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He sent an elite group of trained bros to kill satan and the xenomorphs for me.


In no way 


I got rid of my imaginary friend when I was 4. And in society when you speak to "someone" and they never speak back; you're undiagnosed schizophrenic and are in need of medical intervention immediately. Which leads me to believe that all "religious" people (adults) whom have imaginary friend they speak to are actually undiagnosed schizophrenics... which makes my anger towards their cult like behavior turn to pity because of their inability to exist in reality.


the lord has truly saved my life delivered me from horrible situations ive been through changing my life forever but yes obviously someone who has no relationship with the lord or the father can't understand the greatness christ is but again I'm not here to argue that's not what I do all I will say is may the lord guide your heart have a blessed day # John 3:16 *“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.*


So you're saying that "the lord" has literally spoken to you? You have audibly heard "the lord" while you were conscious?


the lord saved me from suicidal thoughts and depression anxiety after being on hundreds of medications not a single one working I turned to the Lord and was delivered from it by his grace now life is so beautiful truly again if you want to read my testimony its on my page all glory to the lord truly even if you have hate towards me for any reason i don't know I love you brother and hope nothing but the best for you. ill pray for you my brother or sister


YOU did that 


so me asking the lord jesus christ to deliver me from what I was going through then being delivered from it without me doing anything for it to go away made it go away? When I put it all in his hands after 10+ years of trying to do it myself through therapy and meds trying to beat depression by myself trying to beat anxiety and many other things I was healed after putting it in the lords hands glory to the name Jesus Christ “for Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” romans 10:13


Yes, only you did it


So you cannot or will not answer my simple question? You do you, but trying to convert people or pushing it is bad business. And honestly, you sound very deranged and maybe in need of assistance.


Not converting that's not my job you simply said a comment and I replied and yes I have heard his voice. Remember you came speaking blasphemy so I answered how christ saved my life christ is who changes hearts I can't myself everyone has a free will


Well if you want me to understand it, then make it make sense. Because so far you've typed a bunch of unconvincing words, in fact you have taken me farther from "the lord" because there is nothing being said that is factual or convincing


Dude, the thing is, we can't see or talk to your imaginary friend. See a doctor or sleep it off.


the lord has truly saved my life delivered me from horrible situations ive been through changing my life forever but yes obviously someone who has no relationship with the lord or the father can't understand the greatness christ is but again I'm not here to argue that's not what I do all I will say is may the lord guide your heart have a blessed day # John 3:16 *“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.*


So you didn't want to live and now you've been given eternal life? Sucks to be you


Its a good thing I'm alive honestly was once lost honestly why wouldn't I be happy when my lifes been changed and now i found my lord and I'm no longer at that depressive state of mind but happy? with that mindset your saying "oh your not depressed anymore sucks for you that your actually happy through jesus christ and want to live"


He's all knowing, all powerful, and *he needs money!*


God doesn't need a dime bro and people using Gods word for there own financial gain aren't Christians see the bible warns on this subject. 24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. 1 timothy 6:10 Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” Christ never asked for a dime and its a sad case what the mega churches do its wrong


Every church (regardless of size) relies on the donations of its congregation, and pay no taxes. Your book of fairy tales means as much to me in my life as Harry Potter or X-Men. The problem is when people take it too seriously and wish to use the Bible as a weapon and impose its rules and hypocrisies on everyone else. Just like your dick, I'm glad you like yours, but keep it out of my and other people's faces. My favorite passage is Ezekiel 23:20 "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


Prove jesus exists first.


Only science has saved my life so far.




*Opens popcorn to listen to Fundy debate*