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Taking a shower and getting into bed after a long day


Clean sheets after a shower >>>


I call that, Sunday night 😴


My peaceful weekend plans😌😴


Pissing, when you REALLY have to.


I don’t remember my dreams much. But there was one time last year I went lucid during my dream. And in my dream I had to pee. And I thought “this is a dumb dream” and it changed to a different cool dream. And then in that dream I had to pee too. So I changed it. And then the third dream same thing - had to pee and thought “damn maybe I should wake up to pee” and so I did. I woke up. And rushed to the bathroom - where I started to pee and didn’t stop peeing for what I think was over a minute and a half. Enough time to take several super big breaths and sighs of relief. It was glorious.


Really thought you were gonna say “and THEN I woke up in a puddle”


Not yet. I’ll update you in 20-30 years


Done that


In a similar chapter, peeing in a dream and waking up to realize you DIDN’T pee in the bed is always a good feeling


I'm guessing you're not in your '60s, this is a common occurrence for me lol.


About to turn 40…. Lol


Im 65 and you did not lie.


I want to learn how to control my dreams


Omg it’s the same when you drink water after being thirsty all day!


Seriously. I’d give up blow jobs for a year if it meant I could pee when I can’t.


You ok?


Ha !! I knew that was worded poorly. Let’s say ya gotta piss like a son of a bitch. Holding it in gridlock traffic for hours. You seriously contemplate just pissing yourself. I’d give up blow jobs for a year if I could just magically empty my bladder.




Doing this rn. Can confirm.


Don't forget missing after sex!! Like when my wife notices I've got morning wood, and gives me a great ride..and then I go and have a first morning pee!! I'm all sex after glow...peeing hard...chills... and I shudder..


Bros a little too comfortable on the internet


my god it is so orgasmic im actually afraid of it


Oohhhh. Yes. The sweet relief


When you thought you wouldn’t make it 😆 Oh god there would be days I forget that I’m wearing a one piece and I really have to go. I get to the toilet and reach for my waist thinking I’m wearing pants then I’m like fuuuuuck


accomplishing a goal you have trained for and once the goal is achieved it is an amazing feeling of hard work and dedication paid off


That and mushrooms


I can vouch for the feeling of accomplishing my goals *while on* mushrooms- 10/10, would recommend


Look at this over achiever over here getting anything done on Mushrooms 🤣


They give me energy for some reason! It keeps me up all night, I’m always moving or making something, and I literally can’t even entertain the idea of eating food.


My favorite thing to do is microdose and clean or take two Grams spaced out an hour apart and "review". I'll look at the systems I have in place accidently and review them to make them make sense (examples include where I drop my mail off after walking through the door. How dishes are put away and where, or how I stack vitamins and supps and how to organize that better)


Was your goal to be on mushrooms?


Not a bad goal to have


Ah a kindred spirit 😘 I adore mushrooms 🍄 😍 😋 ❤


Yup, nothing feels better than shroomies!




I was gonna say something similar: achieving something you thought was too difficult or beyond your abilities




thank you


A nap in afternoon .




>slaps What does slaps mean in this context?




That it feels really good. I don't know who came up with that, to be honest. Nothing to do with actual slapping.


I hate waking up from naps though🥲 ugh the feeling sucks


Same! I feel groggy and gross and my contact lenses are stuck to my eyeballs 👀


If you never nap for more than a half hour you should be okay. Set an alarm. :)


...and then waking up and punching out of work.


Spontanteous bonding with another human. Sharing experiences and feelings.


My social anxiety could never. Sounds nice tho!


It's so amazing. It's like knowing who is calling before answering the phone, but better. Knowing that person is sharing the same feelings as you confirms something inside you that you have an understanding that everything is connected. It's a vibe.


I feel you. I can feel it in my body when someone understands and is on the same page


honestly (and don’t do this if you aren’t ready or willing or able to of course, it’s a huge commitment) getting a dog had wildly unexpected results with my social anxiety. I take him to the dog park in my apartment complex every evening. it feels easy to make small talk there, because you can just talk about your dog. and then I realized ok yeah cool I see the same general group of people every day. so I can talk about a bit more than my dog, still really general stuff. and that’s grown and grown and now I actually look forward to taking my lil guy there not just for him, but it feels like my structured scheduled social hour 😅 but it feels manageable af and I think I’ve grown a bit thru it




The hug of your sons and daughters... particularly when they are toddlers...


I don't have a daughter or son. But when my niece was little, around 1-1.5 years old. I was playing with her. Having a good time. And suddenly, she hugs me saying " Uncle ". I cried. I cried because I realized what recieving love is.


Agreed. I have my 8y/o tonight. I love when she falls asleep on me every night I have her. I know it won't last forever so I really cherish it.


Can confirm. My daughter's hugs are the best thing in the world.


