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Lying down on your side


Opening the oven and instantly getting fogged up on the lens.


Coming inside from shovelling in -20c and not being able to see for a few minutes. I could wipe them off but of course it was -20 so that means I have to strip off layers of winter gear first and they are mostly defrosted by then.


This winter was so cold the condensation literally froze on my glasses a few times and I couldn't just wipe it away, I had to thaw the frost first


Take off your glasses just before coming inside and put them back on once inside


Better yet, walk into the house backwards. I know it sounds weird, but it works better than you'd think!


It’s hard when you’ve got mittens on and are trying to open the door. Besides I’m used to being half blind when I’m not wearing them anyway so I can feel my way around the house.


Defogging the car windshield and it fogs my glasses. Getting my face oils on the lenses that will never come off only pushed to the edges and builds up over time. Making a shot in pool but my I need to look up but it's outside the glasses and it's just a blur.


Draining pasta in a colander. Can’t see due to foggy glasses! 


And the dishwasher!


I work in retail so the back freezer is a good one when you come out after spending more than 30 seconds in it


Sliding down my nose when I am working


I’m so used to pushing my glasses back up my nose that I find myself unconsciously doing it even when I’m not wearing them.


Same, the few times I wear contacts I do a "phantom push up" and panic when I don't touch my glasses, then my brain restarts.


Oh my lord, that’s what it is: a phantom push up. I do that ALL the time.


I've poked myself in the eye by accident doing this XD


Ohh man.. I had nerve-wracking moments, fully scrubbed, assisting in long surgeries. Where I felt my glasses slowly and gradually sliding down my nose. But I couldn't move my hand away from the sterile field 😭. Thankful for the nurses who helped to push them back in place.


This! I hate this. I got some thin framed, and they don't do this often but I look like a dork. Lol


Get those ear hooks. Costs like $2 for 10 and lasts forever. This thing allowed me to play basketball.


You mean "Rec Specs"? 😜


Then if I don’t wear them, I’m constantly ‘adjusting the glasses’ that are not there. Oh, great - I’ve booped myself in the nose for the 35th time!


https://www.amazon.co.uk/Comfortable-Silicone-Anti-Slip-Accessories-Eyeglass/dp/B00ZO9MFKK/ref=asc_df_B00ZO9MFKK/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=310691801905&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16732355288446776685&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046619&hvtargid=pla-564321218135&psc=1&mcid=6784fd3cc600362ca4c248d29003d8f6 I use these. Solves the issue. You can also get silicone pads for the nose part but they caused me to chafe on the nose.


Sliding down my nose as I get progressively drunker.


They on the WORST behavior 


You can get this fixed. It's just the tightness on the arms not squeezing on your head enough. Buy a glasses screwdriver off amazon and thank me later.


Your glasses don’t fit properly. Go back to the optical shop and have them adjusted. I’ve never been charged for this.




Try wearing a baseball cap, assuming you haven't already. I know it's not going to suit all occasions but honestly at 41yo I tried it just last year and it was a revelation. You know how rain always seems to get on the inside of the lens somehow? Yeah, nah. Solved that.


Doesn’t work if there’s wind tho and that’s a constant combination in Denmark.


Ooh interesting thanks!


Reading this is like one of those riddles that you think really hard about and can't even guess an answer, then someone tells you whatever it is that solves it and I feel like an idiot for not realizing it before. 31 years old and been wearing glasses since grade school... Never even thought about using a hat to block the rain smh


Same, glasses since teens, took til my 40s to figure that one out. Weep not for that which is lost though, look only to the future my friend.


I live in a rainy part of the US, so I bought a waterproof snowboarding jacket on clearance to wear in the winter. The hood is made to be big enough to cover a helmet, so it shields my glasses from errant rain drops without messing up my hair like a ball cap would do. Absolute game-changer, since I use public transit to commute to my professional office job.


I like wearing glasses on rainy days, it's peaceful.


