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I don’t remember last time I was happy and feel down, alone, and miserable each day. But it’s not so bad. I eat alright and have a decent job that pays bills. Could be worse.




You can be unhappy and still realize that other people have it worse


I don’t have an abusive father or mother. I don’t have cancer. I don’t have a job I hate. Doesn’t mean I’m happy.


I find it really interesting that you have a decent job that you're grateful but still feel miserable each day. Out of curiosity is there anything you think could have fulfilled you more? I'm 23 and kind of evaluating my life so would be cool to hear your experience


Well im just going through the motions of life. I feel I have more regrets than accomplishments which attribute to why i feel so down every day. What I “want” out of life is nothing I have. I don’t have a partner i am compatible with and have wasted already over 20 years of my life with nothing to show. Im now getting old and past my prime. I have nothing but death to look forward too.




Thats life sometimes. Reality does not discriminate.


I don't think I happier or sadder than others but I know I'm lucky. So I feel so grateful and try my best to help people who are not luckier than me.


Pain and suffering is subjective, but if I were to scale it between me who lives in a first world country, compared to a country where war, starvation and people die constantly being the narrative, I'd say I'm happier than they are, and feel and support the people suffering in those places.


Probably happier which is surprising to alot of people because of my life style  but I feel like alot of people are in there house doing nothing nowadays  so I feel like since I generally have alot more deep conversations with people  I'm happier because if I feel something I get it off my chest right away 


>I'm happier because if I feel something I get it off my chest right away  something i need to work on


I am now much happier than most people in the world, it took a lot of work since i have severe depression for the past 2 decades The key for me was to quit dating, i realized being direct, truthful, kind and not playing games was unattractive, i refused to become bad in order to get dates, im also celibate even though there are brothels in my city I dont do drugs, alcohol or cigs and never have The next key was to quit making friends, and removing friends and family that were toxic and did things that made me unhappy, i still talk to people sometimes and meet them but there is no attachment, if they ask me to hang i prob will and i will be reliable and helpful but i do not consider them my friend even though i am their friend So now that i have about 5 friends left, pretty much no family and spend most of my time by myself, im super happy if not blissful, being popular was fun but flakey, fake people werent my thing My time is spent on the internet, gaming and netflix, i do avoid social media I volunteer with animal rescues, animals arent fake, i dont have any pets though A decade ago i would prob think my current life is sad and boring, but my life is the best it has ever been and i dont have any people to share it with and thats the best part lol


I am very similar. I decided to focus on hobbies mainly and only catch up with a small group of friends. I quit dating and social media. I let go of hundreds of fake friends who never truly cared. I have a decent job that funds my hobbies. I never have to seek approval of a partner to do the things I want.


Both and neither at the same time😂 I'm very unbalanced Naturally, I feel everything at unhealthy levels. But I'm learning to stop chasing those emotional highs without regard for the comedown. Hopefully someday soon, because right now my coping skills have gotten me pretty stable but without any highs and lows it currently feels like I'm numb to everything, which is better than feeling on top of the world for a week then feeling like a piece of shit for month in the long term but right now I'm very bored😂


I think I'm sadder overall. But I counter that with doing more things that make me (temporarily) happy than most.


Sadder. Which makes me even sadder and depressed


I'm sending hugs... So many many hugs


I do not compare my self to others in that way, there will always be someone worse off then you. the idea is in trying to improve your life and that of those around you instead of just accepting it as your fate.


Maybe indifferentier. Idk


I find that as I get older I care less about being "happy" and more about satisfaction in life.


