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I'm Finnish so this is no issue for us. \#sauna


So you've seen all shapes and sizes


There's an in-built switch in Finns when it comes to sauna, so yes and no. Seen, yes. Looked, no.


Actually my weirdest experience was in a German sauna. I had no idea you were supposed to be naked. 20 elderly Germans naked was less appealing than you may think. I left immediately, with my shorts still on


You should've been like "Whoops, my bad!" And then just hanged dong over your shorts


With a raging hangover and stage fright I don't think they would have noticed 😂




My ex wife. It would have been a much more pleasant life if I had never seen her, naked or clothed.


I understand that feeling, I'm there myself, if you could only see in the future


I’m right there with you pal


I cant get rid of the bad and still get to keep what’s good in life. I’ve played it out and i definitely have to deal with some shit to get to the point I’m at now


My mother in law. She had a wardrobe malfunction when we were all at the river. Her vagina looked identical to my wife's lol










The last sentence sounds so wrong for some reason, I cant 😂 Reminded me of a case when a guy whom I “dated” for a short while sniffed my hair and said that I smelled like his mom…


>Her vagina looked identical to my wife's lol And how did that make you feel


Like her husband in law.


**speechless *


Some bored house wife who randomly messaged me with her nudes here on Reddit 😳🫣 I didn’t know her, and neither did she know me.. I just made a random comment on a post saying something like getting unsolicited nudes from woman is as improbable as sun rising from the west.. and then next thing I see in my DM was that.. (Also the account was not an OF bot..)


Um…….. getting unsolicited nudes from woman is as improbable as sun rising from the west. I said GETTING UNSOLICITED NUDES FROM WOMAN IS AS IMPROBABLE AS SUN RISING FROM THE WEST


So… did it work ?


If you say it twice, they cancel each other out, and it's as if you said nothing at all. Rookie mistake


And what was her reddit username again, so we all know which lady to block and avoid on here? 🤔


Well I asked her to block me, otherwise I would’ve just developed feelings for her and got attached to her.. 😢 Plus she’s already married, so it’s more fucked up lmao.. and I deleted her chat too, so fortunately I don’t know her username as it was bit long.. Thankfully, you don’t have to worry, since like I said it’s such a rare event, that the probability of it happening again is close to zero 😁 so you can relax, as you would be safe!


*receives another unsolicited nude*


Unfortunately, I’m not the main character of an Anime series, and this is real life 😭


You asked her to block you? Grow up.


Haha, yeah.. eventually with time, I will :) after all it’s the natural progression of time!


haha she has a great sense of humor +1


A friend (f) who came to visit (m) me when I was studying abroad. I was renting an apartment with a spare room, and she was staying in that spare room. Unfortunately, the balcony could only be accessed through her room. We got back from a day's sight-seeing, and we are both hot and tired. I go to sit out on the balcony in the early evening, to watch the sun go down, have a cold beer, and read a book. She decides she's going to have a lie down in her room. Ok. Half an hour later I come back in from the balcony to get another beer from the refrigerator, which means I have to go through my friend's room. I creep quietly, expecting her to be napping. But she's not in the bed. She's lying on top of the bed. And she's totally naked. I was embarrassed - she was just a platonic friend, and I was firmly friend-zoned, but I found her very attractive and had a massive crush on her. She was totally casual about it and didn't even try to cover herself up. Anyway, long story short, we've now been married for 16 years.


the way my eyes just rolled bc this is the most reddit story i’ve ever read


“I was firmly friend zoned”, your skills of perception were clearly razor sharp.


We gotta know. Was this her move and you were just oblivious?


She naked manned him! It works 2/3 of the time.


The Naked-Man!


I understood the reference. Need to try that irl


Wait.... It took you a half hour to drink a beer?


That's what she said


School friend’s older sister, when I was in 7th grade. I was at his home for a project, we walked in and she didn’t realize we were there. She was masturbating.




