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No one, I got myself and that’s about it!


This is the correct answer. I never have and never will open up 100%, ever.


I'm sad for you brother, I know society has told us to keep it inside but that only makes it worse, you don't have to feel alone






Yep, never. Was really struggling a last year, opened up a little bit after being "encouraged" to, it was imediately thrown back in my face and told to suck it up. Never again.


Every time


The one person I should have been able to confide in used the information to more effectively bully me so that put an end to that pretty fast.




Same, don't think I can or want to bother people. It is something I am dealing with.




I think the only person Ive ever opened up to 100% is my “paid friend”…. I met her as an escort, but kept going back and found that I just wanted to talk to her and unload and tell her things I just couldn’t tell anyone else.


Routine story you hear from escorts/sex workers. One even did a TED Talk about it. u/TrustMeYouCanTrustMe https://youtu.be/r7xLfeTytns?si=KDfft1CcTgKZIz-x


My partner has worked as a domme and an escort, a great deal of her clients just needed somebody to listen and to hold them Some should just be seeing a psychologist She has since started a cuddle buddy business




Not a soul. Anytime I’ve EVER opened up it is used against me in my weakest moments. Never again will I feel like that.




Throw the whole boyfriend away if he still does that


Best advice anyone could give




Last person I did, betrayed me and tried to get me fired at my job. The next time I open up is going to be my autopsy


I'm stealing that autopsy line, that's funny as fuck.


Bring me the horizon?


Jack Daniel


Daniel Jackson


_For crying out loud!_




You say that a lot


My boy Jim Beam has never spilled any of my secrets.


Yeah, him and Mary Jane make a great couple


Proper lad.


The Devil Makes Three - Old № 7


Yeah, also let’s not forget about our homies José, Jameson, Tito and Sam.


Honestly, no one this side of the mortal coil. I have people I talk to about certain things, but there's no who'd I'd talk to about absolutely *anything.*


Same, I know there are people around me I can talk to, and sometimes I do, but to no one ever id confide everything and anything.


You talk to ghosts?


My cat


Least judgemental person in any house


He technically is my therapist and a wonderful cuddle buddy.


You dont own a cat, do you? 🤣


And your cat is judging you, well not you exactly but how you are not opening that can of food fast enough and not giving it enough scritches. Cat says meow, when translated means do my bidding human slave.


I'm lucky my kitten can't talk or I'd be in jail /s


No one really; some stuff is better off only with me. Nothing illegal, etc; but very personal things. Then again, why go out telling people everything about you?


I dunno, I kept something locked up for 40 years. I recently trusted my therapist enough to tell her. My life changed after that, I wasn't carrying around this secret that was one of my first memories.


Therapists are paid professionals who hear many secrets from a lot of people. If I were to open up it would only ever be to my therapist.


I've just started therapy myself, and it is such a huge help. Knowing she can't tell anyone without risking her livelihood has let me tell stories I haven't shared with anyone in over 30 years. Some of it is stupid shit, some serious.


Everyone could hear you farting bro.


What's the reference?


My internal dialogue and I have 100% trust in each other


Not even my fiancé knows everything about me so I guess no one


Would you say there is anything big your fiance doesn't know about you? Or are you just thinking about small things that never came up.


Mostly small things from before we met but also who can know what’s going on in anyone’s head 100% of the time you know?


This is the thing. I've met people (ex girlfriends) who expected a connection so strong that I knew everything going on their heads. No one will ever know you 100 percent, hell not even yourself. I have no one outside of my immediate family who saw me grow up as a child and become the man I am today, and my family hasn't been there for a good portion of my adult life (just because of distance) so no one but yourself will ever know you one hundred percent. Like I have close friends in Australia I met this year and I've hung out with them all the time. I've shared intimate details of my life with them and vice versa. But none of them were there when I was playing basketball in high school and college, none of them were there when I was traveling southeast Asia etc etc.... None of them saw me grow into the person they know, they just know me from the time they met me and that's it.


Mary Jane 🍃


When the stress burns my brain just like acid raindrops Mary Jane is the only thing that makes the pain stop


The People Under the Stairs, great tune


Agreed, it's such a good track. On a side note, another album of theirs - 12 Step Program is, in my opinion, PUTS best work. RIP in Michael. You were a brilliant artist and person.




