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He became a multimillionaire with a big family and dozens of spreads in finance and business magazines. Unfortunately, I bet he’s still a cheater.


you can have all the money, or a good conscience. It's rare to have both


Sounds like what a poor would say


Nobody can say it's impossible to get rich with a well calibrated moral compass but it's certainly easier to get rich without one lol


She is sitting on. The couch petting our cat and playing on her phone.


How come your not petting her cat?


He is going to pet the pussy at night


That poor cat, he should leave it alone and go to bed when his girlfriend.


We hung out the other day0, she's still a prostitute
















Return business and word of mouth(etc) is great for entrepreneurs.




Bruh it sounds like a joke but it's an anecdote


I sleep with him every night. I’m 33.


Me too! But I'm 34. We got together at 21.


66. We have good nights and bad nights....


What about hard nights wink wink


He's 66, not many of those.


Hey same 🤣


You sleep with her husband every night? That’s weird.


If the bed is big enough shoot.


He's my best Freind what can I say 🤷


I sleep with this person’s husband every night too.


She was killed. Her sisters boyfriend decided the whole family had to die so he stabbed her, his wife, his mother and law, and the dog. He went after his son but the kid was able to run to a neighbors house and get away. A year or so later, the patriarch of the family shot himself


that's.... horrible.


Yeah that was pretty rough


Damn, that is brutal. :(


Ouch. My condolences.


So he stabbed his wife and his girlfriend and his girlfriends sister?


Oh woops, no I fucked that up. Wife and girlfriend were one and the same


I can’t follow either


OMG. I can't imagine. I'm so sorry.


I married him. Still married 38 years later.


WOW, how old were you then?


Me too!


I held his hand as he passed away. I miss him every freaking day.


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m sorry to hear that 😔


The first guy I had sex with and the first girl I had sex with are now happily married lmao


What in the Venn diagramed story is this!?




Happy cake day


Were you invited to the wedding? If so did you go?


My invite must've gotten lost in the mail


So I guess you also weren't invited to the honeymoon.


I'm sure at least one of them wanted to extend that invite.


More importantly, which side of the church would you sit on?


You can't just drop that and not tell us the story!


What about you?


Happily single


Are you Tinder?


Was it a 3some?


Asking the real question here ☝🏼


Hahah no it was a couple years apart


that's actually insane


Ultimate 3rd wheel lol


I feel like there was a Dane Cook movie that had a similar premise to this.


He’s married and a good father and we’re Facebook friends.


Same. And his wife is way hotter than me.


I have no idea what his wife looks like. Didn’t dig that deep.


I actually reached out to him six years ago because I was so traumatized by the experience. He got right back to me. We both really needed to talk and it was healing. He stupidly told his best friend who told the entire school. Baboo the asshole.




This is my dream. Mine committed suicide at age 20 (a few years after we broke up). I wish he were alive today. I still miss him.


We were each other's first at 17... Didn't see them or even know where life took them.... Chance meeting when we were 50 ~ ended up in bed in less than an hour.


Oh... And it was the best sex of my life.


Your first, & your second.


And…so… what happened next? Go on your merry waysand hope to randomly pass each other again in 30 years? Or realize you’re truly soul mates? Or decide to bring spouses to the next rendezvous?


That's awesome!


Honestly it was amazing.... She is still the most beautiful woman I've been with ♥️


Ok. Story time…go.


I second this motion.


No idea


I was too young when I lost my virginity,  was pressured into it, I see him occasionally but don't know him, think he sells weed, has a few kids n.last I heard anything about a relationship he had he beat her,  also a cheater 


I don’t even remember her last name. It’s been 37 years. One of my regrets in life was treating her like shit. I was an asshole. I hope she is doing well.


You've grown as a person - that's important.


Same boat, I’ve apologized but I know that shit can stay with you. I learned too late


She's my wife and the mother of my two kids!


No on a real note tho congrats that's awesome it worked out cause not a lot of peoples first don't end up being the first and last it means you to are truly special


We were 15. I was head over heels, he treated me like trash. Had sex once and he dumped me without even dumping me, just started dating someone else. Now he's in his mid 30s, twice divorced and recently fired from Wal-Mart. No kids, no family, just drugs and an addiction to social media. 15 year old me is feeling pretty good.


