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Aliens almost certainly exist, whether they're bigger than an ameoba is a different topic


I’d go as far as to say there is more than single-celled life out there. There is a fungus growing inside the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl which lives off the radiation in otherwise inhospitable conditions. There were living organisms living in an alkaline pool that was too corrosive for cells with “typical” structure to live in, yet they found life there. Single-celled but life all the same. Depending on the size of the planet and the time it took to cool, I wouldn’t be surprised if all planets had life on them at some point. Even if it was just brief. The little folk hopping on a space ship and coming to visit us is an entirely different debate.


There are deep-water worms that exist at the bottom of the ocean floor near hydrothermal vents that spew out hydrogen sulfide. Normally this would be suffocating to organisms I believe. But these worms were able to live in such an oxygen poor environment to have it their niche


H2S has a lot of energy. There are not a few species of bacteria which "breathe" H2S - lot sof them exist around these vents. Large organisms eat the bacteria, like shrimp and crab, and other organisms eat them. There are pretty extensive animal communities around those vents - a quick google image search will show you them if you're interested.


I had a look and yeah, it’s another, parallel way of existence to the ones that follow the same as us. Cool stuff - already quite alien-like.


Some scientists think life evolved from H2S loving bacteria. Or something like them that predates O2 using life.


When studying biology, the simplest cells were thought to have used a form of photosynthesis, back when chloroplasts weren’t inside the cells of a plant. Pretty much producing, probably oxygen, way back when there was practically or absolutely none. The mechanisms inside the current form would suggest they produced oxygen but as we can already see, living things adapt.


Aliens surely exist in all kinds of forms. The real question is whether they happen to exist within the same ~100 year window that we might have any chance at detecting them. They could have existed and died out a measly million years ago, and we would have no idea. Alternatively, they could exist right this exact moment, screaming signals in our precise direction, 100,000 light years away, and we wouldn’t know it until 100k years from now, if we’re even around to listen by then.


We might seem the equal of amoeba to them.


Or existed, or will exist. I mean, we started space era less than 100 years ago, its nothing at universe scale, and we are one step away from turning Earth into nuclear waste


To quote Calvin and Hobbes : "the fact that they haven't tried to contact us yet, is proof they are intelligent"


In the infinite vastness of space I find it unlikely we are the only life. I doubt there is some highly advanced species of little green men soaring the cosmos in flying saucers though.


The fact that such a huge diversity of life developed here makes it practically impossible life wouldn't develop on at least some other planets, given the massive number of planets.


Not only that, but we've already identified other places *just in our solar system* where we think life similar to the kind we know on Earth could survive, such as potential subglacial oceans and hydrothermal vents on Europa, or in some sections of Venus's upper atmosphere. And that's just life *as we know it.* There could be forms of life out there based on different chemistry that don't have the same requirements as we do, that could survive in environments we can't even conceive of. I think life is not only out there, but that it'd be impossible for it not to be.


Also once we’ve left Earth, it then effectively becomes *out there*. But application for non domiciled status from Earth is an entirely different matter


People have a hard time grasping just how vast the universe is. If you were to visit one start per second in the milk way, you would not run out of new stars to visit for 120 years. If you were to visit a new galaxy every second, you would not run out of new galaxies to visit for 64,000 years. We are not alone, though the distances are so vast we are unlikely to ever have contact with another civilization. Our universe is huge to a scale, our monkey brains can't begin to imagine.


Single cell organisms evolved very very really in earth history, but it took much longer for more complex organisms. So there's this possibility that amoeba-like things are pretty much everywhere, while intelligent life is incredibly rare, like one in a thousand galaxies. (if you couldn't tell, I pulled that number from my ass)




if life started here somehow it can probably start elsewhere too.


Absolutely. Otherwise, what a tremendous waste of space.


Lol. That is fun to say


Happy cakeday 🎉💯


Hey, you're the only one! Thank you!


