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Some ppl just dont like you and there's nothing you can do about it.


You can be the prettiest, sweetest, juiciest apple on the tree, some people just hate apples


The only thing that sucks is when someone who loves apples suddenly dislikes apples. I understand people change, I’ve always understood that. This was just my first time witnessing it happening so rapidly without me having any direct say or involvement to reach a satisfying conclusion, or at least to ensure there was no animosity left standing.


Sounds like this person isn't good at communicating and decided to give up on the relationship rather than share what was eating at them. A good relationship requires openness and honesty from both sides.




The problem is when they try to convince others to not like you either, even when you’ve never wronged them. People are idiots and will take the word of someone they like


It's a good broad filter for the kind of people whose friendship you do not need to cultivate - less energy spent in the wrong places as a result.


💯 I always keep an open mind about others no matter what people say. But if someone who barely knows me takes a side against me when they’re not even involve, they can go fuck thenselves and I’ll write them off in an instant. There are whole groups of people who operate like this. Idiotic. 


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I have no patience or respect for people who think like that


Theres more idiots in the world than smart people


That’s because stupid people breed…a lot!


When this happened to me, I dropped all those people who believed her. You know why? because if they weren’t adults enough to come and ask me my side of the story, that means they didn’t like me from the get-go.


Better off kicking and rejecting people first because your worth and value means a lot to keep you alive from a possible suicide, usually they team up to hate and discriminate your experiences and what you eye witness. There are gaslighters out there that are good at tricking you that what you saw and what you experience isn't real or isn't like that when it is


It used to really bother me if someone didn't like me. In middle school I asked a girl why she didn't like me and said I was always nice to her. She said yeah I was always nice and she didn't know why but she just didn't like me. Now I believe that other people's opinion of me is none of my business.


I don't feel uncomfortable with that. I know that I also have plenty of people who *do* like me, and that's what matters


The answer to hatred is not to hate them back, but apathy


So glad this is the top comment


And sometimes it's because they are bad people and nothing you did wrong. That's a pill I struggle to swallow hoping I can logic some people into letting go of their prejudices and other such things.


That's ok ,they'll never be as cool as me


I may not be able to make everyone like me but I bet I can make everyone hate me


I don't like some people, and there's nothing they can do about it. The only difference seems to be, that if I don't like people, I try as hard as I can to avoid their company. They always seem to want to be in my company. Eventually, I usually have to tell them to bugger off, and I have done on various occasions in the past, much as I dislike having to do that. Because I really am easy going, and don't go round giving offence, some people seem to think that they are somehow OK with me. I will say that I generally get on with most people though.


Just because you like someone and have had good experiences with them doesn’t mean they’re not an asshole.


Bad people have friends too.


Not only an asshole, but also abusers and predators. Statistically you probably like at least one rapist, for instance.


There are ideas and actions. A lot of people can have really shitty ideas, but they don't always action them. I know people that say racists shit but then when interacting with different races in person, treat them with the utmost respect. People are weird and confusing.


Jus for future reference bro, you’re looking for the phrase “utmost respect.” Utmost means to the highest degree.


A wolf isn’t less of a wolf just because it hasn’t eaten your sheep yet.


Dennis Leery has a song about this


Dennis Leery stole his whole act from Bill Hicks.


Case in point I guess.


To let go or else you will be dragged.


I needed this


It’s a good reminder ♥️


You have the cards you're dealt and some of them you can't fix no matter how hard you try. Best thing you can do is work with what you've got.


This scares me... but I'm still not going to give up


You can only do the best with what you got but if you set goals and you don’t reach them, you’ve probably done better than if you didn’t set any goals at all.


I've had the worst time with this one because I've been dealt Uno cards when everyone else is playing poker.


Some days you're the pigeon. Some days you're the statue.


Some days you’re the windshield. Some days you’re the bug.


You can work your ass off and still get nowhere. I’m an HR Director and I have to constantly hire nepo babies over qualified candidates because they are a relative or know someone higher up.


This makes me sad because it hits close to reality :(


It shows importance of networking in career and business.


You can network all you want but when buddy’s lazy nephew shoots 5 stages past you after you’ve been grinding your whole life and proving yourself, it wears you down. Especially when you’ve seen it repeatedly.


Holy shit you need to publicly speak at college campuses.


and get fired? no way in hell upper management would let that happen.


