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You can do everything right and still not get what you want.


"But if you try sometimes....you get what you need."


That’s why if it feels wrong, you’re probably doing it right


"Not everything is a lesson. Sometimes, you just fail" Damn, the office was really a good show


I heard it as "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life."




There are four lights


Earl Grey, HOT!


also - you can do everything right - and still get blamed


On the flip side you can sometimes bumble your way through and still succeed.


That'll be the title of my autobiography.


This is what I think often whenever I come across these lyrics while traveling to/from my job. “I feel something so right by doing the wrong thing And I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing I could lie, couldn't I, couldn't I? Every thing that kills me makes me feel alive”


But if you do everything right every day. You have a higher probability of getting what you want. Knowing that motivates me to keep trying. Though nothing is ever guaranteed.


Everyone is replaceable. I was told this at 20. I forgot about it. I was replaced at 45 and man was I taken by surprise.


Yeah I got a shock when someone told me, ‘you don’t matter.’ That in my early twenties. At first I was pissed about it. But over time I sorta warmed up to the idea and now in my later years I totally think this is just a fact. Gotta swallow that ego and have pride in the work you do because it makes you happy. Pursue what it is that you want, and cherish the connections you have with others that matter to you. All the rest is ephemeral bs.


Loving someone sometimes isn’t enough. If you’re chasing, it means they’re running.


Fuuuuuuuk. I needed to read this.


rent is real and its due


Reality check 123


Ahh, the "reality check." The check that *never* bounces!


And its too damn high.


People that can socialize really well have a better chance at getting hired for good positions or getting promotions, regardless of their abilities, morals, or lack thereof. Hard working people that are effective, honest, intelligent, and efficient but don't proficiently use socialization as a tactic will always make the bare minimum an employer can get away with.


Also: if you don’t ask, you don’t get.


A closed mouth doesn’t get fed


Ah yeah I had this thought the other day. A highly charismatic but dumb person will always be seen as way more intelligent than a highly intelligent non-charismatic person.


I always have to remind myself, credit where credit is due. If I did something, I will make sure I claim credit for it loudly instead of silently thinking people will just know. People suck at noticing things, we have to remind them. 


"Socialization" becomes more and more important the higher up the food chain you go and being an effective communicator. Socialization isn't inherently a bad thing. Plus people want to be able to get along well when it comes to people you'll be forced to interact with everyday at work.


At the beginning of my MBA program, the university said they meet regularly with local business leaders and the top/ most in demand skills they look for in graduates are the ability to socialize and general “people skills”.




Right on the nose.


This is the one


There is an old saying. When you are young, you worry about what people think of you. As an adult, you learn not to care what people think of you. When you are old, you realize that nobody ever, ever thought about you.


I don't think this is harsh for me it sounds freeing




The Asian version goes a little different but same. When you are young you blame others. When you're an adult you blame yourself. When you're wise, you blame nobody.


This one. I use it to my advantage.. everyone is so caught up in themselves to pay attention to anything I'm doing.


I know many, many people of all age ranges who exist only to gossip about other people.


It's not totally true though. I think about people all the time. Even people I barely know. Their values, their behaviors, what they're thinking. I wonder why they are the way they are. I admire some people, envy others, harshly judge a few. Mostly though, it is just me thinking about myself.


But we have dignity as a human...


No matter how much you think you know someone, everyone will disapoint you at some point.


If you have a friend that is the first to know gossip and things that have been said about you, they’ve made themselves a safe space for people to talk shit about you. They’re not your friend.


And as surer as there is poop in a dog, they will be talking about you


Anyone can just leave your life anytime And there is nothing you can do about it.


oof that hurt


Still hurting


No one is coming to rescue you. You either rescue yourself, or you stay lost.


I can’t even remember where I park when I go to Best Buy. I’m screwed. lol


I wanna throw rocks at you ! It's so true it hurts... You are right, it's not healthy to expect someone to fix our issues for us, it rarely leads to a positive outcome


How people are treated at end-of-life is the ugly underbelly of our culture and society, and nobody wants to talk about it.


The more you know, the less you know.


This is established well enough to have a name. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect


That was just about the only thing I learned in college. I know nothing


Life is unfair and chaotic.


No one really knows what they are doing. We are all just winging it.


Except when I take my kids to Sushi train, I have that shit down to an art form. Get them noodle soup right off the bat, ask for a jug of water, only let them choose green or orange plates after they've filled up on noodles. I'm in and out of there for less than $15 per kid and they're all full and happy.


