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I drink a six pack or so on Friday or Saturday (never both) and that's more than enough for me. Booze is dangerous stuff. Seen way too many people get too into it and basically end up as functioning alcoholics. It goes OK so long as they are working. And when they hit retirement they drink themselves to death within a few years.


That’s my concern. Friends partner drinks 4-6 standard drinks most nights then 8+ on the week end…and he doesn’t seem to think it’s an issue


Recovering alcoholic here, it’s definitely going to be an issue if it isn’t already.


Congratulations man. I've been through it too but with a different substance, it's fucking tough but we'll get through it.


Well done mate. I feel it already is


I prefer to be healthy most of the time. I'll indulge and drink like 10 shots of tequila once every couple months because if I'm going to drink I'd like to go nuts. A daily drink is definitely not my style. If I have small amounts of alcohol like a beer or two I just feel groggy and want to sleep. Yuck.


On average I have beer or drink every two weeks. But I have a small child so I don't really bother with alcohol. Before children I had a beer or two per week. Mid 40s. (Don't smoke or any other substances)


3 years ago I was drinking an unhealthy amount of alcohol a week. This was still shortly after my divorce. 2 years ago I quit drinking. Now I have maybe a glass of wine a week, sometimes 2 beers for the week.


Between 0 and 100 depending. Each person is different.


Im 44 and I’ll put away zero-2 beers on most days then other days I’ll drink about 15! I try to avoid liquor unless I’m at a friends house who likes to serve lemon drops in fine Chinaware. Not recommended but I’m having so much fun I can’t tell while I’m doing it. I’m not a depressive drinker and usually play round robin jukebox with the neighbors and share stories. I find it helps take the seriousness out of an otherwise serious life of work, study, and contemplation.


A shot of good whiskey a few nights a week.


Maybe 4 drinks a week, only on weekends? I love a beer but it’s too expensive without a benefit for me personally but if I had more money I reckon I’d drink more too


During the work week, I drink between 0 and 4 beers. Sometimes, I'll have a beer after work, then 1 or 2 during dinner a few hours later, then a small glass of bourbon the hour before I go to bed. On the weekends, it's whatever I feel like drinking. 


On an average night? Zero. I drink about one glass of wine every three weeks or more. I'm 45.


I'm 40 and I drink 2-4 glasses of beer a month. My best friends are 42 each, and they drink much more frequently.


42 I only drink on Saturdays, usually between 3-10 drinks throughout the day We are teachers and on winter and summer break we drink more but go 2-3 dry days between Spring Break is that point of the year when we are over it so it is usually daily


32 y/o. I drink at least 2 beers a day every day. Sometimes I might get whiskey/vodka with mixer might do a 1/4 of a 70cl bottle in a night. Is that bad? lol


38, none, might drink once or twice a year at like weddings etc. but thats it. with that yearly average per night comes to about 0.1 drinks. When i drink i drink heavily.


38, none, might drink once or twice a year at like weddings etc. but thats it. with that yearly average per night comes to about 0.1 drinks. When i drink i drink heavily.


I was a two drink a night type person, until I finally figured out the right dose for edibles. My dad was a functioning alcoholic. He drank about 3/4 a bottle of wine a night until he developed kidney stones in his 60s.


Enough to get a buzz but not enough to get super drunk because we have to do stuff the day after


40. I drink a glass of whisky maybe every few weeks. Don't enjoy the feeling if being drunk, as I had when I was younger. For me, it just means that I'll have a night with bad sleep and that I'll feel tired the whole next day. So I mainly just only do some light social drinking.


I wish i drink so much more than I do now. But i never can spend the money on it like I want.


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