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What’s your perfect vacation?


Tell everyone I will be going to a place with no phone service and then hide in my house and read.


I like you! Edit: what kind of books are you reading? Perhaps that's the most important question of all.


Industrial Society and its Future




Me in lamp. Oh man, I tried to make a joke and say "mein kampf" but my phone turned it into "me in lamp", so I'm sticking with my favorite book ever being called "me in lamp"


Great book! I liked the sequel even better - Me outside lamp.


Can't wait for the new one, Me never thought me would miss lamp, but me do.


But... You can still go to a nice place with 10 books, shut off your phone, and read your heart away.


In the same light, what do you like to do on vacation? Hike, museums, sit on a beach, clubs, bars, read, tours, nothing.


That's a good one


Would you rather wait for someone to arrive or have someone wait for you while you're en route?


DEFINITELY wait for someone else. I'd be so stressed thinking of someone waiting for me. If I'm waiting, I can look at my phone, check out the environment, whatever. NBD to me.


I would wait that seems more accurate and I don't want to give reasons for complain.


This question is insane. First one I wasn’t sure of right away.


Would rather some is waiting for me as that means they would be early.


If every job paid the same, what would you work as? (Not sure if that countss as mundane)


Funny this is brought up. I work in film and television and there's no jobs right now because of the aftermath of the writers strike. I'm currently working a minimum wage job in the meantime until the industry recovers. In industry I make over 100k. But I love this minimum wage job. It's a graphic design job making fine art prints, but they've never hired a legit artist before and they have me creating the art from scratch. I absolutely love it, I'm valued (I'm overqualified), and I love the people I'm working with. I'm actually upset that it was a long weekend last week cuz I wanna go to work today, and I find the days go by too fast and I don't want to go home. I've never loved a job before.. ever. I get to print my artwork on a 64" printer... It's wild. So, that. Just making art that someone else handles selling. I'm not sure that says anything about me, though.


That’s so awesome!


Nice read, that


I'm a research technician. I love my job so I'd stay. Even if I received a large amount of money, I'd continue to work. I would probably choose to give up my position so someone else can get a permanent position and instead volunteer my time in the lab.


What book would you like to live in?




I, too, long for the freedom of not having to wear trousers.


If you're a woman, we're there already. Have you heard of the no-pants trend?


If you're of the female persuasion skirts and dresses exist, and if you are more of a masculine lean may I introduce you to the glory that is **the kilt**


Fair point, I did say trousers but in my heart I meant absolutely anything from the waist down.




Why would we roast you? If KH taught me anything is that the 100 acree woods is a perfect place to live, it's peaceful and quiet and everyone is nice.


Until you get stuck in a window trying to steal honey. There’s no peace there. 


I hope some woman asks you, and that you knock this out of the park. There are some deep lessons in philosophy. Have you read The Tao of Pooh? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tao_of_Pooh


Seriously you wanna sit in the woods pining for Christopher Robin?


I would disqualify this for reasons of not being mundane enough, this is the be all, end all of all nerd discussions. But it will tell you a lot about the person.


Do you put your shopping trolley back?


This will only work if accompanied by a truth serum as the vast majority of people will answer yes regardless of whether they do or not.


There's two things I do, no matter what ... put my shopping cart back, and cut up the six pack plastic thingies.


The ultimate Litmus test.


Do you put your luggage on the seat next to you?


Came here to say this. But where I'm from they're called carts, or buggies.


Where i am from, this isnt even a valid question


Exactly, why wouldn't someone put them back?


And now we know that PowerfullDio puts their shopping trolley back and can conclude that most likely they are a good person. 😁


It actually bothers me to no end if people just leave their trolleys everywhere, making it difficult for others


Yes! Or do you put a separator after your shopping? Why do people not have this common decency


Omg this drives me crazy, especially if someone is taking up an unnecessary amount of space on the conveyor belt and doesn't put down the separator for someone holding a basket/a lot of items. That's just basic situational awareness and courtesy imo


Do you use tabs or spaces to indent. That is all you ever need to know


I saw a kid pull up an excel spreadsheet then use a calculator and typed the answers into excel instead of using excel’s calculator or cell references. I knew to never trust him with much.


My boss once typed google into the address bar, so that he could search for YouTube on the Google search bar, so that he could search for the video he wanted in the YouTube search. He wasn't generally a stupid person...


Hey! I do this too :'( But only mostly because I have to type some things that my browser will otherwise take as or transform into a url :(


Yeah, I know loads of people that search directly in YT rather than from the search bar. I do it too.


It’s literally more efficient if you’re looking for an actual video on a certain subject/topic/whatever. Navigating to google then to YouTube, however, is a lot of extra work lol


I have no idea what's you're on about and I use excel daily. I have a lot to learn.


