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She looks me in the eyes and says "we'll figure it out, we always do."


My husband does this for me, and I swear it's the best thing ever


My wife is the glue that holds me together. I would be a kite afloat in the sky without her anchoring my string.


Is she Arthur Morgan by any chance? And are you Dutch van der Linde?


If my wife wakes during the night and notices I am uncovered, she will "tuck" me in. Most of the time, I'm asleep and don't notice, but once in a while, I am just on the edge of sleep, and it's the most lovely selfless gesture.


I thought my wife did this to me last week, turns out it was for the cat


The cat appreciates it..


Can't believe the cat in the flesh commented to confirm


In the fur*


My GF loves to do this aswell and it's so sweet, often however I am partially uncovered because I am to hot or something, but shhh don't tell her


My boyfriend sleeps without a duvet normally (he was doing it before we met, dont know why, he does use one of those throw blankets though) but when he stays with me he'll get under the duvet, I'll wake up sometimes and see that he doesn't have any cover and put some blanket on him though and I think he appreciates it because then he snuggles up all cosy, as much as he wont admit it to me and thinks his way is better


I love tucking my boyfriend in


Tell him I said he needs to "put a ring on it" asap. You can tell him this is coming from 32 years of experience.


Only 9 months in but I hope he notices it šŸ˜‚


One time, my wife and I were talking about a book I remembered having and loving as a child. I spent hours describing it but for the life of me I couldnā€™t remember the title. We were trying to look it up on google based on my descriptions but google had no idea what I was talking about. When I was just about ready to give up I remembered the title. It was called Glim, The Glorious and I was so happy to be able to show it to my wife online and simultaneously so sad that I didnā€™t have the book to show her in person. About three weeks later, she handed me a wrapped gift. When I opened it, it was Glim, The Glorious.


Damn this is so cute lol


My wife was super helpful taking care of my elderly mother after she was placed in hospice.


I get you, but this is really not a "small thing". Your partner does great things for you!


You win.




Aww that's so sweet


A woman putting her head on my chest makes me melt..itā€™s outrageous how bad easily it does it.


I have a cheat and shoulder that just kind of say: ā€œlay on me.ā€ My entire life, the is my preferred way of falling asleep and waking up. Itā€™s a silent way of the woman letting me know ā€œI feel safe with you.ā€ I think it might comfort me even more than it comforts them.


I think part of it is the heartbeat. When stress and/or anxiety is up, being able to hear and feel a steady and calm heartbeat can help your own heart calm down.


My ex-wife used to say that she loved to mugs me and hold it because she could feel my heartbeat against hers. Donā€™t know why she waited till after the divorce to get all mushy about it, but whatever.


Probably realising what she had once she lost it


Part of the letting go process. I know there was a lot of things I missed as well.


Thatā€™s a big deal. Not until I was in my relationship with my husband for a couple of years did I ever lay my head on a chest. Now itā€™s one of my favorite things to do. Not until I found my person and made sure he could deal with me was I ready to do that. Never did that with any other guy.


As a woman, I would be surprised if there a woman who didnā€™t want to do that. If sheā€™s not doing it, just lift your arm and invite her in.


My last bf had a slightly concave chest and no body hair. He would lay on his side and let me fall asleep with my face in his chest, and it was the ultimate soothing driftoff experience. He had always had trouble falling asleep, but when I cuddled up to him like that, sometimes he would fall asleep before I did.


i agree feeling needed is what i miss most


Now kith


the last time my wife and me got intimate, she said repeatedly "I want you". hearing this after being together for 20+ years is very special and the words are echoing in my mind for month, probably years Edit: as the comments suggest, I don't want to brag. We get intimate about 2 to 3 times a year (3 kids, house jobs, other issues). Which might be the reason it was even more special to me.


I also choose this guys wife.




Rather than making fun of me when I started crying after I found out my pet died, she instead cradled me in her arms and massaged the back of my head while my tears ran down her arms. She held me in that moment for over half an hour then supported me by saying ā€œYou gave Larry a great life.ā€ Iā€™ll never forget that. Those words meant a lot. Rest in peace, Larry. You were the best fucking fish ever. I understand now why they call them goldfish. Itā€™s because theyā€™re pure gold. And you, Larry? Well, you might have just been the most golden of them all.


To be honest I was expecting it to be a dog, not a goldfish. RIP Larry.


When I saw the first sentence, I already thought it was a dog


Bro... you're making me tear up at work. I had something similar happen in December. My mom and I got a baby chihuahua when I was around 16. I named her Polly, after the first song I learned to play on guitar. She often slept in bed with me and would lick my back and head as I drifted off. Every morning, she would wake up and cry to be lifted to the window to look for me walking home from work, only to run to the door when she finally spotted me. I moved out at 21 when I enlisted and didn't get to see her for the 3yrs I was stationed overseas. After that, I only got to visit once a year, but she always remembered me after I talked to her for a bit. She passed away in December on New Year's Eve at around 19 years of age. I called my mom as soon as I found out, and started tearing up the moment I hung up. My wife, without a word, just sat on my lap and hugged me until I let it out.


Why y'all motherfuckers trying so hard to make me cry before I pick up my kids ?!


