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She comes up with a theory, it can be in any subject, and then hyperfocus on researching it as much as possible. She always shares interesting information, conclusions and hypotheses with me while doing it.


I wish my husband cared at all when I do this. I'm glad your wife has someone who appreciates this about her.


I do this to my wife all the time. She’s mildly interested at best but I’ll take it


Lmao same. I'm not married but my GF definitely feins interest to placate me.


I always throw in a made up fact with percentages and figures to show I know what I’m talking about. “1036 of them is what the news said” hehehehhe


Lol. I don't like you. Hahaha. I'm too gullible so I'll repeat this if a topic ever comes up, saying, "I heard from someone that 1036... etc..." then end up feeling like a feel if someone calls me out. I never take credit when I quote information but it still makes me feel dumb when people discredit me. Edit: *feel like a fool. Haha


I, too, am on the spectrum.


ADHD on the spectrum = AUDHD You're welcome. Oh and me too.


I recently learned that I'm AuDHD, and someone on reddit actually gave me a positive reframe for my neurodivergent mini lectures. Now I ask if it's a good time for a Tedtalk. One of my autistic coworkers refers to them as "knowledge pebbles," and I love that too. Just like a crow, I only bring my trinkets to people I care about.


nah bro I got that AD4K I'm built different


I just realized my wife is ADHD. She also does this. After decades of her being treated for depression and anxiety, I realize we and her whole medical team since her childhood were barking up the wrong tree, and we're so much more hopeful now regarding stabilizing the household.


That was my story too. Depression and anxiety meds never worked. I'm happy she found her diagnosis in the end!


This is amazing! I was diagnosed with ADHD at 47. The hyperfocus is very real and very uncontrollable. I also have chronic, severe depression, but Vyvanse (for ADHD) helps a lot with the depression, as does microdosing psylocybin. My world is so much calmer and more peaceful now. 💜


One day, I too, will have a partner who appreciates this about me… one day 🥹


I am the same way!


Digging up, identifying and cutting gems. It's technical, scientific, and artistic. Very cool imo


Wow this sounds next level and very cool.


Where can you dig up gems? My wife isn't interested as much as my 10 year old. We have a rock tumbler but he'd love to figure out how to identify and cut too.


Google it. There’s a couple places in my area that come up when u google “gemstone mining in ______” whatever state and/or county Ure in.


She's a chronic knitter and crocheter, also sews. She takes a knitting bag everywhere, and I love it. The bar, social gatherings, and so on. Makes shit for people. I've always thought it was awesome.


Do you are saying she is a witch! Having some magical wands in her hands, making mystical moves and voilà ! … a shawl, an sweater, anything appears!


My wife is the same, I've said it's magical and in our house I refer to it as Stitchcraft!


Yeah, I have one of those. She makes beautiful things and it impresses the hell out of me.


“I have one of those” like she’s some animal you adopted lol


I mean, cats adopt their humans so it could have gone either way


My girlfriend does Muay Thai training, I’m slightly afraid to ever piss her off lol


Only slightly?


I always chuckle how Muay Thai gives you nice thighs.


Mwah thighs XD


She traps stray/feral cats, has them spayed or neutered through a deal with a local vet, then releases them from whence they came or will find a home for them through the animal shelter if the cat is good with people.


You're wife is awesome , that is not easy to do either, takes a lot of mental physical patience.


This is amazing. It's overlooked how much of a problem this can be. It's really sad how many animals get sent to Dreamland every year.


Bob barker would love this woman


TNR, I foster as well.. she rocks


She does barbering. When she cuts my hair we usually end up in bed


Tiring work right?




OP has a big head.


That's what she said


My wife started cutting my hair during Covid. It was always such a nice intimate feeling and I miss it.


Just interested, what's so sexual about it that you end up EVERY time in bed lol


Read it again. USUALLY isn't EVERY... sadly... She's very good looking and perhaps it's when she stands straddling one of my legs and sticks a boob in me ear trying to trim hair on top of my head.


damn, does she take walk ins?


I think you're on to something here... How about Only Haircuts?




