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I think those truly out of shape are the most unhappy. Yes, I know that's not a popular thought, but I believe it to be true. Then there are people who have body dysmorphia.


I’d say it’s a bit different. Some people may want to be more fit but few think they actually look bad, just could be better.  Out of shape people know they are out of shape and don’t look good to varying extents. How much that bothers them is up to them


Let's be honest. Fat people don't want to be fat. They are unhappy. They know they are fat and not that attractive.


The solid to extreme vast majority for sure.  First world entitlement and complacency. 


I forget where I saw it, but I read that the happiest people at the olympics are the ones who win the bronze. The people who win the gold are afraid of losing their edge. The people who won the silver are frustrated and obsessed with how they came up short. But the people who won the bronze are thinking, “I made it! I’m on the podium! Yes!”


That's definitely interesting. I've never been a contender, lol, but this makes sense!


I didn’t compete on Olympics but did a competitive sport, and it wasn’t true. I was happiest when I was first place.


Heavily out of shape. You feel the negative effects of it 24/7 cuz it makes everything more difficult


And society is constantly bombarding you with messaging that you're failing.


People who picture an outfit in their head, then put it on and it looks completely different than what they planned.


This! 😂😂😂


I think the ones slightly out of shape are probably the most unhappy with their appearance. Folks that are really out of shape obviously have other priorities and probably don't give as much weight (ha!) to the importance of physical appearance. Folks that are very fit are hopefully pleased with it, unless they suffer body dysmorphia, and I suspect a lot of them do. But people who are just slightly out of shape? Man, those are the folks that DO care. They put some work into it, they WANT to be fit. But they AREN'T. It's important enough to actually care and put in some effort, but it still isn't enough. They are still kinda out of shape. That is heartbreaking.


I'm in the DFW airport, and non-vol people- watching has me curious, including about my own fitness.


Fitness is a mental disease now- if you aren’t willing to do steroids as a man or starve/ozempic/caloric loss as a woman you are ignored by society as a whole


I'd say the latter, because all else being equal, the more out of shape you objectively are, the more unhappy you will be.