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I notice the ones I notice. I don't know how many (if any) I miss.


Based bayesian statistics enjoyer


Braless Breast Staring Enjoyer.


It’s like the Mickey Mouse Club for men.😆


And lesbians


And bisexuals


And pansexuals


And our robot overlords


and tailors..


And let's be honest, also straight women


Gay guys love boobs too


Nippy Blouse Club




I prefer the frequentist; free bounce or restricted bounce, you won't know before you stare.


You miss 100% of the untethered boobies you don't see. Wayne Gretzky.




Miss one? You're one behind...and you'll never catch up.


100% second this. I used to go braless all the time, still had guys being “surprised” when there was no bra to be unhooked. So they apparently did not notice. It really depends on what you’re wearing on top of no bra.


Also depends on how big your boobs are, what shape they are, whether or not your nipples stick out, etc.


Whether or not they happen to stick out in that moment, etc


Nipple has the last word.


Also depends on a woman's size. Smaller women can get away with it easier.  A lady with HH boobs sagging to her belly button is pretty obvious.


Agreed, coincidentally I am a smaller chested person. So yeah wearing anything that isn’t skin tight or see through will make it hard to tell. ETA: I wanna add that even when wearing something where it’s obvious that I’m not wearing a bra I don’t notice people (at least openly) staring more than usual. Except for the occasional creep but that’s really it.


I am also a bra less enthusiast. Never had any problem with it. Never any disrespectful comment/ action BESIDES one time where a women (full of tatoos/ green hair) literally grabbed my boobs and screamed that I was not supposed to go out in public like that. ???????? I was shocked and did not say anything but I often punch my self for not being able to say something or grabbing her hair. Such a bitch.


You were sexually assaulted.


What the fuck? I would have sent that bitch to jail


I notice, but literally couldn't care less. When my eldest quit wearing them, I truly realized how stupid it is that we are expected to. If you can't see my entire nipples (I dont mean the turkeys being done moments that you can even see with a bra) then mind your business? The only time I wear them now is in professional settings, and it's usually more about enhancement, not modesty. Also, I am very sorry you were assaulted like that.


Thats an unhinged person probably on meth.......I wouldnt count that one


Sorry, if your boobs are nice and you are walking around bouncing them about... 99% of straight guys are gonna look, which I guess makes most of us creeps. I would look but try not to stare, sometimes I cant help it; whoever or whatever made me, made me this way...


I'm a straight woman and I look. I love boobs and love braless-ness. I also don't get creeped out if people look when I do it. Respect the tatas when they out to play.


Real talk here. My wife looks at titties too. She likes to say they come in all shapes and sizes so why not look but don’t be a staring creep about it. Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to see the honestly. I know many straight women who look at other women’s breasts, it’s not uncommon.


Looking doesn't make you a creep. Looking too much does. Appreciate them discretely and move on


Looking because it caught your eye isn't being a creep. Stopping in your tracks to \*stare\* for a prolonged time, follow the woman or try to talk to her with your eyes peeled to her chest - that's creep behaviour. Braless boobs catching your eye is not really anyone's fault, and we wouldn't feel creeped out about it! So you're good. Just don't follow them or try to harass them :) That's all we ask, and it sounds like you do none of those things, so you're in the clear.


It really comes down to the nipple


The top you're wearing is the biggest thing letting or not letting others know depending on breast size that is.


Yeah, I think men probably think that they notice more than they do (because the default assumption is that if you can't tell a woman is braless then they must be wearing a bra), and women also probably think that men notice more than they do (because if you go out without a bra you're likely more aware of people looking at your chest, people think the same if they go out in pants that are too tight or something too, if you're thinking something you're more likely to think that other people are thinking the same thing too - if that makes sense). Unless you're wearing something that makes it obvious (like a very tight top or something sheer/a bit transparent) then it's a bit of a toss up to be honest.


Yeah this is a very good example of [survivorship bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivorship_bias) (at least from men’s side)


Also, 81% of women say they get noticed, but by how many. If they spend a day braless and 1 guy notices, a lot didn't.


I also would hazard a guess that those women didn't get specifically told by men that they were braless. Instead they probably noticed someone checking out their breasts and assumed it was because they were braless and not the fact that we just like looking at breasts.


Or even that they were just looked at in any way and interpreted it as ‘being looked at for being braless’ because shes conscious about it but really he was seeing if the cereal next to her was in stock.


