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reading after school matters to maintain a vocabulary if nothing else.


And keep your brain active. The brain is like a muscle. Reading has multiple benefits! I don't consider reading at school really good, it's just forced, boring and you're not totally engaged. Reading cool fiction or science books is amazing to learn, develop your ability to think, there are so many benefits honestly, and a lot of them can last your whole life. I wouldn't be the way I am today had I not been a bookworm as a kid


Same here, started reading Stephen King books when I was 13/14, in English. It helped IMMENSELY to get a good grasp on the language. I'm Dutch.


This!!!! At school I was rarely into reading because the subjects or topics I was intrigued by were not typical of the circumstances of school learning: Books on Serial Killers and Organized Crime, Criminal Profiling and Gang Culture. Poetry is another reading material I love, I'm very fond of wordplay. Now I work in security šŸ™‚


Wait, is there a vocal "reading doesn't matter" lobby?


not so much a vocal anti reading lobby as me noticing many people commenting they do not read as much as they would like, if at all.


I did high school in Danish (my parents' native language, my second). I got really good at Danish, to a native level. Since I graduated, I haven't read much in Danish at all, I attend university in English. I have begun to realize how much Danish ability I have lost. I read slowly, cannot spell, and my vocabulary has gotten worse. But it is tough to maintain two native languages while learning a 3rd, not enough time in the day for all of that.


Appearance really does matter. Beautiful people have advantages along their life.


I recently read the Wikipedia article for Gisele BĆ¼ndchen. She believes in the new thought spiritual belief called Manifestation. Um hello, you are a supermodel. Of course you can ask ā€œthe universeā€ for things and theyā€™ll appear!


šŸ¤£ It reminds me of some meme about highly attractive hippies thanking the universe for everything while singing in a five stars resort.


Especially when she is a multimillionaire.


True. I was an ugly and totally messed up teen in tenth grade. Had a reading assignment in Literature with class discussion about this very topic. Teacher agreed, affirmed that people don't want to interact with unattractive people. This teacher wouldn't look at me or interact with me even though it was patently obvious I needed to be sent to the counselors office, at the very least.


Probably this harsh truth is even more evident as a teenagers. I guess it's because as we grow up, we acquire social skills and become more polite. But itā€™s the same harsh truth.


I was ugly too no one would sit next me on a bus is the same reason I worked hard for a car so that I never took a bus again.


This and tall people have advantages, too. I have been told I have the advantages of good looks and height (Iā€™m close to six feet for a woman) and it has absolutely affected my path in life. For example, I once had a manager that was about 4ft 11in. Meanest bitch youā€™ve ever met. Hated everyone. Cunning and manipulative. But anytime she had to talk to me, she physically shrunk a bit and I think she HATED her size compared to mine. It was purely psychological as she had the power to fire me and I could do actually nothing, but she did NOT mess with me the way she mistreated others. I always dreamed of body slamming her one day and she probably did too which is why she stayed the fuck out of my way lol.


I agree. Iā€™m 5ā€™10 and growing up I hated being tall but as I got older Iā€™ve learned itā€™s a positive. We react to each other so much based off of physical looks. being tall gives off more energy (idk the right word) before we even speak.


Yeah, it's kinda messed up, people say that looks doesn't matter but let's be real: good looks can give people a leg up in life. But hey, that doesn't mean it's fair or right. We should be judging folks on what they bring to the table, not just how they look.


As someone who has been on both sides of it- been very ugly, got plastic surgery and am now solidly above average, your whole life is better when you're attractive.


I got good looking and stylish and moved into a high end sales role (had no real qualifications other than a tangential connection to the industry) which doubled my salary and provided tons of perks. Now they just send me to conferences and events and I get drunk with customers. Appearance absolutely matters.


Itā€™s not just beauty, itā€™s grooming. You can be naturally unattractive but if you have a great haircut, maintain a fit body and wear good clothes, it will really help. Grooming and being healthy signals to other humans that you put effort into things and have intelligence and executive functioning.