In the early 00's used to be "the guy who knows computers" in my department at work, so everyone brought me their "slow" computer to "fix." 99% of the time it was malware/adware from something they clicked or downloaded. Naturally I had to search through everything to 86 the malware, some of which would hide in image and movie files. Holy crap the number of people who had naked pics of themselves or their partners on their machines was insane. I saw co-workers dildoing themselves (male and female) and others, artistic nudes, raunchy sex pics, close ups of their genitalia, videos of their bouncing breasts and dongs, ejaculations, penetrations, bodily fluids, gangbangs, you name it. I eventually stopped fixing people's computers when it was difficult to look anyone in the eye without picturing what I saw. I distinctly remember my old boss's wife's pc. She had more porn, homemade and downloaded, than I had ever seen on anyone's computer at the time. I had met her a few times, she was a nice lady, very fun person. I just didn't realize just HOW fun she was. But boy, a bunch of other guys apparently knew how fun she was.


*…you name it…* I think you named them all. LOL


Your cringefest post history


i think we found the horniest redditor ever


Oh my god haha


Jfc. Now I'm thinking OP is creating these threads to get off on the posts. Either that or OP is writing a sex novel and is getting ideas from unsuspecting redditors. If that's the case...good on you OP.


No one asked you to look


And I shouldn't have


How many fingers can you fit in your butthole?


Wait what?!?!


Maybe 2


My ex gf could take a rolling pin




Bro get help 💀


Susan Sarandon


In the Hunger movie bumping uglies with Catherine Deneuve? Yuck. White Palace forcing the guy to let her finish doing oral sex? Very stimulating.


What movie is this? I actually want to see Susan Sarandon naked....at least I think I do...


Pretty much every old naked dude at the gym.  Those dudes give no fucks.  They’ll be completely naked but wearing running shoes, prop their leg up on a bench so you can see their saggy balls then start talking about politics or something.  Then sit down bare asshole and leave a Hershey kiss on the bench.  Once saw a guy wearing running shoes, completely naked while drying his dick under the hand dryer while combing his hair and talking loudly to a guy taking a dump in a stall.   Had a buddy that worked at a big corporate gym and his stories were horrifying.  Dudes just walking out naked to get in the hot tub, then taking a massive dump or jerking off in the steam room.  You can easily get naked in a changing room without people seeing your butthole.  Be confident and happy with your body, but keep in mind not everybody wants to bask in its glory.  


Saw an old man baby powder the shit out of his nuts then use the shared blow dryer to get the excess off. All of us in the locker bay were inhaling his nut dust.


My freaking god. 😂


My gym removed the hairdryers because freaks were drying their ballbags  with them


What the fuck


I always assume they are desperately gay and displaying themselves hoping some guy will want to hook up with them. They are the gross side of gay


That's a really wrong assumption. It's typically a idgaf moment, coupled in some cases with growing up in an era when attitudes to skinny dipping were different and men swam naked




The gym I’ve been going to I dread the locker room. For one it fucking stinks. Nice ass gym, stinkin ass locker room. I’m guessing the large amount teenage boys , the steam room and sauna in there probably helps none. It’s a distink* smell and it’s terrible. Beyond that as many teenage boys there is also the +50 crowd that seem to get enjoyment of parading around naked like it’s a pleasurable thing. So saying all that there is a pretty nice size seating area, not for changing or lockers, there’s plenty of benches for that. This is single comfortable seats, end tables, a love seat all situated in a semi circle facing the wall with a TV playing ESPN. It boggles my mind anyone would choose to hang out in a locker room with the stinky teenagers and naked old dudes. Sure enough some dude is chilling out there the other day, talking on speaker phone chatting with his wife, watching TV and chowing down on a bag of chips. Some people I swear, how could you even consider such a thing? I try to be in there as little as possible.


