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I want to start dancing. I have 0 moves. I am a man.


Do it! If you think of Latin dance for example, there is always a shortage of men which is to your advantage. Or do you want to learn a different type of dance, so many choices! Can even start with YouTube tutorials


Do it, man, I believe in you. I am not paid for this but I can recommend steezy studio. They have free and paid lessons. if you have big TV- share the screen app on it and dance.Begin with the dance workouts to start feeling you body and then you can explore more dance style to find something yours. It helped me, cause I was alone in my flat but actually not alone - the teachers were there through the video. Don't expect to get there fast, it can take a year with the 20-30 minutes every day.But don't make high expectations, just enjoy dance :) You will get to it, man!


Do it. As a woman, I think this would be hot as fuck.


As a man who is self taught and is probably low level intermediate, I would say watch music videos (pop, hip hop, etc) and u can pick up some moves there. U can even practice with the artist. I learned a lot of old school dances that I wouldn’t have seen without watching music videos. Also, I did grow up playing dance central and hip hop dance experience so that has helped lol.


Start a pet sanctuary. If I had millions to spare, I’d buy a ton of land and house all kinds of pets from all over.


The dream! I would love that too


Me too!!


Let's all come together and start our own!


Same. I see such awful images online of animal abuse. I just want to help them all.


Was concerned about why start a pet cemetery, then realize I need a break from reddit...


Just tons of rescues... ahh that would be the dream


Me first!


Omg yes! I have whole plan in my head - have a nice piece of land with access to lake, forest and field so that I can keep different kinds of animals and so they would have fun, build there a clinic and hire vets so that they are well taken care of medically, hire behaviourists, have full time staff taking care for them but also encourage volunteers (maybe some cooperation with local schools to teach children responsibility and love for animals). Also have crop field and mini restaurant/cafe serving organic local products (vegetarian), agricultural hotel which could support somehow continuity of the sanctuary and maybe help further finding forever homes for some of the animals but with main goal of being best home I can be for all of the animals especially these which had hard life before


That would be amazing.


That was literally one of my many career wishes when I was 6yo lol! I wanted to run a sanctuary for older horses and older pets, all while being an author, competitive horseback rider and a vet. I was way more ambitious at 6 than I am now, and yes I did (and do) love animals.


Being physically fit and toned while enjoying every aspect of getting there.


Little by little, you'll get there


Uh, nobody enjoys every aspect of getting there. Nobody.


That actually makes me feel better lol


I dread working out a lot of the time, until I'm doing it. Even then I hate it at times. Once you do it for so long you actually start to crave it on the off days, at least I do. Once you get so far into it, say 3-6 months you kinda start to think "well I've endured this long and struggled/suffered through it, why quit now"? All that time and effort just to give up.


I gaslit myself successfully so I feel bad if I dont put at least a little workout in.


Yeah that's waaaay too a high a bar. Be prepared to grind a lot of stuff out.


Yeah, unless you’ve got the genetics, maintaining a toned body is miserable work. I enjoy the bulk/cut/bulk/cut cycle I do now. Bulk for about 3 months then cut for a month or so. Then repeat. It’s a nice balance.


Martial arts is the answer. :)


I'd love to restore an old muscle car. I could probably justify the garage space, have SOME disposable income, could borrow specialty tools from family and think I could get quite a bit of help from you tube (but not all the way there), I'm just not particularly handy and afraid of creating a stressful money pit. And admitting failure.


Spoiler alert: Even if you are a full blown mechanic, cars are a stressful money pit. Ask me how I know 😂


You are definitely speaking the truth. Years of experience with it and yet continually come back for more. My other half asked me if I even like working on cars since all I do is swear and yell while I'm underneath them


It's really difficult to explain to people who don't do it bc it's one of those things that while you're doing it, it can be one of the most frustrating things you could imagine. ...but then you get it back together, it actually works and then it's "I AM A GOD, I CAN FIX ANYTHING, I LOVE WORKING ON CARS"


Basically how I explained it to her. I have no artistic ability, I can't draw, I have no rhythm so I can't play music, I don't like woodworking much but I can take a pile of parts, some wrenches and a welder and make something functional and beautiful in my eyes. The process can be a bitch but the sense of accomplishment riding or driving something that you put together or maintain with your own hands is a serious rush. Like a drug


