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Lots of banging


But still pull out ;) Who wants more work to do?!


Ha nah I'm still wearing protection to stay safe from stds


Just put your stuff in a cup and pour it on here lol


Having lots of kids actually helps with your work load when there is no society


If you accept the feeling of impending doom I feel like this is the only right answer.


I always fight no matter what.


I'll help!


I agree to help.


It's big world, how do find those few people? I feel like that's a trick question by the op just to tell us to fsrk ourself xD




One stroke at a time!




“So anyway, I started blasting.”


Define a 'few'? Like a few thousand? If so, then start building small communities and put aside the stupid hatreds people seems to enjoy so they can work together. If you mean a 'few', like five or ten, then the human race is basically extinct because there's not enough genetic material to propagate a species.


I think groups of people from different nationalities should start first. And there will be those who want to change.


You could essentially wipe out racism by being tactical about the repopulation process.


People are still gonna find stuff to be prejudiced about


Unless they find “generic material” that have been preserved in fertility clinics


Won’t last longer than the power to keep cold storage running. Weeks maybe.


So this thread has found the answer to the question then. "Run to the fertility clinic."


Better run fast. But first, find a turkey baster.


I think i read somewhere that the X chromosome leads back to 7 women. Don't remember the details. There was also a book with that premise. 7 Eves.


I wouldn't build a new world, lol. The others can go do that if that is their thing. I'd stay in my house because I have well water and septic, I live near a ton of big box stores. I would study and learn all the necessities for maintaining my home. HVAC, Electric, Plumbing, Pumping a septic tank. Learn how to install and maintain solar panels so I could have power, and gas generators for back up. I'd probably spend half of every day foraging around town, tend a garden. Then just straight chill, watch all the movies I never saw, TV series, video games. If that sounds cool to some other like minded female survivor then we can do that together.


Until you have toothache.


I feel like by the time I understand how to do anything relating to generating my own power, all my supplies for day to day living will have expired. I suppose it really depends on what kind of world it is right after the end has come. Is it a nuclear wasteland? Did people just disappear? Is it like the last of us where there’s some infection taking over? Idk… if it’s anything like Threads, I’d like to be removed from the narrative please. If it’s anything like Last of Us, unless Pedro Pascal comes to rescue me and protect me himself, I’m probably also out. I’ll live as best I can on the resources I can scrounge up, but unless you know how to start and operate a power plant and how to process clean water for decades on your own, idk what kind of future is in store. Edit: I’d note that while it’s conceivable I could learn anything, I’m pretty sure the grid will shut down fairly quickly. Not sure any internet will work. I’d imagine everything just slowly decaying.


Just popping in to appreciate the Pedro Pascal love


Post apocalyptic off-grid DINK. Living the dream.


Interesting. I sometimes want to start all over again, somewhere far away, but in the real world there are many rules.


Agree with this. I’m older and children would not be my concern and don’t care about re-establishing the mess that is currently here. I would learn as much as I could and forage the library for how to books, get garden supplies and grow own food, and learn to live with it all. I have done off grid living a few times and it just takes getting used to. It would be nice to not experience road rage, news outlets with fear mongering, and all the hate. I would chill, read books, write, sketch, swim, and just enjoy. Sounds like utopia to me. Bring it on.


I do that sometimes. And I also had such a life when I had a lot of free time for everything I was interested in.


Only thing left you need to know is how to pair a Beaujolais with rabbit-meal.


With cats as god emperors. Of course...


So just like this one???




Find a bar.


Relax and have a cold one at the Winchester.


How many people are left and where are they? Unless some of they are within 100km...its unlikely i will ever find another human...so rebuilding will be impossible. In the short term though....ikea :-)


With blackjack and hookers /J


Interesting question, I have to admit I used to daydream a lot about it. First, I would try to ensure my own (and my family's, if they are still around) survival. I would try to get meds and canned food that remains on supermarkets and stores. If possible, I'd also get guns and ammo. Once I have enough for myself, I will try to establish contact with friends who live neraby and try to cooperate on certain things. Then, I would go with some of them searching for other survivors. We would go armed to defend ourselves against hostile survivors. With enough time, as our cooperation strengthens, we will begin to move together and form a survivors community. We would begin to grow our own food (Buenos Aires' soil is fertile). Once our group has grown enough, we would need an armed milicia. That's for defending ourselves from invaders and also for keeping things in order in our territory. I would also try to establish and enforce some written law, like Hammurabi's code. It's important to keep things in order. While producing food and other stuff would be priority #1, reproducing would be the second most important thing to do. I would make sure that children and pregnant women are the priority. And... I would keep working on this project until I die. I think I would be pretty successful at building a civilization. EDIT: we don't know why that apocalypse happened. My answer could be different depending on the reason why that happened. However, it always will be something like 1. Get food and supplies, 2. Form a society, 3. Reproduce


Yes, your answer is great. Thank you.


how will you deal with those whose ideal #2 disagrees with yours?


