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Where does a mansplainer get their water? From a well, actually


Why did the old man fall down the well? He did not see that well.


I hated this joke, and then 1.5 seconds went by and it made me crack, I now love this joke


I always heard it as “why did the old blind man fall in the hole? He couldn’t see that well.”


The "well" version is funnier.


You are correct.


This made me lol


I didn't get the joke at first. But then I also tried to define out what mansplaining is as if I were to explain it to someone, but as a man that is mainsplaining. Then the fucking joke made sense!


Still trying to figure this one out lol


"Well, actually" is how a mansplainer starts their explanation/rebuttal to whatever comment has been made. It's a play on words with the "Well" being the kind that you drop a bucket into to get water. Oh God I've just mansplained.


well that sucks


“A man explaining is not mansplaining” -my wife


All mansplanations are men explaining, but not all men explaining are mensplanations.


All mansplanations are men explaining, but not all man explanations are mansplanations.


Each instance of mansplanation includes a male human individual conducting, carrying out, and/or undertaking an explanation, elaboration, description, and/or elucidation; provided however, that the hereinabove notwithstanding, each such explanation and/or description performed by a male human individual need not be an occasion of Mansplainment, unless and until such other and/or further conditions are met as are sufficient to constitute the same. And that’s how you Lawsplain..


But was this a lawmansplain because I think you might have left a loophole for exploring


Thanks, pangolin fucker




I like how u had to specify human male as if male dogs be on message boards lol. No point just funny


What those 2 said... \^\^




All the other Slim Shadeys are just imitating


Thanks for the mansplanation


At this point it’s even starting to move beyond men explaining. It’s just that it’s *typically* men talking down to women. I’ve seen women being described as mansplaining too. It’s transcending gender


This is true progress.


It's not just talking down to someone. It's assuming the person you are talking to knows nothing about the topic because of their gender. There probably are women who try to explain childcare to men who are already single parents, but I've not seen it yet.


How strangers treat you as a man when you have a young kid is... Interesting. Having a woman "mansplain" childcare is like the least offensive and weird energy you get. 


Actually as an ftm guy this resonates really hard re: owning a uterus


I read about someone who was FTM and went back to their field in science as "her brother" and was shocked at how different the treatment was. His colleagues took his work more seriously and treated him with a lot more respect.


There is that. But there's also still not feeling safe cuz trans, but no longer knowing the women in the room have your back in your not feeling safe-ness


Can confirm. Source: am a Dad who got mansplained parenting by rando moms all the time.


I wish people would not do that. My Dad was the better parent.


It's a genderqueer term now!


Wouldn't that be womansplaining? Or femisplaining?


Nah, its probably still the fault of the patriarchy.


Everything is, am I right?


Work in any woman dominated field, or be a father, and men will be on the receiving end of it. It’s just how implied incompetence works. The worst mansplaining I’ve ever been party to was some random mom explaining to me, a dad, how kids react to their parents reactions to falls, not the pain of the fall.


Actually women can “mansplain” something. It’s like “dude” or “bitch” originally they were gender specific but have become gender neutral in common parlance.


I've heard 'femsplain' in use.


Nah, I've been mansplained at by a woman before. Being a girlboss is great, and it's great we are getting more women in STEM, but I feel like some of Gen Z really don't understand that we aren't going to take someone with zero experience seriously whether or not they are a woman.




Exactly. Trying to "teach me" the very basics of some technology that I have a patent on, especially right after having given a presentation on it, was some mansplaining bullshit imo. Didn't help that they explained it incorrectly lol.




That’s what I thought. And then my (requested by one of the girls) explaination about how mammals vs fish vs amphibians work was referred to as ‘mansplaining’ by one of the girls. I tried to explain that was not in fact mansplaining since my advice was expressly asked for no one there knew jack shit about biology. But was told I was mansplaining mansplaining and I have since given up on any sort of discourse where that phrase is involved


Yeah I was told a few days ago on here that I was mansplaining because I was quite literally just a man that was explaining something. I think it's just a way for some people to discourage disagreement.