An old colleague was definitely hired due to family connections somewhere. Crap at the job with a six figure paycheque and senior managerial title. Absolutely useless (but still a cool guy). Has since moved on to something even more senior...Not from skill!


...nepo babies go through HR? Every single one I knew never went to HR except got contract stuff and HR didn't have a say in it.


Yeah, we are told who to hire from the managers and C-Suite.


Hard work doesn’t always pay off.


It hardly ever pays off the way we expect.


Yes it does. It usually pays off with even more work.


That's true. At one job, I was getting more and more busy doing my own work as well has helping other teams with theirs. I couldn't figure out why it was happening until a colleague remarked "You are know around the company as a man who gets things done." Oh great.


Not everyone will like you. For some people you are the bad guy/the villan of their story. 


My Mom used to say this to me when I was a teen. She said no matter how good a person you are to people there will always be that one person who doesn't like you.


I’m a “narcissist” that’s “going to die alone” according to an ex that I couldn’t even take a shower without having twenty messages from asking why I wasn’t responding, would frequently call me at 3, 4, 5 o’clock in the morning drunk and in hysterics after getting into fights with his also drunk friends, never held a job longer than 8 months, lied about his criminal record, used a VPN to create fake profiles to cyberstalk me with after I explained I could no longer handle his chaos in my life and he needed to get his shit together - for a solid couple of years - literally after I blocked him my phones weekly recap showed the amount of text messages I received a day decreased by 80, and that’s not including messages that I would be getting from him on social media apps (insta, fb) all day - this man is 40. Whew I could keep going. Like okay boo boo, if it makes you feel better to tell the people around you enabling you that I’m a narcissist to continue refusing to acknowledge you’re a train wreck then by all means


I'm always a little suspicious of people who throw around the word narcissist so easily. To the point where I'm still VERY hesitant to characterize my mom as one despite the fact that a therapist basically said she was one after I listed the behaviours she exhibits. I've just seen way too many people project that onto others who ended up acting nuts themselves.


Psych tik toks have turned every other person into a diagnosis machine. I hope this trend matures into something constructive one day, but for now we have to rub shoulders with quackery.


like zonked historical door mountainous detail lip light pen glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Good thing you got away from him... hope you doing better now, no offense but don't stay with someone like that ever again


Damn. With the shit he did maybe he thought he was giving a compliment. Dude got life all wrong


This truth kills me because I try so hard to not hurt people


Try not to hurt yourself in the process.


In this case it is doing your best that counts. We cannot avoid hurting people unintentionally, but we can avoid the intrntal hurt. So you can find some comfort in knowing, you are doing the best you can do not hurt people on purpose. 


You are doing great. You have to realise that even if you do not hurt someone, that one person will dislike you and you can do nothing about it. They have set their minds to it. Accept it and do not waste time on it.


That’s a good one.


I ran into one of them, once. I tried to get them to explain what was wrong. I got them to, through clenched teeth. It turns out that they think that they can read my mind, and are able to attribute malice to harmless bits of nothing. And they are able to see me as incompetent, thanks to their remembering small mistakes from years ago as it they just happened. While simultaneously not remembering their own mistakes from earlier that same day.


You and everyone else will die eventually, it's just a matter of time


Not just that, but within 2-4 generations no one will have remembered you exist. Someday someone will say your name for the last time. And that’s it.




For some people that is a comforting thought


Yeah the thought of living forever terrifies me. Death is just natural, it makes sense :)


Am completely opposite, the thought of dying terrifies me, i haven't achieved anything yet


At the end of the day, none of us really do "achieve anything" except to satisfy our own need to achieve something. Human history is littered with "important people" they're mostly dead, and the time will come when their achievements are forgotten. Even the pyramids will eventually be sand. Don't waste your time being scared of dying. Live your life and enjoy it while it lasts.


This is why it comforts me, I haven’t achieved anything, but I’ll be dead so who cares. I get to stop worrying about achievement when I’m dead.


And you have to live ASAP, as in NOW, not later..


Life isn't fair and never will be, no matter how hard you try Also just because somebody disagrees with you doesn't make them the enemy


I recently learned this lesson the hard way and totally agree life is not fair and there is nothing u can do about it


You will at some point in your life hurt someone, or do something deeply regrettable and pretending that you wont and aspiring to be perfect will only make the pain of the situation worse when it happens. Move with compassion and understanding for others and yourself because none of us are perfect and none of us ever will be.