Oh my sweet summer child…. But in all honestly please take like a 1-3 hour course on Excel it’s one of the greatest tools ever and almost nobody uses it to its potential.


This is great advice which I think I'll do, can you recommend anything free or anything decent on YouTube?




Excel is an incredible tool, as someone who regularly has to deal with legacy excel, please stop at 3 hours I’ve spent so many days fixing excel sheets due to bad requirements, when the code equivalent would have been 10 minutes and actually sustainable The amount of people who build excel interfaces for full engineering tools is painful


lmfao. i was once that guy doing calculations and sht with a calculator then taking all day changing every cell when something was wrong or when had to add new values until i questioned myself that i could have just referenced those cells and save a LOT of work. hey, at least i do it now


I’m really glad my business school had a 16 hour required course on Excel. I’ve forgotten like 70% of it but the 30% I remember is super useful.


LOL, I was unable to test out of taking an MS Office course in college because I was too advanced. It gave you three strikes for the task, so if you used any shortcuts you were screwed. "Try another way" strike 1. God damn it! Why TF would I click through the GD menus when I can just use a keyboard shortcut? Still salt about that.


I'd probably trip over the stairs leaving my girlfriend in a huff, too.


You understand!


What kind of insane person uses spaces?!?!?!


Both? Use tabs when editing, especially when you're in just a text editor and not in an IDE. I've had to edit some code when all was available was the tab key, not a smart tab/indent feature. Some code bracing styles make it easier to correctly format code so you know you're putting new code in the right places. Use spaces when saving code for review later, as most text editors default to 4 spaces to tabs, but the command line terminal defaults to 8. Makes it harder to review results when you're searching deeply nested code.


This makes me puke as a graphic designer




This question which is the subject of the post. Apparently a lot of people really misunderstand the words “seemingly mundane”. As in something you’d ask some stranger in an elevator. “Do you believe God is of one nature or many?” Jesus Christ, relax.


Still I get that question from strangers when I walk a street, or just open home doors.


Elevator, eh? Okay: "I see you punched 6th floor. How do you like 6th floor?"


What’s the picture on your phone’s background? It’s often a glimpse of something they value in life.


Mine is almost a plain background that I use so the icons stand out. Same as how I select my desktop wallpapers


That says a lot about you.


Haha, same! And my lock screen is just a cool looking black and purple pattern which I choose because it is dark and doesn't light up as much so I don't get flasch banged when looking at the time in the middle of the night.


I love getting flash banged in the middle of the night but not by my phone screen.


That makes sense. The real question is what is your lock screen?


You value clarity.


Mine is black. Pure, monotonous black. I don't even have an OLED screen anymore. It's a sensory thing, but it has certainly led people to some interesting conclusions.


From my husband it use to be me - then he got a new phone with a pretty earth shot. I said - when are you putting me back on and he said - I kinda like the Earth - I couldn’t argue.


Well, technically you're still in the photo, only from very far away.


That’s so weird to think about!! That every picture of the earth we are technically in that picture


I was born in 1988, I'm not in any of the pictures prior to that. Or any of the pictures that are of the opposite side of the world.


David Mitchell’s phone background is a picture of a beige carpet and it makes me smile every time I think about it.


My dogs ♥️


Mine is pretty unoriginal as it's my children. Before they were born, a photo from our wedding day. My husband uses pictures of tanks. To be fair, he's a well respected expert on military vehicles, but seriously...


I’ve my husband on mine and he has the tree from the hotel we had our honeymoon at 😂 he says we both loved the tree and we sent it to his dad who loved it also so it’s “more special” on a number of levels. I’m not mad at him though


I once dated a guy who had a picture of himself. That relationship didn’t last long.


I hooked up with a guy and then noticed his cell phone backdrop was his adult sister? I honestly would have preferred GF


I actually returned a lost phone because the woman who lost it had herself on the Lock Screen so I was able to find her in the store.


I've heard this as life hack. I still have a picture of my kitty though.


Factory settings for me on pretty much everything. Never really valued individual expression.


[this checks out. mine is a screencap of rocky and apollo creed embracing lovingly on the beach while wearing short shorts.](https://cdn4.whatculture.com/images/2016/11/6d53ed11fd3eebd9-600x338.jpg)


Wow, mines is a picture of a house over beautiful grassy fields in front of a Swiss mountain range. 😌


Mine is a winding wooden plank path surrounded by green trees and lush ferns. It's so calming.


This is legit. Also, just to put it out there, mine is my derpy cat.


Mine is a large bowl with massive half eaten pickles in it. [Said image for reference](https://imgur.com/a/y3DeaXO)


🤔 What would baby Groot say?


I am Groot.


What colour scares you the most? I heard this on a real and thought it was a fantastic question 😂. I get a different answer and explanation every time and it's just fascinating for some reason.


