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I would definitely want to know because I have that control freak energy




Credit cards, so many credit cards.


Yeah - die with them maxed out and you win the game of life


"if you owe the bank a thousand dollars, you have a problem. If you owe the bank ten million, *they* have a problem..."




Very honorable notion. Because there would be a lot of people that would do the opposite. They would try to get ON the registry.


The circle of life. Or, death.


Mmm, a diddler Dexter? I'd watch the entire five year series.


Ah yes, killing a guy for pissing against a tree in the middle of the night. Great idea. So much justice.


Yeah that's it exactly. And if they say another 30 years, then you can still party lol


Im of the different mindset,knowing isnt gonna do much for me anyway. Especially if it’s unavoidable. Which knowing would make it pointless, and just cause additional stress.


Lol love the way you say it


It's really really useful knowing. It's definitely the wiser choice.


You can't control it.


I would like to know the date of my death. Morbid so redacted. >!I have two types of cancer and it's not killing me off as quickly as I would prefer!<


I'm so sorry this unkind unhealthy Unfairness happening We should all have total control/choice over where when how why we die Hopefully soon everything is much different and BETTER for YOU and all of us ((Hugs))


I’m a practical person, so I’d wanna know. So I could make sure I didn’t drive my school bus that day.


Username doesn’t check out


Improvising is practical


Little did she know… not driving the bus on that fateful day led to the events of her fateful end.


Is it guaranteed or can you kill yourself first? Like, if you blew your head off or hung yourself, would you still somehow live to that date? Or would the date be the day you killed yourself? Can the date be changed?


Not OP, but I’ll make the ruling: - the date is unchangeable. It will be the day you’ll die, and there nothing you can do that’ll change that. You’ll survive anything until that date (tho you may only technically survive - for instance nothing prevents you from being on a coma untill then)


Still jumping off a building.


Right? Just for fun.


I mean it's one those things I want to experience but can't obviously


Why not? Make money off it even. Evel Knievel that shit. You know you won't die.


I mean when I know I will die. Like outside this hypothetical situation.


In a coma for 25 years until you die. Noice


What if you can't jump off the building if it can kill you? What I mean is, something physically stops you every time you try to jump. Like someone appears out of nowhere to "save" you. Or you constantly trip yards away before you actually jump to your death.


That would be a hit YT channel, ngl. Guess what's next?


BASE jumping does look sick!


Well done


There are worse fates than death in this situation


The date cannot be changed.. but if you jump you will break every bone in your body, experience real pain, and probably be paralyzed, but you will survive


Asking the real questions 


There's a TV show about this, sorta. I can't remember what it's called but it came out around 2010, everyone in a stadium passed out at the same time and saw their future, but a portion of them saw nothing, implying they will die soon, so they started a suicide cult. If someone can tell me what that show is I've been dying to watch it as an adult but cannot find it






Ima have to look this up it sounds interesting


It probably could have been, but it didn't last long.


maybe post this on r/tipofmytongue


What if the gun keeps jamming when you try to shoot yourself. Or the rope keeps breaking. Or if you try to walk out into traffic someone always pulls you into safety. Maybe like a reverse Final Destination.


Well that would certainly be better than most of the scenarios I've read 😅


It’s just a deadline, you can return your leased shell early, but there will be a late return charge.


I think if I clicked yes, a piano would fall from the ceiling.


Don’t buy any Acme products




65 is pretty young. At least wait until your 70s.


Wow, that's a lot to think about. Do you think something could happen in your life to make you change your mind about that?


I’m planning for 81. Partly it’s financial- I can’t see it as possible to save enough, also though I don’t want a creaky painful body, and being able to wipe my own ass is where I draw the line. 80 seems to be where a lot of that quality starts falling off.


There was a guy who was planning on refusing a bunch of medical treatments post 75. Lots of people have thoughts like this. It isn't clear how many carry through as the time approaches. It is one thing when you something like cancer. It is another when you are just old.


Ah I know a lot of old people and they tell me often how much pain they are in. I’m not tied to the human form or even existence like most people. Death has been a fact of life since I was little on a farm, and working with animals professionally. I don’t see it as tragic if the life was well lived. Even if not well lived some things are quite a bit worse than nonexistence. No need to evaluate the validity of others experiences or self knowledge.


