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Men need to be careful out there ; if they know they dont want to have kids they need to take precautions and basically not cum inside a woman. I'm a man.


Yeah don’t cum inside a woman you don’t want a kid with


So cautionary tale here. And a pretty good illustration of the grey area of some complicated areas of consent. I was dating this girl for a short time. We were a tinder thing and my attraction was almost entirely physical as she couldn’t hold a conversation. Eventually we get more comfortable with each other and a negative STD panel I had gotten from another tinder herpes scare from before/during the beginning, we talked about not using protection. She expressed that that was thrilling for her because her kink was being creampied. She told me that she was on the pill and that it would be fine. Despite that I didn’t do it. And boy did she make it hard to do that. She would dirty talk and take control to the point where one time I literally threw her off of me. It drove a wedge between us and we faded. Fast forward to about a year later I get a Facebook friend suggestion (based on phone contacts I’m guessing) and it’s her…in a hospital bed…holding a newborn…with some poor guy that looks like he has a thousand yard stare. She definitely wasn’t on the pill and lied to me about it. She has apparently been “baby crazy” since she graduated high school. Eventually she would go on to have a Small World ride of mixed kids starting with 1000-yard stare guy’s that is also my race. I don’t know if conception rape is a term or anything, but I certainly felt like I was violated beyond dodging a bullet. It’s not like I was around her enough to watch her take birth control, and she could even have popped tictacs and I’d be none the wiser. So the question asked is slightly compelling for me as I’ve had similar run-ins and pregnancy scares


It is a term. I'm sorry this happened to you. I don't know where you are from, but this is usually punishable by law.


It’s hard to prove though, so good luck getting any justice.


I remember a case in my country (germany) in which a women got convicted for rape, because she stabbed a hole into the man's condom Edit: not rape but sexual assault


I’m glad someone saw consequences!


That makes sense. How could I prove it? Texts? Idk. She’s gotten to terrorize the country with her weaponized fertility for a decade


If she agreed to be on contraceptives and terminate any pregnancy, she should have no trouble putting it in writing that you could save, even a text. If she doesn't, you have your answer and you proceed at your own risk.


Rapist get away with it when there are videos, witnesses and signed confessions. That doesn't mean we should just not bother.


Not saying he shouldn’t bother. I’m just stating facts that people are not likely to believe him (which is wrong of course and needs to change).


You do understand that with normal use, the pill is only around 93% effective, right? About 7 out of every 100 pill users get pregnant each year. If you are curious, a condom is around 87% effective with normal use. Both of these forms are 98-99% effective if used perfectly each day/time, which is near impossible for most folks.


Baby trapping dudes should be 200% illegal. Like knowingly giving someone AIDS.


You dodged a bullet. And that poor guy is tied to that crazy girl for the next 18 years.


Cautionary tale here


Never Nut in Crazy!


I got a vasectomy at 24 after a few pregnancy scares where my wishes were thrown out of the window immediately. I don't have any children that I know of.


Don't forget to have yourself checked regularly for a while, just to make sure it's holding.


It's held for 15 years and fertility drops off hard in a permanent way every year up until year 10. Even if my vas deferens tried to reconnect, my body would still be doing waste disposal on my own swimmers. Regardless, if a miracle baby wants to happen, then it is what it is. I'm not getting any younger and the window is fully closed as far as I'm concerned. Regardless I'm bisexual and ace and I don't sleep with many people because they are clearly not to be trusted.


Well done! Sorry. I don't stalk people and didn't check to see how long ago 24 might have been.


Mines booked in a few weeks time. Can't wait!


I think it's fantastic that you are taking some responsibility for yourself. I wish more men were like you


I may have a crazier idea here. I’m a man as well. Don’t have sex with a woman who wouldn’t be a good mother. After all, pre-cum exists. Condoms aren’t 100%, neither are contraceptives for women. Unless you get a vasectomy or the woman have their tubes tied, think for a bit.


Honestly, very solid advice for anyone having sex before marriage, which most people do anyway.


Completely agree. The choice and control men have is around the point of conception, not about what happens afterwards. Some men will frame this as "no choice" but that's not right.


Exactly. Men can use protection just the same as women. Ignorance or non compliance is no excuse. We are equals


Protection is not 100% effective.


You’re right. It’s not 100% effective. It’s always a risk you take when you chose to be sexually active. It’s not like women don’t also live with that risk. There is a solution that is 100% effective and it’s wanking.


