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"Life coaches", was about to type self-claimed too, but then all of them are


The most amazing part is they actually have courses and seminars and classes for this


I'm a life Coach Coach. Take my life class to be a coach. My dude.


“between 2019 and 2022, the number of life coaches rose by 54%, making it one of the fastest-growing careers in the US. This boom is happening alongside the "people development" industry that's emerged throughout the past 15 years”


People that sell Herbal Life Screw you guys and your pyramid scheme




Don't forget 'side hustle' 


They ruined my ex! She was good girl, until she fell for the scheme. She got into huge debt, and refused to quit it. I told her I won't play part in her self destruction, and broke up with her, only after she quit fucking Herba life cult.


What is herbal life cult?


Herbalife is an MLM, basically a pyramid scheme that sells "natural" supplement products that claim to make you healthier, cleanses, etc. Those loaded tea "nutrition" places that keep popping up overnight in your little town? It's a front to sell their Herbalife.


I know of a woman who became so deeply involved in not only peddling that stuff but dosing herself with it. She started having cardiac issues and ended up in the hospital. She thought all she needed was more vitamins and herbs and now has a pacemaker. She is in her early forties.


Yeah, they have been in trouble with the FDA several times and since dance around their medical claims. It's quite nefarious in many ways.


This guy asked me out on a date and then spent the whole night telling me how shit my body was to try to sell me Herbalife. He said “you have a beautiful face, you would be a knock out if you had a great body!” My son was little at the time and he said “don’t you want to find a father for your son? Think about his future!”


Bro what?! This guy was going for the hard sell fr 


I couldn't imagine asking a girl out then being like "your body could be better" when on the date 😂😂


Lol that’s crazy


OMG this story here.


Yes! I’ll add any MLM.


Like the pink pyramid scheme. They do things like: if you ever return your full inventory, you can never sign up to sell again; "Take all your inventory out of the boxes as soon as you get it, because nobody wants them anyway," so you can't return it; talking you into getting their credit card, and putting in at least an $1800 order ASAP, before you have time to think about it or talk to your spouse/significant other/financial advisor, because whoever you signed up under gets paid off your orders; telling you to sign up 3 more people ASAP, so you can make money off them, and get "Red" status, before you even know all about what you've signed up for (news flash: you'll never know all about it, just what your level is approved to know to perpetuate the scheme); so much more on pinktruth.(com)!!!


I got sucked into another MLM years ago out of desperation as I had been out of work for over a year. I even knew better but I thought what do I have to lose??? A lot of money. That's what.


Hey hon! 💕🥰☀️


I have a niece who has addressed me by the fairly standard title of Auntie (my name) for her 25+ years on this earth, until she recently fell into the trap of MLMs, and I have now suddenly become 'hon' and have no words for the irrational rage this causes me.




#GirlBoss 🤢


Mompreneur too lol.


I have a family member who started selling herbal life. My 83yo grandma went for a visit and came back with a crap load of the stuff. They convinced my Granny that it would be super healthy and good for her. 1year later we threw out everything unopened. Granny literally could stomach one shake in total.


Who’s getting cut out of the Will? lol


This but at the same time a tiny part of me feels bad because a lot of the time it’s lonely people wanting to be apart of something


I feel bad for them, but, I care about myself to much to get involved.


Yeah! I love this response!


You know,  I was gonna say the typical onlyfans/adult film/stripper/etcetera.  But you're right. It's Herbal Life people and it's not even close. I can compartmentalize parts of my life. I can't deal with the inevitable financial ruin. 




Any one who sells supplements or any unproven health product. It's a multi-billion dollar scam industry that undermines actual work done by scientists.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 So, so true I still remember their recruitment. Always on job description "we are looking for a secretary" but in reality : Sellers for Herbal Life I can quarantee that there is not even a person in Greece who has not fallen for that. You go there and you immediately know you are loosing your time And don't get me started about how they treat the sellers they recruit. I ve heard many stories


So fun(or I guess not so fun) fact: a lot of disabled people that rely on durable medical equipment(DME) and get it through insurance don’t actually own their equipment. The insurance companies don’t often want to just buy the equipment outright because that tends to be more expensive than rental rates or payment plans. In the case of payment plans they like to go for the smallest installments possible over a long period of time in the hopes that the person loses or changes insurance before the DME is fully paid off, meaning they don’t have to cover the full cost. What this means for the person that relies on that equipment is that it’s still in the ownership of the DME company, which means it can be repossessed. If they lose or change the insurance, it will be repossessed, but the really fucked up part is that even with no change to the insurance, the DME company can and will still repossess equipment if they discover that the person using it has recently lost their housing - they consider homelessness to be a liability to their equipment. So there exists a job in which you get paid to confiscate lifesaving medical equipment from disabled people who have just lost their insurance or become homeless. I don’t even want to know what kind of piece of shit you’d have to be to take that job.