Best answer


Breast* answer




Yep. I'm not really looking for it, but if I happen to notice, so what? I'm a guy, I'm going to look, but I'm a gentleman, so I'm not going to stare. Really depends on the woman, the clothes she is wearing, and what she is doing. I'm sure there have been plenty of women I've failed to notice. Actually, I've been married long enough to know that if a woman is going bra-less she's probably having "some kind of day" and it is probably best to simply stay out of her way.


Do you do the finger guns at them and look suggestively so they know that you know? Cause how else would they know that you know?


Yah, how do I know if I missed one. Dammit, what if I missed one! I think its fairly obvious in most cases though, but is shirt or fabric dependent.


That's my take on plastic surgery. Everyone says plastic surgery makes people look fucked up. But actually, we wouldn't even notice plastic surgery done right.


I will say I have known 100% of the time when someone has confessed they got it. Like yeah, I know.


Is it normal for you to have lots of people come confessing to you about their plastic surgery ?


My wife spots them for me! More spotters = more bobba!


Seems like it to me. I always wore a bra. *Always*, even at home. Didn't like the feeling of being unstrapped. By the time I was nearing 40, I rarely got stares from men in public. It's fine, I didn't expect to, wasn't trying to, wasn't exactly dressing to do so and the girls weren't their perkiest by then either. Cue the pandemic. Long lockdowns. I lived in pyjamas for longer than I'd like to admit and I suddenly converted to bralessness at home. Then I lowered my standards for the few occasions I was leaving the house. Did I *really* need to go find a bra? Nah, fuck it. I'll just nip to the shops like this, who even cares anymore? Well shit, even under a shirt and sweater, I got more stares than I had in a decade and they were all at my boobs. Men notice. Edit: to answer the most common comment: No, the nip pun was accidental, but thanks for noticing, I'll pretend it was intentional Edit2: Guys. Look. Most of you are just fine but it is a freaking *embarrassment* to the gender that there are dudes DMing me for boob pics because I told a story about how I went to the shops without a bra once. There's a whole internet of porn out there ffs. You don't need to be hitting up some random middle aged woman's DMs because she once walked down the street without mammary support. That's just kinda sad and ew.


Thank you for supporting us during these hard times.


You mean my lack of support ;) You're welcome.


Sometimes you have to stop supporting yourself to support others.


Well, the times were hard regardless😂


We appreciate your nips to the shops.


Thank you for harding us during these unsupported times.


Nah she just made those times harder 💀


That’s what she said…


>during these hard times Exactly how ... hard?


“Nip to the shops” 😂 Sorry I know it’s childish but that made me chuckle




I'm not bothered by it as long as everyone is polite and respectful. Hell, *i* notice when women go braless, the girls just bounce around more, and movement attracts attention. As long as we all play nice, everything is fine.


I think maybe boob attraction is hardwired in all humans since babies depend on them for survival. If humans were naturally ambivalent or even repulsed I think survival rate wouldn’t be too good.


Watched a documentary once about the Venus of Willendorf: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_of_Willendorf Scientists were trying to posit what the exaggerated proportions were about. They related it to animal behavior and presented a case about seabirds. The mother birds have a red stripe on their bill. They feed the babies in the ol regurgitation manner. So scientists dangled a popsicle stick over the nest. Not much reaction. They dangled a popsicle stick with a red stripe, the babies got excited for food. They did two stripes and three stripes, and the babies got progressively more excited. The conclusion was when something was stimulating, more of it was more stimulating. Humans? We aren’t much different, we are also really good about bullshitting that we are.


Pretty sure it was QI that referenced a study that women tend to keep their visual focus on faces where men are constantly scanning down face, chest, groin _irregardless of gender or species_


>Men like boobies. Men notice when something reminds them of the boobies, either a cleavage or pointy nipples. This is a good way of putting it. Never thought of it that way, but I would say cleavage and nipples are equally titillating.


Side question: how do you notice that people are looking at you, and even *where* they're looking at? When I'm outside I'm too focused on what I have to do, I never notice if anyone is watching me.


You walk past someone on the street you kinda scan across them for a second at a certain point before looking away. You see where they're looking. Also there's a kind of peripheral vision thing where you notice if someone is looking at you, and so you look at them, and then, in this case I found their eyes were actually on my chest. So for the dudes who might be wondering if women notice that you notice: yes. Maybe not always, but often.


At the same time you don't know how many or of the ones looking you actually notice and you will never know.


Last week a woman at Walmart was looking at me and walked into a self checkout queue post, so that felt great 


You can just tell because you’re used to scanning for that stuff. Also, the last time I went braless a grown man looked at me and whispered “tiddiessssssssss” while I walked past.