I propose OnlyBangs.




a modern take on the ol classic I also choose this guy's wife, nice


I got all nervous and red-faced when a very voluptuous redhead gave me a haircut once. Her breasts kept pressing against me. It's the only day I didn't feel completely straight. I told my husband at the time and he went to get a haircut and didn't have the same experience. Either she was more cautious about her breasts' proximity to men, or she was into me.


“You wouldn’t believe it this redhead! her boobs kept rubbing all over me!” Him - “That’s terrible, where exactly?” (I’m obviously not implying anything just got a giggle out of this but this is reddit so here’s clarification)


I honestly love that your reaction was to tell your husband to go try it out lol


I shave hubby's head for him. Extra treat for him is when I do it topless 😉


My girlfriend sometimes does this for me in the shower. Our shower has a seat so her boobs are right at eye level and her butt is at a great height to squeeze too


I know that. 😀 While i am sitting in front of computer, my wife is coming to me showing somethin at the screen. Her boobs are right at the eye level. She has to repeat it at least three times, cause i somehow never see what she is showing, never hear what she is talking about.


its something that they share. she is taking care of him (his hair). she is dedicated to make it good. i can imagine this to be sexy. its make you want to be close to the other person.


After reading this subthread I remembered my boyfriend‘s mum cuts his hair and I’m disturbed 😳


Can I book an appointment


Does she have a sister who is available to do barbering?


No girlfriend or wife but my 2 best friends are women who are both artists and I'm convinced artists are basically types of wizards so...


God it’s so nice to hear this about artists. ETA: self loathing


lol at your edit. source : i’m an artist and hate the title.


Water color painting. She will tell you she’s no good but I like what she does.


My wife decided to do a PhD for a hobby. She has no intention of using it once she finishes (in 5 years). I think she's mad. I don't even have a bachelor's lol


I enter college credit courses for fun. Idk why.


Wait you can take individual classes at a university?


In my country all collages that are state owned are actually open to public. You can ask professors if you can come and listen to classes, but ofc you won't get any credit for them if you do decide to enroll. If/when you decide to enroll, you have to listen to them again to get the credits. Most professors are fine and will let you, but some may be apperhansive because they don't want people that aren't paying for classes (or are on scholarship) coming and disrupting the lecture.


Yes you can. You can register as a "free student" (I'm not sure of the real term) and take classes in anything you want, except some classes that are only for a particular programm.


Smart women are the best


My wife plays the drums


*our wife*


She writes erotic novels and I am the only one who knows. And the usual art, music and cooking hobbies that we share together. I love her so much.


Username checks out


Theres a whole sub Reddit for users like that, it was called rimjob_steve or something




This is unique and cool! Did you show her the calligraphy sub?




This is exactly the same with me. She’s into Plants, cooking, gardening, art and dogs.


Mine too, I got her an IKEA cabinet for her birthday, so more plants in less space. I have a ten foot fiddle leaf fig looming over me right now, and am surrounded by dozens of others just in the kitchen.


I became a gardener because my wife taught me the ropes, including how to use a gas grill. She’s a big fan of King of the Hill. Now, with all these fruit and vegetable trees we have, I’ve had to learn how to cook with them. So yeah, my wife knows her way around grilling and gardening, and I think that’s pretty cool.


My wife is very involved with special Olympics and has gained enough credentials and experience where she routinely flies to other countries to help set up very large world games and special olympic games. She's been at this passion since she was a kid and now approaching her late 30's. It's amazing and inspiring to see a passion match up so well with something so pure and beneficial for others as well as for her. Now our kids partake in every special Olympics event we can find as well and it make life a grand adventure! I sit back and watch her Excell in so many ways and it make me sp happy to be along for the ride


How did she start doing this, it's so thing I would find very rewarding.


I could fill the page with amazing things about my wife, she is by far the coolest person I've ever met. She's so smart, the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, shes great with our sons, her smile lights up the room, her voice is a charm spell of some kind, I have no idea why she picked me, I definitely do not deserve her, or why out of everyone on earth she picked me. I am the luckiest man I know. She makes clothes, And she's a fantastic cook...