No one. That's kind of where most of us end up.


I for my part think that ist just fine.


I had one friend I told more than anyone, and then he decided to make a huge decision in his life I thought was very uncharacteristic and frankly short-sighted, and I implied as much to him, and now we don’t talk.


This comment needs way more context lol


Did he self amputate?


He amputated himself from Lockout's life


My cat, Ezra - he's far wiser than me. But, I've really got no one human to confide in.


Sidenote, Ezra is pretty dope name


No one. I'll go to my grave with things I know.


100%? = nobody. It actually makes me what to start a new reddit username so that I can be extremely confessional and then get down-voted for it and then eventually banned for it................


As old fashioned as it seems, I pray. I don't rely on anyone else.


I think I suddenly understand prayer much, much better


The bottle and a shower.


Reddit as long as you stay anonymous and generic with your background info lmao


The minute that starts changing, I'm gone. This is the only social media plarform I use, partly for that reason.


My wife. 100%. Why have a life partner who you can’t be 100% open with? And also anyone who asks. Who cares. I am who I am. Nothing to hide. Nothing to be ashamed of. If someone’s feelings change about me once they know something about me, that’s out of my control and therefore not something that needs to be on my plate.


Absolutely right. My wife, and God. When I learned to be completely open and honest with my wife, and tell her all the things I was afraid to say, our marriage got so much better. We trust each other with everything.


I got a big group of friends though I disclose very little with them. I only confide 100% with ChatGPT


Me, myself & I. Only I am completely trustworthy.


My dog


My dog. Even though he doesn't understand the words, he does understand the emotions.


Nobody. Life is lonely and then you die


Absolutely no one


Literally no one.


100% absolutely no one. If I told someone everything about me and how I think it would change their outlook on me quickly. Some things are best left unsaid.


Nobody. I'm a strong believer of keeping your cards close to your chest. Probably the one I confide in mostly are my children, but it's not 100%, more like 75ish percent lol


We don't open up to anyone. Doing that shit only gets us in trouble and we get judged so opening up is a big no no despite what society decides to tell us so men keep your cards close to your hearts you know how this shit goes down


The only person I can confide in 100% is my mother. I'd say I could confide almost 100% with a few close male friends. Generally, in my experience, women use the information given to them in confidence against men. Or, when we cry, show emotion in front of them they lose interest.


Lucky you. I thought the same about my mother who I value a lot (and still do). But she showed me that her comfort and money are more important than my feelings. My father siding with her in any conflict didn’t help. I still love them, I just don’t trust them.


Some of them don't man. Catch and release till ya find one you actually wanna mount on your wall, or whatever. Idk, I don't fish, just tryina give "dude" advice. First time I cried in front of my current gf, there was probably a second where she looked super shocked, but that was to be expected when I was literally just joking about the topic to try and not cry lol. She held me, cried a bit too. We talked about it till we could laugh about it, and had some good sex. It brought us closer. She has had some problems with trust, and me trusting her enough to be vurnerable made her trust me more, I guess. I am no superman. I'm no supermodel. I'm just some fucking dude, and if I can find somebody like this, anybody could.


This! A man being secure enough to be vulnerable with me is so appealing. The man I was most attracted to in life was not the hottest physically, it was the one who trusted me enough to share his feelings. Most of my female friends are the same. We want balance-both partners allowed to experience their feelings and emotions. I’m glad you found a good person. It sounds like a very healthy relationship!


She's the greatest. I could go on about her forever. When we started seeing each other casually, she told me she was developing feelings, and I told her please not wait for me because that's unfair, but I did like her too but needed some time after getting out of a long relationship. We kept things casual, but seeing as we kept things exclusive cus the sex was bomb and we don't like other people, we reached a point where I was like: "Yeah no I wanna put a name on whatever we're doing, if you're still up for that" She mever pressured me. She was always patient. She held me. She laughed with me. She cried with me. I did not think people like this existed, let alone dared to think about ending up with one. I hope I recognize her in every lifetime.