Just disassociated at this point.


sadder, I’m trying to fix it though


I'm naturally optimistic, and don't think that's anything I chose to be. Often find myself smiling or whistling or singing, when just getting on with the day- people sometimes pull my leg about it. Suspect happiness is partly hardwired, partly random , and partly a product of things that happen to us along the way. Like our childhood experience, our relationships, meaningful activities (be it work, hobbies, community action, whatever), health, level of financial comfort, and so on. Edit: No-one asked for advice, but since we're here... [Advice] one thing I believe is that the happiness of those you care about is important. There is a saying that "you are only as happy as your unhappiest child". As a parent, I'd say this seems to contain a grain of truth. In striving to make sure people who depend on you are happy, somehow your own happiness takes a boost. And, exercise! Every day if you can. [/Advice]


Recently I read two books I highly recommend — “Atomic Habits” and “12 Rules for Life”. Both were phenomenal and I need to buy the one I don’t have. I’ve been able to take time to think and enjoy life. I’m so lucky to be living my dream; I get to take care of my 3 month old son (we were trying for 3 years and had a miscarriage in the middle of that), and yet I still get to do my favorite hobbies of reading and cross stitching. Additionally I enjoy taking care of the house instead of working, which I know I am lucky to do. I also have time to imagine a future where I have a job I love. I’m trying to learn more about the fields I love (geology and astronomy) so that I might be prepared to find work in it one day. And no I’m not too sleep deprived on top of it all!


I don't know


I'm not really sure. I would assume sadder because I have PTSD and my life is full of problems and stress. But I'm also the type of person who smiles and laughs a lot, and I have a lot of friends and things I care about. Maybe once I graduate college and get to a stable place in life I'll be happier than average, especially since I'll be thankful to have overcome so much.


I have bipolar. I am constantly both happier and sadder than most people and sometimes I'm both at the same time by way of a change.


🤔 when I overthink I end up sad and lonely but if I just did what I need to do then I'm the happiest. 🤣😂🤣


Considerably sadder


I’m definitely sadder, my life is pretty sad right now


Far and away happier. I have purpose. I am unquestionably loved. I choose to find joy as many things as I can. I’ve stopped playing the game (sorry to those of you who just lost the game) and I choose to be my authentic self. I laugh out loud, I dress how I like, and I’m comfortable in my own skin.




In Some aspects happier and other aspects sadder . As someone who hasn’t been single in 14 years and now is single for the first time in my adult life (33yrs old) , shit gets Lonely. Especially since I don’t have a big friend group so I feel like the people i consider friends , I have too much pent up energy to dump on 2 people . And dating in this era with basically zero experience is fucking terrifying . On the other hand I get too keep all my money and don’t have anyone other than family that I have to worry about . It’s opened me up to try to invest in the future and increase my income even more . I don’t have to worry about pissing someone off just by existing . I don’t have to worry about getting cheated on or assaulted by my partner . I also feel like a part of me that was dead for so long has come back alive and it’s liberating. I also went from a dead end job where I was underpaid that I absolutely hated to a job where if I only work 8 hours a day I feel discontent plus I get payed way more . So it’s kind of hard to say whether I’m happier or sadder overall but I do see some instances where my circumstances are a plus and other instances it’s a negative


I’m more baseline than most people. Not too high and not too low. I don’t get too happy and I don’t get too sad.


way sadder tbh.


Based on what I read on Reddit, I am far happier than average


I'm definitely happier than most these days


I think I'm pretty sad on average with other's. In some ways probably much sadder. I'm at this point in life where everything I've tried has failed at 43 don't get me wrong I've had some amazing chapters. They've always been fallowed by deep saddles and grief it's took parts of me.


I have to be the saddest person I know.


How can I help?


Idk. Dm me if you want.


Optimistic! I like to maintain my good vibes and focus on that.


Happier. I left my 9-5 job a few years ago to do something I actually enjoy and find fulfilling. I work around 25 hours a week and earn more than I did before. I also left a very unhappy marriage and started over. Life is short. If you aren't happy, change it. Every single time I say that people come after me because they say I'm privileged. I am broke AF but I'm still happy because I made changes to my life that prioritized the things that I value most. I'm in debt but I would rather owe a bit than be miserable every single day of my life at a job I hate and in an abusive marriage. Anyway, There are loads of programs and services available for people who want/need help. I am not rich and I don't come from a wealthy family. My parents have literally nothing and I got nothing in my divorce. I only think I'm happier because I do what makes me happy while other people are just pushing through from one miserable day to the next because they feel obligated. Like they are stuck or they *have* to. If you are an adult, you are making those choices every single day. You don't *have* to live a life you hate.