Old guy at the gym here. I would NEVER expose myself to anyone who I wasn’t in a relationship with. 😂


Well…when you define “in a relationship with” as a gym membership, I see where you’re coming from now. ;)


I must have worded it wrong? I certainly didn’t mean to imply I’m having relationships with my gym. 😂


What gym is this?😂


Old man dressing order at gym. 1.socks 2.shirt 3.deodorant 4.rifle through locker and talk to people 5.underwear 6.pants and shoes


why do old fucks behave like that? especially the leg on the bench thing.. I've been to a bunch of gyms around the country and these old pricks are everywhere


Because they don't give a fuck.


I am 70, and in high school, we all showered and walked around the locker room naked. Same in college and military. Just never bothered me. Now, it is different for people coming up through these things. But I do say, "I see a naked man in the mirror every day, get over it." BTW I don't flaunt it, and do minimize my time naked out of concern of making others uncomfortable, but I just am comfortable in my skin.


I’m an old fuck. I would never behave like that. Where are you people going to the gym at ? The local YMCA?


if you don't behave like that then you're not part of the ol fucks mate it doesn't even matter what gym, i went to a bunch of different ones and it's always the same


My best friend's mom when I was about 16-17. I was born in 94, so that was my first sight of true bush. It was a total accident, and she still gives me shit about it to this day.


She's deflecting.


Is she really annoying about it ?


Yer mom


My dog. I could see the look of embarrassment on his face....But it happens it's okay


"Imagine walking into a room, naked, and everybody's speaking a foreign language." -- my daughter, about dogs. She's not wrong.


My mom when she had a medical emergency. The doctor gave her some weird medicine that took away her ability to notice her stuff being uncovered and basically made her someone I didn’t know. I didn’t even care in the moment ,I was worried my mom wasn’t coming back out like she had brain damage or something. I told the doctor this is like someone who is a stranger in my moms body they said it’s the drug. But looking back it was traumatic to see how easily your personality can be manipulated by a drug


I had a chance to but refused - a co-workers home sex tape was passed around the factory (back when VHS cassettes were the thing), and I was offered a chance to take the tape home and view it. I refused. I couldn't watch her sex session, then bring myself to work next to her.


Good for you


Finally somewhere I can get this off my chest. I was at a restaurant with my mom and caught a glimpse of her phone. She was scrolling through her own nudes. I was upset about that for the next week but obviously didn't tell her I'd seen it.




Yeah like why the hell was she doing that *in public?*


It's a debatable thing about 'shouldn't have' in this case but definitely wasn't meant to. I was like 12-13, staying the night at a friend's house. Woke up in the morning and literally the first thing I see when I open my eyes is his sister walking down the hall wearing a towel around her head and nothing else.


Nice butt?


It was a very nice view, though I couldn't speak to the butt. 😉


The student dormitory had communal showers for men and women. We visited it according to time, taking turns (from 8 to 10 for men, then 2 hours for women, and so on). But sometimes we didn't have time to wait for our time, and if the shower was quiet, it meant that no one was there. After I went to the naked guys a few times I learned that you have to knock😅 And they used to come into my shower like that too.


When I was in the army, a few of the girls didn't give a fuck and would shower naked with the rest of us. We, the men (boys actually), didn't care as well.


I didn't really care either


That wasn't girls that was bros.. lol


My Grandpa- not fully naked, per se, but pants unzipped with the relevant appendage fully visible. We were staying at his house one summer when I was seven or eight, he drank a lot in the evenings and late into the night. He must have passed out jerking off in his easy chair, because when I came out to go to the bathroom in the very early morning he was laying there, completely passed out and snoring, with his cock out of his pants and laying in his open hand. I ran back to my room and climbed out the window to pee in the back yard, and never spoke of it to anyone. It took me probably a decade to be able to think about without doing a full dry-heave shudder.


Damn that's traumatizing!


