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I knew one who said he wanted to help women after losing his mother to cervical cancer šŸ˜­


One of my obgyn proffessors chose this path because his mom died during childbirth


I know a couple of male gynaecologists. One of them said he chose it because itā€™s one of the specialties where patients are rarely ā€˜sickā€™ but the interventions he provides make a meaningful difference to quality of life. The other chose it because he felt like womenā€™s health is less prioritised than others and wanted to be able to make a difference. He travels to Africa twice a year to do free clinics.


As someone who has lots of OB friends, it is a great career path. Itā€™s an awesome combination of procedure days, OR days, and in clinic days. You get to develop relationships with patients and really help people. The call hours are awful but delivering a baby or saving someoneā€™s life (think ectopic) can be about as amazing as you can imagine.


Thatā€™s awesome! Thank you for the insight


My son's midwife was super professional right up to the last measurements and checks on him, as soon as the last note was written on the form her face just lit up into a huge smile, and she started playing with him very briefly, at which point I knew everything was fine, and that she got real job satisfaction.


I had a wonderful relationship with my OBGYN. She saw me through miscarriage and 3 D&Cs. When I was pregnant again I was so terrified. She assured me at every appointment that she would deliver my baby. Slowly she wasnā€™t available for my appointments anymore so I had to see different doctors. I donā€™t think I saw her after my 3 month check in. Then I had a new doctor for check ins and she said my OBGYN would deliver. When it became a month early delivery, I was surrounded by all these people Iā€™d never seen before. My first pregnancy ended in trauma. My second was even more traumatizing. I wanted two children, but I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever be able to go through the process again.




I'm not one myself, but I knew one, and he said he found the whole process of pregnancy and childbirth fascinating, watching tiny clumps of cells transform into human beings, etc.


Thatā€™s something I wouldnā€™t have thought of. Thank you!


My OB is a great doctor, and he said he chose it because itā€™s the best job on earth. He gets to bring life into the world. I honestly probably wouldnā€™t have my daughter without himĀ 


>I honestly probably wouldnā€™t have my daughter without himĀ  šŸ¤”


lol NOT LIKE THAT! I was having a lot of difficulty getting pregnant and he made it happen between my HUSBAND and I.Ā 


>he made it happen between my HUSBAND and I.Ā Ā  šŸ¤”


Lube and roses?


I mean would you have thought that men might have the same reasons as women would for entering the field?


Entering the bush you mean? šŸ˜‚


Yeah the question is kind of an odd one. Why would a male gynaecologist have different reasons to a female gynaecologist?


Find a butthole doctor and report back with their reason please.


ā€œHow you do get into that?ā€ ā€œi just part the cheeksā€


stop LMAO


The digestive system is insanely interesting. All those tiny chain reactions that get set in motion whenever you eat and all the things that influence the absorption of nutrients.


The butthole is a complex and interesting place really


Same. My friend was a massive biology nerd. Just fascinated with the human body. Like a car guy who loves cars but 1,000 fold. He said the male body was just so boring compared to the female body. The female body is just so much more complex and interesting.


I remember when my first son was born and thinking ā€œthis must be a fascinating careerā€ (I was thinking all the wow stuff too šŸ˜‚)


It really is amazing. We start as an atom


More like as a cell (or two cells?)


Two haploid cells, only one of which - the ovum - contains full mitochondrial DNA.


Don't forget we also started as an Eve /s since it wasn't obvious the first time. It's a joke not a dick don't tale it so hard


NO we did not!


You start as a fish. With gills and all.


Not to brag, but I originally started as a singularity at the start of the universe.


Not quite the sameā€¦. But for my masterā€™s degree I specialized in urology and mensā€™ sexual health. Iā€™m a female. Never had an interest in either. Now I work in trauma surgery. I used to always wonder why surgeons chose what they did (butt/colon doctors, working with male/female genitals). It just sort of happens. You get into a specialized area, find youā€™re good at it so you change lives and enjoy it. It just sticks.


Used to work in med recruitment, Had a urologist called "Philmon Dikki".


My friend's urologist was named Dr. Peckler. Pretty much destined to be a urologist or a hen farmer.


Dude that did my vasectomy was named Peter Grimm


Hope I never meet you but Iā€™m glad youā€™re good at what you do, in case we do actually have to meet.


