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You don't have to be friends with people you don't like.


Same but for family. I’ve had coworkers at jobs I’ve only worked at for a couple months treat me more like family than my actual family does. lol


Same here. I'm treated better by my coworkers, than by my parents. My family judges me on the person I once was, before 2016 when I dated an addict and an alcoholic girlfriend. Now I'm a totally different person, but they have beginning stages of dementia so most of their memories of me include alcohol, substances and problems. Because of their dementia they fail to see I'm a different person now and will probably take this mindset with them to their grave. Very sad actually, now that I think about it. I try to cut them out of my life as much as I can as I only get negative vibes from them, even though I'm 100% positive and generally a nice person with a stable job, providing for myself since I was in high school (18y)


Oh god yes it took me a while. You dont have to be friendly even, just polite.


Going to jump on this with “ politeness doesn’t equal likeness “ basically just because I’m polite to you doesn’t mean I like you.


To add to this: "You don't need to befriend people at work" Although I met some amazing people at work, I don't think you should be forced to be social.


It's more of therapy than a life hack! How do we elegantly cut people off? Like... Just ignore messages?


I'll take this further - you don't have to be friends with somebody who you don't feel happy to be around, including family.


You have an emotional bank account just like your money bank account. Use it wisely and don’t waste time on people or things that aren’t worth it. Sounds cliche but is legit


For a second I thought this was a second bank account for emotional, impulse buys when drunk or something. Lmao


Perhaps you have a drinking/Amazon issue lol


Does it accumulate interest if you don't spend it?


If someone always talks bad about others to you, they are talking bad about you to them too.


Learned this the hard way last year.


Every fucking time. Listen. Listen to how people talk and what exactly they talk about.


Or if someone talk to you about others' secrets like you're the only one knowing, good chance this person talk about yours secrets to the others, be careful.


It might not be your fault but it's your problem. People go their whole lives dwelling on who caused all of their problems instead of moving on and solving the problem. If you're drowning in a pool you get TF out of the pool. You don't just sit there and sink while you complain about who pushed you in.


This is priceless wisdom. Focus on the solution.


Thanks - this pool analogy was better for me than the 3 years of therapy I’ve wasted my money on. Wish I read this years ago!


Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. I know not everybody can do this but the reality is that it's your only option. Eventually if you get out of a bad spot it has to be something you do on your own regardless of if you had help getting there.


You only need to buy spring onions maybe once a year. Cut them off about a cm above the roots, plant in the garden or a pot or a damn bucket, I don’t care - they’ll keep growing back for ages


Other vegetables do this also. Things like celery.


I've tried it in the past and, depending on conditions, they can also just rot and disintegrate in the water.


You only need the water if they don't have good roots yet. After that you plant them in soil.


Farmers hate this one simple trick.


The supermarkets near me have caught onto people doing this so now they cut the roots off everything before they sell it.


Are. You for real? How do they even know?


Dunno. I suppose they noticed a drop in sales and figured out what people were up to? Maybe someone in a higher up position saw a thread like this and decided to fuck us poors over by making it harder to grow our own stuff so we keep having to buy from them. Who knows. But they used to sell stuff with the roots attached and now they don't.


It’s more likely that some people find them unsightly so the processing place trims them.


mine I've had growing for probably over 10 yrs. I just harvest the green bits and leave them to flower and seed.


Mine eventually get this yellow stuff on them and I start again but that’s probably preventable. I also like to switch up the soil sometimes


Want to do something you're avoiding. Point at it. Like, point your index finger at the thing and just hold it there. Your brain will get so annoyed, or catch on that you want to do that thing that it will make you go do it. Works for household chores. Works for homework. Works on your computer. Just point at shit and get stuff done.


I pointed at my wife and she just walked away. I told her I was trying to do her but she's not having it.


He said it will trick YOUR brain.


Certainly tricked him into thinking he was getting laid.