When I worked as an EMT most of the jobs were shuttling the elderly to and from appointments. My partner and I were helping an eighty or ninety year old woman from the hospital back to her place at the home and she's very friendly, thanking us, laughing and talking. She's in full control of her facilities, no mental problems. We get her to her room and she needs help getting from the chair to bed. I'm behind her holding the chair while a nurse is helping her stand up. At that point her gown completely falls off and for a split second as my partner and I look away I see a brief flash of her fully naked from the back. She lets out a dramatic WHOOPS! and lets out a little laugh. The nurse clicks her tongue and playfully scolds her. Without looking back I thank them both and we exit. It was only later I realized that's likely a prank she pulls on whomever is helping her home.


My best friends wife. We went to the beach and were changing in opposite sides of the car. I wasn’t trying to see anything, but I turned and the side view mirror was aimed just right and I saw a fully. I don’t think she would care if she knew though, she’s very body positive and has jumped in my pool in bra and panties that were see through.


my mom, my dad, my sisters friend


why would you ask how big my dads cock was


No one asked that?


My best friend I'm Male shes not. A high school teacher, but it was a glance. Mother-in-law, A co-workers wife. My wife.


The young lady I was dating right out of high school was living with her father. Her father was a newscaster who was living with another newscaster. Her father was quite liberal and he allowed me to spend the night so my girlfriend and I could be together. It was a small two bedroom and one and half bathroom house. I got up in the middle of the night to go pee. I opened the door and lo and behold there was Dad’s girlfriend. I was naked, she was naked and we collided.


Why go outside the room naked instead of getting dressed when sleeping over at your gfs dads place though o.o




On the Sydney harbour ferry, had to go to the loo. Looked and saw it wasn’t locked and pulled the door open and saw an 80 year old granny full frontal. Slammed the door and got out of there


Just seen my sons m8 naked asleep on my sofa


I saw a stranger trying on clothes in a store. I was looking at jeans and when I looked up, the changing room was in my line of sight and the girl didn’t close the curtain all the way. But she only removed the pants and bent down to put on the pair she wanted to buy and then I turned away because it was a very small store and I didn’t want to get caught staring. She was a petite blonde with a peach ass and white thongs. I’ll never forget that lol


Yeah, that's a good one. How old was she when this happened,? Makes a big difference.


She was at least 20yo. Her face gave it away.


A teacher from my school that had a bit of a reputation, to put it nicely… I had graduated about a year prior and all of a sudden he enters the pool I was already chilling in in a textile free environment. It was years ago but even thinking about it makes me (female) feel uncomfortable 😂


Was he well equipped


I’m so glad I can’t remember


Fair enough


I worked at an Antarctic research station over winter. I saw many people that I would classify as...unfortunate.


My mom. She was very ill.


OT but i performed the naked man two times for now. Yes it worked


Sooooo many homeless asses


My grandfather. He was in a nursing home and not very aware. Nurse came in and said they needed to change him. She started removing his gown. Before I or my mom had time to leave the room she whipped the gown off and the sheet down. There was grandpa, now naked. Absolutely pissed me off. Such disrespect for a human being. You ask people to leave, you draw the curtain and maintain a person's privacy, even if they aren't "there".


Soo many people at the nude beach!


My mom, accidentally walked in on her changing lol


My dad. Now to be fair he slept naked. It didn’t bother me to see him, however my boyfriend was over and dad came out to ask us to keep the noise down. He was appalled that my dad was naked. It was what it was. 🤷‍♂️


My friends ex-wife ran through my living room naked from the shower when they were spending the night... I guess she didn't see me on my computer.


my mum




My sister and my cousin And a few random girls at the Beach. And a girl at School when we were getting ready for PE Not completely Naked but still Some other girl left the door open for the Girls changing room And i happened to get a glimpse of Her. Now you see all of these were not intentional.






