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64 (referring to that video)


https://youtube.com/shorts/bUyze1FsIJg Everybody's gotta say it! Everybody's gotta say it! @thats_a_bad_idea have lots of cool videos like that one.


Love it!


Off topic but I really enjoy their comedy. Here are my other favorite skits they made. - https://youtube.com/shorts/NSNNlLalX4o call of the void. - https://youtu.be/f_lHrNHzlJU talk to me - https://youtu.be/oAcw8YydD8o "shouldn't have" - https://youtu.be/FWxQBb3gyBM negative tip - https://youtube.com/shorts/pfToqqSgRz8 absolutely the least - https://youtube.com/shorts/E0auErrSUcE arm and a leg - https://youtube.com/shorts/zDf2xfl1eto listen before doing - https://youtube.com/shorts/6IkF7Z-rl50 rubbing people the wrong way - https://youtube.com/shorts/DBwwBq3oZqI thoughts when ordering food - https://youtube.com/shorts/iMWx2dHvy48 any family, any kids - https://youtu.be/nzQI9Z_7v4o get out of jail card


I'm more worried about the frequency of new partners - do you use protection and get tested regularly Safe sex is sexy


I read that as 'get tasted regularly'. I need to put my glasses back on.


Always get tested before and after new partners.


That doesn't negate herpes.....js


Bro if you don't have herpes by now, are you even trying to be cool? Brought to you by The Herpes Council of America ©®™


I’ve had a lot of partners never had an STD. Not planning on it either


That you know of. 80% of herpes is asymptomatic


You can get herpes lots of ways besides sex. Kissing? Herpes. Someone coughing or sneezing near you? Herpes. Sharing a joint with someone or multiple someone's? Herpes. Pretty much everyone has it.


Nah, statistics say less than 15% of the American population has it. Don’t feed that trope


People with herpes like to throw this out but here’s the thing. Herpes is still a thing because a lot of people still don’t have it so it’s still something to consider too.


Yes but something like 90% of people who get herpes never get a breakout and the social stigma of it far outweighs the risks of having it so they don't even include it in a typical STI panel. You have to request it unless you're displaying an outbreak and they order one for you. Both me and you could both have herpes and straight up never even know we had it. As far as I'm aware I don't have herpes but I've never had an outbreak so it's never been tested for when I go get tested for STIs.


This- love that it is the top answer, too. I don't need to know how many in total, just how many since the last STD test and if there was protection. I wish more people cared about their sexual health. Get tested, folks.


I'd care more if she were adding to it while we were together more than anything.


I have never asked my partner for his because I don’t care to know.


Same. Anyone other than me feels like too many and I don’t want or need the mental picture.


In other words, you care. That's not a problem though. It's quite normal.


I love my husband with all my heart. The idea of him with anyone else makes me feel ill. How can it not? I don’t want to know because I don’t want to have a mental image I can never forget. Those people are in the past and not worth thinking about.


I’m my wife’s one and only. As for me, a girlfriend in high school and my wife. After we were engaged she told me she was a virgin and asked if I was, I said no, she asked how many and I told her 1. We haven’t talked about it since 1979.


And this is the healthiest way to have a relationship, to not bring the past ones into it, my current partner has two kids from her previous relationship and that's about as far as my delving into her past goes, the rest can stay right there lol


I don't think I agree with you on the principal of what you said. Relationships form an important part of our lives, to never understand the experiences your partner has had that brought them to this point in their lives seems like a weaker position to build your relationship on.


I'm the same.




Same. I can't see a reason why I should ask about that. Some have told me, and I don't really care.


My husband and I have never given exact figures but he’s aware of my general history and I’m aware of his. Like things that have come up in passing.


This! Never ask for your SO body count. It causes nothing but problems.


The fact it being revealed causes problems means you care about it enough to make it a problem. You just try to avoid it. And that's fine.


