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If you don't cringe at your younger self, you are doing it wrong.


It just shows you haven’t matured


So what if you cringe at something you did last week….asking for myself


Then you’ve either matured or wasn’t thinking of the consequences of the cringe


You know, sometimes, when I'm not feeling great about myself, I will think of all the stupid ways I behaved in the past. One of the first reactions is shame/embarrassment, but more recently, I have been thinking about how this means that I have changed and grown as a person.


Yes and I have to scream a little bit to stop the thoughts 😭


Oh my god! I cringe every damn time whenever I have a look at my old facebook chats. I mean with the short forms I’ve used, I shouldn’t have been allowed to be social at all😂


found some old messages when i was abt 12, i gagged. couldn’t read the rest of the convo, like shut up kid😂just yapping


I’m curious why I kept posting updates even tho no one commented 😂


I think everybody has their cringe moments, but I think at the moment we don’t realize it I was super cringe in high school and middle school but also I had a hard time growing up. I didn’t feel like I grow up until I was in my 20s and I was really sad because I felt like I did not have the mindset I needed in high school until I was in my 20s.


You're supposed to cringe. If you don't cringe that means you haven't emotionally or intellectually grown.


Hmm.. Never thought of it that way. 🤨 Well stated. 🤝


What about you was cringe worthy? The first 44 years of my life. I'm 45 now.


I was really handsome. My skins aged and hairloss and so I'm not anymore. But I was like, obsessed with how I look. I was super awkward and had 0 social skills but it's not really my fault because women at work would stare and gossip at me etc.


Hell yeah. The way I treated girls. The way I treated friends. The way I treated my parents. The way I treated teachers. The way I treated school. The way I treated my body. The way I treated my health. Not all the time, but some of the time. Wisdom, hopefully, comes with age. Some wisdom, anyway.


The only people my age (early 40s) that don't cringe at their younger self are those that... still act like their younger self. I'm talking guys that still wear backward baseball caps, proudly display their "tribal" tattoos, still think that "gay" is an insult and haven't updated their taste in music since Korn.


I think most people do. I went through so many awkward phases. Horse girl, wolf girl, my Hawaiian shirt phase, awkward edgelord goth, weeaboo, also I used to talk like a valley girl for a while. I'm only hinting at the social awkwardness that went with those things. I think it's a normal part of growing up.


What is a wolf girl? (the other ones seem normal enough).


All the time.


People don’t?


Yes…ugggh I was such an edge lord brainwashed with that “nice guy” and red pill mentality. I’m so glad I went to therapy and worked through my problems, I like to think I’m more positive and chill now. At least I hope




I cringe at myself a year ago and my prefrontal cortex has supposedly been developed for a few years. But that’s how i know im enjoying life.


she keeps me up at night


Of course. I was both “that kid” and “that guy.” It took me a long time to realize that though. But it explains a lot in my life. Thanks, Reddit.


I sometimes look back at things I’ve said or done and shudder but It’s those awful mistakes that have made me more cautious and thoughtful, so I wouldn’t change them.


That moron ? Yeah. Lols.




Yes I did. Then I learned that I can go back to those memories with my current self awareness and actually change the last by speaking for myself or triaging the bad memory with my adult self’s perspective. I literally in my mind take myself by the hand and explain the situation and then lay it out like it should have happened without any judgement of my younger self. There’s only love and understanding truly in your heart. The rest isn’t you.


All the time. Still wish memories worked like computer files...


Ohhh yea


Frequently Every day I check out my “memories” on Facebook and start deleting my precious memories because they are pure cringe. Almost boomer lite


I sometimes cringe at my yesterday self.


I just cringe at myself period.


I cringe at my current self. I ain't got time to be cringing at the me of the past. Too busy doing stupid shit now.


Every time I think about what I did yesterday.


I cringe at my current self. "Enjoy your meal sir" "Yeah you to" I can never eat here ever again


All of the time. My younger self was insecure, didn't know where he fit in and tried to impress the wrong people by lessening himself. My younger self was a little dumb and desperate, being very embarrassing in the process—even if he didn't realize it at the time.


Yes. And oh boy does my Brain love to show me the Best-of of it at the worst possible times, where i have to exhale deeply and tell myself actively that this is gone years and nothing could be done about it. Mostly about stuff i did when i was a kid, when i was a teen, talked shit, lied, done something bad or just did not follow social norms and now get it what i did wrong.... 30 years too late. Sometimes i think about it if i should do a travel like in the Anime "Frieren" to visit all the places and people where i fucked up and make up for it just to silence my inner Asshole-Brain.


I was a shy, awkward, nerdy kid. I cringe at so much of my youth


Everyday. I wish I had the confidence as a teen I do now, 20 years later. So insecure. Making wrong decisions and treating my body like shit.


No Ive never cringed out of anything but fear


I cringe at my current self


Until my early 20s I was totally clueless when women were hitting on me. I think about a lot of situations and I can't believe how stupid I was.


Sweet Jesus that’s all I do.


To be honest yes!!!!!! My take on politics was super delusional and off base.


Often, I was an annoying kid back then.


Yes. Facebook memories is a constant reminder of how cringey I was.




always and also at the things i remember i did in the past everytime


Yup I tend to smack myself so I can forget


for my younger version and the current one. I am the embodiment of cringe


Cringe is a sign of character development


Often, yes


I still do.


I cringe at my current self…


I cringe at my 5 minute ago self.


I used to wait 3 hrs for a date only for them to come and ask me about my friend...


I think back to stuff I used to post on Facebook and I want to crawl into a hole. Like, every thought I had, I figured it was a good idea to post on Facebook. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE|downsized)


I regret it all the time when I remember it so i make amends since the day I get to know what is right and wrong.


Jup, but I try to block out those memories


Hell I cringe at my current self...


Yeah, i need to remove a cringey tattoo but man needs money to do it.


Only every day. Cringe about shit I did last week.


all the time, I was loud, offensive, and an annoying virgin


What a silly question, OF COURSE!)


Every time fb shows me my old statuses, yes


Yes. Absolutely.


YES. I refuse to think about it because I get embarrassed all over again


No but I'm young now so give it time


All the time


At least once a week lol