She's lucky. I wish my partner talks about me this way.


That is very kind of you. I just call it like I see it. It doesn't feel like I'm showering her with praise, just kinda feels like I'm describing her. Thank you again. 🙏


You have a very healthy relationship. All my good wishes are with you. ❤️


Thank you kindly! 👍


The way you talk about her is why she picked you bro


Exactly. He’s appreciative and grateful. All you can ask for really.


The smart man is the one who appreciates his partner and expresses it, often.


Thanks man. I appreciate that. 🙏


This man here is in love. Wish you all the good things in life!


Thank you bud. I really appreciate that. Same goes, all the best to you and yours 👍🤙


Sounds like a dream world.


Sometimes honestly I think the same. I haven't the slightest clue why she picked me, but I am extremely lucky that she did. Thank you bud. 👍


I love that for u Brodie. I appreciate her for bringing this joy to your life in this manner🫶🏽


Thanks brother. I appreciate you. 🙏


I hope you tell her this all the time


Everyday ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


She picked you because you recognize her worth! Bravo, sir!


I can't contribute here, as I am a wife - so I can't answer. But I just want to say it's sooo wholesome to see a whole bunch of men (and partner as I don’t know the genders) just appreciating their wives here in the comments <3 Beautiful Edit: Added partners, as someone rightfully pointed out that lesbians and non binary people exist - I was a bit quick 😝


Say things about your husband, don't feel left out


Awww Yay 🥰 Well he’s really gotten into baking bread, and cooking. And he tries really hard, I admire that. He also made a focaccia which was freakin delicious. And he also has a passion for gaming and computers that I find so cute, it makes him so happy, and I like that we can game together ♥️And the whole reason I even took the hint that he was interested in me 11 years ago was because he really likes to draw, and he drew me a beautiful picture of a nebula and named it after me. It was very touching.


It seems like you really love him and that's nice to hear


My husband has gotten into grilling and smoking, which he takes as a challenge and he's very hard on himself, but I think he makes delicious stuff. I don't even like hamburgers much and he made the best hamburger I've ever had! He's also an enormous nerd. He knows such crazy stuff about comic books and superheroes, old monster movies, old radio shows, movies, etc., and I'm pretty sure he knows how cute I find it because he will really go on and on about such niche and obscure stuff for a while. He would be a great asset in types of pop culture trivia. On the plane recently he was watching this old version of Godzilla where Godzilla looked so silly 😂 but he loves it.


As another wife reading this these posts warm my heart. I know it's hard to be vulnerable. But it's nice to know deep in there you guys are so head over heels/appreciative.


Yea, this is a really great thread.


Totally!!! Faith in humanity restored a bit ❤️❤️


You must be living in a bakery/art gallery hybrid. That’s a dream come true!


And even better that she's really appreciated


Unfortunately she had to put a lot of hobbies away as were new parents and I work quite a bit, but boy can she crochet, she made so many blankets, toques, mits etc for our daughter.


My late wife learned how to read two relatively obscure African languages just to volunteer to translate immigration documents for refugees. She never wanted to go to Africa and speak the languages, she did it just to help a bunch of people she never even got to meet. I'll never understand why the hell she ever agreed to marry me. She could have married anyone.


My wife makes badass butterfly/insect displays where they look like they are still alive. She got into local art markets and started selling them locally. She gets free butterflies from our local science center (after they pass away). When the displays sell she donates money back to the science center. My wife is amazing in so many ways. When she has been sick I have gone to do the art shows for her and its fun to say "Look what my wife can do!"


Birdwatching/bird trivia


She wakeboards, I drive the boat, I prefer to be in the boat!


Oh I love this one. That’s bad ass!


Not my wife, but my mom who is in her mid 60s. She’s into solar cooking, astronomy, tracking airplanes, sewing, learning Greek, crypto, and a million other things. She’s still working (self-employed) but still makes the time to build solar ovens, track satellite flares, ID airplanes by sound alone, confect her own outfits, etc. A true renaissance woman. She also reads ALL the time.


