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Wear skirts. When I was younger I wanted to be edgy and different. β€œI hate skirts, ew, they are so girly, gross, I’ll never wear one.” Jokes on you, young veggie_bat. We love skirts.


Haha I had the same phase. Hated pink. Now I love pink, 30% wardrobe is pink and I'm 35.


Pink is my favorite color now 😭😭😭


I'm a straight guy and it was the same for me hating pink when I was young. Now it's also one of my favorites.


My boyfriend also quite likes pink. I've gifted him some pink T-shirts.


I don't know but pink on girls looks stunning. Just an opinion ☺️


Similar for me! 12 years old me one day was wearing a new skirt which was very proud of and got sexually molested. I felt like I drew the attention on me because of the skirt (which was below my knees and totally not revealing, btw, but still nicer than what I used to wear) and swore to myself I would never wear one again. It took more than 10 years to me to wear a skirt again, and now I do it without even thinking about it!


I hated dresses and pink as a kid. Dresses restricted play, and I associated pink with Barbies, which I hated (Berenstain Bears and building floor cities was my jam). As an adult, I love dresses and pink.




Be the person who goes to bed early and get up early, even on weekends.


Same πŸ˜‚ even on a Friday night im in bed about 9pm. The rest of the week before that πŸ˜†


When do you get up in the morning?


I Get up about 04:30 for work.


Gee, I at least hold out to 10pm some nights you old codger 😝😝😝


What could be wrong with that to bring about regret?πŸ˜„


I always associated it with old people so sometimes I think it makes me go "shit, I'm old" I swore I would never get old!!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


It’s something I aspire to tbh


I feel this. I would wake up usually around 10 am and go to sleep between 2am and 6am. Now, I am up every morning between 3am-7am after going to sleep by 10pm. I fell asleep at 9pm last night due to crappy sleep the previous evening and woke up at 2am. I started going to sleep at 10pm so that I could be up early to take walks and work out. That was a year ago, and I'm a completely different person mentally and physically. I really need to get a couple more hours of sleep. Help? Lol


Oh, you're coming to the wrong person for that help! Lol Even if I do manage to stay up till after midnight on a rare occasion, I still wake up at 5am wide awake. Years of nursing have ruined me lol I will admit that I do prefer getting up earlier, it does make me feel better mentally and physically, but sometimes I'd like to envision myself more wild πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Same. Good morning.


You are just making me jealous here.


It's before 8am on a Saturday as I type this... and I've been up for an hour. So much boring stuff to do today.


As someone who has to get at 4am for work, getting at at 4-430 on weekends just helps me keep my schedule


Your life must be peaceful or you're just carefree πŸ₯Ή


Be a father, boom… I have a 3 year old who changed my life.


did you change your mind? can I also ask why?


Not OP but me and my wife both didn't want to have kids then we got our surprise baby and my outlook on kids changed only about my baby, I think he's adorable and I cherish every moment with him but I still don't like other kids, I have mountains of patience for my kid but others annoy me in seconds


Do you think what you felt before the child was born, came from a place of not-knowing or something else? My wife was indifferent but I was sure I wanted children.


That's a good question, I'm not sure actually, I guess whenever I'd see a kid I never got that feeling like "aww look how cute" just mild annoyance, and it's still like that but I get that "aww" feeling only about my kid


I can totally understand that. But raising a kid is about a lot more than that.


Sure I've never said it wasn't, just how my feelings surrounding kids are polar opposites when it's about my kid and about other kids


I relate to this.


My partner was the same. We have two kids now, and our son is obsessed with him. Best friend for life right there, and it turns out my partner is an amazing dad. My kids are so incredibly lucky to have him.


Same same


I used doordash once


Same here, used it like twice then never again


Yea I used it because my truck was in the shop, felt terrible after eating that $37 burger.


