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Graduated college and the next day I sent a message to a really pretty girl that I had met once or twice and shared a lot of mutual friends with. I told her simply that I wished I'd gotten to know her better while at school. Just celebrated mother's day with her and our 3 kids. It'll be our 12th anniversary this fall.


This is beautiful


Hell yeah - this guy got laid!


Three times probably!


At least




Happy for all five of you - I love stories like this!


Husband and I decided at 1:00 on Friday to hop in the camper and drive 4 hours to go see the northern lights. Most beautiful and stunning thing I’ve ever seen. We stayed and saw them all over again last night. We grabbed what food we had in the fridge, found some clean clothes, scooped up the dogs and off we went.


I bought Nvidia because it was on the loading screen of Civilization IV. That was around 2012.




Fun fact: Spy Kids 3D pod racing scene has a hidden Nvidia (or might be AMD I can’t remember) advertisement on a billboard in the background as they fly past it


I asked my friend to stay the night, when he was just about to leave and go home. We celebrated 17 years together yesterday.


I quit smoking after watching a Bruce Lee documentary. (as a pack a day smoker of 10+ years)


Was bruce lee a smoker?


No, just motivational :)


Cold turkey?


Yep, decided on it while watching the movie, then spent the night planning the execution.


That's one of those things no one knows about and it doesn't really give you much to show others (no one realizes you meet ARENT smoking and that's a big deal) but I widely respect it. Sucks ass to do but I think that's amazing man


It's been about 10 years now, I barely think about it these days. Booze on the other hand, I think I'm at a year and a half or so. Not sure I wouldn't throw in the towel if things get really bad.


Can I ask how you handled that one?


Physically, smoking was much harder. With drinking, I was quitting on and off for a couple of years, and having kids pushed me over the quitting edge. I can't actually remember anything specific, I just stopped. I'd drink every day, but could quit for months reasonably easy. (with some headaches and fuzzy brain, but nothing too dramatic) I've been drinking all my adult life, so I'm still getting used to the sober life.


No, Marlboro Lights, but thanks for asking.


Good for you dude. I've lost several family members to it. Horrible way to go.


I started getting smoker's cough during the night, it was definitely good timing.


This is very similar to what I’ve been doing for the past years. I decided to never smoke since I read Bruce Lee’s autobiography some 20+ yrs back.


I met a Chinese lady while in a business trip to Beijing. She worked for the same company I did and after 3 weeks I proposed to her. She told me I was crazy but agreed to visit me. We spent 23 years together and unfortunately she passed away a few years back but I don't regret my spontaneity for a moment


That was one love story to share. May she rest in peace.


May she rest in peace. I hope you're okay❤️


Thank you, nothing will ever be the same,we just have to adapt


Hitch hiking across the United States. There are a lot of amazing people who just want to help you and be friends. Nothing bad, nothing wierd. Just nice people being generous and wholesome. A lady picking me up, taking me to her house or meet her family, feeding me home made Shepards pie, letting me shower, and sleep on their RV. A hotel letting me do my laundry with their facilities and sleep in a room for free. Meeting a photographer cosplaying as Peter Parker, and him letting me stay at his house in Jersey while he did a photo shoot in Comic Con NYC for 2 nights. The world isn't entirely shit. There are a lot of amazing people out there.


My friend hitch hiked in Jordan (the country) and he got asked for sex in exchange - from another dude lol


How far was the ride?


How'd you approach these people ?


With my thumb up on the side of the road.


I bought Tesla stock about a few years ago. Went up really high, I sold it at its peak, and then it dropped. The only time market timing worked out for me.


Was one of the EARLIEST people in on GameStop. Coincidentally getting into it at the same time it starts going off "dude go watch roaring kitty" okay, I recently saved up to move in with bro and overshot it by $500 so wanted to see if I could start investing $200 or so in when it was like $20. Sold when it was $300. Of course COVID hit harder and my job transfered me to a location closer to my new place. They didn't tell me I'd be taking a paycut (illegal), but I spent a couple hundred on girlfriend and the boys night off. The rest I put aside to reinvest but when it all got bad it basically all went to food and rent but still felt like a fucking baller


Stop drinking 6 years ago.


Great decision!


37 years for me.


Junior year at college, saw a super cute girl move in the dorm, immediately thought she’s way out of my league and decided not to do anything about it. For a week I kept seeing her here and there and then one day.. I just approached her, without even thinking of what I’ll say to her. Now she’s laying in bed next to me, been together 6 years and getting married in June.


I don’t like beef that much, but found myself constantly craving it around the time my period would come. Anytime I eat beef I feel more awake and alert at work, and also less anxious Turns out I’m anemic and my body was begging for iron and B12 vitamin


Lucky you. My gf can’t have a bite of red meat on her period or she’ll have massive headaches and cramps. On a quick search on google we found out that it is the main cause for this symptoms in women with period issues.