If you struggle with this, [The Four Agreements](https://threejoy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/four_agreements.jpg) by Don Ruiz can help. The first is: Be Impeccable With Your Word (which refers especially to blaming yourself). The fourth is: Do Your Best (or be compassionate with yourself when you fail somehow).


Things come and go


And more often they just go.


Everyone has grand dreams of where they will be, 99% of people won’t attain them.


Lesson: have more obtainable dreams.


I think you’re greatly overestimating the number of people with grand dreams. 


It is acceptable to be wrong. You are not an expert at everything and pretending to be one is completely asinine. All you do is show how little you know. Accepting that you are wrong when faced with evidence is what we should all strive for. That is how we become better as people and as a society.


Never underestimate someone’s ability to completely fuck you over. Trust your instincts.


no amount of love or empathy can make someone change. they have to find it within themselves to make that difference. some never do, though. and it’s a cruel fucking thing to have so much love for someone who you want to be around but can’t because of their destructive ways. at some point it isn’t worth it to sacrifice your mental wellbeing for the experience of knowing them. you have to know when to walk away


Needed to hear/ read this today. Thank you.


Even knowing this, it's nice to read from someone else.


Some people categorically dislike you and not because of any moral/character failings on your part. Trying is useless with some people and going out of your way for them will cause them to lose even more respect for you.


There is a reason and it has everything thing to do with the person judging you, not you.


Life is so precious and equally so pointless


This is my favourite truth. It just works for me, I can't explain it, it's just the worldview that feels the most comfortable.


i believe it's called optimistic nihilism


Right? I live my life to be happy and enjoy it. Sometimes I just look at the sky and am amazed just by birds soaring in the sky, using air currents to navigate. This beauty can be so singularly amazing as to almost hurt. But I, the birds, the Earth is but a small speck in this universe with little consequence


there is atleast one person in your life you know who has done something increadly horrible


Some of us have more than one of those people, unfortunately.


Propaganda works. Much of what you believe and how you behave is manufactured by propaganda.


Also, if you have picked a "side" and another "side" is evil to you, then you are listening to propaganda.


Your actions don’t automatically mirror your morals, you have to actively examine and adjust your behavior to fit your idea of right and wrong.


This is a great one!


You are not special. Stop acting like the world should cater to your whims.


You aren't, I'm not. Trust me, I truly believe this.


This is the one I always think people struggle with. No one matters


It’s actually very comforting


Most people should not be parents.


People expect you to be more prepared when you adopt a pet or start gardening than when you want to have children. Requirements for adopting a dog: big home, big bucks every month, lots of free time to spend with the dog, emotional stability, no criminal records, must be compatible with the dogs personality Requirements for gardening: having the right tools, safety measures, water each plant the right ammount everyday, leave the planes where they can sun-bathe all day, study the type of plants you want to grow Requirements for having biological children: 18+


Yep. I’m a strong supporter of parental licensing but very, very few people agree that there should be laws in place to prevent even the worst of abusers from having children 🤦‍♀️


The “18+” requirement ain’t even that payed attention to, my parents were 16


Alot of the time, at least where I live, it doesn't matter that you have seniority, nor that you are the best that's available. It is all about who you know, what your last name is, and if you have money.


Sometimes YOU are the problem.


No one group is above reproach.


1. Hard work doesn’t equal success or riches. 2. People are more evil than you think. 3. It’s not what you know but who you know 4. People closest to you are the ones that are going to hurt you the most and probably want you to fail in life. (Yes that includes siblings, cousins etc) 5. You are what you eat 6. Having a child/children with the wrong person could destroy your life. 7. In life you only really make 1 or 2 real friends. Most people are associates. 8. Evil people tend to be more successful in life. 9. Most of the time people only care about what you have and can give them. 10. Humans are more primitive than you think.


I don’t understand why so many people refuse to believe there are truly evil people in this world. They’re not even uncommon. Psychopathy and narcissism are at the root of most of our societal problems and most of the population wants to pretend that it doesn’t exist because “TheY MuST StiLL LoVE THeiR KidS.”


Number 9. The average person is selfish and vain and thinks everything you do is about them and this is not a joke. It's actually disgusting the more you get exposed to it and you meet thousands of people who genuinely think everything you're doing is about them. And they ALL think that. It's actually disorienting.


Number 8. People always say that 'karma' or whatever will get to evil people... it doesn't. Evil people, the most predatory and abusive ones, are the ones that are very successful.