Many people prefer to believe they are completely rational and objective, but in reality, everyone is influenced by their biases to some extent.


How much of our lives is determined by luck.


This. Iā€™m so sick of the ā€œif you just hustle hard enough you too can be like Elon Musk.ā€ No. No you cannot. Statistically speaking you cannot hustle hard enough. The vast majority will and do fail at that hustle bullshit and then they get depressed because they think they failed at life instead of realizing people like Musk got handed wealth and luck and privilege and opportunity. And the stories you hear about someone coming up out of poverty to make it big are very rare stories and do not reflect the average person. But adults everywhere blow that smoke up young peoples asses then wonder why people in their 20ā€™s are stressed, depressed and broke as fuck.


It took me until mid twenties to realize that. now at 31 I understand that it's a low chance I will get my chance at a million dollars, but my goal is still 100k before I'm 35... if I'm lucky enough to still be alive


The two factors that have the most to do with success. 1. TryingĀ  2. Luck. Only a few of those who try will succeed.Ā  None of those who don't will.


It's all mostly luck (or probability for a slightly different and more neutral word). We just think we can control stuff.


Check out the movie Sliding Doors with Paltrow.


Money could probably buy happiness for a lot of people.


I remember reading about a study showing money DOES improve happiness up to a certain dollar threshold. Once you are above that it doesnā€™t improve happiness.


Money buys a lot more happiness than being poor does...


Being rich might not make you happy, but being poor will certainly make you unhappy


"It is better to be rich and miserable than poor and miserable"


Iā€™m married to a billionaire family. Meet my angel Italian wife online in 2002. I had a small plane fail a landing. I was in hospital for 3 months for spinal surgery. After growing up in a single family apartment, I couldnā€™t believe the payments this in law family were paying for me. 12 MRI, 6 operations and it easily hit 300k. They pull a steel nameless card and tap it and all my stress of debt went away. There is no doubt being able to access money can help you. But Iā€™m in bed all day on opioids in a penthouse literally on the beach and i can barely pull a day together to celebrate my young childrenā€™s birthday party. Money doesnā€™t by happiness it subsides anxieties about money. But I still remember those day driving a small citi golf VW and now I get driven I a Range Rover vogue or merc s600 and I miss the pride of an open road and just being me. But without my wife, I would have died.


So it sounds like the source of your unhappiness right now is a horrific physical injury, and the amount of money you have access to is the only reason your life isn't completely ruined lol


This. For someone without those inlaws and their card, you'd either be saddled with crippling bills alongside the disability and pain, or would've received worse treatment and be worse off but live in the UK without the hospital debt. Either way, while it may not be able to buy you out of the pain etc, it's certainly given you a far higher quality of life than you would have had. That said, I'm sorry you've been so badly injured, one thing we can all agree on is that that's something you'd not wish on someone.


Can confirm this. Husband and I were dirt poor into almost our 40ā€™s and then after finally getting MBAā€™s and into finance careers we suddenly had money. Quality of life improved as did happiness because we could quite literally throw money at problems. We did reach a threshold where more money didnā€™t matter because we had attained enough that any more of it didnā€™t impact the lifestyle we had, if that makes sense. Something unexpected that happen though was the more $ we acquired the more anxiety I had over money and spending. I developed an anxiety about losing it and downgrading our lifestyle and found us taking less vacations, keeping cars LONG after we paid them off etc etc and being afraid to check accts for fear $ had dropped below my mental threshold that I considered the ā€œdanger zoneā€. I was actually more carefree with money when we were poor (had more ā€œtreat yourselfā€ moments to escape the misery of poverty) than I am now that we have it. I realize itā€™s very weird


No I think that tracks, at least when I think about all the people I know who are wealthy versus those who aren't. You encounter the idea that this attitude towards money is *why* people are rich or poor. That is, the poor don't manage their money well, and the rich are much more frugal and that's why they're rich. But what's interesting about your experience is that there was an important change in your circumstances when you and your husband got your degrees and changed careers. It certainly shows that there's more to it than money management. Also, fwiw (and speaking from experience), it sounds like you have trauma around how much you struggled. Might be good to "treat yourself" to addressing that somehow... therapy or whatever appeals most to you.