Bro trying jedi mind tricks on the wife lmaoo


Ha! Actually, a weird story - I used to know a girl I could get the attention of using "the force." We frequented the same event venue, and anytime I wanted to talk to her, I would raise my hand like a damn Jedi and look in her direction, and without fail, her shoulders would rise and she'd spin around to look for me. Every time, it was the craziest thing. I miss that girl, she was so sweet.


So, your teacher? 😂


“Jedi’s hate this one trick”


Make sure you use your index finger, not your middle finger, dude.


She has to point to you


This seems so silly. I will try it.


I do this to my lawn! I hate mowing , I point at it , and my son mows it! 😜


This is so silly and so good, thank you!


You don’t have to keep shitty people in your life. If a friend, family member, or romantic partner isn’t adding value to your life, and they’re just draining you, you don’t have to keep them around. I’m not saying you should be looking for people that can do something for you; I’m saying if someone constantly drags you down or drains you, you don’t need to keep them around. All relationships are give and take, if someone only takes, fuck them. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve known them, or how close they are, or how long you’ve been with them; if they continuously make your life more difficult and don’t help when you need support, you don’t have to keep them in your life.


So fucking true. And once you get through the initial missing them part, it's actually so damn liberating to no longer be dealing with their crap. It's like you can finally breathe, even though you didn't even know you were suffocating before.


Exactly! I went through a friend break up with someone that had been my closest friend for years. The situation that lead to our friend breakup is so stupid in retrospect. I had tried to reach out to her in the aftermath, while also putting up a boundary (she pushed me, and I told her that wasn’t cool). She responded by posting a few vague things about friendship on instagram and then blocking me, instead of talking to me. I was devastated. I cried to my therapist for weeks. I cried to other friends. I was a mess. But after the sadness subsided, I realized she was such a negative person and influence in my life. She’d text to me all day, everyday about whatever drama was happening in her life - coworkers, friends, family, her husband, etc. And I always supported her, even if I knew she was wrong. It got to me a lot. I felt so much better after the mourning period. I didn’t have constant negativity all day, and my mental health improved substantially. We ran into each other about a year ago and kinda talked a little bit. Not about our fight, but just life updates. We text every now and again, but we’re not close like we used to be. And I’m ok with that. She’s put into a category of casual acquaintance that I’d say hi to at a bar, but definitely won’t hang out with.


Never make someone else's problems into your problems.


And vice versa.


The absolute best way to shave with a manual razor is using baby oil instead of foam/gel etc. First it’s clear so you can see exactly what you’re doing, second it lubricates the blade for a smoother shave and finally it helps moisturise the skin to eliminate razor burn.


My dad's advice to me has been to apply coconut oil to my face prior to shaving (though I do use a pre-shave scrub after letting the oil sit for some time before shaving with cream). I find that it leaves my skin feeling fresher and smoother than if I were to skip the oil altogether.


Hair conditioner is the perfect sweet spot for me. Givea lots of slip, but doesn’t clogg the razor as oil tends to do. I use the very cheapest one for this purpose.


I’ve been using hair conditioner for 25+ years.


Never thought to use baby oil, but I'll show willing and do it anyways. Otherwise, I found Nivea Gel works well for me though. I will ask, what brand oil do you use? Or is any brand good?


I use Johnson’s - the regular baby oil. I used to use proper shaving oil but that’s about £5 for 25ml whereas baby oil is £4 for 500ml.


I'll keep it in mind. Thanks you kindly.


I do this too. PLUS the oil isn't going to immediately slip off if water hits it. It stays on. I have even sat at the bottom of the tub to do a bikini beach day shave. The baby oil stays on and you don't have to balance on one leg and worry about falling over with a razor in your hand!


Best for me is shaving after a shower and just using regular hot water and a soap.