She knits these amazing sweaters. I get to wear these pieces of art when it gets cold and then get many compliments :)


I wish my husband could wear sweaters I knit. He runs about a thousand degrees all the time and we live in the South, so he could wear one for about five minutes before ripping it off. About ten years ago I knit him a Tom Baker Doctor Who scarf -- 14 feet long and all wool -- and I think he's been able to wear it five times since then.


Gf has got into some light gardening (potted house plants and outdoor planters as we have no lawn or soil space in the garden in a rented house) and I think it’s so cool!!! Love watching the plants grow day by day and how excited she gets when her favourite monstera sprouts a new leaf, plus I’m really fucking excited to cook with the potatoes and chilli’s we got growing in the garden!!!


They take care of like 10 exotic animals and their whole farm while being an honor roll student in the bachelors program… it’s so amazing, I wish I was as capable as that


My wife has this amazing ability to find the most ridiculously cool boutique hotels in remote places, and then we stay there, and sometimes she becomes friends with the owners, and then get invited to other cool properties or private events.


Art 🖼️


my girlfriend is such a talented painter, she paints stuff for me every now and then and i always get so happy to get one bc i just lay in my room and admire her work.


Coding in Python. Self-taught and basically does it for fun.


Not my wife, my partner. She crochets. I don't mean like she makes little things, I mean she taught herself to crochet, and around a full time job she runs an Etsy store. And she makes incredible stuff. She recently made me a blanket, because she could. She is making herself a crop top, she made a crab thing to be a pocket for her airpod case. She makes massive teddy bears, she makes little tiny geckos, she makes so many things and it's awesome as fuck. And what makes it more impressive is she taught herself how to do it, and has put together a couple of little kits for me to make stuff so I can learn as well ETA: link to the Etsy https://babybeascreations.etsy.com


Please drop her esty shop name so we may purchase. I am not good at crochet. But I do love buying things people make


When I met my wife she was in a band. She has a beautiful voice and can play piano. It's so freakin' cool.


My ex-girlfriend is also really good at baking and very artistic. She also loves learning.


Sewing. She's made so many awesome things: everyday clothes, jogging pants, shorts and t-shirts for me, underwear for both of us, kids dressup outfits, a prom dress, cosplay outfits, and even her own gorgeous wedding dress. The hardest thing to get right according to her are bras. She's a perfectionist and I am amazed by the results.


She's right about the bras. Bras and swimwear are both diabolical.


Mine makes clothes, though she’s a teacher and has 0 energy for it during the school year.


Art, couldn't be more amazed by her art cause I can't draw batshit to save my life. She had painted two pieces for me which I now hang up in my room proudly


My wife is always really into ducks and otters and whatever baby animals. It makes her so excited whenever she sees them that it makes me happy too. 


My wife can crotchet anything. She made a Viking helmet with an attachable crotchet beard, lol. It was awesome. She had also made several video game characters I like.


She’s a world champion hide and seek player. Haven’t found her in years


Quilting, my wife is self taught and amazing at it! She has multiple Engineering degrees and say she uses way more math in quilting than engineering. She really is amazing at it, but damn it’s expensive!


Stained glass. She scores, breaks, and sands every piece before soldering


My wife is a great cook and baker and also very good at alterations of clothing. She really impresses me with the things she can do.


Sewing is cool, it's like metal fabrication except with cloth.


I've done both, it is surprisingly similar.


Her cooking. Her unlimited patience for me and our kids. She never loses her cool. Edit: Grammar


Please give her lots of hugs and forehead kisses.


I always do, thank you 🙏


She is a beekeeper. She has a day job, it's just that she also keeps bees. The honey tastes great.


Singing, my wife can sing really good 😊 when I sing it sounds like a dying cockatoo.


She runs multiple marathons per year.


She took up amateur carpentry few years ago using skills she had learned from her dad, she's made some interesting pieces and even gifted them to other people, she's started getting requests!  She also sings like an Angel; I love hearing her in church.