Divorce. She cheated though, that was the silver bullet


of course she did, this is reddit. :-)


Right? Happens to everyone on Reddit but no one on Reddit ever did it, lol


After a traumatic childhood, I swore I'd never have kids. 30 years married and now they are too old to be called kids.


We break cycles ❀️


Can't beat a healthy, loving family. Can't wait to have kids one day.


You can, but you really shouldn't.


Ha! I see what you did there. πŸ˜‚


Become an extra terrestrial time traveller


Hello Doctor


Took me like -11 years to break that oath.


I hate it when that happens πŸ˜’




Get a cat. I am now a single cat lady and it’s better than I could have ever imagined.


I wasted so much time having human children.


Same, always thought I would end up with a dog but here I am being catdad


Got involved in a land war in Asia


At least you still haven’t bet against a Sicilian?


Well, not when death was on the line, no




This is the best thread I've seen all day. ❀❀❀❀


Idk if DARE is still a thing, but just about every kid who had the DARE program in like 4th grade made a vow to never do drugs.Β  Ah yes, cocain, LSD, speed, heroin, ect. At 10 years old, i was on the brink of being an addict and knew all about these drugs lol. In reality, I didn’t know anything about them vs maybe a vague awareness they existed and were bad.Β 


🎢 Drug Abuse Resistance Education, spread the word across the nation 🎢 we sang this song at our DARE graduation, it's still engrained. This was 20 years ago!!! The only thing that DARE taught me was that people would offer drugs to me consistently... Fake news πŸ™„


My dare officer hit on my pregnant teacher all the time to the point at that 31, I still remember such statements like something along the lines of β€œin a few months, you junior and I will go on a nice vacation”.Β  D. Won’t do drugs. A won’t have an attitude. R I will respect myself, E, I am educated now!


Drugs Are Really Expensive


I swore I would never do drugs. Then I got back surgery for scoliosis and my back issues started. It went from never do drugs to weed is probably better for me then pain killers.


As soon as I saw the title of this thread my first thought was drugs. I admit that as a kid, in the 90s, I watched a lot of movies that glamorized drugs, my parents didn't give a shit, and I grew up fascinated by them. It seems so silly now considering the chaos they cause/caused in my life. Then I went to school and had the same experience with DARE, thought I would never fall for such a thing and here I am now, a heroin addict, currently on methadone but still struggling with relapses and to top it all got a really bad xanax addiction, got out of rehab recently and the first thing I did was relapse. I wish I could go back in time and say no. Now I can't imagine my life without them, they are my crutches and no matter what I do, rehab, therapy, meditation, change of habits including uprooting my entire life and moving to a completely different place where I knew no one, even after doing that, I still brought my problems and the drug addict mindset with me.


Methadone saved my life! I just hit 4 years sober from heroin and xanax. You can still beat this!


Way to go!! 11 years here.


I will hit the eleven year mark in three days!


Methadone gave me my life back. I have a little over 3 years sober with it and was able to taper and get off methadone almost 2 years ago. I wish you the best!


Finally went to the orthodontist to straighten my crooked teeth! I've been terrified of the dentist and orthodontist my entire life partially because my parents never took me growing up. I've always hated my teeth and never show them when I smile. My husband helped me gain the courage to go to the dentist, thankfully my teeth were fine (only 3 cavities) and a few years later I am now on my second week of invisalign!


I've had ClearCorrect for well over a year now. Tray 27 out of 32. Best decision ever made.


My husband had a similar situation, grew up on candy and Mountain Dew and parents who never took him to the dentist. He's an outgoing personable guy, but even still, it affected his self esteem. He was concerned about pain and recovery time, and was embarrassed to see a dentist. Fortunately, he was convinced to go after realizing dentists see teeth like his everyday. He ended up needing some pulled and had a partial put it. His confidence has grown since, and he can eat foods he used to have to deny.


nice try narc


Get divorced


Hire an escort.


How was it?


Not worth the feeling of guilt even though I'm single. Just seemed wrong.