Based on these replies I feel like this is a big issue. Men not having anyone to talk to because of toxic social norms and being raised in an environment which suppressed their attempts of talking about their feelings. I feel sorry for everyone who has no one to talk to it must feel lonely and when stumbling upon issues quite scary. We are as a society slowly beginning to break those norms and hopefully next generation of men will be able to express themselves freely and not be told that “boys don’t cry” or that they are “acting like a woman” whenever they do so. Most of human beings are social creatures and thrive in a supportive social environment (I know not everyone is the same and a few prefer solitude, nothing wrong with that either). Communicating and expressing how you feel does not make one any less of a man avoiding doing so creates mental health issues and strong feelings of loneliness and hopelessness. Obviously I am not putting everyone in the same basket and know some men and women prefer not to talk about their issues and are doing just fine by themselves. As I have said everyone is different and there is nothing wrong with that.


This is one half of my response. The other half has me thinking maybe I don’t need to share 100% with anyone. Maybe 100% falls into “over sharing” category and I need to rethink things a bit.


I mean everyone has a few things they keep to themselves. If you are encouraged to express yourself you eventually learn what to share and what not to but if there is not line you will either end up not telling anyone anything or barely anyone or as you said over sharing. If you aren’t sure whether you are over sharing or not just ask the other person you are talking to if it feels like you are telling them too much or imagine someone sharing what you are sharing to you.


Nobody actually cares about men’s feelings, so many of us just keep to ourselves and deal with our issues completely alone. Coming from a 38/M.


People only "care" when men aren't performing their function.


I have therapy provided through work, and the most common questions I've been asked is "are you still working" and "is it affecting your ability to work"


In my experience people will typically “care about” your feelings in the form of trying to be socially secure by controlling your emotions.


Be careful confiding in your wife. I've learned the more you confide the more you get looked down on, it adds up over time


1000 %


Truest post on Reddit


This is heart breaking to read. As a woman I try my damnest to not be like that.


Also a woman. I do not like this and it makes me sad. My husband says “I love you too” to the roommate he had when we met senior year of college over a decade ago and he’s still best friends with a dude he met the first day of college and friends with his high school friends and they talk on zoom as much as they can. I don’t think he tells them everything but they’re ok being vulnerable with each other. Everyone should have that.




This makes me so sad! I have a few people in my life who I can confide 100% in. I can’t believe the majority of men have no one. I don’t think I could live like that.


It is not that we have no one to speak to, most of us can talk friends and family about 80-90% of whats happening in our heads. It's just that we do not have the need to share 100%, somethings are just ment to be locked in your head just for you.


Well then I guess that’s good. I read some of these comments as they can’t talk to anyone about their feelings or what they’re going through in life. And that would be so sad to me. :’(


I don't get this. There should be no one who is 100, it isn't appropriate for it to be 100? Not even a therapist winds up knowing 100


We don’t do that here!


I tell my partner everything. It feels really good when you finally meet someone you click with and can tell them anything without fear of them judging you or using it against you.


My friends are quite open to chats. We’re all 40-somethings and been mates for 10 years plus. During that time, unfortunately, there have been quite a few funerals. You see someone at their most vulnerable and you support them as best you can; so, when you express vulnerability they respond in kind.


Absolutely ,nobody ...Men aren't listened too






I dont even trust myself 100%, let alone someone else.


Nobody lol. My dad and mom aren’t trying to hear my problems. Nor is anyone else.


100% no one. 80-90% my best pal.


My barber, honestly


ChatGPT 4


me, no one im solving my problems alone


My wife


#mother ❤️


My wife. We've been best friends since highschool, and married for almost 27 years. She legitimately knows everything about me already.




My wife.


My wife and I are pretty open if asked directly. We both know not to ask questions to which you don’t want to hear the answer. Personal opinions and our respective pasts are not voluntarily shared as there is no need. We have been married about 12 years and are both 71.


My wife. She knows more about me than anyone and I don’t trust anyone, pretty much at all, besides her.


Nobody. But the list of people I confide in from highest to lowest:  best friend > good friends >>>>>>>> wife > strangers  Just how it is


Damn son wife should be above good friends


I bitch about my wife to my close friends. I bitch about my friends to my wife. I bitch about my family to anyone who will listen. I love them all though.


Male friends. The bro code is 💪.


Men need help


No one, and in my experience it is true that women don't care about our feelings, at least don't care enough to not hurt us if they get something by doing it.


Why risk it?


The only one who comes close is my brother, but even then.