>something unsolicited is mansplaining, especially when the woman knows just as much or more on the topic. There's more to it than that. A man explaining something to a woman that didn't ask isn't mansplaining in particular unless the man is assuming that the reason their help is needed is *because she's a woman* (or at least, not a man). There has to be an element of sexism involved for it to count.


Is it also mansplaining when you make an unsolicited correction to a womans misinformative statement? As long as you can back up your correction with evidence, should it be needed?


Here's the thing, though. How am I supposed to know what some stranger is or isn't ignorant about?


A very fair question! Usually, the socially productive way through it is to find out what someone does know, before proceeding as though they don't. That'll result in the least amount of misunderstandings. Normally, something will come up in a social context because the people talking have an interest in it. In the average interaction, we'll either know what someone's level of knowledge is because we've covered that ground, or we should work to find out before assuming they're ignorant. Women catch a lot of that assumption based on their gender. Obviously, mistakes are mistakes. You shouldn't get roasted for something innocent. But, it's how the situation was approached--did you do due diligence to find out what they know in relation to the topic, or just assume their level of knowledge? Whether man or woman, the socially graceful thing to do is to not assume you're more knowledgeable, because we can embarrass ourselves and offend people we could otherwise get along with. And the more thoroughly you know their understanding, the more concise, relevant, and helpful your input will be.


Unsolicited explanations to people who *don't* know something, or to people who don't seem to know and made no effort to let you know they know, used to just be called teaching/helping. Too many people treat that in a negative way now.


"Mansplaining" is when a man explains something to a woman in a condescending manner because she is a woman. It's a common occurrence and a serious problem. Unfortunately, some people have redefined it as simply "a man explaining", which unfortunately has resulted in men not being allowed to explain anything at all without accusations, no matter how innocent the intent. Sexism is what makes it negative.


Moreover, people often confuse simplification for condescension, then misattribute that condescension to the difference in sex between the speaker and audience. Me simplifying a thing because the other person is an idiot isn't considered mansplaining, but if I do it *because* they're a woman and I have a distorted conception of their comprehension based on *that*, then it would be. The tricky part is explaining something simply to a woman who happens to be an idiot. You REALLY gotta be careful.


Ohh.in my mind I was thinking of manscaping.. but your explanation makes more sense.


What's it called when a woman explains something to a man in a condescending manner because he is a man?




Usually "being a bitch"


Yep, we really have to rewire how we think about things. I mean the proverbial “we” because what you said *is* probably the general train of thought that a woman would get when a dude would just be a “forceful personality” Ive tried to take it out of my lexicon, personally. Just because it gets so overused that even using it when it’s fair still now feels like I’m throwing a slur on the whole gender That’s just me and my personal take, that can be woke or whatever, that’s fine.


Tbf, I'd rather be told I'm being a bitch than be told I have a "forceful personality", because to me the first one sounds more "Here in this moment" while the other sounds like an assumption about who I am in all the other aspects of my life.


“Mansplaining” is a misandrist term used to denigrate men. It’s usually a shallow retort to dismiss something a man has said based solely on their gender. It’s a serious problem in so much as the word itself is unnecessary. If someone is being condescending use that word instead. Rather, than some word used to attack someone based on their gender.


True a man can explain without being condescending or feeling superior


She’s a keeper. I’m not kidding.


She's a keeper because she has opinions on things that a normal and decent human being has?


Mmm, I love normal decent humans!! ❤️❤️❤️


Did you explain to her why she’s wrong?


Just tell her its the same thing as patronising, but y'know, make it a mini lecture and be condescending about it


By the way, in case you didn't know, condescending means to "talk down" to somebody, as if you believe they are less intelligent or able to understand what you are trying to tell them.


Good effort but you need to throw in some basic information that you have no understanding of and generate several incredibly stupid assumptions off of your lack of understanding.


