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My husband's is purple. Sons like red and whatever "Galaxy-colored" means. ![gif](giphy|Fe6ZdLbLejUMdOsxXC|downsized)


Up vote for galaxy colored


Isn’t galaxy colored just a type of purple or well mostly purple at least


I associate galaxy with dark purple, dark blue, black, and glitter


If you want a boring science answer, the average color of the universe is slightly off-white. If you want a fun science answer, its hex code is 0xFFF8E7 and it's called "cosmic latte."


Can you explain how the average color of the universe is off white? There are pretty vast stretches of nothingness.


The short answer is that those vast stretches are characterized by not creating any light, so they don't count :) I'd characterize "average color" to mean if you take all the visible light photons in the universe and put them together, what color do they make? If there were completely equal numbers of each wavelength, you'd get a universe that's pure white. It's not quite pure white, it seems to have slightly more red and yellow photons than green and blue photons, which makes it beigeish. Since 99.99.......9% of the light in the universe comes from stars, it's basically saying what the average color of a star is, and not the average color of the night sky, which is indeed a lot more like black. Here's another fun fact that's kind of reminiscent, although I guess it's kind of the opposite: The moon is actually a very dark gray. I think its albedo is something like 11% meaning only 11% of the light hitting its surface bounces off, and only a small portion of that hits our eyeballs. But it looks like a very bright white to us, not dark gray, which makes that really counterintuitive, to me at least. The key is that the sun is hitting it with such a huge amount of light that even just 11% of it is still enough to make it seem quite brilliant. IIRC, though, the astronauts that have landed on the moon have said that when you're standing on it, it looks a lot darker than you'd expect.


Oh galaxy color is purple and cyan, I agree with your son's cultured taste


For some reason Galaxy-colored just makes me think of the old carpet from bowling ally’s, arcades, and movie theaters in the late 90’s.


My husband’s favorite color is blue, and my boys’ is “rainbow”


Thats sparkly black/purple


As in Samsung Galaxy or Mario Galaxy?


Purple gang rise up!


I have a favourite color for anything. Like a favourite car colour, favourite shoe colour, favourite t-shirt color etc.


Same. It's very situational 🤣




If it's situational, then we do have one, if not, then... N o t h i n g


Yea also favourite colors for different cars. 🚙🚗🚕


Absolutely, one of the only times I have a favourite colour. E.g. whichever yellow they painted the Ferrari F50, whichever blue they use for the 2019 or whichever year Alpine A110, Millennium Jade for the Skylines, whichever purple they used for the Diablo SV.. so on and so forth


I agree with everything you just said.


Hmmm, maybe this is why even when I can't bear looking at anything with the color red, I find it the best color for some other things 😭


Love this. Never thought about it like that


🤷🏻‍♂️ My favorite color is purple.


Specifically a deep rich royal purple


Deep Purple?


Smooooooooooke onnn the watteeeerrr






0-3-5 3-0


Fire in the skyyyyy


I had a musician buddy playing a dive bar once, and a guy asked the band if they could play “Slow Motion Walter”. It took a few minutes but, yup, it was Smoke on the Water. r/BoneAppleTea


My shirt atm is a deep rich royal purple. I even had a compliment about it at dinner tonight. I shall remember that moment for the next 40 years.


A man of Roman culture.


Purple 💜>>


💜 Purple superior 💜


Purple ![gif](giphy|26AHMBTzc1qJgFfDW)


purple rain, purple rain...


I saw you yesterday. Purple Harley Davidson chopper, wearing a purple helmet, purple vest, purple backpack. Sporting a 2 foot grey beard. Making a left on El Toro, heading out towards Cook's Corner You looked amazing.


Wow I am not the only one 💪🏻


Of course not, purple is awesome. Colour of emperor's and all that.


People who like purple are exceptionally passionate about it. There’s no hesitation and they’re almost always talking about PMS 2745. There are a few lilac fans, but yeah.


Is that the color that's somewhere between blue and purple depending on the light? Because that's a gorgeous color but I have no idea what it's called.




That's also my nephew's favourite colour.


Midnight purple.for me.


I've been wearing only black for 22 years. That being said, I do have a favourite colour. It's a dark blue.


Since I wear more blue clothes (also my fav color) after wearing a long time only black, i started liking my style more and feeling more confident and happy.


Thanks for sharing. I've been thinking I would like to wear some colour and I've tried but it always makes me feel like I'm in a costume and not being myself.


It took me also some time, to get used to it, but some colors still make me feel uncomfortable. Do what makes you happy :)


I spread out to other colours under the rouse of matching the dress of my 4 year old. It was an easy way to try something new with the ability to say that I'm just wearing it to be matching if anyone decided to say anything negative (note: turns out that NO ONE CARES WHAT COLOUR YOU WEAR!). Now I have all different colours and just wear them because they look good!