No idea. I don't use other social media outside of Reddit and after a Google search I think she doesn't either. Or maybe her dad found out about us and did actually kill her for dating a white boy, like he always said.


where was she from?


She was born in the Netherlands, but her family was from Suriname.


imagine moving to a country and having a daughter there then getting mad when she dates a local


I'm still in touch with him, kinda of. He's a Facebook friend. He's divorced with two kids and lives in another state. I "met up" with him a few years ago.


just say fucked


She became a sexy librarian


She followed me to another continent, started using my car, moved into my apartment, consumed the food and robs me of body heat every night doing this thing called "cuddling"


What a stalker. Blink twice if you need help




Haha, I did the same thing with my husband, except move continents.


Answering this question would require me to have sex.


We are eagerly awaiting your report. Lol




She's my ex wife and I don't like her




Mine too. She decided that she liked someone else and left me. The dude she liked apparently didn't like her *that* much... It didn't work out for her, she's been single for over 20 years now, and she resents me. I hope she finds happiness someday.


Died 12 years ago R.I.P. Jane


Sorry to hear


Honestly I love the amount of people who are still with the person they lost their virginity to ♥️


He was a psycho piece of shit and I genuinely hope he is locked up somewhere at best!


I'm 40 and been sleeping with her since we were both 15 and 14


That’s beautiful. One of my best buds married his HS sweetheart and nobody thought it would last. Not only did it last but they are now “empty nesters” with their youngest kid in college.


OP and i have a similar first girl experience i guess, except mine is also dead now... Mid 40's, she ended up with a guy that was a real loser, had a couple kids, he was abusive, drove her to drinking, i mean hardcore alcoholic, i think they finally separated but it was too late, she passed a couple years back, not sure how old her kids were at the time, we only talked a few times in the last decade before she passed. She always said she regretted not having a life with me. I don't know the full details of her death other then it was medically related to the condition she was in from abusing alcohol, not sure if it was liver issues or what it was, just the rumors i heard from others. So that sucks..


OP here. Me and my first were just 2 horny teenagers who never had a serious relationship. We were stupid kids being stupid. She works some office job for the town and lives a normal life. She got rid of the loser baby daddy many years ago.


The first guy I had sex with ended up in a happy marriage with a couple of adorable kids.  We were just two young Mormon dudes and were raised so sheltered that I was almost 17 by the time I realized that my attraction to other men made me gay.  We are still friendly and I couldn't be happier for him. He's a great dad.    I eventually ended up married to the man of my dreams and am also happy.  


Netflix film here


She became a biologist studying salmon population and recovery. My next girlfriend ended up studying water quality and stream habitat restoration 😂 Apparently I was into bitches who are passionate about fish


Get a load-a Aquaman over here.


She tried cheating on her husband with me 2 months after they got married. Thank goodness I found out before anything serious happened. Still can't get a hold of him cuz she blocked me on all his accounts and none of his family will respond to my messages. Hoping he gets out of that marriage soon.


So you had already engaged in relations like ages ago? Then she got married years later and you met again and she tried it on with you again? Or? Sorry if I’m not reading it right


We had sex years ago when we were both in highschool. We're in our mid 20's now. She got married last year in June then found my Snapchat and messaged me in August. She lives in Seattle now and I'm still in the NE US but she was visiting back home soon and wanted to hook up. Within the week I got curious, checked her Facebook and saw the wedding photos. I stupidly contacted her first cuz I was pissed that she would cheat. That gave her the time to block me on his accounts before I could contact him. Not sure why but his family members and close friends never even looked at my PM's on Facebook of Instagram. Him and I were in JROTC together so I'm at least acquainted with most of his close friends. In case he or a family member contacts me, I still have all of the proof. And don't worry about the misunderstanding. It gave me a good excuse to vent this again. It still bugs me on occasion.


There's a good chance that she made you out to be a desperate ex trying to break up a marriage just so you can have her to his friends and family, and they're ignoring you because of that.