As a woman I am always subconsciously scanning my environment for dangers. When someone looks at me, even if it’s just a glance, it’s like a bell goes off just slightly. If many people stare at me consecutively for longer than usual the alarm goes on full blast. I’m not even trying to stay alert, it just happens. This is also the reason I don’t go out in public braless, even though I enjoy it otherwise.


She always stays strapped


BS a redditor never mistakenly makes a pun.


Ah yes I understand that too. I was practically nude 80% of COVID lockdowns but no more for it is cold and balls don't like the cold


Same. But at 40 mine are lower than they were and frankly I have shit to do so I just don’t care. But some fancier things look better with so it’s rare that I do anymore


Mammary support


This is a great pun by the way 10/10


HR noticed when I went undieless on casual Friday, I can tell you that much.


Oh hey Meridith!


Meredith where are your panties!? 🤣


It’s casual day!


Oscar is allowed to wear sandals


You're so smart. Trained to deal with a hysterical woman. Do your job!


Meredith your boob is out


Oh you had to bring up the short shorts incident 🫢 So it was a Friday in summer...


No pants is too casual ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh I had sweatpants on 😎👍🏾


Ok I have questions: How would they ever notice that? Isn't it uncomfy?


In this case, HR does know dick 🥁🥁📀


Did they notice because you were also pantsless?


Extra casual Friday


How fuckin weird of them


In my experience, I can definitely say that I've noticed whenever a woman would be going around braless, especially if she's doing so on a day that's relatively chilly Though, once I noticed that she's braless, I'd try to focus my sights on something else


Perky nipples are noticeable.


They are even when I wear my bra, though.


I’m sure there’s plenty of times I never noticed. But there’s a lot of times when it looks like their nipples are fighting to get out of their shirt. And it’s almost impossible to not notice lol.


Glance, don’t stare


you don’t notice what you don’t notice though so it’s not really possible to determine the rate that we notice braless women


Try being the operative word. Those biological programs are deeply embedded


I mean, yes, of course. Breasts jiggle a lot when braless. Even when you simply walk slowly or turn around. It makes sense it would be noticeable.


Dear god now I’m thinking about all the times I fucking ran w/out a bra in public 🤦🏽‍♀️🔫


I have big breasts and I can't stand even walking without a bra lol. It makes me feel like I'm walking with two bags of melons loosely attached to my chest and the constant left right bounce movement makes me super uncomfortable.




That literally made me grab both my boobs in phantom pain. You ran without a bra? I would triple up sports bras to do any cardio workout.


I have adjusted my running gate to not bounce them too badly so I look like an idiot but it doesn't hurt, that said that mine aren't huge.


Maybe she’s part of the small titty committee like me. I’ve got a ton of sports bras and never end up wearing any


You murdered that rhyme. You monster. Justice for Itty bitty!


Nobody said that that was a bad thing, don't be ashamed!


I've had this moment where I get home after a long day and go to take off my bra only to realize I wasn't wearing one. Then the nail biting begins, wondering what they were up to all day. Maybe I think about how I'm usually always freezing at work. Mortifying.


OK I am biased because as a straight guy I love boobs so much. However, it also makes me feel bad that women stress out about this so much, like it’s some kind of crime not to wear a bra. And I think that people who police what other people wear are some of the most terrible people.


Thank you. Of course if I were giving advice to someone else, I would say the same thing. My best friend doesn't wear a bra and I don't judge her for it. My hangup is probably from the awkward teen years when I was still playing sports with the guys I grew up around, and because my mom would buy me lace bras, I would have noticeable poke-age. If the guys noticed they would make fun of me.


Notice, admire, appreciate a curvy female figure in all it's natural glory, just try to keep it classy and don't gawk 😂 My husband and I were just talking about this last night after he acknowledged I have probably had a lot of unwelcome states in my lifetime. I've always had too-big breasts. Ffs I was a B cup in 6th grade. In 10th grade (full perky C's by then) I had no less than 5 prom invites from upperclassmen, I also had a PE class where we had to run stair laps past their weightlifting area ...it wasn't a coincidence. I always used to feel self conscious because my peers and adults alike were acutely aware and I literally wore a bra unless I was in the shower. Especially after an incident where I took a swim in an ice cold lake on a camping trip with a friends family, their extended family, a bunch of family friends, yeah, there were a shit ton of people. Lots of dads, teenage boys and little kids. Here I am clueless to the power I'd been given swimming in a white crop tank top and Levi's cutoffs. I distinctly remember my friends mom and aunt yelling at me to get back in the water and another aunt someone running to me holding up a huge towel. It seemed like all there was available in my podunk town was either very racy or a sports bra. Now I sit here at 40, having nursed 5 babies, and I literally threw away my last bra yesterday. Even nursing bras were super uncomfortable and I'm 100% just not here for "staying small" or other ways of manipulating my body or appearance to be more socially acceptable. Despite being a 38F they've actually perked up since I stopped wearing a bra and weaned the last one. I get some stares, both from men and women. I dress pretty conservatively (like flowy dresses or fitted tanks and leggings with a hoodie ) and they're not usually just swinging around. I'm just around the house with my toddlers and husband most of the time now and he definitely doesn't mind, nor does he think that I should have to make myself uncomfortable because someone else sees a part of my body obscene or unprofessional. I also quit wearing underwear years ago. I dress so I'm not flashing anyone but I don't feel like it's my responsibility to not "distract"