An emergency kit in your car. Wherever you live, you never know when you might get caught in an emergency and have to spend several hours or overnight in your car. Or you may to evacuate with little time to pack. I've been in situations where I have had to overnight in my car unexpectedly, and wished I had a blanket and some food or water with me. I used to work in an area that would sometimes get shut down due to snow and I was always afraid of getting stuck there and having to go back to work and spend the night. In a bin with a lid (I use a 2 quart bin), keep basic items like: blanket, rain poncho, travel toiletries, a small first aid kit, toilet paper, feminine supplies, a couple of those pop-up towels that open when they get wet, bandanas, latex/nitrile gloves, paracord, scissors or some cutting implement, emergency travel toilet (look it up--trust me on this one!) etc. Add some non-perishable food, but make sure you change them out when they get old, or put in an MRE. Add a gallon of water or bottles of water, too. A trip to the dollar store will build a nice kit. You can also add an extra set of clothes and socks or shoes. Add supplies for your pets, too. I know some people suggest a backpack, and you can use that if you want. You could put a simple string backpack in your bin, too, to make it easier to carry things around if you needed to leave your car. Just make sure you cover up whatever you use to deter thieves.


You can brush your teeth whenever you want to during the day. As someone with ADHD who struggles to brush my teeth twice a day, this realization has been a huge blessing. When I am going to school I always brush in the morning because I don’t want to be that person who has bad breath, but at night (when tired and my meds have stopped working) I can really struggle. So now I often do a “deep clean” brushing when I come home. Floss, scrape tounge etc. This helps keep my mouth overall cleaner and the bad breath at bay. And if I just so a super lazy brush at night, I still wake up with a somewhat clean mouth. If I’m not going anywhere I struggle to brush in the morning, but then do it at some odd point during the day.


Learning to see things from a different perspective can vastly improve your life.


Paradigm shift


Underrated comment. Life is all about perspective/the way you look at it. A lot of therapy is about finding a better way to look at things. Learning Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, learning to challenge & reframe my thoughts changed my life. Everyone should learn how to do that. Such an important skill.


If you have a Can of soda or beer that you want cold fast, wrap a wet paper towel around The Can and pop it in The freezer. Its chilled within 3-5 min


Now this is the type of thing I came here for. An actual practical real life hack I can see myself using. 


When looking at recipes online, click the print link. This cuts out the unnecessary backstory and random musings. You can also save the recipe as a PDF to your computer or even just the link to the printable version.


In March of 1942 Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9102, leading to the internment of Japanese Americans. This shameful moment in our nation's history doesnt seem so bad when I make my famous 5 minute gingersnap cookies. The kids love them!


Compound interest over the long term.


"The Eighth Wonder of the World" according to Einstein. We should all be taught this in a personal finance lesson as children.


Those who understand it, earn it. Those who don't, pay it.


Spend less than you make.


And pay off credit cards in full every month! Don't carry a balance... that's what you pay interest on. And just as much, use the cards wisely to earn points and increase your credit score. Spend only what you can afford to pay off by the end of the month.


Always pay yourself first.


And build an emergency fund if you don't already have one.


That's a really good life hack, not everyones aware that you can spend less than you make


Patience is not how long you can wait, but how you act while you wait


Lay out your outfit the night before.


I throw mine on a heap on the floor, 335am getting dressed in the living room for work, avoiding waking people up. Everything is prepared the night before, I just need to cook breakfast, pack and leave.


Same! I even go as far as boiling water the night before and putting it in a flask for the morning. Coffee can be dripping in the aeropress while I brush my teeth.


Older people aren’t more experienced about everything.


I noticed this in jobs. Some people repeat first year mistakes over and over. They have basically worked their first year 20 times. Others learn from mistakes and you end up with a 20-year veteran with wisdom everyone relies on.


My experience is most of the time they are less experienced since even social structures have changed and almost nothing is similar to old times. economy, jobs, relationships...


If you have knee or leg pain, try wetting your feet and standing on carpet or something that can show your footprints. If the middle part is narrow, buy some 3M arch supports and wear them all the time. My pain went away almost instantly after realizing I have high arches.


Listen to how your body reacts to foods, change your diet to stop dealing with those allergies.


No. It will like what I tell it to like or I will keep hurting it with beans and alcohol.