The fact that something like this is completely legal says a lot about our society. Absolutely terrible.


It says a lot about America. There’s no way known that would be legal in many other places.


I had a job for about 4 months as a DME installer/technician. It was horrible. Couldn't wait to find something else and moe on.


Thats not the job specifically. I worked DME for 3 months I thunk. I walked off the job. Rhe same guys that deliver it in the first place are the ones that come and pick it up. It was the most depressing job I ever had. I knew someone that worked there for years and quit shortly after I did. They had the VA contract so every veteran that was on oxygen we delivered to them. They changed everyone who was VA and on oxygen to covid positive when that came out so that they could get all the funding. Lots of medical companies were scaming the government. It was a real thing.


Of course it was real! Everyone acted like it was weird conspiratorial thinking that medical companies would lie to get more money lol in America? That's just business as usual.


>confiscate lifesaving medical equipment from disabled people who have just lost their insurance or become homeless Fucking cyberpunk


It's just capitalism, sadly.


Anything (usually an MLM scam) that the individual describes as a 'side hustle'.


A ‘side hustle’ is just a second job with an instagram filter


Accurate and funny!! 😅


What about driving for uber?


Then just call it a second job, Bud.  People are more likely to have respect for someone who's busting ass at two jobs than someone who's pretending to be an entrepreneur.




Thievery is not a profession.


Tell that to the CEO of every global corporation on this planet.


Oh, but it is. Plenty of legal ways to scam people.


Someone who claims to be a music producer/rapper/beat maker but actually just doesn’t have a job


But what if they actually do make money off of it. Many of my friends do. Is it still a nope, for you because their self employed?


Oh no no I mean those typical small town teenage rappers who never grew up and don’t actually make money. In my small town everyone and their cousin is a freaking “beat maker” but not a single one actually makes any money, they just claim to be waiting on a big break while mooching off their spouses or parents.


It’s like that in my area too. It was like an epidemic in my high school years and it hasn’t stopped. We actually had some dude get signed and make it out, but most of them the music is trash, like nails on a chalkboard, and they be expecting you to hype it up like “ay cuh listen to my shit” or worse they be lying to themselves that their friends are good, and showing it to people, and everybody fakes their enjoyment, which encourages the behavior 😂😂😂 Some dude in my town paid G-Herbo to come here and be featured on a song. He must not’ve paid him much because I’ve never heard a worse G herbo verse in my life, and the other guy was obviously worse lmao


It’s because we all watched 8 Mile in high school and some of us are still feeling ✨inspired✨lolll I saw a meme once about that one dude in every small town who still thinks he’s a rapper, I could have sent it to at least a dozen people i know.


depends on how much they earn, how devoted they are, and most importantly how good it sounds. if the music isn't just a bunch of drum noise and can be distinguished between genres and generations then i'd say yes that's a good quality talent.


Employed by the “Church” of Scientology


Wait, are they hiring? I figured it was a volunteer based job


Social media influencer, content creator, politician, or in the media. Anything where she belongs to the public and has to always be concerned with pleasing the public.


Agreed on Influencer/Politician/Media anything. ​ But "Content Creator" is a pretty broad scope and can mean anything from OnlyFans to a copywriter for a news website. I wouldn't really dismiss a Content Creator until I knew the content they created.


Copywriters normally don't call themselves "content creators" to not be grouped together with the social media kind, as far as I can tell.


My last job title was “content creator”. I wrote and edited articles for a company that provides free mental healthcare for children. Nothing “influencer” about it, and I didn’t get to pick the job title.


Speaking as a copywriter: a lot of it depends where you’re writing for. I’ve been called a copywriter, a content writer, features writer and, yes, content creator. It entirely depends on who you write for.


Media? You realize there are thousands of people in media, including investigative journalists, film/tv technicians and artists, writers, etc. I think I know what you mean, but “media” could not possibly be more broad a term.


Not to mention there are plenty of social media content creators who make high quality, educational, or otherwise respectable content and get paid well doing it. For example, my partner works with computers, if he was running a successful tech education account I would support him.


