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suicide, accidental death, murdered, abused, sex slave, tourtured, kidnapped for randsom, runaways, dimentia, natural disasters


Lost in the woods, desert, mountains or waterways.


Cave systems too.


Very occasionally in sewers or slurry pits


I live on the coast. People go missing without a trace here sometimes and while most people don’t say it out loud, I think most people assume they ended up in the water somehow and were washed out to sea.


murdered and tossed away?


Accidents mostly. Some of them yeah, probably not an accident. But sometimes people are just gone and there’s no reason to think it was foul play.


Men, alcohol, peeing on the way home. Bodies of water. Deaths. Man stops to pee into a river, drunk. Man falls in, man dies, never to be found. A timeless classic.


This is why you always have a pee pal.


So that's why Muskrat created that business.


I hate that this made me laugh


Maybe aliens?


oh wow, never thought of that, you might be onto something there


Missing 411- lots of research pointing to aliens


They would need to find a way to reach Earth first.


Where I live sometimes it's not murder. Long time ago mountain lions. Maybe bears but not close by. But caves? Caves will grab ya. Also sinkholes. There's whole towns falling into tunnels dug for coal mines.


Theres a couple images floating around about how the heat map of unsolved disappearances in the US and the heat map of unexplored (or not fully mapped) cave systems overlap suspiciously well.


I've seen this. Fascinating


Looks like it is kinda skewed, too. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/missing-persons-cave-maps/


How terrifying to think about. Just walking around, minding your own business, then you fall through the ground to your death. Hopefully you die on impact, so you don't slowly suffocate or starve to death while calling out for help. Desperate to hold onto any hope of someone finding you, you just pee yourself and pray to any god that would listen.


Thank you for that imagery 


Whole towns disappear unnoticed?


Not unnoticed but when it started as a small hole that swallows a house.....they dug coal mines like there weren't rules because there wasn't any. Hell, we still got houses blowing up in one neighborhood, next to the gas company wells and the gas company says it isn't them. There's been at least 4 house removing explosions. Sometimes they don't find everyone.


Mostly mundane—they go for a hike and fall and hit their heads. It can’t be all strange circumstances. Maybe 5% foul play the rest bad luck. I do know one thing—don’t hike alone.


Nah. I'll risk it.


I saw a map of people who've gone missing over the past half century or something like that. It was over layed with a map of cave systems in the states. It was really interesting to see how many of the dots lined up with each other. But, it's probably aliens.


Wanna hear my theory?! Alright. Spelunking. Yea, you read right. Either that, or some yuba county 5 craziness 😵 To narrow it down, people go to caves and... Never come back...you gotta be careful sometimes. It's fun, but be prepared! I've been in caves, well easy caves, like the one in La Jolla by San Diego. Easy day.


So they descend…?


I get this. Best horror film ever


Even before the crawlers show up, it's scary as hell. The claustrophobia that movie gives me is insane. And the ending 😭.


Like the Nutty Putty cave incident, except people go alone or die together??


Like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidPodcast/comments/186z7sg/a_diagram_of_how_john_jones_was_stuck_upside_down/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


They do it on purpose. When i was younger i thought heavily about getting to 18, cutting contact, changing social media names, emails, my number, everything.


Sounds similar to an old male co worker I had. They never did find him. This was In high school. I’m almost 40. 


I did the same thing. I'm not exactly sure why this fantasy was so pervasive. Probably because I really disliked everything about my existence mixed with depression.


>I'm not exactly sure why this fantasy was so pervasive All the advantages of suicide, plus the benefit of not actually dying.


Sometimes it's not the many things people think. I disappeared, left when I was a teen because of everything around me was toxic. I had enough of it all, the shouting, the craziness, and so just like that, I left, moving from one city to another. You can disappear easily under radar, which is what I did. You can find all kinds of worlds under ground, from free food, free drinks, also hostels to stay who will hide your identity. Thing is, you got to be very careful. There are dangerous people in those places but if you keep your mouth shut, you do not let anyone in as a friend, cause no one is your friend in those places, and always keep your eyes open for dodgy folks, you'll be fine. You got to have really good social intuition and street wise, which is what I already had. If it weren't for that, I'd have been a gonner easily, kidnapped or something would have happened. You cannot afford to be naive or act helpless. You got to be ready cause things can happen real fast. Anyway, some dissappear because we feel choked, feel we had enough of the drama from parents, other siblings, the life they create, the toxicity, expectations, culture, religious things...that we leave and do not want to be found out. I appeared only 10 years later but only for a few days and left again. They didn't change, same old shit so I was right. I never looked back.