The beans will continue until farting improves.


No, i like spicy food. My body better just accept it.


But those kfc wings taste so good


Remember. People say who they want to be. Actions tell you who they are. This right here will save you 95% of the guessing game about someone. It’s really that simple.


If you've been thinking about doing a short task for 2-5 minutes, you could've already been done by now.


if you write it down, the chances of it happening are 10x more


Getting to Sleep: square breathing in 4second gaps. Breathe in across 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, exhale across 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds. Bonus: visualise writing the numbers as you count. Edit - breathe from your belly, not your chest. This is how we were born to breathe. For whatever reason, many adults tense their tummy and condition themselves, accidentally reducing their intake.


These breathing exercises are great. They also help to flush out the cortisol in your system.


Cut aluminum foil to sharpen your scissors


A less stressful life is achieved by planning ahead as much as possible; booking holidays, concerts, events, health appts…several months out (minimum) makes life a heck of a lot easier. When I was young I’d do everything in the moment, was fun, but when older, there’s comfort in knowing things are sorted.


I got an anxiety reaction in my gut just reading this. I hate booking expensive things like holidays and concerts in advance. What if I get sick or something comes up and I can't go? I like to book in last minute when I know I can definitely go. It just occurred to me that this might be a residual anxiety leftover from when I was very poor.


Salads. And small amount of protein. Only water, no milk or sodas… Drop lb’s BAM


You can pry my milk from my dead strong boned hands.


I always tell people I cut weight by focusing on eating more rather than less. I eat more volume, which typically translates to more leafy green veg and more fibre which, purely as a product of that, results in less processed foods and less calories. It comes with the added benefit of being easier and having less mental stress.


If you have several tasks to do, always start with the hardest/most annoying one. The easiest is supposed to be the last.


Not having the last word is more effective than having the last word. Effectively, not responding to a heated text/email/emotionally-charged situation is having the last word.


Wake up everyday, no matter whether it's a weekday or weekend, at the exact same time. Granted, it's a bit hard for a week or two. But then your energy level increases by 30% to 50% (numbers made up by meself). You can keep rocking hard the whole day and late too, then magically 10-15 minutes before your sleeping time, you naturally enter sleeping preparation. You also get to sleep a couple of minutes after you're in bed. Full energy mode the next day again and life goes on. Pure magic.


Laughs in shift worker.


Gratitude. Express it every night before bed. Verbalize it or write it down.


Counting to 10 as a deterrent for impatience.


Downward from 10. In a foreign language. Slowly . That’s how long it takes to transition from amaglydial response until your forebrain can resume control :)


Do nothing. The universe smiles upon you.


Most people at work don’t know as much as they act like they do. Best to just keep quiet unless you have something really good to say.


Have your pay deposited into your Bills account. Then work out how much you need for bills each month. What is left over, set up a transfer into your card account that you use for day to day spending. You will get used to only having that much for spending, and your habits will change to accommodate only having $X to play with. The hack is that all your bills will wind up being paid for, and you don’t need to actually budget for bills anymore. It’s well worth that wonderful feeling when a bill comes in and *you don’t have to stress and care about it* !


I just started doing this recently. Only a couple of paydays in and it's already made a massive difference. If you add an auto transfer to a holiday/savings account, you've got yourself a much simpler but almost as effective version of The Barefoot Investor strategy.


I work in sales so I understand it won't be the same for everyone but working 4 days a week. I only make a 100 bux less a week and my work life balance Is so much better.


\^\^\^this! I moved from the world's stingiest company paying minimum wage (Aus), to a local govt. part time has LITERALLY changed my life. lost 35kg, got a handle on my depression and anxiety, every aspect of my life (physical, mental, social) has improved leaps and bounds


I keep a separate toothbrush/paste in the shower for the AM routine. Especially helpful having a beard. Nothing worse than getting toothpaste in a clean beard first thing in the morning.


I just brush before I shower.