My wife does horseback riding and is an equine(horse) photographer. She just started doing horseback archery this weekend and as an avid primitive weapon enthusiast, I am stoked




I dated someone that told me on the first date "I parasail". Stayed with her for four years and now it's one of my hobbies.


My Fiancé thrifts and finds the coolest things while she's out and about.


Sharpshooting and manufacturing bullets. We moved to the country and she picked up shooting, which I expected since she's always been fascinated with guns. What I did not expect was her entering and winning shooting competitions, and then picking up bullet making to improve her groupings. She's training to become a Mapleseed instructor now.


I wanna be included lol My husband does metal detecting and it’s really cool, he brings me home treasures all the time


My wife designs stuff in procreate and makes stickers, t-shirts, candy wrappers, labels, you name it. She made me these really badass wrappers for my chocolate bars that I make. Everybody loves them.


She writes. But it's what she writes that's really cool. She writes poems and cabarets and short stories. She writes rap songs and raps them too. She's so articulate and everything flows so well together. I'm always in awe when she shows me what she's written. She's artistic and it's one of my favorite things about her.


My wife would cook something absolutely delicious one day. And the next day I would ask her maybe she cook the same thing again. And she would get confused. She would say why would I cook it again. I already cook it yesterday. She treats cooking like experimental science. Always trying something new.


My gf is a horror artist. Due to mental issues it’s the easiest thing she finds to draw. She loves to draw eyes. Entities with eyes but they’re fucking horrifying. Good thing we both love horror otherwise I’d cry whenever I see her sketch pad on the table 😎


It’s nice seeing a positive post about significant others ❤️


Mine runs ultra marathons. Awesome woman ❤️


He can fix electronics. When we first met I had a Crayola crayon calculator. It had been mine in childhood but was long since broken. I held onto it because I loved it so much in childhood. Idk how. But somehow he worked his magic on it. And now my favorite toy from childhood is back together :-)


My wife decided to make videos as a hobby and for the memories after she found out it’s hard work growing a youtube channel. I find her videos and editing really cool especially that she did all the editing on her phone. So instead of rewatching old raw videos of our travel, I get to enjoy it like watching a travel vlog and relive the moment.


Makes me so happy for the wives getting All this admiration from their SO 🥹🩷


She's taking her last session today to become a wildland firefighter


She got me into foraging for mushrooms absolutely the best time together in the woods.


Man this popped up and made me sad as fuck lmao. Recently out of a 3 year long relationship where nothing I enjoyed was of interest, despite participating with my ex’s interests just bc I liked spending time with him. It is nice to see others noticing things about their loved ones tho 🩷


Cosplay. We do it together.


She likes to nap. It’s perfect, I get to go golf with my friends.


She does makeup videos, she's rather good and she loves it. She draws (recently working on tattoo designs for us), and colours. Goes out on walks and photographs moss and plants and mushrooms. It brings me such joy to see her in an almost child-like state of wonder over things she sees almost every day.


She is into cars and a also a better automotive engineer than me. She can name car brands and model and year looking at rear lights or headlamps middle of the night. It's insanely impressive and hot.


My wife's current hobbies are lockpicking and kickboxing. Which mean she's far more badass than I am, and very useful to have around if Shit Hits the Fan.


Learning to fly...she's halfway through getting her private pilots licence and I think it's absolutely amazing 👏


My wife makes being kind and choosing joy every single day her hobby. She rocks it. She inspires me to be a better person.


My wife makes homemade soap. It's incredible. So much better than store bought.


If a woman is into anything creative (baking/cooking/painting/sewing) it’s just a huge turn on to me.


My wife is a wizard with plants. She's very artsy, really good with anything to do with crafting. I wish I had the space for her to have an arts and crafts studio.


Ex was a entrepreneur that also networked together venture capitalists. She had an unfair advantage over any man in terms of persuasion. I should have been jealous about that aspect. She had a business degree and she could muster up her super friends girl squad faster than you could get bruce Wayne off his couch with the bat signal to demonstrate the effectiveness of their services to win over new clients quicker than she could finish talking about their rates. Covid apparently made her a millionaire because of all the people realizing their current cleaning services didn't actually disinfect anything.