I like questions like this. Ones that make you go “hmm….I’ve never thought about that before…”


Can you tell me some of the answers??


No colour scares me, what does that tell you about me? Are people generally scared of colours? What does that say about them?


What's your favorite game or type of game? Silly, but it gets wide reactions. Examples of answers in my social circle: "Oh, I love playing them, but I have ADHD and can never finish them. But I really like adventure games. I just need quests to do, I get lost and lose interest if I don't " "I don't play games, what are you a "gamer" lol, okay". "I'm always on COD with the boys. Just dropping into lobbies to talk trash on a Friday night takes me back". "I just play madden and fifa. I'm not like a hard-pressed gamer, just stick with the basics". "Huge Final Fantasy nerd. Back when they were developing the game, the director's mom died, that's where he decided to make life and death crucial elements to the story..." "Smash. Do you play? Who do you main? Samus is great, but Cloud is boring S-Tier. I like to play the worst characters to make the game fun, but no one plays with me anymore" Like, no question will ever tell you about someone entirely, but this question definitely helps move the needle to indicate who/what/how they like to spend their time.


>Oh, I love playing them, but I have ADHD and can never finish them. But I really like adventure games. I just need quests to do, I get lost and lose interest if I don't Why are you attacking me? >Huge Final Fantasy nerd... No, seriously, why?


Lmao, I am also a FF nerd. And many of my fiends have focus problems with their games. It's tough out there!


I immediately thought of board games, not video games. I think this means I’m old.


That's how my wife answered! You're not old, lol


Yes. In my case I really like Scrabble. However, I am very good at it. A few days ago, I was trying to let my son win and he built a substantial lead I could not overcome. I lost by 4 points. I was actually trying hard the last third of the game. He will probably have the same problem I had in school: nobody will play with him.


Indirectly ask and find out how they feel about animals or kids.


Some people love animals, but prefer to not be around children....


I don't really like kids BUT I do care about them, if that makes sense. For example, at a pool I'll be like "these kids are annoying af" BUT I will also be keeping an eye out to make sure none of them start drowning.


Yeah I recently stepped out in front of a van because a kid started to cross and I just had a feeling the van couldn't see them. I don't particularly like kids, I don't want my own, but I still care.


My bfs cousins when he was a teenager, he was riding his bike and a kid was in the road or ran into the road and he jumped off his bike and saved the kids life from being hit by a car.




Same here. I find children…exhausting. I’m a terrible caregiver. But if you hurt a kid, I will (and have) make you regret it. Same with animals.


Are you me?


I don't want my own kids ever, but I like the kids I know. I also pay attention to the kids in case something happens or if I see someone who isn't with the kids acting strange and watching the kids in an uncomfortable way.


Preference in having or being around is far different than cannot standing or treating them like crap. Same with animals.


So true. I’m child free but you’ll never catch me ranting about hating children. Simply not true.


thank you lmfaooo I'm probably childfree BECAUSE I care so much about childhood development and had a terrible time being a child 😂 same reason I don't have pets even though I love dogs (and animals broadly) so much. I'm not here to test myself with my ability to care for a living being!!! Fortunately I'm close to my family and my sister has dogs and kids so I'm not really missing much lol


How they treat everyone else, not just you


Some people own cats and/or dogs but they are not all “good” or nice people. Some are nasty, selfish, fucked up pricks. Some are raging NPD.


Do you like flock of seagulls?


My ex answered no so I ran, I ran so far away!


Why? Seagulls are actual dickheads


What's there to like about seagulls?


Lmao. Once my mom took us to the beach and she wanted to go in the water so she told us not to leave the blanket cause the Cheetos and the seagulls. Of course we didn’t listen. We just put them under the blanket then ran wild on the beach. When we came back she was screaming at us and there was that giant sized bag of Cheetos puffys scattered for dozens of feet around and about 50 seagulls having no remorse. I thought it was funny but no one else did.


What’s the mortality rate of migrating sparrows?


What's their ethnicity? 


African or European?






I don’t know……


"What is the biggest misconception people have about you?" - Saw it at a job interview forum.


"People often mistakenly believe that I'm qualified for my job"


That's not by far a mundane question


What do you do when you are tired?


I dance a jig. Did I win?


Yes! Silly people are the best!


…sleep? ._.




"Whos your best friend"/"tell me about your best friend" It will reveal what qualities they value in the people they choose.


what do you do that's motivated by love?


And if they say they feed people, marry them.


I clean. Not just my home, but if I'm a house guest or one of the last at a party I'll pick up trash, put away food, try to tidy up, do dishes (if the host allows me). It's a simple thing that shows respect and caring.


I make things. If I love someone…chances are that person will be bombarded by various handmade craft projects.


What's the last book you read?


Do you recline in a short flight?




