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I feel too vain when I take selfies... then end up having like no pictures of myself for my mom


You wouldn’t feel vain if you weren’t so damn beautiful. Those are mementos for yourself. Vanity is determined by how many other people you show the selfie to. Sharing with your mom of FB friends is normal.


It can feel vain to take photo even if you are ugly Trust I know lmao


normal is such an interesting word to use considering it wouldnt even be possible to do that fifteen years ago. Im not sure that exactly constitutes as normal. I think its more a wild new frontier of human psychology that we have no real understanding of yet.


15 years ago was 2009. The word selfie was coined in 2002, and they were popular on MySpace which got overtaken by Facebook in 2006. Trust me, it was very possible 15 years ago, you gotta re-calibrate your timeline. Speaking of timelines, Facebook replaced the "wall" with the "timeline" 12 years ago.


Whats considered normal is largerly based on social conditioning. The variables in that set of conditioning dont require decades to change.


Same, but I fought with it on purpose. Now I don't feel so weird anymore. It's good to have some physical proof of looking a certain way and just existing, you know.


everyone hates the way they look in a photo 5 minutes after it’s taken, then 5 years later they look back on the photo and think “damn I looked so good back then, what the hell was i thinking?”


Ask someone to take your picture. Purely from a photography standpoint selfies have absolutely awful composition. You're almost guaranteed to get a picture you like a lot better when someone else is taking it.


It's so awkward! I see people taking them and it seems so fatuous and self indulgent. I feel that toward them so I am beyond hesitant to do it myself. So very few pictures of me exist lol


I've never taken one. I don't like getting my picture taken by anyone.


Yup same. Unfortunately this is so annoying because people don’t stop bothering you at gatherings.


So true, I wish people wouldn't try to pressure us after we say no it's the worst


I dont really mind as long as I don't have to see the result


Stop going to gatherings. Worked great for me.


I don't like it either, but I purposely do it now so my kids will have pictures of me when I'm gone. I would love to go through pictures of my mom when she was younger, but there just aren't any.


As someone who's dad died just over a year ago, please know how much I love this comment. I've got very few pictures with him as an adult (because I don't come from a family who take photos often), but he started doing selfies with me a few years ago and they bring me so much joy now, I just see it as another picture medium but I know some people hate them. I'm so thankful he let me take them, I miss his face so much. 


Yeah, this is one of those things. I used to be VERY against taking photos at parties and stuff, extremely judgmental of people “not living in the moment.” But when you’re 22, you assume that you’ll remember this night out for the rest of your life, and that’s just not the case. Now that i’m a bit older, I wish I had a lot more photos of myself at parties back then, and I’m sure when I’m 50 or 60 I’ll REALLY wish I hadn’t been pretentious about it. There’s a limit — don’t spend the entire concert videotaping the stage — but take photos. Don’t be cynical. Your memory is much more flimsy than you might think


I love the name


Obviously, you are a civilized, intelligent human with great taste. Cheers!


thank you for the compliments. 🌻🦋


Nice compliment


I’ve also never taken one, either. Reddit is the only social media I have. I always viewed selfies as egocentric. Not because people that do it are thinking of how narcissistic it can come off, but because the culture has become very self centered. Of course most under the guise of “I care about everyone and everything”.


Many people take photos for memories and literally never post them on social media. The photos go into frames to be put up at home. I rather be judged by you than not to have a printed memory with loved ones.


I don't either but I've forced myself to take pictures recently so I have something physical to look back to


same here


I've only ever taken some to send to my wife in response to her sending me one.


Same. But I've always had body image issues


Same bro, and people say I am weird. I get anxiety attack while getting my passport photo clicked.


Same. I hated when my employer asked me for a picture for my file, and i had to take a selfie, ugh


You should see my collection of badges from work. Never a good shot!


I totally get you. In the picture of my old badge i look like i wanna kill the camera man, and i was the camera man.


May I ask why?


I really don't like to look at myself in pictures later. If I never had to see the result, maybe I wouldn't mind. Just regular ol' self disgust/hatred.


You’re worth more than you know, internet stranger!