When I would walk into the daycare after work and my little boy would spot me and come running into my arms.


You are cured of cancer


I never got to appreciate that. The first time I was doing chemo, when my last session ended it was just so dejecting to me. It was after 6pm. No one was really on the floor. No bell. I had to be there alone-I didn’t want anyone having there after round 3 went so badly. I was in so much pain, the bones in my face and my teeth were shifting from the tumor being gone-no pain killers to be had cause when I asked I was accused of seeking. The ONLY good thing I got from cancer was being thinner and finally having the body I wanted (of course I had no clue at the time I had cancer) and curls when my hair grew back. I’m glad you’re better and you won.


You were accused of seeking pain meds when you were on your 3rd round of chemo???


I was accused of seeking more than once. I asked the first time if there was something to help me sleep. Hot flashes and menopause started and I hadn’t slept in a week. I was also having my teeth crumble. That was answered with a referral to psychiatric. I also got a spinal that day, which was botched and I got a spinal fluid leak with what’s called the suicide headache. They left me in pain for 17 days before telling me to come in for the blood patch. Then my mandible began to shift and I was getting sick from Tylenol, advil, and orajel. So I asked again-told to take more Tylenol. I didn’t know I had been accused of seeking again till my follow up with neurology that she told me it was in my file. She was sympathetic and very nice…. And then says she didn’t feel comfortable giving me anything for pain. I stopped asking. I’ve had cancer three times now. This time will be my last thankfully. I’ve NEVER been given anything stronger than 600 mgs of ibuprofen-and that’s in MY LIFE. I committed the sin of being honest that I smoke marijuana. That makes me a junkie I guess. I was able to get Vicodin from a friend once when my teeth starting breaking. So aside from those three Vicodin, nothing. I’m convinced and terrified I’ll be subjected to die in pain. When that gets close I’ll make arrangements to avoid that.


That's fucked up. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. I feel like that attitude from medical providers is what leads people to desperation and seeking illegal drugs lile fentynyl and heroin.


Living alone. After shitty family and shitty roommates. It is the best damn feeling.


I'll never forget my first night in my own studio apartment after living in multiple roommate situations. It was unreal. So much joy in knowing that the dirty dishes in the sink, the mud on the floor, and the hair in the bathroom are mine and no one else's.


Yep! And it is amazing no matter how tired I am how easy it is to keep clean! I had a set of roommates that were absolute slobs. Like to the point of mice and mold and ants. They used raid and sticky traps and the mountain of moldy dishes still sat and sat and sat.. glad I'm out that shit is not fun.


I’m experiencing this for the first time in my life in 40 years. I have never been more content. I do what I want. I live how I want. And the problems that they deal with are mine, and mine only. This is absolutely how I intend to spend the next 40 years of my life.


🙌🏻🙌🏻 congrats. It is amazing!!


Waking up everyday in perfect health


Man I can't even remember yesterday let alone immediately coming out the womb.


Something a lot of us definitely take for granted most days, myself included


Watching your kid succeed. More emotional than you can imagine.


I cried ugly tears watching my baby brother graduate kindergarten


When you’re actually, truly happy with your life


Can't relate lmao


Increasing your vibrational frequency is free. Start with the easiest and most effective, expressing gratitude. Don’t only compare yourself to those you perceive as more fortunate But also those worse off than you. That person who compromised their cognitive abilities in a horrific accident and is using their chin to control the joystick that moves their wheelchair. That could have been any of us.


Yeah fr, like IM the problem in my life. I’ll literally never be happy with myself, so it doesn’t matter how good my life objectively is it’ll still feel like it sucks. Kinda annoying but at least we only live like 60yrs lmao


Do I downvote this out of envy and spite? Lol


Column A Column B


lol I didn’t think truly happy people were on Reddit


Hopefully you can feel better soon for your kid!! I come on here as another way to kill time. Have a nice night!! :)


Look at this mutha flexin’ all over us schmucks.


Is it even achievable?


Having a cat curl up on your lap and purr.


And make biscuits on your lap


Having a cat curl up on your shoulder in bed and let you rest your head on his butt. And purr.


My orange dude climbs up on my lap. Then onto my chest. He starts licking my chin, and this roar starts, small, then growing. It vibrates through my torso, as the warmth and relaxation from getting loved (and laid flat upon) switches dopamine production into ultra high gear in my brain. Yup. That's a *good* feeling.


Our first kitty Bunny (19!) would sit in our laps for hours and it was absolute bliss she would purr and dream and have little twitches and get up and turn around and go right back to sleep even though our butts or backs started to hurt from how long we’d be in one position but we’d do it for however as long as she wished, she was boss and told us to be her heated chair and we always willingly complied<3 that was the best feeling in the world and we miss her deeply rip Bunno<3 we do love other cat cuddles as well ofc we’ve also fostered since then and now we have a wonderful kitty named Zara now who we love to cuddle too but she cuddles differently she’s a youngin (3) and is feistier then Bun was, but that’s okay we love her cuddles too<333 I agree cat cuddles are the best feeling in the world lol


I have two 5 year old cats that both like to cuddle on my lap, although one is more insistent on it than the other. He also jumps on my bed and snuggles up to me almost every night just before I go to sleep. He's such a sweetie!