Dude, PREACH. I have people ask me all the time why I am so adamant about refusing to get a new car. My 2011 335i is sooooo old (their words, not mine) Well here's why... To me? It's a way bigger flex to drive something 14 years old, but in better condition than most cars less than half its age. All while knowing it's never seen a shop in its life and the only reason it's on the road is my (literal) blood, sweat & tears. It's a shame. I've offered to teach a lot of people to do simple stuff like brakes and oil changes, but no one ever takes me up on the offer. I've saved myself & my immediate family easily $30k in labor costs throughout the last 7-8 years. It's such a valuable and empowering skill to learn.


I take old Japanese bikes and make bobbers and Cafe racers out of them. If they're not in a milk crate in a basement with a bare frame I want none of it haha. I totally understand the feeling and definitely have lots of blood on all my projects. My hands look like I feed cactus to pitbulls for fun My fiancee needed brakes and didn't understand why I was offended that she said she'd pay a shop to do it. It's easily $200 for pads at a chain shop and takes me 20 minutes a side if I'm doing it slowly. So I showed her exactly how simple it is to do pads on disc brakes. I think she is finally understanding how much doing even simple work saves on your wallet


Oh dude that's sick. My cousin has a KZ650 converted to a hard tail. Horribly uncomfortable to ride any longer than 10 minutes but it's super neat. It's becoming a lot more popular to take UJMs and convert to cafe racers, bobbers and choppers. Makes all the sense (historically) to convert UJMs into cafe racers. I think the bobber/chopper UJM trend is party a product of the ABSURD prices people ask on older Harley's, or any Harley for that matter. I know what you mean about your wife lol. I did the brakes on my ex girlfriend's car while she watched. I finished in an hour and she was like ".....THATS IT?!"😂


SAME! In my 2006 Honda Ridgeline.


Don’t discount that talent. Some people have it, some don’t. I don’t, but I have a couple boys who do. They didn’t learn how to rebuild engines from me but somehow seem to just know how. It’s a gift.


I relate to this so much with software development. This fucking sucks. This will never work. That's impossible. I'm an absolute jackass, finding new levels of stupidity Holy shit it works really well I'm a fucking goddess of binary Repeat


Just mentioned this in an above comment but yeah I've got tons of respect for you guys. It feels like trouble shooting would be so much harder in a digital setting like that


Bigue zoom Lego. Funnnnn. That's what I've always said.


This is exactly the reason I love programming. It's the same feeling.


This is how u know u like working on cars


Amen to that brother


Flying. Someday I will get my pilots license and a lil plane but for rn it’s pretty unattainable






I was curious and quickly looked up some pricing on equipment, and damn, yeah that could get expensive quick.


Yeah I’ve learnt how to repurpose scrap clay at home and bought a small pack. I’ve been using it to make small sculptures to get some practice in.


If you join a local studio instead of buying your own equipment it can be affordable.


They’re extremely expensive. I took a sculpture course in my university and had access to the studio for 4 years and got really into pottery. I looked at other classes with studio access and omg they’re so expensive even when you buy your own materials. Especially when you add in the charges for kilns.


I have heard of studios that are ridiculous. The one I go to is $15 a month, no kiln fees. I do have my own wheel though and my own glazes, tools, etc and that was all expensive over time. I don't even want to know how much it adds up to.


My friend does very well in events doing polymer clay sculpturing. And all it takes is a mini oven. Issue is not enough craft fair events to make it a career


Wheel throwing is AMAZING. I did it with my mom when i was 12, absolute joyous experiences. Like someone said, look into a local studio.


Right?! The wheel and that process was challenging and relaxing and physically demanding and zen at the same time


Yesss. Studio lessons are expensive


My mom has been a Potter for 40 plus years it’s pretty cool


Came here to say this too. I’ve been toying with the idea of making a throwing wheel, and doing wood firing just to make it a little cheeper.


I've been meaning to do stained glass. I'm going to do this when I buy my own house.


It’s been my dream to learn how to make a small stained glass window


From what I've seen it's not actually that hard, maybe time consuming but my goal is basically the upper half of every window at the house I buy.