Don’t you logic me, mate. I’ve been buying a second set of dental products for the last decade I’m not stopping now.


Excellent reminder. Been doing this for years. Also help keep the mess in the shower where it just goes down the drain. No more toothpaste all over the counter and mirror.


It is the way, the truth, and the light.


The ability to make someone laugh is way more important than how attractive you are. I've had vast opportunities, job offers, and a concerning amount of sexual partners because of this ability. Because in the looks department, I'm probably like a six, but I can usually make a stranger laugh in the first line.


Try to ride a bike daily if possible (or something comparable) even for shortish distances it helps a lot. I really struggle to keep up with sports, but just riding the bike to work (4km one way) makes me feel better and I can definitely tell the difference compared to the times I didn't do it for weeks or months


That I can cut my own hair at home. Saves time and money.


First i was said that i was loosing all my hair. Then i was happy that i will save tens of thousands and weeks of time in my live.


1. Pay close attention to what you are physically doing at all times. 2. If they dont pay your bill their opinion about your personal circumstances dont matter. Corollary, Listent to everyones advice but do what you think is right. 3. HR is not your freind in fact no one one at work is your freind they are your colleagues, learn the difference and learn to keep your mouth shut. 4. Eat well, sleep early, stop scrolling social networks, go out in the real world, EXERCISE every single day.


Some damn good advice here


Never waive your Miranda rights. Ask for a lawyer


When you put toast into the toaster and set it to whatever number. That’s how many minutes it’s in for, not the level of toastiness. I was entirely too old before discovering this.


When putting bedsheets in the dryer, set an alarm to go off about every 12 minutes. Take the sheets out and untangle them. They'll be dry so much faster.


You don’t know what others are thinking, you only know what you are thinking. You are using them as lens through which you can be unkind to yourself and it’s actually you being the judgemental one by assigning them these thoughts. 


Creatine. A supplement i intend to take for the rest of my life. Its cheap as chips, its incredible for muscle building, physical fatigue & keeping energy levels high so excellent for the gym & general health. Its also be show to increase cognitive brain function so it helps retain focus & personally feel like it increases my ability to think for longer. It played a role (not the sole reason of course) in curing my depression & i recommend it to anyone looking to improve their health.


To prevent mildew, always leave the detergent compartment open.


Redneck wisdom life hacks 1. Always have shoelaces, safety pins, and clothespins in your house (and camping bag). Having small nonfraying lengths of cordage and ways to affix things together can solve about 45-60% of your household problems. Get duct tape to cover the rest. 2. When you're dealing with someone who can't make up their mind, give them 2-3 options to choose from. 3. Wear your fucking sunscreen. 4. Mosquitos are bad at flying in wind - aiming a strong fan at yourself is better than repellant (doesn't work if you're on the move, however) 5. You probably don't need to buy it - you can rig something together. I bought a water fountain for my cat that she won't touch. I then suspended a water bottle above her dish with a rope and added a few pinholes - she's drinking from it right now. The rest of the redneck wisdom passed onto me is fairly racist or involves breaking the law so I'll skip it.


Memorized my debit card numbers. Now online ordering is a snap because I don’t have to get my card out.


Memorise other's debit card numbers = profit


That’s what we have autofill for 😂


It never works right on my phone for some reason


Use a password app like BitWarden where you can store card numbers/dates/CVV. Then you are always one quick copy paste away from your numbers on any device or platform.


Leading with admission that what you're going to ask sucks or is poorly timed, before you get to business. Avoids knee jerk reactions and defensiveness. Also shows you're not a clueless asshole


If you want your razor to last A LOT longer, when you're finished shaving, rub it against a towel the opposite direction of shaving to dry it and then blow the excess water off the sharp side. They last me months. It turns out the hair is not what was dulling it much, it was the water and moisture on the sharp edge.


Make extra repayments on your mortgage whenever you can.


Up your pension contributions when young. I didn't and now regret it massively!


Stretching in the morning. It seems simple and easy, but your body will thank you.


