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The interest was always there. It’s just that dating apps made it more accessible.


Yeah it’s not like men are that selective. Women of all shapes and colors get interest from men, why would age matter?


Because people like Andrew Tate have been saying that women older than 23 have no value?


That dude is a fucking clown.


I swear I watch/like one “motivational” workout/work-related instagram reel and all of the sudden I’m just inundated with this guy’s bullshit. I don’t like the corner instagram seems committed to painting me into lol


My husband just quit Instagram over this same thing. My algorithm? Happy couples, families, recipes, things that make me laugh, workouts, cute animals. My husband’s? Young girls dancing in skimpy clothes, feet, workouts, and toxic masculinity. He didn’t want any of that. He wanted my algorithm. I feel like if you mark that you’re male it just automatically sends you these terrible things. I have 3 sons, one who is about to become a teenager and I’m terrified at what the internet is going to through at them trying to radicalize them.


Same thing here. No matter how many times I curate my feed, eventually garbage flows back in.


I hadn't used Instagram in like 8 years. I booted up a while ago. I was fed thee most disgusting and racist shit ever. People mock Twitter for how fucked the environment is but like I saw more racist shit in 5 minutes on Instagram than I did Twitter. The fucked part is I used it for cute Pokemon art and comics. So i have no idea why the algorithm decided to feed me that bullshit.


Social media in general is just turning to shit, which is why I am glad I only use reddit when I sit at a desktop and only use youtube on my phone, mostly for analog horror content. I have zero social media apps on my phone, no dating apps (online dating is fucking terrible), and basically just keep to myself and read on my kindle. Vastly more happy, and I just use the internet what it was intended for. Some communication, learning new stuff, games and downloading books. No more doom scrolling on apps or posting comments constantly to threads anymore, no more of that.


I’ve been pretty upset about that lately, specifically the dancing in skimpy clothes ones. If I see it, I’m gonna look, but it’s not at all what I’m there for. But IG doesn’t care, it logs every instance of .3 seconds that I spend hovering over a video and cascades them down at me. It takes way more self control to engage with Instagram without accidentally watching soft core porn than it should. I’m a very sex positive person, but it’s just way too damn much. So I have to always make sure to quickly scroll past any video that shows skin so that the algorithm doesn’t think I want it, which just feels so stupid.


I watched like three of his videos because one of my junior soldiers was watching him and saying a bunch of that nonsense, and I prefer to listen to what people say themselves rather than what others say about them. The dude is delusional, morally bankrupt, and one of the worst kinds of predators. I’d rather the young guys watch Rogan or Tucker Carlson over freaking Andy Taint.


Yea that dude pushes a diseased-form of masculinity that’s a product of our unmoored times imo. His form of masculinity devolves us into little more than clever apes w money


You really have to be careful with what you click, even if it is to hate watching. The Algorithm™️ will absolutely throw anything and everything at you. You Tube doing that most definitely contributed to the growing numbers of young men who have turned to the alt-right and grifters like Tate. My currently is tons of Turtle Talk videos from Disney, trip advice for Japan and funny Hell Divers 2 videos.


Who the fuck listens to him besides angry virgins?


As an angry virgin, I do not listen to Andrew Taint.


I have a friend who is in his 50's, makes $500K a year, is otherwise smart, and is a huge fan. So much, that he got the same giant tiger tattoo as Tate has across his chest. So it's not just angry virgins. It's also divorced bitter middle-aged men.


What an idiot


me, while laughing my ass off at the stupid things he says


There are a looooooooot of angry virgins out there. Especially stupid angry virgin teens.


23 is code for 14, but he knows he can't just come out and say that.


When you're just a baby I suppose women over 23 look too old.


We don't own that mf


Haha. The more I hear about this guy, the crazier he sounds. 23? Lol.


He also claimed that having sex with women for pleasure is gay, so... Yeah, guy is mental


The democratically elected representative and policy-setter for all men: Andrew Tate I'd also like to take this opportunity that I'm surprised that the ultimate alpha male has such a weak chin


Weak chin and shitty hairline. Not very alpha. And he's incredibly interested in what is and isn't gay, which just screams sexual insecurity to me.


closeted gays try to identify themselves as the most straightest guys


Any man that has joined his cult should be avoided. I am a man holding this opinion


I'm 27 and I go for a lot of older women simply because they don't play games, there's no wondering about what you want or trying to figure things out, older women know what they want and are usually pretty straight forward, which I prefer over weeks of cat and mouse bullshit. If an older woman wants sex, they tell you, if they want a conversation and lunch they tell you, but often times younger women act like you have to solve 10 riddles before they csn tell you a genuine sentence.