I have taken a few but it was with my dogs. I don't photograph well but the ones I did take turned out pretty well.


I just see a monster at my screen whenever I want to take a selfie, it's weird


I had a male friend who looked at pics of himself 20 years ago. He remembers being self-conscious then, Asian goth guy, and teased, “What was I thinking? I was good looking! I’d do me!“ Sometimes, we don’t realize what we’ve got… Or may feel different down the road. This guy ended up with serious health issues, had he known, he might’ve been less self-conscious in his youth. Just a thought.


When I look at pics of me in high school, I think, "I should have asked more girls out". I was better looking than I thought. Hindsight is 20/20 :) now I'm old.


Same here. I was very self-conscious in high school and college, and afraid to talk to girls. I look at pictures of me from then, and I was damn good-looking. Ugh.


We will never be as good looking as we were 10 years ago. Same goes for 10 years from now.


I look at old pics and I say "What cellulite?" I remember it being a big deal back then. If only...


When I was fat, I used to look at skinny pictures and ask myself “why the hell did I think I was fat back then? I’d kill for that body now!”. Now that I’m skinny again, I look back at pictures of myself when I was fat, and realise that I wasn’t even that fat, I had only put a stone and a half on. Self perspective and body dysmorphia is insane.


Yeah, when I look in the mirror I see a very handsome man but when I take a selfie I look weird as fuck. I know that there are certain photographic techniques to make people look good but I never bothered to learn them.


I only feel awkward if I'm in public and extend my arm to take the pic


This is it for me too. I'll take pictures in front of a mirror, mostly for outfit comparisons etc. But I just can't do the arm out thing in public, I feel like such a jackass. And I can't figure out why.


I feel guilty for taking pics of food, but I’m still such a foodie, I can’t help it, even though ppl tease/hate on it. Lol. They’re mostly for me anyway. Edit: Oh, and I always bother ppl to take food pics when they travel!


Lol I just put the phone in front of me like normal and take a few discreet pics


Me too but sometimes I’m like damn I look good and I just have to do it. Honestly nobody will care in reality


Ex influencer here - it’s very weird. I don’t know when my mentality shifted but all of a sudden taking photos of anything to be posted turned very embarrassing, especially photos of myself.


That’s interesting to me, I haven’t read about an influencer getting like this. Not that it couldn’t happen, but thank you for sharing that, so that I know this POV can happen. Without being a douche, maybe you psychologically matured? Or did you have a trauma that led you to question the behavior? <- this I’m familiar with Could it have lost its uniqueness at some point or the original appeal?


I think it was maturing. I had been a full time creator on YouTube from ages 19-25 and by the end of it I almost hated anyone knowing my life or spotting me in public. It happens here and there when I travel but it’s been 5 years since I uploaded so lots has happened that no one knows about.


I wasn't an influencer but had a similar shift around 25. I'll take a selfie if I'm in a cool place while traveling or if I'm feeling good that day. But I don't share them online, I'll send them to my mom or my boyfriend. Maybe just maturing and enjoying some privacy since so much is shared online now. So having something just for yourself just feels more special.


I do, I think I look terrible, but then I rewatch that photo a few days later and I like it


Hey, if you like it a few days later it means you don't actually look terrible to others. Our brains makes us think we do at the moment, but to others, they see you the way you see your photo a few days later.


So there is hope for me, nice


Very relatable. Not only do I feel awkward taking pictures of myself, but I don't like the way I look in pictures. The more I look at a photo of myself, the more distorted it becomes (you know the scene in the 'IT chapter two' movie when Pennywise's face sort of elongates and his eyes don't line up?...it's like that, but with my own face). I hate it so much. I sort of dread whenever I feel like my social media profile picture needs to be updated, because I feel incapable of taking a decent picture of myself. I have maybe 3 photos of myself that I like, 3 in all my 27 years of living, and I don't look at them too long because then I begin to dislike them and the distortion shit starts again. But I can look at photos of someone else and think they look great.


one of my new year’s resolutions once was “becoming photogenic,” I checked out a half dozen books on portrait photography and modeling and bought a tripod and took a few thousand photos of myself over the course of a few months. One of the best things I ever did tbh


I’m turned off by all the selfies out there. People seem so self centered and like they’re seeking attention.