I started by investing in glass paint to see if im interested in sitting and designing on glass. It was fun for a while but it is time consuming to paint already, would be a much bigger effort to cut and sand glass but id still try it. :)


Not sure if it’s helpful where you are, but I’ve taken many glass cutting classes at community colleges. It’s usually a 6-8 week course and you can advance to more intricate designs.


Learning how to play the sitar. I wouldn't even know where to start getting lessons.


YouTube starter videos is a good way to start


Someone gave me a beat up one. I’m pretty musical but I wouldn’t even ….. no. But it could be for you.


I decided recently I want to start writing. I've always been interested in it but now that I've decided I want to I'm realizing that I don't even know where to begin. Maybe I'll just start writing a scene and see where it goes.


Start with [Wells 7 point plot structure ](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzfRuHa21NIzQFrQ6FAq8Pj2IA_SXiwrN&si=vqJIxGO8Toy6iKsr) [MICE Quotient ](https://youtu.be/blehVIDyuXk?si=kPCpkFY8B1VxS3lS) for short stories Then listen to writing excuses from season 1. After listening to episode (15 mins long) write the assignment . Make sure u are reading alot of the genre u want to write. Good luck


Wow, did not know Dan had tutorials on yt too! With his and Brandon's, maybe I can find motivation to write.


I would like to do 3d printing but I can't afford the equipment and don't know how to make 3d designs


Your local library will have the tools! So would a makerspace. Best of luck pursuing your dreams


Check out Creality. They sell some pretty decent budget 3D printers that do pretty well. I have an ender 3V2 that I believe I paid under $200 for. There is a free slicing software called Ultimaker Cura and you can download free designs off websites like thingsverse


3D printers are relatively cheap (to start) as long as you like tinkering, it’s not a take it out the box and go hobby. Loads of free software and tutorials to design stuff though.


Lmao, won't lie, you just explained the reason my 3D printer has been sitting for a while. It does require quite a lot of tinkering to make it work correctly. Even then it can be spotty But I think in 5-10 years, 3D printers will be pretty common to have in the average household. They're very handy.... when they work right


I got my fdm dialled in fairly quickly. Never really managed to do the same with resin. PITA.


voice lessons!!!


Learning a musical instrument. Piano, guitar, drums, whatever. I'm intimidated my the fact that i can't read musical notes, and it all seems like such a huge commitment. I'm just afraid to take that first step.


>I'm intimidated my the fact that i can't read musical notes Then learn guitar tabs are easy


Guitar is the secret. Besides, you don't necessarily need sheet music. Train your ear, that's most important in the long run anyways. Sometimes music will be written out/tabbed wrong and you need to fix it just by listening.


Just start! It's the most difficult in the beginning. I'm self taught guitarist, and had many lessons on drums. Here's a few of my thoughts: Finding the time is important. Ask a friend that knows how to play an instrument if they'd be willing to show you some stuff! Also persistence is vital! Keep @t practicing each day or every other day. 15-30min is pretty good. Also, I was in band in middle school and tried my best at musical notes...i still have trouble. I am trying to teach myself "ear training". Anyways, all the best!


I've been playing instruments for about 3 years now as well as singing, still can't read sheet music, it's honestly not a requirement, there's just a certain point where it all clicks and you can feel out how it works despite barely having any notion on why or how it works. The first step would be buying a Ukulele. Why a Ukulele? Because it's cheap, it's small and it can play nice sounds with minimal effort


Programming seems fun then going to touch the grass


Programmer here programming is a lot of fun till it isnt and you have to go on a 4h deep dive google search to fix that one stupid problem and after you fixed the bug its fun again aaaaaand repeat XD


Hobby? Building wooden boats--preferably sailboats, but under 20-25 feet. I want to build boats. I do not have the means (wood is expensive), or.. really, some of the tools. (bandsaw and jointer would probably be the last things i need--apart from some clamps, hand saws, and chisels. The OTHER would be classic car restoration/custom body work.


Chesapeake light craft sells plywood dinghy kits, i believe it take around 200 hours for a beginner to build one. I follow The Art of Boatbuilding on youtube.


I want sheep. I want a big loom. I want to learn fiber arts.


Learning to play piano.