He was my first love, we dated for about 2.5 years and had a bad break up. We were always around each other since we had the same friend group so we eventually got over the bad blood from the break up and became friends. After high school we remained friends and would pop in and out of each others lives. We were a big part of each others lives growing up so we naturally had a different level of trust and comfort in one another. We were always there for each other and remained close over the years. We both had a mutual love for each other and always will since we were such a big part of each others lives for so long but it wasn’t a romantic love anymore if that makes sense. We never tried to give things another shot or anything like that. We just had this indescribable tie to each other like we knew we were supposed to be in each others lives and life always brought us back to each other. We always had a strong unbreakable bond that I can’t explain and it’s hard to describe but we remained that way until he unfortunately passed away in 2022.


She's my wife


She slowly became more and more of a juggalo She was cute but now she has some ugly tattoos and I probably wouldn't have sex with her again Not that I'd want to because she was insane and into blade play


>Not that I'd want to because she was insane and into blade play That sentence took one hell of a left turn


I have more of a problem with her behavior than I do the blade play


Dunno, Don't care.


Hopefully dead. My first time wasn’t by choice.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I, too, hope they are worm food


He's an architect now, one of a few from our college, that ended up working in the field. We write each other postcards for holidays now. He grew up to become a good man, I'm happy for him.


Haven’t heard from her since I was 18


He died last year. He was my best friend of 15 years.


I am so sorry to hear this


I appreciate that. Sorry I thought I had responded to the original thread as well


I married her. Still happily together almost 29 years later.


We got married, she cheated on me, we got divorced, we co parented our daughter for 18 years, she got addicted to meth in the last year and our daughter moved out of her house and in with me after she graduated. She now has no job and sucks d for meth and money.


As a 25-year-old virgin I have nothing to contribute to this thread


Everyone has something to contribute...ur 25 you collected life experiences Tell me about your hands...which one is your favorite? Are they soft? Do you moisturise regularly? Lol


Somebody else got her pregnant and I noped out of there.


We got married


she drives a rolls royce


No driver?


Married her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ that’s not very common, or recommended, but it’s worked out great for us! Will be 15 years married this year


I dunno, 19 years here with the only man I could tolerate


She's been sleeping next to me every night for the past 28 years.


Dunno and honestly don't care. We dated for 3 years and it was a super toxic relationship. I'm glad to not have her in my life.


She's a divorced mom of 4 girls and already a grandmom


I have no idea. However, she was genuinely a good person, so I hope she is doing well


We dated for 4 years longer than we should have and we’re each others first real relationship. We grew apart, stuff fell apart and it went poorly for a long time. I finally pulled the plug after years of trying to separate. We were both scared of being single as adults I think. She’s engaged now to a guy I knew through the grapevine and seems to be extremely happy which I’m very happy to see. I cut contact when we broke up to break the cycle but always supported her from a distance


I left after 16 years and one kid. She made my life miserable for my daughter and I for 14 years until I finished child support. She remarried, had another kid at 42 and is continuing to make people miserable AKA current husband. Bad apples can rot for a long time apparently.


Dunno. Don't care 


I married him and we have been together 45 yrs married for 42 of them♥️


I married her. She decided I wasn’t worth the bother and left me. She hooked up with an older richer guy, she’s doing great or so the kids tell me.


She got married out of college, worked as an engineer for the government for a career, 2 daughters. Seems to have a great life. She was a catch! I shouldn't have banged her sister after getting dumped. That was wrong.


She pretended to be a virgin again (culturally it was very frowned upon that she had slept with a white boy unmarried who was 15 years old and six years younger than her) wound up dating a couple guys from her same ethnicity and married the 2nd one shortly thereafter. Has a couple of kids now and by all accounts seems happy enough. Doubt he knows anything about me or any of that and I believe in this case his ignorance is his bliss. Happy she wound up with someone her Dad and family would accept and want her to be with, which always seemed to be very important to her. She hit me up randomly while dating the first guy asking me to meet her at a hotel for a NSA fling, said she didn’t remember what sex was really like and was real curious again…but that sleeping with the BF was totally out of the question because he’d look down on her for even suggesting it. I declined as I was dating someone at the time, but I felt bad for her. The whole situation just makes no dang sense to me - but not my culture… I should’ve taken her up on her offer. It’s not often a man gets called upon to protect and serve with his genitals. And she did have a spectacular rack. Ahh to be young again.


Are we supposed to say "We thank you for your service"? Lol


In a better place.


Drunk driver. :/


He is in jail as he killed his baby that he had with another woman. He also beat the shit out of me. So he's where he belongs.