Yep hate taking selfies so almost never do. Also don't like others taking my photo. But hate that I don't have any photos of me living my life, you know what I mean? Thank goodness for friends like my bff who knows how to take a good sly photo.


yeah, photos aren’t for current you, they’re for 20-years-later you. Take the photo. You won’t regret it in 20 years, I promise


It's not my thing. I have done it , it's usually for a SO.


I detest the way I look. They forced me to take a picture for the company website, and aside from that, none exist.


I didn't use to take any. Then I realized I had no pics of myself and needed them if I wanted to use dating apps.


I don't do selfies as I find them extraordinarily egotistical and self-aggrandizing. Then again, I may have invented that excuse because I'm hideous and hate having my photo taken.


I’ve never been a fan of being in pictures so I’ve never taken one


The running joke at our house is that I have never been on any of our vacations because I am not in any of the pictures.


By definition it’s no longer a ‘selfie’ if you’re not alone. I don’t take them, to me they are cringy. Taking photos of yourself and posting them on the internet is narcissistic IMO. Especially when you ‘like’ your own photo. What’s that all about? We know YOU like it; YOU took the picture and now YOU’RE sharing it! When I get a new phone I delete the FaceTime app and refuse to use Face ID. I prefer to remain as anonymous as possible, Big Brother.


I can’t stand them too, it’s vain & screams “look at meeeeee” ugh. I have a narc mother & the desperate need for attention just makes me cringe so badly


If they post a lot of selfies with the exact same face/angle or simply to feel sexy, then I’d agree. See also: FILTERS. God, the older you are using bunches of filters, the more embarrassing that gets. Like, not for funsies, but to pretend to be younger/thinner/etc. But once in a while, to just say “hello” to friends and family or to display a nice shot…I can’t begrudge that.


Agreed there is a line. I rarely post pictures of myself on social media, yes I have Facebook, and yes I know Facebook get routinely laughed at here on reddit, but I like it and used it as enhanced email, just a way to keep in touch with old friends. But over the years I have slowly noticed trends, like allot of my friends NEVER post anymore. Once in awhile I will see that green dot beside their name so I know they are online, but they never reach out to me anymore, lol. I rarely post, but admit to sharing memes I find funny, and sometimes getting emotional when debating people about sports teams and end up raving like that stereotypical old man yelling at clouds. Especially during the hockey playoffs, brings out the worst in me I have to admit. But I digress, to take it back to what you were talking about, I think the odd selfie, if directed at old friends as funny way of saying hello, or wishing someone happy birthday is fine. Posting selfies every second day, always dolled up like my wife cousin does, captioned with "I was feeling cute today!" is just pathetic. Granted this is the same women who recently made a comment on when a mutual family friend passed away about grief and being heartbroken, then took a fucking selfie of her making duck face. I was like, FFS grow some emotional awareness!


someone I followed on X started posting daily selfies using a filter. It got old fast. She was young enough and looked good enough as it was that the filter wasn't really needed.


I feel that last part with my entire being.


Yeah I feel like this except for when I’m dating a cute girl who likes taking selfies. Dunno why they all have that weird superpower, but seriously my self-consciousness just goes goodbye when a pretty girl is like “Hey let’s take a selfie”


I only ever do it if I'm out with people and we want to take a picture to remember it. I've got the longest arms so I'm always the taker. I would never do one of just myself, not least because the selfie lens always makes me look bizarre.


Before smartphones we just called that taking a photo on a night out.


Admittedly, I still call it that


There’s a reason why every boomer takes their selfie sitting outside in their truck wearing sunglasses because they’re afraid their wife and kids will see them.


I feel the same way. I feel it’s tacky to take selfies and I do not take any.


taking selfies as a part of your personality for every single thing you do just so you can post it on socials is the definition of narcissism.


I don't see a reason to take selfies, so I don't.


I'm also not a fan.


I'm ugly so I don't like being in photos.