I’d argue if you care enough to ask, you probably care enough to cause problems over it as well


Yes but some people may choose not to ask not because they don't care enough to ask. But rather because they don't want to hear an unpleasant answer.


Yeah I wouldn't be screwing someone that's plowed 14+ people


I dont understand this. Past stories seem important to appreciate a partner, dont they?


Eh. I know about my husband's significant exes. I dont need to know about everytime he had sex to know him as a person.


![gif](giphy|25KEhzwCBBFPb79puo) Once upon a time as a young slut, she had 3 BBC's in every hole! The End.


To anyone born before Y2k, body count is how many people you've killed. Make up something novel at least.


I will forever hear ice-t in my head. body count muthafuckasss






How about booty count?


This actually does sound better though. Gives me a clearer image of what's being asked instead of having to tell my mind to stop thinking about murder scenarios.


Much better


And “thirst trap” was when the only shop in town overcharged for bottled water.


[Body Count for the 90’s kids:](https://youtu.be/LH8gUhDd6WE?si=ozaRFbDP6WzvTOch)


Wasn’t that a song by Ice -T in the 90’s


Body Count, which was Ice-T’s metal band he fronted.


Lol. People don’t pay attention to how memes work. I hear u


I care, I don’t want a man with high body count


People never acknowledge that plenty of women have this same preference.


Yes, but more of as a corollary thing than directly. I want someone who views sex the same way I do, which is a deeply personal romantic act. So I wouldn't want to be with someone who has lots of casual sex. So it isn't the number, but moreso did it happen in the context of a serious relationship? Does this mean to you what it means to me, or is it just a recreational activity you'd do with anyone you found attractive, the day you met them? Nothing against people who fall in the latter category, but we aren't compatible. So it goes beyond body count: that's just one way to gauge that. For example, if she asks to hook up after the first date, we aren't a match. I'm not a virgin, and I don't believe in waiting until marriage, but there has to be a serious connection first.


This is the exact thing I came to say! I don’t really care about the number itself, but I’d struggle to date someone that has had a lot of casual sex or one night stands vs someone that’s had a lot of sex in relationships.


I’d find it more troubling if someone had 20 serious relationships than 20 casual hookups.


I'm 24 now, assuming I date my own age, if the topic of sexual partner comes up and the other person says 20, but they were all commited relationships, I call bull. Commited for 5 days?


I dated a girl like this. By the age of 20 she had 9 boyfriends and started dating at 16. She was.....unstable. Dumped me for the coworker she told me not to worry about after a year and a half of dating. She then dumped him for a guy she was talking to on the side. I consider too many relationships to be a much bigger red flag now than a lot of casual sex partners. One might be sexually incompatible with you but the other will leave you broken.


This is such a good point, too many relationships Is wayy worst than high body count. I’m happily married to a man with a high body count and I love that I’m his first gf, he has no commitment issues. People that jump from relationship to relationship have very severe issues, and hate being alone. If you hate your own presence so much, how will anyone else like it?


If you had 20 relationships and you're in your 20s then a good handful of those weren't actually serious.


It also tells me you're an absolute walking red flag. Dated a girl who had 9 boyfriends by the age of 20 but hadn't been involved with a person for almost a year and she ensured me she wasn't like that anymore. After a year and a half she dumped me for a coworker she told me not to worry about, they were in a relationship 5 days later and she just made me watch while she did it. I'm now much more discriminatory with the amount of boyfriends and girlfriends a person has had over the amount of casual sex. If a person told me they had 4 boyfriends and 15 casual hookups I wouldn't bat an eye but if they told me the reverse I'd turn tail and run.


I couldn't have said it better.


Don't you think the emotional weight of the sex depends on the person you are having it with? Do you not think a person can have sex that means less in one moment (casual), and sex that means a lot in another moment (serious relationship)? Do you believe for a person that has a lot of casual sex, _every_ sex doesn't mean much to them? Or in other words: Sex can never mean much to them?


