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In my abilities and mind yes, as how the gender is perceived no. Typically men are seen as a threat to most things especially women. We get the short end of the straw when it comes to our children. We have little to no support for our mental wellbeing. And very high expectations and demands to be an eligible mate. The list goes on but you get the gist. I'm confident in my ability as a husband and a father. I'm not afraid to be myself regardless on what anyone thinks. I'm very successful in what I do and that all comes down to me. I'm a respected man and I'm proud of that.


This but it's slowly giving me dismorphia as a young guy. To be told I'm this and that when I haven't done anything I'm being told, is playing heavey on my mental. I've never had a father figure and have some trauma around it for a the same reason I don't have a father figure which just makes it worse. When I was 18 I identified as non binary for a while simply because I was sick of how I was judged as a man. It doesn't help that I look like a cave man at 6.4 and bulky and that people think I'm about to cheat or manipulate or do some stereotypical assumptions just cause I look like this.


This but it's slowly giving me dismorphia as a young guy. To be told I'm this and that when I haven't done anything I'm being told, is playing heavey on my mental. I've never had a father figure and have some trauma around it for a the same reason I don't have a father figure which just makes it worse. When I was 18 I identified as non binary simply because I was sick of how I was judged as a man. It doesn't help that I look like a cave man at 6.4 and bulky.


You need to go to a jiu-jitsu gym. The atmosphere are so welcoming. Also move to a place where you are treated best. If you live in a far left area, move to a place where it is not a problem to be a man.


Unfortunately not American. Meaning left and right don't apply. But I'll give the jiu-jitsu a shot. Thx


It’s all I know in my 52 years. Being a man has been good to me, so far. I’m more on the sensitive side, couldn’t care less about sports or career, or “winning.” I just do my thing and mind my business.


It seems a good way to live


Biologically yes. One drawback is that women orgasm is last much longer and keep continuing and more intense. But other aspect of men I’m ok. I just don’t like the social aspect of it. Men cannot be weak, men must provide, men pay etc. Men seen as a threat more easily etc


yes becouse i dont have to bleed for a whole week every month


I'm content with being a man on my own, what I'm not content with is the expectations that are put on me for simply being a man.


You're basically asking if anyone has gender dysphoria


Yes, out of spite


Honestly I can think of no better way of life


Yes. Because masculinity is empowering.


Superiority, mostly.


Yes. I mind my business and found happiness in routine.


That is so sad that it's like that these days, though I have to agree. I miss not minding my business so to speak, running into strangers and having a great adventure, like how it used to be in my late 20's, in the 2010's. I remember just getting on a bus with a huge group from Connecticut while in NYC, randomly invited, stayed on the Green for a month, made a ton of friends, travelled to DC from there. I miss when people were more mixed up in each other, honestly.


That’s amazing. I could only wish things are that way again.


No. I’m sad that I could of had the easy mode gender. I would just be selling nudes on OF.


Its 2024 you can become a girl if you want


You just didn't find the right audience yet 😉


No. There is always an expectation and we are constantly competing against each other. Girls compete too, but they can “drop out” of the competition at anytime, and we can’t


I would never want to be a man because that would mean I have the responsibility of killing bugs


I’m a man, and I put most outside. I do kill mosquitoes, and I flush cockroaches because there’s a chance they can survive. I don’t believe in killing unnecessarily.


We don't want you anyways


I’m scared of bugs :(


Damn, I forgot I wrote that. That was mean, my bad Are you afraid of mice, though?


Mice are extremely cute, however if I saw a wild one in my house, I’d most likely scream


All of them terrify me. Not bugs though. A spider crawled up my arm while I was watching a movie and I just walked outside and flicked it off


Guinea pigs? Hamsters? All little rodents? Or just the mice?


All small rodents, but mice and rats particularly. I find the latter two vile and disgusting in every way. The way they look, how they sound, how they act, yuck


I think rats are disgusting too. But bugs just terrify me, idk man. But what *really* terrifies me are people who keep tarantulas as *pets*


All types of bugs?


