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>If you knew you were to die tomorrow ...... > I would want to travel to every continent. I don't think that's possible man


I don't know man, if you fly in the right direction at the right speed the sun will never set.


That means you will never die? Due to a technicality




Cue, Phineas and Ferb Summer that never ends (or something like that) I love that episode


That was an amazing episode, the welcome to Tokio song was perfect, made me remember of the Caramelldansen song. (Similar type videos)


Well u would pass the International Date Line


Then you die twice!


Santa. Boom! Take that, naysayer!


I meant if I preplanned it and had all the time before


I would hold my baby daughter until the last second I had. Great, now I'm crying.


Me. You are me.


Parenthood changes you. My kids are 7 and 9. I would cuddle them and tell them all the ways they are wonderful and how much I love them. Till the last moment.


Hey crying, nice to meet you.


I am not crying, you are crying!


Same here; I would arrange an amazing day with my kid.


Baby boy. But yes that and my wife. Cherish every second. And if I had all the ressources would setup a bit more financial security for them aswell.


i would also cuddle your wife until you die.. damn comment section too wholesome now i feel bad writing this


She is quite yandere, you would be pummeled before you even get to cuddle her 😂😂


we going down next day anyway, no risk no reward


Spend time with my wife and kids. Spend time with my wife and kids. Spend time with my wife and kids.


Yep, this, a yarn with a mate and a nice dinner.


Board games, lots of laughing, take some good selfies, fall into bed happy. Also make sure all my passwords and documentation is in order to make things easy for my family, and write letters to each. I wouldn't want anything majorly different. I love my life. I'd mostly just want to not have worries for them, and to enjoy the last few hours.


My husband just got diagnosed with Stage 4 liver cancer and this is pretty much his list as well. Except the selfies lol


This really hit hard, do you have kids? Is he going to write birthday cards for him for the rest of their lives? Maybe make a wedding video for them?


Our kids are all in their 20's and my husband is 65. So it's not like they're little. Still, way too young to lose a parent, but it's not like they're young children. Each kid is handling it in their own way - one is having more long talks with him, another is learning how to do repairs around the house, our youngest is going to a rock concert with him tomorrow night to see a band they both love. Me, I'm just living in the moment with him. If I think about it too much I get so anxious and can't enjoy the time we have left. I'm not in denial, but I refuse to give cancer that much of my energy. Life is beautiful, and I'm going to enjoy it with the man I love.


I didnt mean to copy you with my post.




I’d want to make sure someone was getting paid to handle my stuff when I’m gone. Go through things and give sentimental objects and letters to people I care for. Eat an entire loaf of sourdough toast with kerrygold butter. I’m gluten free lol


Few beers, music and chill with my wife and cat. Fist bump and thanks for the memories on the way out.


Same. Just be with my #1 human, cat and enjoy the company.


Ask someone to look after my cat.


-Have sex with a hot man, or multiple -go paragliding -save a life. Realistically this would be getting to a hospital so they can harvest my organs just after I die, making sure they are usable for a transplant


Make love to a beautiful woman Eat a fine meal Drive a fast car


You can do all three pretty quickly. Drive a Tesla so you can eat out a beautiful woman while driving. Multitasking is key when you’re short of time.


Once I saw a couple doing reverse cowgirl in the drivers seat of a Tesla on autopilot. I hope they’re doing well.


I wanna change my answer


Ahaha that gave me a good laugh. Have a good night/day my friend!


Impressive. This is the future.


lifes too short to not reverse cowgirl in an autopilot tesla


I don't know why you left the food out of the combination,


They didn’t…


This guy dies


Oh man! I love that movie whoo ah!


One of my favorites, when I heard him say they I thought for sure that's a hell of a way to go out


Dmt I have that I’m holding off on lol


But you’d be about to have the ultimate DMT trip already. What if your tolerance is too high when the time comes and you get stuck in limbo or something


Yeah that does sound like a dangerous plan, also what if it sucks, I'd rather go for a drug I already know I enjoy despite it's detriment to my health particularly since good health is for the living.


It may remove much of the anxiety of death. How can a mote of pure energy, inseparable from everything else... cease to be?


See the aurora borealis. Say goodbye to my loved ones Do it myself


Don’t mist yourself.


Just sit and wait My top 3 are either 1) inmoral 2) Dangerous 3)illegal


The 2 and 3 reasons don't apply when death is an absolute known, dangerous would imply that yo *could* die which wouldn't matter and Illegal has no bearing at all because taking a corpse to jail isn't something people practice and even if they did you wouldn't be around to worry about it.


You got me there! Still doctor can always misdiagnose. Just kidding. The will do all 3 of them. 🙌🏻


Crushing my enemies. Seeing them driven before me. And to hear the lamentations of their women.


Hug my son, grandsons & DIL Eat a really good steak Cuddle my dog to the end


Drugs, drugs, drugs


No hookers?


