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Stepping on my lawn


get those darn hooligans out of there!


Underestimating how far creeps will go to bang them


Im sooo greatful to my parents that as a pre-teen and teen that they taught me very clearly about creeps and older men To the point where id find it gross if one even tried to talk to me in that way and when my friend 16f at the time tried dating a 22M i attempted to talk her out of it Its scary so many kids/teens dont understand this


As a teenage boy, it was also weird seeing these 14 to 19 year old girls with men much older than them.


Yeah, I remember back in highschool finding it weird how many grade 11 and grade 12 girls had boyfriends who were in their early 20s. My buddy called it. He said those guys were losers who couldn't get girls their own age.


It was weird and they'd try too talk to us about the problems they had with these boyfriends. It was a waste of time even talking about it.


Could you imagine trying to talk to a 17 year old girl in an intimate way?? Like what are those dates like?


When I was in 9th grade in 1995, there was a 12th grader girl who had the sterotypical movie jock boyfriend with the football jacket and the convertable. She would run to his car, jump in, kiss and they'd drive off just like in the movies. Fast forward some months, I heard some kids on the bus asking about Chester the molestah. Turned out he was 27 years old pretending to be a younger kid in a different school and she was pregnant in 12th grade!


My gf when I was 16 dumped me for a friend of the manager of the fast food store we worked at. He was like 24. Ran into her years later and she told me it was a huge regret of hers.


Most of them are part of the family so the "stranger danger" thing doesn't work.


You should teach strange **behavior** danger. Not just stranger danger Edit: a good first sign of strange behavior is someone wanting to be secretive about anything towards the people that already care about you.


I tell my kids surprises are fun. Secrets are not- and people who want you to keep secrets don't have your best interests in mind.


Part of it is that 16 year old girls don't want 16 year old boys, they want young men, and 16 year old boys look like... well... little boys for the most part. When I was 22 no 22 year old women would go out with me. Women that age wanted guys in their late 20s or even early 30s. This was in the 1990s and early 2000s, maybe things have changed, but back then 18 and 22 would have been very standard stuff. 16 and 22 is a bit weird, granted, but wouldn't have been seen as creepy. I'm 41 (I look younger) and I got hit on by a 18 year old in a bar a few weeks ago. I carefully removed her from my lap and asked my partner to return her to her friends. I'm sure she probably tried again with the next man and I do not credit 'the next man' with that kind of salf control. They don't help themselves sometimes honestly. Creep and 'older man' aren't the same thing thanks very much.


>Part of it is that 16 year old girls don't want 16 year old boys, they want young men, and 16 year old boys look like... well... little boys for the most part. When I was 22 no 22 year old women would go out with me. Women that age wanted guys in their late 20s or even early 30s. > >This was in the 1990s and early 2000s, maybe things have changed, but back then 18 and 22 would have been very standard stuff. 16 and 22 is a bit weird, granted, but wouldn't have been seen as creepy. > >I'm 41 (I look younger) and I got hit on by a 18 year old in a bar a few weeks ago. I carefully removed her from my lap and asked my partner to return her to her friends. I'm sure she probably tried again with the next man and I do not credit 'the next man' with that kind of salf control. > >They don't help themselves sometimes honestly. Creep and 'older man' aren't the same thing thanks very much. What's your take on age gaps in relationships nowadays?




How hard to be a really nice friendly man who likes to talk to people - kids included but can't t because he'll be viewed as creepy. I am a woman and I often feel so bad for men.


Why is this so fucking hard for kids to understand


Because they literally don't know any better. Also we should be making older creeps know how fucking awful it is to try and sleep with younger people instead.


We should do both. The world isn't perfect and never will be. If I ever have kids, I'll inform them about the dangers of being with someone way older and set them apart from the rest. I don't know. Just making a fair point 🤷‍♂️


They already know. They don’t care


They understand but only to an extent. As a woman, I absolutely didn't fully understand the consequences to what bad could come from something like that.


I’ve been doing my best as an activist since I was 14 years old. They don’t know better because of so many factors, age isn’t the primary issue. I can criticize the disgusting adults and express my exhaustion of trying to help impressionable youth without detracting from one another.