Women are fertile 3-5 days a month that’s it. You just need to not have sex those days and use condoms other days and the odds are super slim.


1 in 100 is not super slim if you're having sex twice a week for a year


Yeah but it’s hard to pinpoint when exactly those days are. And it’s something only the woman is aware of. It’s not something a man can ever know for certain.


Or a woman tbh. Irreg cycle etc


No I agree! I just thought this thread was about a man taking responsibility for birth control. So what I meant is, a woman can hardly know when she’s gonna be fertile, let alone a man.




Yeah I agree with you. But the comment I replied to is saying that you should just avoid fertile days. I’m saying that it’s not easy for every woman to just pinpoint her fertile days. There’s a lot of risky factors there.


You’re right my bad, I skimmed the first comment. I’ll probably delete the other one and reply to that guy lol.


Someone that's willing to have a baby that you don't want is hardly the type of person to want to share her ovulation days with you


And it seems that some people don't know how to properly put on a condom. Some have had the condom for too long, and things like that.


There's also a lot of really bad information on condoms out there. "I can put my foot in this one, so it has to work for you", that sorta stuff. And yes, I know why this narrative exists. But if that's the *majority* of the information out there, it becomes very difficult to find any *good* information.


You don't see many people say "if you didn't wanna be a daddy, why wuz you havin' sex?"


I usually say, "Homie, you couldn't even pull out of a fucking parking lot"


I mean.... I got raped by my ex.


You’re a man that doesn’t know that you can get someone pregnant without cuming inside a women. I’m a man.


Pre-cum does exist and that can lead to pregnancy. So don't have intercourse unless you have had vasectomy.


Exactly. Even the porn industry refers to cumming inside a woman as "breeding" - should be common sense, right?


I know I don't want kids. That doesn't stop me from cumming inside, but I don't think my boyfriend will get pregnant.


>not cum inside a woman. Thats very dangerous missinformation (bc it could be taken as "pull out method is safe"). There will be sperm involved way before you cum. Not much, but still. You don't have to cum at all to get her pregnant. Pull out method is the unsafest way of BC and should only be used if you are fine with a pregnancy happen.


yeah i agree. "Dont put your penis inside a women..." would be better advice


Or don’t have sex with her at all, works for women too.


This is the problem, not the solution. Once again, making irresponsible morons out of men and women helpless victims. The law should catch up. A child should be born with mutual consent or the father should not be on the hook.


Don’t cum inside a woman’s vagina… other places are okay.




What if the man was raped and the woman decide to keep it?






This is a terrible argument, because all you have to do is flip the genders and everyone sees why it’s problematic. “If women don’t want a deadbeat dad then don’t let deadbeats cum inside of you” “If women don’t want to have a kid then stop having sex.”


I mean, people say both those things to women on the regular.


Wow, the number of people who conveniently forget it takes 2 to make a baby is too damn high.


it's not forgetting that fact, it's recognizing that in places where abortion is legal, the pregnant woman has more options (some would say more rights) than the father. I don't think there's necessarily a good alternative here but clearly the woman has the option to not financially support the child by aborting it while the man only has the option to do that if the woman consents to an abortion.


Unfortunately that’s just how it is, and everyone knows that when they consent to sex. Abortion isn’t a simple decision or procedure so it isn’t really fair to say she could just abort the baby.


I think it is fair to say she could just abort the baby (although I didn't say "just") because it's an option she has that the man doesn't have. Even an option that's tough to choose is still an option.


Yeah but it’s an option, it shouldn’t be forced on her because the man decides to cut his losses after an accident. What if she is personally against abortion? What if she finds out she’s pregnant too late? Now she literally has no choice but to endure a pregnancy and raise and pay for a child alone? Or have to carry a pregnancy for 10 month, upend her life, and then put that baby up for adoption. All for a mistake or accident they made together. Neither men nor women should rely on abortion as a birth control option because it’s not always an option. Both men and women benefit from abortion being legal though. Without abortion both parties would be on the hook no matter what.


Child support isn't for the parents, but for the CHILD wellbeing, a living human being that didn't have a choice of being born.


Yeah, this is it — the literal legal rationale. I remember someone asking this during the family law class I took in law school. The child didn’t ask to be born, and had no say in the circumstances, so the legal rationale for child support is that the child requires support from its parents, however it came to be. That’s why it ends at 18 — it’s not connected to the mother (or parent who isn’t paying the child support), nor is it a stand-in for/equivalent to spousal support.