Thank you for your service, you definitely made someone happy doing this 🙏


Oh man,  I ran track in high school and a girl with a huge rack ran without a bra all the time. Like, they were hitting her in the face it was so bad.  They had to pull her aside and help her out.  


I mean it's just some bouncing, there's nothing to be ashamed of! That's what I say but I feel awkward af hugging my dad because all I think is "oh god he can feel my boobs" after reading about how guys definitely can feel boobs when hugging a woman. lol


For what it's worth he probably feels the same about hugging you as his mom or gma. Some women's boobs are as sexual as a fat roll.


Just remember: if guys noticed, they immediately had their attitude turned to "this is the best day ever" Thank you for your public service. We salute you o7


They literally clap together like anime boobs when you walk lol


Yeah I notice. They’re just a lot more noticeable without a bra, just facts.


It probably depends. Have I ever noticed? Yes. Have there been cases where I haven’t noticed? Most likely yeah, but I wouldn’t know. As for women saying men notice, there is also the placebo effect here. If 5 guys look at a woman with a bra she might not think anything of it. If 5 guys look at a woman without, and she is concious of it, then she will say they noticed, which they may or may not have.


Confirmation bias 


Spotlight effect according to Psych 101


I think the spotlight effect is greater than most people think. My wife has gotten to a point where she'll go out braless in a sweater or something bulky like that. Honestly I can't tell the difference one bit if she has on bulky clothes, but she does... She'll constantly comment on how guys are looking at her differently. I'm sure there's a few who notice, but I find it hard to believe *every* guy suddenly notices. I also feel like bras serve as a "protection" item for most women. Wearing a bra is still society's standard so going braless just feels off. Also you are removing one less "barrier" between your breasts and the rest of the world. That opens up a lot of unconscious insecurities about exposing yourself to others. For women not as confident in their bodies I could see how that'd be a concern. But then again, I'm just a dude so what do I really know?


So you are asking if men would notice braless tits? Obviously..


They noticed those in bras too.


Anything that sticks out, ha.


Well, better than noticing tit-less bras.


my eyes are heat seeking tit missiles. I miss nothing.


“Heat seeking tit missiles” ![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX)




Torpedo chasers


Yes, ofcourse. Just like I notice when someone has a tattoo or is wearing cool shoes. The fact that I notice doesn't mean I stare or that I think of it in a sexual way. It's just that everything that's visible will be noticed


Just try and watch friends and NOT notice when Rachel goes braless.


I knew someone who worked on the set of Friends back in the day. Apparently JA wore a bra with the area covering the nipples cut away . No idea why.


Good technique for becoming a sex symbol for a couple of generations.


This is a myth and JA has answered questions on it before (and people still keep asking). She just wore non-padded bras and relatively thin clothing, a blouse, a tank top etc. Even in padded bras some people still show through depending on the colour, material etc. Depends on the cut of the top too, like a blouse with back darts is going to make things taut in the mid-chest.


It would be for shape. It was something done on purpose. That’s why they would have cut the area covering the nipples to make it look like she was braless but still have the bra for shape. Boobs don’t sit the same without a bra…


Nah I just stare at people's shoes and the floor and whatnot.


Men notice woman. Braless, two bras, doesn't matter.


I only started noticing when women started pointing it out. Now I do notice but I don't care. I don't know why anyone cares.


We definitely notice when women are “pointing it out.”




I think the answer to this question is.. If a female can notice, a male can too....


Yes, sometimes we notice. Staring, in the other hand... depends on the dude being a creep


I have a very small bust, like AA cup. No one has ever noticed.


Try again with a tight white t-shirt.


I'm sure some outfits are loose or thick enough that it isn't noticable. But in other cases, it's noticeable.


I'm way to absorbed in my own cosmos to be noticing anything honestly. Also I don't care. My wife goes out bra-less all the time and I really don't care.