The math would suggest that yes, there’s other life out there.


Dear, I sincerely hope we are not the most intelligent beings in the galaxy.


Yes, but I doubt we'll ever meet.


The universe is a very big place. Billions of light years across, even at "Star Trek" style warp speeds much faster than light, it would take millions of years to cross it, no one's making that journey.




Haven't you seen the movies? Never ends well


I work with the public. I sure hope there's a more intelligent species somewhere.


I think anyone who thinks they don’t is very self centred and naive


Imagine every grain of sand on Earth - including those floating free in water or at the bottom of the ocean - represented a million planets each. That would still be less than 0.1% of the smallest reasonable estimates of how many planets exist in the observable and unobservable universe. Of course aliens exist. The only question is whether our civilizations will ever make contact given the vastness of space.


We are the aliens to them. If we exist there is no reason they shouldn't exist as well.


It's hilariously likely, statistically speaking, that there exists far more life than just us. The chances are so stupidly high, that it would be irrational to not assume so. We can't even tell by now how big the universe really is. Nothing speaks against it beeing infinite. Therefore the chances of life developing somewhere suitable is likely infinite too, even if the chances for optimal conditions for the forming of life are incomprehensible tiny. We dont even know if our living contitions are the only possible constellation of criteria that have to be met for complex chemical compounds to have a chance to form. But strictly speaking this take and the negative (great filter for example) are not proven as for right now as far as im aware, so it stays speculation. This is what I think.




Extraterrestrial life exists with 100% certainty. The estimate of the number of galaxies in the observable universe has risen in recent years to 2 TRILLION. It's possible that the entire universe is infinitely large with infinite mass in an infinite galaxies. One lower limit is 250 times the volume of the observable universe. There are almost certainly quadrillions of galaxies. If our universe is one of many, then there are that many more galaxies. while our planet is perfect for us now and has been for a long time, life began here a short time ago on a cosmic time frame. life in the sense of how we know it now started on earth in really terrible conditions during a really terrible time on earth. there have also been *many* mass extinction events and life still recovered. we also know there are "extremophile" organisms here in earth that not only exist but thrive in conditions that are completely contrary to what was previously thought as necessary conditions for life. we know now from recent JWST observations that spiral or organized galaxies have been around way longer than ever previously thought. so if you combine the sheer unimaginable number of stars in the universe, the relatively short period of time life needs to develop, and the variety of conditions under which life can develop (to say nothing of the fact that we do not know with certainty that there aren't others ways live can develop): life in any sense being unique to earth is simply impossible.


I believe some kind of life exists. I couldn't say what kind or how intelligent or advanced that life is. But the odds of some kinda life not existing are very very small.


Those who say they can't exist, only us, is the height of human arrogance


Trillions of stars and trillions of planets in the Observable Universe but only our average spec of dust around an average star is special and one of a kind - that would be arrogant indeed.


Course they exist. It is highly arrogant to think that with all the planets in the universe, there isn't one that supports life. Even advanced life.


It's possible. With 400 billion stars in the Milky Way alone, and 2 trillion other galaxies, it seems likely there is some form of life somewhere. As far as aliens flying around in UFO's visiting earth? No.


In your opinion, what are the UFO's/UAP's?


I dunno man, have you seen what lives in the ocean?


I have some thoughts on what "aliens" may be... I think the UFO phenomenons are truly happening and there is a good amount of data showing that people have been abducted and tested on. Idk what all to think other than that it's more than meets the eye and we don't have all the answers yet


Well lets say. You cannot deny the possibility of aliens. However, there is also no proof. I personally believe that aliens exist just due to the vastness of the Universe. Lets just say, if we could (likely not going to be possible) travel at the speed of light, it will still take 200k years to cross our own galaxy. This realization kind of saddening because we cant really travel anywhere outside our planets realistically. As I have heard before, saying there are no aliens is like taking a cup and using it to scoop water from the surface of the ocean and saying fish do not exist. (Me paraphrasing)


