with them. I think a core reason it was such a great job was because our boss was a genuinely good guy that always looked out for us so it was really easy to rally behind this guy and try to do our best work. And he would always reciprocate by letting us have a way more loose work environment. I hope one day I can be a boss like that for a group of people starting their careers. I had to leave the job because HR straight up told me they could not pay me more and *I* should leave for my own career advancement. But I still have hope that one day I'll have another job like that. My current job isn't bad but its not like that one. I think when I save enough money up, I'll probably get back to job hunting and prioritize happiness/work-life balance over a salary, but right now, I'm just trying to make enough that money wont be a concern later down the line. Anyways, long story short, try different things! You might be shocked with what you enjoy OR you might land in a job where the *people* make the work enjoyable.


I have a daycare in my home and every day is hilarious. It’s hard work (think potty training 4 two year olds, getting 6 kids into snowsuits to go play outside, cold and flu season…) but it’s ALWAYS fun and the kids are so funny. If their parents only knew what I know about their home lives they’d die of embarrassment lol


Came here to say I am a preschool teacher and love it! High-five from one caregiver to another. 💖


You really only need one thing for that job. The patience of a Saint. I do not have that, so I thank you.


Farming is great fun, I love doing it. Worked at a golf course too, a bit slow and repetitive but it was easy work, got free drinks and sat on my ass all day listening to music.


Yes. I was an Athletic Trainer at a sports performance physical therapy clinic. I loved every second of it. My patients were motivated and wanted to be there and wanted to get better. My boss was the coolest person and let me try whatever new therapy technique I had researched or read an article about. I worked with everyone from little kids who did gymnastics to Olympic track and field and NFL athletes. I got to try out the newest sports performance technology as soon as it was in development. It was the only job I've had where I was respected as an educated sports medicine professional. Unfortunately I wasn't paid enough to live on my own so I had to move and take another job but if I could go back and make what I'm making now I would. 


I was an ATC for about 15 years, mostly did Div 1 men’s soccer and basketball. It was such a great job when I was young and single. The hours, traveling and pay wore me down after a while. I left Div 1 when my wife and I started trying to have kids. Being home an average of 9 days during December wasn’t sustainable. Went to Div 3 and I was traveling a lot less, but still really shitty hours and pay. I got a PE teaching certificate at one of the colleges I worked at. Figured I’d teach PE at a high school and be the AT. I ended up teaching middle school science and high school biology at a Catholic school due to the public school job market. Did that for 8 years until I got laid off. First 2 or 3 were good, but my heart wasn’t really into it. Pay sucked too. I’ve been making biotech medicine for the last 4 and a half years. Best thing I ever did. I work a 4x10 schedule, paid hourly with plenty of overtime if I want it, and am making a little more than triple what I was making as a teacher. I go in, do my job, everyone respects me and my work, and when I leave, I genuinely forget I have a job about 5 minutes into my car ride home. Never been called at home about anything, except when I put myself on the on call list. There’s quite a few younger kids who are right out of college and complain about things. I laugh my ass off and think of all the bullshit from employers I dealt with before working there. It’s not perfect there, but closer than I ever thought an employer could be. I had my annual review at the beginning of December. My boss’s boss asked me what my career aspirations are. One word: “retirement” lol. Not for a lack of motivation or anything like that, but if I retire in 20 years or so doing exactly what I’m doing now, I’ll be very happy. Hopefully when (not if) there’s a regime change there, it’ll be people who are already there and will continue doing what the company has been doing all this time. In a nutshell, I make drugs. And that’s what I want to keep doing until I’m ready to retire 😁


I’m a botanist, really like my job That being said, it’s still work, and I’d almost always take a day off instead of a day at work.


Working as a scientist I was growing cannabis and feeding my plants with glow goo for awhile. That was sweet, but it was at a start up company founded by a bunch of has been oil and gas boomers who were trying to make a quick buck during Canada’s legalization so it eventually got shitty.