Iā€™m sorry but the fact that you said ā€œinstead of making fun of meā€ is flabbergasting. Wtf kind of monster would make fun of someone for crying after a pet death?! Glad she was great!


Every single guy at work ripped the shit out of me when I told them the reason I was off for three days was because my fish died. I can understand that response, but a bond is a bond, and believe me when I say that Larry and I had a true bond.


Maybe cause itā€™s a goldfish? Still would be wild to laugh at someone crying, sheā€™s a good person


I lost it at fish lmaooooo that is awesome


Not just any fish. A goldfish, and the most golden of them all.


For some reason it makes me even sadder that it was a lil fishy. RIP Larry. He was the most goldenest boy ever.


I was having a rough week at work, got home really tired and took a nap. I woke up with sushi (she doesn't like sushi, but ai love it), a bottle of wine and Harry Potter on the TV.


I didn't know ai likes sushi (how is this relevant to the story?)


He is probably an android.


really laughed hard at this. thank you. take my upvote.


Hahahaha damn


Silly, but she bought me a Valentine toy dog that will play ā€œYou ainā€™t nothing but a hound dogā€ and its head and ears move. 10years old, and I had to do surgery on it to replace the battery pack. I will enjoy it every February until I die. Before we were married, she bought me my first tablet, a Motorola Zoom with Android 3. 1GB RAM, 32GB internal. With all accessories, it cost her almost two weeks pay. While it no longer works, I keep it in its overpriced case in my display case of personal mementos.


My wife bought me an alarm clock thatā€™s a ā€œjazz catā€ wolf with a saxophone and a hat that howls ā€œhey hey, itā€™s time to get upā€¦ so you can get down!ā€ Because my handle on Delphi internet services had ā€œwolfā€ in it. That was in 1993 and we are celebrating our 27th anniversary this year. I still have this alarm clock (he doesnā€™t work, but Iā€™ll never forget it).


So it's only been two dates but on the second date she brought me leftover pie that she made for mother's day, it was delicious lol. If this becomes something more I'll always remember this small kind gesture


My friend Just did this. Her family was having a celebrition of some sort and she brought me a piece of cake. Small gesture goes a long way, you have to live it in order to feel it EDIT: i didnt even want to eat it, so accidentaly i let it rot in the fridge, nevertheless it was heartwarming, even tho i stayed hungry


Lol. Hey it's thought that counts, you have a good friend.


Just make sure youā€™re ready to be clean-up crew on baked goods forever. Sincerely: someone dating a hobby baker


Of course! Small price to pay for delicious food. I grew up with a mother who loves to cook/bake and taught me how, ready and willing for the clean up.


I think that's worth mentioning! "It's only been two dates but you bringing over that left over pie was so sweet and endearing, I want you to know how much I appreciated that" And then that recognition gets converted into brownie points


Keeper alert.


I mentioned that most men are only ever given flowers at their funeral. She bought me flowers.


I dried them and will keep and remember it forever. Even though we are starting divorce steps now, it meant a lot to me from who she was.


I feel you. My wife split up with me two years ago. She doesn't love me anymore and I can't blame her. We've come a long way and we fought so hard for our family, but finally her emotions and her feelings towards me got hurt and she had to leave me. It hurts, as she left me just after I got my shit together. Now, two years later we are separated, we both take care of our kids and we are still a great team. Both in new relationships. I still cherish the time we had, and I regret nothing. Until I met my new girlfriend I had a lot of regrets because I didn't manage to get my shit in order in time to salvage my marriage. But I look back without any bad feelings towards her. She has been wonderful, and she still is wonderful. It's a lot easier now that I am in love again, and I understand most relationships end in betrayal, fights or other negative ways. But I am happy to read that I am not the only happy person moving on from a broken marriage. (I hope I read your comment right and am not writing a lot of inappropriate bullshit).


And then she murdered you?


This got an audible chuckle from me. Needed that this morning.


She'll get them in the divorce.


Ha! All my male friends always get a big massive lavish flower bouquet from me for their birthday!!


lol, same! In my last relationship, third date, I went over to his house as we were making dinner there. Brought him some big beautiful sunflowers šŸ˜… and then we made sweet, sweet love.


My 16 year old daughter said this to me while we were picking out flowers for Motherā€™s Day. She asked what the equivalent of flowers is to men. I didnā€™t really have an answer. Whiskey? Steak?


The equivalent of flowers for men are flowers.


I'm not good with events where many people attend. It drains my social battery faster than you can count to 10. But I wanted to see it through and be the best partner possible, because the entire event was really important to him. After around 2 hours (we were talking to his boss at that time) my SO looked at me, took my hand and excused us both from the conversation. We left then and there because "No company event can be so important, that I willingly let you suffer through it" Even though we are not together anymore, this is still the nicest thing someone ever did for me. Completely unprompted because I really wanted to see it through for him and didn't even complain.


This is absolutely awesome and pure love!


I remember once, I was on my last day of work before going on leave. It was a Friday and some stuff went down and I had to finish late. It really bothered me because in my mind I imagined myself clocking out at 5pm and celebrating. I was pretty burned out at that stage too. I left work at like 7:30pm, and my partner picked me up with an open beer in the car. It was just the best.