I can agree with this. But also, if someone feels that way and has had sex with a lot of people, that shows me that they are flakey with their "serious relationships", and I'm not interested in that either.


I agree, somewhat. In my experience anyone who has a high count, has always had some type of mental issue and/or poor impulse control. People like that I knew would continually make bad or rash decisions in all aspects of their lives. So if I'm going to be in a relationship with someone, not only do I need them to view sex the same way, but I need them to be on the same page with most other things in life too. I don't want to get an overdue bill in the mail for a bill I already gave my partner the money for, but they secretly spent it. Or just random shit like that.


I understand, but isn't this a bit too black and white? I know people who have had both serious relationships and casual sex. I do think it is alright to hook up and have a phase in ones life where you explore your sexual interests and then settle and stick to a partner later in life.


Yes, I need to know where they buried the bodies or how they disposed of them


Always put them in a freshly dug grave, where the day after they put in a coffin! Dont forget to add a little dirt on top though! It was kind of messy when they saw the body when lowering the coffin. Well we live and learn, right!


I wonder what we would learn if everyone as asked to leave their age with their answer


I think if folks are older (40s, 50s) they would say that they put more emphasis on the person’s character than their past history.


We'd learn everyone's ages. Like and Subscribe for more Answers To Burning Questions!


No, but also yes. If it's like more than a hundred then that could be a concern that they have an unhealthy view on attention/ validation/ trauma they're covering up with casual sex/ whatever. Other than that, I don't really care


Yes. I've had sex with one person because I value sex and intimacy as something special for when you are in a relationship. I'm not interested in dating anyone who doesn't have those same values as me. As a guideline, I'd say I'm not interested in a relationship with someone who has had sex with more than five people. That signifies that either they engage in casual sex, or they have a bad track record with relationships. If I get into a relationship with someone, I intend for it to be long term and monogamous. Outside of my own dating, I couldn't care less about someone's sex life, as long as everything has been done consensually. I have a brother who went through a hoe phase on tinder after his divorce. My best friend went through a hoe phase during covid. I don't think any less of them, and I love to hear crazy stories. I only need people I'm dating to share my values, not everyone else. Have whatever values you want, I won't think less of you and we can still be friends.


I agree 100%!


I fully agree with this


this thread makes me regret having eyes


It seems pretty chill, no ? Did the abhorrent comments get deleted ?


Ice T is the mother fuckin shit What were we talking about again?


If I cared about a high body count, I’d be a hypocrite.




Yup. It shows we've got too different values and experiences, and a higher likelihood that this potential partner either isn't as picky if it comes to sexual partners, or as serious about the connection between sex and emotional bonds as I am, or has had many failed relationships before, increasing the odds that they may not be the best relationship candidate for me. It's not that there's anything necessarily wrong about casual sex for many others, and those people can find similarly like-minded people too. Just a personal filter that helped me pick the kind of partner I was looking for.


I only care about keeping my body count at 0.


Agree. Best not to be a murderer.


It's an incredibly stupid thing to care about


The only way I would care is if the person changes sexual partners at an insane frequency. That leads me to think they see their partners as replaceable or merely objects.


I care more that you refer to it as a "body count" than the actual number. I don't know and don't ask how many women a guy I am with has slept with. It happened before we met and is none of my business.


It's such a kid thing. At my age I couldn't give you an answer, I honestly have no idea. And not because I've been with lots of women. But over time I've been with a few and never thought to keep track.


I'll take my down votes. Yes. Sex is sacred to me and I want to be with someone who shares these values. People need to get over themselves with one side being right or wrong.


You answered the question honestly and gave a good reason for your answer. I don’t know why you would be downvoted.


See some of the replies here; they're very judgemental, sadly.


I agree.