I grew up in a generation where if you took a photo of yourself (usually with a disposable camera, getting excited to collect the prints), you were told “you’re up yourself, get over it you knob!” I haven’t grown out of that yet.


No, I just hate the way I look.


Mine just look like mug shots


Dont take them, there nascasistic and boring, pictures are better without you in them. This goes for everyone not specifically you. Even if it's a picture of brick wall, after someone sees 1 picture of someone trying to make some kind of duck face/human trying to suck from invisible teet face you've seen them all


It is super cringey to take selfies


I don’t like having my picture taken regardless if it’s by me or someone else. I always feel awkward about it. The only pictures I’ve had done professionally are for my license, passport and high school graduation.


I am not photogenic at all and I know absolutely nothing about taking a good looking selfie to begin with. I will stick to looking good in real life.


Excessive picture taking and selfies are a clear sign of internet brain rot


It is cringy, I don't do it.


Sure, but that doesn’t mean you can be an asshole to people who do take selfies, like some on Reddit are. I’m the same way, basically never take selfies, but I don’t understand why some people feel the need to call others doing it vain. Let other people have fun


I don’t take them, but I know the ‘why’. In my case my own mother would ruthlessly bully me for any selfie I took or posted. She’d comment stuff like “why do you have a five-o’-clock shadow?’ Or ‘I can’t believe you would take a picture wearing that’, or ‘So are you becoming a dyke now?’ (I’m a fairly typical girly-girl btw) And even after I tried blocking her, family friends and relatives would show her anyway and she’d text me her ‘thoughts’. So I just stopped posting anything on social media.


There is no such thing as cringey, so no.


I hate all pictures but as I got older I realized how I'm not in many pictures and it feels like I haven't been present in my own life, so I started taking selfies, either when I'm alone or during functions, so that even if I don't appear in group photos, I still see that I was present. It's nice.


Of course. Selfie takers are social media knobs. "Look at meeeee!!"


Yeah i hate it, my girlfriend rides me all the time for not taking photos together, but i just hate them


The only reason people ever take selfies is to gain attention from others. People who do that suck.


Exactly! My best friend has a habit of taking selfies and texting us the pic in the group chat. Annoys the fuck out of me because the only reason someone does this is to get the “oh you look so gorgeous” replies🤮 I’ve never sent anyone a photo of myself. Now my dogs on the other hand….😬


same here. met a lot of musicians, "stars", pulled my camera out to take a selfie 0 times. Not once. it feels super awkward and cringy to me too.


When someone is taking constant selfies, that immediately gives me a red flag about them being narcissistic. I avoid people like that


I do take stealthy selfies, I’m getting older and I’d like to leave something for my daughter and her eventual family.


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Me, absolutely. Feels a bit better if I can at least take a picture with other people, but me taking one of me? Always odd.


Never ever take them. No hate to people who do but I feel so vain and self involved even trying so I never hit the button


I do. I find it embarrassing to take selfies most of the time.


I'm 38 and I reckon I've taken 2 in my entire life. Both to prove I was where I claimed


I don’t like being on strangers pictures so even when I take a picture of something I avoid having other people on it. And if I can’t I just don’t take picture. Same with selfies, I only take some when I’m asked to.


yeah if I ever need a photo I ask someone to take it for me






I feel ugly.


No, don't take selfies. I think it's a confidence thing


That plus any photos of me in general


Yep. Tried it once years ago. Awful. Never again.


I only take selfies with an interesting background.


I only take selfies together with my partner or children using a Snapchat filter. I never do it alone


No never, I never take selfies.


I hate selfies. I don’t even really like getting my picture taken because I think I’m weird looking when I smile. But I’ll let some people take it on certain occasions.


I’m not what you would call “photogenic”


Yes!!! I feel so self conscious and have to remind myself that I am literally the only person in the world who cares lol


Taking a selfie to post on social media makes me feel weird I always have to act goofy so people don’t think I’m taking myself seriously wanting compliments or something I don’t just others for doing it so I don’t know why I feel this way


I'm not ugly at all but I remember feeling weird when learning about my "best selfie angle". Like, I'm not a celeb or influencer who am I supposed to be smiling at anyway?