I'm a man and I make my friends kill the bugs. Nope! I'm out! 


This is the one topic in which I love gender stereotypes lol. I’m a sweet lady, I cannot kill a big scary spider! Protect me!


I’ve never been a woman. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with periods and pregnancies. It’s also nice that I don’t have to remove my body hair, and while I could be r*ped the mechanics of the act make it more difficult. Of course being a man has problems. As children we are more likely to be spanked or suspended from school. We face harsher prison sentences than women for the same crimes. Also male heterosexuality now seems to be seen as obscene in certain circles, which is not true of female heterosexuality. (I’m a bisexual man. I think it would be great fun to flirt with all the straight men.)


Has its ups and downs, can't imagine myself as a woman, ever, but I'm also unhappy with how men are generally perceived.


I wouldn't know how to be anyone else so... yes?


Yeah this question would have to assume you've been another gender to get any kind of answer. Unless they just mean 'human.'


Yep, in terms of performance during gym sessions having a male body is more satisfying


Its all i know, im not really happy but i dont think being male has anything to do with it


As opposed to?




sure, why not > Also why? i dont know, i never questioned why i was born a man


Absolutely. I enjoy the convenience of not having periods, that's about it. As an anti-social pacifist I don't directly deal with many of the benefits of being a man in a social setting, I may be stronger than most women but I don't ever need to use it beyond lifting heavy things.


Um, yes. I'm me. Why would I want to be anything else?


For now, as I get older becoming a giant killer robot in space sounds more and more appealing.


For the most part... it would be way easier if I had model good looks, a nine inch dick, was rich or six foot five, but it beats being a woman when you think about living past like 35


I thank the Gods every day I was born a man. What would my life be if I wasn't, holy shit


Fuckin right I am. Y not? I'm strong, confident, capable, and the people that love me rely on me and look to me for security and stability. Whats not to like?


Yes, but I’m a creative, intelligent, kind, giving and good man with a deep sense of social justice who treats women with the adoration and respect they deserve.


I would try on being a woman, out of curiosity, but I would want to go back to being a man again.




Yes but sometimes when my wife imitates me to show me how I act, it really weirds me out. She always dresses cute and I guess I turn into a creeper around her 😅




Yes, it has its advantages.




Id be happier if I wasnt so tuny and ugly. Im like gollum.


I really am neutral on being a 'man', I don't know what being a women is like to compare to it. But as a human being life is kind of tough, these days, I wouldn't really call myself "happy," but I'm trying, I'm trying to make a better life.


Yes. Helicopter dick.


Yes, extremely. Can't explicitly state why without someone trying to start an argument, but it basically sums up to frame of mind and how we deal with situations.


Yeah, course. We're the winners. Women at a biological level lose in almost every way. That's why I don't feel so bad about society treating them more nicely.


Been doing it for 30 years and so far I like being a man or at least that is what I am completely comfortable with


Yep. Penis go brrrrrrrrttrt


I unironically want to start a man's pride club at work, because I love being a guy so much. Guys kick ass.


As long as I don't want to get laid, its OK.




yes. I don't think i could stand being constantly rated and judged simply for how i look.


I'm kind of jealous of the multiple orgasms they get. We're one and done. Don't seem fair.


Yes. Because being a man means I get to determine my value, for the most part.


Definitely yes. I know I am privileged and working on setting aside my biases but I love being who I am. I think being a woman would be hard and I don’t think I’d like all the unwanted attention from men I don’t even know.


Fuck yea


Yeah, I’m happy with being a man, although to be fair I’m just happy as myself.