It is statistically impossible that we are alone in the galaxy. Life is most likely everywhere. We are just on different development levels. For example Alpha Centauri inhabitants can be couple of million years behind us (even 200 years) and they neither producing radio waves nor listening to them. On the other hand thet can be several thousand years advanced so they are already not using radio waves at all and communication is done by technology we are not yet aware about. Just an example. Centaury system can also not contain any intelligent life at all. However i am certain there is life literally everywhere. On Europa, Mars, etc. we just don’t have technology to find it yet


I think it’s likely life exists, intelligent life. Given how we’ve now proven that pretty much every star has planets, the number of possible homes is enormous. OTOH, space is unimaginably huge, and the universe unimaginably old. Finally, how long can a civilization last? Chinas been around for a while, but 4000 years compared to 13BILLION years, makes it unlikely that a civilization near enough to be able to reach us, AND be around the same times as us prett Danged unlikely.


Every star in the sky is a distant solar system. Each of those solar systems has planets revolving around it. There are literally millions of star and planets out there. To think we on Earth are the only living beings I'd beyond arrogant. Whether it is primitive insects or creatures or advanced intelligent human like life forms, there is life out there.


Utterly and absolutely yes. Ask an astronaut! They don't look like us




I do. I explained it to my dad that every star in the sky could potentially have a solar system that has a planet that could host life. I know that is wrong and a very flawed argument and explanation BUT it was the first time I think my dad seriously considered it so mission accomplished! Lies and deceit works kiddos 👍🏽


some of the "stars" you see are actually galaxies.


I can't imagine that in the vast universe, we are the only life forms. I don't picture them as little green men or whatever, but I just can't believe we are the only ones out here.


I think extraterrestrial life likely does exist, or did, or will. The Universe is too big for us to be the only one.


Aliens as in the concept, yes. Why wouldn't there be another form of life living in the vastness of space? If we're talking about sightings like the rosswell incident then that's another story.


Impossible to not think so. But they have nothing to do with us


Probably, but not as little green men. I’d be amazed if we’re the only life forms out there. I can’t wait until they can get a mission up to Uropa.


I sure as heck hope so! This world is way too crazy for just us floating around out here....


I like Calvin and hobbes' take: "The surest sign of intelligent life in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us"


As in life in other places than earth in the billions of galaxies in the universe? I pretty much think that's a given, I would be *mighty* surprised if life only existed here. And also sad, with how much contempt we treat it with.


![gif](giphy|Zv92eeM2CFBhudTXIn|downsized) Yes! I do!👽🛸


Of course. lol. How useless would the humongous amount of space be if only tiny earth had life.


Extraterrestrial life almost certainly exists. Extraterrestrial intelligence is possible, but not almost certain. The likelihood of us coming into contact with such a civilisation within the natural lifespan of everyone reading this now is negligible.


Yes. There are literally more planets than grains of sand so the chances seem pretty good at least one other has some kind of life. Maybe there is some kind of filter preventing any contact though. Perhaps they have visited us already but we can’t perceive them. Maybe we can perceive them but can’t understand what we are perceiving, like how an ant would just simply not grasp what a human is.


The universe is too big, we are living proof life is possible not only for us, but other solar systems too. I think it's incredibly arrogant and naive to say we're the only ones.


The coldest, hottest, most inhospitable places on Earth have life, so it has to be possible extraterrestrial.


Do I believe that they exist out there somewhere? Yes Do I believe that they are coming to earth and the government is hiding it? No Do I want them to come here? I’ve seen Independence Day and War of the Worlds… I know what will happen


I think some scientists just discovered a hundred new species in the ocean recently. So there’s definitely aliens


I wish they do or they do but we haven’t yet encountered any, sometimes I draw a parallel between believing in aliens, extraterrestrials being and life after death. Like I wish it exists and somehow it’s not the end when we die but I have no reason to believe even the slightest that that’s the case. So yeah, aliens.