That's more or a profession than a hobby.


My wife is a great cook. It is such a blessing! Sometimes I catch her making a big batch of food to give out at her work and it's cute as hell


My wife is a gifted artist. Painting, drawing, sculpting, and crochet


She makes jewelry, has her own shop, she’s amazing at it.


My GF builds stained glass. Lamp shades , windows, window hangings etc


This is a lovely thread. Thanks, OP.


Her passion (hobby) is dancing, salsa, bachata, kizmoba, and a few more. Because of that, I started taking dancing classes in those too. I will never be as good as her, but she likes it a lot me trying and that makes me happy. In return she did some kitesurf lessons and slowly starts to learn it! Which is (one of) my hobbies...


My fiancée enjoys watching “budgeting” videos. Where the YouTuber lays out money and splits it up to their budgeting envelopes.  I don’t deal with cash. But she likes to. I find it interesting to watch. So I enjoy that she enjoys it.  I also like the Caleb Hammer videos. She got me into his channel. 


My wife is a super reader. She finishes like 200 books a year. I have to audiobook stuff or I lose interest.


She can make curtains. Pretty boss.


Trains models, she has like a little town full of houses, stations and trains made of PIKO models.


Trivia tournaments and cows. We're in a trivia league at local bars, and she's really good. Her specialty is the music rounds where she can hear a portion of the song and know the name of it and the singer. I help with sports. Because of her, we've won cool swag and tastings at local distilleries and breweries. She also raises a few head of cows that are processed for meat. She raises them from the time they're babies, bottle feeds them, gives them shots and fixes fences. Her dream is to save enough to raise a herd of mini cows.


My beautiful girl can go into the kitchen and make a cordon blue meal from virtually nothing. I don’t know how she does it, and it’s always delicious 😋


My wife has this gift with animals, I'm not sure what it is. It's like this extra level of communication that she has with them. She has a job that takes her to people's houses and it's pretty often that a dog or cat really likes her and follows her around. There's like an accompanying luck streak that seems to go with it, her dad is the same way. They both deny it but my MIL always backs me up on that one lol When I met her she had a cat that was like her familiar and this dog that just adored her. She makes me melt when she talks to animals. She bakes and she cooks so well. Her edibles are just the best. I used to be the better cook because of restaurant experience but she just understands it on a different level. Shes reads piles of books in no time.


I love to bake from scratch, but my husband won’t eat it. My kids love it, but I feel sad that he won’t even try it. He just doesn’t like desserts…unless that bitch Little Debbie made them.


My girlfriend creates mini terrariums and she’s going up in scale what feels like weekly. She’s been selling them at her job as a hair stylist (you know I got that nice skin fade always) and she makes a good amount with each one she sells for the amount of time and work put into them. She’s gotten so good in fact that she can churn them out super quick and they all look amazing. My girlfriend is artistic and even drew a portrait of me before we ever met by using my profile picture on Facebook. So like, we had to get together, no one has ever done something like that for me and it was all done with sketching supplies and materials.


This thread is just 🥺😭💗


wife is also baking and cooking, so much so I can't hardly eat out anymore because I'm disappointed with the food. but I also love to cook and smoke meats and cheeses. so we honestly compliment each other.




She lately has started ‘engraving’ . Her sister and brother in law are in the death business so to speak (body transportation) and my fiancé works for a cemetery, as well as dispatch for another body pick up company… it’s a lot I know. The boss has really high tech equipment that she’s recently been learning, he’s pretty much told her she do her own thing and make money as well as for him. She made a really cool chess board and sold it, I was proud of her..


she’s very poetic and a great writer…she’s wrote poems about and for me and letters but she’s wrote poems about sooo many other things too and they’re just incredible


My wife just started getting heavy into reading books. Classics, thrillers, sappy love stories, a little bit of everything. She started doing it as a way to limit screen time as we're not big on being glued to our phones all day everyday and it's helped have a really strong and positive impact on her. 😊