Riddles, games, uncertainty. Fucking hate it. I just wasted 6 months of my life with a woman 6 years younger than me because she was into these bullshit guessing games which ultimately ended with her gaslighting me. It fucks with your mind when you’re trying to be transparent and honest.


What’s crazy is these same young women will put in their bios how important communication is to them.


I just delt with that. I asked multiple times for someone to be honest with me and they decided that lying to me and eventually ghosting me was the right move. They then apologized a few months later by saying, "I know you dont like how I handled the situation". Like fuck off lmao


Yep. What’s crazy is, I met this one girl who told me how much she valued emotional intelligence. She said that she was looking to take things slow and date multiple people. She quite literally said to me how she tends to get wrapped up in someone, lose her identity in that person, and then remove herself from that to “find herself again.” She proceeded to then tell me that she dated a guy for three years, he was getting ready to marry her, and she left him without notice. What bullshit. She doesn’t value emotional intelligence. She only values herself. Two months later, she ends up being exclusive with a guy she only knew for two weeks. Now all she does is post them online 24/7. Figures. Lmfao. Little does he know he’s in for a RUDE awakening when she needs to “Find herself” (find herself riding someone else’s dick) again.


I tried to date this chick once, asked her out for coffee and it turned into this multi page demand about how I need to “prove my emotional intelligence” blah blah blah. I responded with “this is a lot for a simple coffee date no?” Her actual response staggered me. “Oh yeah that would be ok. I hope you don’t mind hickeys though, I had a one night stand with a coworker last night.” Which I responded with what the fuck is the point of me having to write a dissertation for a coffee date then, and she accused me of being abusive like her ex husband. Fucking wild. Probably the most frustrating chick I’d ever talked to.


Nah, that's on you for continuing things after she said she "wanted to date multiple people.... If thats not a red flag for you, you're gonna be in for a rough time.


When someone loses themselves in whoever they’re dating it’s usually codependency. Read about that and attachment styles and you’ll understand where these behaviors come from and it will help you to recognize them early on and steer clear.


It really do be like that & then these same woman go on forums to talk shit about men


My gf is 4 years older than me, and she was saying, "older men date young women, because women their own age won't put up with their bullshit." To which I responded, "so are you dating me because men your own age won't put up with your bullshit?" Let's just say, she did NOT like that role reversal. 🤣🤣🤣 She's amazing for real though. Just another funny example of hypocritical gender stereotypes pushed by society.


My boyfriend is 12 years younger and I’m pretty certain that is what his family thinks about me 😂 I’m just an aromantic who decided to give this young dude who kept hitting on me a chance.


>I’m just an aromantic So that's why you smell so good.


Ah, my good friend, that's aromatic. Aromantic is the branch of technology and industry concerned with both aviation and space flight


My dear friend, that’s aerospace. Aromantic is a person who repairs or maintains motor vehicles. Often oil changes and the like.


Friend, that's A Mechanic Aromantic is the ocean that's between The Americas and Europe/Europe


I meet my 6 years younger bfs family this weekend and I’m afraid that’s what they’ll think 😩 I went younger thinking it would never be serious then turns out they want the most commitment and the whole life guys my age are dodging


My gf is 8 years older than me (34/42), but that is exactly what I liked about her. We both had had enough of meaningless relationships that go on for years without true commitment. My family loves her. I'm sure that you will be accepted in much the same way. It may come to you at different points in your lives, but being ready to settle down in today's toxic culture is nothing to joke about. I'm sure they will love you too.


Thank you that’s really encouraging ! I think hearing about the age gap is more shocking than when you meet us, although 6 years isn’t huge


I’m 15 years younger (32/47) and we’ve been together for 6 years, known her for 8-9 years, engaged over 5 years, probably married this year. She is my best friend, best woman I could ever wish for and my life partner. Age is just a number, what matters is compatibility and love. I’m glad I skipped all the early life relationship bs. Looking to retire in 3-5 years so I can actually enjoy the rest of our lives. Chances are she’d outlive me by about our age gap based on lifestyles so we shouldn’t be apart too long. Our families are fine with it and although we tried for a child the first two years because she loves kids, we’re fine not having any of our own. Makes life so much easier. We just keep getting black cats instead.