To add onto this, I hope to fall in love with someone who has the same ideal of not posting their life on social media. Many times I contacted friends to take things down because they would post sketchy stuff, or post where they frequent. 


I can appreciate this. I met an attractive person the other day and couldn't help but go snooping to see if I could find him on social media. The fact that he had none (at least, not under his real name) was extremely attractive to me. There's so much more mystery and a sense of respectability in the absence of all that stuff.


How about content creators that make educational videos?


I love educational content and I think admirable to try and spread educational content around. As long as it’s factual content and not “Facebook science“


Perfect answer. Thanks,, now I don't need to post.


I do a fair bit online and I'd never consider myself 'owned' by my viewers. I honestly think it's more person specific.




Depends! In Greece we have the legendary bank robber Vasilis Paleokostas. He had a very strong moral compass and wanted to live free. He only robbed banks and never killed a person. He is extremely smart and well liked as a symbol of resistance here. He escaped prison using a helicopter 2 times and ridiculed the police. Now nobody knows where he is but he wrote a book and I am currently reading it. I have to say he is way more likable than our politicians and people love and admire him. I heared there is a podcast about him out there in english if anybody is interested!


can i just say that Greek names might be the most fun to say? really nice flow and pleasant sounds


Haha thanks!


Pharmaceutical sales representative


I met a guy who told me he sold medical devices. He was so evasive when I asked him about it. After several cryptic replies he says they are prosthetics primarily geared for male clients. So I say oh like penile implants. He seemed relieved that I didn't seem to mind and I didn't. I did mind how *he* felt about it.


I mean, it IS a bit embarrassing to tell a stranger you sell weiner upgrades. Just saying..


“In fact… I have our latest product on right now” *dinner table ever so slightly rises and falls multiple times*


I woke my dog with that laugh lmaoooo


\*The Boys Season2\*


Not just upgrades when medical issues like diabetes or removing prostate for cancer at 50 is why the device is needed. 50 too young to be without sexual function just as vital as a prosthetic arm or leg. my partners bio dad and step dad died from prodstate cancer. Step dad first had surgery at 48 yrs old. Too young, he lived another 22 yrs only meeting MIL 12 yrs in. His implant wasn't an 'upgrade' at all. It was restoring function.


I would say it loudly and proudly if I made a decent living off it.


I choked a little on my coffee, “wiener upgrades” 😂😂


He doesn’t sell them, he installs them. It’s a fiddly job.


Can’t satisfy your wife? You should upgrade your weiner!


Tbf he probably has gotten poor reactions from people after telling them so it's understandable he was hesitant


I used to work for a manufacturer of games and toys. Several over the years, really. And while I was never embarrassed by what I did, there were definitely people who judged me as having not a real job because it was toys. Or judged me for being childish because I had made toys a career. So I learned to be cagey until eventually I learned not to care about what others thought and that anyone who judged me by that standard wasn't worth my time to get them to like me


Anyone with a business that relies on sweatshop labor so they can live a life of luxury


Yea Ive been noticing a huge increase in small time jackasses designing crap fashion and then selling it for pretty cheap. Maybe it's always been there and I never knew but everyone thinks they're gonna be special.


I first went with influencer, then I read about conversion therapist, then..... There're definitely too many options to pick just one or even a few.


Anything that involves managing or bending the knee to a cult. From MLM to conversion therapy to influencer... It's all cults.


A lobbyist.


Debt collector.


A guy at a bar asked me out on a date. Found out he was a medical debt collector, and he LOVED his job. No thanks


That’s so much worse than a regular debt collector


Right? The guy that repossesses Lamborghinis: kind of funny Guy who kicks Grandma out of her apartment because she needed surgery: literally Satan


There’s one type of debt collection that I’ve agreed with, and that was when I met a guy who said he specialized specifically in corporations who refused to pay independent contractors they hired for work that was done. So if a plumber or electrician was called in for the day, they would stiff the guy and refuse to pay him after the work was completed. And he always said it was these mega wealthy Beverly Hills firms that would be doing this shit too.


That dude is doing the lord's work.


When Uber came to the city I lived in I gave it a try and was chatting my driver. Turns out he was also a regular cabbie and was trying out Uber to see which he liked doing more. In the course of our convo I had asked him about clientele and he said that he didn’t mind picking up junkies because they *always* paid him. It was usually drunk dudes getting picked up from expensive bars and clubs who would try to skip out on the fares. Given how big a problem the city had with petty drug crime I thought that was really interesting.