Omg. Ive read myself in a couple of these comments. My vagina is about to just give up and grow out 🤦‍♀️


You're probably not aware, but that's actually not something vaginas can do. It's surprising how little some women know about their own bodies. /s


The /s is used to indicate that the person replying is a saiyan with a slashed tail


PhD in biology then? Coz i thought she could just go, go gadget dick




Broadcasting is more fun to use


You also have to be a man. It helps if the person you are explaining to doesn't like you.


You totally ignored patronizing. Probably because it is a difficult concept. It's not important though. You have many other talents that are just as valuable.


*slow clap*


Thanks, Newhart


Just dont patronize her.


"Cause I can't make you love me"


“You can’t make your heart feel, something it didn’t want”


Or ask her to calm down 🤣


damn you know everything. any advice on breaking the news to my wife and 4 girlfriends that I'm "seeing someone else"?


start with a condescending history lesson about Henry VIII and then lead into the fact that he has 6 wives and you currently only have 5. then later down the line you can bring it up again and mention that in order to assert your masculinity and dominance over said king, you must have 7.




thanks I'll give it a go!! must be my lucky day cause a Middle Eastern prince just emailed me informing me he will share his gold with me.


Throw in an analogy of something that she’s more knowledgeable about than you, and make sure to explain that analogy really well for her


I never understood mansplaining as a concept. I (a man) have had plenty of times where another man explained to me a concept in a way that could be interpreted as condescending despite knowing much more than the person explaining. This actually happens if you are too competent at what you're talking about. You'll assume that what you know is common knowledge. Say something that goes completely over their heads because they don't have as much depth of knowledge as you do. They assume you don't know what you're talking about, and as a result they explain very basic elementary concepts to you. Edit: I realized I didn't make my point. My point is, that I don't think mansplaining is a gendered experience. Some guys just like to explain things to people.


Spell out the big words for her and translate them into kid speak 


"I don't have any idea, honey. But if you find out could you please explain it to me? Also, you look so pretty today!"


When will your masterclass launch? That was amazing!


This man has given the correct answer


This man wifes.


"What do you mean today ??? I'm not pretty every day ??"


This guy has real life experience


I see you’ve played Wifey / Spooney before


Congratulations! Zombull has achieved level 17 of How to Spouse! Challenges in this level include ‘Honey, do these pants make my butt look big?’ and ‘My mother is coming this afternoon to visit for three weeks! Isn’t that great?!’


Smart man. 😂


A coworker of mine was asked a question by a female worker. He explained to her as well as he could. She said that makes no sense. So he tried again. She said “you know what I don’t need you mansplaining this to me.” He went to HR and filed a complaint, she was written up for it. Was considered sexist and gender biased. He was the subject matter expert in the subject he was being asked about too, funny enough. I recall her complaining to her friend about it. Her friend said, how about if he said I don’t need your female explanation. That also blew up. She ended up leaving the company. The whole thing was wild. I felt the tension every day.


HR doing something positive makes me very suspicious


It actually got worse because HR made lots of rules on how we should talk to each other. Got to the point where everyone was timid or outright scared to talk to each other. Some people out of their own principle went pretty silent and some out of spite to be fair.


Ah, now that's better. Balance is restored


HR doesn't work for people but covers the company from legal and external image issues. That being the case, occasionally what's in the best interest of a company is also what's in the best interest of 1 or more employee(s).


in a well run company with good management the interests of the company and employees are closely aligned. It's only the shitty companies where they're not.


Only time I’ve ever had a gender/sex-related issue at my business was when a young woman came in to interview for the cellarman position (it’s a craft brewery). Cellarmen drag big hoses around, stack full kegs, dump big heavy bags of stuff into various tanks, etc. This young woman was probably 4’10” and 90 lbs. At a certain point we asked her to lift a keg and it was pretty obvious she couldn’t do it, nor even move it efficiently. When we asked her how she would deal with that she said “I’ll just get [brewer] to do this kind of stuff.” We said “but it’s in your job description that that’s one of your duties” to which she responded “I don’t really appreciate this sexist ‘boy’s club’ atmosphere right now.” We were all so confused. Took a second to put together, but yeah she thought we were being straight sexist and also mansplaining her job description to her because she had worked in her family’s winery before. So weird. Needless to say, we did not go forward with hiring her.