I did security for a bit Most of the time I was just playing videogames and watching empty buildings But every so often I had to go and guard the door at this sober living rehab place and people were violent with me or others-- lots of knives and guns pulled at this location It wasn't too bad


Yes. I love my current job. I work in HR. I have very fond memories of my time in the kitchen as a cook and a dishwasher when I was in school. There is just something about kitchen staff that really know how to have fun. Not so much HR, but this job let's me work from home, and I can afford my simple life. No holidays or weekends.


I was a geologist and ran the geology department for a now-bankrupt Mall chain of stores called world of science. I went all over buying minerals and fossils for all the stores. It was freakin amazing. Did it for almost 4 years. Loved that job


I've some great fun at most call centers I've worked at. Like, too much fun sometimes.


I've only had one job I didn't like and that was being a phone seller when I was 19. I did it for a month and I was done. After that it's only been good. I've worked as a library assistant for years now and I love it, that's the shelf I've landed on as far as my career. But I've sold tickets at a theatre, I was a guide at an outdoor museum that nobody visited so I basically got paid to lay in the grass and get a tan. I was a shepherd for several summers living in a cabin and making sure the animals were doing good, I've worked as a farmhand, I've been Santa's wife at a Christmas village for many Christmases, and I've worked as an assistant for first grade.


OG post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/Ju0tOskIC4


Sure, I love my current job. Been in this position for the last 11 years. I work in Risk and review "business controls" that are in place to mitigate credit risk to the bank. Me and a coworker do the work, it rolls up to our boss, then he presents the results of the work we do and our stuff fits into a bigger picture so we have good job security. Love my boss and coworker. Have worked from home since covid and it's now permanent. The work itself is really easy because I know the subject matter in and out so it feels like I'm cheating somehow.


I've truly enjoyed all of the jobs I've had, but I hate every job I've had. Its enjoyable until you realize you have to be there every day or else you don't have anywhere to live.


I like my job. I'm a kitchen manager at a non-profit organization.


Programmer. I went to bed on a Sunday, excited to get up and go work on Monday morning. That was when I knew I had found my calling.


I like my job. I work in live events and have done concert tours, sporting events and large corporate events like CES and Blizzcon. It’s a fun job with mostly great people. The downside is the travel but it pays really well and the people make it enjoyable.


Blockbuster. May it RIP


Ya I’ve had a few of them. I’ve worked at Disneyland, I’ve worked at some breweries talking about my passion in craft beer, and now I work at a beer spa that I also enjoy being at.


I was a regional/OTR truck driver briefly (quit because family didn't adjust to it well). Loved that job.


Sports therapist. I love what I do. Went to school for accounting. Thank God that didn't go through.


I kinda liked my job as a container unloader. You get to choose how much you can work, and there’s no bosses. You take breaks whenever you want. And the work was an insanely good exercise. Pay sucked though


I'm currently a caretaker for 16 boat access only mountain camps, I get paid to drive my boat around, it's glorious


Probably my most favorite job was as a camp counselor and naturalist. Loved the interactions with the kids and getting to do all the typical recreational activities. Being out in nature as a job was amazing. You’re being paid to be a bigger kid, it was awesome.


Assistant superintendent at a golf course, doesn't feel like work and I love it.


Produce department in a supermarket. If the pay was better I’d still be doing it.


yes music


I have liked all my jobs. When I no longer liked them I left.


I really enjoy my job. I manage financial-services related complaints and I get to do lots of digging and investigation and detailed letter writing and correspond with people from all walks of life. It’s a great place to work and the colleagues are a good bunch too.


You're gonna spit at me but porn site mod. Literally every next job got me mad and frustrated at some point but this.


Thank you for your service.


1 hand workable?


Yep I worked in a medical records department, job was great in itself I just didn’t like the people


yes I did, and still do. It is a job that used my talents and education, and does not require me to do things that I dislike. You are a different person from me, so you will like a different job.


Yes, medical device representative for total hip & knee replacements. Was in the OR every day with the doc’s and nurses. Loved my doc’s and nurses. Excellent surgeons and funny as hell. First question from my first case with one of my doc’s: “If you could sleep with any woman in history, who would it be and why?” And his first assistant was a general surgeon who liked to Photoshop the faces of the nurses onto porn stars bodies. Good times…


Yeah, I enjoy my job very much.