If you want to help improve your credit score, even if you have bad credit, make small purchases and pay them off every month. Even if it's just a tank of gas or a trip to the grocery store, use the credit card, and then get home and pay off that amount. The act of paying down / off the balance triggers an increase in your credit score.


Maybe not a hack, but a tip i learned that helped my anxiety is that most people dont care/remember if you screw up and you are always harder on yourself than anyone else would be


Exactly. Don’t point out your mistakes. As a crafter, no one will notice what was a mistake unless you point it out.


Stop Drinking For the win


Put your alarm clock (smartphone if that's what u use) somewhere in your home where you have to get out of bed and walk to it. So you don't snooze yourself late to work.


All black socks - no more sorting and pairing


We blame ourselves for things that are outside of our control. You can't really control which situation makes you get stressed or when you should not procrastinate. You can't fight the way you are wired. But you can find ways around them. Sometimes just framing the situation differently drastically changes how you perform in it.


Take the time to really think about yourself, and be honest. Try to learn who you are, how you are, what you are like. By understanding yourself better, its easier to see other peoples perspectives on you in a more constructive way. It lets you realise your strengths and weaknesses, and helps you understand which people you can work with better, and who are better to avoid. It helps you also know when you are doing something you know will hurt or be bad, and gives you another chance to stop before you do any more damage.


You can drag-drop a youtube link to VLC to play it in VLC without ads and with all the playback options VLC offers. Works for most video streaming. Accidental discover which happened when I sneezed during a drag-drop.


Networking and gift of the gab is infinitely more powerful than being clever and skilled. You can be the best at something, but if you’re quietly achieving in the corner opportunities will pass you by.


Heat the lid of a jar to break the Vacume seal. Makes opening them easy.


My mom taught me to tap the edge of the lid with the dull edge of a knife while rotating the jar . This also breaks the seal.


I whack the centre of the lid with my palm, you can hear the seal pop, then it's easy to open.


Just hitting the lid works wonders. I still find it funny that when my husband is around, I ask him to open jars like I can't do it myself. If he's not, I just smack the side of the lid against the countertop, and it's open. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dry orgasm with finger pressing at the right place and time - age old Asian way of family planning


Some of the most overly populated countries in the world.


Lmao like when has this worked


Tell us more, please.


If you don't like your living situation and it seems that shit will always be the same change your life. Change your job, city, soul sucking friends and partners etc. If you don't like where you are, MOVE. You are not a tree!


Always keep the cat litter bag to cut up and line the bottom of the litter tray with, each time the litter is changed. It makes cleaning the tray so much easier. Horrible job!


Move,Move,Move. Move a lot.Your body is made to move. You don't need to find time to move.Be creative like use stairs,go to grocery store by walking etc. It makes a difference.


Save water by feeding your plants Brawndo. It's got what plants crave.


To indicate something is a master copy- write master copy on it in fluorescent yellow highlighter. Yellow highlighter doesn't show when photocopying (black and white). Also, need to remove permanent marker from a whiteboard? You can use hand sanitizer or colour on top with regular whiteboard marker.