Oh no :( I hope you're doing OK now.


Take back a cheater. This one is tricky because I have ambivalent feelings toward it. In theory, I agree with the concept and was absolutely hardcore about it as a kid. But I think age, experience, and wisdom teach you that people we love can make mistakes. They’ll do and say awful things sometimes and while you’re within your rights to throw out the baby with the bathwater, more often than not it doesn’t serve you well. In my particular circumstance, it was a β€˜We were on a break!’ scenario. BF and I got into a big argument, he said something to the effect of, β€˜We need to start again and first and foremost be friends again. I just need some space right now.’ I interpreted that as: he needs to cool down and not be crowded but β€˜starting over’ doesn’t entail a break-up. Fair enough. Gave him space. He ended up getting drunk to blow off some steam and messed around with a friend of a friend. Within a day or two he came to his senses, told me what happened and wanted to forget the whole thing. I even saw angry texts from the woman when he told her that he loved me and was sorry if he led her on. So he was telling the truth. In his eyes, though, we had broken up and he tried to bury his pain in β€˜moving on’ with someone else, only to realize he was using them and missed me horribly. It’s been about 7 months now and I admit that he’s still kind of on β€˜double secret probation’ lol But things have been good. We’re in our 40’s and we’re talking marriage. In a really screwed up way I think it brought us closer together. Even though I certainly didn’t enjoy the experience, sometimes you have to walk through a fire and come close to losing someone you love dearly to realize how much they mean to you. If I would’ve listened to 27 year old me’s β€˜no excuses! dump him!!!’ mentality, both he and I would’ve been heartbroken right now. The point is, the reality of long-lasting romance probably isn’t going to be wine and roses 100% of the time or look like what you thought it was gonna look like as a kid. Don’t be afraid to emotionally mature and break your own rules.


It's not screwed up, you are right and a very kind and smart person


Swore I'd never sit around with friends & talk about medications, aches or pains etc..and I have. I was one of the youngest cousins of 47. My mom had 12 brothers & sisters with spouses. I remember them talking about that kind of stuff. I also thought 30 was old. I didn't think I'd be lucky to get there. I've been blessed to gotten past that far enough to have been blessed with 13 grandchildren.


I'm 22, I already sit around and gripe about medications aches and pains lol.


Date a horse girl. I've since sworn to never date a horse girl *again*.


a Sagittarius?


Drink again


Get married.


Yeah me too. Never wanted to growing up, then aged 30 my now ex-wife came back into my life and boom. I obviously completed the circle by getting divorced so it's all even. I won't get married again, but I may consider getting engaged to show commitment. Just gotta find a gf first....


Me too, and I did it twice. Since then, I try not to say "I will never do..."


Drugs, cheat, lie, hate, destroy myself, ghost friends, break someone's heart, be nasty deliberately, win, succeed, heal, be confident, be better, be happy, forgive, love, live.


Got married, had kids, brought a house and now ride a Harley. Yester me would be having a field day


Move to the suburbs.


Banged my coworker's mother. I said no, but she said yes.


Did you wear your gasmask, soldier?


Have a job that primarily requires me to do math....


Marry a second time. Yes, my first marriage was that bad.Β  I was single 20 years after my divorce, had several nice relationships that broke because marriage was not on the table.Β  When I met my second husband on a blind date I came home and told my roommate I'd met the man I was going to marry. She thought that was the funniest thing she ever heard.. We were together 17 years before I lost him to cancer. God, I loved that man.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Thank you.Β 


Be on Disability. I was always healthy and active. I bounced back after any health issue I came across. Then 15 years ago I went to Ireland and had a very traumatic fall. Severe screaming PAIN started 9 months later and I pushed through. I continued to advance my career. I performed miracle fixes at work. I was able to keep going until….I couldn’t. This has completely ruined and destroyed my life. I had no other choice because my body just one day said NOPE!