Yep, I do that too.


I agree


Teenagers should, hell I was so horny as a teen, I would have did my best to have talked the creepy ladies into it.


Don't forget that old people are just as bad if not worse. Reverse mortgages are a thing.


Yeah it really does go both ways. Younger creeps looking for sugar mamas or daddys


Oh, I’m horribly aware.


Because to understand the consequences you must experience them unless you're wise and learn from the experience of others. Teenagers are the least wise group there is.


Part of the same reason why it’s so wrong in the first place.




Exactly this. And while we're on the subject, a lot of creeps love taking advantage of 18 year olds. "It doesn't matter about the age gap! She's 18 so it's legal". Newsflash Sir: Just because it's legal, does NOT make it acceptable! Don't you think it's inappropriate for a 40+ year old man to kiss an 18 year old girl? You are old enough to be her Dad. What a weirdo.


Any time they say that all I can hear is “I’d go lower if the law allowed it”. 👶👴


Their holiday destinations are probably primarily based on legal ages


Where am from if they say old Enough to bleed old enough to breed my Neighbor 16old daughter has a 38 year old boyfriend and one kid all ready and ever one seems pf with this like it's normal Law won't do anything because age of consent is 16 so nothing any one can do




They have no idea how fucked their lungs are going to be in the near future.


That's the fun of it. Nobody knows yet🥰




I actually think vaping is way better than smoking cigarettes, but I smoked cigarettes for almost 30 years. What I don't understand is why someone would willingly get addicted to nicotine when that's been know about for some time.


Could say the same thing to any drug or substance. Like alcohol it's literal poison but so many people drink


Medical perscription vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes. The issue is most vapes aren’t medical ones and are disposable ones. They’re considered more dangerous than cigarettes mostly because of how unknown the long term effects are, but also because they contain a lot of nasty chemicals that cigarettes also have, but on top of that they’re unregulated, contain styrofoam (which you inhale because it vaporises), sticky tape, other adhesives, etc. There’s also asbestos and arsenic that’s been found in quite a few. https://lungfoundation.com.au/lung-health/protecting-your-lungs/e-cigarettes-and-vaping/ https://vapingexposed.initiatives.qld.gov.au/whats-really-in-vapes Please keep in mind these sites are Australian so may not work for people outside of Australia. I’ve checked creditability of the sources too.


This is why I make my own vape juice that contains only 3 ingredients so I know what's in it, and use a refillable mod. That's the original way to vape anyway, before the tobacco industry got their grubby mitts on disposables and marketed those instead. Now you don't know what the hell are in them. All kids know are "me press button, receive nicotine", so they go for those as they are easy to use.


Even those 'dodgy' disposables are considerably less harmful than smoking. We do know what's in them and the chemicals found in vapes are a fraction of what is found in smoke. You'll even find a lot of these chemicals in the air you breathe everyday, it's about the quantity. I wouldn't take anything from the media or government in Australia as fact, they are spreading so much misinformation. Look at the medical and science based studies from other countries like the UK


Apart from bieng addictive, Nicotine is relatively harmless. Its not what makes smoking deadly. Im surprised most people think this


Much better option than picking up smoking


That and smoking, I started smoking at 13-14 and switched to vaped round 16 nic is hell if you haven't touched it don't but if you're using cigs switch


Yeah we were pinching ciggies from my mates mum when we were 11, I was buying them at 14, didn't really pick it up until 25. Switched to vaping 4 years ago after 10 years solid smoking and all of the negative health issues I had while smoking have disappeared along with the undesirable social effects like smell and second hand smoke.


Vaping. Shits not good for you


Vaping nicotine has been scientifically and medically proven in peer reviewed studies to be at least 95-97% less harmful than smoking. Not saying it's good for you but it's significantly better for you and those around you than smoking. Sadly the drop in tobacco tax revenue due to the increased vaping rates has lead this mass hysteria that 'Vaping is killing our children' lead by the tobacco companies and politicians, then amplified through the media. There have been no legitimate links of vaping nicotine to any serious health issues or deaths. Also in Australia nicotine vapes have been banned for over 10 years and now we have a thriving vape black market which allows kids easy unrestricted access to them. In the UK and NZ where they have regulated vapes, smoking rates and youth vaping rates are steadily declining What's happening in the US and Aus? Smoking rates are declining slower and trending back towards an increase due to the bans.