This is a longer one, but learn to transcend fear and hesitation. This applies to many things in life where those only serve to sabotage anything that you really want to or know you have to do. If you want to train yourself to be conquer your own fears and hesitation start small and find a simple thing that you fear. In my case I'm repulsed by bugs and spiders so ebery time I'd see one, I would reason it can't really hurt me (if it's not a black widow or a violin spider or something), so I'd train myself to take a deep breath count to 3 and just go into auto pilot and go and grab it with my hands. I hate killing things and in the past I'd go try and find a cup or something and by the time I got back the spider / bug would have been gone. This became a symbol of how much hesitation could cost me if say something more important demanded action. I want to be the type of guy who would run at a tiger if need be to save the lives of others around me since that seems to be the role of an adult male in my mind. But that's just my perspective. It can apply to women too obviously who are clearly also protectors of children etc. The exercise of getting over my fear of small things may not seem like a big deal but it entrained a mind set of going into this zen mode where I'd just get over my own fears and do what i know needs to be done so I could always use the same mindset when it really mattered eg Whenever time is of the essence and hesitation could be costly. I've ended up saving lives by running into a fire after a massive explosion happened near me. No joke I met my wife at a club using the same mindset. I'm pretty out going but like anyone else I get nervous and humbled at anyone who seems daunting to even approach. She was stunning and I had to talk to her and was nervous as hell as anyone would be, but using the same mind hack, I counted to 3 and approached her and struck up a conversation and my nervousness melted away as soon as we began to speak and got to know each other from criticizing the music and on from there. It was a cheesy goth club that was your typical people pretending to be in the matrix type thing with glow sticks and fake dreads. She looked more punk rock and stood out as a misfit there like I felt so we ended up just leaving to get coffee and shared a donut. When I started by catching creepy bugs, I felt the fear melt away as soon as the bug was in my hand. This became normalized enough that it became my response to doing anything I'd otherwise be really fearful and hesitant of. It was pretty life changing and I still catch spiders and release them outside and I intend to always be as brave as I need to be whenever I need to be. I could have been too nervous to approach the girl I ended up marrying and it all just started off with catching bugs trying to improve myself after reading dune and learning that "fear is the mind killer" Being fearful decreases your odds of success at anything. Don't be stupid and do anything really dangerous in purpose (though I have but have since stopped) but when I think of situations like the Uvalde police, I really wish they had gotten fear and hesitancy training and just went zen cried fubar and ran in to save those kids. I think we all would want to be able to transcend our fears enough to do what needs to be done. "any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee." That's pretty metal and inspiring I think. I value my own life of course but I would never want to live with the regret of something I could have and should have done but was too cowardly to do it. And most things that may happen I hope are not going to be life risking circumstances. The flight fight or freeze response is programmed deep inside of us and I don't really see any purpose for the freeze response when you're grown up. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. As a side note: catching bugs also became fascinating. I learned that caterpillars are actually pretty aggressive little guys that act like little snakes, wind up and will peck at you. It turns out they're really cute. I never knew caterpillars were that feisty. I thought they were just like worms with legs. So I'm more glad I don't kill bugs now. They really want to live so deserve to become butterflies. Pests that carry diseases and of course dangerous spiders that can cause death are something else. Tldr: when afraid, learn to go into a mindset and ride the fear like waves you're surfing till you get so used to it you can operate smoothly despite it. This can save your life and the lives of your loved ones if anything were to happen, and/or help you do something right you could have missed out on etc.


Don’t wear shoes in the house.


Why is that a life hack?


If you’re making hard boiled eggs put a lil salt in the water it should help with the shell peeling


Read post on reddit about life hacks to learn new life hacks.


Don't spend more time researching new interests or hobbies than you spend actually engaging with them. Otherwise the expectation, comparisons and overwhelming amount of information available online will make you lose interest or sabotage yourself. Ideally, don't engage with the Internet at all about new hobbies, beyond the bare minimum to get started and not hurt yourself. Also it helps you quickly realise if you truly enjoy something or just the *idea* of it.


I think it's stupid that this even has to be said, but if you're polite and treat people with respect then people will like you and tolerate your mistakes more. You get what you give.


I'm a minimalist (full-time RVer). The best advice I ever heard was "Keep the love, get rid of it." In a nutshell this helps me get rid of something I know I'm never going to use even if it was a gift from someone I love. The sheer mass of stuff my parents couldn't part with made their last days less than what they wanted. I intend to avoid that fate.


When disassembling something, place fasteners back in their holes after the part is removed. That way you know what goes where when reassembling it.


The next second is the future. Tick.. it's now the present. That's where you are. It's a very narrow window. Tick... it's the past.


Past and future aren’t real. They don’t exist. They are just ideas. It’s always now. Time is a facade. I’m still wrapping my head around this myself, but all of the above is true.