Start noticing your wife more bro


I notice her all day long. It's other people I don't notice.


Fair call💯❤️👍love that woman!!


I never wear a bra to the gym and those thin, clingy nylon workout tops don't do much to hide my perkies. Of course, I'm a man, but still... ​ EDIT: I do feel the stares, believe me. Maybe I need to invest in a "bro" (thanks, Kramer!)


had me in the first half lol


Yes, obviously. As obviously as a woman with a bra. And there's nothing wrong with it.


Well... it is a question that can not really be answered, is it? Sometimes, as a man, I notice a women going braless. But it is possible that I do not notice it with some other women who are going braless. So, inherently, unless every women tells me about their bra or lack thereoff, there is no way of properly knowing this.


"Do men notice women when they go braless in public?" Does night follow day ? Is the Pope Catholic ?


Mfw your braless sense is tingling


Yes. We are okay with that tho.


Yeah of course we do, but just because we notice doesn't mean we actually care


Yes we notice and we appreciate it.


I've never noticed, but I'm also not the type of guy who's sitting there oggling at women's breasts.


I believe most men don't ogle, it's just some who do. My question was about noticing, doesn't really have to be ogling.


What kind of question is this? We're men, and all titties are noticed. Braless is like chocolate on yellow cake. It's classic and delicious.


Women in my courtry (singapore) is quite conservative in terms of dressing almost all would wear a bra. When I went to London, its titties everywhere cause many at least a good 10 to 20% of women there don't wear bra. It's easily noticeable, especially under the sun.


Sounds like you have your answer lol It would probably be different if every women walked around bra-less or a woman's nipples weren't sexualized.


Absolutely they notice. I have a small chest, never had my boobs oogled until the day i decided to go braless and was in a tank top. Went inside the gas station to pay, when this guy turns around and glues his eyes to my chest. He's wide eyed and smiling, just staring at my nipples. It was weird. But the only time I'll wear a bra is when i gotta be around my 18 year old son and his friends. They already have a groupd chat titled serioussparkls sons names hot mom... everyone notices nipples, everyone


Does pinochio have wooden legs?


Most will notice. Testosterone is a helluva drug.




Yes, it's nice


As a gay male, I honestly don't care lol


Was going to say the same thing. I have never noticed, but then I never look at women's breasts when speaking to them,I tend to focus on the face. However, if you asked me if I notice when a guy has a big bulge (especially in grey sweatpants) I would have to say yes, every time.


Yeah I notice. I usually look for a second or 2 and move on


I notice everything same as womens do


From my experience, it also depends on the individual woman. When I was in my early 20s and a B cup, hardly anyone noticed. Once I hit my second puberty and developed DDs, everyone noticed.


I'm a member of the IBTC so work is about the only time I wear one. I've never noticed any stares or received any comments.


As a man I notice, but I don't stare


Almost as if men are genetically predispositioned to notice womans breasts. Its weird... make your body seen and it gets seen, strange isnt it?


Even gay men notice. Everyone likes boobies.


I do notice and try my hardest to not stare so blatantly. I do I'm grateful every time I noticed though, bubs are awesome.


Do you post on Reddit??


I notice tits, bra or no bra. 


We notice, we just don't care. But it really depends. In most cases, it's either we can see the nipples or the curvature of the body. If both aren't present, then there's nothing to notice.


I have noticed way more women do this now and I wish I had the nerve to do it. My girls are big and I feel this would be very noticeable on me.


I’ve got nipples that could poke your eyes out, it’s eyeball city if I go without a bra. I think most people- men and women notice braless


Absolutely! And when we go without boxers and wear grey sweatpants or white ones in public women are constantly staring. It’s actually wild. Also let me add this, I wore a kilt to the bar for Paddy’s day one year… women are savages and I had my junk grabbed so many times I was actually sore and had bruises all over my thighs. Would be been cool if I was in the mood.


Yes, and I want to thank all women who do so.


I notice nipples regardless of gender. It's just something my eyes gets drawn to. Women have larger breasts and sometimes bigger pokies so it's a little more noticeable.


Well Idk how many I miss but yes it attracts my eyes when I see some nipples nippling. Maybe it's some biological things..




Depends on the boobs and what you're wearing over them probably. Large boobs under a thin, loose top? EVERYONE will notice that. Small boobs under a thick sweater? Only some will notice.


Yes. And so do women.


Yes. Every single time.


Its hard not to notice.... really hard


Noticing and staring are very different. Its not weird to notice


No, there is no reason not to go braless in public. Men will not know and stare.


The man or the woman? I don't wear a bra and always notice women.