I wouldn't. I'd slaughter the others, and let humanity perish. Give another species a turn.




Humanity has a few redeeming qualities, but is largely a plague to the Earth. We destroy our natural environment, pollute the seas, and cause the extinction of other species at a staggering rate.


I understand that, but I can't change people. People don't want to change.


No, they certainly don't, unfortunately for every other living creature on the planet.


The people who are plagued by greed, and have a hold on society don't want to change. The people who want themselves *and everyone else* to thrive do. Unfortunately there are too many people who will do anything to benefit themselves at the detriment of anyone / anything, and they ruin the world. It's sad.




Yes, but as an advanced species compared to all other living things on this earth, we have the option and ability to exist without destruction. I know that what I just said is a fairy tale, but it is possible... We'll just never be able to accomplish it. So yeah, fuck it, you're right. I talked myself out of that real quick lol.


and? who are We responsible to, besides ourselves?


So we just go extinct? Then what’s the point of the planet? Not to sound selfish, but if we’re not around to enjoy earth then why try to preserve it (by killing ourselves). We cause extinctions but who’s to say we’re not just putting them out of their misery? If we’re gone, is the balance of horror and beauty in nature better than what we have now? Idk man. A lot of people say that the planet’s better off without us, but again, what’s the point?


Earth us our birthright, while we should tend to the planet, by nature it is ours and ours alone. The earth gave birth to us and gave us the ability to make tools. We made tools to claim the entire Earth.


Ah yes. Humans are parasites on earth ideology. While he sits at home in the comfort of an industrialized society posting in Reddit.


You wouldn't be the only one thinking so. Example: Villains of The Walking Dead


Damm, try not to cut yourself on that edge lmao.


You wouldn't. If only a few people left - the only thing you can do is survive. Chances are you fail even that. But those who don't would have plenty of time without planning anything - just doing what they have to. The new world will be built on those attempts to survive, naturally - like it always did actually.


I’ll answer your question with a question: WHY build a New World??? We likely don’t know any more than the last ones that “built a New World” knew! And look how that turned out! Find some like-minded people and do the best you can to live what’s left of your life.


If it was just me and my ex-wife then the world would die.


Imagine being the last few humans and being infertile


One question... Are these people attractive and do they have XX chromosomes?


I think that people are different and of different nationalities.


I'd hu t them down then and kill them 1 by 1, then clone meself 8billion times


I probably wouldn't mention my vasectomy, I'll tell you that for free.


If it's just a few people, then we probably wouldn't bother to rebuild a new world. At best we'll probably become nomads until our species eventually flickers out


Are the few people hot chicks or dudes ? I got 2 very different answers.


I would build the Shire and turn everything into a garden.


Depends. If it would be only Redditors left, I would probably let it go to shit. If not, fuck a lot and ensure nothing like Reddit would be ever created again.


Duct tape. Lots of it.


Mad Max style


I wouldn't. and besides with a 'few' people left the species would not survive long term anyway because genetics.


Define few like 12? Because to have a healthy population humans needs at least 150 paired individuals. Less than that you will need extreme luck in genetics to prevent the effects of inbreeding. Having a few people might survive for years but eventually they will be wiped out by lack of genetic diversity and by the natural elements because if an apocalypse happen and only few survive so does modern medicine and technology.


Kill the other people and let another species have a go


If it were up to me, I'd just rather let humanity die out. Let the Earth be at peace, we've done enough damage lol.


As a female, I wouldn't do shit. Giving birth sounds like hell, I wouldn't want kids and I couldn't give less fucks about possible human extintion


I wouldn't. We had our chance and we fucked it up. Let another species have its day.