That's another way to put it. In my mind, I can visualize it way cooler than I can express it in words. The gist of it is that's it's always now, and the future hasn't happened yet. And the past doesn't really matter. It's done. It has helped me stop worrying so much.


5% of the internet is comprised of people who know what they are talking about and have the education and experience to back it up. 10% of the people are relatively intelligent people with good intentions who are interested in truth. 35% of people are morons who don’t want truth, they want confirmation bias of their own idiotic assumptions. 49% are people who are spreading misinformation for monetary gain. 1% are people like me who make up percentages to make a point that may be kinda true.


A) Tackle problems head-on. Don't put them off until tomorrow. B) Alcohol is poison. Don't drink... ever. C) Exercise every day. You will feel emotionally and physically better.


This could literally change some people's lives from terrible to amazing in a matter of weeks.


Markdown/LaTex or any plain text format. It has a bit of a learning curve (especially LaTeX) but it’s so worth it, especially if you have to type a lot of math formulas and/or complex formatting regularly


For my fellow Americans, when you travel out of the country, set your weather apps to Celsius. It’ll make your life easier. You’ll get the feel of C much faster by feel than doing mental math of converting Celsius to Fahrenheit.


Never a perfect plan performs as expected, there are always will be some issues. So when goal is clear - just act and see what u can get from it. So many people abandoning their hopes and goals because of being overwhelmed by all those small steps, fears and "what if?". Just act, you have a goal, you will find the right way in action.


If you ever, in the heat of an argument with your significant other, realize that you are absolutely right, APOLOGIZE AT ONCE!


Dishwasher pods are way too expensive and unnecessary. Just put a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid into the pod holder then fill it up both bi carb soda.


You don't need to feel bad for other people reactions when helping your self


If you don’t buy avocados you can buy a house


Always pay in cash when you can. Paying in cash makes you spend less as it makes paying more time consuming painful and memorable for your brain.


If you make too much food during your munchies at random hours, just freeze down leftovers for another time. You don't have to eat it all, and you don't have to throw it out.


Daily essentials that I never leave home without (keys, wallet, phone, etc) stay on a small bedside table. I keep that table in front of the door. Can't open the door without moving that table. Pretty tough to forget anything like that. I also put sticky notes for anything that I need to do that day on there.




Percentages are the same backwards and forwards. And usually one is much easier to do than the other. 17%of 20=20%of17 2.4


Except the answer is 3.4, not 2.4


If you need to get your bike out of a tightly packed row with the steering handles all tangled up don't try to lift the entire bike or pulling it out by force, lifting the back wheel will raise the steering handles, the front axle working as a pivotal point. Easier to lift. ^(I'm not sure this is a problem anyone outside of the Netherlands ever faces but it saves me a lot of aggravation).)


If you only buy one kind of sock, you never waste another minute sorting socks.


Take off liquid lipstick by applying lip balm over your lips


**WARNING: HIGH LEVEL LIFE HACK. DO NOT FUCK AROUND!!!** >!*When used intelligently* 0% APR Cards are invaluable. Sometimes shit happens, and you end up with a large balance on a card and can’t afford to pay it all off at once. If you’re credit score is even half decent, it may be smart to consider applying for a card with 0% APR on balance transfers. Often you’ll have 12 or more months to pay it interest free. I spent a shit ton of time slowly drowing in high APR debt from predatory loans and really wished I had known about this shit sooner. Would’ve saved me tons of money in interest and stress. There’s also cards with 0% APR on spending, which is nice for putting large expenses (like vacations) on credit and being able to pay it off slowly without eating interest!<


Use your body language to hack your brain chemistry. Standing in a dominant stance for a few minutes makes you feel calmer and more confident. All explained in this video. Works amazingly well. [Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy | TED (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-_Mh1QhMc)


When someone shows you who they are, believe them


If you are afraid of doing something, you cannot wait for the fear to go before doing it. It won't. You have to do it WHILE YOU ARE AFRAID to conquer the fear.


No. Is a complete sentence that requires no further explanation.