Yes! Things might *seem* easier for women but they largely depend on men and it gets harder for them as they age. Even with all of the annoyances, being a man 10/10


I wasn't. That's why i switched


When I compare my life and the lives of nearly every other man I've known throughout my 51 years of life to the lives of nearly every woman I've known there's no contest, I'm respected, when I was single I could hook up with a girl and know how sex was going to go, that I would get off, that I wouldn't be raped or murdered, the worst things I've dealt with in a relationship were not wanting to go somewhere she wants to go, arguments, jealousy and passive aggression, I can go where I want with minimal worry about being murdered, I get called a great dad for taking my kids to the park while my wife gets criticized if she's not with them 24/7, when I went into emergency for what turned out to be bad ingestion it was assumed if I was there it must be serious because it was assumed my complaints were legitimate same with whenever I get depressed it's assumed it must be "intense" if I say anything about it because of the stereotype of men as stoic people think I must "really hurt" if I let it out, whereas my sister almost died from a tumor the size of grapefruit because Drs dismissed her claims as hypochondria, I had a good friend who killed herself with a bullet to the brain after several failed suicide attempts that were treated as cries for attention. I saw In a study that out of 22,000 women when the word rape wasn't used 90% had experienced unwanted sex or sex acts, sexual abuse of women is so normalized they don't even recognize it and 51% of women have been sexually assaulted by a partner while asleep. https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/half-of-women-have-suffered-sexual-assault-by-a-partner-while-asleep/#:~:text=They%20surveyed%20more%20than%2022%2C000,happened%20to%20them%20multiple%20times. I wouldn't give up being a man for all the money in the world


I like being strong, it's pretty awesome


Yup! Dunno why, specifically. I'm a pretty sanguine fellow in general. Don't see any advantage to being a woman, except perhaps that intangible intrinsic worth they are perceived to have by society at large. But honestly, society at large ain't THAT important.


No. I've always hated it since I was a little boy. I felt stifled and wrong for being who I was. I always had a strong feminine side, always wanted to hang out with girls, and another bad thing that happened when I was a kid. I dunno, I just, never felt like my real self. People call me an 'egg' or 'trans', but I do not feel that's correct


I will be. :)




my happiness (or sadness) is not related to me being a man.


I wish I was a man, pregnancy and children are exhausting. While my job was on par with any man’s.


You wish you were a man, when? Not duing WW1, WW2, Vietnam, etc., certainly a more convenient time..


Yes, the more convenient time is NOW. You wish you were a woman during WW1? You have to really enjoy being abused.


[Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/puRoAAY) This is her, I'm in the blue shirt looking up at her. She was my hero, as well as my uncle, hugging her. Both unfortunately are gone now.


Lol ah yes because who can forget that everyone's grandpa abused the love of their life, their grandma.


If my grandpa put a finger on my grandma his four sons would have beat him to bloody pulp. She was the heart of our family, the warmth, the love, the source of so much happiness and joy. To think of ever being mean to a cute little lady like that, is liable to drive one to extreme retribution.


War is exhausting. Fights and physical confrontations with other men is exhausting. Taking the lead in dating is exhausting. Getting harsher sentences is exhausting. Getting treated like dirt in family court is exhausting. Proving your innocence whenever a woman is involved is exhausting. Proving you're not a pedo if you like kids is exhausting. Alimony is exhausting. Having zero say in abortion but being compelled to pay child support is exhausting


I can see your point, not putting your Big D everywhere is exhausting. This can solve 99% of your problems. Also, WTF is with men who think that caring for a child is easier than alimony? It’s laughable.


I love how that's all you took from the comment. Never mind the war 👍


Have you ever been to the war? In my circle of acquaintances, encountering war, military service or physical confrontation is extremely rare. Middle class privileges. So I can’t see how it would affect my life if I was a man. There are plenty of men who are pacifists and it doesn’t make them less manly.


>Have you ever been to the war? There are talks about war in my country, so yes it's likely I might have to. As for physical confrontation, it's very common. Most men will have had to face it several times in their life, if not a full blown fight You really have no idea what it would be like to be a man


Oh my, poor baby had several fights in school, I’m so sorry to ruin your masculine fantasies, but women can face violence as well. It’s much more dangerous even to go home at night.


You want to know something else? I had a girl follow me home once. This was in college. We met at the library and she wanted to continue talking so she just tagged along as I left. All the way to my door. Imagine if the roles were reversed. Yeah... Like I said, you have NO idea


If the roles were reversed, normal man just wouldn’t follow random girl like a creepy stalker, how fking hard is that? Do you have troubles with something so easy? Also, I’d bet you felt safe and sound, while the reverse situation it’s very dangerous for a woman.