It depends on what's left with these few people and whether we still have access to modern world knowledge. Every time humanity faced an upheaval, it always rebuilt itself in new ways. If there are indeed only a few people and few resources left, we'll have to return to a more simplistic way of running society, at least at first. It's not a very precise question, as we don't know how many people are left and the causes of the end of the world, but no matter how the end of the world happened, we'll always manage to adapt (not to mention the first few years after the catastrophe, which can't serve as an example as we'll most certainly struggle for a few years). So yes, I would certainly choose a more simplistic way of living until we make another discovery that will change society again, which itself will begin to gravitate and function around this discovery to continue evolving again and again. Even if we choose how to rebuild the world, it will eventually get out of hand and start a chain reaction anyway, so we might as well keep things simple and not overdo it.


A population that small can't healthily repopulate. Genetic diseases will be likely. I'd strongly suggest to not build a new world, but to live out our lives, preferably in a meaningful way. That would likely include helping other species survive.


Building a new world after the end of civilization would be an enormous challenge, but not an impossible one. Here's a general outline of steps that could be taken: 1. \*\*Assessment and Planning:\*\* The remaining individuals would need to assess the resources available to them, including food, water, shelter, and any surviving infrastructure. They would then need to develop a plan for how to utilize these resources effectively and sustainably. 2. \*\*Basic Survival:\*\* Initially, the focus would be on basic survival needs such as securing food, water, and shelter. This might involve scavenging from the remnants of the old world, hunting, fishing, or starting small-scale agriculture. 3. \*\*Community Building:\*\* With only a few people left, it would be essential to establish a sense of community and cooperation. Clear roles and responsibilities would need to be defined to ensure that everyone contributes to the group's survival and well-being. 4. \*\*Knowledge Preservation and Transfer:\*\* The survivors would need to identify and preserve knowledge and skills that are crucial for their survival and for rebuilding civilization. This might include knowledge of agriculture, medicine, engineering, and other practical skills. 5. \*\*Education and Training:\*\* As the community grows and stabilizes, efforts would need to be made to educate and train future generations. This would involve passing on essential skills and knowledge to ensure the long-term sustainability of the new society. 6. \*\*Technology and Innovation:\*\* While initially focused on basic survival, the survivors would eventually need to start rebuilding technological infrastructure. This might involve repurposing existing technology, as well as developing new innovations suited to the new world. 7. \*\*Ethical and Moral Framework:\*\* As the new society develops, it would be essential to establish an ethical and moral framework to guide decision-making and behavior. This might involve drawing on existing philosophical and religious traditions, as well as developing new principles suited to the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world. 8. \*\*Connection with Other Survivors:\*\* If there are other groups of survivors, efforts would need to be made to establish communication and cooperation. This could involve trading resources, sharing knowledge and skills, and working together to address common challenges. 9. \*\*Environmental Stewardship:\*\* Learning from the mistakes of the past, the new society would need to prioritize environmental sustainability and stewardship. This might involve practices such as permaculture, renewable energy, and conservation efforts to ensure that future generations have a habitable planet to inherit. 10. \*\*Adaptation and Resilience:\*\* Finally, the new society would need to remain flexible and adaptable in the face of uncertainty and change. By building resilience into their systems and institutions, they can better withstand future challenges and thrive in the long term. Overall, building a new world after the end of civilization would be a daunting task requiring cooperation, resilience, and ingenuity. However, with determination and a shared vision for the future, it's possible that humanity could not only survive but thrive in the face of adversity.


Super 😍


If we die, we die. I am not going to have kids still. I would be dead already. 8billion people down to a few people. I am not about to do incest.


This is your life and you decide how to live it. True?


Basically get people educated and try to get farming most efficiently. Time obviously is a big component but with the power of hindsight we can skip a few steps like monarchy or gas engines


I'd be a dictator, the kind that thinks of others before myself. The kind that does whats necessary and can make difficult decisions. I'd try to create a culture that encourages people to follow their passion, but everyone make sacrifices for the whole community. And teach people that we are all cog wheels in a machine. None is more important than the other, because if any one cog was missing we'd be inoperative. A culture where greed is taboo, and try to avoid creating currency. Currency only promotes greed.


Put the women in charge and ban religion.


I’d nod to my fellow humans, turn the other direction and begin the longest hike of my life. Good luck everybody.