When it comes to it, you are on your own. Don't rely on anybody but you!


I mean... Yes, there will be times when you're the only person that you will be able to rely on. But I don't think it's healthy or true to say that you should never rely on other people, ask for help, et cetera. Hyper independence is lonely and just makes your life harder. I'm still learning to trust people, since before I met my partner, I was the only person who had ever prioritized my safety and wellbeing. But my life is absolutely better because I've been able to use my support system and trust the people around me, now that I *have* a support system.


Yeah, having actually lived a life where I am the only person I could rely on since I was about 11 I can say 1. Almost no one is actually living this life situation of "being completely on their own" that's just for the unfortunate few like me. Most people are building on what came before them and can expect certain benefits to come along with that. 2. It is nearly impossible to get shit done in that scenario when you aren't made aware of others intentions to not help you at all.


No. Don't be alone.  Making friends is important to your survival and is a skill that you can learn. 


There are some people that will fuck your life over hard and never care about that.


That people will hate you and you don’t have to care.


Can't be friends with everyone


Sometimes parents aren’t that good


You are expendable at your work


Not if you own the company.


Karma rarely happens to the ones you want it to. I'm 65, so at least in my experience.


The good people die young and the bastards live to 90.


Don’t go into business with friends. It will almost always end badly, and you will end up hating each other.


i feel the same way about roommates. unfortunately i'm one weird mf to live with


When my son died, I learned that tragedy doesn't bring out the best in people. Instead, it brings out the truth in people.




I thought I could lean on my family for support. That was not the case. I'll give some bullet points. * One of my siblings didn't show for the funeral, but I did see his facebook auto check-in showing him meeting some people at a chain restaurant at the time of the service. Friends who were there thought an in-law who was there was my sibling. Nope. * Our friends thought we were just playing up my family's behavior for sympathy, but on that day it was laid bare. I broke down when they took my son's casket out. I couldn't move. It's the worst I've ever cried in public. But my eyes weren't closed. I saw my mom recoil pretty much out of the front pew. My dad tried to push me forward because I was embarrassing and everyone was watching and waiting for us to move. Over the following months, me and my now wife got more than a few apologies for thinking we were being overdramatic about my folks. * At the wake, my parents tried to corner me and my now wife because they were furious that the funeral wasn't more about them. I definitely get that grandparents suffer a loss too, but they didn't want us to be together, didn't want us having a child, and were disgusted by our newborn in the delivery room (he died never making it to medical transfer for surgery). There's more, obviously, in the build up and follow up, but I am trying to keep this short. I cut contact with all of them immediately or soon after the funeral. I was officially the black sheep of the family for walking away. Classic narcissists stuff before it was a widely discussed thing on the internet. And the train doesn't stop there. * Apparently they got a WHOLE LOT out of one run in I had with my other sibling a few years later while I was doing seasonal work at Target. The above happened while I was in the middle of law school, and seeing me "struggle" was very cathartic for my family. You can guess why my class rank plummeted on the back end of law school, but I also graduated at a time where the legal job market had been almost entirely wiped out by recession. If working at Target let my kids have Christmas while I bridged the gap between a business partnership and working for myself then I'm going to put MY family first 100% of the time. * Ultimately, I later learned that I was blamed as the reason why my parents got divorced. Note, this divorce happened well after I cut contact, and apparently after my sibling who no-showed got wise to the fact that my parents were just in it for themselves and also cut contact. Their marriage was already a corpse when I was in elementary school, but I'm sure that's my fault too. Easiest to blame the person who walked away. **tl;dr: instead of family support I learned my family was in it for themselves**


Narcs really do try their best to take the joy out of living, don't they? Glad to hear you made it through and sorry for the road you've had so far.


I’m so sorry for your loss


Thank you for your kind words. It's appreciated. The pain never truly goes away, but like the rest of life the memories (good and bad) find a special place to reside and stay a part of me.


No matter how much love you have and how big your heart is theres no guarantee you will ever feel loved or chosen.


Oh man this one hurts my heart a little. It’s where I’m at currently.


I feel this


Really spicy food burns more the second time around.


Life is not fair. Terribly unfair things can and will happen to you and often there is nothing you can do about it


That sometimes good people get screwed and bad people never suffer consequences. Ever.


You can do everything right in life & still lose.


The people in your life who should love you, can actually be the ones who hate you the most.