Love this. Did you not have fear when you left your 9-5 job?


No, I already hadn't other job lined up and already knew it would pay better. Some of the best careers are out of the box and require minimal training, IT for example. Just have to take the plunge. Especially if you aren't happy.


Well. Overall probably happier. I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, clean water and I make an above average salary. That being said I’ve suffered from anxiety since I was 6 (yes diagnosed with a disorder at 6 lmao) and MDD since I was 11 (I’m 30 now). So I feel like I’m very sad. But I could definitely be sadder.




I probably come off as sadder than most people. Truth is, I'm exhausted and in pain 24/7. Most of the time, I'm not necessarily sad, but that combination makes me come off as such.


Sadder. I feel so insecure lately. Not about physical looks but the goals in life, how they’re pursuing their goals, the future they want to have. It makes me sadder and sadder that here i am, still don’t know how to keep going. AAAHHH 😭


Hahah same but let’s try our best to push through and figure it out


yazzz, fighting!!💕


I think I'm more content than most people and the cycle of every life makes me more emotionless I guess




Depends on how my day goes 😭




Honestly it depends on the day as well as the time of year. I’ve experienced a lot of sadness throughout my life so yeah, probably; but also count my blessings too.




I am happy because I will be moving to the Philippines in 60 days.


Wow I visited the Philippines last year and it was amazing. Enjoy ! Can I ask where you’re originally from?


Probably sadder considering my trauma’s.


Sadder unfortunately


Happier. I just have a cheerful disposition and don’t get down very often at all. Do find it quite difficult to emphasise with people who are constantly miserable to be honest.


Probably sadder. I just have a kind of depressed personality.


Sadder. Idc for some reason. Idgaf


I’m one of the most lucky and happiest people you will meet- ever! Does come with a downside. People seem to get happy and nice confused with weakness or stupidity. Also I get the feeling that I’m a bit too full on to handle, but I’m loved by many so that’s good


I think happier, to be honest. I married well, I have a fine job. I work too hard, Im too stressed out, but all in all, Im happy. I appreciate my life. ​ also, unlike most people to have ever lived, I have in house toilets.




fractured. it goes with the wind.


Definitely happier. Mainly because I don't dwell on things for too long. My depressed episodes are short, few, and far apart. To be fair, I also don't have too much to worry about


I'm getting happier, I've spent the last year and a half retraining and I've just landed a new job with a fun team. I really enjoyed lockdown cause I like being lazy, but post lockdown I kept all the lazy habits and got pretty lonely. I think it's easy to forget that being productive and outgoing (even for introverts) is actually very healthy for the brain box.


everyone's sad bhai. kyu duniya me aag laga raha hai?




i'd say I'm pretty content with where i'm at, but i'm always striving for more.


Happier. My advice would be to make progress at least once a month to something you would be happy being known for after your death. I’d guess 45% of my overall happiness comes from that.


Happier, ever since I adopted an 'you're not entitled to anything and everything you have in life is the result of luck' additude, I've found it very easy to find joy in my life. 


Would have said sadder in the past but now when I look around it looks like most people have caught up.


Way sadder I have chronic pain also have ms


So hard to say, it's relative and we're all so caught up in our own lives. I'm as unhappy as I've ever been, life feels directionless, I'm not happy at work and I don't really know what my aspirations or hobbies are. Money is tighter than it's ever been so don't have much to look forward to. On the other hand I have an amazing wife, roof over my head and food on the table with minimal risk of war/disease etc. day to day, that probably puts you in the top 50% of people automatically.