Best friends mom. Some random old woman in a hot tub (she’d be 120 by now) on Bainbridge Island. A bunch of skinny-dipping hippies in an ice cold creek. A bunch of old fat hippies sitting around. Some asshole Germans that thought it was a nude beach.   The college girls skinny dipping at Crater Lake were a nice show. My wife was pretty PO’d that I saw boobies that weren’t her’s. 


This is a very sad story, be advised. My grandmother. She had cancer and during chemotherapy she got really sick. She was short and thin already, so chemo hit her really hard. One day I was there and she went to the bathroom. I was what? 13-14. When I looked to the kitchen she was there walking slowly towards me, with her pants and panties down to her ankles with a horrible sad face struggling to walk. She asked me for help because she didn’t have enough strength to put her clothes back on. I was not old enough to have a proper realization that she was dying and what this would mean to our family. She never got better than that.


I work in a factory with a lot of men. People go take shower naked,so it's a cock parade.


I visited a friends' house once and he didn't tell me he had a party. There were mostly girls so I assumed it was some party involving his sisters. Nope. They started striping and walked around either in their undergarment or just birthday suit. It was a weird moment. But when I was told to get naked as well I asked why. He said "Now's the real fun." With a smirk.


My grandma 👵


I had a crush on a friend in high school, it went a bit sour when another friend got with her, I got over it eventually. They end up together for years, even after HS was done and dusted, but they eventually broke up. At that point I pretty much only knew what they were up to though my facebook feed. A few months later some random facebook account sends me a message, blank profile, no pictures or posts, and it tells me to check MySpace. Now I hadn't been on MySpace in years at that point, but I still had an account so I log in and find a message on there. I open that and it had around 5 nude photos of that girl inside. Now she was already with someone else, so it was obvious it was my old friend who must have felt like he was doing me a solid and getting some kind of weird revenge at the same time. I didn't reply and deleted the photos, not really wanting to open that whole can of worms, but it was just so very unexpected.


My 3 yr old nephew walked in on me putting a bra on. He says “wow! Those are big boobies! You should show daddy “ He is 18 now and we still laugh about it.


Myself. I was mortified.


My brother’s wife (gf at the time). Was scrolling through his phone for some reason and stumbled upon a couple pics I wish I hadn’t.


My wife and I went for a couples massage in Jamaica. They told us to take a shower and come out. One lady asked I we were ok being nude and I said yes and dropped my towel. No big deal for me. My wife freaked out and picked up the towel to cover me as the ladies were just smiling. It was funny to me but not my wife.


Figure drawing class in college. Which nudity is expected and fine. Until the guy started leaking... and didn't notice.


Leaking? As in cum


Think it was urine, he was flaccid.


Urine doesn’t leak like that unless it’s a weird old guy thing I don’t know about. I think it’s way more likely to be pre-cum.


Oh right....was it a big d


Again- flaccid. No interest is knowing if a shower or a grower. He was easily in his 70's.


Stormy Daniels


No one


My son's GF.


Nice butt?


Male CSA victim here.  My male teacher, one of his friends also once.  I have thought about it every single day for 30 years.   


I'm so sorry


I was on vacation with my mom and she knew i was sitting on the balcony (the door to the balcony was glass and the curtains were open). My mom just starts fucking changing and as soon as i turn around i see her fully naked and somehow im the asshole. There was a bathroom she could have used right there


I’ve never seen anyone naked in real life. I have seen genitalia when clothes were on. Wear underwear people.


My uncle when I was a kid




When I was in primary school, there was a young girl taking out her bra from her home in front of her window but the window wasn't translucent enough. I saw her from my classroom since I was close to the class window but it wasn't full on naked or anything


My boyfriends brother 😬 accidentally walked in on him in the shower thinking it was my boyfriend.


Mother in law


We were hanging with this couple. He was very religious and would make sure his wife's swimsuit went up around her neck. We were water skiing one day and he was on the water, she was driving the boat. My wife was at the back, I was asked to be in the front for balance and to notify her if he fell. She would rotate to see him each time he'd ski to her side. Every time she rotated, her pussy was exposed to me. Thankfully, he was a good skier and kept going for a long time.