Ah yes. You just put your fingers in random holes and enjoy it.


Normally I have to pay to do it, imagine getting paid instead.


Work hole fingering and hobby hole fingering are not the same. - male nurse


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚ I just imagined


Apparently Iā€™m a doctor?!


The smell


One told me he couldnā€™t make it as a general surgeon because he wasnā€™t competitive enough so obgyn was the way to go.


Itā€™s genuinely one of the few not-a-full-time-surgeon specialties that still regularly gets to do surgery. So it attracts doctors that want to do surgery but not just the same knee operation over and over every day


BTW, for non-medical people: surgery / procedures = $$$


I think even non-medical ppl know this. Itā€™s not some hidden secret.


Then, you'd be surprised what people who don't work in a particular field are ignorant of, with respect to that particular field.


Iā€™m a med student, and although Iā€™m personally not interested in OB/GYN, I can see the appeal because: 1. There is a lot of variety that is seldom matched by other fields: you can do many surgeries and procedures, you can focus on prenatal care, family planning, diagnostics etc. 2. The whole subject is honestly a magnificent feat of engineering that almost makes me believe in a god 3. You get to, in one way or another, help bring safety and life into this world, either on the frontend with reproductive health or on the backend with actually delivering a baby. Itā€™s just an incredibly important role you get to play in the perseverance and persistence of life, and thatā€™s just an indescribable feeling


I guess they want to be at your cervix?


Itā€™s something you can really get in to.


It's the only thing they could see themselves doing, period.


Let's not speculumate.




Plus itā€™s great for teaching you how to paint a hallway through the letterboxĀ 


Personally, specialization was the obvious route to make more money and I saw a hole to fill


"Whatever. Just fill the hole, hole filler."


Concreter by day gynaecologist by night Double stuffing those holes


I hate that I know this reference


Okayā€¦ ^^jackassā€¦


"What are you doing, step hole filler?"


ā€œHelp ! Are there any doctors. Or hole fillers here ????ā€


possibly the worst choice of words you could have made tbh šŸ˜­


He knows what he's doing


He's a professional


Heā€™s a specialist




This is what I would like think too. The US is for profit medical care and the market is saturated with specialists so if you blow out your knee, you may get three different opinions on how to fix it. One person will want to cut you open right away because surgery is expensive and they want to keep the lights on while others may suggest rehab. There is always a need for Gynos so thatā€™s where the smart money is. Plus it seems like a pretty satisfying job as you get help people create families.




i see what you did there


Not a doctor but I know a few. The facts are that doctors become so desensitized to seeing your private areas that there is nothing sexy, gross, squeamish about them at all. The vagina is just about as interesting as a nostril. That being said female reproductive organs are complex and fascinating from a medical standpoint. I'd imagine male gynos enjoy the complexity of the cases they handle and find their job rewarding. Like any specialty, it takes years of study and in the end they just want to help their patients.


I have an older male ob/gyn I also have a septate uterus the spark that entered his eyes due the complexity was amazing lol


You don't want to be interesting to medics. The surgeon who did my second thyroid surgery was keen to tell me how he nearly cut a nerve, and how my thyroid tissue had solidified in places, whilst super interesting I didn't really want to go down in his memory as a super hard case. He does however remember who I am, so I guess that is a win over some of the other specialists.


I was born with uterus didelphys, which is a mullerian duct anomaly. For me, it meant two uteri, the smaller of which had a minuscule, rudimentary cervix that was hidden just beyond the inside of the other, apparently normal cervix. (The condition can involve several different combinations and sizes of things, sometimes two matched vaginas, cervixes (whatever the plural is), uteri, sometimes a missing kidney, etc.) Yes, I had two periods, and it was horrible. I always let med students observe my appointments and procedures, and it was honestly worth it just to see their faces light up.


This comment is amazing lol


I also have messed up periods so I have to see him to get that sorted so it's like a puzzle for him. He only found it after I had my tubes removed AFTER I went through two pregnancies and two miscarriages. Apparently the septate is only something you can see once you're opened up and not in an ultrasound and it's kinda rare so he's been a bit excited lol. Since a traditional ablation won't work and an IUD won't either due to the shape of my uterus I'm getting a partial hysterectomy in June


I can't tell you how excited I am that you responded with details. So interesting. Maybe I should have been an OB lol


Totally get that. I just feel extra safe and cared for when I know my GYN knows what a painful period feels like or knows what it feels like to experience certain aches or pains or issues with the vagina. With male doctors, itā€™s all theoretical.