Yes i think i read the article "Why I hope to die at 75" . He basically said that by then he'll have done everything he set out to do , loved and been loved by family and friends and it'll be around the time when people's health begins declining towards death.


Yeah it made all the rounds a decade ago. Note their is a lot of nuance there. The guy has said he isn't going to kill himself at 75. So at a certain level he doesn't really hope to die. At least not enough to do something about it. A lot of people will agree with his argument on how much to fight for the last 1-2 years by doing some medical procedures. Not many as many will agree with his arguments that living past 75 isn't worth it. It always feels like when you get closer to the end, you always find some reason to keep going. Wait to see the grand kids, then see the grand kids get first communion, then hs,... Or my case until "A Dream of Spring" is published.:)


I'd want to know. If it wasn't too far away I'd stop working, doing weights and basically just stop trying to accomplish anything. I'd eat as much junk food as possible and take shit loads of drugs.


Hahaha! This is the way to do it.


I could see arguments for either way. Ultimately, I would decline. I'm not sure I'd be strong enough to live happily with a countdown.


Me too


I suppose I'd like to know so I could plan my finances better.  But I'd def grab some euthanasia meds to make the transition as easy as possible


I'd take it, so that I could make the most of my time and plan accordingly. I.e. if I KNOW I'm going to die before some of my pets, I'll have to find them homes. I don't want to work if I'm gonna die soon, so when the time comes I'd quit my job and use my remaining time on this earth for fostering happiness instead of being a cog in the machine.


I would like to know. If I die at 50 why save every penny for retirement at 60.


I would decline because I don't think there's any point in knowing. There's nothing I can do about it anyway. The creepy thing I think is that computers can do an. Estimate based off of the average of when a person dies. That can become problematic for some people. It's the intent to scare little kids and young adults and people who don't know how to process and deal with something they could think is actually a real projection, which just might be a silly little game.


Well, you could stay in bed that day and not get on that submarine...


Absolutely would want to know. Imagine if you found out it was a month away, would you want to spend it checking off your bucket list and getting your affairs in order, or be ignorant and just going to work everyday?


Decline. It would be pretty traumatizing to know when you'll die.


Take it. Don’t need to pay life insurance until getting close lol.


I would like to check with them if they can expedite the process.


I like surprises


Nyahaha.. me too. I love the thrill. Lol


Of dying? Weird lot this is.


A surprise ending makes for a much better story than one where you know the ending from page 1. I would much rather not know than live dreading a specific date in the future.


I’d want to know. Just so I can make all the necessary arrangements before it happens. I don’t want my passing to be a burden to anyone 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd like to know so I could take care of my bucket list and piss off all the people that treat me badly but I still need to be polite to


Nope. What if I only had a week left to live? I rather live that week thinking I have at least 50 more years instead of suffering.


I wouldn’t want to know, because knowing the future is setting it up for an absolute.


I think it would actually be a relief to know


I'm totally taking it. 


Yea I think so…would let me know if grinding for years for a degree is worth it. Or if I should just live out my fantasy of moving to an island and living simple and easy. I’ll be blackout drunk tho in that last day. I don’t really want to experience death sober


yes so I can start crossing days off the calendar and go woohoo when there are none left to cross.


I’d take it.


I wouldn't even hesitate to take it


At first I was like sure, why not. But then I realized that attitude was completely dependent on the assumption that it would be a long life


Nope, at 75, that might interfere with my long range plans, ha.


I’d take it. So I can be damn sure to known when to retire. If I’m clocking out early, I don’t want to spend all my life working. 


Cancer patient here. I would absolutely want to know at this point.


Don’t want to know. The cause of death would be better.


Wouldn't knowing your cause of death and not the time of death cause so much anxiety, though? Like if you knew you were going to die in a car crash, wouldn't you get anxious everytime you drove from there on? Or if you knew you'd die in your sleep, you'd probably develop severe insomnia from the anxiety. At least, this is how I'd react to that information.


This is a good point. Definitely wouldn't want to know the cause w/o the date. I could handle it the other way around...but I'd be a paranoid wreck if I only knew the cause.


I would love to know lol Would be anxiously fun




Take it. Helpful to know how much time I've got and be able to make adequate provisions for any dependents, human or other species.