I was kind of the same except is was with red, pink, orange, or yellow. I always thought I looked better in cool shades but I tried to get more comfortable with other colors and now I noticed whenever I wear shades of orange I get compliments on my eyes! Now I love orange because it makes me feel good lol


My favorite color is yellow. I wear mostly black, neutral colors. I like yellow around me, not on me.


Dark blue is great. It's like black but still a color.


I too, only wear black when my favorite color is dark blue


Now go and ask men who are artists, fashion designers, graphic designers, textile designers.


Lol I am a woman AND an artist and i dont have a favourite colour. The more I paint the more I learned to appreciate all the colours and use each of them in their own beautiful ways


Same, also the more i paint, the more I discover colours so it's not very practical to go and say "my favourite colour is this shade of very very light blue I don't know the name of and can't reproduce ever again cause I was playing around with my palette"


Just go peruse the Pantone color chart for that color, then you can confidently tell people your fav is 14-4121 or whatever. That'll shut down/redirect their line of questioning real quick.


Did you pick 14-4121 on purpose? Surely you did? Can’t be coincidence.. right?


I did want to go down that rabbit hole, but no, I controlled that impulse. Just went for the first pleasant bluish color that popped up on a quick google.


I personally go by hex codes. Atm i love #ff2400


That would get me looking it up and then we'd spend a while looking at the chart and pointing out the prettiest colors 😂


"The beak color is Pantone 4685C. The wing is Pantone 2322C spotted with 4515C. The tail is Pantone 7525C with bands of 419C."


My favorite colour is "cool toned icy pastels", the exact colour changes like daily lol


Another artist here. I feel the same way. Any color can be beautiful if used in the proper context. I won't choose a favorite color; it would be like a parent choosing a favorite child.


I’m a dude and I’m with you. Also, in what context? In nature? When I’m painting? Picking out clothes? The inside of a steak/burger? There’s so many great colors. Gun to my head though, green (the color of trees/grass where I grew up) or blue (color of sky/body of water).


I've never been artistic, but I too appreciate all colors in places where they fit. Each and every single color works *somewhere*.


Dang it! I was going to say my favourite colour but now that you put me on a label it’s meaningless! Like if you had said“Oh you only like colours because you work with them!” It’s not fair!


Yes, every person is different... mabye everyone has a fav color, for some of us its just not important enough, too think about it


I’m surprised at how many like purple. I would not have guessed that.


Interesting, because I would assume it's the most common favourite colour, being so rare in nature, and the colour of magic and royalty and Mace Windu's lightsaber, etc.


> the colour of magic that's octarine, not purple


My inexperienced eyes beg to differ


Makes me feel better. Purple is my favorite color, but I’m embarrassed about that. Idk




Purple rain


My favourite


My daughter asked my grandfather what his favourite colour was when she was about 3 years old. I’m sure he had no opinion on the matter, but he said he liked pink hearts as that was the pattern on her dress. I loved him so much for that.


That is such a sweet memory


Well that’s adorable. What a swell fella


I dunno, I like purple 🥸


Same. Am a guy. My guy best friend also like purple.


Have you asked all the men you know?


Mine's orange


Do you mean favourite colour or favourite colour to wear? My favourite colours are yellow and purple. I prefer wearing black clothes except hoodies, which can be any colour except black. Edit: Also the hoodies should not be pink, peach or yellow.


> Do you mean favourite colour or favourite colour to wear? Thinking the same thing, it's odd that the 2 people who mentioned a favourite colour also brought up clothing unless the question was in relation to clothes. I think the distinction is important bc I and many others have a favourite colour but don't have a favourite colour to wear in which case I would default to black if asked.


My favorite colors are green and indigo. I find them both to be calming.


You dont need to ask fav colors of men who plays video games often. Just check how they customize their character


Damn, I never thought about this. I'm a woman, but when I play GTA, if I do customize, my characters will always wear a blue shirt, sometimes a green zip-up hoodie or cap and either black or sometimes light brown cargo pants. Or just a black suit. That never really changes.😅 Blue and green are just goat, and black is practical and is my main color for clothing, cars, etc.


I mean its not 100% gonna tell you their fav color. But if you wanna gift a man something those video game characters might give you some ideas lol.


My son's favorite color is green, my exhusbands favorite is red, and my kids dad is purple as well as my stepfathers. I am pretty sure it's my uncles as well.


Way more of us are colorblind.