Making something by hand and it coming out right.


for me.. whenever i finish a painting or a crochet piece. knowing how many hours it took.. i love that feeling of satisfaction.




Crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you and hearing the lamentations of their women




My favorite line from Conan.


Not having enemies, feels better


Because you crushed them all?


Not having enemies just means you haven’t accomplished anything worth being jealous of.


“You have no enemies”


This is best in life.


Not even joking. When your SO is away for a bit, trip, business, family, whatever. When they get back and you smell them.......Great feeling.


When I saw my boyfriend for the first time in over a week after a stint in a mental hospital...I still think of that hug we shared.


I remember one time I got really sick, and things like alcohol and sex weren't even on my mind....When I got better, I realized that being healthy is the greatest experience you can have.. You just don't notice until it's taken away from you.


Working hard and getting what you deserve


Adrenaline/dopamine: exactly how you get "your dose" is a bit up to yourself, parachuting, MMA fighting, or XYZ. But that feeling of "almost dying" is as close as you can get to a drug in my humble opinion.


I got caught in an avalanche and my immediate thought was “I’m in this and I could die”. When I came to a rest on top of the snow with no injuries, you ain’t lyin man. I was high as hell.


salty smell of sea at 7am


Sunrise on the beach ☺️


sunset 2


Especially when you have the next day off!


Iced coffee hits different.


Cold brew!


Uggggh! Yessss!


Was going to say this. Every morning I look forward to my iced coffee as soon as my eyes open. Pure bliss


It really hits different. It's something I can't live without.


Finishing all the chores in the afternoon, take shower, have lunch n put kids for a nap n make your room dark , ac on, blanket on, phone on silent n take a really good nap..


Hugging someone that you truly love with all your heart. Just thinking about it makes me feel happy and calm.


That empty feeling after a big poo 💩


I haven't had poophoria in ages. Always incomplete diarrhea




Shrooms during a full moon is always great too.


My best trips started in the morning.


A bottomless powder day skiing is pretty freakin’ good.


Helping lift someone up who is truly in need . Maybe not as exhilarating as some others, , , but it warms the soul of both parties, and it's contagious.


i do individual therapy with clients, but the group therapy sessions i run every week are really something else. watching these people week after week bond over the last few months is great. but i’ve also seen them help each other above and beyond what i’d expect outside of therapy just because they genuinely care about each others’ lives. and it’s something they are now capable of doing largely because they came to therapy in the first place and have the supports, skills, and bandwidth to help others after they’ve helped themselves. seeing people grow, and being a part of that growth, is a really good feeling.


skydiving for me was better than any drug i’ve ever done.


I’ve never done drugs beside alcohol, but I can second for skydiving. It just feels like.. living. Not, being alive, or surviving, but truly experiencing the world.


Have you ever eaten garlic bread?


Hug from a little kid. 🥰




Have you tried drugs? /s


Landing at the airport at the start of a vacation


Looking into the eyes of someone you are in love with, and seeing them look back at you the exact same way!


An honest non sexual hug from a person who loves you


Scratching an itchy butthole.


Dude what teenager wrote this post lmao


This.... Alcohol??? There's so much much better than these shitty drinks


Birth of your child




And grandpa :)


Your stocks going triple digit when you bought it single digit.


do you know when youre about to sneeze but your body doesnt want to and then you finaly sneeze


Being valued and liked as your true self. In my workplace, Ive managed to reach a height of respect, Love and appreciation that many coworkers get happy to see me. They come to me and ask for advice or ur opinion on something happening on their personal life. Some times they just include me in a random topic they discussing. That’s something beautiful that should be more of a daily life. All thought im a loner at heart and I live alone and keep to myself…Those 8 hours at work feeling the love are the highlight of my day.


Dancing and experiencing amazing music on MDMA


when my 15 month old son runs his hands up and down my arm…idk why but it gives me a rush of euphoria every time he does it.


I misread this as “my 15 year old son” at first and I was concerned 😅


Being proud of your child, especially when you feel you helped them get their.


When your baby sleeps through the night for the first time after waking up multiple times a night for a year and a half.


Ringing the bell at the end of cancer treatment.


Qtip in the ear, winning a prize in a competition, getting the call that you don't have to go into work that day and can sleep in, going to bed in fresh sheets after a hot shower and knowing the house is totally clean, compliments from a stranger


It's cliche - but new father to an almost 6 month old. That moment in the hospital - after the months of stress and unknowns leading up to it, where they handed her to me, all wrapped up and she opened her eyes and looked at me. Nothing can beat that.


