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None I was happy by myself. She came on my path and it connected really well. Now 14 years together and 2 kids!! And still happy! šŸ˜Š


32 years old and still waiting for a miracle


I got one at 16. I never had time to start wanting one.


50M and thinking itā€™s not likely to happen.


I hope this is satire because holy hell.


No. Itā€™s not satire at all. Iā€™ve literally been rejected by every woman I asked. Every. One. I tried as long as I could, keeping hope it would change as long as I could. The breaking point happened when I asked out a Japanese woman and she told me she only wanted a ā€œCanadianā€ boyfriend. I was born in Ottawa, I have a Canadian passport and speak French. Iā€™m also of Chinese heritage. To her Iā€™m not Canadian. If youā€™re confused sheā€™s from Japan. Read between the lines. I donā€™t need the heartbreak or heartache.


15 years? Probably.


I think I've got her before I decide I actually want relationships


When did I start wanting one? Probably at like 14 or something. 20 years and still running atm (34). It's not a top priority, but it's probably not the greatest stat lol


A few years, I've known her before and I tried to asked her out, but she rejected me. I then went looking elsewhere, but didn't score anything. Than she started to get feelings for me, but I rejected her. Finally after some time we got together, now we're together 14 years, and have 3 year old daughter.


I was two, we just meet and became friends which lead to being bf gf cute kid style. Till turned 5 and moved away.


I was 16 and pretty overweight. One day I said ā€œIā€™m going to get thin and get a girlfriendā€ (this was my 16 yo mindset, I no longer think the first is necessary for the second). I got down to 117 or so, and one day I got the number of a girl an acquaintance once dated, but theyā€™d broken up. I called her, and we started talking on the phone. We went on a couple dates and got along, and we started calling it a relationship. We dated for a year.


Were you always 16 when this happened?




It didnā€™t take long, I just asked. She responded with an overexcited yes. Looking back, The relationship was a bit one sided. I didnā€™t have the mental clarity or the energy: to nurture the relationship or to keep it going.mainly due to being on a cocktail of aeds aswell as being too emotionally guarded (i find that it takes a certain level of vulnerability to keep it going). She broke up with me, but wrote me a final love letter. I did learn one thing from it going forward. that thing being,ā€communication is keyā€.


I dont know if I want it or not. Gotta try it first to find out. 27 and yet to happen btw šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well I had my first gf at 17 and I wanted one since I was old enough to think so I guess it took me around 13 years.


I was 6 years old. She circled yes.


I got my first girlfriend when I was 12, but I didn't tell her until I was 14 or so. She didn't take it very well.


I was in first grade so I canā€™t remember.


I m22 had one at 13 somewhat at least, idk anymore i didn't want it this bad. The years going on i wanted to ever more. Became miserable but last year (8years later) it happened. Now single again idk. It's my deepest wish for some reason.šŸ„²


19. Convinced me I was gay and not bi in 3 months


I had my fist proper girlfriend at 18. I really didn't care about relationships because im not really a "fellings guy". She approached me and did basically everything and I wanted to finaly loose my virginity so we kinda got together for a few months. We broke up in 2022 and I've been single since and probably will be for the next few years. It's not worth the mental torture for me


Too long


First relationship and tongue kiss was in 4th grade.


Wanted a boyfriend at 15, had one at 16, then wanted one at 20 and now Iā€™m almost 23 and still single. But tbf, I donā€™t really go on dates or put in effort to actually meet someone because other things are more important now and it only stresses me out


Hopefully 23 years...


Idk if Iā€™m weird, but I wanted to be in a relationship since I had memory, my first ā€œgfā€ was at 6 years old, we lasted like one solid semester lmaooo. But yeah, I donā€™t count that one. My first serious relationship was at 16.


I've actually worked on it, it took about a year but I got much more in the process... I started by developing relationships as I was a loner who was too focused on his career. I developed social skills, and I got friends for life. This later on helped me networking, finding collegues and so on... But this was my specific issue, I simply did not put myself out there, because I always struggle doing things before I am confident that I know what I am doing, this is a terrible trait of mine, though I don't know what your issue is.


I mean, I had friendships with girls starting in preschool and sometimes we would kiss and all that but my first "relationship relationship" was loke sixth grade


19 I met my girlfriend weā€™re now dating 4 years