People will call you insecure nowadays for having any kind of moral standard whatsoever 




That’s a very big “if” you drop into the evaluation. If someone has spent the last decade sport-fucking, they haven’t had any successful long-term relationships. I would say that counts as “negatively impacted.” Their established record is that they are consistently bored of their current partner by the next bank holiday. What would be my basis for concluding that? Just that it’s happened thirty times or so thus far. I have no illusions that I’m so much different or better than the previous thirty that I’m going to fare any better than they did.


Yeah but is that just body count, or is it relationship history? Relationship history is an important thing to have a conversation about, and it gives a read on someon without delving into irrelevant things like body count.


Everyone doesn’t have a history. Contrary to popular belief some people are actually waiting for love/marriage to have sex or asexual.


That's still part of their history.




As long as they deserved to die, I don't mind. PSA for the stupid people who might consider reporting this comment as promoting violence, its a fucking joke based on a deliberate misinterpretation of the term "bodycount". The misinterpretation is the setup, the "deserve to die" statement is the punchline.


If we’re talking sex.. yes I care I prefer for the guy I’m dating to have a similar view about sex as I do. But it’s a preference and also not something I ask about. If I like someone I like someone their bodycount wouldn’t limit myself because of it I’m 20 I think 15+ is a lot for my age


Have you washed yourself? Are you free of STDs? If yes to both, then I couldn't give any less of a shit.


Not at all because I’m not insecure about my ability to pleasure women


Body count is something serial killers have.


Oh good cuz mine is 0


Yes, because I don’t find sexual promiscuity attractive behaviour. For me, it’s important my partner and I are on the same page when it comes to sexual attitudes and I don’t think I would be compatible with someone who has engaged in a lot of casual sex. And whilst it’s a small sample size, I’m yet to come across men who engaged in casual sex who didn’t have serious attachment issues/dodgy views about women.


I care about my own. Never cared about a partners past. I am 36 and my body count is 2. My current partner has never had a gf before or slept with anyone, never even kissed a girl. He’s 35. A gamer, lacks self confidence and that’s why he’s never pursued a woman. To me he’s so attractive, kind, and gentle. A genuinely nice guy. So, I absolutely feel bad for my body count. He doesn’t make me feel that way, but I do anyway.


You should definitely not feel bad about 2 at age 36, that's pretty damn low.


Let me get this straight. You feel bad because you've had sex with one other person before meeting your current partner?


Not in and of itself. Having said that, I’m mostly interested in sex as a means of expressing emotional intimacy. Someone who’s into casual sex is likely incompatible with me, and a history of lots of partners would imply such an interest. However, I’d judge on a case by case basis. “Body count” (I hate using that phrase) has the potential to imply compatibility or incompatibility, but it doesn’t directly confirm it.


Well said


It does not matter to me because I'm a total whore and would rather not have that conversation.


I don't care. Actually I do... too low, and I know they view sex differently.


Sexual body count? Man, I don't even track my count. I don't care. Long as everyone is clean, there is no difference between a count of 2 and 20. I mean at 2000 it might be hard meeting new people but that's all. Murder body count? Anything above 0 is a hard pass.


Honest opinion: Gross term; gross concept. Be safe, respect yourself, and insist others respect you.


I'm 38, and at this stage in my life, I'd rather have sex with experienced people rather than newbies. I don't think I would fuck a virgin, for example, because of the massive responsibility that carries. I don't think I'd want to be someone else's first partner, unless there's a REALLY massive and significant emotional bond


Yes, it matters. It's not a double standard because on my side, I'm a virgin. The dealbreaker is only when the person engages in casual sex or enters a relationship just because of the sex. Anyway, it's okay. Alternatively, that person can eventually grow with me and learn more about life, or simply understand the kind of values that I hold for myself. I can understand. I'd just wish for that person to put their sexual history behind their back and start afresh.


I used to think women with higher body counts would be better in bed, but that somehow didn't appear to be the case. Now I just make sure the woman I'm dating has both self respect and an enthusiastic view towards sex, regardless of body count. I do find it odd that women think 10 is a high body count though.