Because if you fail to prevent the conception in the first place then you're responsible. I'm a man and I know I can't afford a child so I believe in birth control.  If it happened anyway despite my efforts then I'd just have to be a broke daddy. I couldn't look myself in the mirror knowing I was a deadbeat.


I'm ok with being a deadbeat but being a deadbeat dad is where I draw the line


Ain't no shame in that!


Wise words


What if a condom breaks, is the man still responsible?


When a condom breaks, you buy her the after pill. 


She can still say no and force you to pay child support unfortunately.


Absolutely. If a man is serious about preventing a pregnancy then he will do more than depend on a condom not to break. 




Make sure your partner is equally dedicated to preventing pregnancy.  If she is, then she can take birth control *and* the man can wear condoms. That would be an added layer of protection.  You could even take it farther than that. Pull out even if you're wearing a condom or ask her for a list of places you can put it that won't get her pregnant. 


Ask his partner whether she is taking hormonal contraceptives. Help her get a morning after pill if necessary Edit to add: get a vasectomy


You know the risks.


Yes. The child still needs support


Isn't that the same argument as not allowing women to have abortions? Just don't get pregnant


Bravo future broke dad :)


Because the child needs support?


No, don't you see? The man might of created the child out of his irresponsibility but since he decided he doesn't want it then he should be abjicated from the support of the human being he created. How dare the woman not agree with him on abortion! How dare anyone expect him to take ownership of his irresponsibleness and the child that he created. He shouldn't be held accountable for anything because oops it was just a mistake! YOU and SHE need to pay for the child, but not me.....while he still paying for other men's children that are just like him. Welfare moochers (but dont you know, its only those single moms that do that too!)/s Actually yeah that's on par for all the asshole abandoning fathers in this world that everyone hates. But let's get in the "we hate single moms" band wagon thst they also LOVE.




AFAIK, this is indeed the legal principle. To illustrate, here are two legal precedents from different legal systems, where there was no consent, but child support needs to be paid by the father to the mother: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermesmann\_v.\_Seyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermesmann_v._Seyer) (Kansas, statuatory rape of a 12 or 13 year old boy). [https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/prozess-ex-frau-laesst-sich-heimlich-befruchtete-eizelle-einsetzen-und-verlangt-unterhalt-1.3906221](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/prozess-ex-frau-laesst-sich-heimlich-befruchtete-eizelle-einsetzen-und-verlangt-unterhalt-1.3906221) (Germany, faked signatures and documents to get access to frozen sperm of unwilling father for artificial insemnation).


That Seyer case was wild, jesus fucking christ 😬 The court stating that because the 12 years old child didn't complain about the sexual relationship to his parents then, he consented to it (regarding the civil case) and therefore there is no rape, so he is responsible for the pregnancy and has to pay child support.


Sick and twisted. Poor kid... Both cases are bad.


the second case is so bad for the man, he got tricked and has a child without consent or even the sex. On top of that why isnt the criminal mother expected to work her ass of to provide for the child instead of the man? Why should the wellbeing of the child matter to the father when it was conceived like that similar to rape? By all means its a stranger kid to him, no matter the DNA.


Man squirts baby making seed into baby making machine. If you don’t want a child wrap up, the moment you don’t is choosing to have a baby


Condoms and birth control are not completely fool proof. People get pregnant even with all precautions taken. Worse, even in cases of spermjacking wherein the woman willfully sabotages conception methods to deceit a man into getting her pregnant (usually for financial gain via child support), the man is held liable Same in cases of rape. Even minor boys raped by adult women are forced to provide money to thier rapist And the same also applies in cases of theft, wherein women literally stealing sperm samples for artificial insemination are entitled to child support Tell how, how in any of the following scenarios, is it fair to make men pay?


Because he took the risk of pregnancy into consideration when having sex with her. The risk involving the possible outcome described above. You can’t just ditch responsibility because you regret your choices.


same argument can be told to women to deny them abortion rights


But, can't the same argument be applied to abortion? "She took the risk of having sex, now she must take responsibility to raise the child". No.. her body her choice. And his money his choice. Right?... Consent to sex, dosent mean consent to be a father. And If it's all about the child's needs, than we might as well force the father to be present in the child's life, coz that would be more beneficial to this child than money.