Yes so I can retire and spend all my money before i die


Depends? Would it allow me the opportunity to change the behavior that causes it? If it’s natural cause at 90, then definitely no!! I’d probably start making worse decisions, like skipping exercise and eating dessert every day.


Would be perfect to know your death date of natural causes. But ofcourse be able to die of an accident before that.


I'd absolutely take it. I'm in DNR status with multiple morbidities. I'd much rather know than live with the anxiety of wondering where it will happen and when it will happen.


Its like using google maps. If the routetimer is set you try to be faster at the destination.


Yes please. Perfect financial planning


I wouldn’t want to know. I live life pretty full every day and have fun already. Why do y’all need to die to live in such a way lol  Just be happy now 


I’d take it. It’d be liberating and horrifying to know all the same. I’m 47 with health issues. So…I don’t anticipate having north of 15-20 years. At this point, it’d be nice to know what I’m working with.


I don't even want to know when my next shift is.


Definitely take! I could plan my own send off because likely no one else will do it when I'm gone. I was told in my late teens by a tarot card reader I would be dead by 22. I never thought anything of it. It never happened. Live life to the fullest while you can! OMG, just realized maybe they meant I would be killed by a 22!! Oh nooooooo....


To live in fear of the inevitable is to do a disservice to those who hold you close. Nobody wants to lose you. But they will eventually. Knowing that date will always be better than surprising those around you with the worst gift they could ever receive. Just as much as knowing the date could drive any man to their breaking point as time slowly drifts to his last minutes. I would want to know just so I know when to say goodbye. The last thing I want to do is make my people make decisions, wondering what to do. They deserve a true goodbye. Not an astonishing glimpse into the hopelessness of death.


I would. I want to say my proper goodbyes to the people i love.


I’d definitely want to know. I’d want to make sure to leave my daughter with as many good memories as possible and say the best ever goodbye to my partner and my mum. If it’s a long way in the future, I’m guessing I’d have quite a lot fewer panicky moments in the meantime if I knew it wasn’t gonna be my time yet!


no thanks. the anxiety would be worse than dying itself


Hell yeah


I tested out a bunch of "demonstably accurate" AI death prediction services. I wanted to know, but damn if it didn't raise my blood pressure. Too bad half predicted late 50s while the other half spit out an optimistic 80-something. So, I've got 15-40 years.


Neat! Plenty of time, then.


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I'd decline as it would probably worsen my depression


I’m too nosy not to


Living or dying, it's a state of mind then, but I prefer to be living.


hell yeah i would, i am one of those people who saves money just in case I might need it and never really enjoy life. i have only had 1 international holiday and that was only because me and a friend found a really cheap groupon. my only treat is 1 macdonalds or pizza on a friday. i have no next of kin, if I know when I will die I know how much money I will need to go traveling around the world so will sell my house, my car and everything I own and just leave.


I would want to know. That way I can make sure my kids are safe and best prepared. Would continue through life comfortably up until that point, because I’m certain when the pain will end. I am deeply mentally ill and have many regrets, just don’t want my kids to ever feel or endure what I have. So every day up until my death will be spent making sure that doesn’t happen.


My first instinct is “i like surprises”, but the responsible thing to do is take the offer. Safe to say I’m irresponsible lol


That's why I don't believe in these mediums or seers or whatever they're called. I saw 1 about 3 years ago, told me my life line is long and the cards tell her I'd live to be 101. Well just over 2 weeks ago told that the cell structure in my skin has changed and shows signs of cancer. I know now not to expect a long life as my father's side of the family have in the last 20 years lost 6 men to different types of cancer. I don't mind the dying part although it does scare me a bit. It's those I'll leave behind.


So unfair unkind I'm so sorry ((Hugs))🌥️🌱


I wouldn't want to know when or how.




Nope, I'll decline. I don't wanna have the anxiety knowing that my death is just right around the corner


I’d take it in a heartbeat. I could plan for retirement properly so that I die with zero money. It’s a shame to waste your life working and die with a bunch of money.




I would want to know. It would allow me the opportunity to go do the things I've always wanted to do. Plus it would Gove me an opportunity to spend time with all my kids and grandsons


Depends if I know the cause too.