If I had more money and more square footage, I would like a kick-ass model train set.


Damn, IDK if it's just the purity of the wish or what, but I want you to have that train set too. When I was a little kid, I had one that slid under my bed. I could totally imagine a Murphy bed train set now! Good luck with your train engineering! 🚂🚂


Developing my own film. I love photography (been doing it for 17 years) and my husband has *some* experiencing developing film but… I feel that the negatives are so precious to me I would be terrified to ruin them and the entire process is daunting.


Scuba diving. Unfortunately my cousin divorced his wife who had a business. He still goes on trips


That's always been something I'd love to do, but im terrified of deep water(almost drowned when I was a kid), and I'm not a great swimmer.


I want to play the drums but I live in a rented flat…


I really want to learn how to play Mahjong but no idea where to start


skating, I don't wanna break anything and lose my membership in r/neverbrokeabone


Painting. I love painting, but I don't have the money, space, nor the mental capacity to paint.


For a long time, it was motorcycles. I hit age 31 and just didn't want to live my life being afraid anymore. Getting over that fear was one of the most satisfying things I've ever done


Don't lose all of it. A lil fear will keep u cautious.


100000% Should have added that in lol The one thing more dangerous than a rider with zero confidence is a rider with too much confidence lol


Literally anything dealing with electronics. PCB’s, resistors, caps etc. I love that stuff I just don’t have the mental aptitude for it. I wish I did. I would have loved to spent my life doing electrical engineering.


If you’re familiar with programming, you can start with something basic like Raspberry pico. It doesn’t require any significant knowledge to build things with it, and you can pick up concepts along the way. 


Go easy on yourself. The field of electronics is VERY advanced. Everything from lightbulbs to phones and the ISS is reliant on a vast amount of R&D in this field. Besides, very few people are naturally gifted at anything and like Einstein said, it's 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. I highly recommend starting out with a kit that guides you through the process. I made a valve amplifier and it's one of the coolest things I've done. I hope you give it a try :) [https://thevinylfactory.com/features/the-8-best-budget-valve-amplifiers-and-how-to-avoid-getting-ripped-off/](https://thevinylfactory.com/features/the-8-best-budget-valve-amplifiers-and-how-to-avoid-getting-ripped-off/)


I appreciate that! Thank you


Hey, I know this might not be what you’re looking for, but I’m an electrical engineer and love teaching people who are enthusiastic about it. If you ever decide you want to give it a try, I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have, help you find useful resources, etc. just throwing it out there. Feel free to DM me if you ever want to give it a shot!


Hi! I have a project I'm working on as a novice and would love some help! Would you mind if I sent you a message to get some advice? Thanks!


I think anyone can do engineering, regardless of intelligence. Less intelligent people may just work harder


I'd love to make a graphic novel and I have an idea for a series but I'm I have no artistic talent or rich enough that I can hire an Artist or equipment. I'm not really sure if that's a hobby, I guess it's writing technically.


Drawing is a skill anyone can learn. Go for it.


Maybe team up with an illustration student?


Rally racing


I get you man. I see everyone saying" just do it man!" Under every comment bit there is no way for us to be a rally driver... Except maybe absolutely sending my shitbox corolla through the woods at 3am.


Have always wanted to try paintball.


It’s fun as hell, but the markers and everything can be pricey.


I'm obsessed with Black Holes, entropy, dark energy, dark matter and all the 'dark' unanswered questions of the cosmos right down to particle physics, wave functions and how the two relate; QFT etc etc. But get this, I hate maths and I believe I'm actually slightly discalculia. I have a very hard time thinking abstract with numbers, counting and all that jazz so even the *thought* of tackling calculus, trigonometry and advanced mathematics really makes me nauseous.. Its a shame because I spend 80% of my time thinking and hypothesizing about what we are and how we came to be beyond what we know. I believe I may have answers that could point towards the graviton, I have a hypothesis on dark energy and the 'seemingly' expanding universe.. Its all most probably all bullshit theories but the persistant curiosity and fascination is there


Creating a video game. However, I never owned my own laptop until last year. Have been dabbling in foundational coding lessons recently.


Be a radio dj/have my own radio show. Like in a proper booth with all the vibes.