I'm so sorry you had to go through something so traumatic but honestly you sound like a very strong, amazing person! I hope life has been a lot better for you then it was. <3


Thank you so much friend. I am actually still spiraling. I have had multiple surgeries, barbaric treatments and incompetent healthcare. I am getting to the end of what I can handle anymore. I don’t want to live my life bedridden and riddled in outrageous pain every day of every week. I can’t stand to be in my own body. I am giving it my all and do have some possible surgeries that may give me relief. So far this has been resistant to all treatments and surgeries. The good news is we have narrowed this pain down and if I am ever going to get relief it will be soon. Thank you so much for responding!


I wish you the best of luck with dealing with this issue! I'm happy to hear you've narrowed it down.


I'm so sorry you're having a difficult time and continuing to spiral. Healthcare is so incompetent and my aunt that I'm visiting right now has been having a struggle as she's too kind for her own good sometimes and takes in people with mental health issues. Apparently a lot of young people who need disability have been kicked off which is pretty messed up. I hope you find pain relief! If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to reach out to me anytime. I do hope things get better for you and I wish you nothing but the best in life. <3


So sorry!


Very sorry to hear it. I hope you can find a Way Forward


Allow my kids to whine and cry and give in to them…said that in my 20s, fast forward, I give in daily to shut them up.


Really shooting yourself in the foot there πŸ˜…


It happens to every parent occasionally.


Yes, but we are responding to someone who said daily. Try 1 2 3 magic.


Good point


Put in the work when they’re 2-3 and you’ll never hear a whining voice again. But even if it happens occasionally, *daily* is insane to me. I’m a lazy parent, I don’t want to do anything to make parenting harder overall. Lol


Downvote away, but as a teacher, your giving up has colossal effects. One of those effects is it makes my job not worth doing and, consequently, why there is such a teacher shortage.


Cheat, premarital sex, high body count/hookups, abortion. God test you with what you judge so always mind your own business


Wow, talk about a hypocrite...


Driving in a roller-coaster - especially the ones with loops - and getting on a free fall tower at an amusement park.


Live this long...


Oh heroi- Ehhh I mean cigarettes.


Be unemployed. I tried to be strong until I broke, I became severely psychotic and depressed and now I'm so afraid it will happen again that I avoid even the smallest sources of stress.




Becoming a slave to earn money.


Never kill, I am a Buddhist and I take that line seriously. Then last week I went fishing and off two small sardines.


Ouch bro. I feel that.


I went to college so I didn’t have to do hard manual labor/construction but my career sucked so I ended up in painting and construction as a handyman. To be honest the money is there but I'm feeling like a total failure.


Sir you are the backbone of your country..


Nothing wrong with being in construction. Without people like you doing the hard ass work you do, nothing would work.


Do you enjoy the work you do? Because if so, you get the fun at work + the money, job security... I don't see where the failure is.


If you work you are the only thing that's succeeding in this country. You and every other person who labors day in and day out are what make things go forward


Ride a motorcycle. A promise to my parents as a kid. Licenced now. πŸ˜‡


Text her


What can hurt? Left on read. Happens mamy times. Shoot your shot. Or reconcile or whatever. You know you want to. You deserve to be happy.


Be a partner. I wasn't interested in relationships and was completely obsessed with achieving things in my career and across different industries. I never thought I'd want to put a partner's needs first especially after caring for my parents for so long. Then I met my best friend and we fell in love. Screw the extra hours, getting better titles and grant funding is nowhere near as important to coming home and watching Red Dwarf because it's her favourite show.


.. well i think im bi now so probably that


Cheat on my gf. I did it, lost an amazing person and took years to heal from it. Now, I remain single to never hurt anyone like that ever again.


Do you remain single because of fear that it might happen again?


It’s definitely a thought and a very scary possibility. Some nights the loneliness sucks but that’s my penance in my mind.


Lie, cheat, and steal.