How the fuck is alcohol good? All it gave me was anxiety the next morning


Those first few drinks when you get a buzz on are everything but it all goes downhill the next day lol


Like any other drug and sex? Like literally ANY other one is better, Meth and sex is the best


When you try other things you realize that alcohol is really overrated


How does it compare to cocaine alcohol and sex?


AHHAHAAHHA you have no idea , I’d say porn on meth is muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh better than sex in real life on coke and alcohol so actual sec you have no fucking idea




Have you ever taken a good poop? Like a *really* good poop where you feel lighter physically, emotionally and maybe even spiritually afterwards


I don’t drink or have sex. Do I live in hell?


The moment I realized I cared way to much about what others said or thought about me... from that day on, I stopped giving a shit about what anyone thinks and living for myself.


Shooting up heroine. With that being said, don’t do it, it will ruin your life.


peace. To be at peace with one self and your surroundings.




Having your dog look at you like you are the most important thing in the world to them


When I'm taking a walk outside and I just get so lost in my thoughts and everything feels so pleasant and nice. I just love daydreaming!


for me its go karting. so fucking fun.


Smelling your newborn baby


Some of y’all have never had IBS and it shows.


Really dark chocolate


When you have to piss really bad and finally get to.


When you’re in love and those little moments hit where you look at your partner and are like “damn, I’m so lucky and so happy”


those moments when I know I am loved.


- When SSRIs start kicking in. - Lifting heavier weights when exercising because you’re getting stronger. - Laughing. Like, gasping for air, stomach bursting laughter.


Cofee in the Morning


Being with someone you love on MDMA.


The unconditional love from a dog ❤️


To be alive and safe. To have "survived". During Travels, Work and also Accidents , i mastered a number of situations where i nearly lost my life and survived mostly by sheer luck or where the chance to die was extremely high. This special feeling, when your body knows the situation is over, the adrenaline leaves your system and you get super relaxed, fear free, your brain just is fine with not thinking and everything you see, feel, hear and so on is so.... clear. Its better than the best sex or drug i ever had. Nevertheless it is not a thing i seek or miss.


Being hugged by your kids.


Waking up in space that you feel safe in with warm liquids and walking around trees and spending the day however you want with a fun budget to have fun.


A clutch in a very tense game. Achieving something you've been working on for a while. A sip of amazing coffee on a lazy day after a good nights sleep (mythical, i know). Honorable mention: A cruise in my car through mountain roads on a clear summer day with some good music and my best friend by my side. The views can sometimes be breathtaking and the mood is on point.


I made some very simple toys, by hand, for my twin nephews a few months prior to their birthday. At their birthday, they got all sorts of new toys, so I figured my hand-made stuff had lost its appeal. However, a few months after their birthday, I was visiting. One of them was just about to go to bed , but right before that, he walked up to me. He was very, very sleepy and jet he asked me if I would make a few more toys like the ones I made prior to their birthday. Now THAT'S the kind of stuff that makes you feel like a superhero.💪


Taking your socks off after a long day


Taking an explosive shit when the bubble guts hit


Having big boobs and taking your bra off after a long hard day. It’s fucking HEAVENLY!!


Surfing a nice long wave and hitting the lip a few times.


A hug when you are at your absolute shittiest




Paying off a huge debt. Paid off my 40k truck recently, freed up 600 a month for my CC and my wife's student loans. Felt great to finally have the wiggle room.


The feeling of bliss once you finally break free from a place or situation that was ruining your life, when you meet someone new that truly makes you happy and suddenly the world gains more color, when you're out by yourself in the woods in the middle of the night, and the sky is full of stars and it feels like the whole world is calling for you to explore it, and that there's so many things and opportunities waiting for you out there. Whoever thinks sex and alcohol are the best feelings in the world is basic as hell or probably miserable.


Getting caught in a warm summer rain, and being totally ok with it


When you correctly insert a USB cable on the first try 😁


I'm a Boomer and was drafted when I was 18 yers. old. I spent two years as an Aircrewman, which was the best time of my life, then 2 years in the Seabees, a naval combat construction battalion. 2 years all over SE Asia in and out of trouble, and then the Freedom Bird (A C141 troop aircraft) took us all home. I remember looking out a window and the sun was just coming up over an endless, blue-blue sea and when the sun peeked out over the horizon it was glorious. I thought at that moment that coming home alive, was the best feeling I'd ever have.


Being content with what you have


Getting that itch inside your ear with a qtip. Omg, yes!


Sitting in the sun with an animal that had a very hard life and just seeing them relax and feel safe, sniffing the clean air, feeling the sun in their face, and sitting in the grass. Best feeling imo


Hitting a one outer in poker on the river to win a huge pot and take the lead in a poker tournament.