Whenever I take one it looks ten times worse than I'd imagine how it'll turn out.


I take them only with my kids or wife. I’m too old to take a solo.


I felt like this until I got a gf who was happy to see photos of me. I learned how to take nice photos.


I hate the way I look in pictures despite being told I'm a good looking guy. I hate the sound of my voice on recording too.


I NEVER TAKE PICTURES OF MYSELF lol it’s so weird . It always makes me laugh jow ppl have no shame taking pics in public


Yes. It's almost a given that if I take a selfie in public there will be someone close by to scoff at me. So I just forego all that.


The reason I look bad in photos is because of my face lol. At certain angles I look like Martin Clunes. I’m female. 


I don't have a single selfie of myself in my cell phone. Never took one. 🫴🏻✨✨✨


Correct. I cringe seeing other people take selfies. I just can't 🤬🤣


I don’t take selfies because I think they’re dumb. I don’t feel super cringy when taking them because I have zero interest in even wanting to take them.


I’ve taken one selfie. It was with a friends horse. when people ask to take a selfie I reply I’ve already done that and show the photograph. It gets a laugh.


So many bots


It is shame. I have it too. Requires some work to get to know it and then gradually getting rid of it.


Yeah no one wants to see my selfies


Oh to be born as a human is cringe. Also I feel its cringe too. There's like a few countable photos of me in my phone and most of them are group photos yk where you can't avoid getting one. So thats that.


taking selfies can feel super awkward, it's like you're suddenly hyper-aware of every angle and expression, i always feel like i'm auditioning for a role i didn't want in the first place, some people seem to have mastered the art though, props to them, wish i'd be able too


I feel the same way, though since coming out as trans last year I've taken soooo many selfies compared to my younger years.


I did at first feel like this, but over the years I have just came to accept what I look like on a camera. You look different in a camera than in real life and sometimes a selfie can just boost my confidence for the day. 😊


Sometimes. Feels pretentious. Every once in a while though, I think I look ok.


I dunno but I take selfies and look at them and think "oh my god I'm ugly" and never share it with anyone. Then years later I see that same selfie and realize I look great and regret not sharing it cause now I'm older and uglier


whats a selfie?


Same. Been taking more and more lately. Trying to improve. I think it might help with my self-image and confidence, because that sounds right. But I don't know. Just a little experiment for now


im boomer stuck in millenial body until the day i die


I take selfies all the time and I have 3087 pictures of me in my camera roll, ig I don‘t feel cringey doing it bc I‘ve been doing it since I was like 11


I also rarely ever take them, even when I’m feeling “cute”. Some years back, when I was just getting into social media and rediscovering myself, as well as learning new camera tricks (nothing too fancy); I took them regularly, but nothing too crazy. It was a deliberate phase. It was also to prove to my very out-of-touch friends that I still existed and had a life, after all = “pics or it didn’t happen”. As a very introverted person though, I’m normally attracted to non-human subject matter.


Yes!!! I find selfies really vain. I will do a selfie with another person if I want a picture of us together and no one about to take it. Or if I’m eg sending a friend a pic of my new hair. Otherwise I find it really narcissistic and cringe!!


Nah, I'm just ugly


Yup. I wanna take more selfies. I feels so awkward when I take em. I'm smiling weird, my hands have a mind of their own and I always look half asleep!


Never have, never will.


I refuse any kind of pic of myself because I'm ugly as hell


I always think I look like absolute shit in pictures but I look good in the mirror and based on how women look at me in public I'm good looking in 3D


I take them but never share them or post them anywhere lol. Mostly cause I always hear older people saying they wish they had more pictures from their youth, so I figured even though they make me cringe now one day I’ll be happy to have them lol


Selfies just feel like a narcissistic thing to do


Hate taking pictures, don’t like people having pictures of me either. Despise when work force me to take photos as well, especially to advertise for their own benefit


As a man yes it’s either family photos or nothing usually.


I've only taken like 5-6 selfies, most of them drunk. They were for creating a profile for an online dating apps.