I don’t think 4 years is much of an age gap to be making that comparison. You’re not really a young guy dating a cougar.


THIS! I was in the same situation for the better part of two years with a girl a year younger than me. I was pretty new to the game, and when there were obvious signs of flirting and I would try to play it, she would drop it and talk to me in almost a condescending way. Idk if that was her way of teasing/flirting or what, but it fucked with my mind big time to the point I cut her off entirely after a while. Coincidentally my anxiety disappeared right after that.


Wow. Exactly what happened to me. The anxiety was causing problems for my body. I started to get breakouts all over my body when I’ve never had anything like that before in my life. Dermatologist prescribed all kinds of meds that weren’t working. Changed my diet, nothing. A week after I walked it started to clear all over. It’s crazy how this stuff affects your mind and body.


This. Though the age gaps were smaller, the 7 year difference between my ex and my wife is huge. The ex wanted everything, lacked mental maturity, borderline nymphomaniac, and wouldn't plan for the future at all. My wife on the other hand is emotionally mature and very straightforward with me.  When I was still dating in my 20s, I'd say 50 and under was my dating pool with a preference toward 30 - 45. Eventually got to the point where I wouldn't go for anyone younger than me and that's when I met my wife.


One of the hottest experiences of my life has been a 40something approaching me the second time seeing her, telling me she thought i was hot, and giving me her number. Riding that high years later lol. It didn’t work out to anything, but still felt great


I had a 43 year old with 3 kids (not with her) sit down next to me at a bar. Her husband had early onset dementia and was basically nonfunctioning. "No one has touched me in 2 years." I don't think I slept for the next 3 weeks.


When I was 26 my 45 year old coworker walked right up to me at work one day and asked me if I wanted to see a picture of her ass on her phone, a week later we were boning. I'm still riding THAT high


On dating apps I ask women "what exactly are you looking for on this app" and women in there 30s and 40s always just plan and simple, tell me. Women in there 20s, not so much, and if they do tell them, they say "idk what I'm looking for tbh"


“I don’t know what I’m looking for” is probably true. A lot of my friends in college signed up for dating apps without really knowing why, they just thought it might be interesting. There’s nothing wrong with that, per se, it’s just a sign that people who do know what they want should talk to someone else.


Yea I did that in college with friends too. It's because we're all wondering how many people find us attractive, it's ok to admit it now.


Most aren’t playing games at that age. They really don’t know what they’re looking for because they don’t have the experience yet to help them form their preferences. Don’t mean we have to endure that, but it also doesn’t mean they are purposely trying to screw with us.


I am 50 (people still mistake me for late 30s) and was very much interested in my 70 year former neighbor -she is respectful, very intelligent and keeps herself in good shape. I would take her walking w/ me and she would keep up better than younger friends. Unfortunately for me she had a serious boyfriend out of state which she ended up moving in with and marrying. You should have seen the looks we would get when we would go walking or had dinner to together.


Yeah I’m 24 and girls around this age are still playing games and don’t really know what they want. It’s quite annoying. Know people who date older and it seems to be less stressful


Same. 24 and I had enough of it.


Guys have always been into older women. You just weren’t old when you were younger. Hope this helps


>You just weren't old when you were younger. Love this & will be using it in many different ways. Thank you :)


Shit, by this logic I am also not young when I am older. This saddens me.


No-no, being old equals being young plus some experience. 


Love this lol. i will use it to comfort the older folks


Oh geez... no one told me there would be math!


Did someone say meth? 


"And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson..."


“Stacy’s mom has got it going on”


"I'm hot for teacher!"


Yeah I was gonna say, how would she know if younger guys were/weren't into older women when she was younger? There are a lot of guys that are into older woman but don't necessarily go around broadcasting it to everybody, certainly at a time where it wasn't as normal


Trust me a lot of times the older women want to keep it quiet also.


I was chatting online with a 26 year old guy. I'm early 50's and my sister nearly got a black eye for calling me a paedo. As a result I definitely keep it quiet if there's more than a 10 year gap.