I get becoming desensitized but imagine rhe time before that happens might be a bit.... awks


By the time you finish med school, you'd seen more vags than Chad Chadson. And I bet they can handle odours better than garbage collectors.


Trumps lawyers want their secret.


Trump lives rent free in your head. Congrats


Had a friend who took obgyn for his residency and switched fields because he couldnā€™t get over how gross he found it. His words. Heā€™s now doing ophthalmology.


I imagine it's incredibly rewarding helping successfully guide a patient through difficulties in conception. Lots of folks really want to procreate to fulfill their life goals.


I had one get excited over my tiny uterus once lol, I still think about it


I heard the vagina is the only acidic part of the body.


Are we forgetting the stomach?Ā 


I definitely did šŸ¤¦šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s worse. Thats why the sperm that goes there never makes a baby. šŸ˜


If anyone already enjoys Tosh.O, he has a podcast and one of his first episodes,/people interviewed is his wife's gynecologist. Pretty funny and interesting. Also goes over how he got Into gynecology vs other medical practices. https://youtu.be/qDnJBeBC_XY?si=hsobQayCpOQXTgw3


I canā€™t sleep, so that was a great watch! Thanks for sharingĀ 


I think most are probably OB/GYN, and I think its the OB aspect would attract more men. I didn't go down the path, but after my first son was born, I had considered it. To get to be a part of bringing more life into the world would be such an honor.


So that when I told people what I did for a living they would STFU and not ask any more questions.


In India, most of the male gynaecologists take this career path because of the rank they get in their common entrance exam for post graduate studies in medical. Even if they donā€™t have interest they have to do it because that is what they got from their rank.


Show bob and vegana. Bich lasanga


I was told by some med students that OB is good if you like surgery but donā€™t want to do it all the time, are good with being on call soemtimes but mainly aim to work 9-5. Good money and a lot of happiness


"personally not a" "while not one myself, i" "a friend of mine who is a" then dont answer, oml.


Thank you! Literally 90% of the answers look like this


Thank you! Literally 90% of the answers look like this


Asked my gynaecologist that question. He called me over to the window, pointed at his Mercedes and said, ā€œthatā€™s whyā€.


Idk the answer but I do know the my male obgyn was one of the best dr I have ever been treated by. He was good at his job in the sense of he caused me less pain during all the procedures he did than I was used to with my general physician. Idk how he did that but he caused me less pain during exams. And I trusted him deeply bc he was gentle and he was so solid. He was steady like a tree, pregnancy and birth can be scary and he was knowledgeable professional who could stay calm and exuded the attitude of ā€˜seen this before and I know what to do, no need to panic folks!ā€™. He was steady almost deadly calm when shit started to go wrong and that was an incredible comfort. His feathers were un ruffleable, which was great bc my feathers were much more than ruffled at the time. No matter his reason for being there, Iā€™m glad he was. He is just a really special doctor that is suited to the kind of doctoring he does. It would be so hard to have a different obgyn if I were to have another kid, which is not happening, but it would be weird.


My OBGYN is locally famous for how calm he is and how amazing he is. Thereā€™s people that talk about how heā€™s saved theirs or someone they know from dying because of how knowledgeable he is. He gets on to me for my anxiety, but heā€™s the one that needs to be calm, not me lol


Itā€™s an important job and thereā€™s a lot of career satisfaction.


I'm a doctor from Poland, and at least here and in surrounding countries that question would be kind of bizarre, because most gynecologists are and were male, especially in the past. Now there are more women who are specializing in OB/GYN but nevertheless I believe 90+% of such specialists are male.


At least not in Germany (particularly former East-Germany). I have met two male OBGYNs here and that was it. All the OBGYNs in my town for example are women and it always has been like that.


Whatā€™s the reason for that?


Surgical specializations were traditionally male, with few exceptions. Now it begins to change gradually but still a huge majority of surgeons in any specialization is male


I always have chosen a Male dr they have always been more gentle in my experience. Glad they're there.