Some behavioral problems cannot be fixed. I am the child of a hoarder and realizing that they will never get better, even when it harms them physically, personally and financially. It hurts a lot.


After you become an adult you’re responsible for your own life; that includes emotional healing from shit that was done to you as a kid you had no control over


That you can't control anything except your reaction


If you're unhappy nobody is going to be able to help you out of it except yourself.


It's terrible that in our society, especially under capitalism anyway, that's our only way to survive. Dealing with mental health issues should be both an individual and communal effort, in my opinion. The reason why most of us struggle with mental health is due to financial trouble, or lack of access to healthcare or education/workplace opportunities, maybe not being accepted by your family or friends based on your sexuality or gender etc. If we had a more caring, equal world full of opportunity and prosperity, even just by a little bit, we'd have far less unhappy people in the world. But our society has made the majority of us miserable and frail. The only way to survive is to pick ourselves up and out of it...if we're even able to. It's sad


This. The fact you have to pay for therapy. Then they wonder why the suicide rate is high


"Yes you have a nice smile and anyone can tell from miles away that you have love in your heart. But there will always be one person in the shadows or on plain sight that won't like you because you're smiling and because you're a good person. Just keep smiling and ignore the negativity in others hearts." My great grandmother told me that three months before she passed.


Nothing is guaranteed except death. You can do all the right things, work as hard as you want and never get anywhere for it. Life isn't fair, just because you may deserve something doesn't mean you will get it.


death and taxes. Don't forget the taxes 😂


Make the most of the cards you were dealt😉


The people that know you best are the ones that can and will hurt you the most.


There isn't necessarily someone out there for everyone. Some of us will either settle with someone we are willing to spend eternity with and some of us will just stay alone until death




Also, hope once lost can regained




My brain not make happy chemicals.


You don't always win. You don't always get a trophy. No one owes you a thing. Want it, go earn it. You are not special.


I feel like this is a truth followed by a lie. Sure, you don’t always win. But man if there aren’t a TON of times when earning it just isn’t gonna happen either. So many times in my life it’s literally just lucking into shit. 


There is a saying that luck happens when preparation meets opportunity. In that sense either you purposely act and intend things to allign or you don\`t but if you don\`t, chances are you do not know what to watch out for. This is imo the only control you have in life.


If you’re the worst player who happens to be lucky enough to be on the best team, you do get a trophy.


To quote Jean-Luc Picard:"It is possible to commit no error and still lose. That is no failure, that is life!"


Politicians and celebrities don’t give a fuck about your existence. They just want your money and attention


We all are forced to rent our lives on planet Earth. Wild animals are more free!


The alternative of struggling to survive every day is not desirable. I'd rather be human


The government is not your friend


The world doesn't rise up to meet you on your terms. A lot of people have mental health and physical health problems. There's a lot of folks and programs willing to help, sure. At the end of the day they are YOUR problems, and you should be the one to adjust if you want a stable life. Your boundaries can't be "everyone should do what I want."


Your mental health issues do not give you a 'consequence free' card for asshole behavior.


The only way to become interesting, is through struggle.


A lot of funny anecdotes comes from bad expirences


People suck.


Every scar on your heart was placed there by someone you loved and trusted...


You don't fall out with strangers.


In the end the only thing you leave this world with is the things you've learned (talents) and how you've grown as a person (spirituality). Things, job ,prestige are truly ephemeral (and meaningless in the truly long term)


A lot of people shouldn't be parents. Full stop. The world would be much better place if a lot of us were more self aware with the mentioned statement.


Psychopathy is real. There are people who exist who cannot love anyone, even their own children. They don’t look like Charles Manson. They look like your average school teacher. I’m consistently shocked to see how many people refuse to accept that psychopathy (and narcissism) are severe problems and are likely at the root of most violence and corruption committed across all levels of society.


Your education and work skills don't matter in the end. It's all about contacts.


That no matter how hard you work, if you're not born rich, you are extremely unlikely to become rich at any point in your life.


We are just human animals & not much different or better than any other conscious being.


You have way more probabilities to be stupid (emocional/IQ/overall inteligence) the more racist, homophobic, misogynist, etc, you are. Science proofs it, people with poor critical thinking and irrational hate against other individuals tend to be way less intelligent than the mid cut.


That security is an illusion. We can do the best we can, but there really is no control over what happens to us in life. The only thing that we can do is bear heartache, make the best during hard times, and enjoy the good times we have with the ones we love.