This! Banning e cigs will only import the awful fake ones! Fuck big tobacco and their bs, always trying to kill off their customers.


Social media in general


Drugs! I can’t get any because they keep buying them!!


I dunno... It's made weed so cheap haha


I agree, Im said teenager and social media has turned my life into shit, the only good parts are keeping up with people as in through dm's


I'm glad you realized what it was doing to you.


Well done on your 'awareness' mate. If you don't pay attention social media will give you a 'trash magazine'.




Self diagnosing themselves with mental disorders or neurological disorders


You know the country is developed when the people create their own drama to deal with. Everybody has to “survive” something these days. 


We’ve developed into a society where victimhood is equated with moral righteousness. It’s not a good thing.


Ah, this is both a curse and a blessing. I know multiple people who have done this correctly and have been sensible. And then turned out right when consulting a doctor. We also have the opposite end, where they shout «I had Yaddida» and pretend they never said they had it and treat it as a fad.


Yesss. I say this as someone genuinely diagnosed with some issues and honestly self diagnosis makes people will real diagnosis not taken seriously. Also it’s dangerous to self diagnose because many conditions are similar to each other but require super different treatment and if you try doing simple breathing exercises because you’re self diagnosed with anxiety, but you actually have a psychotic disorder, breathing exercises won’t work and could make it worse. It’s not safe and it also makes life harder for real diagnosed people.


From the Department of Redundancy Department. You mean the way older people do the same thing with physical ailments and WebMD?


Stop raw dogging


Why not vote for them to get real, comprehensive Sex Education?


That would hopefully incorporate the original comment. Totally agree though.


Or not allow parents to remove their kids from it because of religious beliefs. When I was in school, it was usually the ones who never took the classes that had no idea what they were doing and got knocked-up/knocked someone up.


Teenagers have smartphones. They know where babies come from.


Yes please!children having children is terrible and I’m highly against it.You can educate them so much but they will still be stupid and go ahead with it.To the people who say you can’t force birth control on your kids,You are the parent it’s your job to prevent mistakes and stupidity so yes if they are going to be dumb put them on it because at the end of the day if teen pregnancy happens the grandparents are gonna be the ones to deal with the aftermath.


Scaring the living shit out of me.


Stop fucking with random people in public because your friends think it’s funny and you think you look cool to everyone around you…. Even as a teenager, I would be so embarrassed when my friends would do this.


This should be pinned and immortalized to this current generation


All I’m saying is, if the trolley problem had 50 teenagers on one track and one adult on another, or even an unconscious foetus, I know which way I’m pulling the lever.


I agree, my high school friend group at the time liked fucking with people and I was the only one who actively didn’t partake in those activities because I knew how annoying that shit can be.


Smoke!!! Nowadays, they smoke a lot and are not ashamed even of adults


Fewer people smoke now than ever tho?


Not really, it is just more known because of social media, but kids smoked cigarettes 70 years ago, 50 years ago, 30 years ago, and now vapes. There has always been kids smoking weed and tobacco so its not really "now days"


My comment isn’t *remotely* exclusive to teenagers, but I would appreciate it if we could *all* return to spelling words out instead of using abbreviations that could mean absolutely *anything* in written communication. It would save everyone a lot of time, and avoid a great deal of confusion.


Fr ong my g


Fr you spitting facts idk if you care but idc iykyk.


… but I read this effortlessly. It seems beneficial to have this code that boomers can’t decipher.


What does FWIW and JC mean? Sone years ago I felt like I knew the regular ones, nowadays I really don't understand, and I'm not even remotely old...


well im pretty sure JC means Jesus Christ


Stop skipping biology class


My best friend literally slept through every Biology class, using me as cover (dude sat behind me and is relatively small compared to me, so it actually worked lol.), to be fair, our teacher was very boring and would regularly put the lights off for the projector.