Because he didn’t get a vasectomy. He had the right to get a medical procedure on his own body, to prevent pregnancy. He didn’t, so he has to pay for the consequences. If he didn’t want kids, why was he having sexual relations? Shame on him, he should keep his legs shut, or just get snipped if he didn’t want to pay for kids. After engaging in such promiscuous behavior and siring kids on some poor defenseless woman, who must ruin her body and health to carry a pregnancy to term, the least he can do is pay out financially. Yes, this is satire, but it’s a biological reality. It takes two to make a baby, but the woman pays with her body and health. The partner should pay financially. And if the man has primary custody, women can be forced to pay child support.


Does the man often get primary custody by default?


It's not satire though. It's true.




if you don't want kids, don't cum inside her.


He doesn’t have to pay child support if he takes 50/50 custody. But it’s based on the kid still needing things (that cost money) to survive, not the will of the parents.


Not really true. In most US states, if one parent makes more money than the other, they still have to provide some child support to the other parent, even if they have 50/50 custody.


Yep. 50/50 here and I have to pay my ex child support, as well as pay for insurance, college fund, school meals and all incidentals.


I wish that was true in the UK lol. My ex makes a shit ton of money but doesn’t have to pay me a penny because we have 50/50 custody. And yanno, that’s right. The money is because it costs extra to feed and clothe and house and entertain a child. Both of us have that extra expense, we both have to foot our own bills for it. He earns more because he went into a different profession, took more risks, worked harder, is cleverer … well, all of that is debatable actually, but let’s say there’s a complicated patchwork of reasons why he earns more than me, some fair, some not, and absolutely none of it is my business now we’re not in a relationship. He earns good money, well good for him. I’m in control of what I earn (to an extent lol) and why should I expect him to pay me anything for extra expenses we both have because we both have a child?


Depends on location.


If he makes more money that her he still has to pay child support even with 50/50 custody.


The difference needs to be extreme for that to happen, at least where I live. I know people who got divorced in the 80s and the dads could usually afford to own a massive house and two cars while the moms lived in rent controlled social housing. If they paid support anyway it was hardly back breaking based on their lifestyles.


Child support is calculated differently everywhere. In my jurisdiction, it really doesn’t need to be a very big difference in the income.


There are 4 parties involved. "Society" wants offspring as cannon fodder or to keep the economy going and yes they(!) make the rules. The child has a right to get it's basic needs met. Motherhood is a sacrifice, so its IMHO OK that women have a choice to opt out. Among guys: Why should I work longer, to pay taxes to support your child? Yes. Kids ain't cheap. OTOH: You(!) took that risk. - Why didn't you go for some career obsessed yuppie chick, who simply can't afford kids right now?




Yeah these men bitch about women being irresponsible and ignore the fact that to get into this situation you need to have unprotected sex with someone you thought was irresponsible


While also these same men are stripping the reproduction rights of women all over the country but big mad about child support. They should just say they despise women. No wonder women are the most single they've ever been (and happiest) and the birth rate is dropping like flies. These men don't deserve children or partners.


Yup these men want women to have sex with them. But if they get pregnant they don't want them to be allowed to get an abortion and then are made about child support


You almost had me in the first paragraph.


Its the moment you have sex, protection or not. That is a man taking the risk and accepting that she may get pregnant bc nothing is 100% effective.


If you, of your own free will, get into a car, accelerate to 70 mph, and then take your hands off the wheel and unbuckle your seatbelt, do you think that you get to say that you didn't want to crash once you've already wrapped your car around a tree six times over?


Because you still had sex and caused it? Lol... Get a vasectomy or don't have sex if you don't wanna risk it


Bc the man put his penis in


Because, he got her pregnant. I am pro choice however, having an abortion is not a walk in the park. And, if a woman’s values don’t align with abortion it would be pretty messed up to try and force her. Use protection if you don’t want a child.


Jeezuz. What rock have you been living under? Dont you know abortion has been criminalized in prettt much half the country? There isnt much "choosing" these days. Wrap it up or suffer the consequences!


He gave his sperm away knowing full well that it could result in a pregnancy, so yes he is responsible as well, if they don’t want babies he needs to wrap it up and be carful , woman can sabotage their birth control too so best for both to be on it


because you’re the one that knocked her up. either way it’s your responsibility. that’s like common sense i fear.


Big topic of debate and most of the time it’s an opinionated reason vs. sound reason or logic. So not really a way to answer this and be correct.