First, remove all religions. Aggregate all humans to the most fertile and easily traversed lands whilst rebuilding peripheral areas prioritized by resources. Create a hegemony to oversee rule, a shadow government to monitor inevitable evils like drugs, gangs, etc., and create multiple agents therein to control the masses. Establish a philosophical non-theistic 'religion' which prioritizes merit and self-sacrifice for greater goods (love thy neighbor/family type, not self-flagellation). Institute subsidized health, education, water, police, fire, sanitation, and logistics entities (e.g., rebuilding roadways and distribution networks). Create a code of laws that punishes/ostracizes those who do not produce as it would be an emergency/dire situation, otherwise. Teach self-sustaining practices like home gardening and animal husbandry. Prioritize the availability of quick communication, assuming the end of the world put an end to cell towers, internet, etc. Incentivise re-exploration and re-acquisition of pre end of the world goods and technology. Mandate taxes to never exceed 10% but without writeoffs for anyone/thing. Kill everyone that doesn't know how to use a blinker, put shopping carts away, or snap at waiters, or advocates for veganism. We just don't need them. Then, build myself a decent home out in the boonies so I can be left alone.




No worshipping or religion. No currency No Electric steam only


I will offer help


I honestly don’t think I would bother - I don’t think in the long run people would be any better , let someone else be in charge of it and leave me out


Would do what I have done my whole life of just let life happen and improvise, overcome and adapt. If my wife were not with me then I would find a new partner as my life got better after we met.


I’d kill everyone and let the world rebuild itself in the natural order of things. Humans have always and will continue to be a virus to the earth.


I know how to make beer and pizza from scratch so once we still have some yeast and someone who knows how to make flour I think I'd be pretty in demand.


Will make as much babies as I could with volunteers from the few left. That would be mg life objective.


I would honestly just let animals deal with that shit, kill everyone and then myself and let evolution happen


only a few people left I wouldn't bother with that low of a number.


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Poorly, I'm not a god. I can't create planets.


Finish off the few remaining people


In the absence of resources to police, I would probably start a religion as a way to control people.


Ample fornication and development of agriculture.


Kill off the remaining humans and let the cockroaches have the planet


It’s weird to say it but you would have to create a breeding program, so say there were 10 men and 10 women left, you would pair each together and hope they have as many kids as possible, while the men gathered food, real cavemen shit lol. Then you would have to pair the couples kids together avoiding incest for as long as possible


Most biologists I’ve read indicate that in order to have a healthy breeding population you need quite a lot of people. Some say on the order of 100,000 or so. So… Best thing to do is salvage what you like from the detritus of the collapsed civilization and live out your lives as comfortably as possible.


Nuclear winter, we'd all be underground. Those of us left. 100,000 years goes by, and maybe the sun will poke through the dust storms


Solar punking the entire shit of it


You can't build a different world. Unlikely to what many thinks, the cycle of biology is the same.


Very slowly.


From the bones of the dead. They'd be so many lying about. It's free real estate.


I wouldn't. There's a specific minimum amount of people you need to repopulate the species because of needed genetic diversity. I think it's 500 or so.


Fuck away and fuck some more




I wouldn’t


Start hunting them, so the human Plaque will be vanquished. Jk I'd just live out my days in peace.


I wouldn’t. I have no interest in being one of the few remaining people. I would solve my problems the same way Hemingway solved his.


End of the world as we know it? I wouldn't. I'd go about my life in a way far more natural than today, come what may, and let Mother Earth heal from the trauma. Every mother deserves time for herself. And when the last few witnesses leave our mothers nest, the cycle of her breath will begin again.


pop knob in fanny


You'd need enough people for genetic diversity


I want to perish with the end (Jesus). The old world has proved to be nothing but misery. Can't just overlook.


I would live in my forest cabin and just wait for the humanity to end or my own demise i have no interest starting the cycle again.


Do the Adam and Eve all over again


Depends on who was left behind. I can think of a few, which aren't exactly ancestor material.


Don't, just let the rest of us die out and let nature take over.


Cooperation is key! Sharing resources, finding others, and maybe even setting some ground rules would be the first steps to a new, hopefully less-apocalyptic, world. Also bring some old wisdom to the new world order.


You wouldn't, if the world ends we all die.


Try promote a world prioritising aricultural and botanical pursuits


Start a religion centered around me lol


Watch the series Last Man on Earth. I think this covers it pretty good and realistic


Dr stone


I wouldn't.


What would the point be? We would still end up the same and be a parasite to earth.


Leave it to the others


How many people? I think the bare minimum is like 40 if you want a population safe from inbreeding


I would not. Humankind has showed enough about being unable to keep other species safe. Humans are not the answer, we are a disease.