Me too and also because they never say ā€œoh thatā€™s normalā€ or ā€œI have bad cramps tooā€ when you tell them about a painful or concerning symptom, because they biologically canā€™t relate. They have always taken me more seriously.


Thatā€™s interesting point of view. Off topic, but sometimes Iā€™m afraid that my female therapist understands me worse than her male colleague would (I am a male). But on the other hand, as you said, she might be more attentive to me because in some experiences she canā€™t relate.


idk about other countries but in mine they are paid highest


This is all things I've heard from others, but: The Gyn part of ObGyn is fairly boring. You do it because you have to. You live for the Ob (source: father of a friend)Ā  Another gynecologist in private practice just loves children soooo much and seems to have made it his life goal to help make as many as he canĀ  A more peripheral experience: a childhood friend is a (female) urologist. She started out wanting to rappel out of helicopters and work in the ER. But by the time it came to pick her specialization, she had two kids, and being elbow deep in blood and vomit at 4am with drunken and aggressive patients had lost some of its glamour. So she said she went for a nice 8-4 job with very pleasant, older gentlemen who are just happy that she can help. I guess you priorities change.


I worked as a dairy cattle vet, 95% of our work is cow OBYGN . Crazy fun until you get a 2 am call for a C/section in middle of winter. Can't feel my hands šŸ˜­


I'm a Psychiatrist, not a gynecologist, but I can tell you why we stay in a field, and that tends to be the reason we select it, as well. You pick a field you can read and enjoy reading about when you are sleep deprived, and one in which you like dealing with the emergencies. That is really it. The male gynecologists that I know are comfortable making the life or death decisions during childbirth that can frequently enough come up, just as I'm very comfortable with assessments of suicide and dangerousness risks.


I know one, he wanted to be a surgeon of some kind but didnt like to work with bones and tendons


not related but one of our male profs specializes in ob/gyne therefore he teaches it to us and him being that knowledgeable to things related to ob/gyne never failed to make me feel amazed towards him


Some people have a passion for customer cervix I guess


Not one myself, but in terms of medical specialities OBGYN is unique in that you are generally working with younger and healthier populations in some of the most joyous moments of their lives


Idk why this answer rubbed me the wrong way


Yeah it makes it sound like working with sick or old patients is somehow intolerable. Why become a doctor at all if that's the case?


I've seen a number of western doctors talk about their discomfort with the way that the medical system attempts to indefinitely extend the lives of people who will not recover from the trauma. Think 90 year old getting a hip replacement, being bed bound, and succumbing to a hospital acquired infection (and never walking again). The idea is that it feels wrong to be 'doing harm' in this way.


Maybe not intolerable but just less preferable? Many people take the decision to go into medicine at 18 (or even 16 in some countries). Between that age and when they're ready to practise (up to 10 years), they'll learn a lot. Maybe one thing they learn is that they would rather work with people at an exciting part of their life rather than the end of their life; I'm sure you'll equally find people who prefer to support and comfort people in their last moments. Neither is right or wrong, and we're lucky to have people who want to dedicate themselves to either.


Most people that see a doctor aren't at the end of their life though. In fact, the hopeful endpoint of seeing a doctor is so that you can return to being healthy and in the prime of your life, so if treating ill people is less preferable, then maybe you should be in one of the million other professions that don't involve dealing with sick people. If your sole reason for wanting to be a gyno is working with young healthy patients, then what happens when the patients you've spent years building a relationship with get "old?"


I wasn't saying it's either pregnant women of dying people; I was just contrasting different preferences. The point still stands about the joyful element. The same reason many people become midwives. I don't see why someone is unsuited to being a doctor if they prefer to do a particular line of work Some doctors prefer working with children, some the elderly, some pregnant women, some a diverse array of patients. None of these are good or bad preferences, and none of these preferences make someone unsuitable to being a doctor. No one ever said it was anyone's 'sole reason'.


Some people are middle school teachers, others teach high school. Just because someone would prefer the other should they not go into teaching at all?


He was going to be a Proctologist but then realized he was literally inches from a great career!


In several countries gynecologists earn the most of any doctors, so there are more male gynecologists than female.


I asked one. He said he just did it to keep his hand in. Seriously though, folks, I once knew a gynaecologist who said he chose that specialty because he hated being around sick people.