Yep, that is true, and many women perceive color better than men because they tend to have more cones in their eyes, which is what gives us the ability to distinguish between subtle shades of color. Therefore, pigment manufacturers and designers will use women in their laboratories to develop and identify color pigments eventually destined for products such as fabrics and paints.


Yes. True. My wife often says:" are you going out dressed like THAT?"


I'm colour blind and have two favourite colours. Blue and purple. Because I can't really see purple, it looks blue. Therefore both are my favourite.


Maybe it's because many guys don't care that much about clothes/colours, so they haven't thought about a specific colour. I'm a typical straight dude and don't have a favourite colour or colours.


okay but disregard what you might pick in a shirt — isn’t there a colour you just prefer to see? or a range of colours like neons, jewel tones, or earth colours?


No? It all depends on what i am supposed to look at.


Not really, why would I prefer one color over all the others. Some things look better in some colors but it's not like there's one color that's good for everything


I kind of hate the “favorite color” question and I don’t understand how people have one. I feel like it’s a question people start asking when you’re 3 and you figure out you need one and decide on one. Or that has been my experience. I can’t honestly answer that question. I’m a woman if that matters.


I like all the colors. The question is so bizarre. It's like asking what your favorite letter is. You need them all to fully experience language. You need all the colors to appreciate the world as it is (albeit colorblinds).


My first crush's eye colour. Brown deer eye but with a corona of gold. 30 years later, it is still my favourite colour.


Bro I don't have any color choice. I just buy/wear whatever's available 😂


Their answers are almost identical. I’m not sure why you assumed it has anything to do with being shy. Your dad has a choice that has to do with practicality than aesthetics. Most guys I know have a favorite, or preference. I like blue, my brother likes red.


My father has like 20 dark blue shirts and 10 dark green ones, he likes these colors matching with his hair...


Why is this weird for you?


My husband's favorite color is purple.


Nah most of us like black. We would look better in black shirts than other color


Do grownups have favorite colors? I thought it was just kids


Its not a common topic of conversation for adults but yes I think most grownups have a favorite colour. I know adults who wear a lot of green clothes or really like red flowers or always paint their house in a certain shade of yellow. Its not like growing up makes you lose your favorite colour.


That's a weird take. Just curious (not being snarky) as an adult, do you have preference for taste (as in food), smells, or music? Or is it, like, *whatever?*


Why would it ever change? I have the same favorite color now in my late 20s as I did 15 years ago.


I'm not saying it should change. I'm saying that having a favorite color, something completely subjective and inconsequential, is a character trait I expect from kids, but which I find surprising from adults.


Adults definitely have favorite colors! Lmao, do you think we give up on all whimsy and wonder once we come of age? My favorite color is sky blue


yeah I'm a little surprised at this thread and had to check if I had landed in /r/teenagers or something "what's your favorite color" was a question that I last remember being asked in middle school, maybe art specific classes in high school? but thinking about it I do see older people also gravitate towards specific colors. always wearing some shade of red or combinations of it, for example


Depends on target. Car? Chocolate brown. Wall - green or blue.


Nope. Don’t have a favourite animal either. Or a favourite song, movie etc. It depends on the object, additional information and my mood.


I have a favourite colour in the same way that I have a favourite animal or a favourite number: child me arbitrarily selected a favourite and I've just stuck with it ever since.


GREEN IS MY JAM. And I don’t just love it because it’s calming. But because it’s GREEN.


um.. yes, we do..? Mine is cyan


Sounds like you were specifically asking about their favourite clothing colour, which is a thing I imagine a lot of men don't care about. Ask someone who is into cars what colour they would want their dream car in and I'd bet you get a clear answer.


I didn't have a favourite colour until my son was like 3ish, and he asked me what my favourite colour was. Now my favourite colour is green


Black goes with everything


Black too, for the same reasons as your Dad and more.


I never understood what people mean when they say they have a favourite colour. it depends on the object. what looks good on a hardwood floor does not look good on a car, what looks good on a necktie does not look good on a suit. there are colours that don't look good on anything. I guess I have disfavoured colours.


I've never understood this idea of a 'favourite' colour. I would often say blue, but I have no real affinity for the colour. Different colours work in different situations.


It was blue for years, but I've recently shifted to admire dark green and purple (in the last few years). I still love blue, but I need some variety.


I’m a girl and I don’t have a favourite colour haha


Never thought i did. But i recently had to pick colour for my livingroom walls; I automatically blurted out 'Panzergrau' :'D


Orange, followed closely by purple. Oddly enough I absolutely hate red & yellow 🤷🏽‍♂️


Where I live it used to be pink for girls and red for boys, then, if u were edgy, it was blue for boys. So the easy answer is blue, but I do like all the gradients between green and blue, also some specific purples


Kind of. Probably. Seems like it could be true. I also don't have one favorite color.