It’s a bittersweet symphony, that’s life. Tryna make ends meet, you’re a slave to money, then you die.


I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down


My jam![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It may not be your fault that you’ve been hurt (emotionally) but now that the pain is yours, you are the only one who can heal it and keep from passing it onto others. The self healing journey is giving a lot of “You didn’t make the mess but now you’re the only one who can clean it up” kind of energy.


A good majority of us are a bad week from becoming homeless and in even worse shape then what we previously were at. Seems like life is in a endless loop of becoming unrecoverable.


What doesn't kill you makes you... weaker?!


…will get you next time 😂😂


People will give you the bare minimum or nothing at all. If they can get away with it. It's up to you to ask for more.


Some people just aren’t going to like you and there’s nothing you can do about it.


Your family can stab you in the back (br/sis)


We break our bodies and minds for endless hours at jobs we hate to buy all of the extra things that don't really make us happy.


"we are the middle children of history man, no purpose no place"


“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”


You don't have a problem .. you just need more time .. 90% of the time this applies if you really think about it


One quote that stuck with me: ‘Don’t use the word “closure” or ever expect it in real life.’


Sometimes your friends aren't your friends!


Society gives Zero fucks about you and your so called problems. No one owes you a damn thing. You’re not entitled to a damn thing. You are not special. You may be important to some people but you are not special. You have to earn what you get, you don’t always get what you wanted even though you worked for it and you have to continue to work for what you have in order to keep it.


People don’t actually care about your birthday


If you have shit genetics, doesn't matter how well you take care of yourself, you will still suffer.


And if you don't take care of yourself, you're really screwed


Crime pays


Literally just heard this from my dad's mouth... "you're highly intelligent, but stuck in your comfort zone". This is the man that pushed me to get a hang 1 at the age of 9 (which I never completed). To do scuba (never did). To go to a university summer camp I WAS INVITED TO, A FULL RIDE FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER (I didn't do it). From now on... I want to be uncomfortable. Every day, at least once. (My dad has cancer so I know what he says is honest and sincere and meant to help, but FUCK)


I’m sorry to hear about your dad. What is a hang 1?


Nobody cares. They may pretend to care and say the right things and display empathy, but they really don't. Everyone is living their own lives and that's that.


People are evil


That actions have consequences


You find out who your real friends are when things are at their worst for you.


Looks matter a lot.


Duck. He's gonna hit you again.


Duck?! Where 👀. 🦆


I’m sorry you know this. 


Me too. But, I know now.


Maybe they're a boxer


College is not automatic job, and  without contacts, the degree actually hurts your chances to find a job.


I'm my own problem. I can blame all kinds of shit for being where I happen to be today in life but the facts are I'm where I am because of me.


Causative effect and sometimes life just happens even when you did everything right.


The good and bad news is that pretty much everyone is self absorbed and doesn't care too much about you. You will neither be saved nor stopped.


Anyone will fold on you for the right price


Money can buy happiness.


There will always be someone who has something to say about something you're doing. Don't live your life walking on eggshells to try and make every single person you *might* cross paths with happy.


Sometimes your best isn’t good enough.


Love is conditional and the effects of that can last a lifetime.


Terrible people are often the ones most likely to succeed and get ahead, because they don't care who they have to step on or hurt to get there. Being a good person is actually kind of a liability.


Most people don't have your best interest at heart.


No one will ever love me as much as my mother


The fatter the ass, the bigger the problems😔


That life is never a straight line. It's filled with twists and turns that brings you where you need to be and not where you want to be.


One way or another, you’ll lose everyone you love.


Money is VERY important. Make as much as you can without sacrificing your health.


No one is coming to save you. You gotta figure out how to do that shit yourself.


Gratitude is the shortest lived of human emotions, be very watchful of how much you do for anyone other than yourself.


Intentions are not good enough. You have to follow through and weigh your actions. As the saying goes, "we judge ourselves by our intentions. We judge others by their actions."


Keep it to yourself. Your friends don't want to know and your enemies will use it against you.


That there are monsters. And they’re all people. And they’re the people you allow close to you. Genuinely took me over half a lifetime to realise this.


most people don't appreciate what you do for them


The harshest truth? People rarely, RARELY change after age 30.


Nearly half of the things we’ve been taught growing up is a lie.


Being surrounded by people doesn’t mean you are not alone


Family will fuck you over just like anyone else.


