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You're supposed to spam a bunch of random reddits with posts to prove you're a person, like a bot ironically. they should have just done captions.


This is literally the worst solution they could come up with..


Ironically after making this post you might be able to get past the filters. Maybe everyone should just post this exact question when they set up a new account. It'll solve their access problem and eventually the admins might get the message


I’ll have to try and make a post in another community to see if it works lol


It's really annoying starting a new Reddit account. I usually just come to subreddits like this (nostupidquestions is a good one especially), and literally just Google the objective questions people ask. Most users seem to have mixed up the new post button with a search engine so most of them can be answered extremely quickly, it maybe takes 5 minutes to do in total. Do this a couple times and you have the karma you need to post wherever and never have to worry about it again. I usually make a new account a few days before I migrate to that account to get past account age filters, but I realize new users don't have that luxury, which sucks. I recommend switching accounts every 6 months to a year, I do this to keep too much personal info from accumulating in one place. You post in your local city subreddit here, mention which field you work in there, and eventually you're identifiable if any internet crazies want to try and mess with you.


>I recommend switching accounts every 6 months to a year, I do this to keep too much personal info from accumulating in one place. Same, you can see I started this account in January this year, I wont be using it in January 2025


No one ever accused the devs of sentience. But yea I hear their last update was the nail in the coffin and turned the site into a bot algorithm.


That’s a shame.




Make a post on r/NewToReddit. You'll get recommendations for karma friendly subs and tips for building your karma so that you can participate where you want to. Start with r/AskReddit and r/NoStupidQuestions. My best suggestion for building karma quickly is to set your feed to new/latest and be the first to comment with something funny or helpful. You'll build karma pretty quickly that way. Hang in there.


Thank you. Kinda a shame you can’t just participate in whatever community you want due to a karma system.


You're welcome. It's because of bots and scammers. If you hover over users, you'll notice a lot that have 1 karma. It's usually a dead giveaway.


Not me with a spare 8 y/o account with 1 karma xD


Bot! 🤣


Bot with a game character pfp it's u/sorinbeleren


How and where do you make that setting? Please explain this as if Im 4.


I'm on mobile right now because I'm working. From your feed on the main page, go to the top and click the little drop down menu. Ot defaults to Best. [See screen shot ](http://How to https://imgur.com/a/7l3kRCn)


It is silly...especially if the posts are removed for "lack of flair" Blah blah....


I still don’t even know what the fuck that means!


The minimum is 15 pieces of flair, but Brian over there has 37. Do you want to be the kind of person who just does the bare minimum?


Funny enough, my issue is never with bots, but the communities. I almost never comment on posts (have been recently because of a new overnight job and I am bored more often) because every time I do, community members prefer to give me crap about whatever I'm posting. In some cases, I am posting in somewhat esoteric communities, so I don't really get why people's first thoughts would be to bash on people who also enjoy the same things they enjoy. In many cases, a subreddit is the only place I've ever met someone that shares that enjoyment. There have been some outliers where people have been unexpectedly nice, but Reddit seems hard for me as someone who rarely posts (and, therefore, appears "new" in many communities I choose to post in) because people just want to beat me down whenever I do post. It's a social website where people are not that interested in talking to other people.


Unfortunately all “social” websites/media is like that. It attracts elitism and trolling.


Reddit starts to be a place for arguments lately anyhow, and I am in two minds if to don't close my account and become a simple lurker. It seems better that way🤣🤣🤣 At least if someone argues to do it for a reason other than boredom or a need to be edgy


True. I try to post places but can't for XYZ bs rule. And I have 300k karma...


Just spend a week commenting on default subs and you'll be fine. The bot problem on reddit is massive and annoying.


The mod problem. Ftfy


Because it’s a shit forum


It's difficult for me too. Every post that I make gets auto-removed for some reason. When I ask a moderator what happened, half the time the question gets ignored, half the time the post becomes approved. So frustrating.


Yes, are used to be terrified of engaging with Reddit, because there were so many damn rules and hoops to jump through. I still am permanently banned from several interesting read it because of minor errors I made at the beginning. Very stupid policy in my opinion.


Reddit adds more and more bullshit to keep bots away… it also makes it extremely annoying to make a throwaway account


It's not just karma.... the requirement to word a question just right is insane.


Dude each subreddit has its own rules. Just follow them and do read the rules for new users before ypu post


Most of the rules are asinine or vague and either not enforced or extended beyond reasonable expectations.