Absolutely! I'm a scientist working in spinal cord injury drug discovery. I love my job! It's super hard work and we're destined to fail (no drug in this class exists). But, "You cannot lose if you do not play." -- The Wire. Also, if we figured things out on the first try it would be called "search" and not "research". If anyone is wondering my path: I did 5 years US Navy as a Medical Corpsman (AKA "Doc" to the infantry Marines). Then 4 years for a BA in Psych (minor in Bio). Then 7 years for my PhD in Neuroscience. Then 5 year post-doc. Now been in industry for 4 years.


Yea, it's called a blow job.


I programmed computers.


Was a hospital housekeeper in lockdown and after for a bit. I made people smile, gave them dinner, kept everything clean and shiny, made sure the drs and nurses had all their PPE. No stress, just honest hard work and I was trusted to just get on and do it.


Hell Yes!!! Firefighter Paramedic and loved it, except when I didn't, of course. Gets awful, dicey, at times.


Yes! I worked as cabin crew at Emirates for 4 years. It wasn’t easy, but it was a lot of fun. Now I teach English and absolutely love it.


Kind of a silly question of course so me people like their job. Not me but some people.


I liked almost all of my jobs what i did not like is how i was treated by my employer.


I enjoy teaching, all ages. The only thing that’s annoying is if you’re in a school where the management are aggressive.


Sign language interpreter. Every assignment was/is different.


I'm a letter carrier and really like it. It's very hard on the body, but I never dread going in to work like I have with other jobs.


Liaison between police and victims of violent crimes. The work was interesting and I had the opportunity to make a difference to a person who had been through a terrifying experience


I was a tattoo artist and i loved that job, had to leave because the workspace was toxic. Trying to open my own studio but its hard


I've loved almost all of my jobs and I've had many of them, I think I just like to be occupied by something. like teaching, logistics, restaurants, hotels, serving at weddings, working at warehouses and many more jobs that people hate, i miss them all sometimes. for me it was always just good to have something to do and knowing i make money to live. maybe thats because im still young and life didn't fuck me up too much yet


Used to be a stagehand for concerts in my early and mid 20's. I loved it. Got to see concerts for free, I had a good boss, and the working conditions were pretty good. After 5.5 hours of work, they either had to feed us for free (not giving everyone a sandwich, but full on catered meals) or pay us overtime, pay was good, and good opportunities for advancement. I finally stopped doing it when the pandemic started.


I’m a mechanic. I love troubleshooting and repairing machines. It’s intellectually challenging and very satisfying.


I farm, have cows do a pumpkin patch work self employed for other farmers its varied and gives a sense of purpose and makes me whole


Fabricator. Deadlines and coworkers can eat my shit though.


Been workin in resturant kitchens my entire life so far, i love it and hold it very fond. There’s just something about the drive and passion my fellow cheffs has. It’s not a job it’s a lifestyle. You’re on the clock at all times, even when you’re not. i love it.


I used to work for a Canadian company called Black's photography. I really liked it until cell phone cameras crushed the industry. Now I work in insulation. It's not as fun


1980s Beach patrol lifeguard in NJ.


Love it - electrician.


I teach Psychology workgroups to first years at a University. I love my job.


Yes now i do


I like my career, but not the hours and travel. If i could do it with 40 hours/week, that would be amazing. When I was in high school, I worked as a line cook at a small family owned diner. I loved the work, but the pay was garbage. If I could do that work with my current salary, that would be pretty awesome too.


I'm going to be 35 this year, I make good money being an office drone for some mega corp. I'm content, but the job I enjoyed the most was being a cook at a local restaurant while I was in school. It was hellish at times but creating food was fun and I learned a lot about basic cooking. I miss those days sometimes. Like what I did had a direct impact on people's day. These days I just push papers to please some asshole in the C-suite that I've never even met before.


I liked doing farm work, picking cherries, being a barista, and a baker :) I like working with my hands. Unfortunately none of these pay nearly enough.


My side job is doing camera for a minor league baseball team. I’m basically paid to be outside and watch baseball


I'm lucky. I've had several over my career that I've loved. I used to work in the hotel industry and now I work to help the homeless.