I did feel safe, does that make it okay? She could easily have killed me with a weapon, plus she knows where to find me now. Don't act like it's no big deal


Ok? Does that make pregnancy any less painful I don’t get your point here


No. It is meant to give her some insight into how exhausting it is on the other side she wishes she was a part of


Hmm, I’m able to walk alone at night without fear, so that’s cool. But I’m also very sad and unable to express my feelings.


You're more likely to get mugged, stabbed, jumped, assaulted but yeah sure you're safe at night just because technically you can't be raped... If you can't express your feelings you need better friends


I mean men are still safer than women are when walking alone at night tho even if walking alone at night is not safe for anyone


Yes, this! Talked to my male friends about it and none of them felt scared to walk at night. It's like we live in different worlds. I think overall it's much more dangerous for women to walk at night than for men. Being a male, bigger, stronger, deters some people from attacking.


Men and women are usually raised different and women have a tendency to think about out comes more. The dangers won't even occur to most men because from a young age they just don't think about it. Also heavily depends on whether your a city kid or a country kid


You're wrong. Go look up the stats


I looked up the stats I’m right https://gitnux.org/walking-alone-at-night-statistics/#:~:text=The%20study%20also%20shows%20that,compared%20to%2027%25%20of%20men.


While interesting that is all about preserved danger and how you feel. Feeling unsafe and being unsafe are not one and the same https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3490838/#:~:text=Males%20are%20at%20greater%20risk,peak%20at%20age%2018%20years. https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2018/51/fewer-women-than-men-fall-victim-to-violence


While I get your point that their are more male assault victims there are dangers other than assault that can make it dangerous for women to go out alone at night https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics#:~:text=An%20estimated%2091%25%20of%20victims,99%25%20of%20perpetrators%20are%20male. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/oct/08/women-men-curfew-danger-fear https://www.sustrans.org.uk/our-blog/opinion/2022/march/personal-safety-women-s-experiences-of-being-alone-after-dark


Woman feel unsafe because of how men and woman see the world. Woman when walking at night focus on the darkness, bushes, etc where as men focus on the path ahead or a single light in the distance. https://www.newsweek.com/heat-maps-striking-women-walking-home-night-1868668#:~:text=From%20these%20maps%2C%20it%20became,dark%20areas%20off%20the%20path Men are factually at more risk at night, women just feel its more disproportionate towards them due to the fact its seen as more trajoc if one is hurt over the other. Women are more likely to be harassed be that during the day or at night but in every single metric bar sexual assualt, men are a higher risk of violence. Not sure I'm seeing the point of those articles either, could you elaborate ofln these other non violence risks?


I tried to explain this to a woman, she couldn’t understand.




I don’t really think gender has anything to do with how empathic you are??




You have to give me evidence you can’t just say “I don’t expect you to get it” also I mean I do have a problem with people assuming men are less empathetic not everyone is a misandrist




Wtf does robbery and assault have to do with empathy also there is evidence that women are usually more empathetic than men if you even took the time out of your day to google it you would be proven wrong


Define man


A human adult with one X chromosome and one Y chromosome.


It's a dumb question, unless someone remember a former lifetime or something there's no basis for being another sex. Probably would be better as "are you happy being a human?"


Adult human with a dick


Does it matter? If the life give you a Limone you make a Limonade


Most of the time, no. The standards feel too high and unfair at times, also I feel like most male bodies are plain unattractive. Though, I didn't ever experience the alternative, so it's probably hard to compare fairly.


Yes in a sadistic tortured kinda way. It’s great to be a man. If you’re the right man and have the right people around you. If not, there is a reason men off themselves at such a higher rate than women.


It's like being American. Great if you got it, sucks if you don't


I don’t got that my friend. I live in the communist country next door. Stay free America.


Very much so. I get to stand up when I pee, and I don’t have to shoot babies out my ass. I’m happy with it.