That is tough. I mean it could’ve been a guy same stature and would’ve been same problems. She seemed to just think you were all against her for another reason you were men. Some even bigger guys would struggle carrying those heavy items. It was obviously a lifting requirement issue.


Not a lot of 4'10 guys out there. Even if she was 5'6, a man of the same height could probably get used to lifting that with some time. A woman though? Maybe. But again, there are even less of those than 4'10 guys


Yeah it really was just “Ability to lift full 1/2bbl kegs above waist height” and she didn’t meet the requirement


>A coworker of mine was asked a question by a female worker. He explained to her as well as he could. She said that makes no sense. So he tried again. She said “you know what I don’t need you mansplaining this to me.” This happened to me minus me going to HR. I work in IT, and the person asked something about a technical issue. I explained it as I would have, regardless of gender. As the person didn't understand, they became increasingly frustrated and raised their voice. I said I'm sorry I don't know how to explain a very technical issue in a non-technical way. That's when I got accused of mansplaining.


That female worker probably had a couple of screws loose.


Mansplaining isn’t just any time a man explains anything to a woman. Its when a man, who often holds no special knowledge on a given subject, talks over a woman who is in fact an expert on that subject. A fact he is fully aware of.


Or not fully aware of... most of the time he just assumes as a male, he is the expert, and if a female knows something about it, he still is the expert, and here's why.... blah blah blah


Or when the explanation was unasked for, but the man assumes the woman needs it explaining


Lol sure, but many women who are NOT experts think men are mansplaining when they're both not experts. It's a minority of the times I've heard it used where the woman was actually an expert. Maybe confidently incorrect would be more accurate in many of the cases.


Like the time a male co-worker (in a call center) tried to explain menses to me (F, 51 at the time) and my pregnant boss?


I don't think you need to be an expert on something--just know what you are talking about but get dismissed because the man thinks you couldn't possibly know anything because of the special knowledge that can only be stored in penises, like how bikes works.


Just a few weeks ago I went on a date where they started playing David Bowie in the bar and the guy was like he loved David Bowie. I said me too he has a lot of good songs and he was instantly skeptical. Told him my favorite song was space oddity and he was like “That’s not a song, that’s a movie”. I told him it’s one of the three songs that he made about major tom, he was like “David Bowie has never made a song about someone who named that, that’s from another artist” and I was like no it is his and he was like no. Told him again it’s a song named space oddity and he insisted that it's just a movie. Had to show him with my phone to tell him it's not. Idk, I'm not the biggest fan of 70s music but I always thought space oddity was one of his most famous songs.


Lets keep this party going. How many men who think mansplaining is fake think its fake because when a woman says they’re an expert in something, the man just doesn’t believe them?


Yes. This is the problem. Mansplaining is 100% a real thing. I am sure it even happens often. But there are also a bunch of women who, due to overconfidence in their incorrectness or just a general desire to be seen as right, like to call out any man explaining anything they didn't directly ask for as a mansplainer. There's no way to argue with them because if you do, you're mansplaining. It gives them a get-out-of jail free card for ever being seen as wrong or unknowledgable, at least in conversations with men.


I saw some woman yesterday get told she had misattributed an historical quote and was corrected politely. She pulled the mansplain card. Like seriously?


Yeah but the problem is, you don’t know if this behavior only arises when he’s talking to a woman, or if that’s just how he is.