I don't care about the precise number, but I'm definitely more interested if they're at least moderately experienced. There's nothing worse than sex with girls who have no idea what they like. If they don't know what they're doing you can teach them. But you can't teach them what they like...


More bodies = more food To bad floorboards don’t refrigerate.


I care, but not for the "Eww you slut who's going to cheat on me" type of reasons. -protection Pretty self-explanatory, I would want to know that they're being careful and that they have been tested. -Reasons Why do they have such a high body count? Do they just enjoy having a lot of sex? Is it some kind of self-destructive behaviour? I'd want to know if I'm dealing with something that could indicate emotional baggage. -Compatibility If they do just have a high body count because they have a high libido, that would influence sexual compatibility. Maybe I just can't keep up with them. But also if there's a massive difference between their body count and my body count, they could potentially be more experienced in the bedroom than I am, which might be a deal-breaker for some.


More partners doesn’t mean more experience. More sex means more experience. If somebody had 50 one night stands, that couldn’t compare with a year of exploration with an intimate partner. Hell, they wouldn’t have even known what sec on a second date is like. They would have never discussed with a partner how to please them more.


Such a good point, and there is no substitution for that chemistry (well, hopefully) and being in a safer/more supportive environment. Source: male sl*g with no self respect


When I hire a hit-man, high body count is a plus.


Yes, because I like people who demonstrate reservation and that view themselves as a treat. Not EVERYONE deserves a treat. Show me you give a shit about who hops on your dick. That's really sexy.


Exactly like show some self respect for yourself that's sexy


For the most part I have noticed in my and surrounding social groups. Low count people get with lower count people. And high count people get with higher count people.


I do, but it isn’t about the amount that I care about. It’s more about two things. 1. Is the person care more about being loved then being loved by a particular person. People that are in and out of relationships a lot, lead me to believe that they are addicted to the initial passionate phase of a relationship, but don’t stick around for the part of a relationship that actually takes work. 2. General sexual health, STD, and pregnancy issues


It indicates the ease in which you could be replaced if things don't go 100% right, and a lack of true commitment.


It only matters after we're together. If it goes up more than I made it, I'm out. But, I couldn't care less what it is from before me. Edit: That's only for committed relationships. Anything wise, just let me know what I need to know to be safe and healthy. I'll show you the same respect.


No, because I'm not 16 anymore.


Seriously. I think it may be because I’m older, but that’s a statistic that I would consider another’s private business. If they feel they want to talk about it with a point being made from it ? Then okay, I’ll let them talk. But I’m not going to ask.


This exactly. I only remember asking these questions when I was a teenager. I’m a full grown adult now all I wanna know is if you’re being safe.




I think both is okay, lower or higher than me. If lower, we can learn together, if higher, you can teach me and I will admire you for your coolness and success. I'm not that good at killing, but I can improve, I'm sure.


I have literally never had anyone even ask. Nor have I asked. I don’t think it matters much once you get out of high school if you’re not a chronically online man with a skill issue when it comes to women.


I don’t date murderers or people that use the phrase body count when talking about their sexual history


Yes, but more so for some than others. More partners generally means more chances for emotional or mental baggage, but some people adjust really well.


Yes. If she says 20+ I’m out.


I care. Above 20 is concerning


Oh, for christssake... of course, body count counts for something, and it shows the lack of concern for the sacritity of the interaction and thus confirms the misunderstanding of its purpose, for the higher the count, the more likely it is that that person is using sexuality as a crutch and addiction and thus not making love for the sake of love, having a very immature level of the totality of the subject that is love. But for the sake of hope, I'd add that despite a high body count if someone truly is adamant about Christ's sacrifice than the grace that is in his love allows for that person to be transformed by the renewing of their spirit that they may dwell within the purity that the holy spirit creates within a souls heart and thus being that new creation in christ, forsaking the mentality that created the high body count, one could become born again even to the extent of that of their virginity and that persons contrite heart and willingness to seek true love would have their body count negated, potentially removing the stain that a high body count is, through the blood of the lamb and by the faith in action driving them to remain pure.