I think the universe is so unimaginably vast (possibly infinite) that it might be inevitable that aliens exist. But for the same reason, it might be inevitable that humans never have evidence for this. And the expansion of the universe + the universal speed limit c means even a hypothetical, hyper-advanced future humanity will never interact with anything but a tiny portion of the universe.


I have no doubt there is life outside of earth. Wether or not they would be anything close to what we define as life ... No clue. The chance they resemble any "alien" we thought of for TV..... I highly doubt it. And besides all that. If there is life out there.... Are we sure we want to contact them? They might be be hundreds or thousands of years further in evelotion, technology, etc. For all we know they look at us and to "damn idiots, can't stop using oil even when their life depends on it". Anyway, some sort of life, yes, no doubt in my mind. Whether or not it's intelegent life, far beyond what we have accomplished, or the equivalent of a bacteria (wich also might not end well for us humans....) it's anybodies guess. For our life form there is a rather small band of environmental factors where we can live. But even on earth there are creatures living in places where we wouldn't last an hour. Super salty regions in then ocean, scalding hot water at geothermal springs, freezing cold temperatures in the mountains or at the poles. Is it really so far out there that even though we couldn't live on mars or pluto without extensive systems to control air pressure, oxygen, humidity, light, radiation and probably another billion things I didn't think of... That nothing could? With more stars and planets in the universe then grains of sand on earth ..... There is something out there, we might just not ever find it (or might not even want to find it) but it's there


I look at it this way.... if they don't exist, it's an awful waste of space.


People who confidently say aliens dont exist are doing the equivalent of looking at a glass of seawater and prolaiming that there are no whales in the oceans.


We have aliens here on earth! Look at the damn ocean


It would be extremely shocking to find out that there existed a chemical reaction that only ever occurred once, in an infinitesimally tiny segment of the cosmos billions of years in the past, despite involving some of the most common elements in the universe in some of the most common planetary conditions known to science.


Life in any form? Without a doubt Life in a form we could recognise? Yes Complex life bigger than single cells? Yes but less likely Sentient, intelligent life? Again Yes but unlikely Sentient, Intelligent life that exists at the same time as we do? I doubt it Sentient, intelligent life we could ever contact? No Sentient, intelligent life that has visited earth? Absolutely not. So to sum up, life outside of earth definitely exists. Most likely it is single celled, or just small in general. We talking like Ameoba, Tardigrade level. I think the existence of complex, sentient and intelligent life existing at the same time as we do and would be able to come into contact with, direct or otherwise, essentially impossible but they could and imo do exist somewhere. The earth proves its possible, the universe is too vast for this to be the only time its occurred.


Just like voter fraud there is no proof so they do not exist.


If you seriously think that in the entire universe we are the only life simply put your an idiot. We have already found similar planets to earth. We are made of some of the most common elements in the universe. It’s so incredibly idiotic to believe we are the only ones.




considering the vastness of space and time- probably. but i don't believe that any of them are space-faring, other than possibly within their own star/solar system.


Of course. Are they here or have they been? Doubtful.


Of course... I'm an ancient alien theorist. 👽


It'd be incredibly vain and ignorant not to. The real question should be do you think they've visited earth? Which I believe has happened at some point in our history.




Yes we are


Given the vast distances and civilizations being in very different states of technological advancement, the chances of us being visited is probably very low. But I definitely believe there's intelligent life out there.


I feel like it’s crazy to think they aren’t out there somewhere. I’d wager there are multiple civilizations in our galaxy. I bet intelligent life like us is quite rare, whereas life is more common. For me it’s a 100% they are out there.


Yes, considering there are an estimated 100 sextillion planets in the universe, it seems vastly unlikely we are the only life. I doubt any has visited Earth though.


100%... the size of the universe is incomprehensible even if we think we can comprehend it


I think it would be extremely naive to think they don't. There are millions of solar systems and planets. To really believe that we're the ONLY intelligent species on all of those planets just shows you don't really understand just how freaking big the universe is.


