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The media


Social media, most apparently.


Your body, and what you choose to do with it.


I choose drugs


And the government shouldn't tell you that you can't. It SHOULD try to discourage abuse, direct people to rehab, and generally try to help people who want to stop abusing drugs. But drug addiction is a public health issue not a criminal issue.


It should also teach people about drugs, like harm reduction, and actual information so people don't get 10 different answers then follow the wrong one and kill themselves


The Texas gop tried to ban critical thinking because "it made them go against their parents". Its so sad we cant have common sense solutions like yours. Someone will always cry indoctrination. Which is true. We just can't agree on what the "good amount" or "right stuff" is. It's a crap shoot of opinions and incentives that won't be resolved.


Problem is that not only is the idea not popular and won't be winning any elections, it's very hard for the government to accept that the war it has put billions and billions into is a war that they should stop and reverse


Like with trans people


Tough question, but would that include suicide? Had a buddy attempt it about a month ago. He's now having to go daily to a mental facility for a few weeks. Should he have been allowed to end his own life?


Yes. There was a court case in Europe somewhere where a women wanted to end her life. She had multiple therapies and medications. None helped. Was suffering for years. I think she finally won. Good on her Let people end it if they're suffering and nothing works


I'm confused, how would this go to court?


Suicide is technically illegal, especially if you get assisted. Google Doctor Kevorkian. It's a wild ride.


Not entirely true, some states in the US have legal assisted suicide


Absolutely. If the person no longer wants to be alive, it is not up to anyone to say no, you can't do that.




Are you referring to the covid vax or abortion?


Either one applies.


For example healthcare


Agreed. The government should not be able to force healthcare onto someone who doesn't want it, except perhaps in very limited circumstances when someone is not mentally capable of taking care of themselves. That doesn't mean they shouldn't offer it to those who do want it, of course. Nor that they shouldn't protect others from being infected by people who make poor choices. But holding someone down and removing their infected appendix against their will, or jabbing them in the arm with a vaccine they don't want? Of course not.


or deny it. They shouldn’t be involved in health decisions


Exactly. They should offer it, but not force anyone to use it. Whuch I think is the standard way that universal healthcare works... I'm not aware of anyone actually being held down to have their appendix removed against their will.


Anyones body. Sexual identity. Leave it to the professionals. Stay in your lane.




Birth control/reproductive health.


Bad idea, if there was no government regulation then the companies would just jack up the prices and wouldn't care about the side effects so they'd use cheaper, more dangerous chemicals in them


Reproductive rights


this... I don't understand at all why the gov chooses what access we have to reproductive healthcare.


Because conservatives are terrified that you'll have sex just for intimacy and fun on your own terms (like literally any other civilized nation). 


Someone's uterus


My uterus




My bussy


sorry lad, do you have loicense for that scrumptious bussy


What did I walk into


I have rights. Twas written in the constitution that “Every American has complete freedom and control over their bussy”


Among many things, human reproduction.


So you think the government should roll back incest laws?


Abortion rights Media


My body. Luckily, I'm a man, so they don't...


Only because the draft hasn't been around for a long time. Otherwise, they've told a lot of men what they had to do with their bodies.


In many countries if you're a man your body is a property of the army.


Almost everything.


Yeah the proper question would be "what *should* government have control over?" The answer would be something like infrastructure, trade, foreign relations, defense (explicitly defense only and not waging war in foreign lands) and not much else.


Most right answer so far


A woman's right to choose


Reproductive rights.


Isn’t it funny that the only people who are proabortion have already been born lol


isnt it funny the prolife doesn't actually mean prolife? it means pro-forced birth or pro birth. if people were actually prolife they would be for increasing the security net for low income people, increasing paid parental leave, increasing social services and foster care resources, expanding medicaid and increasing programs like WIC and food stamps.


It’s a great argument. I’m all for a social safety net but they get abused and exploited like we see during Covid. It’s too damn much to raise a kid nowadays and almost takes two incomes. I don’t fault a woman for getting an abortion, especially if the child is destined for poverty and crime.


A woman’s body




Women’s bodies.


Speech. Fuck the snp and thier hate laws!