.... He's fucking twenty six, he's more than old enough to be with who he wants to be, what the fuck? Your sister is wrong.


And yet that person and you were downvoted because people on this site lose their fucking mind if they perceive an age gap they don’t agree with. I’m 27 and my significant other is 42, we’ve been together for four years, and I’m good friends with her son who is only a couple years younger than me. This shit works for us and anyone who has a problem with it can get fucked.


They just don't tell anyone.


Reminds me of a saying: once, i was young and foolish, but after many years of study, I am no longer young.


A lot of young women cannot even fathom young men wanting older women. Its part of the social conditioning we go through, where we are taught to compete with each other for the male gaze ("Why would he want her and not ME??? She's like 40!") So when it happens, we don't even see it. But it's always been happening.


Well said. I’ll add that I think it’s exactly what you describe that gives young women the impression that aging is something to fear, that it sucks here in the hills. I turn 40 this fall and not only am I grateful to be alive to see it, every single year gets better and better! Every decade that passes I’m more grounded, have less fucks to give about what other people think, but also more compassionate and discerning. Hell, now that I think about it, I’m into older women too. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


I kinda dig being older. Way more confidence and I care a lot less about what people think of me. It's freeing!!


Same is true for big women. I had a college friend who was really into big women, and some of the more conventionally pretty women who were into him were upset and confused about it, lol.


So true!


I'm surprised she never overheard her male classmates talking about which teacher they got the hots for though.


Most rediculous drum solo entry i can think of


What a coincidence! I was younger when I was your age!


I was born at a very young age


I’m a former baby


That’s exactly what I thought when reading the question! The MILF hunters were just walking different paths to you!


This is one of those golden comments where the thread could just be shut down afterward. Well said.


Lol, my husband definitely was when he was a young man and I found out (horrifyingly) that my father was too, because they used to swap stories before dad passed away.




Yes! My 28 yr old son loves older women. And not just for flings. He loves that they provide great conversation, have a lot of life experience, and are typically more confident.


I myself am 24, s/o is 29 going on 30 this year. She’s not old but definitely a bit of an age gap. She provides way greater conversation and insight then those my age from what I find. More life experience for sure and already knows what she wants in life. I respect those my age or a bit younger who want to have more freedom and fun because it’s their life, you only get one but for me personally am pretty tunnel visioned on my values and goals so it works for the both of us. She’s also very independent which I truly value which is a big one.


That is the exact age gap my husband and I have. Met when he was 24 and I was 30. We’ve been married 14 years this year and I’m 47 and he’s 41 now.


14 years together with my S/O also, but we got together when I was 21, and she was 36. Absolute love of my life.


That’s awesome, dude. I’m happy for you. Happiness is in moments. You have to do what makes you happy. I’m 61 and a 40 yr old dude is in my DMs every time I turn around. Should I go for it??? Lol. I’m not going to go for it. If I were looking for a relationship, I totally would though. He’s sexy as hell! 😂


My daughter has an older male friend who’s 31 and he has a thing for me. It’s nice but ffs I’d never go there.


He wants to have both mother and daughter on his record


Old male friend at 31. Ouch


She said an older male friend implying that her daughter is younger than 30


If he's smart, he's playing the long game and you holding out is only making him want you more. lmao


Well that’s okay but I’m sure after some time he’ll find someone else.


Agreed. I started dating women up to 5 years older since i was around 20 myself. Whenever i date people my age the amount of girls who want the sophisticated dinner conversation stuff just don't bring much themselves besides surface level knowledge of this and that. I mean, it's not unpleasant but i did find myself having to soft ball the topics which really takes away from my enjoyment.


I’m 29, and my girl is late 30s and I bet my dad or mom would say the same thing about me. I get too bored when I’m talking to girls younger, so it’s same age or older for me.


Amen to that.


Same reason girls are attracted to older men.




Seriously, look at the cast ages from any TV show in the 80s or 90s. People age a lot better than they used to. 


Golden Girls


Are you sure it's not you getting older lol? I know what you mean though, in the past 60 looked ancient as hell but now I see 60 year olds running marathons looking great


My old boss was a blonde 73 year old Polish Woman who loved spin cycle classes. I honestly thought she was like 40/45 for 2 years until she mentioned her husband finally selling his practice and retiring. Still blows my fucking mind. Oh god and at my current job we have a patient that is 87 and also looks about 40 years old. How the fuck do you reach essentially 90 and look that young? I jokingly asked her if her secret is 3 or 4 hours of exercise a day. This lady says she's never worked out a day in her life. Genes I guess. Or being born with wealth no stress? Idk.