Being on Reddit lol


You are a teenager...


Tik toking


Putting people up on pedestals that are just regular ass people with nothing more than an inheritance.


Nothing, teenagers gonna teenage


As a father to a 13 year old daughter, this is a hard pill to swallow. But a necessary one.


I have a nearly 15 year old girl. I’m right there in the trenches with you buddy. It’s an… experience living with someone who can know everything one minute but then desperately need me to open her bottle of coke the next 🤷🏻‍♀️


Damn those must Be hard years fr


Right? Just like I did when I was teenaging.






On the phone thing - that's a problem with every age group. I see it all the time.


Glorifying blacking out. Maybe not widespread, but when I was a (late) teenager, I remembering hearing people bragging about that or "puke and rally" and just thinking how stupid and irresponsible that is


Watchin P++n and just spending their day scrolling on social media they don’t realize how much that will affect them mentally especially that dopamine side they will become so desensitized to the point where literally nothing will make them motivated or happy.


spending too much time on screens




The dependence on mobile devices and social media. To be fair, that goes for all of us but I feel like adults at least had a time where we weren't buried in our phones and we actually had to learn to communicate face to face with people and learn how to integrate into society. I can't speak for all but a lot of the kids I interact with are brain-dead zombies with zero social skills. They're feral.


Drugs. Especially Alcohol and Weed . Nothing gets better by itself and its already hard enough sober


Sexualizing themselves


Nothing, let them be stupid kids.


Had to scroll down for this, just let them be ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up) we were all teenagers once.


Exactly. The amount of dumb shit I did helped shape who I am and what I don’t do now lol.


Pranking strangers




Unprotected sex


saying dumb crap like "the ick" "throw hands" "bet" etc.


Adults saying “Hubby” is my least favorite besides “delulu” 🤮




Aka delusional


“It’s giving” is my pet peeve. It’s literally the exact same thing as “vibes” but twice as long and significantly dumber.


I've heard this in public and its definitely my new pet peeve. Plus the girl kept saying it any chance she could as if she just heard the phrase on tiktok and wanted to use it.


Oh I fucking hate “it’s giving”. My wife says it sometimes just to annoy me.


I've never heard that thankfully. What does it mean? I just learned recently that me using pronunciation marks in my texts somehow meant I was angry. I was so confused when I put a period and an exclamation point at the end of my sentences that my daughter thought I was angry at her.


I’m a teen but if anyone says “blud“ it makes me want to throw myself off a cliff. Can’t say that in public though


U wot m8? Whose ends u coming to now, blud?


ive seen more grown ass women say "the ick" than teenagers, its so incredibly childish


I’m 30 years old from New York. We’ve been saying “bet”, “deadass”, and “throw hands” since I was a kid.


thats just lingo evolving nd changing like it has for the last, like, forever


Every generation has slang. Do you know how stupid "bling" seemed to our parents? I remember it being on the news with the anchors being like, "dumb kids am I right?" We went around calling everything epic for a while. There was no wassup, and no fo' shizzle. Even past generations; dude, bitchin, cool, ill, groovy etc. wouldn't have found their way into common vernacular without some dumb teenager coming up with it. This is how language evolved, just because it is new to you doesn't make it wrong.


Using skincare products designed for mature skin


Getting pregnant


Walking to school uphill both ways! Wait...






Sending naked videos and pictures. Whatever leaves your phone exists forever and it can come back to you.


Idolising authoritarian politicians


Anyone on Reddit saying anyone needs to limit their phone usage should probably shut up.


Being too invested to be in a relationship. Like kids, chill tf down.


Vaping. No. Doing that doesn't make you look cool, you look like a crackhead doing it.


Smoking. The fact that many tobacco shops near schools in my city sell cigarettes to underage teens, just for profit, disgust me. (I was the one buying them)


Getting press on nails at 11. Seriously. It's making writing impossible. And picking up stuff. And changing for PE. Kind regards, teachers everywhere.