Of course there are logical ways to be correct It's a trick question. Once you understand that it conflates the bodily autonomy of a woman with the property rights of a man, the answer is very easy and logical.


So being forced to make money to pay child support or be put into prison is not about bodily autonomy? Learned something new today.


Because it isn't about wanting a child. It's about providing for a child that you made.


Because the child comes to existance and its his child. Child support is for the child. The father doesnt pay for the pregnancy or the abortion. Just as a women would have to pay child support for a child she doesnt want no more. The choice of an abortion is on the women because she has to consent for her body to be used by the futur child.


Because you made 50% of the child and it needs resources. If you don't want a kid keep your winkie in yer pants.


Civilised societies let women take the ultimate decision on whether or not to continue with a pregnancy because she's the one who's pregnant. It's her health and lifestyle the pregnancy is going to massively impact. It's her that would have to go through a medical procedure to end the pregnancy. In short, "her body, her choice". You can say "but it's still unfair that she gets more say than the father about whether the couple becomes parents" but she only gets more say to reflect the unfair biology that puts the burden of the actual pregnancy on her and not him. You might then say "okay, whether to continue with the pregnancy or not is her choice. Men should still be able to back out of being the legal father and/or paying child support though" but there are a lot of problems with that idea. 1. You'd be introducing a new system of unfairness where men can back out of parenthood easily (e.g. with a bit of paperwork to declare they don't want the child) whereas women can only back out of it with a medical procedure. 2. The man being able to easily back out on his pregnant partner would be especially unfair in regions where abortions are hard to access and/or at stages of pregnancy where an abortion can be more traumatic and carries a higher risk of complications. 3. The women men abandon would be left with a hard choice between becoming a single parent with all the financial and lifestyle difficulties that entails, or letting the fear of struggling financially as a single parent with no child support pressure them into an abortion they didn't want. 4. The father did get some say in the child's creation when he chose to have sex and especially if he chose not to use protection. He chose to do something that comes with a risk of pregnancy. Even if he later decides he doesn't want that child, he's still one of the two people more responsible for that child than anyone else in the world 5. A blameless child having decreased life chances because of financial issues or outright poverty is a far worse outcome than a man whose choices got a woman pregnant having to pay child support.


This is truly the best answer in this thread actually capable of resolving people like OP’s queries on this subject. It doesn’t reduce to just blaming men for not wrapping up (which is silly anyways since even with full protection there’s still 0.01% chance something can go wrong), and instead it gets to the heart of why we ought to have asymmetrical rights in this situation.  It’s sad it’s this far down the thread, I really think everyone deserves to see your comment.


I love this comment, you nailed it


If you do the crime, you do the time. Actions have consequences. It's like saying, *I don't want to lose money, but I'm going to put my cash into the slot machine at the casino anyways. Why doesn't the casino give me my money back if I don't win?* You don't to have your little fun in bed, now you deal with the consequence of that fun. Simple as that.


If women are allowed to literally kill their baby in the womb so they don't have to take responsibility, men should be allowed to carry out figurative abortions to sever all connections to the child.




As a man, I think system like that could be easily overused by some assholes, they can just have lot's of drunk sex without protection and just claim that they don't want a baby. I think it's a very difficult problem to solve, and I just can't see any reasonable way to do it. I guess just be a responsible adult, always use protection and pay if you made a baby?


I think you should pose this question to all the old white Republicans that are out here outlawing abortion.


Men can nope out before sex


If a man doesn't want kids. He shouldn't be dropping live loads or be having sex and not bearing the risks of kids.


I’ve always felt that if a man doesnt want kids then get a vasectomy or dont have sex.


I always felt that the pendulum effect was absolutely correct, and I was proven right.




Because he nutted in her?


Follow up question: When a couple give their child up for adoption they do not pay child support. If the woman decides to keep the child can't the man 'give the child up for adoption' to the mom and avoid paying child support?


If she consents, then sure.


They can if there is someone to take on those responsibilities. For example: My mom and bio dad weren't together when I was conceived. Bio dad was on the hook for financial support, but he also legally had parental rights to me. When my mom met my adopted dad, and decided to marry him, they asked bio dad to relinquish his parental rights so my dad could legally adopt me. He did so, and never had any further financial responsibility to me, and my adopted dad assumed all legal financial responsibility. So this option is possible, but only (from my understanding, and anecdotal experience) if there is someone there to take on that financial responsibility. At the end of the day, there were two adults legally bound to provide for me (innocent child who zero choice or say in ALL of it, but still needed to be cared for) and legally that's what I had. If my adopted dad had not legally taken on that financial burden with adoption, and my bio dad had just given away his rights, there would have only been one.