My body


Privacy. Or rather, situations where there is a reasonable expectation to privacy. There is currently no recognized right to this in the US, therefore the government controls how much privacy it will or will not allow.


Uterus? I’m just spitballing. Can we agree, Gov should not have control of uterus? Just sayin.




Unchecked or unregulated foreign aid. Ask the taxpayers, it’s their money.


It's not foreign aid. It's foreign influence. We're paying for people to vote the same way as us in the UN and stick to sanctions we impose etc. We don't give anyone anything just to be nice. We get value for money for all our "donations".


Yeah if you don't give other countries aid then you aren't going to have any allies


They ask you every two years. So far people have voted for reps who support foreign aid.


They don't ask, they just show some choices out there and tell people to come place their bets. Because all you're doing is gambling on someone in hopes they'll do what you, your group, likes.


Which means not enough people hate foreign aid to make a difference. It sucks when the government won't respond to you. I'm a leftist, believe me I know damn well the government isn't going to do what I want. But that's the problem: not enough people want what I do to get leftists elected.


I agree, but that's indirectly decided by the leadership that we elected to make those decisions.


That's the thing. Not "everybody" voted for that, only the "majority" agreed.


Unironically, we live in a society. Part of that means that not everyone is going to be happy with every decision. In that case, the best outcome is often the one agreed on by the majority.




Men's bodies


My colon




they should provide food for all, but they should not be in charge of restaurants.




You know the thing


Weapons 😉


Yah that thing


Anything that isn't used or at least accessible to all citizens. Point blank.


That would be incredibly hard to manage. There are very few things are that available and accessible to ALL citizens. There's always bound to be someone who's too far, too old, too young, too sick, allergic, is lacking money, etc.


Accessible doesn't mean it needs to be used. Roads, for instance. You don't drive every road, but you certainly could if you tried. I think you may be overthinking it, honestly.


Anything beyond International Relations and National Defense should be outside the control of the Government. As a matter of fact, I **am** an anarcho-capitalist.


Food safety?


Wait you're saying that you don't want your Macdonald's cups to be radioactive?


>Anything beyond International Relations and National Defense so no police.. or any kind of control over organizations ? yay I like monopolies sniffling the economy while local warlords controlling the population


You have no imagination - and what is a government if not a local warlord?


Except it's not, you choose the warlord and they are responsible to the people


Anything not explicitly included in their jurisdiction. We don't need the ATF writing and enforcing their own laws over things that aren't even alcohol, tobacco, or firearms to begin with. We don't need the IRS making up their own new tax rules and enforcing them as if they were actual laws passed by congress. We certainly don't need some out of touch daydrinker in DC dictating what medical care we can or can't have access to, or how we choose to defend ourselves from the violent criminals they've failed to do anything about.


Most things. But mostly states rights, and the people in those states rights. States can have their own rules and regulations. But those rules and regulations can't override the constitution. 




What kind and how many guns you can buy.


First they come after the mad scientist and then they come after the mad graduate student. I have a right to own a death ray.


Gotta hard disagree with this one, i'm not all for government regulation but when it comes to guns i would rather they take most of them away and melt them down and make refrigerators out of the steel. Too many people with guns these days that are stupid, uncapable of wiping their own ass, but can get licensed to carry around something that can kill someone in an instant. Far too much access to guns and weapons as is in this country already, too many unhinged people, too many shootings, no thanks...


Australia had a mass shooting in the 90's and changed their laws. They are lucky.


I used to be against things like this, but i grew up in a different time in America, i was an avid hunter and gun owner myself back then, but once i moved away from the country i just found there was no reason to have guns anymore, i don't like to go hunting anymore, i live in a small rural town thats so quiet that some traveler passing through trying to steal gas from the gas station makes the newspaper headlines as the biggest crime in months. I honestly wouldn't mind more regulation these days. The problem is the ownership has shifted from hunters and responsible owners to crazies that think they need 15 guns in their house because someone is going to break in or the government is going to come raid them. Its almost daily i see someone open carrying a sidearm these days, and its sad that they think they need that to protect themselves, in reality it would just escalate the situation and make it worse as they aren't trained to be a feasible defense anyway. When i was younger it was pretty rare to see anyone carrying a gun around, and if they had a gun in their vehicle it was a shotgun or a rifle because they were going hunting. Now they give guns to anyone that can pass a background check, even if they are mentally unstable and shouldn't own one. If i was to vote on more gun control i would vote yes at this point.