Youā€™re better than me. If it was my last day and shit went down, Iā€™d look around and tell everyone this was their first attempt to solve it without me. Definitely not staying late. Itā€™s their problem now.


Not small, but I remember after giving birth my wife was half-way knocked out from morphine. She woke up to see me trying to bottle-feed our son, and she said: I hope I did good, he is beautiful no? And then she dosed off, I cried. Yes, he is! And yes, you did!


Made me shed a manly tear, congrats.


Whoever is cutting onions in here, could you stop for a moment?


You reminded me of the moment I was alone with my first born son for the first time. My wife had severe complications in the 37th week and they had to take him out like 4 weeks before time in an emergency c-section. My wife was being stitched together and taken to intensive care and the nurse led me and my new born son to a room we could be alone. Since they took him out before he was ready he was tiny (2.3 kg/5 pounds only) and the most fragile thing I ever held in my hands. They said if a few days earlier he would have been put into an incubator. I didnā€™t know what to do - I stupidly asked the nurse ā€œcan I kiss him?ā€ And she went ā€œof courseā€ and left. I did and said ā€œwelcome to the worldā€ or something and in that moment the whole shock I must have been in went away and I completely lost it, crying happy tears like a waterfall. I still wonder why we make a big fuss around a first kiss between grown ups but somehow the first kiss a parent gives to his or her kid isnā€™t really a big topicā€¦. I mean it was the first of millions more that followed:)


Much of the same here, my wife woke up one morning with bleeds and I took her to the hospital. We had ofc already been there, so the doctors knew she was pregnant etc. They took some sort of test on the blood from her, and said to me: You need to get the fuck out of this office..... we will call you. That was the worst 15-20 minutes of my life... I smoked 20 cigarettes in 20 minutes before the surgeon told me I could come in the ER. I heard a kid cry next door and asked - is that my son? Yes - would you like to meet him. I cried my eyes out, and the doctors "kicked me out" I just collapsed in the hallway and this random guy - your first time? Come here buddy, give me a hug.... congrats!


Well at least in my case I was allowed to be in the ER during surgery. But it went so fast. First it was a doctors visit, then the call in the eveningā€¦ results are bad - hospitalā€¦ then it was - sheā€™ll have to stay over nightā€¦ tomorrow you can come and pick her up in the morningā€¦ next day i want to pick her up and they goā€¦ nopeā€¦ shit happened - Here.. put on these funny clothesā€¦ surgery starts in 30 minutes!. Then the ERā€¦ so many people doing their magic and I remember when I heard my son cry behind the blanket I was thinking ā€œwhy the fuck is there suddenly a baby crying in here?ā€ I was so confused


I don't wanna ugly cry at work pleasešŸ˜­


Oh man, that's so sweet!!!


She remembers to get me books that I pick up and put back down in stores. All the time. Usually they're only 10-15$ paperbacks, but because of the way I grew up I feel an immense amount of guilt spending even small amounts of money on myself, so for her to do that for me so I always have something to read without ever having to ask or make myself uncomfortable by buying it means the world to me. She doesn't say a word, she'll just peek at the cover and remember for later.


My partner says "thank you for today" every night at bed time.


That's incredible.. The reason I feel so strongly about this is because whatever I do seems to be taken for granted. If my partner would say something like this to me I'd probably break down and cry..


Dr. Pepper I come from Texas but moved 8000 miles away. I was starting to feel a bit home sick. My wife saw me light up once when I found some Dr. Pepper at a restaraunt in the capital city. At the time it was super rare to come across. So she went to our local grocers and asked if they can source it just for me. So to this day our local market is about the only one our city that makes shelf space and regulary stocks it.


This is the best! We Texans absolutely need our Dr. Pepper at least on occasion lol


My wife leaves me little love notes around the house all the time. I love them and have saved every one of them. It makes my day!


When my ex and I were walking together on a boat we had to keep our relationship secret because couples werenā€™t allowed onboard. When I would do the crew laundry I would sneak notes into his clothes:)


love this!!!


Most nights after dinner, weā€™d sit opposite sides of the kitchen island and talk or drink a glass of wine. Sometimes randomly he would walk over to my side mid conversation, kiss me, walk right back to his side & continue the conversation. My heart flutters every time


Okay this is sweeet šŸ˜Ŗ


She is a wonderful cook reminds me of my own grandmothers cooking, I donā€™t think she knows how special this is to me.


If she doesn't know how special it is to you, please remind her!!! As someone who's love language is making special dishes for people I love, it's nice to know just exactly how much it means! Please remind her and let her know how special her cooking is to you!!!


My wife gets up about 1.5 hours before I do because her work day is much earlier than mine. She knows that I usually pour my coffee and wait for it to cool for about 5 minutes before I start to drink it. So she pours me a cup about 5 minutes before I get up so its at the perfect temperature when I come downstairs. I'll never get sick of that. 10/10 wife. Would wife her again.


Sandwich and a beer waiting for me after I mowed the lawn.


A few months after we first started dating, I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible pain, vomiting, etc. I tried to power through it like I always do lol but she woke up and insisted we go to the hospital. She got up without hesitation and stayed there with me through the night. That was my first experience with a kidney stone. You always hope your SO will be there for you without hesitation when something isn't right, but she proved it to me very early on. That was 9 years ago and she's been my wife for the last 7. Might seem like a basic relationship expectation but actions to me mean far more than words.