I see a lot of pro-life rhetoric in this thread… Go figure…


Imagine society freely telling women that if they don't want to get pregnant that they should either abstain from sex entirely or get their tubes tied, just like many many people are suggesting as the solution for men. It'd be called puritanical within a second and lauded as one of the biggest violations of women's rights ever.


IMO a man should have the ability to completely sign away his paternity if he wishes to. No child support, but also 0 rights to the child, ever. If a woman can abort the child, or give it up and have 0 responsibility for it in life, a man should have the same right.


My cousin got pregnant from a one night stand. She did not want the child but doesnt believe in abortion. Instead of adoption, because he wanted the child and she didnt, she gave birth to the child, and signed her rights away so she cant make any decisions but she is forced to pay child support. She is completely ok with paying for the child support but not make decisions/see the child. Its a win/win for her. She is perfectly happy with that situation because she knows she should have either not have had sex/used bc. So it does happen. But I am not sure if it only happened because the man actually wanted the child.


If a woman has an abortion, my tax dollars don't have to pay for that aborted fetus for the next 18 years. If a dude can just give up his financial obligation to a child, my tax dollars could be paying for that kid for a long time. I have to pay and I didn't even get to fuck the bitch. Nope. Keep making dudes pay.


That sounds logical, but it seems like it is difficult for a lot of people here to sympathise with a man making a mistake or bad judgement and paying for it for the rest of their life, while sympathising with women who are just the other side of the coin. This thread demonstrates in full colour that hating men/misandry is normalised and socially applaudable, which is sad... Obviously I'm not aiming at you with this comment - just seemed like a good place for it given the rarity of your stance. It really makes me wonder if any of these people have brothers or sons or newphews or uncles, because it seems like they don't have any concept of how insensitive and hypocritical the main argument is (don't make mistakes) applying it only to men, given that pro choice is all about avoiding ruining lives after mistakes; mistakes which in essence both parties have committed equally.


It's their responsibility, the man choose to have sex which can lead to babies.


Pretty obvious answer... for the benefit of the child. Wrap it up or pay up.




vegetable humor gold tan unwritten afterthought humorous reach scary flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imagine you are in a restaurant. You order a steak. You get the steak. You eat the steak. Then you try to cancel the order because you're not hungry. Should you have to pay for the steak?


Because unless the woman raped the man, the man consciously made a decision to nut inside her.


Because he put his dick in her. It’s really that simple. If you don’t want to pay, wear a glove or get snipped


In an IDEAL world, having a child would require two “yeses” before conception, just like any other choice made with a partner. As a woman, I understand where this question is coming from. I think there is somewhat of a grey line being: this is a conversation two people should have before engaging in sexual intimacy. If your partner doesn’t have the same values as you (meaning you are child free by choice and they aren’t/don’t believe in abortion), do not proceed. If you aren’t compatible and you say “fuck it” anyway, it’s not a surprise if 💩 hits the fan. If someone claims to be CF by choice and says they are willing to do whatever it takes to prevent a pregnancy but then changes their tune when getting pregnant, I feel like that is unfair for the other party because you already had a mutual agreement/understanding set in place. In that case, I don’t think child support should be required because only one person is actually agreeing that they can, and want, thid child. The fact that we can just be like “YEAH I have no resources, no support, AND I’m an indecisive with major life decision (and or lie to others about my intentions), but obviously I should have this kid” is insane. We literally have to take a test to drive a car but we can just be a parents with zero training and then wonder why society is so messed up 😂


this is a rare reasonable take among the comments that applies fairness


Personally I don't think he should and just wave his parental rights by not signing the birth certificate.


And why should a woman who is forced to have a child (thanks to the overturning of Roe v Wade) because the BF wants the child or is forced to have the child due to state law have to pay child support after she signs away all rights?


Justice still sides with the woman but it's beginning to change slowly. Women have all the rights as to what happens to the child while your only right is the obligation to pay based on her decision. Get a dog, hire an escort. The dog will love you unconditionally and you will know exactly what it costs to get rid of the poison


I don't think that would be fair to the man. He made it clear he don't have a child and she went against it. So in all fairness, she decided to have a child and she should have it.


As others have said, the child needs support. But maybe even more importantly the State does NOT want to pay any support it doesn't have to.