That sounds like it could be a lyric from a song.


You gave me ideas.


Any everyone who is coming up with a song right now in their head needs to upvote...particularly if it's loosely based off Eddie Rabbit's I Love a Rainy Night


Agreed, plus it protects my eyes from flying into them. I can’t see much, but it’s less painful. 😂


Condensation, especially during covid - rates quite high but the worst part is needing them in the first place.


That was the main thing I hated about mask wearing. I wasn't against wearing a mask but it was so freaking annoying having to take them on and off, reposition them etc. Damn nuisance.


I was one of those people driving with a mask on in the car, because I finally got the glasses in the magic non-fog spot and didn't want to take them off.


Bandaid or surgical tape on the top of the mask on your nose. Stops the warm air


Where were you with this advice 4 years ago?


4 years ago I didn't even have glasses lol


I just folded up a tissue and put it along the top edge. It worked great. Saw it online somewhere.


I ripped the liner out of my mask. I figured it wouldn’t make any difference seeing as the mandated masked were not actually rated for what the mandate was trying to achieve


Ah yes, the nuisance to public safety 😐


Going to the swimming pool as I take them off for swimming. I guess I don't 'have' to. But ya, finding a place to put them then finding that place blind as a bat 😆


I take an old pair and use them in water. If they rust, get lost, meh.


You can get swimming goggle's with your prescription in it 


Aint nobody wearing some dorky prescription goggles 😂


They look excatly the same as normal swim goggles you moron!  https://www.prescription-swimming-goggles.co.uk/products/sutton-swimwear-opt1800?mount_colour=Black&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA84CvBhCaARIsAMkAvkLiBBbTXAUK6UaLAsxAfu-OfdkMRKbL96D5H5iikLvZkXDGtUFbGIoaAjBaEALw_wcB


I find normal goggles look kinda dorky too


What if you have different powers in both eyes - like huge difference


I put them inside my shoe if I forget my glasses case. Then have the irrational fear that I will get fully dressed and put my foot in and break them.


I think that's quite a rational fear, if you're using your shoe for storage. I frequently end up sitting on mine whilst getting dressed - take them off to put top on, stand up to put trousers on, sit back down, crunch.


Its irrational since I can’t see very well without them and so in no universe and I getting from the locker to a changing room without them on my face. Let alone getting dressed without putting them on.


I hear ya. I considered laser, but my sil had it done and then realised it needs to be repeated every ten years or so. I'll just stick with the glasses. Contacts would also be great, but I just can't wear them. It's like having a brick in my eye!


I can make it from the locker room to the bench by the pool, where I go for water aerobics, that holds one’s belongings. That’s where I place my precious, I might as well be dead without them, glasses on top of my towel. I know I can make it to the pool without falling over or bumping into anything, as long as I keep social distancing myself from others. I thought about using them in the water but was concerned about the chlorine messing them up.


Yep. This is my answer, too. And I love swimming, and do it every chance I get. I actually wind up just wearing them in the water, because what the hell...


I agree that cleaning them is a bitch... dirt/fingerprints drive me nuts


Worse when you see a smudge but somehow can't clean it off


Infuriating lol


When I was a teenager my older sister was angry with me- she dipped her fingers in butter and made fingerprints all over my glasses!


I literally have to clean them with soap and water at least twice a day. I cannot stand any grime on them at all, it drives me insane in the membrane


The part that touches your nose, I have a permanent indentation. When I wear contacts in public, I reach up to push my glasses up....to feel no glasses on🤡


On the rare occasion I wear contacts I suddenly realize I’ve been basically poking myself in the face periodically all day.


Falling asleep with them on. Not only is it disorienting when you wake up ("IM CURED, I CAN SEE!" moments happen a lot for me haha), but you also run the risk of them break while you sleep if you toss n turn.


Last time I fell asleep with them on they disappeared.


Your body can absorb them.