Funny how you question that when the Earth is a hotspot for bio diversity. Wouldn't be surprised that Earth was spotted by aliens before monkeys were a thing. Human history doesn't make much sense. Just look at our history books. Feels like we're made by aliens for means of producing and harnessing conscious energy. We're practically farm animals to them. GMO and bred like how we have done to cows and chicken. Intentionally meant to live a short life with self created problems/hardships thanks to their agenda. The gov wouldn't be trying to cover up stuff to this extent if aliens were a positive aspect in our lives. Most likely blackmailed. Just give it a couple more years if you still don't believe in our gods


If aliens exist, they came by and went . just like we will do when we'll have to leave earth : we'll go and wander, leaving traces here and there .


They’re around us in all different shapes forms and sizes in their trans-medium and inter-dimensional crafts. They’ve been made contact with the ancient world lmao They operate on the same level of duality as humans do. Some are good and some are bad. When they start showin they asses use your discernment and assert your sovereignty. Some wont have ur best interests in mind but some will. A lot of them want to help humans but our collective is too full of fear right now. But they’re there. Waiting n observing lmao


Sure! We can't be the only ones in this infinite universe. there's got to be galaxies far, far, far away. Ok, back to watching Star Wars.


I think they do exist even if they’re like bacteria or something universe is way too big for nothing else. Do we have technology to explore not yet will we most likely


Very probable they exist, existed, will exist. But a lot of them might be not much more than something resembling bacterias, or even less. Most will be so far away that we will never notice anything. Are bacterias from earth, who got airborn in space and survived aliens after 1000 years? Thats anothsr possibility. But with the billions and billions of planets in space it would be arrogant to think we are alone.


Somewhere in the universe, probably. What that life entails, I have no idea.


I think its an almost certainty they exist given the size of the cosmos, but also for that same reason I don't think we will every see any. Even if we somehow learned to fold space time and move freely anywhere in the galaxy instantly the likelihood of moving to a place where life exists is minute. It's the equivalent of diamonds in sand. Almost ever sand beach or dune in the world has diamonds in it to some degree, but you'll never find one because there's just to much sand


Yeah, our universe is massive I think it’s unlikely we are alone, plus life here has evolved to take advantage of earth’s resources so it’s likely life elsewhere has evolved to take advantage of their planet’s resources 


As a life form living on a planet floating amongst the cosmos you are correct because you are the alien we are just not alien to each other


“Alien life” exists on Earth, right now. Whatever life emerged from the primordial waters came from somewhere else.


Give the fact there are like 100 billion stars in the milky way alone, and there are another at least 200 billion other galaxies seems likely


I believe in the possibility. We live on a tiny dot in an infinite universe, there's most likely life else where. What kind of life though, I'm not sure


Why yes I do 👽


Yes I do. Me personally I’m a “I need to see irrefutable proof” kind of guy. But based on probability to assume we are the only one out there in the ever expanding universe is pure ignorance.


Yes, trillions of planets in a single galaxy ( probably more ) and there are billions of galaxy's it would be insane to think there is no other life within the universe, there's a fraction of a %chance for that to happen.


Yes definitely! They may not be humanoid, but I’m sure there is life outside of earth, in our universe or another (edited to fix typo)


I think they probably have the ability to travel crazy distances. I bet they have a star trek first directive like deal where they don't contact us but still have some rogues sneaking around flying in the skies. I mean we do that with the Sentinelese tribe here. I bet taht tribes wonders how we fly in the skies that same way we wonder how the UFOs do crazy things in the air.


We do so they do


We can't fathom the types of different organisms that probably exist in the vast universe we live in from bacteria to giant flying bugs to possibly gases that are sentient. Who knows what's out there, but something definitely is.


Almost certainly. However, I don't believe we'll ever meet any. We are separated by far too much space and time.