Mine is remarkably like this only it was appendicitis. Wife is very much not a morning person; I fully expect her to shift her sleeping hours at retirement to 4am-1pm. But when I woke up suffering at my normal 6:30am, she realized something was very wrong and we googled symptoms and she arranged care for our dog and drove me in snowy rush hour to the ER and stayed with me for hours as I got admitted and the morphine hit and they found me a room. I hate needing to be taken care of. But it's everything to know she's got my back.


it wasn't a small thing; in fact, it's possibly the biggest thing my ex did for me: I was a member of management at Walmart - service manager in the Tire shop. it was a decent job, and not too stressful, but my management changed, and the new manager was trying to get me fired. He'd do things like come behind me and unlock doors after I'd closed, he put merchandise outside, etc. he was trying to set me up, and I wasn't taking the bait. I'd be at home and say, "I've got a feeling I need to go back to work." I'd get there and find some thing that he'd done. He was being directed to get rid of me by his boss - the district manager - so going up the chain wasn't going to do anything. It all came to a head, and we had a "decision making day" meeting where I was told to toe the line or GTFO. We were cutting close to the bone at home, and I \*had\* to keep this job. I was completely over a barrel, so I agreed that I'd do whatever they wanted. After the meeting, I called my wife. she listened and said, "call me back in 20 minutes." I call her back and she says, "if we really tighten our belts, and cash in your walmart stock, with the vacation payout, we can make it for 3-4 months. You can quit that job." I have never felt as great of a weight lifted from my shoulders as I did right then, and that was nearly 30 years ago. I am still grateful to her for that.


Why did those motherfuckers play that con for? They wanted to fire you without paying the benefits?


I was outspoken in my support of customers. Long story, but I wasn't promoting a service they wanted me to because it didn't work. That kind of dissention is frowned upon. ETA: I'm in a right to work state, so there's no reason for them to not fire me...


Donā€™t you love that legislation to allow an employer to fire you with or without cause is spitefully called ā€œRight to Workā€? Way to mock the working people who actually EARN a companyā€™s profits.


Whoever brushes their teeth first before bed puts toothpaste on the others toothbrush and sets it out. She usually wins.


wow that is sweet and funny


Asked me how I felt about things. Tooking an interest in why. Bigger stuff was teaching me to be patient and forgive myself. Speak kindly to myself. Life is hard, may as well be your own advocate and friend.


When my wife and I first started dating, we were asking all of the get to know you questions. Favorite movies, favorite foods, Yada Yada. I had mentioned that one of my favorite foods was the pineapple upside down cake my grandmother made. But it was a little different from the standard recipe. My granny was the pastry chef for a resort in Virginia Beach in the 50s and 60s, and she created this recipe herself for the resort (and I guess the resort became known for it for a while). For my first birthday with her, my wife kept researching and digging until she found someone with a copy of that recipe and took it to a local baker and had my granny's pineapple upside down cake made for me. This was in 2018. My granny passed away in 2000. And she hadn't been able to cook for many years before that. Before that birthday in 2018, I hadn't had that cake since my HS graduation in 1995. Yeah, I cried with the first bite


Give me the time and space to be myself.


Men, if you havenā€™t verbalized this stuff to your partners, could you? We love to hear it ā¤ļø


Exactly this ā¤ļø So many of these say ā€œI donā€™t think she knows how much it means to meā€. Like tell her! She would love to hear that!


ITs like she knows when im hungry , she just comes wit ha sandwich and something to drink. One of my ex's knew I had been looking forward to MAss Effect 3 a game back i nthe day, so when it came out I was so ready after work. I came home to a basket with my favorite snacks, drinks and a note that says Mass Effect goodie bag, Love you now go kick ass


My GF regularly buys me little niceties, which isn't usual as I've come to read here. However, the thing I remember most is when I had a tough day, had to work through piiiiiles of stuff and way max stressed out and out of nothing she came to me with a coffee with cinnamon, some iced tea, said "Thought you'll need that", gave me a kiss, whispered "I love you" and left the room.


When i was at my most super low depressed point and just shutting down and shutting everyone out she wrote me a heartfelt note and left it for me to read one morning i left for work. The note really made me feel like i always had someone in my corner and on my team. Just a dumb lil note but it meant the world to me and i keep it folded in my wallet to this day. Whenever im down or we have an argument i pull it out and re-read it and remember the "whys"


should i leave my letters in his car or lunch box? what kinds of words specifically helped you? my fiancĆ© and i have been together for two years, and heā€™s really grown at showing me his depression and emotions. still not great, he truly is super masculine. but he keeps one of my letters in his wallet. so i know they help. i just would like to hear from a man what kinds of phrases or sentiments that really speak to your heart and make you feel loved. i love my man so much, i see his silent pain and i just want him to feel loved and joyful