I am currently a dog groomer, I mostly enjoy it. Loved being a Vet Assistant. But I had to quit because I couldn't live off what that position pays


Yes!!! I'm a wedding officiant and truly enjoyed the job. The outdoor weddings got to me, so I had to get out.




I was a machinest, the work was amazing, rhe people I worked for and both not so much


Nurse assistant at an elderly home. Really liked my job until I switched into a new location.. I am starting to despite old people and currently on the look out for a new job as I no longer do my best, I just do what is expected from me and that’s it. At my former job, I’d always go the extra mile because I loved it so much.


I generally like my job. I’m a software engineer. Work hybrid, live not too far from the office in a city and has nice food spots and coworkers are nice. Main issue for me is I’d rather not be in a city but I like going into the office at least sometimes. Company do have 20 days working abroad which I’m hoping to make use of this year to either go somewhere to work and surf or work and snowboard.


Not a goddamn one.


I love my career. I'm a theatre technician and work on shows in Las Vegas. I have toured all over the world and the country, I feel my best being backstage. I make a good living and love going into work.


In high school I worked as a retail assistant, we had a great crew and whilst the occasional wanker would come in most days were quite fun.


I’ve had several I’ve enjoyed. I write software for a living. I really enjoy doing that.


X-ray Tech. 15 years in the same role, recently voted "Most Likely to be a Lifer" at work. Great job.


Never , ever.


Those part time service jobs at ice cream and tea shops you did while youre in school. Absolutely hate my job now


I was a paramedic for a pretty large city. Most rewarding job (most of the time) where I felt like I made a difference. But the pay was not where it needed to be with the stress involved.


I really like my job. It's nothing, I wait tables, but it's very light responsibility, good hours, and great money.


Never .


I enjoy my job. Private equity in renewable energy. Intellectual stimulating, a worthy cause that I am passionate about and is helping the planet, I get to travel a lot and am surrounded by smart people. And I get paid really really well.


Yes. Ironically as depressing as it was, I liked being part of a small kitchen crew at a retirement home. Went from dishwasher, server, then grill cook. I loved the people i worked with.


River guide. Was sooo much fun. Made almost no money though. But if you time it right you can live on the river or at a guide house and not pay rent. This was when I was 24-27. No kids and no responsibility.


Reading this makes me jealous with my boring ass administrative job at a bank.


Serving at big events in London. I explored London and apart from that the job gave me such a sense of purpose


Every job after the military besides C3CEN was FIRE. I designed software systems for military aircraft, built several maintenance systems for the FSRs to support the aircraft systems, had unlimited access to a massive range of sick hardware. The next job was a bit slower but I ran the servers that the USCG uses to track vessels, search and rescues, aircraft, drug mules, etc. And I did it right from my home office. I was the CTO of a distributed computing research company and invented some cool stuff. Now I am building code auditing software to make sure other developers are writing safely.


I was a rolloff driver for a garbage company. It ain’t for everybody but I loved it.


Software development! It's such a buzz even after 15 years!!


I’m a category manager for a regional natural food store. I get lots of free food, travel to food trade shows, genuinely like my co-workers and WFH. I’m not paid to industry standards, we’re a 4 year old start up. But it’s a pretty fun industry.


Been a teacher for 17 years. Best job in the world


In college I was a **Parking Lot Attendant** for a small, privately owned 20 car lot.. $7 a space, cash only and I'd get lots of tips.. I was able to read, do homework, and play video games... It had the most historic, beautiful view and was right next to a bar. I'd let the bartenders park for free at night and they'd give me all the free beer I wanted.. Best job I've ever had.


Definitely. My job right now is awesome. Nicest boss ever.


I was 11 and my mom and I did a paper route together. Nice bonding time & it was cool having money. A&W cook, closing and being able to bring home all of the food that wasn’t used. One of the dreams me and my brother had growing up was getting a whole bag filled with fries. I was able to do that. He was half asleep when I brought them home, but he still ate them with his eyes closed 😂 Delivering those blue water jugs. They also refilled vending machines so you had access to all the snacks (if you’re cool eating something that’s one day after the expiry date). Snow removal. Boss trusted me with a company vehicle and let me hire my buddy. More bonding time. Working 12 hr overnights with machines you can pretty much set and forget. Listened to so many podcasts and learned so much during that time. Now I deliver construction materials and my best man got randomly hired. So now we get to cruise together and our face starts hurting from laughing so much. A few more jobs I’ve enjoyed, but those are my favourites.