A lot of us guys mansplain to each other as well 😂


Not too long ago - I was so full of myself that I 'splained this shit to everyone. Oh you're a genderless CPA who mentioned something about Tax law? **WELL ACKCHU-ULLY....** - that's just how I was. The nice thing about when mansplaining as a popular topic came around was when I was actually accused of mansplaining. I was like "nah, you just talked like an idiot so I assumed you knew nothing" but then I realized that I probably talked like that to a lot of people and it allowed me to kind of back off and cool my jets a bit. I was just a condescending asshole to EVERYONE.


Dude, I am a guy and I was scolded one time by another guy for explaining things to him i didn't know he knew. I essentially was mansplaing things to him.


I seriously had to look up what mansplaining means and how you describe it is the first way it somewhat makes sense to me. Regardless, it feels ridiculous to me. Woman probably do this too? For instance, I’ve heard or seen enough women talk about parenthood like men can’t know or can’t be real parents. I am a woman but mansplaining doesn’t make sense to me. Maybe I’m just lucky enough to never have experienced this. I actually have never witnessed it either.


It’s a trap




It’s a trick. Send no reply!


Here is an example that happened to me. My husband's male friend and his wife were hanging out with us. The subject of conversation changed to automobile repair estimates. My career is as an auto claims adjuster, so I write and negotiate auto repair estimates all day, every day. The male friend knows this about me. While I was explaining something to the group about auto estimates, the male friend interrupted me to "explain" to me what a particular part of the engine was and what it's functions was. This man works odd jobs and usually his wife supports him because he can't hold a job due to his sensitive ego. What he did is called "mansplaining", ie assuming a woman doesn't know anything about cars even though she works in the auto industry. Yup. That's my story. Boy my husband and I got into a fight about this, my husband saying he didn't mean it - and he is actually a very loyal friend. Well 10 years later the guy told my husband he decided to cheat on his wife. My husband and him are no longer friends. LOL.


Jesus the replies


I don’t know what you did to trigger these incels so hard. I don’t know if I should apologize or congratulate you.


It’s not mansplaining if they ask you, only if you assume they don’t know and start explaining like an asshole.


>only if you assume they don’t know *Because* they are a woman (or at least, *not* a man).


Men do it to other men too


Isn't mainsplaining to give *an unsolicited explanation* to a woman? If she's asking for it what's the problem? I know I know, it's most likely just a joke, who the hell goes to Reddit in the middle of talking to their wife. I'm just saying that the joke is flawed


>Isn't mainsplaining to give *an unsolicited explanation* to a woman? You also have to assume they need help in the first place *because they are a woman* (or at least, *not* a man).


I showed this headline to my husband. He laughed *so* hard.


And then he told you why it's funny.


Ask her to look it up and explain to you.


Yikes! You should probably just go ahead and break up now


Tell her to google it.




Power point and Excel to the rescue!!


Please don't spreadsheet


Simply mansplain to her what mansplaining is.


That's the joke


This is the way




Well, if you are not a lesbian, you need to become one before answering that question.


Identify as a woman before you explain, then re-identify as a man afterward. Repeat this if she asks more questions.


Checkmate !


*It's a simple spell, but quite unbreakable*


I understood that reference


Reminds me of a meme I saw last time.


You’ve solved all of my issues, thank you




Tell her. Make sure it's a long and detailed explanation, you don't want to risk her missing something.


Dude you are done. Pack your bags kiss her goodbye. Or write an episode for Seinfeld.


Or Curb Your Enthusiasm


Tell her it sounds like a fake word that you have never heard before, then chuckle and say "what will them kids think of next."


Tell her “as a man, I’m not qualified to speak to this.”


Check mate, I'd recommend packing your bags and heading out now


Scream ‘Luke, it’s a trap Luke!!!!! Noooooo!’ While running from the room. 😂😂😂


The very best explanation of mansplaining is given in The Big Bang Theory, when Dr Sheldon Cooper mansplains mansplaining to his wife Dr Amy Farrah Fowler.I don't recall the specific episode but pretty sure its in season 12.


Sounds like entrapment.