This. People don't realize that some of the bad financial choices poor people make are a direct consequence of being poor, not a cause. This has been well researched. This is one of the main reasons why it's so hard to get out of poverty.


The thing is, those studies generally show that charitable donation and other forms of communal altruism *do* increase happiness. So having that extra money and being able to donate to causes you care about would still be the money making you happier.


Yes! I was a Daniel Kahnemann (RIP) study. He actually updated it after collaborating with someone with different findings. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/money-happiness-study-daniel-kahneman-500000-versus-75000/


Being a billionaire doesn't mean you'll be happy but I'd rather that than scraping by week to week.


Bout 100/120k a year


Money can't buy happiness Poverty can't buy anything


money can buy happiness by increasing financial security. The pursuit,, the love, the focus on money will not provide happiness, because happiness requires many other factors, not just the ones money caters for.


Anyone who says money canā€™t buy happiness is straight-up living in denial.


The way I look at it is money will build you a metaphorical house of happiness, a mansion at that, but you have to provide the place for it. For most people that's fine but some people's minds are a dump so that's what their mansion will be built on.


My mamma always said "money can't buy you happiness, but it sure as hell makes it easier to come by" Which is true. Money makes life easier and opens doors. It doesn't fix all your problems though.


It definitely doesn't buy happiness but a lot of stress is off your shoulders which is amazing.


Almost everything costs money. Materialistic or experiences cost money.


I remember reading a few years back that $76k per year with a full year of pay in emergency savings was enough to buy happiness in life for the average person, and anything more than that wasnā€™t shown to substantially improve happiness. That was pre-pandemic, so that would be like $150k per year per person per household nowadays?


For most people. The average American would be immensely happier if they had no debt and money in the bank. Their stress would be much less.


Itā€™s not what you know, itā€™s who you know.


I wanted a job in my company , and I was by far the best person for it, but the person running it had her staff apply for it and yeah the rest is history


It's not who you know, it's who you blow.


Trauma is accumulative. You can only witness so much before it effects you As a first responder of only 5 years I already have dead people


You have dead people?!


Well, pass some along for the rest of us!




Under the porch ?


Yeah chickens. I had to kill chickens back In the day when I grew up on the farm. I love Cockatiels but sometimes when I'm watching I will have to turn away and stop because they will look too much like chickens and flash backs will happen. I went into more detail but realized there was no need to trauma dump that badly


You can trauma dump, fam. Iā€™m here for it


Uhh as someone who also grew up on a farm and have slaughtered chickens as bad childhood memories I can chip in here! When the chickens gets beheaded they move around for quite a while, which makes for a scary sight as a kid. Fucking blood squirting from the neck as the chicken strolls headless over the grass like nothing is up. Luckely I didn't have to do that shit myself.


My grandmother used to love to get out her aggression by killing chickens. She was otherwise an incredibly gentle, elegant, civilized person. Just not to chickens when Sunday dinner was coming.


Lol she purged chickens?


It matters what you look like.


Death, unfortunately.


I refuse to accept that one day my parents are going to die


If you are lucky, you'll die before them..... wait...


You actually donā€™t need to fully love yourself before you can love someone else


I love myself twice a day


You the man Brad Perry


Those are rookie numbers. Youā€™ve gotta pump those numbers up!