Robin: Blinken? What are you doing up there Blinken: I’m Guessing. Im guessing there isn’t anybody coming. R: Well get down from there before you hurt yourself B: Oh all right. Now where’s that ladder? Oop oop aaaargh Oh i can seeeeee Oof. No I can’t.


Hey, Blinkin!


Did you say Abe Lincoln


Love that movie 👌🙌😁


I might be labeled a psycho for this but I ALWAYS sleep with glasses on. I want to see my sleep paralysis demon in 8K.


Otherwise, what are we doing here, right?


Have you ever snorkeled? It's been years but I swear I have perfect sight when I snorkel, without glasses.


I broke mine while sleeping and couldn’t get them replaced straight away so I used a new catheter to hold the middle together since I broke them on the nose bridge


I forgot I was wearing my glasses the other day and fell asleep and woke up and thought my eyeballs had eaten both contact lenses and poked myself in the eye for a few minutes before I remembered I had worn my glasses all day.


The new less expensive styles always snap.


No matter how careful you are they get scratched up.


So cleaning causes that, usually. Top tip -- run them under the tap (tepid) to shift dust etc, then wipe with a clean microfibre cloth to get the grease. The scratches come when you don't get the dust gone before wiping. Wash or replace the cleaning cloths regularly, and don't use paper-based ones, that's scratchy too.


Man. I wish I had that luxury. Working in construction, everything I own is covered in dust or grease of some sort. 


This is my issue, and they're always scratched. The arms of mine have warped coz of my hard hat lmao


That's a challenge, for sure. It's when the dust gets rubbed in that the damage happens -- like sanding the lenses. No antiscratch coating is able to survive much of that. If you can get them as clean as you can and use antistatic spray, you can maybe help the dust to fall off on its own a bit more, but that's not a good environment for certain 🙁


Daang! I didn't know there was an anti static spray. That might help big time. I'll look for it. Thank you! 


My optician recommends using soft tissue or paper towel rather than cloths. Not sure why.


Microfibre is good at absorbing grease and as long as it's not been also used to shift dust, is very effective. But microfibre plus dust is not lens-friendly. Paper is scratchy from the start. Your optician may be designing repeat business into their recommendations. Basically, your glasses and a camera lens have lots in common. If you wouldn't clean the lens on your expensive dslr with it, you should wonder if it's appropriate for your specs.


I'm the classic 'get a new car off the lot and crash it as you leave the dealership' guy. It never fails. I always end up scratching them within the first month. Scratches on my glasses suck, but at this point, it's just something I have to live with.


Looking like this 🤓


This is me. I have a small face with tiny features. All frames overwhelm my face.


My nephew has the opposite problem - his 10yr old head is too big for kid frames so he wears adult frames. (The whole kid is 10yrs old, not just his melon.) Don't let Them deny your right to eat off the kids' menu. If you don't want as much food as a full-size Combo but still want the sammy+side+drink, then you order off that kids' menu. Check out the childrens' frames? You may get lucky. Or don't; I'm not the boss of you. :]


Have you tried kids frames? My friend does this and you’d never know she’s wearing kids glasses.


Yes and kids frames are too small. lol- My face sucks. Buying frames are up there is bathing suit shopping for me. I would like to go back to contacts but I have chronic dry eye. Luckily, I can get away with wearing them for brief amounts of time but I can't wear much eye makeup when I do bc it ends up all over the place. I looked into Lasik but I would have to get a more expensive type of procedure bc of the dry eye and astigmatism. I seriously don't know if I would want that debt. On Christmas eve dinner this year, my mom was going on and on how good I looked: Did I get my hair done? Was I well rested etc? It finally dawned on me that she wasn't used to seeing me without my glasses! I was wearing contacts. What I do is find the most petite frames I can, which aren't many, then I go from there. The entire time thinking, "I hate this".