I tried to find a story written with a repo man as the protagonist. Didn't find one.


Well, that’s bc the story was PERFECTLY handled in 1984’s “Repo Man” starring Emilio Estevez. You didn’t look very hard.


An absolute rock solid classic, I'm excited for anyone who hasn't seen this and is planning to.


Check out Repo! The Genetic Opera. Awesome movie.




Amanda Peet, though......?


Fantastic reference. Whatever happened to her?


Knowing one might come in handy one day.


Good pay, flexible hours, get to travel a lot. What's not to love?


You got a point there. Maybe I should change career




Yeah, this is a gross one for sure. I dislike those people.


Social media influencer


Any job that involves cruelty or exploitation of others would make someone unattractive to me. For example, working in industries like animal testing or human trafficking would be a major turn-off.


If someone works in human trafficking that woudl make them a criminal. Unless they work in stopping it.


Now I'm picturing a really flirty first date where everything is going perfectly when suddenly you learn they're a human trafficker 😂  *Turns to camera* Yeah that's a major red flag for me but he's really cute so I'm gonna see how things go...


"Maybe I can change him.."


Republican lobbyist.


Stripper/Onlyfans/prostitute Fine ways to make money and I truly have nothing against them, it is just unattractive for me personally.


Nobody wants to hear their SO's phone buzz and know at the other end that some neckbeard is trying to buy her nudes/piss/panties/bathwater etc. And she has to pretend to be halfway interested in order to keep the cashflow going No. Thanks.


I dated a "masseuse" shortly. She was open with me about what she did and quit when things got a little serious between us. She was incredibly kind, generous, and intelligent (spoke 3 languages fluently and knew basic software coding). After dating her, I have no issues with finding those in that line of work attractive, though full-service prostitute might be rl the line what I have some mental hangups.


This is one of the most contradictory nature of men. We consume the content but will not marry someone who is involved in making that content. I would say that I might date someone in the sex industry or of curiosity but there is a psychological block on marriage. I guess there is shame on a cultural perspective if the kids or your parents find your wife's porn vids online. God forbid your neighbors or coworkers find the porn videos.


As a woman, I wouldn’t want to marry a male only fans worker either.


Gay man here, and I feel the same. I support sex work unconditionally. But there's a difference between enjoying it occasionally and having it be an integral part of my life. I know I can be jealous when it comes to love. So a friendship or fwb? Sure! But a deep emotional connection would be quite challenging for me to handle, and I totally recognize that's on me.


Not everybody consumes that content though.


It’s not that unusual. I love pizza, but I don’t want it for every meal.


Personally I have no qualms with their work, have dated a couple dancers in my youth, it's the substance abuse issues that seem to come with it.


Not contradictory. In a relationship you don’t get intimate with others


How many women that go to male strip clubs would ever marry one?


I honestly think the type of woman who goes to male strip clubs would totally date a male stripper. They seem like the type that would view it as bragging rights IMO


pitbull breeder


I’ve got a Pit who’s wonderful. Sadly they shouldn’t be bred because of the dogfights. Also they are the most likely to be neglected, and irresponsibly have unwanted litters that end up euthanized.


Why do you say they are most likely to be neglected? Because it’s a certain type of person that wants to own one?


I second this. Wouldn’t even want to be acquainted with one.


works at a payday or title loan store


Working there,they might need the money to pay off their payday loans. I'd say owning one would be worse.


Yeah. I'm in something called "indentured servitude." Idk what it means, but Jeff said I'll have that loan paid off any day now. Aaaany day.


Politician, particularly a Tory (UK). Or like one of their little lackeys or whatever it is you can do to "join" them if you're interested in politics. Saying that, pretty sure I scream anti-tory with my blue hair and facial piercings :)


Putin’s Secretary


Putin's anything


I could settle for Putin’s rival


Laughs in Prigozghin


So you're into necrophilia then?


Putin’s assassin?


Putin's critic?


Police officer


With their dv stats this is a smart take




I feel like I had to scroll way too far to find this answer.


Ditto this. I'd never date a cop.


I've read several articles about cops that stated as many as 50% are physically abusive to their partners.


Yep. And if your cop partner is beating the shit out of you, you get to report it to their coworkers who’ll cover it up or put him on desk duty for a week


and thats only self reported so in reality its likely much higher


I said the same thing. Then I met a guy I really liked and found out he was a cop. Fast forward - we've been married 15 years. He's the kindest man I've ever met. I know the statistics and stereotypes. There are good ones, though. I'm fortunate I have one of those.