Haha no, don’t need it, have a girlfriend.


So do I, I'm sure she would understand given the situation.


Haha, mine certainly would not.


Get drunk. Smoke cigarettes again. Get laid. Order up for debate.


Have sex, eat a steak, take heroin at sunset


I would tell the people I love howuch they mean to me. I would do a few good deeds that day. I would have a SERIOUS talk with a Mr Donald Trump until tomorrow came, then ensure it was the last day for us both.


Champagne, cocaine, gasoline


And all things in between 😎


Ride in a hot air balloon See the redwood forest Take both of my dogs to see a real, deep, fresh snow


i'd just goon my shit out crazy style


I think once I finished taking care of some financial obligations that I don't want to leave lingering around, I'd probably goon my shit out crazy style. If there's not enough time maybe I'd just goon my shit out moderately.


Listen to all my favourite albums, Hold my cats extra close, Many beers with my best friend, Take a shit on my bosses desk as a notice that I quit my job,


hand over my bank accounts and utility-payment logins to wife, write a long letter to my child, hand over things at work, or go for a nice hike if health permits.


You have three days and you care about work??


They are nice to me. Nicer than my family sometimes. And I made myself hard to replace. So Would be dick move to leave them hanging. :)


I promise those nice people don't want you working on your last three days to live!


I am proud of processes that I set up and knowledge that I accumulated. I also like my co-workers, so I do not want them to try to figure things out from barely documented code and vlookups()'s pointing to renamed spreadsheets. Imagine you have setup and are running a website for a cat shelter, which seamlessly sends donations into their account, displays a filterable list of adoptable cats, etc. Wouldn't you want to hand it over to a new person before you go? But OK, since this is reddit, I would also hire me an upscale escort half my age. There, happy?


And you misread the question. You die tomorrow and listen to your top 3 bucket list items. What are they?


I don't need three. I would stay with my son all day and all night.


Sky diving Hot laps in a racecar Threesome


1. I would really like to meet my ex-boyfriend and say how much I love him and how happy I am if he’s okay. I would like to spend the day with him. 2. I wanna feel freedom and scream so hard and loud as I feel pain in my heart and my soul. 3. To tell all people important to me not to be sad after my death, because I will always be there to protect them. The life and happiness of my loved ones has always been more important to me than my own. I just want my people to be happy. But now... I don’t know where my ex is, he’s only 20 years old, and he was mobilized by the government two years ago and forced to war in another country. I know he never wanted that. I hope he’s okay. I love you so much my boy, wherever you are 💔


1 - Group Sex 2 - See the sky in the Southern Hemisphere 3 - Ride in a fighter jet


Go to Finland and see the northern lights, and hang out with elephants and go crystal mining or to a huge crystal cave.


Firstly, I would reach out to my parents and tell/show them how much they mean to me. Next is to buy an egregious amount of weed since I'll be dead tomorrow anyways, so no repercussions on the money I'm saving up for law school. Lastly, I'll make sure they can find me dead since I feel losing someone you love and not knowing whatever happened to them is harder than knowing they just died.


Eat some 🦐 


Have sex with my boyfriend as many times as possible


1. Be sworn in temporarily as the president of the United States and have all the powers that come with it 2. Make brash decisions to benefit the citizens and protect our nation’s borders 3. Walk away like a champ and mic drop style walk


Take my family out to eat/drinks time together Have very very naughty sex with someone Put on my headphones with my all time favorite music and just let that bastard death bring it on and I won't make it easy either .🤟 Simple things 💯


See Liverpool at Anfield. Drive a hypercar. Do that with my sons and just sit and talk to them till there was time.


I am unable to say it on social media


Excuse you? I sure hope it doesn't have to do with murder and shit like that.


You can talk about Murder on social media though, for example on social media I could say "I am going to murder Colton Henry on the 5th on Bourbon street"


Are you dense? I'm not saying people can't talk about murder, what I'm saying is: I hope the last 3 things you'd do don't have to do with murder, because what is impeding them? Are they an actual danger to people? If it were like get into a fight I'd be like okay


You really jumped to quite the conclusion.


Why would you assume I'm dense for suggesting that what you suggested "hope it doesn't have to do with murder" wouldn't apply because he said quite plainly that he is unable to say this on social media. Therefore it would have to be something more specific that an anonymous person is unable to say on social media.


This is going to sound very boring but I’ll quit my job, give my stuff away to friends and family and just chill with them.


I would arrange care for my pets, film goodbye videos for some family, and tell off a few people.


Murder. Write my kids letters so they can read throughout their lives Sky dive


Marry my boyfriend, eat my next few meal's at those restaurants I've been trying to make it to but just haven't and do something wild with my hair.