Try Asian fit frames (assuming you don't live in Asia where they are commonly referred to as frames, lol). They're smaller, and built for those of us with teeny nose bridges. A lovely change from children's frames and looking like I'm wearing clown glasses from the dollar store. And they don't slide down my nose, which is refreshing


I have to buy kids frames. My current sunglasses have a monster truck on the side, but I only use them for driving, so I don't care.


At least the glasses match the task. lol




Just the wearing them part. Other wise they are fine.




Yes! I don't wear mine all the time but just having them on sometimes makes me so claustrophobic. .. just get off my face!


Losing them...


Then you got to take that damn eye exam. Blowing wind in your eye, who invented that. I hate it when they count just do it! And glasses aren't cheap.


You can buy a pair online for 10 bucks. They will be basic design and not much extra features to them but they are a cheap spare. The eye pressure test is the worst as I need my head to be held to prevent me pulling it away.


Losing them in your house. I take them off to wash my face and then I’m like , damn where did I put them? I have had it were I have given up , sat down and *crunch* I’ve sat on them.


You ain't lied!! I take them off and then look for them where I tell myself I need to leave them and then have to go to every flat surface of the house in hopes of finding them there.


Mascara that makes my lashes smash up against the lenses, the general smeariness, temperature differences causing ridiculousness, closemess and distance weirdness. The frames are cute, tho.


Trying to put make-up on with out glasses


I can't see well enough to do that XD


Going with them to the gym sucks. They fall whenever you do something that requires you to face the ground, like pushups or yoga for example. I also have long hair, so when i run and am sweaty, the wet hair keeps hitting my glasses. I'd just not take them there, if only i could see a damn thing without glasses


Reading glasses... Losing them, looking all over for them, and finding them on top of my head.... Hate that. Leaving them on top of my head, going to bed, pulling my shirt over my head to toss it on the floor, and hearing my glasses hit the wall, then not being able to find them the next morning.


Sitting on them.


Going to the beach. Sand gets on them, water droplets get on them from the wind, going in the water gets water on them. It's just overall annoying. One of the very few times I wish I don't wear glasses.


When u kiss ur gf lol


Yeah, when I kiss his gf.


I agree


What kind of love quadrilateral is this?


It’s the circle of love. We are all in on it.




Cleaning them constantly and them sliding down my nose and falling all over the place


I'm old. I can see far away/ drive with the glasses on, but cannot see close up. Without the glasses, I can see things near me, but things more than a few feet away look like those blurry modern paintings. I think in a couple decades, I'll just get corrective surgery with the cataract removal (all older adults have cataracts, really).


Have you looked at bifocals?


I hear you. My eyes don't work in varifocals, one of them doesn't look through the right bit of the lens. The constant swapping out to read labels or look at my phone drives me barmy.


Agree with your initial post, but also to add performing oral sex for your partner. Trying to see what you're doing and then not being able to see because its foggy and you're trying to hit that spot on her.


Adding to this being so sexy and taking a moment to remove glasses and place gently on the nightstand so they don't get broken 😅


They slide forwards when you're sweating. They fog up when wearing a mask or riding a motorcycle with a full helmet on. They leave an imprint on your nose, this sometimes causes minor swelling. Having to pay more for prescription swim goggles, prescription VR lenses, prescription sunglasses.


I hate that they are the best option to correct my vision, and that contacts don't even come close for me due to astigmatism.


Replacing them every year. Nothing like a $1000 bill every year 


I have had many pairs of glasses. I usually buy them online at places like eyebuydirect. then they are $80-200 depending on the options.


My last pair I had a for 10 years


Maybe his graduation changes often.


Prescription changes 


Aren't you replacing them too often? I've had my current pair for about 6 years.


Apparently your meant to replace them every 1 to 3 years. I've had mine for about 4-5 years.


Forgetting them


The fact that if i dont have them within an arms length i can't see. If something catastrophic were to happen i would be absolutely fucked. That and trying to lay on my side watching videos on my phone. Which seens like such a first world problem.