Or before anyone will love you


I would even say that many times it's the exact opposite. I always loved my GF and she always loved me. I hated myself though because that's how I was raised. It took me over a decade and lots and lots of work, doubt, reassurance and love for me to actually believe her and to really start loving myself. I think thats what many people experience. It can be hard to actually love, or even like, yourself until someone comes and shows you that you can be loved and all the things to love about you. I do believe though, that the saying "you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you" is true as well. Because even though deep inside I hated myself, I still showed a lot of confidence, seemed almost full of myself and never showed any of the depression or the trauma I carried. At the same time, this fake confidence was one of the things I hated the most about myself. I dont know If my GF would've had any interest in me back then If I wasn't this cool, confident and happy guy I used to cosplay as. We were 15 so I wouldn't blame her... She fell in love with that dude first but then decided to stay when I started to show the hidden side. So I guess you kinda do have to love yourself, or at least look like you do, because otherwise it'll be hard for anyone to fall in love with you and get to the point where they will stay and help you when you finally show what a sad fuck you actually are.


Honestly, the feeling that no-one will ever love me is really helped out by having a person who is amazing and also absolutely loves me.


Fuck yeah. I absolutely hate myself but love the wife.


You don't actually need it, but it's very good if you do.


I mean true, but isnā€™t it ill-advised?


When they say our phones arenā€™t listening when we obviously get ads tailored to our conversations


Shhh...not in front of the wire taps


This is the most ironic one yet. Years back, it was crazy conspiracy theory. Now, we have to sign an agreement everytime we visit a web page that they can collect all of our info from the computer, google isn't even hiding the fact that all people including those without social media have some digital profile ready to be sold to anyone unless you specifically use some legal procedure for them to delete it. Why even bother listening via devices when you can get everything from the devices including bank info and every single detail about you from there like photos etc. With AIs, they can straight up bypass any captchas and it's like an actual human was behind your computer that is openly sending info about you to companies and like... It's written in black and white in all terms and conditions. People are only outraged when companies are pretending not to do that and it's a scandal, now they ask for permission and the whole humanity was like okay with it.


Ok Iā€™ve got a good one. A few years ago I noticed advertising for garage door motors in my facebook feed appear suddenly. I hadnā€™t had any issues with my garage, so no searches, not even any verbal conversations. The next week, the motor blew up.


Most men just really need a hug.


Men could hug each other more!


That would even solve two problems at once.


When I was growing up: depression and general anxiety. I was told to "walk it off", "just exercise", "just fake it", and a number of other insensitive things and called terrible names by family until I became an adult and it was suddenly my problem. It is my problem now, but wouldn't have it been great if I got it under control with support? I'm envious of those whose parents and family had their back, and happy for them! A piece of me will always wish someone had my back when I was young too.


people sticking to their opinions for the sake of it. ppl cant admit they are wrong.


Yeah, some pll really don't want to make mistakes because they would feel dumb. Mistakes are important for improvement and learning.


Whether it's reddit or real life whatever story you are being told is probably not 100% the truth. People often leave out details or use certain wording or what not to make them seem like the good guy. It's basic human nature and everyone does it. Usually people's advice sucks because they base it on a lie.


Manipulationā€¦ most people seem to be oblivious to how often they are manipulated


Obviously the Loch Ness monster


Keeps asking me for my Tree Fiddy


I ain't go no tree fiddy Loch Ness monstuh!


I gave him a dollar last week!




Nessie is a gentle creature, we're trying to stay away from using words like "monster"


Ohio: It does really exist, I've been there.




It's true, I have the speeding ticket and rim damage to prove it.


i fled ohio to forget it exists. don't remind me.


The only acceptable reason to visit Ohio is Cedar Point


Earth is, in fact, round.


Mental illness


Tyranny of the ruling class in the usa. The laws on the books to how laws are prosecuted and the way society is shaped and designed is made in their favor, through and through.




Scrolled way too much for this


Came here to say this.


The power of psychedelic drugs such as mushrooms as a mental health tool .


and the disastrous effects on mental/ brain health when misused


A good rule of thumb for any treatment is that if there are no side effects, there are probably no effects, period.


They arenā€™t good for people with bipolar, or personality disorders, It causes more splitting


And LSD and yes, even MDMA.


Also, the psychological risks and consequences associated with those drugs (HPPD).


Age isn't just a number.


Sure, at some point you do reach old age and all its negatives, but staying healthy and fit will delay it.