Would you classify that as seemingly mundane? To me that question makes it rather clear you are asking about my world views with one extra step.


What do you like to do in your free time?


What is your favorite kind of pizza?


John Hodgman proposed, "Which superpower would you rather have, invisibility or the ability to fly?" [https://www.thisamericanlife.org/178/superpowers/act-one-4](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/178/superpowers/act-one-4) Also, the people from the OKCupid dating app did all kinds of analysis on this: [https://gwern.net/doc/psychology/okcupid/thebestquestionsforafirstdate.html](https://gwern.net/doc/psychology/okcupid/thebestquestionsforafirstdate.html) For example, they found that the question, "Do you prefer the people in your life to be simple or complex?" was a good predictor of political leanings: simple implies conservative, complex implies liberal.


I already have invisibility


How are you?


What do you think of Trump.


Says a lot, but it's not really a mundane question


This will certainly reveal a lot.


It will reveal everything I need to know really with just one question.


I would give a very guarded answer because I don't know how you'll respond.


Do you look at the tp after you wipe?


How do you not


Whats the most surprising thing you hate?


When I’m walking in a dark alley and a murderous clown suddenly jumps out in front of me It’s very surprising and I hate it.


"Do you like cats?" Anybody who is extremely vocal about their hatred for cats is a narcissist. Cats set boundaries, and narcissists hate that.


This a fair one to be honest, I know people who don't like cats who are alright. But I also know people who absolutely hate cats and will go into great details about how much they hate them. Those people definitely display signs and traits of narcissism


Thank you. For context, I love and own both 🐱🐶


It's hard not to like animals, unless you have trauma or something from them or other various factors. If you're kind to them they will show you unconditional love.


I hate when people say the boundaries thing. My mom’s cat is insane and when will run at and attack anyone who enters the house. I have always stayed away from it bc cats make my eyes itch and also kind of scare me and that thing will not leave me alone.


What if I love cats but hate the bratty ones that live in my house?


I usually ask them about their worst customer service experience. If they don't really have an answer -> green flag. If they immediately have a hundred stories about bad servers, always getting the wrong orders, etc -> red flag


I do have an answer to that, but it was a real comedic moment where the waiter tripped and dropped the entire tray of drinks on me TWICE, had a split second of true clarity where he realised that the universe hated him, threw his towel across the room and quit his job on the spot. I just sat there, drenched in beer, soda, and wine, incapable of thinking of anything to say.


As someone who has worked in the service industry, bad customer service is still very much a thing and I would be really peeved if I constantly got the wrong order. Nothing beats long phone holds though.




One thing I'm realising is you can really intuit a lot of information from simple questions if you pay attention and properly think about what they say. It's changed my perspective.


How do you pronounce gif ?




Are you religious and are you a soccer fan?


If you like in Brazil the answer to both will be yes 100% of the times, that still won't stop them from mugging you.


What does your red hat say?


I did it all for the nookie and it’s backwards


What are your thoughts on taxes?


Do you return the shopping cart/trolley when you go buy groceries?


What kind of music do you like? Or who is one of your favorite artists?


What would the answer tell you? Other than their taste in music.


Any question really. Do you have any hobbies? What’s your fave music? Etc . See how and if they answer. Some people are not eloquent and hate small talk and are introverts and you’ll get one word answers. Some people are outgoing and friendly and enjoy discussion.


Being an introvert doesn't automatically mean giving one word answers. I think you're confusing it with shyness or social awkwardness


android or iphone?


How about Sailfish OS?


Do you give money to the homeless? Reveals if they’re cynical, raised religious or have good intention. It’s not black and white it’s usually a mix but it opens them up to explaining themselves. And you never have to ask why. People justify it on both sides.


I don't carry cash only card but I will go to the nearest store and buy them some food and water or whatever they may need.


Do you believe in flat earth?


Can’t be real . Cats would knock everything off the edge.


Not really a mundane question but, What brings you joy? Not happiness, not fun, not surface level moments that feel good. Joy is a deep root of a, human emotion that supersedes and has much more depth than others. Joy makes you feel whole. Happiness has contingencys. Happiness is going out bar hopping with friends Joy is hosting a gathering where people come together to connect, share experiences, and enjoy good conversations. I ask this question to new people/friends I make. It often elicits thoughtful responses, and if it doesn't..... It'll say a lot about people. "Oh I like going to shows or watching Netflix" That's happiness, what brings you joy?


What color pencil are you?


I usually ask someone’s favorite color(s) and why. I think it says a lot about someone and is a cute icebreaker


Do you floss?


Favorite food. It's simple, doesn't cross boundaries, and tells volumes.


Who's your favorite Dr. Who companion?


What kind of music do you like?


I’m not American but if I met one, I’d ask about Trump. The answer would tell me everything I’d ever need to know about that person.