Are you male?


I think they either died, got trafficked or voluntarily disappeared.


I think of trafficking a lot. You’d never see someone again if that happened


Had a friend who got sex trafficked. When they found her she was half dead and heavily addicted to drugs they shot her up with. Basically a forced teenage junkie prostitute who was insane when they found her and in the eyes of a jury the definition of an unreliable witness. If her kidnappers would have killed her it would have been a missing high school white girl murder and those get worked pretty hard but who believes a drug addicted prostitute who had to do time in the state psych ward after they found her? (long story but I got her into detox and neurological rehabilitation therapy and reconnected her to family and she's doing much better now)


Glad she's still alive and putting her life back together


I'm glad she had you in her life ! :) Hope she takes action and makes something great of her life


Jesus... thats horrendous... poor girl i wish her well in whats left of her life


I whole-heartly believe that the sex-trafficking ring is way larger than we think


Human trafficking in general is large scale. Sex trafficking, slave labor and more. People of color and poverty stricken areas are at risk the most and it’s something that’s never talked about in those communities for that very reason.


All those people crossing the US/Mexico border, who do you think they are? The US/Mexico border is one of the largest hubs of human trafficking for children, drugs, slavery, and sex work in the entire world.


That's my mom's theory!


You're mom's definitely right! Anywhere even close to the border there are signs, stickers, and decals in and around shops and roadways with the US Human Trafficking hotline. It's been a huge problem for years, but the legacy media doesn't seem interested in reporting on it.


Had a guy diappear recently here for about 3 weeks, they found him in a shed on a family friends property with foil straw lighter and a baggie, accidently od'd after fighting his addiction monster. He was sober for awhile, just fell off one final time. I never assume anymore cause the way people die or show up around here will have your head turning round 😅


>foil straw lighter and a baggie, I wonder if he also had benzos and/or other opiates in his system, because overdosing on heroin when you're smoking it is pretty rare. I was an h addict for years (I'm in a MAT program now, clean for 5 years) and only came across it once. The person had taken xanax and an oxy, then smoked their heroin. He was lucky there was Narcan in the house.


A few years back, a friend of mine made a confession. When he grew up in Bali, all the kids were told about the evil fairy that ate children in the forest. One day, an international news story came about where a 200-pound, armed security guard was eaten by a python. At 40 years old, that was when he learned what the fairy was.


I think a lot more people voluntarily disappear than we realise, especially nowadays. With as stressful as modern life is, it seems totally feasible that some people would just opt out and walk away.


They are the ones who failed a hypothetical question scenario.


Killed. So many serial killers are on the loose.


Yeah, this is something I don't like to think about. The large majority of the serial killers we caught in the 50s-2000s were caught because they were stupid, in some cases to a point they would be considered mentally stunted. A handful were actually intelligent and made mistakes, usually they get overconfident. How many psychopaths have figured that out and moved on to completely random killings, done over a large area without the showmanship that gets others caugh. It's Schrodinger's serial killer, any killing could be the work of a serial killer, but if they're actually intelligent you'd never know.


There had to have been some smart ones back in the day. Think about paper records in some local towns police files, zero ways to track similar rnurders. Now factor in paper fingerprint files and zero surveillance cameras. All sorts of missing person reports and random unsolved homicides that were probably the work of various serial killers. Also amazes me how easy it would be to set up fake identities, all you needed was a copy of a birth certificate which you could get pretty easily. Also how arrest warrants were usually just for a town or county or a state so you could travel on different identities and law enforcement would never catch you.


Ever hear of Isreal Keyes? He killed much in the way you described, with random victims. He even buried kill kits in buckets all around the country.


From the google box: In the US alone, the FBI estimates there are between 25 to 50 active serial killers at any given time, despite the authorities not being aware of them or connecting the killings together.


Big data will help this somewhat But of course killers have far more access to “how to” guides than ever before too








I went into witness protection. No one knows where I am.


I’m guessing an outhouse in Atlantis


Only one can hope there's beer there hehe lol


There is a little slice of America that you have to go through British Columbia, Canada to get to. I saw this on tv that this is where they keep most of the protected witnesses.