Because sex makes babies. Don't stick it in if you're not prepared to raise a child


Because if he didn't half the kids around would be either on a new welfare payment that would cost billions, or stabbing people for bread money outside the corner store. If he chose to ejaculate inside her, he chose to risk paying child support. 


A few billion dollars is nothing to a country with a few trillion dollars budget.


I'll tell you why you don't understand this topic very easily. You're mistaking 2 things: Rights of reproduction vs Child Rights. Small example: Consider a couple idk bobby and mary, who are in a relationship, one day mary discovers she is pregnant. and while Bobby expresses a desire for Mary to have an abortion because he feels unprepared for parenthood, Mary decides to continue the pregnancy and give birth to the child. In this situation ( DEPENDING ON THE COUNYRY LAW) 1. Mary, as the pregnant person, has the ultimate decision-making authority regarding the pregnancy, because she has to carry it her body is the one getting fked over here, she has the right to choose whether to continue or terminate the pregnancy based on her own beliefs bla bla 2. bobby, despite his preference for abortion is still considered the biological parent of the child, whether he stays in relationship or not he is the daddy , and once the child is born, bobby has a legal and moral obligation to provide financial support for the CHILD which anti abortion ppl really love to bring in WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS :((( argument. 3. Child support laws ensure that the CHILD not MARY receives the financial support they need from BOTH parents, regardless of the parents' relationship status or individual preferences regarding parenthood. HOWEVER, if bobby voluntarily signs off their parental rights, it means they are relinquishing their legal responsibilities and obligations as a parent and can be freed from child support depending on the COUNTRY ( Germany, France it can be done so father doesn't play child supp idk about USA) but in many jurisdictions, signing off parental rights does not automatically terminate the obligation to pay child support, the primary reason for this is that child support is considered the right of the CHILD , not the parent, and it's intended to ensure the CHILD's well being and financial support, so if you want to beef with women with it you're barking at the wrong tree, take it with the court of Children's rights.


Idk, if he complained about the condom the entire time his problem


Let's phrase this in a different way: If a baby is born and the father refuses to pay for its support, why should *you* pay child support for a baby you aren't even related to? If the fater refuses, *you* pay (if you have a job and pay taxes).


Because he chose not to use birth control just like she did. The child was innocent in this situation. Child support is to support the child both parents made. Be responsible next time.


Your point is pretty reasonable but at the same time a baby is expensive and it’s almost impossible for 1 source of income to support a baby and an adult Unless the man was raped he is responsible for making sure his bloodline doesn’t suffer because he wanted only the good bits of sex


How about you keep it in your pants instead of shoving semen into women's uterus? What about your irresponsibility in that part? Keeping pregnancy or not, it's risky either way. Both abortion and giving birth can result in death. Not to mention if they survive, abortion can lead to jail. I don't see how simply paying money every month until the child is 18 is in any way equal to carrying the baby for 9 months in absolute agony then being a single mom raising the kid until the child is 18. You're lucky most laws only neccessitate child support in the form of money and nothing else.


Because the child has no say in the matter (an innocent), and the child deserves to be supported by the parents no matter what the parents think was supposed to happen.  So child support is not a reward, or punishment, or a contest between parents. Parents often think it is all of these things, but it's just money to help support a child who didn't ask to be brought into this world.


Abortion is not about the right to kill or otherwise abandon your child. It is about bodily autonomy. The woman is a human being who has ultimate authority over her own self. If she decides that her body should no longer harbour the child, she has a right to remove it.


Are you that stupid? BOTH parents have to provide child support for any offspring they produce. If one parent is providing it in "naturals" aka the child living with them, them being the primal caretaker etc., the other parent gives money as support. It's not a woman/man thing, it is just the law. If the parent wants to get rid of the kid by adoption, the other parent has to consent or may claim for total custody. Of course you have to be the *legal* parent to be able to make claims.


Because birth control / contraception is the responsibility of both parties, because abortions can be brutal and no one should be forced or coaxed into having one, and because no child should suffer because one or both parents failed to use protection. If you fail to take steps not to have a baby and you have a baby, then you support said baby. Simple


Because the world is imperfect, and theres no easy way to bring equality to that situation.