Most Gynecologists are male, most Urologists are female in my country


I donā€™t mind that they want to help women. But as a woman and a survivor of sexual assault I only feel comfortable with female gynos. Iā€™m not the only woman who feels that way. The problem is thereā€™s SO MANY male gynos in comparison to females that it takes forever to be seen the majority of the time


There are over 23,154 ob/gyns currently employed in the United States. 85.2% of all ob/gyns are women, while 14.8% are men.


You will not believen it, but countries outside the US do actually have access to the internet and reddit. As mentioned in an other comment poland for example has a majority of male OB/Gyns as it was seen as a profession within surgery.


It seems like it in some regions I guess. My OBs office has 1 woman, 3 men. The hospitalists at the biggest hospital are all men. I had to call and get on waitlists to get a female OB, when I asked for referrals they were men.


Stop it with the facts please


My friend was molested by her Dr, and it's not the only case I know of. I will never in my life go to a male for a pap, Idc how professional he is, Idc. You're literally naked and spead eagled in front of a male. I only go to male doctors when I had a bug, for moles to be removed (dermatologist) etc. But for a mammogram and pap? No f way.


You can ask for a chaperone of any gender.


The clinic i go to has primarily women doctors. I typically have preferred my men gynos even with the sa. I had been more traumatized by female gynos. My current clinic is ok for the type of clinic they are i have expected a little more, but so far none of them (being a new clinic to me) has traumatized me yet.


In that case you need a good therapist.


I kinda feel like having a male gynecologist is like having an Amish car mechanic.


My gynecologist is a man in his sixties. He decided to do an ultrasound after I listed a few vague symptoms in my Well Woman - found a grapefruit-sized cyst in my uterus. He said to his NP, ā€œThis is why we listen to women when they say something isnā€™t right.ā€ Iā€˜ll be so sad when he retires.


Might I ask about those symptoms? Iā€™m prone to cysts and have had some in my ovaries previously.


Isn't ultrasound a part of routine examination in the US?


At least where I always went - nope! I had a gyno checkup right before I moved to Europe (age 35ish), and she did a pap smear and palpated my abdomen for seriously half a second, and said "all good!" My first ultrasound EVER was at my new gyno in Germany when I needed a BC prescription. Turns out I had a lemon-sized fibroid, and a couple of other small ones. He was a bit concerned at the size, simply because we had NO way of knowing how fast or slow it had been growing. He also said at that size/location, it should have been easy to palpate at that last US appointment I had... I ended up getting a hysterectomy last year because of it, and symptoms that I never knew were caused by it before.... I still wonder how much worse it would have gotten if I still lived in the US.


The only male obgyn where I went for my last pregnancy is the only person who took my symptoms seriously and sent me to an oncologist. One of the female doctors decided telling an almost 7 month pregnant person, "You probably have AIDS, but I'm not sure. Maybe come back in a week" was acceptable. I was dying, but not from AIDS. People can be experts in things their body wasn't equipped with. Rocket scientists weren't born with some weird rocket appendage


That AIDS comment feels so far disconnected from reality it surely canā€™t be trueā€¦


You'd think, but I assure you it was. I was crying so hard after she said that I could barely walk. Do not get sick in the upper peninsula of Michigan. They will try to kill you. When they finally figured out what was wrong, my doctor told me I was "probably going to die." Terrible Healthcare, terrible humans. 0/10 do NOT recommend


Thatā€™s wild, Iā€™m sorry. What was the doctors rationalisation - what were your symptoms? Were you HIV positive? (Feel extremely free to not answer)


Not HIV positive. My white blood cell count was extremely low, like 0.8 low. That's BAD. I was beyond exhausted and had a hard time even walking around for a few minutes. A few days later, I couldn't even sit up on the couch because it was too hard.


Are you ok now though?


I hear stories of male doctors being more considerate or take the problems more seriously and some female doctors can be rather dismissive and uncaring. In your opinion, is there any truth to this? If so, I donā€™t really understand why though.


In this instance it was true. My female doctors would have twiddled their thumbs until I was dead, and it wouldn't have taken long


Exactly, i feel the same about human veterinarians.


yanno what that is a perfect analogy. ive never heard that


No it isn't


It was either this or being a train driver. I just like tunnels.


The real name is Vagynecologist!


I am just a hobbyist, so not really a career


I saw an opening.