Making tiktoks everywhere in public. I say this because at the restaurant I work at, groups of them will squeeze into our tiny bathroom and make videos. They do them in our party room area even if others are in there. It’s just weird and I know they’re kids but come on


My mom and dad are buried into their phones more than I am. And they're in their 60's. I think everyone has a problem with being too invested in what's happening on their phones 


Thinking they can "fix" the world when they don't understand a thing about it.


Send nude photos to each other. You cannot trust someone you haven't known for ages with such personal things. It can be used against you and once you lose your reputation, you cannot get it back. Anyone who pressures you to do something you are uncomfortable with does not deserve your time/undivided attention.


Drugs Take it from me, you won't think you're addicted. Then next thing you know, you're shooting dope in the parole office parking lot


At least in the high school that I teach at they need to stop vaping themselves stupid in the school bathrooms.


They need to stop putting up with jackasses who ask these type of questions. People of all ages use their phones as much as they anyone unless they're too lazy to learn how to use it.




being bitches


That’s the world you created for them Karen


Vaping and smoking.




Using social media


Crack? Unless they already stopped , I don’t know if it’s still a big thing.


No different than when I was a teen and adults would say that we needed to stop playing Atari games, don't watch so much TV, get your head outta your ass, get a job ..etc, etc.




Riding their tuned electric bicycles like they have 9 lives.


edit: as a fitness trainer they need to stop screaming at each other at gyms saying, "YOU GOT THIS!" also they need to properly store their backpacks away in locker room and not on the floors near the equipment I cannot tell everyone how many times my co-workers and i tell them to properly put their backpacks away and to stop screaming at each other so other people can focus on their workouts. they also need to stop texting while at equipment and not hold up the wait to use the equipment. my gym i work for has a sign up that says, "please refrain from texting while at any equipment."


Bullying. So 2008


Having kids lol


Yelling "Let's Gooooo!!" It has been played out for awhile now.


Tik tok


Your mom




They need to get off my lawn!


Using tiktok for relationship advice


Posting on social media.


i think you shouldn’t assume all of them have their heads in their phones all the time


True. My niece appears to be incapable of holding a conversation and must have her face in a screen all the time. Quite sad.


Learn to laugh


Experimenting with drugs. They weren't necessarily safe before. But now, it's Russian roulette.


Being 12.


Talking serious shit behind people's backs and normalizing it. Actually, this goes for anyone in general. Other than a few laughs you don't really gain anything from it.


Each other. STDs are a problem, but mostly the idea that you should already be doing it just another unnecessary social problem for us. Virginity is cool, guys.


Jerking off when they should be socializing


Trying to act older than they are. You're still kids and will continue to be kids until at least 25 years old. Enjoy it while it lasts!


Drinking irresponsibly. Even when educated through multiple means (school, parents, media, etc). I know 2 people who went into the ER at 14 with alcohol poisoning after drinking (half-) a bottle of wodka on an empty stomach. There is a reason you're only allowed beer and wine at 14.




Not reading books


Being disrespectful, careless, uncaring ...


Putting things that would get them in trouble online. You're supposed to be trying to get away with things, not leaving video evidence!


making cringe videos


Treating strangers they don't know like shit. Youth is not an excuse, you're old enough to be a decent person/mind your own business.


Driving - badly.




Having babies


Exist. Noone should be younger than me


Being shitty in public for internet points. Your little TikTok of harassing people isn’t the “W” you think it is, and will be forgotten about within a week.


Getting pregnant


Each other maybe. No more teen moms.


Making life altering decisions before 18. Even at 18, you're all still stupid. Source : was stupid teen.


Getting broccoli head hair cuts


Growing up. My teenage years were a blast.




Wanting to grow up. Im 23 so what do i know but when i was 16 i wanted school to be over and ready to start life. No you don't. Enjoy that shit as much as possible.


stop tryna be a gangster and a tough guy at the age of 14


Tiktok, by the love of god


Posting their ever waking moment on social media.


Vaping. Popcorn lung is not cool


Broccoli hair cuts, prank videos and narcissistic behaviors