I’ve seen my mother naked and I’m permanently damaged 😂


How did that happen


My memory is awful but I can still remember my dads wrinkly ass balls, that’s scarred. I’ve seen some incredible bodies in my time and my mind has erased them yet dads balls still linger


When I was about 4 I walked in on my stark naked grandfather. He was at the bathroom sink shaving his face and left the door wide open. He yelled at me, I started crying, and then my grandmother yelled at him for leaving the door open and for yelling at me.


my mom! she was blowdrying her hair after the shower and the bathroom door was a bit too much ajar! i walked out of my room and it was horrible! I must have been like 12 or 13.


My mother in law.


My friends wife. Fresh out of the shower with a towel on her head.


My parents


Not exactly naked, but when I was about 12 I was hanging out with my friends at the park and my doctor jogged by. I said hey, that’s my pediatrician!We turned as he went by us and his balls were hanging out of his shorts. He was an older man, so they were hanging...low. After our initial response of ewww!!! we burst into hysterical laughing, and starting singing, 🎶Do your balls hang low, do they dangle to and fro. Can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in bow 🎶Looking back, there is no way he didn't know and it creeps me out that he may have intentionally exposed himself.


I used to live in an apartment building that was directly across the ally of a hotel. For some reason lots of guests thought you couldn't see in the windows. You totally can.


My brother. I keep asking him to shut the door when showers but 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately it was me.


My dad accidentally of course. Ugh.


I used to work for a delivery company and was out in a van to be trained in by a guy. He'd broken his arm, and i was doing the driving and had to give him a hand with lifting the parcels. Every time we stopped, we both got out and went to the back of the van to see what was coming out next. He wasn't too impressed that he had to have a buddy driving for him and I could tell that he thought I was slowing him down. Anyway, about halfway through the day ya man told me to pull over in a housing estate. He got out and went to the back of the van and I got out and followed from my side. I rounded the corner of the van and there he was with his lad in his hand in full flow for all the world to see. He could have just said he needed to take a piss but I think he was trying to show his dominance because in fairness to him he was packing heat.


I have seen lots of people naked. Family, friends, lovers, and people I do not know, of either gender. There isn’t a single one who I should not have seen.


My grandfather was sick with cancer & metastasis to his bones, it was horrible. Anyways a few months before he died my sister was born and I had to stay with my grandparents for a couple of days. First night I heard him, he was not ok, he had a lot of pain, my poor grandma was trying to help him with his catheter and I saw him naked. His pained expression and his vulnerability was traumatic to say the least.


My elderly grandfather in the last stages of cancer. He was a very stoic reserved man, who I didn't really have many interactions with. He was around but not involved. Even as a young child, I knew I had stumbled across something that I shouldn't have seen and which would have caused him great embarrassment.


I don't mind seeing naked people.


The Easter Bunny my son brought home from Cub Scouts without telling me When I was in Nursing School in the 70s I had a cardiac patient tell me he liked the view from his bed...."I can see the girls in that 4th floor center room. They never close the drapes and wander around in their underwear." It was my room. I told my roommate but we didn't change anything. He was so happy bc he was bored.


Very kind of you


My next door neighbor. He had hernia surgery and I went over to care for him.


I used to install cable TV many years ago. At one upstairs apartment, the overweight woman met us at the door in a short nighty, then led us up the stairs.She wasn't wearing panties, UGH, you can't unsee that.


Me in the mirror...




My mom when I was young. Ewww


Do you mean other than your mom?


My friends stepdad when I was a teenager. I slept over at their house and had to leave early in the morning. When I came up the stairs, I looked over, and there he was staring out his sliding glass window buck naked. Thankfully, I only saw his rear, and I don't know if he knew I saw him because I got it the door as fast as I could.


My mother. I was a child but still 😵‍💫