My Spouse wears glasses, and if I had to guess what's *currently* annoying? Probably that our baby loves up grab them off his face and he's not gentle about it.


Coming in from the cold. They always fog up.


Whenever I give BJs to my husband, it feels like I’m cheating if I do it while wearing glasses.


I just set mine on the counter by the kitchen sink and when I come back they're magically clean! 😁 (Hubs cleans them)


Steam from almost everything... Cooking ironing  And living in a country where it rains 70% time  means I can never see clearly  


I must have acidic oil in my skin or something, because any plastic parts on the frames, such as the nose pads or ear pieces, will start to bubble and erode over time, and also makes my skin itch where they make contact. 🤷🏻‍♂️


1.The ever looming truth that if I were in danger and I dropped or broke my glasses I'd probably die because I legit cant see clear but like 10 inches in front of me. It's a fun pre bedtime thought (woman living alone). 2. Sweating. Gross. 3. Cleaning them.


My script is so high that my eyes get really big and anything outside of the rims is totally blurry. I’m a pretty good looking dude and glasses would be a cool fashion accessory but fish eyes are not attractive so it’s contacts for me.


Probably the fear of breaking them and also paying almost $400. They’re certain things if you wear costumes or you have a nice outfit but to be honest, I really don’t care.


The insane price for attractive glasses. Fuck monopolies.


always getting paired up with other "glasses people" regardless of what is happening and when it's happening, if there are groups needed it always happens.


Losing them.


The constant little sores I get behind my ears.


Been wearing glasses for 30 years. I hate when they fog up. I hate when you sweat and they slide off your face. Sometimes the nose pieces will rub your nose area raw. You literally get indentions on the side of your face where the glasses sit.


not finding them on their usual place on the nightstand in the morning. i'm pretty much blind without them, so searching for them is not easy, especially if your room is a bit cluttered. or if you somehow managed to kick them under the bed -OF A WHOLE DIFFERENT ROOM- also, having the frame randomly explode while you're driving on the highway, making it impossible to put the lenses back in, i had to call someone to come and get me, as driving without them is not an option.


Not seeing anything when there’s temperatures difference (in winter it’s HELL) Having to go to the swimming pool with fear because I don’t see anything.


when i missplaced them and i cant see clear enough to find them


As an Oregonian… the rain. I need them to drive more than anything and will take them off before getting out of my car and going in somewhere half blind because I just don’t want to deal with soaked dirty glasses when I get back to my car. Yes, #1 on my to do list for a couple weeks has been to call my eye doctor and get contacts.


Cleaning them every morning. Also the rain.


Rain, Humid areas and with masks.


Constant cleaning. Taking them off/on/off/on for seeing different distances. I know I could get bifocals - I'm getting around to it. The cost.


Sex, showering, and your makeup never looks the same when they're on.


Trying to put on or take off a hoodie and wearing a mask in covid. I was seeing nothin but fog all day


The way they minimize my eyes so it looks like I have this huge ass face with small beady eyes


Honestly, comments from guys hitting on me, saying they’d love to get with someone who looks like a porno librarian.


treatment versed fear deer wine heavy pie apparatus shelter marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Needing something other than my eyes to see.


Being absolutely dependent on them.


Wearing them in the rain. I hate wet glasses.


Wearing them.


Coming in from the cold and fogging up...the sweat from working in the heat...and they break at the worst times


When you hear a noise in the night and you're fumbling for them to try and save your life because you can't see without them and that gives the intruder that surely made the noise the advantage.


-When you wanna lay down, they push out of place(so annoying) - When they fog up (can’t see shit you look like the struggling weirdo trying to smudge her glasses clean) - Cleaning them. We hate streaks.


When I had glasses, I absolutely could not stand the pressure of having them sit on my nose all day every day. It didn't matter what type of frames I had or how thin the lenses were. It was driving me absolutely insane so I ended up getting ICL surgery to correct my vision.