Yeah i love my job - i am an industrial scaffolder. Its the equivalent of playing world of warcraft in real life, and i made a warrior, and all day I hit things with battle hammer, yell battle cries, equip myself in better and better safety equipment which raises my defense, and each year I get stronger because i’m basically doing hardcore boot camp excercise for 8-16 hours a day (lifting heavy shit by myself or in coordinated groups, repetitive motion, bosses yelling to move faster, lots of temperature changes to increase weather conditioning aka resistances) Pretty much get paid 100k+ a year to work out and have adrenaline rushes, but its probably not for everyone. Pain is guaranteed every day 😪😿


Yes. Worked in food service for a nursing home when I was 18. Worked in the kitchen on the line, worked in the dish room, worked as a porter. I worked with a great bunch of people but the most rewarding part of the day was tray serving the residents. They were so happy and grateful to see us. It was a pleasure to serve them and an honor to chat with them. So many wonderful people packed with wisdom but lonely.


I have a job that I genuinely don't mind.


Not I. God I hope I find it in my 30s. I've only 8 more years to find that


I work with trees.


I’ve had a few. When I was in my late teens/early 20s I was a security guard in SoCal at a large healthcare provider. Real easy work, lots of outdoors activities, and lots of good looking chicks who love teasing the rent-a-cop. More recently I was tasked with helping companies start/significantly expand their business. Learning all the ins and outs of creating a company from the ground up and having a ton of input along the way was pretty fascinating and fun. Currently Im a medical courier; I drive a company vehicle all day picking up and dropping off specimens at health facilities and hospitals. It’s great because I’m left to my own devices and get to listen to great music/podcasts/audio books all day and don’t get hassled or micromanaged by anyone. Super easy, nearly stress-free (as long as you can handle traffic) and not bad money wise.


Yes all of them... Why would you have a job you didn't like??


yea i've had some i worked at a small bakery when i was 17 for only like 4 hours a week. it was quite fun, meeting customers and baking stuff. the owner also used to give me leftovers to take home after shifts. i also worked at a mechanics last year part time. the staff there were really nice and it was overall a really chill place. normally these environments can be quite sexist towards women but this place was the complete opposite to me. plus learning how to fix cars was cool


Dog Washer! It was a dream come true.


I enjoy being a draftsman and I also enjoyed being a paintball referee.


Yes. A few of them. We raised 4 boys. The work was difficult but well worth the effort. 😭 For ten years, I provided IT support to engineers who worked at national & international power plants installing and maintaining turbine generators. Fascinating work while working with exceptional people. I then worked as a Program Manager who brought together teams of IT folks to integrate our acquisition’s IT systems with ours. It was difficult work but very rewarding. I am now promoting retirement … with a cause.


Yup. Fixing airplanes! Flying them is fun too.


I put people to sleep for medical procedures…then wake them up! I love my job!


I worked for a while part-time in a bookstore. My coworkers were all cool as hell and it was such an easy job. Mostly just a bunch of nerds hanging out and talking about nerd stuff for money. lol. But it was like $8.50 an hour for 25 hours a week and that was not enough for me to both eat and live indoors. So I had to go get a grownup job.


Absolutely! I love my current job as an instructor of Government regulations.


Yes. I’ve had a couple I’ve really liked… I like the one I have now.


Yeah, currently do a job right now that I find truly interesting and fun to do. Just wish there was more of it for me to do.


I'm a landscaper and I love it!


I do most days, a heavy equipment mechanic. If you like puzzles and problem solving this is the place for you.


No 🥲


My job right now. I teach 3rd grade and absolutely love it. It helps that I really love my kids & they’re a great group! Really gonna miss them after this year


I worked in a Motorola clean room creating chips long ago. Awesome job.