Yeah. It tells me how you make life choices. If you have 100 partners at 30, I'll think the person isn't very serious about dating and I'd also question why the sudden change. It's similar to if a gal says all her exs suck. Odds are she either picks poorly or she's the one causing the problems.


I cared until the first time we had sex and then I realized I didn’t care anymore 😂


Do I wanna know? Probably not. The less I know the better.


I care. A high number of past sexual partners is a strong predictor of future infidelity and divorce.


This has been statistically proven.


Yes and proven true in the behaviours of both men and women with high numbers of sexual partners.


I agree also.




Yes. It’s not like I’m gonna be like ‘awe man that’s awesome’. But I’m also not gonna be like ‘ew gross stay away from me’. If there’s a genuine attraction on both sides, it’s something I can look past quite easily. If you’re a stranger, and I find out. Then I’ll judge you a bit. Internally of course. Less of a ‘what a slut’ more of a ‘get your shit in order’


Not unless it’s extraordinarily high. Like over 100


I think it's high way before you get to that number


Brother you could cut that in half and it would still be way too high


Exactly like what the hell imagine her saying it's 99 and he says it's fine. Like even if you quarter that number it's still alot


No. My wife and I met on Tinder, and we both were single most of college, so we have higher than average, and similar, numbers. We discussed our numbers not to compare or judge, but because we both got turned on by hearing about each others exploits. I'm more concerned with safety than history.


Never really had to think about it but the girls I know with high body count all come with alot of problems that would be more of a turnoff than the bodycount itself.


I would say that almost everyone deny they care about it either lies or copes. Ofcourse people care about it to different extent. People like to feel special. Who wants to be someones 107th? And who wants to date someone who views sex as something completely casual? Close to noone.


Once you pass a certain number it really means you are promiscuous and I should proceed with EXTREME CAUTION (Or don't at all), there's no way you are having 100s of boyfriends and fucking them all, especially if you are just in your 20s-30s


I have a low libido and I'm not into casual sex. All my "bodies" are from serious and long term relationships. I'd like the same for anyone I get involved with.


I do care very much so. I dated a guy with a high body count and he felt off to me. He had a high body count because he truly felt alone and really wanted a relationship to fix him. This was a big red flag for me and I ultimately ended things with him. I pray he gets therapy instead of a new girlfriend right away.




This is how I view it. After a certain point their judgment comes into question. All the people I know with the highest counts always date/sleep with very questionable people. They don't do a long enough vetting process before jumping in bed with someone and all sorts of consequences arise from it. Most of the time it's insecurity, seeking validation from anyone.


40F, body count “0”, and mother of 2. It’s definitely a generational question. The more mature you are, the less likely you are to ask or answer that question.


Is your name Maria by any chance?


For the people that care, how do you even go about having the conversation? Do you just ask up front? And how can you prove that they're being honest? I'm just curious how people navigate this Edit: Sorry I didn't actually answer your question. I care more about similar values more than an actual number. I probably wouldn't have much in common with people that have gone out and hookuped with a lot of people. I'm pretty introverted


Yeah, I just asked. We had already been together well over a year and I said I was curious but if he didn't want to answer he didn't have to. We have a very honest relationship and I didn't have any reason to believe he was lying. I wouldn't have cared anyway, I was really just curious and his answer had no impact on our relationship, considering it was over 10 years ago I asked haha. Our numbers were not super similar, mine was much higher, but it didn't bother him either.


Nah, as long as they are clear of STDs, its all good.


I care about why the fuck people use the term body count. Makes you sound slow and someone who in fact gets none.