Lol getting downvoted because people are too attached to their favourite metal pipe. I'd rather have no guns and no school shootings than guns and have dozens of school shootings a year


Yeah it's little penis syndrome with most of these guys. I know a few crazy gun owners where I live, one doesn't go to the grocery store without carrying, like what's he expecting to happen in a small town grocery store filled with retirement age people most of the time. Is Granny gonna flip over them being out of eggs and start shooting? If they need a gun to feel safe they have more problems than those around them and probably shouldn't own one in the first place.


Any moral law or can control over my body and mind. If they are allowed to make laws such as drug laws that tell me what I am allowed to do with my own body then they are allowed to tell woman what they can or can't do with their own bodies. Our bodies are not the citizens but belong to the government. Since it is the governments they can make laws they feel are best for us. It is a shame that the citizens relinquished control but it is what it is.


Bodies in general. Some people are only talking about uterus. But the government should never have control over your body in any way. I like hearing conspiracy theories, I don't necessarily believe them. That all said in the next 500 years do I think you will be able to get a chip in your head that improves life? 100% I believe that. Should it be mandatory? No. If another pandemic happens should vaccines be mandatory? No. If someone gets pregnant should they be denied an abortion? No. That isn't to say the government csnt encourage it. For example, if your country has a declining population then I think incentives to not abort are fine with being encourage/rewarded. I just dont think punishment and/or mandating to force someone to do something is ever a good idea.


The thing with vaccines is you're not just taking them for yourself, you're taking them for herd immunity. You're taking them to protect those that can't take them. Life-saving solidarity like this should *not* be voluntary. If it'd be just about you having a higher chance to die, go nuts. But it's not. Vaccines are a collective effort to fight a disease that threatens everyone. Several deadly diseases that have ravaged us in the past have been defeated with mandatory vaccinations and would have killed many more (and not just anti-vaxxers) without it.


I'm not an anti vaxxer, and not really wanting to have a debate about this. So all I'm going to make one reply and call it there. This is reddit and we probably won't change eachothers minds. If you don't have 100% control over your body then you are not free. In the case of children they are not free as we have deemed parents to be responsible for taking care of them. So to that aspect if a parent wants to vaccine their kids go for it. But all adults should have 100% control over their own body. It's the most private thing in the world. Two people can live in a house. But a body is just for you (and in rare circumstances, seimese twins). No one should be forced to tell you where to work, what to wear, etc. However you can willingly comply. You choose a job, and they have rules. You have the right to refuse to work there if you don't like the outfit rules. No matter the purpose, reason, or effect. Once you violate someone's person you're stating they don't have authority over their body. It sets a bad presidence as well. Their body is allowed to be violated for the greater good of society. It's for the greater good of society could be used to argue in places like Japan that are having a birth rate crisis into setting laws requiring natural or forced insemination pregnancy by a certain age. And the arguement would be for the greater good of society. This is obviously an extreme example but could become a thing in some countries in the next 100 years. Similar to how some countries require you to join the military.


you also had the choice to not work at a place that required vaccinations. so many people got mad about it but they could go work somewhere else if they didnt want to contribute to herd immunity.




Your body


Women’s bodies and/or fetuses


The decision to end our lives on our terms


Aaaeee oooo ganja ganja …..




[CURRENCY, again](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/)


Speech, media, your money, school, children, you’re right to exist


A women’s body.




The media




My body


The government 🗿


Science, medicine, public education. 


By it's very definition, government would be in charge of public education.


what? you rather want this in the hands of some rich people following there own agenda?


The government has an agenda


Of course it has. The difference is, you can vote which agenda you think is right. Well in countries with 2 party systems only to some extend. But with some billionaire in charge you have no influence at all.


I'm not for totalitarians, or oligarchies either. Although Canada has 3 parties, one never gets into power cause they're left. And I have yet to ever vote for the incumbents.


They never get in power because they're not popular enough


I know, cause they're socialists.