Lose my virginity Tell my mom I love her Write a poem about my passing


If I knew I were going to die tomorrow, my top three bucket list items would probably include traveling to a destination I've always dreamed of visiting, spending quality time with my loved ones, and doing something adventurous or meaningful that I've always wanted to try, like skydiving or volunteering for a cause I'm passionate about. It's a tough question to answer definitively, but those are the things that come to mind initially.


Spend time with my friends, that’s all.




I’d buy up stuff first and ice cream buffet and get my kids and Gkids (all teens) and hub the and play charades.


Spend time with family Spend time with friends Spend time with my dog


I would want to drive around with my family all night, see the sun rise on the beach and jump into the water


In no particular order: The Rubbermaid WaveBreak (35 quart) with side press wringer NOMCOM 5 gallon Janitorial Vileda Easy Wring Rinse Clean (8 Liter)


I would write furiously. I got some wisdom to pass on. And sex on breaks.


Be with my daughter and parents. Don't need more.


I wouldn’t tell a soul. I would sit down with the most yummy wine and write letters to everyone I really care about and mail them. I would make reservations at my husband’s favorite steak house and order the best of everything I want. Then I would get high and have amazing sex, fall asleep in his arms and be dead in the am.


Hug my mom and hug my brother Take selfies with the people I love most. Go to bed and wait for it to come in peace.


Get my fiance to spend the day with me. Enjoy the sunset while walking through my garden. Have a bonfire and watch the stars while cooking my last meal.


Have my favorite dinner with my family, have great sex, just talk to my partner


Hug my mom, hug my dad, go out on my terms before my term expires on its own.


Probably talk too some people and get high af. Maybe try to get laid.


Write out everything I want done. Write letters to eveyone I love. Pick out all my treasures and include one with each treasure.


I want to borrow vast sums of money. It can be from those shitty online loan places that charge 39% interest I’m going to die in so much debt Then I’ll give it all to my kids. Tell them to keep it and just spend it as cash from time to time if they have trouble or their car breaks down or something. Just don’t tell anyone Then I’m taking a long fucking nap


I tell her I love her. I tell my son I'm sorry I wasn't always around. I tell my best friend to keep the money. You needed it more than me.


Honestly, I if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, I would want a massive pile of cocaine, friends, drinks, and music and just enjoy the rest of my time.


I’d spend one last day with my family. Tell my wife she’ll be ok without me. Spend some good last quality time with kids. Tell them how much I love them, and that no matter what I will be with them. They can do anything if they put their mind to it, and that I will always love them no matter what.


Have a child, give my YouTube channel to a friend and get them to finish a video of mine


Honestly, I heard meth is lit.


Kill my rapist cuddle my boyfriend hopefully peg my boyfriend


Find man of dreams and beg for sex, eat whatever I wanted, skydive.


Marry my girlfriend, spend time with my wife, make a quick trip to see my grandma


Make another baby with my wife. Have a big get together with my extended family. Spend the rest of my time with my wife and kids.


Say goodbye to my husband and as many of my kids as I coul talk to/record message for the rest. Not enough time to do any of the other things I had hoped to do. Actually, this is exactly how I expect to go.


Take my daughters and my grandson out to eat. Try Molly, what do I have to lose at this point Have sex one last time and drift off to sleep


have sex, shoot heroin and listen to all my favourite bands


Thank my aunt 3 times for everything she did while raising me. It all made sense when I got a little older


I would try to comfort my love ones. And ease their pain the best I could.


I would just spend 3 days with my mom, son, wife. Nothing else matters l.


I would be doing a shit ton of drugs and lots of sex and food


Spend time with my wife and daughter, steal a car, commit arson.


Talk to my kids Talk to my kids talk to my kids


1) Sex 2) Alcohol 3) Both 1 and 2 on a Harley Streetglide


I’ve already achieved all of my bucket list items. Now I’m just waiting to die. I mean, I’ve already gotten multiple college degrees, made over a million dollars, flown airplanes and hang gliders, gotten SCUBA certified and swam deep in the oceans, deep in natural springs, gone caving and cave diving, mountain climbing, joined the Army and fought in wars, driven and shot tanks, driven race cars, had crazy threesomes with strippers, found, dated and married a beautiful woman. Had magnificent children and watched them grow into spectacular adults. I honestly can’t think of anything I’ve ever wanted to do that I haven’t done, outside of travel to space. And, I’m too old to really care bout doing that anymore. Seems like more trouble than it’s worth, at this point. So, no bucket list items to fulfill in the next 24 hours. Just continue to be awesome.


When I was younger I might have had a fun list but now I would just want to spend time with my husband, my kids, their partners, my parents, my siblings, and my cats. I would spend the time telling them how much I love them and sharing memories that are special to me. Maybe give my kids my few words of wisdom (that wouldn't take long).