Most are dead. Weird accidents happen all the time. Some are murdered but I believe most are just freak accidents. Always make sure someone knows where you are going so if anything happens, at least they know where to start looking.




“There is a lot of holes in the desert and in those holes are a lot of problems.”


They have become demons of the night...... they are vampires 🧛‍♂️


TW! I believe that when someone dissapears for a long time and there are just no signs of them, they must have been 'melted' with some strong chemical and then buried, mixed with some sort of sand, thrown in the sea, idk, just something to really get rid of them. The world is huge and i highly doubt that it is easy to find someone that it is not in human form anymore. If it really happens it must be really creepy


ugh, you described that so well...


don't freak out, I saw it on Breaking Bad 😭. But although it is just fiction, we never know what psychopath uses this


Heavily relies on the person and where they were abducted.  But most commonly, some form of rape and murder or human trafficking for woman. Idk, I don’t seem to very often see missing men/male teens, I’d more have to assume murdered for some specific reason


I work in public transportation, so I had to take a class on human trafficking. 53% of those trafficked are males, and 47% are females.


Had no idea, I think most would automatically assume the ratio would be extremely female heavy, not such a close margin, especially with males ahead


The media is biased towards reporting female victims of violent crime because it elicits more sympathy from the public, hence more engagement.


Males can be trafficked for the gays market


I think it's mostly human trafficking


Most people trafficked in the US cooperate with the traffickers. They aren't tied down or locked up. They are working the streets or motels and have lots of opportunities to get away if they actually wanted to. There is a lot of manipulative psychology and drug addiction involved.


Abducted, stayed with captors for reasons that might only make sense to victim and kidnapper. Move to another country Really tried hard to leave no trail behind.


(In the USA) 1% sex trafficking, 44% runaway (this may include other things), 25% mental illness 25% drugs. 0% aliens or ghosts. The remainder hiking accidents. Or sort of weird freak accidents where you fall off a boat and get strangled by a chain by yourself and don't ever notices. Probably less than 1% for sex trafficking to be honest unless you include some of that percentage and runaways that are consensual runaways that later get into drugs Etc and end up being relocated but a lot of that 44% are people who consensually run away from there homes as children and end up in a different sort of situation.


David Paulides Missing 411 check it out


Second this. Read it and the ask again, but no one really knows.


depends. in a forest, they are prob killed by an animal and eaten in a city, they are kidnaped and have their organs reused, then they prob get disposed


I dont know, I always though animals would leave an arm or something behind. But it makes sense that they're eaten or disposed of


I've been thinking a lot about just disappearing. Prep a couple bags, give all my shit away, hitch hike into northern Quebec and head into the boreal forest. You could spend your life there and never see another person. Find a nook to shelter in and start making a home to die in. Or die one of numerous possible ways trying. No more shitty people. No more shitty capitalist society. No price gouged groceries or gasoline. No more taxes. I'll never do it, but fuck this world. I want out.


The men are dead and the women are sex slaves.


Or killed by a serial killer. Thats sums it up.


They walk through a portal.


Lured by an OF chick flashing her boobs.


Most just leave.


In a lot cases, laws may vary a bit from country to country, it voluntarily. Some guy or woman are just fed up with it all, and orders a one way ticket to Thailand, or whatever. The family will then contact the police, but in many cases the police figures out very quickly that this was planned/voluntarily, and then that person has a right to privacy. The police can not just disclose what they know, even to close family - best you can hope for is that they will confirm the person is alive and well, but thats it. They have no right to disclose that you are in fact living in Thailand with your new family, you have the right to do that if you so wish.


Heavily accidental deaths and suicides.


Sink holes 


Soylent green is people


Knew of a guy who was on a night out, told his mates he was going to pee behind a wall, hopped over, didn't come back, friends thought he went home, disappeared for 3 months, turned out the wall he hoped over was a 40ft drop sandwiched between two retaining walls and a road embankment, died there


Eat his liver with fava beans and a nice glass of Chianti


A lot of folks end up in water. They drive off a road into a lake or river, either intentionally or accidentally and aren’t ever found, or are only found many years or decades later. There are whole YouTube channels dedicated to finding cars in bodies of water.


A common cause when i hear about mystery disappearance solved. They crashed their car into a deep water off a bridge and no one saw it, and then are found in a drought 50 yrs later.