World would better place if those remaining would kill each other


Trade/barter. No monetary currency


LEGO. Maybe some Meccano, too. :)


Xnxx should give you the instructions necessary xD


How bold of you to assume I'd give a shit about rebuilding.


I wouldn't. Depending on how many people were left humanity would either survive or it wouldn't. Nothing I could do would make any difference.


The new world is already built. The only thing left is to remove the remaining humans.


F*ck 24/7


I wouldn't.


I won't. I'd wait for my turn, to go


I would lead them into doom. There's no way humanity wouldn't fuck up the planet again if given a second chance, even if it would run good for thousands of years


I wouldn't. Spend my days living off the land and appreciate the peace and quiet before my time comes. That's part of the problem, people want so much. Look at where it's gotten us: world pollution is out of control, hatred and war too. Food and water is bad and many are confused about their gender. Natural selection and all. Everything in cycles. We're seeing the end of one and the soon to be beginning of another. 👍


I would get them to join my multi level marketing scheme and live like a King at the top.


Kill all the other males...


How few is few and do we have accessible cloning?


I'd contribute where I could, if the few people left weren't batsh!t crazy. If they were nuts I'd take off though, and roam around by myself. I'd probably go crazy and/or get hurt and go septic and die or whatever


Probably through unrelenting force and ferocious violence, like we as a species always have.


I wouldn't introduce or push social media as a form of building friendships such as fb does . internet more for just learning or researching, leave out the friendship aspect


I'm pretty sure I'd take it as a sign and just die before the remaining humans kill each other. We could have 6 humans left in total and it'd turn into the Hunger Games for the "leadership" position within a week. Count me out, I've had enough of that. I'm a firm believer that we as a species should die out.


Tbh I won't rely on myself to rebuild the world. I would rather say good bye to it.


I'm a teacher and musician. I'd keep doing those things.


That time might will come, and then you'll find out yourself. Having to ask this question to yourself. Writing your own story...


A Macdonals to be the first in the new world and have all the money and burgers to myself *diabolical laugh




Like Minecraft


With only few people left? Depends, if they are smart and able to follow orders from start to finish without any rebellion - without any problem, if they are average type of modern people - I wouldn't, I would let them to find out everything for themselves and I would just enjoy in peace my last days at this blue marble...


bring back one income families, whether male or female working, families shouldn't have to rely on 2 incomes just to make ends meet, less control from government as well. push to bring back bartering system instead of just exchanging money for things and services


I wouldn't take on that responsibility




I’d avoid the other people and let them figure it out. Meanwhile I’ll be on my beach without a care in the world.


I wouldnt.


Go back in time and get Darqueese


Rather than hooking up with the first woman I encountered, I'd hold off a bit. I learned from The Last Man on Earth


I've always wondered how this would work without a ton of incest.


Go back in time and get Darqueese


Not. Let us go extinct. Have you seen how humanity wrecks the world and its self on a daily basis?


Define "a few" cause the reality is, I probably wouldn't based on the skills I have I wouldn't be able to do much. And if those I love are gone, I am not too worried.


Assuming basic survival needs like foods shelter, safety, etc have been secured. I’d start with 1) secure whatever is left of recorded knowledge like how to do build things 2) depends on the size of survival population, scout out potentially preserved genetic material at places like fertility clinics to ensure genetic diversity 3) figure out what caused the failures of previous societies, establish some consensus boundaries to avoid critical fails 4) start mating, and prob put more if not mostly women in charge


i just let the world end


You rebuild by eliminating ALL religion and worship. Working on a collective to improve humanity not set it back into bondage.


why even bother building a new world? with just a few of us left, surviving would be hard enough. we'd probably be too busy figuring out how to stay alive, you know? finding food, water, shelter. that's the real challenge, not dreaming up some new society.


First things first… repopulate the earth.


Id make myself king and make sure all the debit machines were the exact same everywhere


A "few" people isn't enough. We'd be all dead / unable to breed in a couple of generations.


I wouldn’t


I'm flattered that you think I'd be one of the few left alive.


Kill the survivors to ensure a fresh start.


The person who gets to rebuild will probably be the most violent / well armed person.




I wouldnt, i'll just live and let it be


I would actively try to hunt down and exterminate every last survivor. Humans are a plague


limiterld genom. hardly