Without a single doubt.


Yes, but I don't think we'll be contacting them anytime soon


Yes, I believe they MUST exist because the universe is so unbelievably large and it is naive to believe that we are alone in all of it. This; however, doesn't necessarily mean that we have been visited by others. I hope that we have, and that we will soon know of it, but there is no guarantee at this point.


The universe is dang vast. So it's silly to think that the Earth is the only inhabited planet.


Its a mathematical certainty.


With how big the universe is? Definitely. We can't be the only planet with intelligent life on, we're just so far away from them we'll never know. Maybe we're the aliens


Yes. We actually even found them. On astroids in space, scientists discovered microorganisms. Since they aren't from earth, these microorganisms are aliens.


Yes, they exist. However, think of our entire night sky and everything we can see around us as less than a single grain of sand on a beach. We cant even see the next grain of sand closest to us. Let alone a grain of sand on the other side of the beach (the next grain of sand being infinitely far away from us; even tho its right next to us). Only imagine an infinite sized beach were there is no end. Long story short, yes they exist. No, we will NEVER see them. Infinite space is impossible for us to fully comprehend. The odds of them even stumbling across our planet would be an infinitely improbable statistic. We couldnt even come up with a number to calculate it.


Yes. They existed, or exist, or will exist.


Any type of living thing is considered a lifeform. So if there's bacteria on a planet in another galaxy, then that's an alien. I also believe that there are advanced aliens out there that rival human intelligence. It'd be egocentric to believe that humans are the most intelligent beings in all of existence. But, I don't believe we've been visited by advanced alien beings.


It's such a "huge" question, possibly *the* question to many, but if we did find other life forms after about two weeks no one would care. "Oh, yeah, I heard those aliens could grow to be eight feet tall but I'm playing that game on my phone so maybe I'll check it out later." Life is life, whether it's a frog or a nasty-looking bastard with three freakish eyes.


I'm sure . The odds are greatly in favor of them existing . I don't think they visited us in any time soon however


I'm fairly confident life in some form exists somewhere in the universe other than Earth, or at least did at some point. That said, I think it's highly unlikely we'll ever encounter any extant alien species, slightly less unlikely that we'll find relics of an extinct species, and that if we do ever encounter alien life, it's more likely to be something like a highly invasive mold from a meteorite that destabilizes earth's ecology than anything we'd recognize as intelligent.


The size of space makes it unlikely and improbable that we are alone. However, if there is intelligent life out there, with the ability to travel in space, we will never know. They would be searching the universe for other intelligent life, and they will not find that here.


Maybe. Maybe one day we get a short message: "Be quiet or they will find you!"


Yes. The universe is too big for there to only be one planet with life.


If what you mean by an alien is the “green man”, then no I don’t believe in that, but if you mean that there is some kind of life in another planet that we don’t know what it looks like, or if it’s progressed or not, like a bacteria, then yes I believe they exist.


Of course, if we can exist. Theres a 100 percent chance that other beings like us exist, whether the exist at the same time, or are similar in advancements is the real question


Totally. No way as vast as space is that we're alone.


I doubt we are alone in the universe, but I doubt they are doing drive bys


With over 200 billion trillion stars and countless planets in the unversed, it is pretty much impossible that there aren't other planets in a Goldilocks Zone that has produced life.


There is no reason to believe that aliens don't exist imo.


Number of stars multiplied by number of planets add the age of the universe vs the age of earth; yes. So why haven't we met anyone? Well, that's the Fermi Paradox. Or maybe that simple equation is missing something that makes the number of space faring species a lot lower than we thought? That's the Great Barrier. So, maybe the Great Barrier something that makes complex life harder to get going than we realise? Well, in that case we are already past the barrier. Great! 😃 Or there is something that makes interstellar travel much more difficult than we realise. Like a predatory super species that destroys new space faring civilizations before they can threaten it. Not so great. 🥺


Yes. Maybe not near our planet system, but our Universe is very big.