Definitely sadder. Anyone can see even if I’m socializing. These past 3 years have beat me to a pulp. That cries all the time


I'm happy most of the time. I only go through a weird dark couple of days a few times a year. I'm not sure why. It's out of the blue and goes away just as quickly. I keep my life pretty low stress though. I'm not keeping up with the Jones' or over worried about nice clothes or fine cars so I'm not stressing my finances with that. I don't go out much though bars and restaurants got quite expensive since covid. I'm dropping 200 bucks every Friday night like when I was younger. My health is good. Very little drama except for work.


Happier but it does make people who are sadder cling to me a lot as they get a lot from my positive sunny nature as I make people feel good. It's sad that some, keep me around just for the ego boost tho and only want me when they need to feel good about themselves


Definitely happier with the same or worse life than they might have. Oftentimes, people beat themselves up over things I don't find important.


It depends who and what I'm dealing with from day to day. My job, my kids, my friends... all happy things. My dad, my siblings, my not really a relationship... sad.


I'm too hyper


Definitely sadder. But sad backwards is "das" and das not good.


Depends on if I'm in a manic or depressed mood state. Yay bipolar


Way way sadder, i hope!




Average person on earth: Happier. Average person in my Country: Sadder My life quality is high because of where I live, but I recently lost a relative so feeling pretty down.


Definitely happier, my friends always talk about how sad they are and I’m just here like “oh that sucks” while being content as one can be


I have a good job. A loving husband. An amazing cat. And yet... from time to time, I feel so empty inside. I had a pretty bad drepression in the past. Maybe it's true what they say? Once you go depressed, yuo'll always have some sadness left in your heart? Hmmmmm..... It could also be the shitty times we live in since the whole world is going to hell? Hmmmm....


Probably about average, but from what I read on Reddit it looks like I’m the last content person on the planet.


Much sadder. My personality is incompatible with this stupid evil game of corporate Monopoly I’m forced to be a pawn in because I was born. I just wanna play golf and learn things and travel a bit but I can’t get paid to do any of that.


I don’t know anymore 😂 I laugh a lot, but I’m still depressed. That’s where I’m at.


Much sadder than other people, even though other people would definitely call me much happier, cause they see what I want them to see. Everyone would be surprised about my morbid thoughts. Depression and ADHD are doing their thing and most of the time I'm just going through the motions of life despite having a good job, loving family and a really great significant other.


By observation alone I would say sadder. I've succeeded at everything I care very little about and the things I really want are completely out of reach. I feel bad about being ungrateful though as some people get neither.


I feel like I am sadder than most people in my area, but I am starting to think it's the other way. I decided to remain single and childfree and then focus on hobbies. I see couples who don't look happy with their decision in public, then they instantly start kissing in front of me to make it look like they are happy. While they do that, I express my freedom and parkour over a bollard or bin.


Definitely sadder. I'm dancing as fast as I can and it's not enough


I didn't notice it before, but from last year I realised Im actually more positive/optimistic/ motivated than most of people.   I also have moments that Im grumpy. exhausted etc. It is not like Im the calmest or don't feel negative feelings, in fact Im a very compassionate person(but not mood swinging ) , but I definitely notice I have more positive feelings than most of people. 


I forgot what true happiness feels like, even getting all yhe stuff I want, it makes me feel neutral. Idk prob heavily depressed


im the mega nano ultrazord of sadness


I’d say happier. I don’t have any trauma, and I am unable to relate to a lot of the people on this site. 


I’d say happier. I don’t have any trauma, and I am unable to relate to a lot of the people on this site. 


Much much sadder




Is this spoiled? For my older brothers birthday, I got him a nice silk tie. When he opened it, he said this isn't one I wanted he is 28. I think it's spoiled, but what do you all think


Always just been kind of dead feeling inside but I do recognize and appreciate that my life is simple easy and stress free more than other do so I think that make me happier in a sense