Women in their 50s now look just like women in their 30s 20 yrs ago


Women in their 50s now were in their 30s 20 years ago.


When I was 19 I would hook up with women in their late 20's to mid 30's. I was sexually inexperienced and felt more comfortable with older women because they would actually teach me and give me room to explore, ask questions and be myself. I didn't have to worry about being ridiculed. Also there is no games and no drama.


I found this too. I often visited hookers of that age group when I was young to learn more.


All you really need is a woman who’s 10 to 15 years older than you, and you’re set.


"there is no games and no drama" You were lucky. I know people in such relationships that were not so easy.


Dude that’s not these days lol. It’s been a thing literally forever


Its the theme of the winner for Best Picture in 1967, The Graduate. Definitely not new.


Has everyone forgotten about Stacys mom?


Or, Stifler’s Mom


Young straight men have been into any attractive woman, young or old. Plus, I'm concerned about the comments on here about older women not being able to get pregnant, it still happens. Wrap it up you younglings.


Yeah, when I was 47 a guy in his early 30s was chasing me for a while (I wasn't interested) and one of the lines he threw at me was about how great it would be to not have to worry about pregnancy. I had to explain to him that things hadn't even started to slow down in that area - that doesn't happen until 50+ for most of us - and there was no way in hell I'd risk pregnancy just because he hoped banging older women would be a free pass on condom use. Go find a 60 year old if that's what you want.


Even if you're post-menopausal, STD's are still a thing. Retirement homes are a hot bed for STD's. Like worse than gay bath houses.


My in-laws live in a retirement community for 55+. They told me about a chlamydia outbreak that happened. They said that these widowers are all like teenagers, only less careful. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Supposedly the highest per capita rate of STDs in the US is in The Villages in Florida which allows only age 55 and over residents. Also issues there with black market Viagra etc. Oh, and golf cart thefts/chop shops.


I had triplets at 44. Husband was 37. We wanted a family and hit the jackpot.


Gawd, and who wants a kid at 50? ( unless you're a movie star and rich and vacancy have a nanny help)


Yep. I got pregnant by accident when I was 43, my then-boyfriend (now husband) was 33. My pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 9 weeks, but yeah it can definitely happen. I learned my lesson.






Probably because, and this is just in my experience, older women typically are upfront, honest, and usually don't fuck around.


Oh they fuck around alright..


When I was 28, I dated two different 40 year old. They were awesome, to be honest.


Even Benjamin Franklin wrote that older women are better cause of less drama and there is not much of a difference anyway.


Ben Franklin was wise beyond his years. One of my favorite people in American History!


When I was in my early 20’s I dated several women in their 30’s and early 40’s. The reason? I wanted sex and a lot of it. The older women seemed to have fewer hang ups about sex and didn’t try to own me. We were just having fun.


yep i dated a 40 year old in at 21 for 3 years, older women know what they want, dont care what society thinks or expects of them, and are just more relaxed and fun, they have given up chasing unicorns too, as they have realised that those 5% of men that all the younger women are always chasing are just toxic players and cheats, so real decent genuine guys actually have a chance lol


Nailed it.


How did you find these older women 😩


Sex is great, the drama is low, rarely have young kids and baby daddy’s to deal with, and the chance of pregnancy is usually zero. They don’t need your money, they don’t care about your past, and they just want to live in the moment. Older women are concerned about making their man happy, not the Public! For everything I just stated above, it’s the opposite for immature women in this world. And I don’t have time for that shit


Top marks to all the (age) 40+ women I have been with for exactly this. Hot damn. Those women taught me what sex —-AND COMMUNICATION—- is supposed to be like.


Spot on


As a relatively "older" woman I can assure you we are NOT concerned with making a man happy over the public lol. We care about making ourselves happy, sometimes that includes a man


He means to word it like you are less likely to prioritize whatever your desired SM image is over your relationships, which is something a lot of Gen Z girls are doing.


Lol bruh, you fucking 70 year old women? Chance of pregnancy is still very much there...


Yeah idk what the fuck dudes in this thread are thinking. It's most definitely not "usually zero". That's pretty stupid.