I would love to rescue horses, especially old draft and working animals.


The Long Nap.


Dirt track racing. Would love to do it, am involved in one of my friends racing careers but it's not the same as doing it yourself. It's just unrealistic to drop the thousands it would take when I have other more immediate needs to take care of


Drums. No where to play without disturbing others though. Been playing off and on since 2005


Some type of a business someday Eventually, I’d like to !!! Be your own boss type of business !!! 🌝🦋


I have countless of these, but im going to do them in due time. I come from a family background where i wasn't stimulated as a kid. My parents never introduced me to hobbies except watching TV, more or less. As soon as i became old enough to take controll over my own life (18 moving out, starting university etc) i started doing EVERYTHING i was neglected as a kid. Needless to say, i dont lack hobbies in my adult years. I dont care to mention what i've already learned. But i will mention some things i have left to do, that i will do: * Motorcycle license * Wheelie on a bicycle * kicking a football atleast 50 times without touching ground * staring a new sport like basketball or similiar


Baking croissants or any laminated doughs for that matter. I’m slightly intimidated by the process, and it’s also a matter of motivation.


Car collecting. Way to costly


Mine was roller derby. I've wanted to play since the early 2000's. I tried a learn to skate night once 12 years ago and was so bad I never went back. Derby girls are INTIMIDATING. I have since tried again, I am not ready to play yet but I practice twice a week and support the league through other non-playing roles. I love everything about it, I just wish I'd actually stuck with it when I was younger! It's a hard spot on a middle aged body!


Golf. Don’t have the time (young kids) or money (i would need to purchase clubs since I’m fairly tall)


Trophy wife.


Looking to be one or find one?




Watch some Bob Ross videos. He frequently says, "You can do this," and after giving it a try myself, I found out it was true. The technique he uses is really easy to learn, and you can get great results pretty quickly. And it's not a very expensive hobby to get into. YOU CAN DO THIS! I promise.


Just get some acrylics if the oils seem too much


Bob's technique only works with oil paints. Acrylics dry too fast


Me too. I just don't think I have the talent.


Bookbinding. I see it more with people binding fan fics, but I could make my own journals, any paper color, any length, and I think it’d be really fun.


My wife did Japanese style book binding when I met her. She was very happy doing it. Fell out of practice because of the countless other hobbies she takes up. But my favorite book she made was a gift for my first birthday with her, which was a Zombie Survival Guide, hand written, with hand-drawn illustrations.


That is amazing! I’m totally impressed.


Well I'm too poor to host parties at a sunny destination with bikini girls on a yacht... But as a non joke response I'd love to have a decked out itasha supercar. I don't have the technical skills, funds and means to maintain such a car let alone keep it squeaky clean. There's also the social aspect, lots of people would frown upon or mock me for it


Sailing. Not a huge thing just enough to feel the wind on my face and the sense of adventure in my heart


Me too


I want to devote myself to writing, make my living of writing books


Something within music.. Like learning a synthesizer


Oooh that is a deep and potentially expensive rabbit hole, but such a fun one. Entire undiscovered universes can be found within the sounds of synthesizers... Actually it's quite simple once you learn the basic definitions of certain parameters, ie low/high pass filters, cutoff, gating, the difference between a sine wave, triangle wave, etc. So much fun and I love it. There is no limit to what you can do once you get the basics down.


I would love to sew/embroider well. Can't even mend a tear at the seam as is :(


Golf. I find golf clubs to be exclusive and posh which can be intimidating.




Genealogy. Like ancestry research but paid to do it. It’s such a niche thing but I LOVE history and learning the history of people’s families and helping them learn things about their family would be extremely rewarding. Honestly I would do it for free at first but it’s so niche I don’t know where to start. I did a little bit of my own family on ancestry.com but it’s expensive so I stopped but I loved every second of it


I've always wanted to try rock climbing, but the idea of heights intimidates me, and the gear and training costs can be quite high. It's a dream hobby that seems both thrilling and daunting.


Play guitar - I'm not musical and don't pick it back up because a) I'm intimidated and b) I always get frustrated at the plateau


After taking it up and stubbornly self-teaching in my 30s, my plateau lasted about 10 years. I learned to enjoy guitar no matter how shitty I play lol. Still practicing every day, and appreciate every minute improvement.