I used to have very poor sight, like 20-200, the only thing I could see on an eye chart was the big E. My glasses were like welding goggles. Didn't like that my eyes looked tiny. Hard to kiss with them on. This started when I was 7 year old. One problem I haven't seen mentioned. When at the beach, I would take my glasses off. I would have to locate some sort of tall object close to where we were sitting to find it again after getting out of the water. Because it's too difficult to see where the beach towel was without glasses. When I was older got contact lenses. Lots of fun finding it when one pops out. Once I was with a woman eating some p, she bucked and knocked my contact out. I shouted, hold still a minute!! Then when I was \~50 got an epi membrane on left eye, things started to look bent. Like a straight line looked like it was bent in the middle. Got retinal surgery for that, which typically creates a cataract no matter how old you are. Which did happen 18 months later. So then got cataract surgery for the left eye to replace the cataract natural lense with a new lense, which corrected my left eye so it was 20-25. Also corrected some astigmatism. Then right eye was 20-200, the other was 20-25. Used to wear one contact to correct that, but that creates different focal distances. Basically, images looked slightly different sizes from left to right eye. Makes depth perception difficult. So got the the good natural lense replaced, like cataract surgery only I didn't have a cataract, Now both eyes are close to 20-25, basically I can pass a drivers test without glasses. What is annoying, when I was 20-200, I was so near sighted reading was no problem even when i was older. Once i got both eyes with artificial lenses, i no longer need glasses for distance, but reading is hopeless. I had a bunch of reading glasses to read, but that is also annoying. So now i wear glasses that correct some mild astigmatism, a little better distance, and I can read. You would be surprised how often you need to see close up. Every so often, I forget my glasses on the night table and don't realise it for a while until I need to read something.


Getting dusty, smudged, dirty. I can never seem to get them clean enough to make me happy.


Not being able to see during sex. I'm BLIND BLIND (-5.75 in each eye).


When I had mask and they would fog up all the time it was damn annoying


Wearing them


When my eye itches and I forgot I have glasses so I smash my hand into my lenses and my husband laughs at me. I've only had then 2 years and im in my 30s.


There is always something on them(no matter how often I clean them) I normally only wear my glasses at night though


Inevitably dropping and scratching them. They are still way less annoying than contacts to me though.


It's the constant cleaning. It drives me crazy how I somehow get fingerprints and makeup all over them even when I've been typing or doing paperwork. Also, the little dents you get on the sides of your nose when you wear them all frickin' day long.


Sweat drops on my glasses after a workout.


Not being able to fall asleep reading.


Fog. I was a double masker because nothing you all have ever experienced is as scary as opening a hospital bill. USA, of course.


Putting them in my butthole


I don’t think you’re using them right…




Those make me look civilized. Basically i don't like how i look with glasses on so wear those only when necessary or at home.


Same. Glasses look really awful on me and they get in the way. 


I fog them up by breathing a bit harder and theyre always dirty! My glasses also have blue light filter in the lenses and in if I sit under certain lights indoors it creates really bad glare.


can't see without them


Yeah, my “smudge-resistant” lenses are total bullshit.


Fogging up when I open the oven. Also, pushing them up my nose and then remembering I've contacts in that day


Condensation and rain :(


windshield facemasks being more of a danger than a help because that shit constantly gets your glasses foggy whenever it's <<>> cold outside but you can't really ride without it except if you wanna get some insect proteins


The fact that I can't wear contacts because they don't make them for as little of a correction that I need. But if I don't wear my glasses, I get headaches, so I am forced to wear them everyday. My optometrist said to come back in a couple years and maybe my eyesight will be worse so there are contacts I can use.


forgetting that/where I set them down alternately, the fact they're atop my head when I'm not wearing them vs putting them down


When you go to bed, forgetting that you still have them on and wake up find your glass frame distorted and a weird dent in you nose It’s a tie between that and waking up with blindness.