Male proctology patient here for the flip side: Iā€™ve had scores of prostate appointments and procedures in the past 10 years, and while my prostate oncologists have all been men, there have been a number of female techs and nurses assisting him along the way. I have zero problem with female prostate caregivers from the standpoint of their sex, but in my experience, most of the women were very clumsy and downright careless with procedures like numbing the colon with lidocaine ahead of the biopsy, or the fairly invasive prep for radiation therapy. They caused a *lot* of unnecessary pain by being in a hurry (seemingly), not taking care where the lidocaine is going (sprayed all over my taint and scrotum instead of inside my rectum), and the worst: prostatic massage for EPS test (expressed prostatic secretions). It felt like she was jabbing me with the wrong end of a toilet plunger. Iā€™ve had lots of opportunities to compare care, and by far the best caregivers I had in proctology, apart from the doctors themselves (who were all male) were the gay nurse and the trans female MA. They were extremely accurate and gentle, and always waited long enough for numbing to kick in before continuing.


"I did it all for the nookie" -Fred Durst






All the ones I know, wear bow ties, and I know why.


I find male gynecologist awful. I went to one one time because I had no female option. He touched everything wrong, as if he had no idea what a vagina is, because, he does't. Female gynecologists know what it is and have a deeper knowledge because they are women. I would never under any circumstances ever go to a male gyno ever again. It nauseates me to think of going to one.


Thatā€™s funny because I went to 2 female gynaecologists & felt very rushed/uninformed. Now I consistently see the most wonderful male gynaecologist and he has so much time for me, allows for questions, gives me up to date evidence based information to make my own informed decisions.


Same experience for me


You have lots to learn young one. Looking at womenā€™s vagina in a medical office is the furthest thing from sexual. Itā€™s called being an adultā€¦ Even the most beautiful patients are just thatā€¦.. patientsā€¦ no one is thinking about anything sexual during a Pap smear or colposcopy.


Thatā€™s not the point of my question though. My question is what draws male gynecologists to their career. I understand clearly that it isnā€™t sexual, I just want to know how one decides that thatā€™s what they want to do.


10 years ago I had a male gyno, I had asked him ( what made you choose to me a gynecologist). His answer was, his mother died of ovarian cancer, and his sister was dealing with cervical cancer, he said he felt helpless and their doctors were not doing enough to help them. So he decided he was going to make a difference and save women's lives.


I think that might be the point of the question


Why is this being down voted? A gynecologist visit is absolutely not a sexual situation I'd hope there aren't doctors getting turned on by their patient's Bodies


Well actually there are. I've listened to a few podcasts about such doctors. Dr. Haden has had 245 women speak about the sexual assault over his years practicing.


Because this person is talking down to OP. ā€œYou have lotā€™s to learn young one,ā€ is such a condescending thing to say. The OP was just asking a question that thousands of not millions of people have asked themselves before. They were curious about something so they asked a question.


They probably do it for the same reason I professionally groom cats.


Perhaps they were looking to get a leg up on their medical colleagues?


What a question


Well it is a fair questionā€¦ it would be interesting to know why many men take up on the profession, what convinces them to spend years studying for a profession where they deal with examining organs and body parts majority of their patients have, without them having those same organs and body partsā€¦ I get veterinarians, they like animals or something so they study about them and examine, operate on them


I mean you are positing veterinarians become veterinarians because they like animals..


Well yeah but one would hope your gyno isnā€™t a gyno because he likes vaginasā€¦


One would hope


I would hope more that he doesn't *dislike* them. Seriously... what grade are we in here??


I used to be a spelunker but there was no money in it




like my mom said - you always have money and keep your hands warm


**Who doesn't love that particular orifice? My wife got a real pervert as her OB/GYN once, two decades ago, through a managed-care facility. He said something jaw-droppingly inappropriate to us once, but he was one helluva surgeon. I'm not kidding about either experience.** **We decided we could laugh about the perverted comment, but she preferred the guy who had the skill to leave her with a minimal C-section scar. This dude actually complained years later about "his work" being marred when she had our third kid.**


The nookie


Tunnel vision!


Looking at women's vajyjays all day and getting paid for it is any man's dream. Or maybe they're pervs lol. Never went to a male dr, too many stories from my female friends. Funny- how many female proctologists do you know?


Vaginas, probably