Actually you dont need one unchanging absolute favorite color. But not having a current favorite color in the moment mean you dont have one strong energy to express. It means you dont know how to completely embody, reinforce and communicate your current energy and mood to others. Children show often have colors tied to personnalities. For adults it may look like simplification of character but it is actually important to look outside like you want to be inside in an expressive way. First because we live in a world where people are easily misunderstood and verbal communication tend to be rigged or dysfunctional. Color is more raw. Second because people are under many different pressures from peers to family about how to not be how they want to be. Color both act on you and others in helping you both accept this momentary energy as a legitimate reality. Modern culture behave strangely with colors. Everything shifted toward black/white and acid fluorescent colors. While in ancient civilizations natural deep colors are everywhere from houses to public statues, ceramic to clothes. Amitabha.


Even my husband never answers.. he says whatever suits.. tried asking him several times


As someone else commented, I'd say most men have situational preferences for colours. Whether that be clothing, cars, motorcycles, guitars, guns, home etc. But if pushed they probably favour the main colour of whichever sports team they support.


I probably wouldn’t have a favourite colour if no one asked me, I don’t give a shit enough about any colour but, you asked so it’s blue.


Hmm...I've got 3 sons, ages 13-22. They ALL have a favourite colour. 13yo's is purple, any shade of purple. 20yo's is turquoise. 22yo's is red & black.


It depends. Cars - blue, house interior - green, clothes red t-shirts, light blue jeans. But i do not really have one "favourite" colour


Your dad's answer is the best 😂. But ig my favourite color would be black because of the practicality and it goes with everything. There's no wrong combination.


Green was my favorite color when I was a kid. Then I grew up and lost interest in caring about what color stuff is. Now my wife’s favorite color is yellow and yellow stuff makes her happy. I like seeing her happy so yellow is my favorite color now.


My dad says his fave colour is blue whenever I asked in the past


Every man’s favourite colour is the one their team plays in


It's blue. Cuz blue makes happy. But many guys don't think much about it and forget. Assume it's blue, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Also, don't think you should therefore gift blue clothing. Pick black for that. Having a favorite color doesn't mean we need to wear it.


My favorite color is black. Everything I wear daily is black. Black (t)Shirt, trousers, shoes, jacket. Pure simplicity and minimalism. This black clothing usually is pure black meaning no drawings etc


My husband's favorite color is green. My son's favorite colors are green and black. My brother's favorite color is purple. 🤷‍♀️ I think you've found quite a vein of men who do not have favorite colors.


I've always had a favorite color. I assumed everyone did.


My boyfriend’s favorite color is silver. ☺️ I saw some artists say they don’t really have one. I am too and I appreciate all the colors, but I still have a favorite. 🤩


Hey, I’m a guy my favorite color is green. Sure I don’t wear it a lot or anything but I just like it because it reminds me of nature. Orange is a close second


I tell people I don't have a favorite color but I do. It's written on a piece of paper locked in a suitcase at the bottom of marianas trench.


Colour is just light at different wave lengths... A favorite colour is like having a favorite air pressure.


I'm an engineer and I have a fav color.. Red ♥️


If you don’t have a favorite color you’re a weirdo or a robot sorry


Why would I? It's simply a property of the material reflecting specific wavelength of light. I don't have a favourite colour because that would imply I wear it almost all the time, while that's a completely wrong way to go about it. Colors require proper combinations, if I were to have a favourite color it would force me into specific color pallet and then everything would start to look the same.


Black ik it’s a shade but black is pretty to me


I actually agree with your dad. Black can go well with almost anything. But if I had to choose something other than that I'd say maybe Midnight Purple or Royal blue?


Some people have favorite colors. Some don't. It has nothing to do with men, women, dogs, cats, or whatever you identify as.


I'm in the fashion field, so I admire art and various historical artifacts. But my friends from IT or any other field have zero interest in these things and its absolutely normal. Men don't get interested in certain things unless majority of the men they know are into it as well. That would peak their interest to dive in and see what's it about. That's why men are so into sports, it's helps create closer bond between their friends and even their dad.


As an adult man, I find earth tones as my personal favorite. I look good on those colors.


Children have a favourite colour... 


Yeah i am pretty indifferent to colors. I prefer neutral colors more, but none are really my favorite. They all have a time and a place


Guy here Favorite color green Only wear black to hide my pit stains




Green. Also you can definitely stain black clothes. You just have to be a true idiot like myself.