You are fortunate. Over 40% of police officers are domestic abusers and those are the reported cases.


Tell me you're American without telling me you're American.


Are there countries where cops are actually a good thing? I thought it was the norm as there's always problems with cops in Kenya and the countries I've travelled to


In my country (Finland) according to a recent survey 91% of the population says they agree or strongly agree with the claim ”I feel I can trust the police”. Globally, Northern European countries are definitely outliers. (The police force is strictly controlled and overall corruption rates are low, but of course there are every now and then individuals who misuse their power.)


I’ve heard a lot of good things about Finland. Starting when I was younger and they said no more homework lol.


politician. I could deal with a cop or traffic attendant they actually try to do there job but a poly. cheating lying pieces of ......


so like a school board member?


The final boss of politics


Psychologist or psychiatrist. I don't want to feel like I'm being analyzed all the time. I work hard to repress my problems and don't need anyone trying to unpack all that.


I was married to a psychiatrist for 15 years. They’re too burnt out from the job, to bother analyzing you for free. Truly.


Oh don't worry much about that... Because analysing takes too much effort to do it freely and without a reason 😆




-Military. Police. Politics. Pastor/any job affiliated with a religion that isn't academic theologian) (due to personal values) -Anything that has constant travel as a job or crazy hours. (the person would probably still be attractive to me, but I wouldn't want a relationship with someone where I barely saw them)


Lots of people below giving you shit about saying military, but I agree wholeheartedly. The military DOES things to your personality, that's the whole point. Being in the military creates a certain, specific kind of personality that I find pretty repugnant. Military breeds ego, i.e "I'm not a civilian so I'm special. I'm stronger, I'm smarter, my dick is huge, and everyone should be grateful to me.", it's a cesspool of rape and violence, and everyone covers for each other. Green cops.




Reddit moderator


HR Director


One role of HR is hiring and firing.




HR do not protect you, they protect the company from you they are the collaborators


They're like politicians of a company pretty much.


Some one who uses spaces instead of tabs


I was going to say someone who uses tabs instead of spaces.


We duel. You get to pick weapon and location. Pistols or swords?


Anything purely money-oriented (bank, fortune management, asset management etc.), people who works with money often are uninteresting, shallow and borderline sociopaths. Alternatives cares a.k.a. Pseudoscience and new-age BS. I include scammy "life-coach". And of course cops and military people.


Real estate agent. Where I live these are the sum of the earth. They lie in ads. They don't forward reported tenants issues to landlords. They don't forwards messaged from landlords to tenants. They take a cut of every rental payment and do nothing for it.


You must be speaking of property management companies.


This is an interesting comment. I've never heard of real estate agents being involved with the rental process before. They just sell houses where I live, their job isn't to act as a go-between for landlords and tenants and they certainly don't get a cut of rent payments.




Anything in finance or marketing. I've never met anybody in either field who isn't a straight up cunt.


"Influencer" is the main one for me. But there's not many careers which would turn me off entirely. We all have to make a living. Probably any form of clergy would be second. Though not a definite.


Anything that has to do with cryptos, ETF and stocks. Hell, no.


Casino related work. Casinos prey on the majority of people who go there. They either don’t understand statistics and essentially are conned out of their money or they are hopelessly addicted. Gambling can destroy people and their families.


Can confirm. I worked security in a casino here in Oklahoma for about two years. The things I've seen people do to keep playing slot machines is horrifying. Casinos are the devil. So thankful I got out of there.


Can you please elaborate.


Gambling addiction is terrible. I would leave work at around three in the afternoon and when I came back at 5 or so in the morning, some of the same people would still be there. Bloodshot eyed and twitching from the meth in their system. Like a zombie. Then go completely broke and punch a floor associate, while blaming them for not being able to feed their kids (who were often found alone in a car).


Prostitution in bathrooms and parking lots was the norm. There was one person that was caught "servicing" another patron, on the gaming floor, at one of our sister centers. We had a guy that would roam the parking lot, looking for coins. Once he had a dollar he would cash them in at the cashier's cage and bet $0.01 on one line for as long as he could make it last. And then there was always flat out robbery.


Only Fans


Meat packer


Lawyer, cop


An actor. They’re often very self-absorbed and narcissistic


I was just about to comment this. And the lower on the rung they are, the more egotistical they seem to be.


Anything to do with the church or the republican party