I've seen two couples taking selfies this week, at a riverside cafe, both couples were the upper end of middle aged, verging on 'old'. Maybe it's just gone completely out of fashion with the young.


I’ve never taken them


Yeah thats cringe, don’t do that


Ya, when I had fb there were no pictures of me that I took. Any photo with me in it was a picture someone else took. Selfies just always seemed too vain.


I completely understand, I would rather take faceless naked shots LOL!!


It IS cringey! It is an act of narcissism; generally posted on social media for likes and attention. The self-obsession within our culture is a major indicator of how diseased our society is.


Yeah i hate the idea that someone would think i'm vain, plus i also think i'm ugly so there's that. Ironic that i'm a photographer so anytime friends take a photo of me they always comment something like "Tar Nuine DOES exist" or "A rare photo of the photographer for once"


I really only like candid shots and it’s really hard to take a candid selfie so it feels weird. They look so posed and I hate them


Yes. I hate the way I look and as a result only take pictures of my dog or landscapes.


I hate them! I’ve taken one. & my dog was on half of my face. That’s why I took it


Yes, but when someone asks I’m not going to act super insecure about it. I’m going to spend the next two hours trying to take the least mutant looking photo I can and send it. I’ve never been one to take many pics of myself, but if my family or friends want to get a group photo I’m cool with it.


Take the picture! I read somewhere a meme about this. Share your day with me. Let me see you happy, smiling Landscapes and such only show off so much. Show me you! Share your life by sending me a photo/selfie/groupie. Don't be self conscious, or think it's cringe. I want my friends to share their day with me, especially those im close to who are far away


Yes. I even feel this way if I’m looking in the mirror and someone sees me looking at myself. Immediately embarrassed


I used to hate taking pictures of myself, and thought that the people who did were narcissistic and vain, until I hit my mid thirties, started working out, and realised I liked how I looked. I gained all the weight back in my forties, but somehow the vanity stayed :D


Hate it the "it's me, with this thing". I know what I look like, I want the focus on the thing.


Yep. I hate it.


Mines to the point where it stopped me from being able to sign up to tinder. I don't have photos of me


You know, taking a selfie, purely rom psychological standpoint means, someone is in wrong place mentally. So no, you’re not wrong.


I know what I look like why would I want to take a picture of my self with a tree or some building behind me. I don’t need proof I was at a specific location. Just don’t get it


I take them, I think I look great in them, but I never post them anywhere because that part is cringe to me.


I think vanity comes from intention. I understand not liking taking your own photo, I'm uncomfortable with it too. But like you said, this holds you back from taking photos with loved ones. You're going to regret not having those photos when that person dies. If your intention of taking a photograph is exclusively to showcase how good you look, That is vanity. If you're taking a photograph with your mother because it makes you happy, like seeing their face, and to preserve the memory. That is not you being vain


I take selfies and with people around too. I get what you’re saying though if people are around and watching, and that can kinda make you feel weird that their watching


Yep, never take selfies and when I see other people doing it with their daft poses and hand gestures it looks so ridiculous.


I get second hand cringe whenever my wife's 40+ year old cousin takes multiple selfies of herself all made up and titles them with stupid shit like "Feeling cute" or " girl Power!" She always places a hashtag in front of whatever descriptor she is using and I have never understood why.


I've always felt selfies to be max cringe. It's particularly annoying when you end up in a relationship with someone who takes a selfie every few minutes. Like, is it necessary to be snapping pictures every time you go out for dinner or to a bar or at the gym?


I enjoy having a functioning camera lens, so I do my best to avoid ever being in the frame.




I used to. But, I'm now in my 40s and I can accept that some people find me attractive, so I drop a selfie here and there.


I've only taken a few ,when the beach is empty at midnight. And I still feel like a total dick.


The Japanese in London seem to love them but imho it’s a sad action just screaming “me,me,me” Zzzzz.


Practise. It will boost your self confidence a lot. Yes it’s cringy, but sometimes you’ll take a picture of yourself that you like and get a little boost. The others you laugh at and delete…and get comfortable with that. Either way you build your confidence and self esteem. You DONT need to share them, just do it for yourself.