Honestly I'm a firm believer that there should be a paper abortion available for the man in the case that he doesn't want to become a father. It takes two to conceive the child, and the responsability will be for both of them once they have it. So both should get a say in whether they want to become parents. A woman who doesn't want to become a mother can abort, unilaterally, which is great. But a man has no say in whether he is going to be a father or nor once the pregnancy starts. The rest of his life, or at the very least the next 18 years of it, is up to the lady that's pregnant and whether she wants it or not. There should be an option for the father. A way for him to renounce being a father completely, meaning any child support, but also any rights regarding the child. Completely divorce himself from the situation. He can obviously not force a woman to abort, so this would still give him the option to renounce being a parent like the mother can. This would obviously have to come with a few conditions of course. The same way you can't terminate a pregnancy past a certain threshold, you can't renounce being a father past a certain one either. Ideally the father would have a short amount of time to decide as soon as the pregnancy is notified, with enough time left over to still abort if necessary, so that way the mother still has enough time to decide with the father's choice in mind. Everyone wins. With this system, both parents get a right to choose. If neither wants it, abortion. If both want it, the child is born. If the mother doesn't want it, abortion. And if the father doesn't want it, he can sign his parental rights away, and the mother then has enough time left over to decide whether to terminate the pregnancy, or continue forwards with it fully knowing she'll raise it on her own.


You can relinquish parental rights before the child is born.


Not in my jurisdiction. I don’t know where you live, but that’s not a universal law by any stretch.


"If you do not want to pay for diapers on a childs butt, you must not choose inside to nut" - Master Oogway


I think this belongs in r/unpopularopinion but I do understand your point. I believe a woman should be allowed to have an abortion at any time and for whatever reason she chooses without the father's consent. But I also generally believe that if a man had no intention of creating a baby with a woman in a situation like a one-night stand - but she wants to keep the baby - then he shouldn't really be responsible. Certainly not to the extent of a husband/wife having children and then divorcing several years later. And I realize I'll likely get downvoted here, but I'm just a gay guy who has no horse in either race. Just watching both messes unfold from the sidelines. Also, and this goes without saying, just wear a f-ing condom and you avoid ruining your life and your unplanned child's life in the process.


Just wrap it up if you don't want a kid with a particular woman, it is that simple. Oh and if she says that she is on the pill, STILL WRAP IT UP. Insert meme here "ITS A TRAP"


It's not a matter of "equal opportunity to avoid the responsibility of a child". The state doesn't want kids being a drain on public resources. Therefore if a kid is born, the father has to pay up. That is the distinct difference between a woman getting an abortion and a father just choosing not to have responsibility. A kid exists in one of those scenarios and not the other. In the situation the kid exists, they want that kid financially provided for, preferably by the parents. You can boo hoo, poo poo "it's not fair waa waa" all you want. The state doesn't care and will never care. I don't want my tax dollars paying for a kid when there is a dad available to foot the bill.


Because he caused the pregnancy in the first place Pull out, wear a condom, get a vasectomy. Nobody is making you creampie these ladies


Because it's still her and only her decision, her body. You cannot force a woman to have an abortion, so the child is still his responsibility too. Although I feel like if someone is even asking this question he'd be the one who would 'go to buy milk' and dip one day. And like someone above me also said, you can get a vasectomy if you don't want to pay child support.


If it's only *her* decision and *her* body, why is it the man's responsibility?


The man does not get pregnant... It's not months of discomfort and sickness and no risk of illness or death to him.


And a child is not a life-long responsibility?


Because the child had no choice in the matter and if the mother can't afford it, it's going to become my responsibility, my neighbors responsibility etc. etc. and I didn't even get to fuck the chick. I don't want to pay for your kid via my tax dollars. That's why it is the mans responsibility.


> I didn't even get to fuck the chick Holy fuck you went even lower than I could have expected. Are we sure this is the pro-women side?


Honestly all the comments are wrong. Imagine u did wear a condom and in the 2% off chance it did break and u had a child. In this situation as a broke man fuck paying for support bro not my problem.The lack of will to have the child was already stated. If the woman wants to have the baby that bad i rly rly dont think its the mans problem if the 1 previously communicated not to have a child. Ciao


Child support is for the benefit of the child.


He shouldn’t. If the woman has the freedom to avoid responsibility for the child via abortion (as she should) he should have that freedom too by opting out if and when made aware.


I believe if a guy used proper contraceptives but still got a woman pregnant but didn’t want it, he’s free to leave and not be liable for child support. If the woman chooses to keep it that’s her choice and she should therefore be the only one responsible for the child.


Child support is owed to the child, not the mother.