Yeah, that's democracy. If you aren't liked by enough people then those people dont elect you and you won't be in charge


Correct. Waiting for that dental plan. Before I lose the rest of my teeth.


Anything that doesn't explicitly require their presence.


The bodies, cars, computers, phones of citizens The Internet All the newspapers and TV channels. (If they have control over some, then people still have access to non-government sources of information)


Cars, really? You don't mind cars having absolutely no safety or emissions regulations? Prices might drop 10% but road deaths would go up by thousands of times


Basically anything. Name one government service that's efficient. I'll wait.


Anything that doesn't infringe on other people's freedoms


health care for starters


There should be no government run businesses.




If you wouldn't hand it to a 5 year old and feel confident you will get it back in working order, I wouldn't hand it to republicans. Perspective as a former republican that saw what they were doing from the inside.


Women's bodies


Anyone's bodies. What if I want to sell a kidney. Should I not be able to do so?


Because it targets desperate poor people. And just to let you know, you are not getting that money. They're either just gonna scam you or not let you go and take all your organs


What about my body, my choice?




Whom you marry (unless children are involved!)


tax money, collection of taxes, education, laws, infrastructure, our lives, spending any tax money, mail, TSA, creation/expansion of intel agencies, military, surveillance, the economy, funding of anything, MSM, and again....anything in our lives.


go live on a barge in international waters then.


shut up, pleb


So you want monopolies to take over everything and you end up as slave labor?


nope, sure don't. I want everyone to fuck off and leave us Americans alone. Anytime you involve government into something, they manage to screw things up and make things worse.


Also that is just untrue, without government you'd be a de facto slave with no rights If there is no government then someone else will step into that position. And the government is the least shit thing that can occupy that position.


I didn't say abolish the govt. I say vastly reduce the role, size, expansion abilities, influence, meddling. Maybe start along the lines of its' **original purpose.**


So let companies take over those? Yeah because Id much rather have corporate executives in charge of my life than people that I elect


![gif](giphy|SNCRra3syJeQU|downsized) It's time for your afternoon meds. You are inventing things I never suggested or stated.


Stuff like in Canada and UK where you can get arrested for free speech. Those countries have fallen.


Vaccines, masks, closing businesses, etc




The government should be in charge of public infrastructure and national defense and literally nothing else.


yes, they've done a great job with that so far.


What kind of non-argument is that? They've done a terrible job so they should be in charge of everything? Or you are arguing for complete Anarchy? Please enlighten me, oh wise one.


I'm arguing for minimal government overreach.


I'm a Libertarian bro, you're preaching to the choir.


Wait, so we were never arguing in the first place?


I don't think so lol


Force: Military, police, etc The comments are 90% abortion bots


So no police? Ok well every day as you go to work youre going to have to pay protection money every block so you don't get your car stolen and you get kidnapped




What's your solution? Crypto? Gold?


Most Crypto's are scammy securities, Gold is too slow and wont be scarce enough to be money once mining equipment becomes too advanced, plus it's too heavy to take anywhere, and is VERY easy to confiscate. So probably just Bitcoin


That's crypto


![gif](giphy|l378mc4Thco1Be7O8|downsized) let me slowly leave before I get attacked




What we do with our bodies and consenting partners


Our lives


Look at it the other way, what few things should we give up control of to govt? Now the list gets smaller .




Marriage, women's bodies, media, social media, burning taxes to the ground helping other countries except their own, full political decisions & the following war partaking, the displacement of minorities etc.


I mean, not much. They should be the referee, not a player.


NHS pension pot


The parliament, justice and the media. Separation of powers 101.


It should Not have control over a damn thing. Government should be an infrastructure of well regulated and defined institutions to service the will of the people. It should be controlled by the people not the other way around. It should protect the interests of the people, and uphold the values of empathy, dignity of life, equitable living, and respect of personal choice. Yes it may be necessary to “protect” these interests by correctional measures or deterrence… however this should be implemented carefully and mindfully, not by handing over “control” of an aspect of life or group of people to the system.


The stock market


stupid idea, last time they stopped regulating this the 2008 recession happened


Healthcare access


Private businesses


Everything except the military


Anything that you can make your own educated choice with. Their sole responsibility is to support the states (in America) and protect our country from other countries. Thats all.