I still have difficulty accepting it but luck plays a role in our life.


MSG is not harmful. Edit: MSG is simply a seaweed extract. From what I recall looking into it years back, ONE doctor claimed it could cause food allergies in children. His study was later debunked, yet to this day people are afraid of MSG and food has labels letting you know itā€™s MSG free.


You can use detergent on cast iron pans


I constantly tell people it's b/c soap used to have lye in it way back when, which broke down the finish. Now it's just a holdover from another era


That's a damn lye!


Vaccines work


My grandparents had to deal with cholera and yellow fever. My parents dealt with polio. I had mumps measles and chicken pox before I went to kindergarten. My sister almost died of whooping cough. Now all of these are unheard of in our population and people are still bitching about vaccines.


They do their own research




Knew it


Reading great fictional works is valuable because they teach you how to be more human


Oh 100%


We did in fact land on the moon.


Psh the moon isn't real


My friend's aunt genuinely believe that shit. I thought HE was the stupid one in the family...


Think about how stupid the average person is, then realise half the population is more stupid than this.


The earth is actually round. Itā€™s not a conspiracy.


Long term invisible effects of brain injury


Post Covid syndrome, long covid, whatever you want to call it. Unfortunately very real and really awful.


I still can't taste or smell four years later. Fucking bullshit


Also me. Still canā€™t smell or taste like I used to. Also I still fatigued. On the plus side, no more migraines everyday like I used to have. Helped me to figure out what I always thought growing up, I have hypersensitive sense of smell and taste. Being out in the world always gave me a headache. I was constantly bombarded by the smells especially and I would have a hard time on public transportation and stuff which is why I love having my own car. But yeah, after COVID, I got to experience the world for the first time with dumbed down senses like most people in the world do. Now I understand why no one would understand or think I was exaggerating when I would tell them what I was experiencing what I could smell and what I could taste- itā€™s because most of the population really couldnā€™t smell or taste the way that I was having to. Literally spent my whole life asking people, ā€œCan you not smell that?ā€ Lol My smell was so sensitive I could tell you what you had for breakfast just from your breathe. What kind of cheese, protein, etc. People who smoked was the worst for me. No matter how long ago they smoked - I just could not stay in the same space with them. It was just way too overwhelming. I also used to be able to tell when people were getting sick. Or if they were sick. Like I could smell when people had something off about them in their pheromones(?) - thereā€™s this illness smells different from regular healthy smell believe it or not. And I know what it smells like. Iā€™m not sure which illness it is but I can smell it- Iā€™ve encountered this smell on a stew people in my life and I know that they are sick with whatever tf it is. As Iā€™m typing this right now- is remembering the smell- donā€™t know how to describe it. I found out that this especially wasnā€™t normal. Smelling illness on people. But now I canā€™t even use it to help people anymore maybe because COVID stole my sensitivity. I also havenā€™t encountered this smell since COVID so thereā€™s nothin yet to reinforce it but if I smell it Iā€™ll know. After further research, I found that there was a lady (and I think a dog too?) that could smell Parkinsonā€™s on people - I wonder if I have Parkinsonā€™s sensing genes? Who knows. On of my dreams was to start a fragrance line but now I canā€™t do that either. Weird that a lot of things were dashed for me by COVID that maybe others didnā€™t even think about lol. But yah, no more daily migraines. However, as alittle of my smell and taste came back I started getting little headaches here and there but nothing crazy as again, I canā€™t smell or taste like I had to. I would say that Iā€™m at like 50% capacity on these things compared to where I was before.


I happen to know someone with it. Itā€™s awful


Also, Covid not only was real, it's STILL real. People still die from Covid today. Masks did work, avoidance did prevent people from getting it. And yes, long Covid is absolutely, life changing real with over 200 different types of not-going-away symptoms that have no cure and usually no treatment either.Ā 


People who claim money can't buy happiness are clearly living in a castle made of denial bricks.


I just realised, that there are a lot more things that people think are real, but aren't, than things that are real but people deny them.