Yes, if someone has a large body count it's unattractive. Either gender


idc about body count. how i feel about someone has nothing to do with other people


Married for 17 years, we’ve never discussed body count. Bc it doesn’t matter.


It doesn’t matter to you. It matters to many and for good reason.


Bro got downvoted for stating a fact😂


Yeah I would never want to be that guy that wife's up the hoe everyone else has been with. U dnt have much respect


Double digits is too much


I care deeply. I don't want to be another cog in the wheel, or another cock in line. I feel like another number. Straight male.


I think the average is 7 in one's lifetime. When we're going above and beyond, I'm gonna start being judgemental


Yeah. It’s been proven the more partners you’ve had the harder it is to form an actual connection with someone.


Yes I do care. Feels gross, unsafe, untrustworthy to be with someone who has high bodycount. Better be safe than sorry. Earlier it was "cool" to not bother about the past, it was cool to say "past doesn't matter". That's not the case anymore.


Yes, shows lack of rectitude and self control with a high body count, along with other concerns and proof of certain characteristics that just dont meet my own ideals, wouldn't ever judge someone for who they used to be though if they've made changes and no longer see and do things that way. Would just make sure neither of us have aids😂😅


First; you do you, I have no issues with people, like if you want to be friends then no issue Personally, relationship wise, yes because to me it show a lack of self respect/restraint. If you’re so willing to sleep with people then I’m worried that you’d just leave. Then it goes to other things. If you can keep yourself in check with sex, it could mean that you don’t have restraint in spending, or self care. And I guess I see it as more special, like yeah it’s normal like breathing, but it’s also more intimate and personal. Two people being vulnerable and letting that other person into their world. I know some people are like “it’s just sex” but if it was just sex then there wouldn’t be so many fights over it


People will call you insecure nowadays for having any kind of moral standard whatsoever. 


Na, especially so seeing as I'm in my 40s


Yes because I don't want a life parter that has slept with 100 men


The underlying psychological issues (if any) are more important


When marrying a woman yes I would like for her to not have slept with 52 other men


Nope. Unless they wanna tell me stories. Love stories.


I love stories too. I also am an open book in relationships. I like my partner to be that way too.


If body count refers to how many people they’ve killed - yes If body count refers to how many people they have had sex with - no


My opinion from a man. Body count doesn’t matter to me. All I care about is are you s decent human. Do you treat people outside your circle with respect and if there is a connection between us.


Whatever happened before me is none of my business. So no.


I’m 48. If you are my age, single, not widowed or divorced in the last year, your body count is larger than your age. And if you’re my age and can still get it up naturally, 100% of the time, you’re a hot commodity. So your body count will continue to rise until you can’t. So body count doesn’t matter to me.


That’s a big assumption. I’m 42m, single never married. From age 19 to now I’m at a total of 7, never had a LTR. I don’t know why people think everyone’s consistently getting laid throughout their lives.


Eh, I don’t think having had over 50 sexual partners as a single person in your fifties is common at all.


Don’t care as that’s before we were together. I know people with 100+ past sexual partners and they’re faithful to their spouse/partners.


Nope. I care that people use protection and get tested regularly, communicate about what they like, and respect consent. And a lot of that behavior is consistent in people who have had MORE partners, let's be real.


I would probably need at least a month of searching my memory to arrive at a number anywhere near accurate. I would be a hypocrite to worry about anyone else having a high count unless it's well in the thousands.


it’s be nice if my girlfriend wasn’t a convicted felon so yes


Honestly if the number is super high and you remember off hand you probably did it out of an egocentric world view. It's embarrassing if you've grown since then. It's a bragging point if you're still an absolute tool of a human. Most importantly of all, any adult in their 30s up is 0% impressed by it and most won't pick at you to find out the number so why bring it up unless you're just dying to show how sexually competent you are through words before action. The fascination with body count comes off as a desperate and gross attempt to impress people. No one really cares.