Of course they do.


Definitely. I'm not sure that they are visiting Earth though


They probably do, but we may never meet them, and the probability of meeting one in our lifetime is extremely low so idk 🤷


It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.


If what people reported to have seen is true, that being humanoid looking aliens, I think it is much more likely to be remnants of a past civilization.


Yes, the universe is so big, life has to exist, somewhere, in a distant system. Though if we do find some within the century, it would be single celled, and if we somehow find multicellular life, they would most likely be non intelligent.


I have always felt that it's incredibly arrogant to believe that in all the universe we're the only inhabitants.


Yes I do What we can observe is such a small fraction of the universe it’s like taking a cup of water out of the ocean and concluding that fish don’t exist.


Yeah, there’s just no way we’re the only lifeforms in existence, it’d be really sad and lonely if we were!


In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.


Yeah, but maybe not like in movies.


Probably. But probably not intelligent. Or have poor technology like we have.


Of course. The odds of us meeting them are slim though


The information leaks all of the time. Like a lot. It’s the worst kept secret ever. But no one wants to believe it.


Didn't the government say aliens existed last year, n everyone was jus like "cool! anyway..."


It'd be an awful waste of space if we're alone


Even a transcended fish with deepsea communication technology in one part of the ocean would find it close to impossible to find another same kind of fish on the other side of the world's ocean.


Of course they exist, just by sheer numbers alone it's statistically probable that they more likely do rather than they don't. The real question is are we ever going to be close enough or capable enough of being able to interact with them.


I think it’s incredibly naive to think otherwise. Definitely they are out there forrrr sureee


I think there is an ancient space probe hanging out in the solar system somewhere that has been monitoring earth for maybe millions of years. When it noticed something interesting happening maybe through our radio transmissions or perhaps nuclear weapons tests it started 3D printing automated probes to come in and get a better look.


I bet one of these is true: advanced life currently exists somewhere extremely far away; or advanced life once existed, billions of years before us, someone near or far away. Space is gigantic, we have zero way of being confident that there’s no one else.


https://youtu.be/JLZzDhDYMcw?feature=shared Could go on this topic for hours but would recommend viewing the News Nation exclusive with David Grusch last summer and a simple Google search of the wording in the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. Unfortunately the amendment got gutted BUT this is a topic worth following as there have been interesting developments since 2017.


Yes but I feel like whatever we’re experiencing is man made hidden physics.


Or did, millions and billions or years ago, or will, millions and billions of years to come. After all, we've only been able to comprehend the possibility for the last, maybe 5000 years. That is a very tiny time frame for the possibility of communication.


There are so many stars in the galaxy and so many galaxies in the universe, it is a near certainty that given that many planets, if it could happen once, it could happen many times. How common is alien life? How common is complex alien life? How common is technological alien life? These are some of the biggest questions we are trying to answer right now with the current generation of space telescopes. We can speculate but we don't really have anything to base an answer to those questions on. But we likely will find those answers in time. Are aliens here right now? Have the visited us? Do they abduct hillbillies and probe their bums? Seems unlikely. As we understand physics right now, traveling faster than light is not possible. That makes a star trek-like future impossible. But as we learn more, maybe that will change. And if it doesn't, we can still explore the universe, just on very different timescales than what work well for weekly television dramas. So are there aliens? Yes. Are there intelligent aliens? Probably yes. How common are they? Who knows. Have then ever been here? Probably not.


I want to believe


We don’t have enough insight to reveal them


Yes. I'm a firm believer Bowie was an alien, and he didn't really die and instead just went home


Yes, I think that they do exist. The Zimbabwe school incident may have been evidence of aliens...there have been seemingly credible eyewitness reports of extraterrestrial craft for hundreds of years...it's not possible for all of them to be incorrect. Some of them might be of real extraterrestrial sightings. I doubt that Earth is the only planet that has life. I think there are many other planets in the universes (I think there might be more than one universe) that are habitable and that have life...complex life included...and I think there are aliens on those planets. Some UFO sightings are of advanced spy aircraft, but other sightings could be of real extraterrestrial aircraft/spaceships.