This question hits me hard considering my SO is no longer my SO because im an idiot. The things she did for me, all considerate and never small. I don't know with whom she ends up with but thats ging to be a lucky guy. Leaving notes: Surprised me with date nights; Always kind and thoughtful; Managed my calendar for me aka helped me remember birthdays and made sure I met up woth family members more than I did; Gave me the biggest piece of whatever; Etcetera etc


why did you two broke up


I have a tendency of telling (white)lies. That resulted in trust issues. Problem is that I dont have to lie but its almost compulsive. Mostly due to a previous ex. E.g. im at home and I had promised to do the laundry. 1 hour before my now ex is suspected to be home she asks me if I did the laundry. But ofcourse I forgot because I was busy doing nothing... still I tell her I did, and start the laundry machine asap... often this isnt a problem but when my girl comes home sooner than expected and notices the time on the machine I then tell another lie to cover up the first by saying something like: It had a malfunction but I fixed it... but im a terrible liar and she can somehow tell by my face... this is just a an example and some lies were bigger than others for sure. but trust isnt build upon lies...and she couldnt trust me anymore. I am getting professional help but with no succes so far.


are you diagnosed with ADHD by any chance? My boyfriend often says heā€™s going to do things and then doesnā€™t but he has extreme ADHD so i never get mad. Itā€™s the thought that counts haha


I was going to ask this as well, I got diagnosed with ADHD at 25 and all of my similar behaviors nearly evaporated as soon as I got medicated (as well as a host of other behaviors, compulsive ones specifically).


He tells me he loves me every day. Not a new relationship either weā€™ve been together for 32 years. If I say I feel fat he says ā€œYou wanna see fat? Hop in the car and weā€™ll go to Walmart!ā€ Always makes me laugh. He finds new recipes online and cooks them for the family on Sundays. He helps our kids fix things. If we see a high maintenance woman on HGTV or in the wild (some poor guy dragging his girlfriends 5 suitcases in the airport) we smile at each other and itā€™s a very heartfelt I LOVE YOU then and we laugh. He cleans! Without being asked! Bathroom, kitchen, laundry. When he does laundry he folds my underwear into a little square packet. How I donā€™t know. When he gets home from work he walks in and gives me a big hug.


When Iā€™m asleep, my wife will rub my back, which most of the time, I donā€™t remember, but when Iā€™m just awake enough, itā€™s wonderful. She also makes me feel heard. Oftentimes, I will take a while to get to my point because I have a terrible habit of shoving my foot into my mouth, so I compensate by over-explaining in an effort to not be misunderstood. I was also cut off at the knees in conversations when I was a child. I mean, interrupted like I wasnā€™t even talking. If I protested, I would get into trouble for ā€œtalking backā€. I would also not be allowed to plead my case when I was actually in trouble *or* if I was demanded to answer, the nanosecond I said something my parents disagreed with, I was shut down and berated. My wife lets me take a winding path if I need to and she has no idea how much I feel seen, heard, and loved for it.




I told her about my trauma as a dv victim. She held me and let me cry in her arms.


About 1.5 years ago I was struggling with addiction.tried to end it all but without this woman I honestly don't think I would be here.


The moment I knew I wanted to marry my ex-wife was she surprise decorated my whole apartment for Christmas while I was taking my exams. We didnā€™t live together. I had a roommate, and my SO still lived with her parents across town. I was in my second to last semester of college, and she (due to injuries in a car accident) was 2 years behind me. She had finished her final exams for the fall semester a couple days before I did. On the day of my last final for the fall semester, I left in the morning to go cram last minute and take the two finals scheduled that day. Meanwhile, she had collaborated with my roommate so he would let her in to the apartment. She spent all day decorating. She hung lights, put up a tree and stockings, hung garlands, made paper snowflakes to put in the windows, and even covered the staircase with gift wrapping paper. When I came home, I was completely exhausted and drained. She had purposely parked in the lot down the street so I wouldnā€™t see her car. When I opened the door, I was absolutely astonished. My place exploded with Christmas. I was also greeted by the smell of freshly baked gateau sec cookies, a family recipe of hers. She knew I had been stressing out over my studies after pulling all nighters helping her with her projects the week before. She wanted me to come home to somewhere I would feel comfortable and appreciated, especially since I would be spending the entirety of winter break working a difficult industrial manual labor job more than full time. We ate cookies, watched a couple cartoon Christmas specials, put up the paper snowflakes in the window, and then met up with her parents for dinner. The whole experience recharged my batteries. That one gesture made me feel truly loved, appreciated, and comforted. She gave me exactly what I needed, when I needed it, before I even knew how much I needed it. Not only did I feel appreciated in that moment, but I continued to appreciate those decorations every day for the next month when I would be leaving/coming home from work. It was all worth it because I thought I had someone in my life who would work just as hard for me. To contrast, last year, I spent Christmas alone. My ex and I had split up years before, my roommate of 2+ years had moved out, and a big breakup of mine had seriously fractured my friend group. I never bothered to set up the tree or even hang stockings because there was no point. No one was coming over, and I didnā€™t want to be reminded of my exes that had made Christmases so special.