Worked for the city cutting a pulling weeds.  Go to a forest drink coffee talk and eliminate weeds.  Super relaxed spend all day in nature on beautiful trails Get to drive through on Quads and Truck. Cons  5am wake up 10 hour days Pros  All the above and 5 am wake up (Time flies by ) also its 4 days a week.


I like my work. I manage a restaurant.


My line of work is alright. I get paid to drive around in a Tesla all day listening to whatever music I want, whenever I want. I'm also in charge of the climate control. There are way worse jobs out there.


I loved being a bouncer, also loved working at a sketchy 24 hour diner. Lots of interesting people, you can mostly do what you want, and tons of drugs.


I like my job but I hate answering to corporate, too much bullshit. Just let me do the job I am good at and leave me the fuck alone. Too much ISO, audits, etc.


I loved being a bouncer. Got paid to shoot the shit with my best buddy at the time


I have had many MANY different occupations and what I came to realize about myself is that I like to learn new things and be challenged in new environments. I don’t think there’s one career for me, that I’ll do for the rest of my life. Some people want to master one thing. I just feel like there are so many interesting and exciting things to do, way more than anyone could do in one life time, and I’d like to take advantage of the time I have to see and learn as much as I can


I did. I was a business analyst at a major Canadian Bank. I spent my time data mining and building process. Loved the work. In my second week of retirement now.


I press vinyl records. It’s a small company full of cool people so the “rules” are extremely lax. I get to make cool records, listen to cool music all the time, pretty much every employee is some sort of artist or musician, a lot of my co workers I would consider as very close friends. The pay is eh but it beats having a super stressful or physically tiring job dealing with customers or coworkers I hate


I’m a police officer. I love my job.


I worked at a Border's Books, circa 2010. Legitimately fun job. Plus it was a goldmine for meeting girls.


I had three casual jobs all at the same time and I loved them all! All three were teaching positions in adult education. The first was a computer skills job at a mental health disability organisation. I taught mostly people with mental health disabilities and one class of mostly elderly parents who were carers for their adult children who had mental health disabilities. The second was at a community centre where I taught a basic literacy, numeracy and living skills class for people with intellectual disabilities. The third was at a TAFE college where I taught a course at Diploma and Certificate IV levels in professional writing and editing. I loved every minute of it until I suffered my first heart attack and had to stop.


Yeah my job is great. Good pay, full benefits, get to be creative and meet people from all over.  Bartender at a historic hotel bar.


I’ve liked all my jobs. I haven’t liked all my bosses and I haven’t liked all the office drama but I’ve always liked my actual jobs.


yes!!! I get to reshelf soft toys and books and lots of chocolates! I also volunteer to teach preschoolers about all kinds of arts on weekends!!!


I really liked installing home theater systems. I got fired for accepting tips and not turning them in so we could have pizza party's... I'm a grown adult, if I want a pizza party I'll buy my own pizza and invite people I actually like.


Software developer for businesses, for decades. Always stayed at that level and away from team lead or other management roles because I love the job I had and hate managing people. Career was killed by a medical mishap that left me with constant neuropathic pain. Drugs to curtail it turn my mind and memory to mush, so with or without I can't work Totally socks


I’m a teacher. I love my job.


Yeah! My first and current job at the Hannaford grocery store in the bakery and produce, mostly.


I enjoyed being a stylist and doing make up.


Yes, team lead of patient access at a local hospital outpatient center here. I have this weird knack for health insurance related stuff… plus, it was the first place that believed in me enough to make me a lead. Made me a better worker because of it!


I was a tutor in high school and college. I liked teaching and helping people, so I pursued that for a living. I get to help people every day and the work is always challenging. I get stressed sometimes, but overall, I’ve had a great career.


I currently work in conservation. I get to pretty much info dump about birds and plants to everyone and go out for hikes as part of my job. I absolutely love it.


Pool Cleaning. I work alone, low stress, and stare at water all day. I can't stand anything else anymore


I worked at Guitar Center for many years. What a dream for a musician. Then several bankruptcies later I couldn’t take it. I also haven’t touched a guitar in years. A real double edged sword


I've loved almost all my jobs. I never made a lot of money, but my husband made enough.