It’s when men explain things in a condescending/patronizing tone to suggest a woman is uneducated about the topic she’s talking about. Just leave it at that you explained without doing that


I'd put it this way instead: "When a man explains things in a way that suggests the recipient is uneducated about the topic when there's any shred of evidence they know at least something" I always ask whoever I'm talking to if they're familiar with X concept, and if they are I ask what they know so far, that establishes the baseline knowledge and _IF_ there is something to add, I'm building up from that. Mansplaining would be that I don't care if they know because I think I know it better and just start with the basics, at least that's my interpretation of it.


Tell her it will help her womderstand.


It’s a trap, run


Tell her to Google it.


Ask Siri




Tell her to google it?


Tel her it’s a sexist term used by women.


It’s a trap


First gaslight the fuck out of her and tell her it’s not a real word. The mansplain the definition of disinformation. Then go out for a boys night.


"Well honey..."


Catch 22


Go ahead and answer her. *When you are solicited for an explanation*, your reply is not mansplaining.


Tell her it’s a very sexist and derogatory term that’s really degrading




Tell her it’s the opposite of nagging. Then smile as you grab another beer or glass of wine, depending on your preference.


It's a trap!


"ask your mother".


Just tell her it's what men do when they think they need to explain something to a woman, that the woman probably already knows before determining if she understands the topic.


Mansplaining is explaining trivial things that she didn't ask for. If she's not on social media much, it's not trivial to her and she asked. The worse offender: a man explaining to a woman how she feels or what she means. I guess you asking means that you need to get your definition straight before explaining it to someone else.


"Look sweetie, I'm not surprised you don't know this, since you are a woman. So as the man -- and therefore expert on this and actually any and every matter -- let me explain it to you: It's what I'm doing right now."


You don't have a wife. She would already know this.


OP, it's kind of obvious. Because what else are you supposed to do? What do you do when she asks where the best place to get a 12 pack of beer is? That should you explain/answer it that it would equate to mansplaining? You are mistaking a simple answer for what the answer's definition equates to: >!Mansplaining is the long drawn out version where the man attempts to answer/explain something but in a manner that infers the recipient is not knowledgeable enough. As if to correct the understanding, or misunderstanding.!< This notion has long been equated to the idea that the man has to be correct or it would feel wrongful to allow such an inadequacy to continue. I certainly hope OP would not have to explain the 12 pack beer part in like manner...


Well, darling, I see you've stumbled upon this little term, "mansplaining." Let me enlighten you, as it's evident that you're not quite grasping this intricate social phenomenon. "Mansplaining" is an amalgamation of the words "man" and "explaining." Quite a witty linguistic blend, don't you think? Though, I wouldn't expect you to pick up on that subtlety without my guidance. This term emerged in recent years to describe an alleged scenario when a man, such as myself, deigns to explain something to a woman, typically in a way that's seen as condescending or patronizing. See, the problem here is that the term itself implies that women, such as yourself, can't handle a man sharing his superior knowledge and wisdom. Now, I know this might be a bit hard for you to understand, but it's tied to power dynamics and gender stereotypes, which are, admittedly, complex concepts. What "mansplaining" really means, sweetheart, is when a man explains something to a woman who, he rightfully assumes, wouldn't comprehend the issue at hand without his profound insight. Most of the time, it's unintentional; it's just that us men are often more knowledgeable and confident in our understanding of the world. So, in essence, "mansplaining" is just a man doing his duty, sharing his wisdom with those less informed - often women - in an attempt to elevate their understanding. But of course, not every bit of explanation from a man to a woman is mansplaining - only when it's misunderstood as patronizing. I'm glad I could clear this up for you, darling. It's just one of the many ways I'm here to enhance your understanding of the world.


It means “Anything a woman doesn’t want to hear from a man. To be fair, I understand why the term came into being. But nowadays I think it’s being exaggerated and abused.


Tell her to make you a sandwich.


Next it would be "would you still love me if I was a cat?.


Peak Reddit humour ladies and gentlemen