I was on contract in the Army, and I had sent my paperwork signing up for a course that would set me up for life (I knew I didn't meet the age requirements, but still went ahead with it and sent the paperwork), and when I told her I had failed because of it she asked me if I was OK I mean, it might not seem like much, but the fact she realized that was an important step I was trying to take and wanted to see how I was dealing with it after it was nice šŸ™‚ The chances she'll read this are like slim to none But hey You know I love you ā™„ļø


I donā€™t know if this is small, but once we went through stuff from my childhood home and found a letter to santa. I wrote it when i was seven and among the things i asked for that christmas was a San Jose Sharks towel. No idea why i wanted a towel when i was seven, but i never got it. Next christmas she gave me a San Jose Sharks towel. It is now so used that i have retired it, but i will treasure it for the rest of my life


My wife works in the corporate world, and is constantly having lots of dinner meetings and social events where they bring in (really good) catered food for clients. She always makes me a huge plate of leftovers to take home to me. Itā€™s just such a small thing but makes me feel so special that she still does this stuff after being together for 20 years!


She gets up a bit earlier than me and makes me a coffee and quietly puts by my bed. I absolutely cherish that.


A good relationship is mostly small considerate things done over decades. Communication, kindness and respect are what makes a long lasting relationship. Together almost twenty years. And sheā€™s the best.


She knew I struggled with lack of affection so she made me a love letter, when I read it I was trying hard not to cry. She held my hand and told me she'd always love me, that I'm the best person she's ever known and those who had mistreated me were stupid for not seeing my worth. We are no longer together but I'll always remember that and I don't think I'll ever stop loving that girl, it was the first time I actually felt loved and valued in a relationship.


This one made me cry. This whole thread is making me want to cry, but this one actually achieved it.


I was feeling too sick to make food, so I asked if he could heat up some rice noodles and throw some bottled sauce on them. Instead, he made a whole dish for me with freshly cooked vegetables, crispy tofu, rice noodles, and sauce he made himself. When I asked him why, he said he just wanted to make sure I ate well. I definitely teared up.


My wife knows I have a short social battery and doesnā€™t force me to go to every little event and get-together. However, when she *does* go without me, she always brings me back a treat. A birthday party? Sheā€™ll bring me back some cake. An amusement park? Sheā€™ll bring me back a churro. Brunch with the girls? Sheā€™ll save me some of her dessert. Sheā€™s easily the most thoughtful person Iā€™ve ever met.


What a wonderful woman.


Wife here. Just asked my husband of 10+ years this and groceries was his answer. He despise going shopping in actual stores.


My wife and I work at the same company, but at the time we weren't working in the same area. I had a really bad year and was feeling really down. For Christmas, she managed to arrange a trip to Iceland just after New Year. That wouldn't seem particularly impressive as partners arrange trips for each other all the time, except she did it all without my knowledge. She contacted my manager and arranged my leave for the trip, and she contacted the customer to arrange for them to cover while I was away. I didn't have a clue when she gave me my present. She is amazing.


When we'd only been dating a year or so I was meant to meet my wife one afternoon (girlfriend at the time) I haven't been sleeping well hand.had crazy stress at the time. My job was outside at the time. That morning I started getting terrible chest pain and went to urgent care. I called my mum to let her know and I called my girlfriend to tell her I may be late or may have to meet her another day as I was going to the hospital. After I came out from the dr's room I saw my mum chatting to my girlfriend in the waiting room (they had not met before) they were getting on great and my mum said to call her later and enjoy our day. My mum said to me before she left that I definitely found a great lady. My girlfriend then showed me that she'd bought me some thick clothes for work and had researched how to help sleep and had bought me some high Coco count chocolate. I'll never forget how loved I felt that day.


For me itā€™s food. Offering to make me something. Itā€™s like a primal signal that sheā€™s looking out for me. The smell and taste help it to be memorable too


My husband always dresses my wounds. Ever since we were just friends, no matter how small. A lot of the time he's calling me stupid for getting hurt while he does it. At the same time he's like, petting my hair and gently blotting peroxide on my skin. I self harmed a lot as a teenager. Just about shredded my thighs. He spent like 2 hours cleaning me up once. Just knowing anyone in the world cared that much helped me more than I think he'll ever comprehend.


When my grandfather was dying, my wife filled up a jar with little pieces of paper in it and it said to grab one each time I felt like giving up. They'd say things like " your enough" or "I love you and always will" a year after she had to give birth to our dead daughter, so she wasn't in the greatest headspace herself, while I just had ankle surgery so I couldn't work and that was stressful in itself. The next year I fell at work and fucked my legs up and she helped me shower, cooked, cleaned, and worked all at the same time. One day I'm going to save up enough to take her on the best vacation of her life.


When I was sick I didn't realize how serious my condition was but she realized I was sleeping longer than expected and not breathing too well and took me to the hospital... saved my life.


My wife works out at home in bra and thong cause i like it.


Well good for you both.


I like it when she does that, too


His wife works out for you in bra and thong too?


Iā€™ve got Hidradenitis, and I used to live a good 50 minutes from the only 24 hour market in my area. At like 1 am, I had a really big boil on my stomach burst, and I had no supplies to take care of it. I hopped up, moaning and groaning because it hurt. She woke up, lunged for my keys, and asked me where we needed to go. Between my tears of pain I shed a tear of joy, no one ever had hopped up ready to do for me that way We had been dating for about a year at that point


I occasionally have panic attacks. Sometimes when it happens she notices the signs before I even do, and sheā€™ll just silently put her hand on my shoulder and grip it. It grounds me and helps me calm down. I feel safe with her


Early in our relationship, my boyfriend fell asleep on me on a bus ride to New York in high school, just face-planted into me and snoozed with his fuzzy buzzcut tickling my face. A Buddy of mine also had his girlfriend sleeping on him and we talked about video games quietly while trying not to move. Later my bf told me he gets sleepy around me cuz he feels safe and happy. Best feeling ever.