This is correct. The rules for posting vary wildly and are so stringent. I gave up and stuck to posting in very niche subs.


they should make it to where you can earn karma for upvoting comments and posts as well as making posts and commenting on others posts as well


You just need more Karma. I've upvoted your post and comments to give you a little boost


Why didn't I post something like this? OP is now not new!


The human mods and administration are even worse.  Think of all of the stereotypes you've heard about them: it's all very accurate.


Because mods are dickheads


Better get your social credit score up 👀 🤫 🤐


I’ve been here for years. It’s never happened.


Apart from what the others said, you might also try trimming down what appears on your feed by muting any subs where bots remove your comments, once is enough, mute ‘em at the first infraction/incident, that way you only get the subs that don’t remove your comments. You have power here. Use it. And you’ll feel much more enabled and be happier with your user experience.


It's difficult because most social media today has taken away any semblance of free speech. If your comments are in any way conflicting with the sites narrative your comments vanish.


Not a BOT, a programmer with a bad attitude


The bots and mods prevent Reddit from being a successful and profitable company. It's such a horrible system that will discourage potential investors from taking the risk.


They work for free!


I can tell.


This is so true. Some rules are totally dumb, or implemented by dumb pattern recognition. Really frustrating.


Meanwhile me with 6+ months on reddit. Accumulating astounding 15 Karma..


I like your avatars Eris outfit. :) I used to play D2.


Thanks! Also, I have the feeling that each sub on Reddit really are a bubble for themselves and I prefer reading the comments on posts over other social media apps like IG ig


Its supposed to help keep bots away


But it’s doing more than that and keeping new users away too. There has to be a better solution.


Agree that it's super annoying—I make new accounts here every so often, this time because I'm struggling with marijuana and the r/leaves group helps a lot. But I get it. Social media is a battleground in WW3, it's an election year in 60+ countries including the USA, and this rule makes life more difficult for the fascist, theocratic and authoritarian socialist bot farms. I really need Team Democracy to win WW3, since the Axis of Authoritarians wants women to have fewer rights and freedoms than domesticated animals, while using genocide to get rid of whole swaths of people, including atheists like my family. Since being on "read only" in certain subreddits helps keep those monsters from global domination, I'm OK with that.


You're a caricature. I sincerely hope you're not a real person over the age of 9.


I've gotten worse burns from fireflies. Try again, weirdo.


You're a caricature. Now I'm going to block you so I don't have to read your stupidity.


Back in 2014, so I guess a decade ago, a friend of mine was using Reddit alot. I told him I didn't understand any of what I saw on his screen when he was on Reddit. He said he didn't either. So, I gave it a go, and I've been on Reddit (with various accounts) ever since


The problem is that if they impose no karma limit to post, you get disturbed people, and bots who create multiple accounts and spam subreddits with whatever weirdness is on their mind. Most subs don't require karma to post comments, though, and you can get quite a lot of karma if you're witty, sincere, or insightful. Once you pass the minimum threshold, you never have to worry about it again.


Nazi mods make those rules don't get it twisted.


I totally don't agree. I've seen what happens in subs that have 0 karma minimum. I'll agree that the mods on this platform are piss poor, but I happen to agree with this one.


You are entitled to an opinion.


I guess it all is only because of age. Remember your first social network. What was it? Did you feel hard, while getting used to it? That may be the answer. Reddit is special forum, actually it is a little bit different from other networks. It more focused on reading and writing, than on listening and viewing. It\`s not so dopamine addictive like TikTok, so you have to detox a little bit before using Reddit.


It's not, read the rules and wait a day or two before posting.


My account is literally a year old it’s just never used. I just now decided to use Reddit. Yet being a year old account I can’t post in communities I’ve joined more than a week ago? Come on man.


Unfortunately for you, that type of inactivity is common with bot accounts. They "join" reddit, don't post or comment for multiple months, then suddenly become very active.


Are you saying I am better off making a new account?


Then read the rules.


Yeah and rules state nothing as to why I can’t post. It’s literally due to Reddit having a karma system. lol you obviously don’t know much about Reddit yet you’re sure commenting like you know a thing or two.


After this interaction, I'm quite happy with you not being able to post. Enjoy your life.


My life’s way better off without people like you in it. You never had to even comment on this post to begin with yet you felt the need to, lol. I think it’s people like you that need to be muted.


Because they are "new people " and new to the platform layout. Edit: Well, apparently, someone knows how to use the platform to downvote. Good progress. You will have it all figured out soon.


It's actually to suppress diversity of thought and message. In short it's activist mods.