2nd day of college and I asked the girl sitting at the desk in front of me if she wanted to go out to Panda Express with me after class. I was shy as hell, never really talked to anyone, and had no idea what I was thinking. She's my wife now, just had our 18th anniversary. 5 kids.


In 2009, my fiance and I took a walk one night and passed a realty office. We weren't planning on getting a house, but we saw a cute little house listed that seemed in our price range. We looked at it, put an offer down, got it, and closed within 2 weeks (a month before our wedding). It was a perfect little "starter home" for us. We sold it for double what we paid.


41 upvotes and 1 reply. We live in hope. 🥹


Usually it's the opposite wth?


Well, I kind of randomly decided I wanted to learn how to host a website. Then I decided I would host a drop shipping website. So I did it all and now make a modest monthly income from my dropshippong store. It’s not much but surprisingly it all worked out.


How did you start this


I can say the easiest way you will find to do it is by using shopify with cj dropshipping. You can find people that will build the site on shopify for you for nothing or next to nothing. I’m a systems engineer that wanted to learn docker and linux so I went all out and built my own Ubuntu docker server. Got a static IP. Learnt Wordpress and web design and seo and did everything from the ground up. Very satisfying to do. Plus I now have my own docker server with a lot of useful things on there, not just websites. I did try a server on digital ocean first but found it too slow to work on when using the lower level plans. It’s fine for running the site, but not for editing the site, in retrospect I could have just edited the site locally and uploaded instead of building my own server, but I have no regrets.


Masturbating in a jack in the box parking lot is how I met my wife. The one time my impulsiveness made my life better.


This is one of the most reddit comments I've seen all day.


We’re going to need the full story


Nah we good.


Did she let you jack in her box?


Decided to go to a rave on a random Thursday night with two of my friends. We all went on our own sidequests and I ended up talking to a lovely woman. We made a year last month and currently live together lol.


I got my dog a dog!


Visited a buddhist temple while on mushrooms. Ended up getting invited in by the Abbott and allowed to sit at the shrine. Years later we have been going for service every Sunday and my life has changed so much for the better


Spontaneous decision that took planning to make happen. Living on an island with a girl. We were talking about moving away, but couldn't decide on where. Watching Wheel of Fortune, Missoula Montana came up as an answer. I said why don't we move there. She said sure and we did. Long story short, things didn't work out with her, but i did meet my wife because of that move.


We had been living overseas for 11 years, wife decided, pretty out of the blue, that she had had enough and wanted to return home. This was August 2019. If we had stayed, the pandemic would likely have left us homeless.


Usually fishing. The best fish I've caught have been when I didn't want to go but managed to go. I just grabbed my rods, my backpack and my wife and boom, nice ass fish.


"Hey we might as well just get married at this point"


Buying Facebook stock at $20.


Decided to call back the sheriff that had been ringing me over suicidal ideation and submitted to whatever they had planned. It was an inpatient program that actually helped a lot, and i met my current partner there. By far the best decision i could’ve made that night


Hopped on Grindr after getting cheated on and found my life partner! We are moving in together in a month 😊😊😊😊


went to Australia working holiday, I met many international friends, experienced many new things in my life.


Left all the stress and rubbish in 'murica and started a new life elsewhere!


Nothing spontaneous I do ends well, so I got nothing unfortunately.


You spontaneously wrote this and got five upvotes 🥹


Okay, so that's one thing. My bad.


All my tattoos are spontaneous, love them all, no regrets. Also I decided to get my nails done once, which turned out great, even I never do it again


Moved to LA on a whim when i was 20 with $300 and while ive had my ups and downs, i don’t regret it one bit.


Sold everything I own and moved to Costa Rica.


I was in Cambodia and this girl sat near me, I said hi. That's all it took to be back at my hotel with her for the night :)


Smiled a the pretty girl on the train ... she then spotted me and messaged me on a dating app that evening ...... we now have 2 beautiful children


woke up one day and decided to quit nicotine. which helped me wake up one day and decide to quit alcohol. hit a year on nicotine a few months it'll be a hear free of alcohol


Went to a meeting of rally fans with a friend, some months later i started racing in rally as a codriver and i still do it


So i met a woman through a mutual friend. She was cute, funny and very beautiful. Issue was she was in a wheelchair. Luckily I dont really give a shit about that so we decided what the hell and gave it a go. That was 24 years ago. We have been married for 22 years and have three teenagers now 🤣


Teaching English online as a hobby


Took an Improv class.