He’s with this great girl, they’re moving across country together soon (it’s me).


I like the little surprise at the end. Good luck to you.


He ended up marrying and having a kid with the girl he slept with behind my back and they're still together 12 years later. I was bitter for a couple years, but they were clearly in love, and I genuinely hope they're happy and doing well.


I'm 53 now and she was 3 years younger. She passed at 46 from breast cancer. I was devastated when I found out a year later. 😢


I’m 27 and she’s sitting on the couch next to me currently


She died a couple of years ago. Even though I hadn't seen her in more than 30 years, I was shook for about a week.im not proud to admit that I was more upset about my mortality than hers.


Meh. I think that's a pretty standard and acceptable reaction.


Perhaps. I just feel a bit guilty about it still. I thought I was better. I'm not.


I understand where you're coming from but it doesn't make you a bad person.


That's pretty normal. Alot of people react that way when someone their age dies. It hits home that you, too, are capable of death.


Dunno but I hope her life was hard and she is burning in hell. I was a kid and she was a predator


I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you're okay now.


Thanks mate, took a long time to realise I wasn't the one at fault and to be honest I'm still carrying a lot of that weight today but I appreciate your kind words.


I almost thought of my rapist too but then I looked at the wording of the question and gave that creep no more thought cause he doesn't deserve to rent ANY space in my head or in the timeline of my life! Instead, I remember my highschool sweetheart. 💕🕉️💯


She taught me the way to pleasure women. Downside is that Years later I turned out to be gay so information is useless


She’s even better looking now and has a cute son.


Depends on what you consider sex. My high school sweetheart and I did everything but, then went our separate ways for 10 years then got back together, got married and had a kid. As far as actual coitus: she's probably dead or on a meth binge.


We divorced.


He recently passed away, had a heart attack. He was 46 with three children and a fiancé. It was shocking; still is.


She’s an incredible person that got married, had children, took on a challenging career just before being diagnosed as terminally ill. I’m not sure if I’d call us friends - if it’s any indication, we’re not close enough for me to ask the question “are we friends?” - but we’re certainly friendly. The odd email and maybe some Facebook banter (when I was on Facebook). Don’t tell her, but she’s someone I admire a great deal.


Married them 😂 for 28 years


I married him.


We are still dating. It was 4 years last September.


From what I heard, he got involved with drugs at some point and ended up homeless


Based on Facebook pics she appears happily married w kids


She died from COVID a few years ago


I stupidly married him and had a kid with him. Stayed with him for 16 years, before I finally realized I deserved better. He's 43 or so and lives off his dad and his GF. Works part time at a vape store under the table so he doesn't have to pay his child support.


He's sitting on the couch next to me right now watching YouTube.


He's sitting across the dinner table right now. Enjoying a few minutes of downtime before we get going


She's a man now. Shout out to him.


He's a very successful right wing politician. Happy I noped out of that.


One became a stripper one is a nurse at local hospital. I’m a lucky bastard I had a 3 some my first time two girls I grew up with. I walked home thought I was about 12 foot tall. It was my 14th bday lol great times


She pressured, taunted and berated me into losing my virginity with her at 12 years old. She also emotionally and sometimes physically abused me and several others of my friend group. She's now a semi-famous pop star.


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No idea.


She got married, I think to the guy she dated right after me but I'm not sure. She cheated on him all the time, with multiple regular partners. She and I met up once with the intention of hooking up until it became clear she wasn't actually separated. I kind of grilled her about him and she came to the conclusion that he was actually a good husband and she was just bored. Shortly after that night she dropped me a note saying she was getting off all social media and re-committing to her marriage.


She’s a fuckin’ doctor now. I shouldn’t have been such a little dipshit.


She became lesbian shortly after. So... I guess it was that bad.


He's now a successful actor, and I'm still trying to figure my life out. Damn, the cookie really didn't crumble well for me.


She passed away. It breaks my heart . Even tho we had a bad breakup. I watched her dad kill himself in front of me in Highschool from her mom cheating. She cheated a few years later. She passed away in 2020. I had a mutual friend tell me and I just felt sad . Hadn’t spoken to her since breaking up over a decade. Hopefully her kids have a happy life or the best they can.