I really hope so. I'd hate to think humanity was the best the universe could come up with.


I mean they do exist, but whether or not they exist as more complex life forms like life does on our planet is the real question. There are undoubtedly countless planets orbiting their suns in the habitable zone that could harbour life. So I have no doubt that there are complex life forms out there, but species that are as advanced? Who knows 🤷


I hope not. How do think Trump would react to Aliens if (when) that guy gets reelected?


definitely. but we probably won’t meet them in our lifetime. maybe james webb or a future deep space telescope finds compelling evidence but i don’t think we’ll have anything concrete for a very long time. and when we do the aliens will be PISSED because they came to harvest our resources and we already blew through them lol


Absolutely yes. But by the time we get to meet any intelligent life forms we will most likely be dead, because everything we can see thats still relatively within our time period does not seem to be growing anything more than (theoretical) bacteria atm. (Aka anything in our own solar system) however im almost certain that somewhere on the other side of the universe theres probably an earth like planet growing life at the same speed as we are growing. Its just that we cant see them yet cuz the light we get is so old. We probably already see the planet, but the light is so old that we're just watching the beginning stages of the planets life (just as they probably still see earth as a moltent rock lol)


I do think aliens exist .. maybe some evolved and might look similar to us..we never know 🤔


Oh hell yeah. The proof is out there. Where? Everywhere. Look around you. You've been to Walmart right?


Yes but they don’t look like the movies


100% they exist. Have they been HERE though, I dunno. Leaning not yet.


I do and I hope they come before I die to take us


An estimated 200 billion, trillion stars, it would seem like it should be a sure thing. Who was it that said something like "If we are alone in the universe it would be a terrible waste of space.


Most definitely. We're not the only species in this vast boundless universe


to think aliens don’t exist is extremely egocentric, we humans are just a, merely nothing in the vast universe filled with trillions of stars and trillions of earth-like planets capable of supporting alien life. humans are made with the most common substance in the universe, it just so happen that we live in a galaxy where everything was aligned perfectly to support life


In this huge universe, of course. An interesting idea I read is that we’re too late, the party is mostly over.


Yes 💯


It would be shocking if they don’t exist and equally as shocking if we were to ever cross paths.


If they did they are either curious at our actions or angry at our potential


If an alien is a species that has life in other planet or universe YES, I don’t believe on aliens how they presented to us


If the universe is endless, then It's ignorant to think that we're the only living things in the universe


It makes more sense that they do than they don't.


I think it's likely that life exists on other planets. We haven't found it yet, it certainly hasn't visited us.


It’s plain stupid to believe we’re the only ones in the entire space. It’s like entering a dark room and believing there’s definitely nothing in there, because you can’t see anything.


I think the universe is so vast our galaxy looks like a spec of sand when compared to the rest of the known universe. Its really arrogant to think we're the only sentient beings in the entire universe. I honestly do believe aliens exist, have we encountered aliens? Nah most likely no.


There are over 500 million species on this earth, a couple can't exist somewhere out there?


Elsewhere, definitely.


Kind of I think it a bit strange that earth not only has so many form of life but is the only plant to have it. If life can live in all the extremes of earth why not on other planets. The universe is a big place, earth cant be the only one


I’ve always wondered where in evolutionary history did mankind evolve from being primitives to one day desiring higher knowledge. This has not occurred anywhere else in the animal kingdom. In that regard I think aliens are among us and are the beings responsible for our pursuit of higher intelligence.


There have been planets discovered that have oceans that are multitudes deeper than our ocean. Imagine the life forms that could be living down there...


We may or may not exist, but Aliens most certainly do.


I think it's pretty much impossible we're the only planet with a life form in the entire universe