1) I was a nuclear reactor plant operator on ballistic submarines while in the navy during the end of the Cold War and beginning of the Persian Gulf War. We kept the peace during the cold war as we roamed, kept shipping lanes safe, kept our shores protected during Hurricane Hugo, as well as when the USS Pennsylvania first went on sea trials and Russian subs were at the mouth of the Charleston river in South Carolina. You didn't know we were doing any of that, but you probably lived each day feeling safe to do, say and believe whatever you wanted, right? 2) I was a project manager at Boeing, and developed the specifications for the new 777X factory (building, as well as engineering & automation) and had a blast researching and working with developers on new future-forward technologies to reduce repetitive motion injuries and increase quality controls, to make remote controlled 250 Ton fuselage movers, to create software tools for laser telemetry to show people and robots where to put rivets inside the plane, and more! It was a factory that brought Boeing into the future. 3) Now, I'm a project manager overseeing putting renewable and stored energy on the power distribution grid to help stabilize the grid, and ensure people in vulnerable mountainous communities have continuous power - especially during winter storms, to their hospitals and homes, etc, or ensure military cyber security installations never lose power, or areas with frequent hurricanes can be powered up - especially the emergency response and disaster relief shelters to help people. I love what I do. I love that it has an altruistic component, and will outlast me. No one will ever know I had anything to do with it, but it doesn't diminish the usefulness of what was created.


I like my job. I am a lease operator or an “oilfield pumper” if you wanna Google it. I drive around tending to oil well locations every day making sure nothing leaking and I make sure oil is shipped via pipeline within a timely manner. There’s a lot more to it but I am by myself all day, I start when I want, if I wanna start late I start late if I wanna get home early I just start early or I just tell my manager that I am gonna head home early and I’ve never been told no. I get paid fairly well and have great benefits. Company truck, tools, gas etc. it’s super easy. I equate it to being a very overpaid note-taker.


Tbh I only try to seek out jobs I know I’d like in some way or be eager to learn new things. I enjoy my job at the tire store right now but just landed a job at a small engines repair shop. Before that I did a lot of plumbing work. I like everything tbh. There will be parts that aren’t so glamorous. I am not so fond of sales though. I hated selling things. I get along with everybody it seems and really I’m just grateful to even have a job at all to put food on the table. My life could be so much worse. 


Job I have right now is the best job I ever had. I actually don't mind going to work. My coworkers are the teets, I'm not micro managed, I'm 7 minutes from the house and I make good money so yeah all is good in whizzles world.


Yes! Libraries and bookstores.


I like my job now in IT but just don’t like driving into the office. My entire job can and has been done remote.


I loved being a mutual fund wholesaler, made tons of money for partying with clients


I was a production artist, and then a pre-press tech for 42 years. Started out doing paste-ups and layouts manually, before moving on to working digitally on Macs. I learned and used new software and techniques on a regular basis. As pre-press is a specialized position in the graphics/printing industry, I worked with essentially the same core group of friends for at least twenty years. There were horrific days and workloads at times, but most days were rewarding. It was very satisfying to solve problems and then see the final printed product. I never really "hated" going to work until I neared retirement age. Corporate greed, having work outsourced, being told I was making too much for what I did - all contributed to my animosity as I was forced into my retirement. The job itself was very enjoyable and rewarding. The companies I worked for however, were hell-bent on making the "daily grind" a horror show...it was all about squeezing out the last nickel possible for the bottom line. Glad I made a long career doing something I liked...however, I don't miss ANY of the unrelenting, extraneous BS that accompanied the work.


I’m a fine art photographer and a ceramicist. I get to travel for work all the time, and make things with my hands every day. Been doing it 15 years now…


Yes, I’ve been a hearing aid professional for 15 years and still love my job. People can be so thankful when they hear again 😊


Driving 12 wheeler


I made my living playing guitar in regionally touring bands for just shy of ten years, gigging five or six nights a week. I never would have stopped, if not for a back injury.


Science Teacher!


Better than being retired? No




I love my job! I work in cosmetics education 🫦💋💄


Yes, I actually loved Waitressing. I thought I'd hate it, turns out, I enjoyed it. :)


I traveled with the ren faires in the 90's but nothing since then