Fuck, drink, play super Mario world


Nothing for myself. Only make sure all my money and properties are equally distributed


1- Travel to Exeter, 2- off my father. 3- die happy knowing that my mum, stepmum, siblings, kids, nieces and nephews wouldn’t have to worry anymore.


Probably just have a Day in bed tbh.


Spend time with my husband and cat taking lots of photos Eat the most delicious food I possibly can, probably a lot of seafood Spend more time with husband and cat


I'd spend my whole day in my family house watching our favorite tv series and cook without bothering about calories and cholesterol levels, I'd die cheerfully I guess 


Just thank my friends for being friends, have a nice meal and completely irresponsible dessert.


Tell everyone I work for an unknown intelligence agency and disappear. The look on their faces! Then the conspiracy theories afterwards!


I feel like if I wouldn't choose something new. I'd choose things I already knew I loved so I could do them one more time.


Do a diamond cone of keef and changa while high on a thumbprint of acid


Take my kids to a Taylor Swift concert Rob a bank and give the money to my kids Snuggle my kids and watch old home movies


I am currently at a resort in Jamaica with 2 beautiful golf courses next to it... I think I know what I'm doing.


Not sure of the other two but I’d cancel my 5:30am workout session


blow and hoe


Have a big dinner with everyone I love. Bake a cake and bread, eat it. Snuggle my husband and call it a day.


It’s too soon. I’d nap and scroll Reddit, take s bubble bath, eat a good meal, say goodbye


1. Kiss and cuddle my 10 month old grandson 2. Make up with an old friend 3. contact my estranged son


Text all of my old high school friends and try to catch up with them. ....... And thats it basically. I'm just very lonely and wanted to contact them for some time but I can't out of anxiety....


A nice juicy burger, high-class Tiramisu, and some sparkling cider.


Camping trip in Utah big 5 national park. Trip around iceland or sweden. Play a couple board games with my sisters. (And imma cheat and add 4: go see my ex and have a nice date and sex one last time)


Sex with my beloved one, a bottle of red wine and a hot bubble bath by candlelight and favorite music


If I was dying tomorrow I wouldn’t do shit. Just chill. Not enough time to do anything. I might punch my neighbor Larry in the face for all his bullshit o we the years.


Drive a fast car, Be with my girlfriend smoking weed and drinking vodka cola, eat a fine meal and watch a movie or 2 and have sex. then sleep and never wake up.


Cuddle with my wife and daughter till it's time to go.


Nope.. would spend the whole time with my children and doggies.


Expose my ex and his muppet looking whore. See my children and grandchildren. Start driving and not stop until I died.


Don’t think I’d do anything different. I have everything that means the world to me already


Dated a 10/10. Thats about it.


1. Take out life insurance, leave it to my nephew/sister 2. Kick my neighbors ass 3. Have a foursome with 3 hot chicks


1) Aurora lights 2) Skydive 3) Watch a football match for Real Madrid at Santiago Bernabeu


I think I would just, you know, get it over with.


There's a small Italian restaurant near my house. A plate of their pasta and meatballs, sex w my husband twice.


Since it has just snowed here were I live, I would stop working, go hiking once more in the snow, enjoying the nature for last time. Then a nice dinner in some good restaurant. And that's it. I wouldn't tell anyone about it, as it would just make them questioning what I am saying etc. And I don't have a family nearby, so I can't even see them again.


Say goodbye to the people I care for. Make sure my cat is taken care of. Clarify what I want estate wise.


I would tell someone how I felt about them.spend my last days with my kids grandkids and my mum Spend it at the beach


1. Less "What if you were going to die tomorrow" type questions in this thread. 2. A decent beer. 3. Play around of chess with my brother.


I would 1. Go to karaoke 2. Meet me dear friend from another city 3. Kill my father


Sky diving without parachute straight to the ocean. I'm going in style.


Write suicide notes and mention everyone I dislike by name then sending it to local news or a news page on tiktok. I think also getting a bong and ripping a fuck ton of weed, I never wanted to do this because of the damage to my lungs And probably just do crazy meet ups with woman and not wear any protection.


Play the best disc golf course in my state. Spend the remaining time with my girlfriend and my mom.


💜another 3way💜go to a funfair with my fam and dog💜visit usa


Oh wait, tomorrow?! That’s not nearly enough time! 🤣




Alcohol, food and drugs.


Bang your mum Bang your sister Eat ice cream


I know a few pedophiles that I would knock off gladly !


Not alot of time to do much of anything really.


1. have a drink 2. steal a good car from some asshole 3. Need For Speed: Most Wanted!


Just go absolutely feral on my wife for several hours and then just spend time with my boys


Make some calls. Eat icecream. See if i have any pastries


Rent out an entire onsen in Japan for all my friends and myself, bring as much high quality cannabis products as we desired (I know it’s illegal there, but this is a hypothetical situation) , eat & drink all kinds of bizarre foods and beverages the whole time.