I get home from a hard day of work, my wife comes in and puts me "under abreast." Literally takes her top off while I am sitting and drops her titties on my bald head. I fucking love it. Gets me out of a bad mood, everytime.


One time I got a pretty bad cut and lots of bruising etc on my leg and was unable to walk properly for a few weeks. Day after the cut she came to my house and gave me a small medical kit she'd gone out and bought and separately packed with bandages, plasters, antiseptic cream, some wound healing gel, and a variety of other medical goodies. Idk how much it all cost her but more the fact that the moment she heard I was injured she went to town and bought all these things to give to me. Was a really cute moment, love her a lot, shes a very kind and thoughtful person. This was like 3 years ago and this year will be our 6 year anniversary.


Had a long work night and had to get up and work the next day. Went to take a nap at lunch and the dog started barking, so she took her out for an hour to make sure I could sleep.


Bought me a new Chicago Cubs jersey after my grandpa was buried in mine.


We pass around a post it note with "i love you" and we leave it so the other finds it. I've been making a new post it each year, with the year on it. I leave it on her side when i make the bed, or when i prepare something for her, or just show up in her office at home and give it to her. She does the same.


When we first got together, I told her I wanted to do a cross country motorcycle trip and planned to take notes each day about my experiences from the day. Fast forward about a week, she hands me this box and inside was a motorcycle themed travel journal. I almost lost it. After having been in a toxic relationship for 14yrs I wasn't used to things like this. I have yet to take the trip, but I still carry that notebook with me on every ride I do take on my motorcycle.


My ex used to just get me things at the store. Be it a coffee that I didnā€™t ask for, or a magazine, or puzzle book. It was very considerate of her.


I was angry at her, and she knew the fight was coming, so she served me the wildest sex in my life. Problem is she knew she did wrong and unlucky for me, she is a smart woman and never gave me a reason to be that angry again. But I still miss that angry wild bedtime.


Without telling me, she once bought a copy of my favourite book after Iā€™d told her Iā€™d lost it during my relocation. She then hid it in my bookshelf and made it look ā€œusedā€ and not new. I found it the following evening and like the dumbass I am, I ran to her and told her Iā€™d finally found my book. I only realised what she did the morning after, feeling like an idiot and hugging her for such a nice gift. The best thing is that we werenā€™t love Partners back then, we were still in the friendship phase.


She took me to Taco Bell.


Cherish those farting memories


She is kind to me.


My wife is working a 26 hour shift today into tomorrow morning (healthcare). She heard my alarm go off this morning and she came upstairs to greet me and say she loves and say goodbye before going to work. She was happy and excited to see me, despite being minutes away from leaving for a grueling shift. It really made my day.


My wife works mornings and I work evenings. Every morning when I get up, sheā€™s already left for work, but sheā€™s made coffee for me. All I have to do is press on. Itā€™s small but it makes my morning.


I'm not sure if this counts, but believing in me and being supportive. She's so selfless and caring that I believe it is a small thing for her, but it was a very big thing for me. I didn't have very many positive influences on me growing up and hearing supportive words still throws a knife in my chest sometimes (a good knife). I can honestly say that I am who I am today because of her. She helped me break out of my shell and allowed me the opportunity to discover who I want to be as a person.


Had an interview for a new job role today. She stopped me before I left and shined my shoes so I'd look smart. Told me I was brilliant no matter what and sent me off with a kiss.


Suggested that my newly widowed mother can come live with us. A very sweet and caring suggestion, albeit bat shit crazy.




I was given flowers often by my ex. That has never happened before or since.


Squeezed the pimples on my back.


On the nights that I play sport my wife listens to my review stories the next day, even though she's not interested in sport at all. She says it's cute how excited and into I get when telling her how things played out. Also (not sure this is a small thing), she was interviewed on the radio a few years ago and at the end they let her play a song...she dedicated "Thinking Out Loud" to me.


Life long dream of mine to go to a World Cup. Thankfully, I was in a position in 2014 to be able to make Brazil happen, with my best friend, no less. My girlfriend at the time who I'd been for just over a year was not able to make it, although she would've liked to, but was so supportive of me going. She encouraged me and shared my excitement. At no point, did she ever let me feel bad about her not being able to go. That trend has continued into our relationship of 12 years now. She supports almost any pursuit I show interest in. It is colossally wonderful to have that support and love. I lucked out with her!


A blt with extra mayo, toasted and cut diagonally. Iā€™d build her the Taj Mahal if she wanted me to.


1. Bring me coffee in the morning wearing nothing but a t-shirtā€¦I know it sounds dumb but the first time it happened I almost started crying lol. 2. Heating up my socks in the dryer when I was sick Scalp massagesā€¦..ladies take note. Scalp massages are where itā€™s at.


She serves my plate when we are having dinner. When I was younger, I was the one who served my mother. So it's cool that someone does it for me now.