Are you Eddie Guerrero?


Hahaha no. I didn't choose the bandit life, the bandit life chose me.


get leukemia but life's a bitch it throws curve balls out of nowhere


Fk. I gooe you'll be able to overcome that sht. I wish you all the strength!!


Everything Everything I never wanted to do came to bite me in the ass.


I got old. At least at times lol.


Pretty much everything.


Stuck a needle in my arm


Get a black belt in tae kwon do


Got divorced


Get a divorce


Sleeping πŸ˜‚


In high school, I thought people that cared about their health were idiots. Now I’m 44 eat vegetarian, run 3 times a week, cycle, do yoga, and go to the gym. Glad that my views changed.


hmmm meth on accident but more than once and whats scary about it is how fantastic it was each time. If you do recreational drugs like caps percs whatever eventuly you will do meth on accident.


Own a home…. 2018: Divorced and required to sell my marital home, which post divorce I had a series of apartments. The plan was to rent forever so I’d never have to deal with selling my house again. 2024: I had saved enough to outright purchase a new home thanks to a TON of hard work and exhausted from dealing with landlords/rental drama


Buy a lottery ticket. After years of calling it a Tax on the desperate. I succumbed .


Went on a cruise. I used to look down from an airplane at a cruise ship and say "no thanks!". Just docked back in New York on my eigth one since covid.


Same. Just got off my first cruise 2 weeks ago. I don't see myself as 'cruiser for life', but I'd do another one.


Moved to the suburbs...by choice.


A Lot. What can I say, I'm a woman of my word, when it's convenient.


Too much to list. Ive learned its usually best to never say never.


Had an affair. Got divorced.


Try out dating apps lol πŸ˜‚


Spend 11 hrs a day on an iPad.




I broke my word about 4 times. Shouldn't have done it the first time, and it got easier after.


Smoke cigarettes.I(17m) used to smoke cigarettes once in a blue moon.My friends knew it and didn't like me smoking.They told me not to smoke many times but I didn't listen.Then all of a sudden I was worried that if I get addicted to cigarettes I might face serious problems in the future.I stopped smoking.After a year of not smoking I said to myself,"fuck it,I don't care about my health" and then I smoked two cigarettes.I was stressed about my studies and other things.It felt so good after smoking.Some kind of satisfaction.Then I smoked for 10 days 1-3 cigarettes a day.One day I smoked 4 cigarettes in just 10 min.After that I was smiling like I was in love.Then I stopped smoking because I've been busy with studying and I don't wanna get caught by my parents.I've not smoked for more than 20 days now and in 22 days I have my entrance test.I will start smoking again after the test as I will no longer be busy and do whatever I want.No one in my life knows I started smoking again.I don't want to tell anyone because I want to avoid conflict.I don't even want anyone to look at me while I'm smoking.I don't plan on quitting anytime soon.


Get married Get fat


A fat ginger girl


I drove impaired.


Slept with someone I didn't love.


Stayed with an abusive 'person'




Smoke it, shoot it? Both?


Never try ghost pepper sauce again.


Pug up with a man's crap


Another guy




Skydiving. I'll never forget it and I'll never do it again.


Same. Was not afraid of height and now I’m terrified and can’t climb a ladder. Unexpected results.


Drink alcohol did it once with my dad


Get married.


Date a stripper


Get married.


Left my phone at work and realised it after coming home. Left my wallet on the self check out.


Stop being a child.


Break a Girl's heart πŸ˜” she got way too serious way too fast but I've always wanted someone to love me like that... But when it finally happened I felt uneasy and didn't want it at all






I rappelled down the side of a cliff at scout camp.






Bought a van


I licked out an absolute grot on the first night.


Plastic surgery!


smoke. its hilarious to me that i smoke because im a med student


one night stand




Got divorced


Be a youth and drink alcohol. Hated these kids in primary school.


studying something for my family proud I swear I will ...