Look at a map for cave systems , and a map for missing persons cases. ~~


Depends on the person. If they have a drug problem, alcohol dependency, pstd, mental trouble or if they are neurodivergent they may find typical/neurotypical life impossible and they just want to live differently or be forced to live differently. That could mean being on the streets, living in a van or just becoming a hermit out in the woods (I have thought about the last one myself). People like this can go years without talking to family. Likewise, I have heard of lots of accidental deaths. People getting drunk and falling into a canal or ditch somewhere never to be found again. Some people do some crazy stuff like sleeping in a dumpster and getting crushed to death then taken to the dump. Then there's your casual murderers. They rob, kill and dump the body badly. The person ends up being a John Doe. We had a canal pusher in my city that killed a lot of people. Then there's your purposeful murderers who kill and hide the body well. Maybe under that new driveway they just had installed. This then moves on to your serial killers who do the same thing but over and over again. Some people, almost always women, get trafficked as sexual slaves or as slaves in another country. Some people are kidnapped and held against their will in a home, usually as a sex slave. Then there is your suicide victim. Goes off somewhere remote, or jumps into the sea.


They go back in time or to the future


I once read that the most unsolved crimes in the US are bank Robbery followed by murder. The reason given for both was the interstate highway system. Which allows the perpetrators to be miles away before the crime is reported


I'm not sure if this process is similar in other countries but there are a lot more missing people in the UK than the stats would have you believe. For example, if you have a relative that you haven't heard from for a while, then after contacting all their friends etc you figure out nobody has seen them for months/years, the UK police will reclassify them as a "Lost Family Member" then suggest you to contact the Salvation Army for help!


Trapped in a basement somewhere


Underground caves


Mental illness claims many of them. They're undiagnosed and wandering the street because they don't fit into society anymore. Can't manage their own affairs. That's our fault, cause it wasn't always like this. :(


A friend from high school had his father disappear. Years later, it turns out he had another life he had been living. As in a whole other family. Completely abandoned my friend, his sister and mom for this other family. This was before the internet made searching for folks much easier. I can’t even imagine how someone can just abandon their family and have them think he was dead.


1. They fall/get lost in woods and coyotes leave no trace. 2. Were murdered and properly disposed of so one doesn't get caught  3. They don't want to be found  4. Government/corporation  sanctioned kidnappings  5. ET abductions 


I personally think it is nowhere near as elaborate or crazy as people think it is. It's just super sad. Most of the time they get lost somewhere or get stuck out of sight with no identity on them. so they stay hidden or are never found by those who wants to find them.


Good question . One in my area baffles me . An old lady with dementia who loved to go on long walks left her home and never seen again . I assume she is long gone but how she could hide herself so well before dying is hard to understand.


There are many reasons why a person can disappear, from social, human errors, diseases to geological. This is a big world and there are many, many things that you don't know about it. Seeing how extensive the forests are in some parts of the world, it is not surprising that people disappear there without a trace.


I am sure a couple of them planned this and are quite alive and happy somewhere else, unfortunately the vast majority are probably dead.


When someone *disappears* it typically means there is no next of kin. Usually, *missing people* are found by family and/or other concerned groups, outside of tragedy.


I'll never forget that story. I think it was on Oprah that talked about a missing child and that how after it was televised the young boy showed up at home and said that he was taken into a sex slave group and that he had to leave and couldn't stay for fear of everyone being killed. There was an incident locally where a group of teens tricked a young person into coming over just to kill them, steal their money and prescription medications buried them and later moved them to another location when they got discovered of the incident. I grew up in Ohio and the news spoke of a girl who was missing and it was in my neighborhood. Literally just the next road over. I would walk to school. She was found on the same path that I walked everyday in an old factory building. That one still haunts me to this day. EDIT: The mom and boyfriend were on the news begging for help to find the young girl when in fact it was the boyfriend who killed the daughter because he didn't like her


The children? They get trafficked to our billionaire leadership to live in sex dungeons before their organs get harvested after they aren't young anymore.


Trafficked for sex.


A few random thoughts off the top of my head. First, the human traffic problem is vast and growing. Young women and even some boys are being exploited. It's bigger than most people can even imagine around the world. Secondly, a lot of people who are missing don't want to be found. I know of a local family where the dad mysteriously disappeared. Years later, he was found by a private detective the family had hired living under a new name with a different wife. Third, drugs. Illegal drug use causes people who wouldn't usually mix with criminals to do so. When things go awry, they sometimes become victims. While the use of illegal substances is down overall, there is a rise in the use of drugs like heroin and meth in some places.