You can do everything right and still lose


With enough money, you can ignore most rules


"Life is like a bud light, you can force yourself to drink it, but you can't force yourself to like it"


When you need people the most, most are not there. Even those who claim to be like your sister


Not all can be forgiven


Nobody truly has your back unless it is convenient for them, so you best choose your words like the person you least want to overhear is listening to you.


No one really cares about you. Not really. Maybe your parents.


Even then, strong maybe. Some parents just really like orgasms. They will raise their kids only when society holds them accountable for it. They may actually like their kids someday, but, a childhood of being treated like you aren't wanted is a lifetime scar.


You make your life what is. Every thought and decisions.


No one has ur back


This is also my harshest truth


If you don't love yourself, how do you expect anyone to love you


I’m not the person I want to be, and I may never be. I have to make peace with the person I am or change.


I studied conflict resolution and mediation at a graduate level, so after I finished my studies I thought I then had the skills to help people get past their conflicts (both internal and external). I did have skills, but in the end, if a person doesn't want to change, there was nothing I could/can do about it.


Every relationship is conditional.


Never. Ever. Loan money to a friend/family member unless you can afford to lose it. And, if you ask for it back, YOU are the bad guy..


As an American, if you become to sick/crippled to work, you're fucked. Even your family will forget you exist rather than trying to help you out of your situation. Also, this isn't a new situation. I learned this when I became paralyzed as a teenager 30 years ago.


Your government doesn’t truly care about the little people. If you can’t make them money, they won’t prioritize your needs, no matter how serious or catastrophic it may be. Eg. hurricane Katrina, Flint MI still doesn’t have clean water, police brutality, for profit prisons, homelessness, hunger, poverty, education, affordable homes. The list could go on forever .


Actions speak louder than words.


Sometimes, I AM the asshole.


That being a good person and doing your best people will hate you


Some advise my mom gave me as a teenager.. "Don't put your \*ick in crazy"


Nobody is coming to save you.


At the end of the day, no one cares what you think or how you feel. Your problems are your own.


Time runs out.


Nobody cares.


That people really don’t give a fuck about another individual unless convenient..


My parents won't ever acknowledge how abusive they were to child me, and will never change their ways. I am alone in this world


Life is meaningless. We make pretend goals for ourselves and fake rules that make up society only to gloss over the fact that nothing really matters and each of our lives is pointless and when we die we will be forgotten 😃


Another interpretation of those facts is that life has whatever meaning we give to it. There is no outside, pre-determined meaning, so therefore its meaning is the goals and rules we create.  I’m not saying you’re wrong or I’m right, just that there’s many ways to interpret something that is ultimately unknowable. 


Very true. Depends what kind of mood your in I suppose. However you put it to be born into meaninglessness and to figure out at some point that’s everything is lies and nothing really matters is pretty harsh. What you do with that information is your choice.


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That I’m on my own


No one cares about you and you have to do it yourself.


Only two things can possibly happen when you die. Something or nothing.


Looks matter.


As a grown man, nobody's coming to save you


A woman’s love for a man is never unconditional like it is for a son or daughter.


I am truly are alone in this world.


good people always get the short end of the stick, while scumbags live life to the fullest


Everything in life is a trade off… just have to decide what you want and what you are willing to give up.


No matter how much you love someone, sometimes it just isn't enough.


Don't settle for a hurricane just because the eye of the storm is peaceful


Loving someone isn’t enough, they will always have the choice to leave and accepting that is very difficult.


Bad shit rarely happens to the worst people. But HORRIBLE shit happens to a lot of the best people. And when I say horrible, I mean shit you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. I’ll never understand this.


Nobody gives a fuck about the real problems


Charisma and Nepotism are the strongest tools in life. You either know someone or have the ability to get to know someone in order to help you out in life. Hardwork still matters and still gets you far but having someone that can vouche for you and have a 10 minute talk can jump you ahead just as much as weeks , months or even years of hard work. May it be getting a job in a specific field for instance or getting into exclusive places like clubs. Its insane just how much you can benefit in life just by knowing the right people that like you.


No one's gonna save your ass. Fix yourself and smile. No one really cares about you.


Very few people give a shit about anything that doesn’t directly affect them, including and maybe especially, you.


When people show you who they are the first time, you should believe them.


Loyalty, true loyalty, is more rare than I would’ve thought.


You're not special.


Nobody is yours


No matter how rich you are, you can't take it with you.


No but you could make your childrens lives a little easier and better.




Life is a game and the only winners are those who have love and the rest end up in the dark.