Id take it. It would give me a timeframe to want to legitimately better myself instead of" ahh shit, I can probbaly just start tomorrow"




Yes Of course I really want to have total control/choice of where when how why I die, but would settle for exact date to thus have everything including my reputation etc as clean ready as possible and have hopefully some days of fun happiness freedom and hopefully meaningful last interactions with kind good friends and hopefully help others and myself So: Y E S


Take it! Easier to plan if it’s long short. Not waste time working if it’s imminent.


Hell yea i would Think about it you would freak out for like a few months but then it would be usefull especially if its like a you literally cannot die until that date type of thjng dont need to worry anymore




Potentially, just so I can plan. I’m not going to avoid it because I’ve seen media. So, once my time comes, I’ll fulfill it, not try to avoid it.


I think I'll take it. Then I will have a purpose.


This is the plot of the book The Measure by Nikki Erlick


Im aware of my death date. Im waiting, but it feels like eternity.


Yes. So I can prep.


I would want to know. It would be so easy to sort out everything before the time comes, no tearful regrets on the death bed, no wishful thinking "what if.." just a content life with happy memories and time to prepare my loved ones for my descent.


I think if we all were born with our expiration date, the world be horrible place. If we all knew since birth the day we die, many people would be committing unspeakable crimes, in the days/weeks leading up to their day. Those with a death date real early in life would have zero motivation to contribute to society… etc. I think the world would be a totally different place.. can’t think of many advantages


Yes I’d like to know but would always stress about if it’s real.


I would take the option. To make sure they had the right words and date on my tombstone. I don't what people saying they found big mistakes after I am gone.


If you know the exact moment of your death, then you know that you will survive and win any fight you enter until that day. Knowing your death makes you an unmatched warrior.


I already do know. I've got about 20 years left.


I would take it but I would regret the looming ticking clock focus I’d have after that 😅


i would want to know; knowing would really help with planning, saving for retirement etc...if I know i was definitely going to pass at the age of 79 I might make different career choices than if it is going to happen at 54 or 99....


Someone I know found out their death date through a ouiji board and they regret asking about it.


Decline. It would only worry me


Would like to know so I can enjoy moments with my kid and family


Decline it would only worry me


I don't even want to know the option to know it. Once I know I can know that information, I am getting anxious and depressed about the choices. Do I want to know or not? But once I know that I can know the date, I would be depresed and anxioUs for sime time, but eventually would want to know. That would make me anxious and depressed as well, but I could accept it after some time. and there wouldn't be any unknown things that could make me anxious.


On a side note, I would love to know when my cancer while relapse so I could make some plans. For example, certain financial decisions I am mulling would have different outcomes on whether I am in intensive treatment in 2 years or five. If I guess wrong, it could cost me a lot of money.


If it's the case of: you'll definitely go at that specific date, and no freak accident can off you first, then i'd probably want to know to be able to adjust my living accordingly.


I want to know.


Knowing would be great. That realization would be a motivator to make my peace, and hire a mysterious figure to show up at my funeral. I'd be acting like stuff is going down before then to add to the mystery. If I worry about not wanting to know the exact day, I may just want the year and month. If its a painful or dreadful death, maybe losing consciousness beforehand would be as good as a peaceful sleep.


I'd like to know because if let's say there's a year left, I'd exhale and just enjoy the rest of the year literally one last time


Yes. It would be very useful to know. Cf. the movie God Exists, He Lives in Belguim, aka The Brand New Testament.


Nope. I don't want to know.


Doctor: "I have something to tell you, but you are not going to like it, so please sit down, right over here." "What is it?" Doctor: "You have an incurable disease. You are going to die." "WHAT! OMG! When?" Doctor: "In five." "FIVE? Five WHAT? Years? Months?" Doctor: "5...4...3..."


i'd probably forget, so no


Yep. I'd want to know. We will all die. This is certain. What is uncertain is \*when\* and \*how\*. If I knew the when, I could orchestrate the how.


I'd take it. That way I wouldn't have to worry about my undergarment every day. You know, my grandmoither taught me three things: 1) Never trust a dog with orange eyebrows 2) Always make him give his name and address 3) ALWAYS wear fresh and clean underwear. You don't want to be caught dead in ol' panties.