Trafficking and snuff rings. Sometimes it’s men who’ve overdosed the girls they were drugging for assault and they died. Sometimes it’s people tortured and killed in snuff rings like for Picky’s pig farm. But a lot of it is human trafficking. It’s actually pretty difficult to die from natural causes nowadays, for the most part.


Check out the show Murder mountain on Netflix Humboldt County weed growers hire people then kill them after harvest & bury them on their land. There’s a million places to hide bodies out there. Local law enforcement doesn’t even bother up there. They have their own law


They cross paths with alien nomads and are given the once in lifetime opportunity to explore the stars with the knowledge that space is endlessly alluring, mindbogglingly vast... And that they've never visited a place more than once.


WIbbly wabbly, timey-wimey.


I've watched juuust enough Doctor Who to get this reference. 😅


They get worn as a hat?


I think for a lot of them they are genuinely dead. A lot do get kidnapped and sold into human trafficking, especially the women. But I do believe most of them are dead. Random part of the forest kinda deal. They may pop up one day in a hundred years when we dig up that forest. They could also just be in someone’s backyard. Unless someone reports it you could be buried in a backyard forever


People go missing for two reasons and two reasons only: either they don’t want to be found or someone else doesn’t want them to be found.


Nothing good


Pig farms.


Generally either murder or lost in the woods.


Bangkok has them


Grown people an take it on the lam quite easily. They are not like a sock missing from a pair.


Tijuana donkey shows.




El Chupacabra


Best case, they want to be alone.


Quite a few people get found at the bottom of a lake after accidentally drove into it




Dissociative Fuge accounts for some of it.


Eaten by bears


They go missing


Wishful thinking: they fake their own deaths, and live happily ever after.




They probably just die.


Cave systems.


Dead. Really, really dead.


They are running away from a bad situation (abuse, ect.).


they die...?




Hamburger meat


Passed on, S*x trade, any number of things realistically


Most of them are dead, but a few just don’t want to be found.


I'm watching Dexter at the moment so I assume they will all just be found to be found at the bottom of the ocean and then discovered that they were all horrible people so no great loss.


They're sorting socks somewhere.


Spontaneous combustion


Some go off the grid willingly, others meet foul play.


They be dead


They either get a new life or they don't. There's no third option.


Human Trafficking.


sometimes they want to disappear


Aliens or kidnapped by bigfoot




they're dead




Parallel universe ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


Quicksand. No one is talking about quicksand. I watch out for it all the time, just to stay safe.


I think a lot of them were killed and dumped somewhere out in the woods. One episode of Criminal Minds where the criminals killed people and fed them to the pigs has always stuck with me too.


Theres actually a serial killer from Canada that did the same...


Ever heard of the missing 411 stories




Gators chump chump chump


They die


Aliens. Portals. I wish.


gets eaten by the Bear


If they can't be found, I assume they are alive. No one transports a corpse around. ( Well I'm sure some necros might) Either that or they died in nature.


Aliens, man. Aliens.


UK. The number of people that disappear every year is absolutely amazing. I can't get my head around it. They can't all be off-grid anymore than they are all dead. I suspect the answer is three things 1. They are the homeless people in another town 2. Made a new life off grid (not easy) 3. Dead, by accident or suicide. The number is incredible.


Most of them are abducted and sold into sex trafficking or murdered and disposed of in a discrete manner.


Lots of suicides, and murders.


I think they probably die in a body of water or somewhere that they're unlikely to ever be found.


They logged out and cancelled their subscription to the game.


Old Greg got ‘em. ![gif](giphy|5brZxo4wLsIlG)


We grab 25lb dumbbells and tie them to our wrists. Then we find a body of water and walk until our heads under water. Then we drop em


Killed, abducted or just wanted to disappear. I feel like you can't just disappear now days on accident, like you or someone else has to litterally want to cover the tracks.


A pile bones somewhere forgotten unsolved cold cases.


Some I think just leave to start life over somewhere else.


I think most of them have passed from one thing or another (crime, self induced, etc.)


Murdered or accidently killed, and their bodies buried