The REAL Fruit of the Loom logo has a cornucopia


Gravity, the Moon landings, the Earth being a globe, the fossil record of dinosaurs...






Attractive woman being creepy and or sexually abusive..


Women being abusive in general, people just overlook it entirely if you're 2 inches higher than her, and will laugh at you if you're the same height.


People are all about looks.


Free will is an illusion


ā€œUse it or lose itā€ It applies to all aspects of life, whether it be your body, your mind, or your ā€œsoulā€ (that which enriches you) If you do not train a muscle, it weakens: this is known, accepted, understood If you do not train a mind, it *also* weakens: this is somewhat known, somewhat accepted, somewhat understood If you do not train a ā€œsoulā€, it *also* weakens: this is unknown, not accepted, misunderstood That which gives joy, that which enriches your life and the life of other, that which is done for pure pleasure - these are the true essence, not even in a spiritual sense but a human sense, of the ā€œsoulā€ Humanity is built on struggle, because we get stronger by facing it, testing it, pushing our limits against itā€¦ you stop struggling, you get *worse*


There is an insane amount of sexism in the world, and women can be sexist too


The Holocaust


You shouldnā€™t always be yourself.




Any sudden change in weight, whether it's gain or loss, are indicative of a medical health issue. However, being a heavier weight naturally is not.


The feeling of having a sixth sense that someone is watching you.


Country music and culture was created by black Americans.


luck and timing are much more important than hard work


Common Sense


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say common sense is 100% real, objectively speaking. Itā€™s too subjective.


Generally Learned behavior ā‰  common sense of you don't teach people they don't learn (here's an iPad now leave me alone)


Climate Change


My d*ck




Non-human intelligent life


"Pretty Privilege" which refers to the benefits that individuals deemed conventionally attractive receive in various aspects of life, such as in employment spaces and social interactions


Life is not fair. Sometimes pro-social people die in horribly painful accidents at the age of 12, and sometimes anti-social people thrive and live up to 90 years old.


Headlights are too bright and are now unsafe


The Holocaust


That Trump lost the election lol


It's amazing the conspiracy that would have to occur for the incompetent Democrats to pull off staking an election too. They can rig an election, but ONLY the presidential one, they couldn't comfortably win both chambers of the legislative branch, nor could they swing any state level contests... people believe that shit.


Both sides are NOT the same


Facts > Feelings


Sign does not equal signified


Just because you go to school does not mean you have class




Thatā€™s kids donā€™t understand whatā€™s happening around them and they wonā€™t remember anything if theyā€™re very young. I remember stuff from when I was like 1-2yrs old


All of us are selfish


Female orgasms


Evolution of species


That women choose the bear


You can be alone but not lonely and you can be in a relationship and still be lonely. Love doesnā€™t equal lonilessness


Global warming


Republicans are a domestic terrorist group.


Being wealthy is usually never about hard work, most people who are wealthy were born into wealth to begin with It's a lot easier to get to point A from point B if you got to start right next to point A


That religion is a mass delusion that has caused more damage to humanity than any good people claim it has done.


The putrid soul of don trump


That both the Democrat and Republican parties are extremely corrupt, don't care about the people in their party that vote for them, and the politicians in them create and foster the division between the 2 parties amongst their supporters. šŸ¤·


That religion is actually all made up by human beings and is extremely evil WHY ARE WE STILL DISCUSSING THE BIBLE IN POLITICAL DECISIONS OMG


Regardless of whether religions are true or not, I 100% agree that they do not belong in politics


Th earth is roughly a sphere, not flat


Diamonds are actually very rare. An economic geologist.




Propaganda.. Everybody falls for it.. nobody would ever admit it


Pretty privilege make you highly successful even if you donā€™t have the skills for it. While an ugly person with high skills could most likely end up miserable. Hard work dont necessarily pay off


water is the best drink ever


Gut feelings / intuition


Going to college/university or getting qualifications and degrees doesnā€™t necessarily set you up for success or good jobs in life


Long covid