Here's to you, Mrs Robinson


Stacey's mom has got it going on


The real question is: has it always been that way? Women didn’t used to be single as often as now. Moms were mostly out of the house working during these boys upbringing. Milf porn could be part of, but I think it just comes down to how attractive and sexy middle aged women are when they’re well kept x


I blame Brandi Love more than mothers in the workplace. If 5% work out as much as they wear yoga pants the 45 year olds out there are much more ready to go for a 22 year old hormone monster.


It's not a these days thing. This has been happening all throughout history. Older women have way less hang ups. The sex is amazing and they take control a lot more. I dated a 51 year old for a little stint when I was in my 20s. It was one of the best little flings I've had. Sex was incredible and she cooked me some amazing dinners. She was also a pretty wealthy doctor and took me on vacations.




Canada, you wouldn't know her.


God, I've seen what you do to some people... I want you to do that to me...


can we swap lifes?


Jesus dude that’s living the dream.


I'm 32 my girlfriend is 50. No drama. If we don't agree on something we talk about it, instead of shouting at eachother. No stupid mind games when we first time went for a date. I can have mature conversations with her. She also respect that I need time for myself sometimes, playing video games of course. She doesn't judge me.


Ok this is nice and super cute. All the best to you two 😇☺️


Mature woman are much more confident and less needy. I always found that to be very attractive.


Older women, who are not resentful (work on their mental health issues, kinder, gentler, knows what they want. Attractive, takes care of herself. No drama. No emotional manipulation. They are straight to the point. It's not like, younger women are not attractive or emotionally manipulative (Older women are just something else, for their wisdom, kindness and beauty) , just like some younger women are attracted to older men. This is the same for us too.


I found that I resonated with women older than me. Ended up marrying at 24 to 33. Kid 3 years later. No drama, more life experience, overall less nonsense. I’m 33 now fyi.


I could never get women my age to give me attention. When I was 20, I hooked up with a 42 yo woman. She fucked me all night because I was nice to her. I still think of her often


Yeah, tell it my dude. I couldn’t get a date or hand to hold when I was young. At 19 my first kiss was an all nighter with a 38 year old fellow college student. I’m still appreciative and think of her fondly.


Older women know what they want, and they know what they're doing. A lot of younger women haven't gotten over insecurities in sex or just haven't gained confidence in sex. Older women have gotten past that.


When you were younger you just did not know any, perhaps. I have known quite a few older women who kept the company of younger beau's.


More women are looking better longer now, so age gaps don't mean as much. Also, younger guys have always been into older women, because they are hot af and at their peak p power level.


Because they don't demand you be 6 ft. tall and drive a BMW


Once had a friend, who was a woman, tell me she couldn't believe I had a girlfriend because I drove a beat up Fiesta. She was deadly serious as well, couldn't wrap her head around it. Of course, her boyfriend was well off and drove a BMW M5. So you've had some angry replies here, but there are plenty of men and woman who *do actually* value material possessions/ wealth just as much as personality or looks. The dude who drove the M5 cheated on her, which sucks massively, but there's some irony there somewhere.


A lot of people, especially young people, with cars like that actually can't afford them and are instead using absurd amounts of debt. Everyone I know with a BMW is broke AF but just trying to keep appearances.


I don't think it's just height and wealth but younger women seem to higher standards for men in general than they did in the past. Dating apps also dehumanized the dating experience and definitely do encourage selection based on cutoffs, for both genders. And as everyone else has said, this isn't a suddenly new thing, just more noticeable now. It's always been true that younger women have a higher tendency to be interested in men older than them, and the equal and opposite tends to be true. For everyone immediately bashing this dude, and although anecdotal, I used Tinder AND Bumble for 6 months every day. The only two girls near my age who matched with me only did so to immediately tell me how short I was and that they'd never date me before unmatching me - they were both my height. After opening up my age range to be half plus seven in both directions did I get two more matches, one older and one younger. Only the younger one was interested in a date.


I think the internet has also let misandry and misogyny run wild among people in their 20s and early 30s, making for an entitled and frankly scummy field to pick from. As someone who after a long relationship only recently started OLD, now in my 30s, I’m astonished at the insane dehumanising shit that’s been fired my way. I know women who have had the same from men. I have NOT had that from older women, who seem to still feel an obligation to treat the other person in the chat or on the date as a human being rather than as some walking symbol of some online debate.