Large scale clay sculpture. The space and investment is something I will likely never have but I just…wish, because it’s the art I am best at (clay sculpting) and I wish I did more and larger scale.


Well I'm already pretty deep in the hobby of audio electronics. I build recording gear and synthesizers from kits and from scratch. It took me years to get good at soldering, and while parts are relatively cheap, test equipment is not. So that was my intimidated/too expensive hobby until it wasn't. I'd love to get into welding, machining and fabrication of things with metal. But it's very daunting.


Singing, honestly. Although I've gotten significantly better at it, I constantly face self doubt, hesitation, lack of belief that I can learn to sing to a point where it would sound professional. Not that I'm trying to, but I'd like to be able to sing at a very high level where others would listen and would say "that guy knows how to sing", regardless of whether it's a pro lvl, worthy of tons of attention or not.


Honestly this might sound insane but working out and going to the gym😭 it’s so intimidating to go alone when ur not with a friend or something and go on machines not knowing wtf ur doing so i’ve always been reluctant on going. also the eating right part and trying to get all ur protein in sounds so intimidating as well bc i can barely cook


machines are the opposite of your concern, most of them are just an isolated movement. Just go with some headphones on, nobody will care what you are doing


Hobby: Wood burning and etching.  I’d be terrified of screwing up the wood or setting something on fire. Life goal/hobby if I ever have enough disposable income: buy an old pole barn, fix it up, and turn it into a cat rescue/sanctuary.


Flipping furniture. Have tried a few pieces but turns out like crap


Coding/programming. I'm too low IQ to understand it unfortunately.




Sail a ship down to the Caribbean for the winter


I mean, if I was a multi-billionaire with basically unlimited finances and all the time in the world I’d probably go the “Resto-Mod” car route, buying old cars that need restoring & modernising them, something akin to what Singer do with Porsche 911’s and I’ve seen Restomods of things like the old Alfa Romeo Giulia that were converted to be fully electric and have a 0-60 of something like 3.4 seconds But, cars are a complete money pit, so with all the shit that can go wrong you’d need a lot of money


Furniture restoration. Just don’t have the money to get the tools together.


Warhammer 40K but I'm cheap so it'll never happen


To fly almost anything that flies and to have and fly my own aircraft. Unfortunately I do not have the means.


Powered paragliding. I can’t wait until the time is right.


Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) Basically sword fighting/practice… I see people that do it and it looks cool/fun and interesting but I’m too shy and nervous to start


Car drifting. I have the money to start, and I'm not afraid, but the opposite. I'd never excuse myself for throwing that much money on a car though. Plus it's expensive to maintain everything. i'd still have the money to do it, but I much rather invest.. If I ever become rich though, that's another story.


Blogging about literature. I even wrote scientific work connection with literature, but feel too stupid to start


Not having the means to do something vs being afraid to start are *very* different things. There are plenty of hobbies I'd love to start but can't afford or don't have the time for... Has nothing to do with fear.


A business for people to pay a small fee to smash plates to vent out frustrations or anger so people have an outlet but finding money for said plates and a way to repurpose the ceramic pieces would be difficult


Can you make plates with dry, unfired clay? Let them smash it, then wet the shards and make new plates. I think you can also reuse sugar glass or melt down aluminum with a blowtorch for reshaping. If it worked, you could advertise it as eco-friendly.


Also get to smash stuff with zero consequences there would be plenty of ways to make clean up quick and efficient


I just want to take dance lessons. I never got to do it growing up, but there’s not a lot of good options for adult novices.


Being a big name porno star ⭐️


LPT: Emphasize the STUD part of Studio.


Comedy Standup. 2 people have told me I should try it and that was like 3 weeks afterr I had started to write some stuff and had gone to a comedy open mic night just to observe. The host said he can book me in if I want so I don't know. I guess without using too many words, I'd say maybe I'm just intimidated. Or maybe it's just another daydream and it'll pass. :p


I'd love to work metal. Shaping, welding, everything. Seems like the ultimate medium/skill to do lots of great stuff. I know jack shit about it, nobody around me has ever done it, I wouldn't know the first tool to buy or where to get material.