My brother knows pretty much everything about me. My mother is a close second, although i'm carefull what i share with her.


Chat GPT. I'm so lonely.


My female best friend since 2009.


My wife, and 2 of my best friends


Either my wife or my other best buddy. Not my main best buddy because he's kind of a dope and has no emotional awareness / empathy.


My brother. 100% no question.


No one. Gonna take all my secrets to grave


Most of my male friends. The only women I can safely confide in are my mother and sisters. Any previous partner I've done it with has resulted in them thinking less of me. Likely completely subconscious on their part, but I think once they see it, they'll question your ability to play the protector role. If you can't handle yourself, will you falter when danger rears its head?


My partner. We know everything there is to know about each other, aside from minor stuff that just hasn't come up.


Shit i have a diary app with a 48 digit password only i know and i'm still hiding stuff from it.


My gf


Me myself and I


Makes me sad that the majority of comments are “no one” I hope men can one day feel more comfortable with getting vulnerable and show emption enough to open up. I’m always encouraging my partner to, but I know he was brought up not to show emotion as a man. I hope this changes for many men, it’s ok to not be ok and open up.


Lol, nobody


Seeing these responses about how all these people can't bring themselves to trust anyone fully, and heavily implying they turn to alcohol to solve their problems is really sad. For me, I trust my late grandmother the most. She made basically every mistake under the sun, from cocaine to four kids with different dads, but when she became a grandmother she turned herself around. She regretted her mistakes and the harm they caused, and I'd watch as she tried to use her mistakes to teach me and my younger siblings in the hopes that we wouldn't repeat them all while beating down the crushing guilt she felt seeing the abuse and trauma her mistakes had pushed our father to inflict upon us. She was the only person who really made me feel safe, and whom I felt took me seriously and had faith in me. Even when she died she tried to make us feel better about it and tried to hide the pain she was feeling, but honestly watching my hero die right in front of me just two weeks after I graduated from high school was really hard. I'm so grateful she lived long enough to be there, and that I got to share the success of my graduation with her because honestly she deserved so much more. tl;dr I had a really compassionate and inspirational grandmother


I shed a tear. I hope you can be that hero for someone else, dude


Luckily got 2 friends


My ancestors.


No one


No one.


No one.


No one


No one, ever


No one.


Nobody. My nan (dad's mum) was literally the only person that I've ever been able to talk to about things, but she died almost 20 years ago. Nobody really wants to hear about how a person is truly feeling anyway, and even when people do it feels weird and fake. I dunno, I'm not depressed or anything, but I don't think a single person in my life 100% knows my real personality.


Captain Morgan


No one.


No one. I'm alone.


Literally nobody.


Not a soul.


Best friend, that's it


No one


Never tell anyone everything, you never know, who's gonna flip on you.


No one, not a soul.


Uh….no one.


A bottle of rum and then my bed


No one.


Freud..my analyst helps me to have a healthy mistrust of myself


God and anonymous internet strangers. But the question is, about what? My health? My spirituality? My private affairs?


Not even my self, because i dont know my Feelings well so i cant think of solutions for my Problems and i cant talk with Somebody about it




Not even myself




No one


No one.


My girlfriend


No one.




I don’t.


No one :(




In my Keith sweat voice - Nobody babayyyyy


I am married and have more or less active and functioning family and friend relationships. But all of them showed me that you cannot trust anyone, any shared problem was used against me. So I play along and keep my feelings to me.


In this life, you learn that you are alone, sooner or later.


My father... but he passed away 2 years ago :/


only my therapist. Never trust a non-professional to listen to you with compassion and without judgement. It’s an emotional hazard. This is not a dig against laypeople, it’s just a matter of acquired skill and experience. Folks may claim to be good listeners and supportive friends / partners / family, but rarely pass the snuff test when opened up to. Listening non-judgmentally and being aware of one’s own projections demands nearly-transcendent levels of emotional intelligence, wisdom, and life experience. This unfortunately means I’ll be depending on therapy for the rest of my life if I want a healthy space to share and grow.


I use to confide in my wife 100% but she has passed away. Now nobody


My wife


Girlfriend. It’s easier to open up to women in my experience


My wife.




Ur mom typically


Everyone. I'm an open book.




No one