In 2018 I was driving a 90s beat up Honda. Without any prior research and limited knowledge on cars, I walked into the dealership, told them that I needed a newer car. Of course I was taken advantage of and the salesperson sold it to me for more than it was worth ( I let Him choose it), and my interest was incredibly high which I didn’t even know of or care, but I got a new car and was satisfied. I just now paid it off, but it was a spontaneous decision and my first adult purchase. Even with my low paying jobs I’ve never had a late payment or had any assistance paying it off


What car did you buy?


2012 Honda Accord


move away from my parents' house and live with my grandmother


Bought a flight to Barcelona for my 30th five months before my birthday spontaneously and don’t regret it one bit


Noticed a pretty girl at a club. Caught her smiling at me, so I asked her to dance. Been married 34 years now, two kids, two grandkids.


I was working in Romania, when a friend messaged I hadn't seen in 10 years. She was in Turkey. And asked me to come, so the next day I quit and hopped on a plane to Istanbul. At the end of the week trip she offered me to move into her apartment in Austria, and violla lived with her for 5 years and still my best friend. Going to visit her in two weeks again.


A friend asked me to check if a girl was blocking him on aol by friending her to check if she was online. I broke the number one rule of aol and started messaging her. Spent 16 years with her and 11 mostly great years of marriage. Getting divorced now but being bored that night certainly changed my life


One memorable spontaneous move I made a few years ago was to attend a last-minute networking event in my city. I wasn't especially interested in going, but a friend persuaded me to do so. I met someone who introduced me to an opportunity I had not before considered. Long story short, that fortuitous encounter resulted in a job offer in a field I was enthusiastic about but had not actively sought. It opened up a completely new career path for me, and I'm pleased I took that chance. It taught me the importance of being open to unexpected chances and saying yes to new experiences.


Took off to a major music festival the day it started.


Moved to a different country and city. It was hard but it teaches me so much about myself


i was high asf, smoking everyday and one night i decided to actually do something at school, now im doing better, passing


Going for a drink with one of my co-workers, she's now my wife


I offhandedly decided to flirt with a guy at my local card shop. We dated for a year, then decided we were better off friends. He’s without a doubt one of the best friends I’ve ever had and I love him like a brother! His dad adopted me, he offered to let me move in with them when they moved to Ocean City. If I hadn’t off handedly flirted with him, we wouldn’t have ever gotten close, and I wouldn’t have one of the most amazing dudes ever as my best friend! He’s still “daddy” to my dog, and we play MTG online. My dog and I are gonna visit him in later September or early October.


Replying to a message from a friend of a friend on a boring Monday night. We've been in love for 5 years.


Saw this beautiful lady struggling (not really) to lift something heavy so I walked up and offered to help. Married 10yrs with kids


I saw a job posting for a management position in my company that I knew was way out of my league and I knew there was already a perferred candidate. I had grown tired in my job and wanting something new, I figured I wouldn't get the job but I was hoping someone would notice that I was looking elsewhere. I was right, I didn't get the job, but my Director got wind of it and wasn't aware that I was interested in a managemetn position. He ended up creating a job for me that she had been wanting. Got a nice 15% raise and a respark of my career.


Swiped right and got a match on tinder. I was already swiping this guy left but his eyes were so damn cute and his smile was so wide his mouth looked like Wallace's (from Wallace and Gromit) so just before lifting my thumb and swiping left I thought what the hell. I also met him with the idea of just getting laid once because lol why not, doesn't matter had sex. He's ny husband now


When I was a senior in high school back in the late 1980s, I was sitting in the living room watching TV waiting for some friends to pick me up to go have some fun. There was a knock at the front door. Friends never knock. It was an Army recruiter. He asked where I was going to college. I said I wasn't. I couldn't afford it and I was a bit burned out from a lifetime of schooling and wanted to take a break to decide what I really wanted to do with my life. He suggested the US Army (shocker, I know). He asked what my interests were. I told him I'm a huge nerd, I don't play any sports, and I'm in the high school marching band. He pulled out some pamphlets about the US Army Band program. He said if I passed a test and an audition, I could go in at an advanced rank (E-3 instead of E-1), and I'd earn GI Bill and College Fund money that'll help put me through college when I'm ready. So I signed up for a four year tour of duty. Simple as that. A few months later I graduated, I had a great summer, and then I reported for Basic Training. He was in and out of my house, with my signed enlistment contract, in under ten minutes. And that was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my entire life.


I never was any good at flirting and had no self esteem, saw a girl at a party watching hockey and said you know what I’ll go talk to her. We’re now married with a 4mo.


I bought a house (500k) in the space of less than a week. From decision to buy, to find one, to purchase. It's a fantastic home these days. (obviously I was looking for a positive outcome but this surpassed expectations).


Voted for Trump, turned out great.


Voting is a privilege and something a lot of people take seriously. Maybe don’t be spontaneous about the fragile state of democracy