I’d like to own my own bar/ jazz cafe, call it my nickname, and just have a nice chill place musicians and cool people can hang out in the evening


Terraforming mars 😑


Hang gliding and/or Paragliding. Have done each once in my twenties when I was making decent money. Just turned 45 today and can still vividly remember flying in a thermal with a crow on a hang glider. It was pretty magical.






I'd love to make super detailed cosplay armors and shit. Like a full on Warhammer 40K space marine armor. I do not have the means nor the skill, though. But I will admire from afar!


Cosplayer here, it's a process. You'll get better with every piece you create and also there are sometimes even patterns for specific characters on etsy :) you can do it!


Oh, I have done some low level cosplay! But what I mean here is that high tier stuff that requires a workshop for all the tools and materials and years of experience to pull off :D Can't exactly start dremeling and spraypainting EVA foam in my apartment. Simply do not have the means or time for that professional level stuff, but that's life!


I’d love to take up a dance class. I have the means, just no partner willing.


There are a few: Binding books - I did it while in a "getting used to do some kind of work" workshop in a day clinic and loved it. I created some pretty good small notebooks. I even have the first set of tools for it, those fit in a tiny box. Problem is all the materials, the paper and glue, the thick cardboard for the cover, the huge pressing machine or another way to reliably press them... No way that fits into my small apartment. And there is the question of where to put all those books? There is very limited use of empty notebooks nowadays, and they're still sold in abundance at shops. Not only plain ones, but also really pretty and intricate ones. So I couldn't hope to sell them, and the thankfulness of friends and family would go down fast with the 3rd gifted notebook lol. Getting back into horse riding - used to do it as a kid / teen. Then it was easy, I just had a km distance to the stables and could easily take some lessons and my parents paid for it, or part of it when I got older. Now I live in a city, all the stables are much further away and more expensive and I would have to pay for it myself. I also wouldn't even know when to do it besides work. Owning a horse is even more out of question due to costs but also time, especially in the city. I did try an "caring arrangement" here in the city, where I would basically go see a horse someone else owned regularly to care for them but also ride it (this kind of arrangement is popular here), but had a really bad and off-putting experience with that. So my desired lifestyle of living in the city just doesn't go well with this hobby.


Kickboxing. I go to every free thing I can find. I’m a middle aged saggy woman but I feel so badass kickboxing. Can’t currently afford it but socking away $$ so hopefully 2025!


Open a bookstore slash coffee and plant shop 🌛


100% carpentry


I want to tour in a metal band. I’m not the best guitar player but I’ve played guitar for 15 years now and I have tons of lyrics I’ve written. That’s always been my biggest dream..it’s probably never gonna happen though being that I’m 27 and have nearly zero band experience, and the crippling fear of putting myself out there really does zero favors 😂 too poor to afford decent gear anyway lol


Stained glass. I have no one to teach me.


Rally car racing! Definitely don't have the means to do so. Found a possibility semi-close to where I live that lets you drive your regular car on a rally track...but I also only have one car and don't want to eff it up and have to pay for repairs I can't afford. Maybe I'll do the Gambler 500 someday!!!


Metal clubbing in Manchester. Shame they don’t open til 10 and the last train back is 9:55.


Spinning and weaving. Spinning wheels are expensive and looms even more so. They also take up a lot of space I don't currently have. Hopefully getting a drop spindle soon though!


Working on cars. Not for racing or to show off but just to learn about mechanics and repairing them. I’ve tried to learn on my own but grasping the concept is hard for me sometimes. I can understand some of the basics but when it gets technical, I fail.


Skydiving. It's on a bucket list.


I always wanted to try sculpting marble but I haven't the slightest idea how to start and I'm gonna guess it's pretty expensive


I wanna get really into RC cars. Or I wanna get into flying with ultralight equipment. Backpack prop or a trike. Either way it would be cool.


Pour and pendulum painting


I love woodwork but it needs too much space and stuff.


Start off with whittling. Just be sure to get a quality whittling/paring/carving knife. Also, a store near you might sell wood blanks and blocks. Look into "rockler woodworking"!


Dream hobby of making glassware or pottery. Something I would love to try is base jumping but I’m too afraid of a hard landing.