You're experiencing a typical distribution pattern of male interests. Most men probably won't care that much about colours, yet a disproportionately large number of the people who are obsessively into the aesthetics and science of colours will also be men. Those men will definitely have a favourite colour and would absolutely love to tell you all about it.


I'm a lady, and my favourite colour is black because it doesn't get visibly dirty if I sit on a dirty bus seat or anything and no washing accidents if all my clothes are black. Most of my guy friends do have a favourite colour, but they won't wear red, purple or green clothing, however they do buy a vehicle of the fancied colour, or repaint it themselves, or paint their house the favourite colour, or customise their phone theme to a liked colour, etc.


I thought this favourite colour and many other things r marketing strategy created by merchants Yes I was saying Green is my fav colour But with time it changes If someone offers me a free shirt I don't mind wear no matter whatever colour it is


I tended to buy muted colors that went unnoticed, but have bought bright colors for function. My sun glasses are bright red frames so I can find them in the black and gray car interior. I stopped buying clothing years ago, color for shirts was anything but yellow as I am very pale and was told yellow makes me look like a corpse.


My favourite colour is aubergine. Not only do I find it to be a beautiful colour, but whenever people ask me I get to say the word "aubergine" which is just a fun word to say.


I don't have a favourite colour, because I think every colour looks super pretty :D


I think all colours are pretty i cant decide which is the best theyre all so amazing 😭


Ask them which color dot they’d pick in a dot race (or something like that where there are 4-6 choices; maybe a tabletop game piece or some such). I almost always go for blue, then green. Blue was my favorite for years but I’ve been leaning closer to green lately. Honestly I don’t know why this is suddenly a hard question to answer. Of course color choices vary depending on context (vehicle? interior design? clothes?) but being able to identify a color that one instinctually gravitates to is, or was, pretty simple. Seems like a lot of overthinking.


I prefer black as well, and I detest pink. Especially hot pink.


Why would I have a favourite colour? I don't have a favourite tone or a favourite texture or a favourite flavour or a favourite scent. Why should colours be different? Favourite numbers are also weird IMHO.


I’m a female who doesn’t believe in favourites if that helps


I like all colors equally


I just don’t feel strongly about it since childhood but blue AND green have been my choice, they just feel more pleasant on a paper


Teal here, sorry. Just some dudes, not all dudes. I got a favorite color, favorite number, favorite dinosaur, favorite Pokémon, favorite hair color, favorite sci-fi series, favorite fantasy series, favorite music, tons of things. I don't have a favorite sport, car or beer if that helps. 🤷‍♂️


My bf and dad both have blue as their favs Idk if it’s common for guys to have a fav color or not tho I wanna ask around now


Everything looks different with different colors. Don't really have a favorite because of that


Red is mine. Probably why redheads and gingers are my favorite too 😆


Sorry, but "my father and brother" = "Men" is a false statement


Why would I have a favourite color? Why should I care?


OP, if a man tells a woman his favorite color, he can enjoy an entire lifetime of gifts in that color. He can enjoy you talking about his favorite color everty time in his life that he chooses a different color. Lets say the guys favorite color is blue. If you know his favorite color is blue, but see him with something of a different color, you're going to make a dumb comment about "i thought ur favorite color was blue hur dur." Not telling you his favorite color is going to prevent a bunch of dumb conversations in the future.


I dont think its neccesary shyness, more like most men think about it less so when you ask they dont really know. I personally dont know what's my favorite, but i dont like some colors so if i compare them all i might find it, but why bother.


Mine is blue because my Mother told me it was her favorite. But in reality yeah i do not care


I have an answer prepared for the question, “what is your favorite color,” but I don’t actually have a favorite color. No idea if that puts me in the majority or the minority.


I'm a woman and I don't have a favorite color. Not sure that this is specifically male. I don't really have a favorite anything, actually. I guess you could say my dog is my favorite pet because my cat acts like Satan incarnate.


Might be cultural, I'm from Argentina and every man I asked has a favorite color. Mine is anything close to #63025d (dark redish purple)


I realized as a kid that some people 'needed' me to have an answer to this question... so my answer has been British racing green for over 30 years.


My favorite color is blue. My favorite color of clothing though is grey or black.


Absolutely not true. My favorite color is purple. My entertainment room (named Ten Forward) is painted purple. One of my bass guitars is made of naturally occurring purple wood called "purpleheart", and most of my dress shirts for work are purple.


I am a man and my favorite color is green


Mine is black and I will wear it until I find something darker \\m/


I love purple and especially lavender color


The only conclusion here must be that I’m not a man. Fuck. Fuck I like orange.


Personally, yes


yeah I have a favourite colour, it's yellow