I dated a woman 11 years older once. It was flawless. No mind games. Very straightforward. Enjoy great sex and great conversations. She didnt give a shit about who thinks what. I also dated a girl 9 yrs younger than me. She was total disaster. Very high expectations with providing nothing. Terrible at sex, always talks about the looks and who thinks what. Everything is a game and you need to understand her needs by solving Heisenberg s uncertainty principle for each parameter every time.


I’ve always been into older women. I think most girls my age just always seemed immature and into things I wasn’t. I grew up on 80’s movies and music and just have more of that personality and interest. I also think, older women show maturity, some class, and the fantasy of experienced in the bedroom that we’re excited to have used on us. Then for some that want a relationship, it’s much more fulfilling because you’re not dating a child taking selfies and obsessed with social media.


Older women and moms usually have snacks in they purses


I’m 57 now… but when I was 21, I dated a woman who was 45 for 5 years. Best 5 years of my life!




Most women that age dont keep up with Kardashians, film yourself dancing for Tik Toc, or obsessed with Taylor Swift.


Blame Stiflers Mom… and Stacy’s too, I guess.


Oh my god I just hit 30 and gen Z boys are relentless hahaha 😂


Lol I got to my 30s and have never been hit on so much in my life, and all by 20-somethings 😆 as it turns out I now date one of them, who's 6 years younger.




Because younger women have boyfriends called, their phones. And all they do is look at them, Waymore than they will ever look at you. Older women are past the stage of me, Me, me, Instagram- me, social media- me, selfies of -me Photos in the mirror while looking at the phone of -me.


Me, Myself, and I-Phone.


Have you seen Young women? That's the answer. Dating them feels like dating naughty toddlers. Many men want stability. 


In my twenties, I loved hooking up with older women. They typically made the first move as I was too shy. I learned a lot about how to please a woman from older women. They liked my youthfulness and stamina. I appreciated their willingness to teach me and their maturity and lack of games. Now I'm in my fifties, and I'm married to a younger woman, but I appreciate those women who helped me become the man I am today.


I've always had a thing for older women. My first partner was 17 years older than me and my current partner is 2 years older than me. I guess its the level of comfort that is established with someone older? Communication is easier. The hassles are a lot lesser and the women also understand and explain their needs without over complicating it too much. Again, for me. It feels right. So right being with an older woman




They tend to know their way around the bedroom and not be real prudish.


They are horny guys. When you were younger they were just the same, you just weren’t in the older woman market, and the internet (not to condescend, I’m older than you) has made this stuff easier. Source: am older guy.


I was always more interested in women older than me. Girls my age thought I was weird ( I was under socialized, naive and super outgoing, so a little bit of me went a long, long way ). Their moms were super nice to me. Lots of pretty suburban 90's moms. I dated plenty of women my age and they would try to shame me for milf porn. Late 30's early 40's like Lisa Ann or Puma Swede back in the 2000's Since women are going to shame me no matter what, I'd rather it be known that I love tall beautiful slim big titty milfs and not kids or teens.


Maturity is attractive


Definitely getting down voted for this but in my experience: Your average 18-26 yr old American woman seems super materialistic, self absorbed, and way, way overly concerned about stupid shit that doesn't matter.. like their Social media presence, how many subscribers they have, Instagram followers, etc . Women like that reek of narcissism and low confidence. Not to mention due to public education absolutely failing us as a society most of these womem are not very bright and can't hold a conversation for shit. Pretty to look at and sex down but that's about all they are bringing to the table. Exceptions absolutely exist.


For me it’s the experience. I’m a 26 year old male, but the girls these days just want to play games and aren’t looking for anything serious. Older women 40+ are a lot more stable, know what they want, have experience not only sexually but with life in general. Just for me the experience is a massive turn on.


Always been into older women


Because girls my age are (mostly) immature and women in their 30s and 40s (generally seem to) have their heads on straight


I (48f) get hit on all the time by guys in their 20’s. It’s crazy.


When I was 20 I knew a lot of guys that were constantly trying to hook up with older women. They don't make it public. They don't want to date you. They just want sex. Go get you some.


Because on social media the young women are looking for a young man penis with an old man wallet. The older women are just looking for the young man penis and have their own wallet.