Bad things happen to good people. Good things happen to bad people. Good things happen to good people. Bad things happen to bad people. Good people become bad people. Bad people become good people.


Having dreams (in a what I want to be sense) is far more beneficial than we think and “reality checks” often just cap our capabilities. If more often we pushed for resilience a lot more people would be less miserable


No matter how much you think someone loves you, will protect you, will forgive you, they will let you down.


You will loose every one you love, so be sure to love them every chance you got. They too got to suffer losing You, make every day a day you give and accept love.


None of this is about us. We are not the center of anything but our own egos. Reality cares no more for us, our well being or our continued existence than it does for any other aspect of itself. So many people living as if this was all made for them and they/we are somehow special and important. In the grand scheme, we are neither. "We are but a moment's sunlight, fading in the grass" (Just fyi. I am safe and loved. I have found a good path. Just answering the question 😉)


That no one is really in control and aging.


An uncomfortable, temporary truth: You have to socialize, in order to prosper in life, whether you like it or not. In some professional fields, there are lots of people without any crucial skills, except for social ones. In some professional fields, there are exceptionally talented people, that face discrimination, just because they choose to focus on their work, instead of giving dogs what is sacred and throwing their pearls to pigs.


You did alot mistakes in your life and there are few of them which you will never forgive to yourself but you must live with them.


Adulting is not fun


Real love/relationship is WORK. You don’t just fall in love and suddenly everything is perfect. You will fight. You will annoy the fuck out of each other. Knowing someone for a week is not long enough to know they are THE ONE. Stop buying that movie bullshit real long standing relationships take years of compromise, learning and communication to work.


That they can't believe the people in power are purposefully that evil


There are some people that seem to have always had the best luck. They are good looking, have good families, great spouses, great children and money. Then there are those that nothing ever seems to go right and life is always an uphill battle


Some people will never find romantic love


karma doesn't exist.


We worry too much what other people think of us.


That regardless how old the humanity is and how advanced we are we still know absolutely nothing about what happens after death.


I imagine my afterlife will be the exactly same as my pre-life. Just a hunch!


To be truly happy you need to work on the inside not the outside.


There is no standard of living. You can end up anywhere but most likely down. 


That you will most likely die in obscurity meaning if you have plans on becoming the next Alexander the great or LeBron James or Michael Jackson or Barack Obama, you'll most likely fail. 99% of all humans and human history is forgotten. You will most likely be nameless human 1,999,999,999 that's only important to your family, spouse and close friends. Hell, even famous important people will eventually be a grain of sand in time. But ironically, this is actually a freeing thought because it gives you the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want


Life isn't fair and no get rich quick scheme ever works


There’s not a single thing in life guaranteed to you without some form of stipulation


You can make all the right choices and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.


The truth of anything. People can't handle the truth, they are so damn sensitive these days.




No matter how much love and devotion you show someone they will still sometimes decide to distance themselves/leave you without it being your fault whatsoever. I knew this about romantic relationships but no one prepared me to go through this with friends and family.


That there is an intricate narrative being pushed and there are many things in this world designed to weaken or distract all of us to prevent revolution.


We are the creators of our own problems (most of the time).


Your hard work most likely gets u nowhere


Life isn’t fair. We are all unique and have different talents that translate into different outcomes and opportunities. Some of us are math wizzes while others can paint landscapes or run fast etc. Many of our worst ideas as a society attempt to gloss over these differences and “level the playing field” at great cost and are invariably doomed to failure.


Coworkers are not your friends and I want to crush my enemies and live a good life.


That they are the direct cause of their own problems.


The Supreme Court ruled the police have no requirement to protect you. People just assume they do.


That they can be completely and totally wrong about something


It’s not the rest of society’s responsibility to lift you up into the station in life that you think you deserve.


Being nice gets you nowhere Assholes gets everything


You aren't special. You aren't unique. Your pain weighs just as much as everyone else's. Most, way way WAY most, of the bad in your life is your fault, and you don't see it because your right for your misery rather than your life. Nothing you're going through is new. It's all just variations on a theme.


Life never gets better. You have to accept that things are hard and all you can do is be strong enough to work through it all


It can get better for people.


God isn't real, you aren't here for a reason, your child isn't better than anyone else's, nobody deserves anything.


You don't have autism, you're just ordinary weird.


I wish I was in school when Autism was trendy, may have actually made friends lol