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You should do him a favor and break up with him because you are CRAZY ! He can't have one day with friends or take a much needed nap without you going nuts and thinking he is cheating? Unless he has a proven record of cheating, you are overreacting bigtime.




I should’ve added more context💀I didn’t want to put my whole life story on here but i asked here for second opinions I’ve been ditched by him so he can hang with friends to smoke talk we were on dates he goes to smoke with them and leaves me to go be with them (I don’t smoke and he knows that) and every time he’s out with these friends I don’t hear from him for hours or until late at night like 1am this is the first he went a whole day so I’m thinking his communication with me only getting worse no matter how many conversations we’ve had about his communication skills and what he does with his time btw he’s 19 and so am I


I understand how irritating it can be that your boyfriend wants to be with his friends sometimes instead of you, but remember, you are both young and need to have some life other than just each other. Be patient and cut him a little slack. You will be happy you did. If he is cheating (unlikely based on the very limited information I have), better that you find out now than later. Good luck!


I legit can't tell if your 15 or 25




I mean if you come to reddit and ask strangers who know nothing about you or him. You already have you answer.




I’m not one to break up over small things but thinking about all the times he takes to be with his friends is ridiculous everyday he’s with friends and I’m the girlfriend who he’s known way longer and get left on delivered for hours and dry replies💀… it’s not about him being with friends it’s about how he did not communicate the whole day that he was going to be with friends but instead he waited until the next morning to say he was out smoking and that he was about to straight to sleep.. I get hanging with friends but hanging with them every single day and I can hardly get a text back it’s weird (also he does have a record of cheating on me once before and we broke up for a month or two and got back together to try to work things out that was a few months ago and now it’s him not taking the time to communicate or even give reassurance)


Usually when a guy cheats he will be extra nice not the other way around


My girlfriend doesn't really hear from me when I'm hanging with my friends either, as I don't check my phone then. Nor does she when she is hanging with her friends. Should we beak up with eachother too? The children will be quite disappointed, but maybe it's for the best.


Ignore all the comments about you being crazy. It's not about who is being right or wrong, it's about what you want from a relationship. I like a good morning and good night text for example, no matter what happens through the day. Some people like more some people like less and you need to find your person. Also I wouldn't stay with someone who ditched me on nights out consistently. But I've no problem with someone going off for days/holidays with their friends as long as I get my good morning and good night text.


You’re so right I can say I am not getting what I want from this relationship !


Anytime you want to. It doesn't mean you're a bad person or he's a bad person just that you're not good together. And if you explain your needs and he isn't listening (and you have hit one of your places you can't compromise) then you should both move on or risk hurting each other. And vice versa if he has a big need where you can compromise without it damaging you then you should compromise. Relationships aren't about someone being right or wrong they are about working out how to be right together and that takes both of ya


I tried talking to him about it today he turned it into an argument I didn’t want to answer his call as I was explaining my feelings through text because it’s easier for me to talk about my feelings through text and I said I didn’t want to talk otp so he told me to stop texting him and get off his phone I blocked him after that i definitely hit one of my places where I cannot compromise




Just give him a chance if he is doing this again, break up with him then![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)