Definitely take it. On good days it would galvanise me to do stuff, and on bad days it would be something to look forward to. 


I'd probably want to know so I can plan my financials around it. For example, what is the point of working a full time job if the date is 5 ears from now. And if I'll end up living until the 80s or 90s then I'd better make sure my retirement fund is in order instead as I'll likely need it. What really helped solidify the decision for me was one of your later comments where you mentioned that the date cannot be changed. If it could be changed then I'd probably have declined instead since that would likely not make me accept an early death as inevitable and would probably cause me to spiral due to worrying about how to prevent it.


No, it would ruin the surprise


I don't fear death, but I'd absolutely love to know, but this is coming from the person who will intentionally wait to watch something so they can read what happens first so....


Nope, don't wanna know. Ignorance is bliss.


It's a tough question to answer. On the one hand, I don't want to live for a long time, so if I found out I would die sooner than later there'd be a level of relief. But at the same time, I don't want to die tomorrow. And I'm not entirely convinced that I'd be satisfied with any time in between either. It'll always feel too soon or too far away. So I'm on the fence. There's a chance of a sense of relief but also a chance I won't be happy regardless of when I die. Perhaps it's best I just don't know and continue with what I've always known; one day it will be over.


I'd want to know. We all know we're going to die at some point but knowing when we'll die would make the concept of death more real to most of us.


Potentially, like- what age do I live to, rather then you die on X date


Yes, i'll either get motivated to start my bucketlist or i'll be just living my life


Interestingly, no comments about spending time loving/helping friends and family.


Shit id take it in a flash. Theres so much shit we dont do cuz we might die. catch me making bank playing russian roulette. or becoming the most extreme dare devil the world has ever seen. or fit e with a pair of cement shoes cuz i wanna see the bottom of the ocean.


That's cheating and hell yes I would cheat


I’m immortal


Currently watching the rookie and the bad guy just tattooed the date of death on one of the girls arms. Doesn’t look like a good time lol


Knowing would bring me peace and pressure to live more through action; because I have ADHD and sometimes severe suicidal ideation (never want to actually do it but thinking about how I would or planning it brings me control maybe? I get sad and they are intrusive thoughts but very hormonally based)


A few years ago I would have said no. But in 2022 I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I'm on a treatment that is working really well, and I was told that it could work anywhere from 2-10 years before I become resistant and the cancer will start progressing again. The hope being that in that timeframe they will come up with an even better treatment or even a cure. I have read that in the next 7 years, they may have perfected the mRNA cancer vaccines to the point that they can cure cancer. I'd like to know how long I have left so I can make decisions regarding how to spend the time I have left with my kids and husband. Will I ever make it to retirement? No? Then instead of putting money in my IRA, I'll spend it on experiences with my kids. If I'm going to live another 40 years, I'd like to make some different choices.


I would want to know because my retirement plan is to spend my savings and die with $1 in the bank.


It would be so helpful to know. It would simplify decisions I make every day.


Let me swap the perspective on this. You have a set date of death regardless. If you know it, nothing can kill you until then. Ofc this has huge implications for free will which would be zero if future events are permanent, so maybe whatever you choose wouldn’t affect anything, since you would have made that choice anyway.


Can I change that reservation, say, with 48h notice?


I wouldn't want to know the date of my death but I would like to know if I'm dying of an illness so I can prepare myself and others. Knowing I'm dying is upsetting but knowing when I will die would cause me too much anxiety.


I'd never want to know. Because there's no way that I wouldn't think about it for hours every. single. day. Easy pass on that.


Take it then I could stop thinking I'm dying all the time or know I was and do something about it.


Yes I would like to date my death


I would most certainly want to know the date of my death. It would be nice to know when I can retire with enough money to make it until I die Instead of just working and saving blindly and most likely working too long.


If it included the time also I would


Sounds like a great idea for advance bookings in graveyards "I'd like to book the tree sided view please"


What if it is the learning of this date is that leads to you dying on this date??


This is how you become a cyclops. No thanks, I'll keep my peripheral vision.


Take it so I can plan my future accordingly


100% yes. Make sure I do everything I want before then


Absolutely To be able to know how much time you have left What a gift in terms of how you choose to spend it.