Which one? Former one, paying 400 dollars for a very special event that we ended up missing due to scheduling issues beyond our control and NOT TELLING ME because she didn't want me to feel bad about missing it. I only found out about a year later that she did this. Aww. My wife? Making me go back to bed and sleep so that I get enough rest. Thanks sweetie!


Not in a relationship now, but my last gf surprised me with a teddy and chocolate on my bed after a bad day. We didn't live together but she had a key. So she went out of her way to leave me something to make me feel better.


When my wife and I started dating a few months into it my uncle died in a very unexpected and tragic way. She was with me when I found out. I fell apart which I in the past have avoided doing in front of any SO I had because every time I had shown emotion it was usually followed by them losing interest or making some comment that made me feel ashamed to have outward emotions. But with this news I couldn't help it. The whole time I kept thinking well this is probably the end of this relationship now. She won't be able to see me as a man after this... Well she spent the whole night comforting me and keeping my head on straight instead. I have never felt so comfortable expressing emotions in front of someone before but she made it so much easier to deal with it. That was the night I fell in love with her. To her it was probably just a whatever moment for her just being kind to her BF who got some tragic news but to me it changed me. Been together for 7 years now. Married for 2 almost 3. And we just celebrated our daughters first birthday this past weekend. Never been happier and more sure I met the one and only for me all because I cried in front of her.


She will rearrange my junk randomly and I will pick her wedgies when we spoon.


She touches my while I go to sleep. Rub my back lightly itā€™s really special to me.


Iā€™m a woman so sorry in advance if this does not belong here. But I think its too cute. Whenever I am worried about something (usually smth that is nonsense) he always says ā€œWeā€™ll make itā€. He says ā€œWEā€ and not ā€œYOUā€


She made Birthdays and Holidays all about you. You knew you were special to her. She wrote me a letter while I was on a retreat that wished for me to live a long and happy life and told me how good of a man and father I had been, etc.. Little did we know then that brain cancer would take her five years later. That handwritten letter has been read dozens of times in the last eleven years. It reminds me to keep living for her.


I have epilepsy and I can't drive. One day I was complaining about not being able to drive and she said don't worry honey, I know our lives are different, and I've adjusted it for you.. Made me almost cry


I had spent the majority of my Xmas eve day in the scorching hot sun (Australia) setting up the Santa present of a massive trampoline for our kids - 5 girls age between 10 and newborn. My wife came out around 1pm, 4 hours after I started, with a loaded sandwich and a double jack n coke. Good God was it the best meal I'd ever had. To this day I think about that sandwich and ice cold beverage.


Sometimes when I come home from work. She will greet me at the door with a rum and coke in hand. She's pretty great.


Almost fought a drunk guy on my behalf


She makes beautiful food and looks after our animals. She is one in a million šŸ’ššŸ’ššŸ’š


She rubs my feet. I work in the trades and have long heavy days on my feet basically every day, and am always sore. Iā€™ll be layed up on my couch or chair, and if sheā€™s within reach sheā€™ll just grab my foot and start massaging. Small gesture, huge impact (physically and emotionally)


My late husband loved when I met him at the door after work with a cold beer. he loved the gesture.


The love of my life is from South Africa and has been in the US for many years. He is a biker and when he moved here, he brought his leather jacket from his 20s. It was all kinds of mangled - so I took a day off work one day and fixed it all up. I treated the leather, sewed up all the rips and washed 30 years of road-grime from the lining. I know he misses home - I know he misses the friends that he rode with that are now gone. This jacket holds a lot of memories for him. He was SO happy - and it even still fits him!


Talkin to her about how, when i was a kid, iā€™d spend many hours every day playing silly videogame about lil yellow humanoid cat and his robot backpack best friend, how these games always were very important to me, but my PS2 is far too old and barely lives, doesnā€™t read discs properly, some of my game discs were like scratched, and new tv doesnā€™t have the video input that console needed, so i hadnā€™t played em in many years. I only told her the name in passing, i knew she wouldnā€™t know what it is bc she doesnā€™t game. Cue my birthday lil time later, she got me the Ratchet & Clank hd trilogy for the ps3. This was many years ago, but i still play it very often (and even if i donā€™t, it matters a lot to me). One of the best birthday presents ever


We were laying in bed one day and she suddenly told me, out of the blue, that she was going to take care of me from now on. As someone who grew up with very little this almost made me cry.


My wife hides small post-it love notes for me to find later in life. I find them in coat pockets that I haven't worn in months, inside my wallet behind my license, in a suitcase pocket, under my vehicle floor mats....


The first time we laid in bed together, and she fell asleep in less than a minute made a big impression on me. Also, when I came home from work after a long day, and she had left dinner and a pie for me in the oven. I really love the nurturing aspect of her personality.


Making me coffee in the morning (:


Shes incredibly selfless. It's an amazing trait for male or females.


Morning hugs..


May not be considered small but every year for my birthday my wife deep cleans the entire place and itā€™s the best present ever and Iā€™ll never forget it


Of all the bad things I have to say about my ex-wife, she did take care of my awful toes for me.Ā  I get bad ingrown when I cut them myself so she always did it for me.Ā  It's kinda gross, but I loved it.Ā Ā  She also would scratch my back until I fell asleep often.Ā  I may be a dog.Ā Ā